LV 20 Cross
Forbidden Conduit of Overwrite
God of Overwrite
Date of Birth: October 10th
Place of Birth: X-Tale
Species: Skeleton (Conduit)
Gender: Male
Height: 5'0
Weight: Unknown
Eye Color: Purple
My power of Overwrite will make sure that you suffer for what you have done.-Conduit!X
Conduit!X is another recent Conduit, as well as already having became a Forbidden Conduit before Conduit!Cell. Conduit!X's real identity is that he was once an alternate version of Cross!Sans. But like Conduit!Cell, Conduit!X came to be when he was exposed to a Cycle's power.
This version of Cross matches that of his original self. Cross was one of various monsters that were created by XGaster in the first timeline of XTale. He, among others, became acquainted with Frisk and Chara before XGaster wiped their memories when he overwritten the first timeline. In Timeline II, Cross formed a bond with Frisk, where the two talk about Asgore's inherit kindness in spite of how bitter XGaster is when it came to his creations. Knowing how happy Frisk was though, XGaster murders Criss on sight just to see Frisk depressed for his own amusement. In Timeline V, Cross is present during a date with Alphys and Undyne, talking to someone while in a happy mood, but is than seen somewhere else and very upset. In Timeline IX, Cross serves as Papyrus' brother, working to sell different types of pies. He offers to fix the heart locket that Papyrus finds from a mysterious being, but his method involved using duct tape to repair the damaged locket. After Frisk inadvertently resets the previous timeline, Sans ends up de-aging to a child, and he and Papyrus ends up finding XGaster and Alphys. XGaster formally adopts him and Papyrus, and the two end up getting along with Asriel and Frisk. In one incident, Frisk remained stranded on a lone tree branch, and when Sans tries to save him, XGaster demanded him to stop, causing Frisk to be injured in the process.
As he grew up, he witness the destruction of the barrier, the "assault" done on Frisk by humans, and the start of the royal guard program, which he joined up with his brother to protect Frisk. Ten years passed, and when he was ordered to take Frisk out so he could get his new uniform, Frisk drags him about how nothing has changed in their universe and how things can't get any better. Sans reassures Frisk that what he's doing is to be with his best friend, Frisk, a lot more. This alone catches Chara's attention, whom was getting desperate of trying to eliminate XGaster.
Days later, while taking a test with Undyne, his urge to kill Frisk was within him, causing Papyrus to stop him before it was too late. However, unbeknownst to him, his genocide code was somewhat regenerating more, culminating into a desire to murder Frisk upfront during a peace ceremony. A reset happens immediately soon after, which made it so that the incident never took place.
With confusion in his mind, Frisk comes up to Criss and confess what had actually happened behind the scenes. Frisk tries to convince Sans to kill him so that they could accomplish a better timeline. He refuses, and Frisk uses his time to defeat Sans, giving him his iconic nickname "Cross" before XGaster resets back to the day the brothers took Undyne's test. As it turns out, everyone was now against XGaster thanks to Frisk restoring their memories, and because of his ignorance to see the trouble caused by his "father", everyone turned against him, including his own brother.
Realizing the X-Event's demands, he goes out of his way to kill the entire cast of characters, except Alphys and XGaster, and absorbs the soul of the X-Event to grant him the power. As it turns out however, his monster soul weakened the ability to use most of the powers of the X-Event, and after finishing off Frisk, his depression worsened.
With his universe in shambles, and his realization of his weakened powers, Cross' tears end up catching Ink's attention. However, this is where Cross does an alternate path, in which when Ink tries to befriend him, Cross actually remembers in the first timeline, where he was with X!Gaster. Refusing to allow Ink to play him for a fool, he refuses Ink's friendship, which stunned him. Ink tried to question why, but then, Cross used his blue magic, and revealed the piece of XGaster's soul. Realizing he had been caught, Ink was forced to flee, when Cross attempted to use Chara's powers to cut his head off, and because of this, believes that Ink was trying to trick him into something that he will regret. Because of this, he even seems that he is one of the people responsible for what happened to his world, and hates Ink. Ink has tried to talk to him many times, but whenever he tried that, Cross would use his powers to threaten him in leaving him alone. And unfortunately, Ink just cannot give up. However, Ink's plan was put in jeopardy, when both Dream and Core came to Cross to try and help him. Of course, Cross refuses to trust them, and even demanded that they leave him. But when Nightmare attacked Cross, who refused to join him, Dream saved Cross, and the 2 of them battled together. Seeing that they truly cared for him and genuinely wanted to help him, Cross decides to come to the Omega Timeline and live there, and although, he was a little bit cautious at trusting people, in time, he began to trust people more and more. But Ink refuses to let the game end, and instead, tries to get into the Omega Timeline to try and progress it. However, Dream protects Cross against his former fiend, refusing Cross to suffer badly. But during the scuffle, Cross is then transported by an unknown entity, and the entity told him that he can gain a lot of power, but to do this, he needs to kill people, until he reaches LV 20. Cross was not sure if he can do this, but the entity revealed that the monster that he'll be fighting will be very, very evil monsters, many on part with X!Gaster's cruelty. But the mysterious entity does warn him, that he needs to keep himself sane, and too not enjoy it, and if he does complete the task, than he will have something special for him that will aid him against X!Gaster. Cross was a little worried, but he obliges. And when he saw the monsters, and how they treat others, including of how they treated their own children, Cross was filled with so much disgust that he decides to kill them, due to how all of them remind him of XGaster, experiencing on children with no remorse for his actions.
