Corrupted Sadist
God of Corruption
Nigh-Pure Agony
The Infected
The Broken Heart
Date of Birth: October 22nd
Place of Birth: Unknown
Species: Unknown
Gender: Skeleton
Height: 5'12
Weight: 1 Ton
Eye Color: Red (Left Socket) Black (Right Socket)
None of the Infected in all of the many Multiverses that exist out there, can match how powerful that I myself am, and I shall make your suffering all the sweeter.-Corrupt!Infected
Corrupt!Infected is a version of Infected, the first destroyer in the Alphaverse, as well as the whole many different Multiverses that exist out there. He is the second strongest Sans in existence.
Corrupt!Infected has the same backstory as the original. Long ago, he used to go by the name of Jacob. Carrying that name, he had been born by the Void Empress, alongside his brother Ares. Through being kidnapped by a woman that went by the name of the Astral Mother, he was subject to experimentation under her hand, a simple toy for her own pleasure. Through this, Jacob experienced true suffering like no other in the underground.
From each experiment, he grew more and more resilient to the pain. The torment and mental stress stuck with him, although the physical suffering had settled at once. He soon began to come up with stories in his own mind. A guardian, of sorts. A guardian to protect him, save him from all suffering within the world he had been pushed into. This had created Infected. Infected was a sort of relief for Jacob. He always used Infected as a way of comfort. An entity to look up to in his darkest moments. It was only until the last experiment that Infected had taken over his mind completely.
However, during the last experiment, after Infected had taken complete control over the body, unbeknownst to the Astral Mother, Infected is being watched. Inside of the Void, there is an entity that is one of the most dangerous entities to have ever existed. It is known as the Conduit of Corruption. Born from the Conduit of Darkness having forced himself onto the Conduit of Life, the Conduit of Corruption is an all-powerful and a very evil entity that is a both a Forbidden Conduit, and a being that had shown nothing but scorn for the entire 10 Realities as a whole. It was leviathan size and would be the first, Corruption soured existence with it's very presence and killed, corrupted and even rottened everything just by being around. However it's worse trait was the fact there was no true way to rid the world of it. The Oppressors eventually had to result in just letting it go, Corruption went about making many children and many abominations one of them being a unkillable source of darkness that was only known as "Vorty". It was eventually slain by a knight known as the Falklore, but the Conduit of Corruption survived, as only the body had been stained by Falklore, and not the soul and consciousness of the Conduit itself. The Conduit had observed the many different versions of Alphatale, and seeing a strong host in one of them, who does not have a Soul that usually is of the Conduit of Destruction, the Conduit of Corruption decide to take the chance to fill the gap that Infected now has. But since he cannot use a physical body anymore, he needs help. He commanded his children to take a piece of his soul off of him, one that is fit enough for Infected to be able to handle, due to not wanting to accidentally overpower his body with his Conduit Soul, and the children obeyed, as they tore off a piece of his soul that is enough for Infected to handle, with the one of the other children sacrificing their own bodies, so they their soul is able to fill in the gap of what was once a piece taken out of the Conduit of Corruption. And then, the Conduit of Corruption used his power to open a portal, and used his power to send the soul into the portal, that leads into the place of where Infected's soul is. One of the children took out the soul, or at least, tried to, but before it can do that, the Conduit Soul of Corruption than began to use its own power to consume the soul of Infected, while at the exact same time, The Conduit Soul of Corruption than took the place as Infected's new soul. Because it took and consume Infected's soul, it grew a tiny bit more powerful, which caused an extremely tiny strain in Infected's body. However, at the exact same time, Infected now gained an even greater boost in strength, as he than broke free, and began to wreak havoc on the underground.
