Dead!Palette Roller and Dead!Radier


Palette Roller: Palette

Radier: Prince
Negative Heir
Error's Favorite

Date of Birth: Dead!Palette Roller (March 9th)
Dead!Radier (November 14th)

Place of Birth: Dead!Palette Roller: (Doodle Sphere)
Dead!Radier (Anti-Void)

Species: Skeleton
Gender: Male
Height: Palette Roller: (4'5)
Raider: (4'8)

These 2 take place in where Broken!Gradient, Bond!Paperjam, and Hollowprint are together.

I will not be like the bones and soul of my previous generation.-Dead!Palette Roller

I think it will be nice to give you a sweet, eternal suffering.-Dead!Radier

Dead!Palette Roller is the spawn of Dead!Dream and Hollow!Ink, during a battle in the Doodle Sphere, who was taken in by Error, in which he would soon meet his cousin, Dead!Radier.

Dead!Radier is the son of Dead!Nightmare and Righteous!Error, during a battle between the both of them within the Anti-Void, and now lives as one of Error's most loyal sons.


It was during a fight between Dead!Nightmare and Righteous!Error, where the both of them are duking it out at each other. Dead!Dream and Dead!Nightmare, the 2 brothers were ordered by their boss, Vape, to try and force both Error and Ink into what we cause and plans that he has for the both of them. And so, cape decides to split the 2 brothers into 2 groups. Dead!Nightmare will take on Righteous!Error, and Dead!Dream will take on Hollow!Ink.

However, as Error has fought Nightmare, it at least, his original counterpart in the past, he knows how to deal with him, especially since Dead!Nightmare is simply a much more stronger and more deadlier version of the Nightmare that he had fought a bunch of times before. However, as Dead!Nightmare and Righteous!Error continued to fight, the slime of Nightmare and the strings of Error began to splatter and spread all over the ground of the Anti-Void, as both Error and Nightmare continue to fight against one another, but the both of them didn't pay attention to what is happening, as they are so focused in their fight against one another, that they didn't bother to see what is happening to the debris that has scattered around.

As the fight continues, and more and more debris scattered, as Error and Nightmare jumped and leapt over the debris all over the ground, some of Error's glitches from Error's right arm entered the puddle made of slime and strings, and the moment that happened, a new entity is made. Just like the process of when Bond!Paperjam was made, a new child of Error is about to be born. The slime, at first, turned into a perfect grey color, as a skull was formed, but than, 2 arms came out, from the shoulders, as the entity began to form its body with the slime that had become glitched, along with the strings they hold its new soul together. The clothes began to form, and finally, 2 pairs of tentacles that have hands at the tips of the tentacles, and in the palms of the hands, are eyes, all 4 resembling the eyes that Radier can use for vision. And then, when it rose, Dead!Nightmare saw the young skeleton, and about a half-second later, Error saw the child as well. Dead!Nightmare, on instinct, rushed at the child, thinking that he can use the child to help Vape, instead of Error, since he think he can raise the child to follow on Nightmare's footsteps and Vape's. But Nightmare, having forgotten the fact that he was fighting against Error, was stopped by a Glitch Ray, before Error than formed a portal beside the child, and opened a portal underneath his feet, which leads to Outertale, and fell into the portal, before closing it as fast as he can, so that Nightmare does not enter the portal and follow the 2 skeletons.

When The Child looked at Error, Error looks down at the kid, and the child asks for who he is, to where he says his name, and speaks out to the child if he has a name. When the child admits that he does not know what he is called, Error decides to give him the name, Radier. And Radier accepts this, since it feels like it fits him. And Radier looks at Outertale's night sky of space, and he felt mesmerized, as he this is the first time he had seen a beautiful universe. After a little bit of taking, Error decides that he needs to take Radier to Error404 in order to keep him safe, and so, he than opened a portal to the realm of Error404, and they all went inside. And it is in there that Error decides to help Radier with his powers and practice them, so that Radier can help with what is yet to come. And it is there that Radier gets to meet his half-brothers, Paperjam and Gradient, and all 3 of them having a big liking to each other, and formed a bond that is a very deep, important one.

However, at the exact same day as when Radier was born, in the Doodle Sphere, Dead!Dream and Hollow!Ink are facing off against each other like fierce rivals, as they attacked each other to try and defeat one another. Of course, Ink wants nothing to do with whatever Dead!Dream and Vape wants from him, for he has no words for them. All he wants is to stay in his Doodle Sphere and do whatever he wants there, for he has no desire to serve a master.