As he continued to kill, he felt his LV go up more and more and more, and when that happened, he felt his powers and strength grow, his appearance changing a little bit, as a purple aura was surrounding the top part of his body, and horns made from that were now on top of Cross' head, as Cross' right eye socket was tearing up purple liquid, due to how much magic and LV is being concentrated and growing stronger. And finally, after what must have been a very long time, he finally reached it, he finally reached the end of his task, as he killed the last and the worst, and he he finally reached LV 20. And like he remembers the entity had said to him, he most not enjoy it, and he did not, for he simply did it in order to make sure that his father, Gaster, pays for all the torment that he's tired of.
After he reached the end, the entity had given him 2 items, one that is made from concentrated positivity, designed to take down someone as powerful as Nightmare at his strongest, and the other containing a vial, which is revealed to be a vial that XGaster had when involving the Overwrite button. Since Chara is able to access the Overwrite button when he is on control, the Vial is made so that Cross can also use it, and since he has reached a level of power that allows him to use it at a stronger extent, he decides to take the Vial, and injected it, allowing him to use it.
When he came back to the Omega Timeline, Cross saw that XGaster is causing a ruckus in there, and Cross decides to take the initiative and attack XGaster, before using his newly obtained Overwrite power to send them to X-Tale again, which is now empty. Having grown immensely in power, Cross sliced at XGaster, who than used his some parts of his to temporary summon XPapyrus and XMuffet, in order to try and kill Cross. But Cross was ready, as Chara and Cross than used the full power of the Overwrite button to not only free them both, but to make them unable to be controlled by XGaster. And when XGaster tried to send them away, Cross and Chara sent them to the Omega Timeline. He then sent Toriel next, along with Asgore and Asriel, who is grown up, but Chara and Cross did the same thing again, and sent them to the Omega Timeline. Needless to say, XGaster is getting very angry. He is beginning to lose his fight. Ink than came along, and tried to help XGaster, in order to make Cross pay his game, but Cross turns it around and summoned Error, and when Error saw Ink, he did not hesitate to attack him. So now, it is between XGaster and Cross, as Gaster than attempted to change reality to kill Cross, only for Cross to flip it on XGaster, and he than got close enough to grab his soul, and get the others out from XGaster's control, including Undyne, Alphys, Mettaton, and Frisk, but allows them to keep their power, before sending them back into the Omega Timeline. He than used his power for 2 more effects. The first effect being that Cross and Chara split apart but keeps all of his powers, including the powers that he gained from Chara, with Chara back to his adult self. And than, after that, Cross made one final effect. And that is that the half of Overwrite that Chara has, is transferred to Cross, allowing him total control over Overwrite. And Chara was sent back, as Gaster began to lose his composure, due to his plans falling apart.
However, this did not stop him from taking control of Cross' soul, and created a copy of the other half, to complete his power. And than, it is a battle between Cross and XGaster, in order to make the other be defeated. XGaster used multiple hands, but Cross uses his weapon, and even made daggers for him to use. The fight continued on, and when all is said and done, he was able to finish XGaster, and sent him to a section of the Multiverse, into an AU that he cannot get out of, where he will never come back, that he can rule by himself. And than, with Ink, as he discovered that he himself is responsible for state that lead to the destruction of his world, decides to punish Ink, but sending him to a white space, where he will forever be alone and forgotten, where he will continue to feel, even without a soul. But when that happened, a nearby Cycle of the conduits came close to X-Tale, and before he knew it, Cross was effected by the immense, unlimited power of the Conduit's cycle. The cycle than gave Cross monstrous power, and he is even the title, as the Forbidden Conduit of Overwrite, making him one of the top 5 strongest Forbidden Conduits of all time, and with the power that he has, he was able to bring back X-Tale and its inhabitants, and his friends there, before he decided to mature mentally. And it is here, that he decides that Cross has been long since gone, due to how childish and immature he was. And he, he is now simply known as Conduit!X.