Through his insanity, he barraged into the underground, rampaging at everything he saw without a hint of remorse or desire to leave anyone standing. Cold-hearted, crazed and tired of it all, he simply let out his rage, pain and suffering with the only way he knew: pain. With each bit of LOVE building up, his mind had became far more pushed by the will of Infected, who once had been a relief, now a controller. However, when that is happening, Error404, who knew that something is wrong, faced against Infected, who had grown a lot more stronger than ever before. Error404 and Infected, facing against each other, began to fight against each other, as their very battles tore apart the entire AU of Alphatale, and while like before, Error404 won, the fight he had against Corrupt!Infected is much more harder, due to the fact that Corrupt!Infected is much more stronger and much more powerful than the original Infected, so much that he can almost evenly match the power of Error404. But while Infected lost, he fled as far away as he can from the Multiverse, and hid inside of an AU that not even Error404 or the Astral Mother knows about. And Infected, in his harsh breath, swore that he will make creation suffer for putting him into the position that he is in now, for the torment he had suffered from.
This had left him where he was. Cold, heartless and brutal, using his pain and torment as the only viable method of comfort.
Corrupt!Infected's appearance is similar to the original Infected. Namely, Infected wears a type of t-shirt that has a large slash down the middle and has mismatched eyes and large patch on his head with crack. He wears red shoes and a pair of black shorts with a white stripe running down them. The eyes themselves are black in the right eye, meaning that it is empty, and on the right eye, the entire pupil is red, and covers the whole eye socket.
However, the clothing style of Infected is the most different. He wears a black shirt with the t-shirt being a dark blue color, and the pants is now long, covering and going down to the ankles, with the pants being black with a red line on each side of it. However, he does a still keep some stuff on him when he was Jacob, such as the poncho/scarf with the Alpharune symbol present.
Infected's Personality: Like the original Infected, he is a cold, brutal murderer, finding pure joy within the chaos and torment of others. Being born through Jacob's torture and pain, he has become an agent of chaos, living to find the pleasure in harm. Constantly stuttering through his words, Infected loves the sight of pain. Alongside his crazed words, he tends to repeat himself far too often, often stuttering and lunging out randomly from the rage of something as small as the stutters. Many assume Infected to be insane. While he may be a psychopath, he most certainly is aware of what he's doing. He doesn't care about who he hurts, which tends to make him harm himself at times. He just likes the idea of doing it. However, what sets Corrupt!Infected apart from the original Infected, is that he is much more dangerous, due to the fact that he vows to make, not just individual AUs be destroyed, but he also wants the denizens of the AUs to suffer, such as forcing them to see their loved ones die, and have them see all that they had worked so hard for be destroyed before your very eyes, and he does not care if you are a good person or an evil person. He will target anyone regardless of their alignment. Another difference between this Infected and the original version of Infected is that he is very intelligent, and while he will picks fights on anatomy stronger than him, he will not use brute force, and will be very tactical to exploit the weakness and will break their mentality by mere speech alone, while also utilizing complex planning in order to bring down the opponents that he is fighting against. His intelligence is on part with Error404's own intellect, although only when it comes to strategies, but only when he is against any opponent that is stronger than him. Those that are weaker, he simply utilizes brute force.
D2's Personality: D2 is the embodiment of the good within, showing a true light inside of Infected that hadn't been there for a long time, not part of the true relationship between Jacob and Infected, but instead is more of a singular entity acting on their own when control is given or taken by them. Their entire goal is unclear, but it is obvious that they are the ones that are trying to do all that they can to hold Infected back from trying to destroy the entire Multiverse.
Jacob's Personality: Jacob is far different from Infected. While Infected was born in chaos, considering it the only method of joy and peace in his life, Jacob remembers the early days of his life before the Astral Mother. Jacob is far more frightened than frightening. He tends to lash out at those that get too close, although otherwise is timid and calm. He loves to speak in soft, easy tones, singing to himself of happy songs. He doesn't suffer any depression, although he most certainly is sad. Nowadays, Jacob is begging to break free, due to being trapped inside of his own mind, and he will only break free, when he sees his own mother again, before his very eyes.
Damned Wisps: Wisps are souls that Infected had transferred into mindless, boiling pieces of torment, following Infected blindly without a care in the world. Wisps range in size depending on the vessel of the monster Infected had murdered. Wisps may combust if Infected desires so, the severity depending on it's size. The small wisps is powerful enough to destroy a dwarf planet, while a big one can destroy a gas giant. The wisps themselves are colored black, with red eyes and mouth, with an expression of what appears to be snarling and filled with rage.