But Dead!Dream has no desire to say no, and kept on fighting against Ink, in order to submit him to defeat, something that Ink refuses to let happen. However, during a fight, as bits and pieces of of Ink's paint are splattered all over, Dead!Dream's magic began to fuse with the pieces of paint that had been spread out, and in time, the pieces of paint began to slowly move and gravitate to one another, in just a single spot. And than, all of the pieces of paint formed and began to try and make a new entity. But this entity is not properly born, due to the fact that, as Dead!Dream needs negativity, the young skeleton can never be truly born, and than, when Ink and Dream made a portal to another universe to handle their fight somewhere else, the soon to be born child was also thrown into the AU, and left there for 2 whole years. This AU is none other than DeadDreamtale, the very AU that lead to the creation of of what Dream and Nightmare would soon become. Due to what little magic that the AU has, it was slowly feeding the baby with the magic that it needs in order to be properly formed.

The process was slow, and the sentience of the entity, which was still in the form of a puddle, is not perfect, and in fact, is almost mindless, knowing only how to move its form. But as more and more magic continued to be fed the child, the intelligence of the young baby began to grow, and the form of the child began to take on the form of a skeleton, and during the 1st year, the skeleton began liquefied and yet, still solid. And it is there that the child began the think and learn, but for some reason, does not see anyone. The magic is also incomplete, as the creations that the child makes is unstable and would collapse after only 7 minutes.

But than, by the time of the second year, the child had been properly born, and it is where the magic of the child is stabilized, with wings sticking out from his back. The child, looking around, does not know where he is, but than...a glitched portal entered the place. It is none other than Radier, who had practiced his ability to make portals a second time. After seeing the skeleton, both Radier and the Boy takes too each other, before Radier decides to give the big a home with his father, and during his father's stay, when his powers manifested and he is able to create, as well as having Dead!Dream's abilities, Error realized that this child is born from Ink and Dream, and thus, is Radier's cousin. When Radier heard this, he is happy that he has a vision, and after realizing the heritage of the child, Error decides to give the name of the boy. He called the young boy, Palette Roller, and from here on out, Palette began to hang out with his family, and forever will live with them, in the service of Error404 himself.


Dead!Palette Roller: Palette Roller 31-4 is a skeleton at the height of 4'5 feet. The eyes of Palette are purple in color, with some blue shades, each iris resembles a 4 pointed star. He has a spiked crown floating on top of its head, as well as a hat that of a captain, as well as an purple ink blot that is below on the right cheek, and has a purple scarf. It wears a purple shirt that is covered by a shirt that restmbles the captain of a boat, purple pants with a zipper on each side, and a pair of purple wings on its back, with black spikes at the ends of the wings. In his hand is a Paint Roller, with the handle being made of wires.

Dead!Radier: Radier is a skeleton at the height of 4'11. Radier has a much more balanced grey skull, white eye sockets and yellow, and has a crown that looks like it is made of Palladium, and is very sharp at its ends. It has a white jacket, with 4 black rings around each of the sleeves, and a blue tie. He has a blue right eye, while the left eye is purple, as the top half of the iris, and golden, being the bottom half. He wears black pants that are short, and like the orignal Radier, he has no legs, and only feet, with the feet being worn by black boots with leather steps and a crescent moon at the back of each of the boots, a white ring on both top parts of said boots, as well 2 other crescent moons on the back bottom part of the coat, the back parts of the crescent moons facing one another, the front parts facing each other and the ender points of the moon pointing to a single star in between the 2 of them. Unlike the original Radier, however, he has 4 pairs of arms, being black and white like Dead!Nightmare's tentacles, with the palm and the back part of the hand being white, and the fingers being black, and he has 5 fingers on each of the hands. On the palms of all 4 of the tentacle hands, are eyes, both of them looking like that of Dead!Radier's eyes, with the eye of the right eye socket being on the top right hand and the bottom left arm, and the left eye being on the top left hand and the bottom right hand.

However, while Radier was born instantly, with Dead!Dream and Hollow!Ink, they fought very fiercely and aggressively, not holding anything back and with a desire to make each other feel a lot of pain and agony.


Dead!Palette Roller: Palette Roller is shown to be good natured and pleasant, being cheerful, activate, and clingy to those that he is very close to, though it can be cruel and sadistic to those that dares try to attack him for no reason, or the people that he care about. Despite this, he is forgiving to those that attacked it out of pure misplaced belief, or any form of accident, and cares deeply for the other members of who he considers as his family.