Conduit!X has 2 purple large ring-like irises, with x-like points on the "corners" of this ring. There is a smaller circle in the center of this ring of the same color, separated by the sclera. He has a purple lightning-bolt shaped scar beneath his right eye socket that he gained during his fight against XTale!Frisk before XGaster resets. His original soul was half an upside-down white monster soul and half a red human soul. But he than gained an upside down purple soul, to symbolize his power of Overwrite. However, his right eye is leaking out purple liquid, due to his power being immense to the point of overflowing, although it does not weaken him, and he has a purple aura around the top part of his body, such as the arms, shoulders and skull. On top of his head, the purple aura made a pair of horns, similar to a devil. He is also more taller then the original Cross, at over 5 feet.
He wears mostly black and white, same with the rest of the XTale cast. His attire consists of a white jacket with a hood over a black long sleeved shirt and several white attachments and white fluff on the hood, black pants with white X's on each leg and white shoes with X's on them. However, the white jacket is now longer, reaching down to his knees, and he has a second scarf, and the pants is now no longer shorts, as they now go down to his ankles, with a second pair of Xs on each of the pant's sides. He wears the Heart-locket around his neck.
In the Void, Conduit!X takes on a more glitched appearance, and his legs, just like XGaster's, will vanish, as he is simply floating in the Void.
After he had became the Forbidden Conduit of Overwrite, Conduit!X became much more serious than he was before in the past. Although he is slow to trust, due to what he had been through in the past, with XGaster changing and destroying his world and Ink having been the one that have encouraged him and his game, Conduit!X can be a bit suspicious of others. He is very ruthless, and he will not hesitate in making sure that he will make a person suffer or die, depending on what they are like, because of the fact that he believes that no mercy should be given to the ones that are his enemies, which includes ones that had betrayed him in the past beforehand.
However, this does not mean that Conduit!X is totally antisocial, and Conduit!X actually does prove that he can trust others, but that is only if that person proves that he is trustworthy enough. When they prove their trust, Conduit!X will be very loyal and will not betray. He will be compassionate and kind, and believes in the best of others, which is who he once was back in the past. But when he is betrayed, Conduit!X is very unforgiving, and he will not give the traitor any sort of mercy whatsoever, and even goes as far as to make their lives a true living hell.
Despite the serious demeanor that Conduit!X has, he becomes excited and obsessive over tacos and chocolate, and even has struck true friendships with Ink and Core, due to the fact that they were kind to him, and truly tried to make sure he is helped.
Unlike the original Sans, he is not lazy and never stops. He is very active. And unlike his creator, XGaster, he does not abuse it in serious ways. He only abuses it for small stuff that does not cause any catastrophic damages whatsoever. He refuses to be like his father, and only limits the power that he uses, unless there is a reason for him to go all out and too attack with his power.
Overwrite SOUL: Conduit!X has a soul that allows him the power to use the button called Overwrite, which is a very powerful tool, designed to modify the course of a timeline. It works with a tap of its button, it'll allow any user to change the reality of a timeline, as well as any thoughts, actions, memories, and roles.
HACK Knife: Conduit!X's primary weapon. Conduit!X could use the HACK knife to take control of a victim by executing them temporarily to make the victim their puppet, if it does not break against their victim, which it usually does. But it is also infused with Dream's Positivity Powers, and it is used to be able to damage even Nightmare, whenever he is at his strongest. The Knife is also indestructible.
Code Steal: Conduit!X can use his HACK Knife in steal parts of universes. He could use it in order to send it to his AU, which would have still been empty.
Cross' Daggers: A pair of Daggers that Conduit!X managed to make with his Overwrite powers, they are used by Conduit!X to act as his secondary weapons, and are used for Conduit!X in order to get closer and more in range with the opponent.
X Blaster: Conduit!X is able to summon X Blasters in order to fire purple blasts of energy, which are able to destroy the opponents that he is fighting against, or damage those that are at the same level as him or stronger than him.