The Axe: Infected's axe is a very prized possession of his, using it only for the most earned kills. The appearance of this Axe is different, for it resembles a battle axe, and has a much more longer length in the handle. The axe itself has a special SOUL Bond to him, allowing for him to use his own soul to chain onto the axe, essentially being a physical soul connection.
Unholy Shriek: This allows for Infected to let out a shriek so brutal and ear-tearing to the degree that it completely stuns his enemy, restricting them of using magic until they regain their hearing, which most likely would be in a few weeks. Those weaker will have their bodies destroyed by their bones being crushed and shattered due to the power of the sound waves that Infected shrieks out, with their deaths being agonizing and unstoppable, and treatment, regardless of how effective it is, will not save them.
Titan Shatterer: This ability allows for Infected to strain his arm, striking at such a powerful pace that it can shatter the guard of gods, completely destroying anything weaker. He can also use this ability to completely destroy an AU in just one single hit.
Unbreakable Armor: Infected can leak his black blood all over his body, allowing to make him completely immune to all forms of physical damage, as well as having the magic that attack him being lessened.
Mind Games: Infected can reach inside his skull, allowing to take an opponents SOUL right from them and pull it out of his head, a quick and easy chance to murder.
Extensive Coil: Infected can expand his bones structures, allowing to change height and such, to go from his usual height to that of Onionsan's.
Cannibalism: Infected can consume any organic structure, allowing for him to gain certain abilities made from said structure. This most commonly works for monsters, yet can also can work for plants and such.
Creator's Prowess: From meeting with the avatar of a creator, Infected had tested his Cannibalism ability. Biting the avatar, he had been given the ability to form objects up to the size of a spear. However, he has now learned to use this power for another dangerous ability of his own.
Corrupted Life: Infected can use Creator's Prowess in order to use his own black sludge to be able to create entries that follow his orders, should he run out of Wisps. They take on the form of appearances similar to that of spiders. With them, Infected can see through them and use them to try and locate where his target is, and follow them to where they are stopped at, in order to try killing then.
Hunter's Sense: Infected is able to detect, solely by scent, the general vicinity, age and emotional state of a living thing. Alongside this, he is able to be as stealthy as a panther, hiding in the shadows.
Corrupted Mind: A raw, unarmed attack from Infected may result in you getting a strange infection that causes you to hallucinate, developing a voice similar to Infected's, yet instead forcing you to kill yourself rather than to kill others.
Eldritch Remnants: Corrupt!Infected has some very strange, skeletal tendrils that he can emerge from his spine, allowing for him to fight with them, alongside traverse with them. The range of them are able to exceed 30m, though past that, the strength fades away. The tips of these remnants are so powerful that they can hammer into concrete without causing any blunt force. He can only use them if his Axe is unable to damage the opponent, or if he needs to use a weapon that will allow him to go toe-to-toe against an opponent that he is difficulty trying to swing his axe with.
Taint Bones: Infected is able to launch black, corroded bones at targets. When these bones hit a person, it can cause them to become corrupted, their forms distorting, their minds being eaten away and turning to that of a monstrosity that only knows to murder and destroy all that dares stand in its way.
AU Insanity: Infected is able to release a magical aura from himself in order to corrupt an AU. When that happens, he can transform the AUs into a biome of corruption and disorder, allowing it easier for him to kill more of the AU's Denizens.
Purity Sensing: Infected is able to sense an untainted universe, allowing him to go and locate the AU.
Flame Transmission: Infected can form his own body into a large, black flame. This makes him physically unable to be harmed, yet magically vulnerable in many cases. This allows flight and fast movement, and if someone dares to try and get close to him, they will get burned to cinders.
Corruption Boost: Whenever presented with Corruption, Infected gains a special boost of energy, allowing for limitless stamina.