While Palette has not seen his parents, having been raised by Error and described what they were before and what they were now, as well as being shown what they look like, Palette decides to consider Error as his family, as he is the one that has raised him, when no one else had came for him.

Dead!Radier: Radier's personality is similar to his original self, meaning that like his original self, he is naive and troublesome boy who loves company and really wants to make friends, but ends up kidnapping them like how Error does. However, unlike the original Raider, he is not misunderstood, and has been with Error to see how bad thing had gotten when he was born.

When it comes to his family, both related and adopted siblings, he cares deeply for them and enjoys their presence. And when it comes to Error, his father, he is undyingly loyal to his father, and will do whatever he says, even if it gets him hurt at the end of the day.

Powers (Dead!Palette Roller):

Positivity Empowerment: Due to being the child of Dead!Dream, he has inherited his ability to absorb the Positive Emotions of other switcher entities, with the increase of his powers, as long as he continues to absorb them.

Purple Chains: Palette is able to summon Purple Chains out of nowhere to attacks and wrap around the opponent. This method is mainly to either subdue a target, or be used to smack the target out of midair, or to simply launch them backwards.

Barbed Wires: Palette is able to summon Barbed Wires out of nowhere, and unlike the chains, which are used for blunt force and restriction, the barbed wires are used for torture and cutting, giving the target extreme amounts of agony.

Telepathy: Like Dead!Dream, Palette is able to sense and hear the thoughts of other people. And after training with his Telepathy, he learned to use it to communicate to other people, even when they are from a different universe.

Dream Entrance:  Palette is able to enter and speaks through people within their dreams. When inside of a person's dream, he takes on the form of a purple ball of light with small bits of paint surrounding the ball.

Flight: Palette is able to fly, although it is unknown if he uses his soul, due to being made from an Unnameable, of if he used the wings on his back.

Feather Projectiles: Using the wings on Palette's back, he can fire at a target of he desire. The wings are able to piece even Ink's bones.

Healing: Using the Positive Emotions that he can absorb, Palette is able to heal any sort of wound, even when a person's limbs are amputated.

Paint Roller: Palette has been given a Paint Roller that has wires for a handle. He can extend or manipulate the weight of the Paint Roller in a manner similar to that of Ink's Paintbrush.

Creativity: Palette has inherited Ink's creativity, turning his creations or the environment into whatever that he desires. He can enhance this by having his creations absorb the positive emotions that he can gather to make his creations more stronger.

Body Manipulation: Palette Roller is able to manipulate his body into whatever he desires, and can do just about anything with it.

Palette Blaster: Palette Roller can use his Purple Paint to create a Blaster that fired paint at a target, either as a blast, or as rapid projectiles like a machine gun.

Consumption: Like Ink, Palette is able to consume Universes and add them to his already existing power, increasing his strength, durability, and speed.

Regeneration: Palette, like Ink, is able to regenerate his body, even if it were to be split and blown apart.

Paintball Gun: Palette has a Paint Ball gun in his possession. He can charge the ammo with Positive Emotions and fire at a target, which explode Positive Energy all over he place. He can also change the appearance and function of the Paintball Gun, ranging from being as rapid as a machine gun, or as precise as a sniper rifle.

Palette Gun: Learning from Paperjam, Palette is able to fire a ray of Purple Paint at an opponent from his fingertips. He can either break a person's soul apart, should it be an enemy, or he can give a person positive emotions, if they are an ally. This power is only used if his Paintball Gun does not work and is damaged.

Ungodly Strength: Palette has inherited the strength of Ink, which allows him to fight against even the strongest members of the Alphaverse.

Powers (Dead!Radier):

Negativity Empowerment: Radier, due to being the child of Dead!Nightmare and Righteous!Error, is able to absorb the negativity of others, and is able to increase his power as long ad continue to absorb them.

Shadow Construction: Uniquely, Radier is able to manipulate Shadows into whatever way he wants for them to form. He can create Bones or Shields in order to defend or attack against the opponents he is fighting against.

Radier Blasters: Radier is able to summon Shadowy Blasters with a crown on top of their head, and can fire black blasts of energy.

Shadow Control: Radier can stick his 4 tentacles into a person's shadow in order to control them. These are Radier's answers to Error's Blue Strings. He can also use the shadows to either teleport from one Universe to Another, or to simply hide inside of someone's shadow, following them undetected.