Blue Magic: Conduit!X can use his power to life a person's soul or an object in order to slam them around and give them immense agony. Becoming a Conduit has allowed Cross to increase the power of his Blue Magic.
Knife Bullets: Conduit!X is able to fire red knives that act as bullets at the opponent. They do not do as much damage as the HACK Knife, but they are going to hurt a lot. It can also be infused wit the power of Overwrite in order to corrupt and entity's code and change it into whatever he wants it to be changed into.
Immortality: Conduit!X is unable to die in a fight in any sort of way, and ever since becoming a Conduit, that sort of immorality had been reinforced.
Full Power Mode: Conduit!X is constantly in a state where he is always at full power, his physical performance and his magical powers increased to the point that he is one of the most dangerous and strongest entities that can ever be fought against.
Great Pain Tolerance: Conduit!X is shown to be highly tolerable to pain. Even if he had his limbs broken and his ribs cracked, he will still keep on fighting even when he is hurt.
XGaster Hands: Conduit!X is able to copy and integrate all 10 of XGaster's hands into his magic. He can summon magical floating hands that have spikes in the circles in order to pierce and stab the enemy from far away.
Void Physiological Change: Conduit!X is able to automatically change his physiology when he is inside of the Void in order to survive in it. Because of this, it makes him nearly impossible to find, unless you can survive inside of the Void.
Void Flight; While Conduit!X is inside the void, Conduit!X is able to fly and move around inside of the void, and he usually does this in order to meet other Gasters, many of whom were rather friendly to Conduit!X.
Forbidden Conduit of Overwrite:
Conduit!X is the Forbidden Conduit of Overwrite, due to being exposed to the energy of the Cycle, and thus, he is one of the most powerful Conduits in all of time, being matched by a few of the other conduits, as well as a few other entities. In fact, he is so powerful that he can effect any Reality that has any sort of code, even the MainFrame, and change it into whatever he wants it to be as in his own sort of vision. The only ones that are able to be resistant to the power of the Overwrite power are those that either do not have code, or are simply way to powerful to be changed, such as Sol, Mes, Conduit!Cell, Anomaly!Core, Sovereign!Error, Redemptive!Ink, and Error404.
Overwrite: Overwrite is a very powerful tool, designed to modify the course of a timeline. Created by his father, XGaster, It works simply with a tap of its button; it'll allow any user to change the reality of a timeline, as well as any thoughts, actions, memories, and roles, and only limited by Cross' own imagination. However, its power is extremely abusive, which allows one to continuously change reality at will without any care to its inhabitants. However, while Conduit!X does abuse this power, he only abuses it in small and minor ways, without causing anything that is catastrophic.
AU Overwrite: Conduit!X is able to use his power of Overwrite to alter the Code of an AU, allowing him to be able to change the backstory into whatever he wishes in order to change the plot. For example, he can change the aftermath of Aftertale in order to make sure that Geno does not become Error. The only ones that are not effected by this power are the ones that do not have any code within it whatsoever, such as Celltale and Dreamtale.
Timeline Overwrite: Conduit!X, with the power of the Overwrite Button, is able to change and alter the timeline of an AU or an AT. For example, he can change the Timeline of Dusttale, so that it is a pacifist, and Dust is mostly his normal self against, but he keeps his powers that he has gained when he killed the monsters.
Action Overwrite: Conduit!X can overwrite and change a person's action, in order to make them do something different. For example, he can make a person stop running away from something that would hit him by simply tapping onto the button.
Personality Overwrite: Conduit!X, with the power of Overwrite, can change a person's personality into whatever he imagines it to be. For instance, he was once able to change the personality of Horror Sans into becoming a bit more kinder and less insane, and no longer encourages monsters to eat human, but he still kept his ruthlessness, and he kept his powers.
Magic Overwrite: Conduit!X is able to manipulate and overwrite the magic of a person that wields it. He can add new powers into a person's arsenal, can remove a power that someone has, or he can add additional effects in order to make the power of someone stronger than they were before.
Multiverse Overwrite: Conduit!X is able to overwrite an entire Multiverse at will, being able to change it into whatever he wishes it to be. For example, he can alter and change the AUs into being the opposite of what they once were.
Reality Overwrite: Conduit!X's Overwrite to the most extreme, Conduit!X is able to use the Overwrite button to alter the code of one of the 10 realities. With this, he can change the texture, purpose, or the nature of the Reality. For example, he can change the nature of the MainFrame to make it safe for everyone and anyone to venture into, without being absorbed and consumed by this dangerous reality.