Corruption SOUL: Infected has a Conduit Soul that has a powerful corrupting aura. Those they try to Fran it will experience either physical corruption, distorting their forms, or corrupting and poisoning their minds, in order to make the person that' s trying to grab it commit unspeakable acts.
Grime Giant: The Grime Giant is a type of transformation that Infected cannot control the moment he enters. This is caused by Infected feeling a strong form of madness to the degree it takes a physical toll, entirely covering his body. It is around the size of an extremely large mansion, and consists of pure, black matter. Infected is essentially subconscious in this, relying off purely instinct. While no longer having any magical properties until the form fades, it is physically powerful in many ways, able to crush anything, the Grime Giant is able to move around at immense speed and the wisp in this state are about the size of a large truck or bus. The Black Being produces a strong immense aura that inflicts anyone within a 40 lightyear radius the "Madness" infliction causing unescapable nightmares and hallucinations of worst fears, horrible futures and unpredictable deaths.
The wisp in this state are insanely destructive with just two large wisp having enough force to detonate an AU and a full Haunting being able to destroy abut half of a Multiverse.
Void Forerunner: The Void Forerunner is an essential evolution of the form prior. Following his major strength and godlike power, he now consists of flames so powerful they can burn anything within a 400 mile radius. The forum is completely indestructible, unkillable by normal means and with the boosted GIGA!Wisp unbeatable. With its large black flaming trident it can pierce literal gods and burn them to cinders, its power forever skyrocketing until it reaches an unattainable ceiling. The flames of the Forerunner are so hot they can melt away the atoms of others before even getting to their actual physical forms buring people from the inside out.
GIGA!Wisp: They're large wisps that grow to the size of universes of a normal size and can destroy entire Multiverses at a time if there is more then three at a time. The GIGA!Wisp feed on absolute matter and dark matter for their energy and detonate all that matter deep inside replicating a explosion equivalent to about a trillion Big Bangs at the same time.
Cosmic404: Cosmic404 is the strongest version of Error404 too ever exist inside of his own Multiverse, just like Corrupt!Infected is the strongest version of Infected to ever exist. Cosmic404 is the only one that can make Corrupt!Infected use all of his power, just as Corrupt!Infected is able to be strong enough to push Cosmic404 into being able to use his full power, a feat that very few are able to do.
The Astral Mother: The one that had experimented on Infected and made him the way that he is, Infected has been able to get his revenge on her by torturing her in the worst way imaginable. He broke her so badly that she tries all that she can to be able to try and flee from her former experimental son.
Prism: The entity known as Prism is well aware of the fact that Corrupt!Infected is way too dangerous, and thus teleports him to Cosmic404 in order for him to be dealt with.
Alpha: Corrupt!Infected's fist victim, he has killed his without an inch of remorse. He came back as the Conduit of Change, such enraged Corrupt!Infected that he could not be able to permanently kill his victim.
Omnipotent: Infected's younger brother, who has been trying to stop him along with Error404. He is currently trying to find him so that he can kill him.
The Void Empress: The only entity that can break Jacob out of his mind by simply having her being present. This is due to Jacob's immense love for his mother, that allows him to regain control over his body. The Void Empress, in return, does all that she can to be able to try and help Jacob in regaining permanent control over himself.
Infected is capable of strong 90,000 Wisps inside of him.
Infected loves strawberry milk and most strawberry flavored things.
It takes only about 250 Wisps to destroy an AU.
Like the original, Infected is a natural boxer and even nearly mastered all of karate compared to his original. However, he's learned a few others like Krav Maga, Systema, Lethwei, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, LINE, and Kapu Ku'ialua. He also practiced Bojuka to fight when armed with his axe.
The moment Infected dies, he turns into stone. He can be recovered by his SOUL soon repairing within the stone form. The process can be quickened by being residing inside of an AU filled with corruption.
Infected's left eye is simply an overgrown eye light.
He is the most dangerous and most insane version of Infected. That being said, he is also the most intelligent and rational version of Infected.
The Wisps that he controlled are obedient to Infected, due to the corruption taking over the minds of the victims that Infected had killed.
Infected can go into Axetale without risking the Hunger's infection.
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