Negativity Gems: Radier, if he desires to, is able to collect bad emotions and turn them into black crystals gems. These are used in the situation in which negativity may not be present for him, or when he needs to power himself more than before.

Shadow Aura: Radier is able to surround himself or other people in a dome made of shadows. This is used to either make himself or his friends unnoticeable, and it is useful in place that is very dark

Shadow Ray: Radier is able to fire a Ray of darkness at an opponent, in order to either destroy their soul, or to fill their minds with negativity to make Radier stronger. This is Radier's version of the Glitch Ray.

Empathy: Radier is able to sense emotions from very far away, even in differ Universes.

Shadow Portals: Radier is able to summon portals that allow him to go from one place to another.

Shadow Clones: Radier can manipulate the shadows to create clones of the people that he is sighting against. They are able to mimic their moves and techniques and are just as intelligent as their opponent.

Shadow Whip: Radier can manipulate shadows to make black cables on his fingers which he can use to swing and whip an opponent.

Rage Empowerment: If Radier gets angry, he can make himself much more stronger than before, however, it does not continue to make him stronger, as it stops making him stronger after it reaches its limit, as that's the job exclusive to absorbing negativity.

Dream Entrance: Radier is able to enter and speaks through people within their dreams. When inside of a person's dream, he takes on the form of a ball of darkness that somehow glows with small bits of strings and glitches surrounding the ball.

Negative Arms: Radier has 2 pair of appendages that are as bendy as tentacles, but have hands at the tips of the tentacles. They serve as extra appendages that allows Radier to attack and grab at objects, as well as stuff used for everyday tasks.

Eyes of the Tormentor: Radier had inherited the Unnameable DNA within Righteous!Error, and while its powers are unknown, it is safe to assume that this power is extremely dangerous.

Relationships (For Both):

Error: Error is the biological father of Radier, and the adoptive father/uncle of Palette Roller. He took them in and raised them so that they do not get corrupted by their parents, or worse. In return, the 2 spawns love Error as a parent, with Radier being the most loyal of Error's children.

Error404: The 2 children and Error404 have met after Palette entered Error's life about a month ago. Error404 has plans for them both, but decides to wait until they are adults.

Broken!Gradient: The 2 siblings like Broken!Gradient, although admittedly Palette is much closer to Gradient, due to being his oldest half-brother.

Bond!Paperjam: The relationship between the both of them is the same as Paperjam, except that Raider is closer to Paperjam.

HollowPrint: Both Palette and Radier hang out to with HollowPrint and both sides like each other.

Tint: The 2 cousins and Tint get along, despite Palette being born from Ink. And like Gradient, Paperjam, and Hollowprint, being around Palette gives Tint emotions to feel, due to Palette being related to Ink.

CORE!Frisk: Palette and Radier are very friendly to CORE!Frisk and even had fun playing with them. CORE!Frisk has brought them to the Omega Timeline to make new friends.

Palette's Relationships:

Ink: Palette Roller and Ink have not met before. But Error has shown Palette of his powers, but reveals that he is not truly himself, and is corrupted by his new soul. Palette wants to grow up so that he can save his father.

Dream: Although Palette does not know of his other father personally, and has only heard of him, Error reveals what happened to him, and knows that he needs to stay away from him as much as possible. Dream does not yet know of Palette Roller's existence.

Alpha: Hearing discovered cruel Alpha was to Ink, Palette demands him to leave him be, as he will not work with the one that had caused his parents so much suffering. Alpha tried to recruit him to his cause, only for Palette to slam him into a wall many times.

Radier's Relationships:

Nightmare: Although Radier has never personally met Nightmare, Error does admit that he used to be good, until something bad happened. Radier does love his father, and cannot bare fighting him. So he mostly does all he can to avoid him. Nightmare, on the other hand, tried to recruit Radier to his cause, only to lose him.

Infected: Radier has met Infected before, and nearly got killed for his troubles. He swears to avoid him as much as possible, until he becomes strong enough to face him.


Palette is part of a trio with HollowPrint and Broken!Gradient, creating the Alpha Star Sanses, and they're much more heroic than the ones that their parents are like.

Radier and Palette are able to manipulate the dreams of other people into how they see fit.

Ink has yet to discover Palette's existence.

Radier likes to play pranks on other people, although the pranks tend to be a tiny bit painful and not that funny.

Palette likes to sleep in places filled with light. Why he does this is unknown.

Radier's loyalty surprises his love of Dead!Nightmare, to the point where he will refuse to come with him to join with Vape.

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