Conduit of War
Death's Brother
Date of Birth: Unknown
Place of Birth: Unknown
Species: Conduit
Gender: Male
Height: 8'5
You dare to face against me? You have made your biggest mistake!-Conduit of War.
The Conduit of War is one of the most oldest Conduits in existence and well is one of the skilled Conduits ever, and is someone that has a close relationship with the Conduit of Death, which not many people have obtained, so close that they are often thought to be brothers, which is technically true due to what they see each other as in terms of relationships.
It is unknown how the Conduit of War came to be in the first place, or how he ascended as a Conduit, and that is if he did ever ascend as a Conduit in the first place at all. It is believed that War was once a man who had been in a very destructive war in the past, but became a Conduit at the end of it, but was unaware of his status as a Conduit, for he kept fighting into different wars with different weapons in hand and hasn't age after all of this time, and only became aware when he went out of whatever war happened to him. It is also entirely possible that he had been a Conduit that is created by the cycle by using the concept that the Conduit embodies.
Whatever the case is, what is known about the Conduit of War is that he had appeared sometime after the first cycle ended, right after Darkness and Destruction came to be. And the Conduit of War proved to be a monster in combat, because when he fought against both Darkness and Destruction, War is shown to be so powerful that he overpowered them and nearly killed then with his mere skill and weapons alone. But when he faced against Death, this proved to be quite a fateful meeting for the both of them. When Death and War fought against each other, War is somehow able to keep up with Death and rival him, which no one, not even Darkness and Destruction could do. Of course, they both were close to doing that and were able to give him somewhat of a hard time, but War is giving Death such an extremely intense fight that he even was forced to use every ounce of power that he has to defeat War.
In the end, neither side had won against each other and both tied. But despite this, War found himself a newfound respect for Death, and Death too found himself respecting War in spite of having fought against him and being a cold individual. But the both of them would not have truly fought alongside each other, until the incident involving an abomination that required the both of them to work together. The battle was so long and both War and Death began to cooperate with each other and work together to defeat the Abomination that is causing a lot of destruction all over the place. After the battle ended, War and Death finally started to bond with each other, with War proving to be an exceedingly loyal ally to Death on a number of occasions and always sides with him in his decisions.
War has always been an eternally loyal ally of Death, with both War and Death seeing each other as brothers that they each never had. He even sides with him when it comes to O'Brien, who he sees as an absolute fool and a traitor when he got Life killed, whom he sees as a sister that he never had. He continues to be loyal to Death, even in the worst of times.
The Conduit of War is a very tall and imposing humanoid figure, wearing what seems to be red armor that is covered in bloodstained markings and a red cape, with the bloodstains causing rust to appear on the armor, although that does not impede the armor at all. He is shown to hair and beard is shown be long and also seems to be made of flames, with his eyes also seemingly made of flames themselves. He also possesses scars on his face that are constantly glowing red.
Although War is a person that possesses a deep lust for conflict and battle and relishes in combat, he is mainly a very serious individual who despises wars without a good reason and skill alone, and thus despises wars if it is started for no reason or for petty reasons. He also possesses a sense of honor, as he despises trickery and deceit in order to win fights, as well as looking down on the concept of assassination itself, not to mention being informal and straight to the point. And in spite of his bloodlust, he is a very intelligent and capable strategist, which he learned from his first fight with Death, as well as being very fierce, violent, and fearless warrior, unmoved by threats and leaps into danger without any hesitation. And oddly, despite his love for combat and fights, he can surprisingly be friendly and loyal to those that he can call his friends, such as Death and Life. He also can possess a very ferocious, near psychotic temper, although he can back down from this and contain himself if his friends say so. Like Death, he holds true to the Conduit traditions of old, and refuses to defy or go against them, only doing so because his friends told him to.
Powers and Abilities:
Weapon Conjuration: the Conduit of War, having fought in countless battles, is capable of having an access to countless weapons at his disposal, such as a sword, battle axe, war hammer, macuahuitl, katana, spear, bow and arrow, dual khopesh, shields, scythe, mace, flail, etcetera. He can even summon weapons from modern times if he wants to, but he likes the old weapons better. Each weapon varies in how much damage that they can do, but they are all still capable of cutting through anything like butter, from abominations to some of Eden's most fearsome gods.
Conduit of War: Being the embodiment of War, the Conduit of War has control over all aspects of war throughout the verse. War is a constant and reoccurring thing, and as such, the Conduit of War is someone that cannot be rid of easily.