Imperfect Future Sight: Due to the power of Overwrite, like XGaster, Conduit!X is able to see into the future and see the most likely outcome that can happen to him. Unfortunately, he can only see fragments of what the future looks like and not the whole thing, although compared to XGaster's abilities to see the future, Conduit!X's future is a bit more clearer compared to his creator.
Possession: Conduit!X is able to possess anyone from X-Tale, or anyone from a version of X-Tale, such as X-Fell, where he had been able to possess the Cross of that AU.
Magic Integration: Conduit!X is able to use the power of Overwrite in order to integrate the power of someone's magic into himself, so that he can use it. But unfortunately, it only works on those that have code.
Omega Reality: Through the manipulation of the Multiverse, Conduit!X is able to manipulate how a Multiverse should end, such as what happens to the Multiverse' denizens, their descendants, and how the AUs inside of the Multiverses should be able to end.
Overwrite Coilgun Blaster: Conduit!X's most dangerous attack ever created. Conduit!X is able to use all of the magic of the Overwrite button in order to make a Blaster that is as large as a billion blasters in a group, with enough power to destroy an entire Multiverse, and now can effect even those that lack code in the first place, or destroy a reality with this specific blaster. It is so powerful that the only ones that are able to match it is Conduit!Cell's CELL Multiverse Cannon, Anomaly!Core's Reality Railgun Rain, and Mes' Ruler Ray.
XGaster: Cross hates him so much with every fiber of his being. Too the point that he even once tortured him to the point where he had to flee from him. Currently, XGaster resides in an AU that he has made called Sub-X, which Cross does not care about, as long as XGaster does not try anything.
X-Tale Residence: Cross cares so much for his AU and residence that he simply leaves it be on its and does now interfere with their lives. He also makes sure that no one dares to attack it.
Dream: Like the original Cross, Conduit!X has struck a genuine friendship with Dream, and it is a lot sooner than the original Cross.
Ink!Sans: Cross has a huge hatred to Ink, due to the fact that he was responsible for the fact that XGaster became the way he is. He even once tortured him by using 2 of his word at fears, and it was so bad for Ink that he swore to never see him again.
Redemptive!Ink: Initially, Cross was suspicious of Redemptive!Ink, due to being a version of someone that he hates the most. However, when he sees that he is truly trying to be a good person, Cross does trust him, to an extent, but does not consider him as his friend, simply someone he is aquatinted with.
Sovereign!Error: Unlike the original Error, Sovereign!Error is a very pleasant person to be with, due to the fact that he is much more friendlier compared to the original Error, and they both even hang out with each other a lot.
Fatal_Ruler: A version of Fatal_Error, Conduit!X and Fatal_Ruler do seem to get along very well, and Conduit!X is even able to use his Overwrite power to make Fatal_Ruler a Papyrus in order to fulfill his desire.
Anomaly!Core: A version of Core!Frisk and the Forbidden Conduit of Reality, Anomaly!Core and Conduit!X share the same goal, and thus, work together to make the Alpha Timeline as safe and secure as possible.
Conduit!Cell: A version of Cell!Sans from the new version of Abysstale, as well as the Forbidden Conduit of Evolution, he and Conduit!X get along very well, even though their powers are opposites to each other. Despite this, X and Cell act like brothers in arms, and refuse to betray each other.
Mes, Ido, and Ser: Versions of Abyss, Error, and Imk that have been infused with Sol's power in different ways, Ido is very chill to Cross, due to how calm and controlled he is, Cross is suspicious to Ser, due to being a version of Ink, and Ames gets long with Cross just as much as Conduit!Cell.
Prism: Conduit!X has never before met Prism, but Conduit!Cell has talked about his encounter with Prism, and how it was a little bit scary for him, due to the fact that he had no idea how strong he is, the mysterious magic that he possesses, and what he can do. Because of this, after Conduit!Cell described the power that Prism can do, he will make sure that he does not get within his proximity.
If Conduit!X and Anomaly!Core we're to have a child, they would simply be called the Forbidden Conduit of Perfection.
Conduit!X rivals Conduit!Cell, Anomaly!Core, and Mes in terms of magic.
Conduit!X still likes chocolate, even like this.
Conduit!X is feared by the other Conduits, simply due to how dangerous his power in the use of Overwrite is.
Conduit!X is unable to truly destroy a codeless AU, unless he uses his most powerful attack.
Conduit!X is no longer afraid of Cows.
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