Absolute War Manipulation: War is capable of manipulating War/Cause of War to any and all beings, such as mortals, amortals, immortals, beings, eldritch entities, concepts/conceptual beings, energies, formless/omnipresent beings, Eden Orbs, and even to the denizens of the Eden Tree.
War's Trail: This is a passive ability that he can use, for whenever war is present, the Conduit of War will follow it and go where war takes place, which can cause any and all that are in the presence of this power to suffer a sort of mental madness that causes them to fight and go to war with each other, the effects happening in the Eden Tree in such a dangerous and unpredictable manner. If paired together with Death's Path that the Conduit of Death can use, the effects will be far more severe and dangerous than both powers.
Warring Presence: Similar to Death's Presence, being the embodiment of War, War exists everywhere thus he is everywhere. He is everywhere where War is going to, will be, and is happening.
Berserker Mode: War, at the peak of his rage, can enter a state where he can fight with the ferocity of a berserker, with increase physicality and the inability to feel pain, and thus can attack even when he is seriously hurt. Even Death is would have trouble when it comes to this power, although he'll still be able to stand his ground and fight back against the Conduit of War even in this state. At this stage, he can even cause problems to entities that could have strength that is greater than War himself.
Conduit of Death: War and Death have an exceptionally close bond with each other, so much that they are considered brothers in arms. Although they did once fought against each other before, in current times, they not get along exceptionally well, and are considered brothers in relationships only.
Conduit of Life: War met Life through Death. As she is someone that is close to Death, War considers her a friends as well. Her death by O'Brien's hands shook him to the core, now hating O'Brien for this act and vows to avenge Life.
Conduit of Passion, O'Brien: Just like with Death, Even before the death of Life, O'Brien and War were not on good terms with each other, although War is professional when it comes to knowledge. The death of Life enraged War so badly that he vows to kill O'Brien in the most sickening way possible.
Conduits of Darkness and Destruction: War fought against them and won against them with some difficulty, but does possess a degree of respect for them for fighting against him despite how outclassed they are. When Darkness raped Life to make the Forbidden Conduit of Corruption, War brutally beats down Darkness extremely badly, having lost respect for him in what he had done. Although with the current Conduit of Destruction, that being Infected, War has no idea what to think of him.
Forbidden Conduit of Corruption: The twisted spawn of Life due to Darkness, the Conduit of War swears to kill Corruption due to what he is like, not simply for being a perversion of what Life represents. Corruption, on the other hand, does all that he can to kill War.
Conduit of Purification: The spawn of Death due to Radiance's request, War does get along rather well with Purification, although only because she is the son of Death that is meant to fight back against Corruption. He does train her in how to fight in combat, with Purification even calling him uncle on occasion, which touched War's heart.
Conduit of Wrath: Surprisingly, War is able to get along with Wrath to an extent, as he uses his powers to bring Wrath to wars that he can take his hatred and rage out on, and has even sparred with him on occasion.
Merus: the Bio-Conduit of Pre-Eminence, although War does not hate Merus, he does not accept him due to Conduit traditions and how Bio-Conduits are seen as. Despite this, since Life accepts him and Death decides to agree with Life, War accepts him as well, and although Merus is not that sure about War, being very suspicious and distrustful for to him, they did eventually get along, since War helped him train in fighting.
War and Death have fought alongside each other constantly and are a very deadly duo of their own.
After Death, War is second place in terms of the cycles that he has won.
If War and Death were to fuse with one another, they would make the Bloodlust Conduit, which is an extremely dangerous conduit that kills anyone he sees and is empowered by bloodlust itself.
If War were to have a love interest, it would be with a woman that is capable of battle and fighting back, even if she is not at the same level as he is.
The Conduit of War has no hatred to the Forbidden Conduit and Bio-Conduits, since he has respect to any and all beings that can fight regardless of what they are. But he doesn't accept them because he chooses to respect the Conduit Traditions.
The Conduit of War has faced against Falklore before, and surprisingly held his ground against him.
The Conduit of War is very stern, but fair when it comes to training with Conduits, and is someone that does not tolerate laziness. He will, however, allow rest to those that have become tired due to the training that they had to do. He is also surprisingly patient when it comes to encouraging people who doubt their strength.
The Conduit of War is stronger than the other Conduits in terms of sheer physical strength, even outclassing Death. But Death can still win due to his knowledge and experience in fighting against people that are skilled in their own ways. Plus, Death is much more powerful than War rather slightly.
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