Conduit of Speed, Sonic

(This character is based off of the fact that I see Sans often being together with Sonic. So I figured why not make a Conduit version of this character)


Blue Blur
Big Blue
Blue Wind
The Fastest Thing Alive
The Fastest Conduit Alive
Conduit of Speed

Date of Birth: June 23rd, ????

Place of Birth: Alpha Zone

Species: Hedgehog (Mobian)
Gender: Male
Height: 5'4
Weight: Unknown
Eyes: Brownish-Green

Catch me if you dare!-Conduit of Speed, Sonic.

Conduit of Speed, Sonic is a version of Sonic that resides within his own Hyperverse, residing in an AU simply called the Alpha Zone, as well as being a Conduit, being the fastest Conduit to ever exist in the Eden Tree.


Not much is known about this version of Sonic, as well as to where he had came from. What is known is that he is a version of Sonic that is born in the first alternate version of Mobius called the Alpha Zone, as well as being born as the Conduit of Speed, after the previous Conduit of Speed, Lucas, died under unknown circumstances, although it is assumed that it is by another Conduit that is able to kill him by surprise, or by Faker himself. Even at such a young age, Sonic has been shown to be extraordinarily fast, being able to run around an entire solar system in just a span of 7 seconds.

In this version of Mobius, Sonic lives inside of an area that is simply called Knothole City, which is a large high-tech city that is inside of a forest that is very large, it is half as tall as the mountains themselves. He has been shown to have other Mobians that he is buddies with him, having his own version of Tails, who he sees as a little brother, a version of Knuckles who acts as his rival, as well as having a version of Sally and Amy, both of whom have a crush on him due to what he is like. And like any other version of Sonic, he has his own Robotnik, who acts as the main enemy for Sonic and the others. In this universe, Eggman is far more evil compared to other versions of Eggman, his own evil being on par with the Astral Mother herself, as he experiments and converts people into robots that he can use without any inch of remorse, and possesses no love or care for the creations that he makes.

And as such, Sonic and Robotnik have been fighting against each other, time and time again, back and forth, left and right, with Sonic being able to take fights even in other AUs. But then, on one such day, Sonic's entire life begins to change, when the Alphatale crew comes barging at his doorstep


This version of Sonic seems to be a bit of a combination between his Modern Appearance and his Sonic Boom appearance. He is a tall humanoid hedgehog with blue fur covering most of his body, and peach skin that covers his muzzle, insides of his ears, arms, and front torso. He is rather slim, with reasonably long arms and legs, along with visible shoulders, giving him a lanky appearance. He has a fairly round head with six thick quills protruding from the back of his head and small, triangular ears on top of his head. He also has cowlick-like spikes that sticks out from his top and lower head quills, two spines protruding from his back behind his shoulders, and a short tail. He also has conjoined green eyes and a fairly long black nose. He also has a visible neck, although it is usually covered by his attire. For attire, Sonic wears a pair of white gloves with cuffs and a pair of red sneakers with white cuffs, gray soles, and a rectangular gold buckle on top, as well as white straps with additional golden buckles at the sides. He also has white sports tape wrapped around the palms of his gloves, the heels of his sneakers, and his lower forearms and legs. Finally, he sports a brown scarf that extends to his knees.


Having a personality that is like the wind, Sonic is free-spirited and always on the move. He has a passion for adventure and is very much a thrill-seeker and adrenaline junkie, always looking for the next thrill, challenge, and triumph. But unlike the usual version of Sonic, this version is far more responsible and is very calm, and sometimes can even restrict himself if it means being with his friends, and is not shortsighted to what is before or to the feelings of those he cares about, and can be considerate of what they are like. Sonic's typical driving force is his immensely large, self-obsessed ego, yet his demeanor is normally laid-back, cool, and carefree. Possessing a snarky tongue and sassy attitude, he is cocky, brash, quick-witted, and often jokes around even in dire situations.

However, when the situation calls for it though, Sonic can be serious and will immediately rush to aid those in dire need. Always on the heroic side of things, Sonic is very benevolent with a strong sense of honor, justice, and fair play, being fully committed to helping out those in need at all times. Sonic also does not back down or give up, because he has an unwavering belief and faith in himself and his abilities. Unlike the original Sonic, he suffers no form of Aquaphobia, and can in fact swim, in contrast to the original Sonic, but he does still prefer to move on land, since he likes to run a lot without any problem.

Sonic, when angered, however, will have personality traits that is simply best described as being a far more destructive side of the wind itself. He will become violent, relentless, destructive, fierce, and unstoppable, causing massive devastation without a hint of care or concern of what he does, while also having a calm expression and tone of his face, as he does all that he can to make sure that problem is down and permanently taken out. Friends would even admit that Sonic, at the peak of his rage, is the scariest thing that they could ever be in the presence of, with even Knuckles being a little unease as to what Sonic will do. But in spite of this, Sonic is courage even in the face of death, and will continue to fight, even if it makes himself a little bit miserable in the process, and if it makes his image look a bit bad.

Powers and Abilities:

Immeasurable Speed: Sonic shown to possess speed that cannot be rivaled by anyone. Even Error404 falls behind in terms of how fast he can be and is easily outclassed by that.

Spin Attack: Sonic can curl up into a ball and spin with enough speed to be able to cut through anything, and even can damage Error404, although Error404 will still recover. He even cut through dozens of AUs in a single second. He can also charge his spin attack while on the ground and can even do a homing attack on them.

Sonic Supercell: Sonic can summon a powerful blue wind current that is as large as a Supercell. This attack is strong enough to be able to destroy an entire Multiverse in just one use. It is strong enough to clash against even the Dark Blasters itself, which can also destroy a Multiverse.

Bio-Electrokinesis: Sonic can emit blue-electricity from his body when using his speed or when he gets very emotional. He can also make an EMP Blast that is so large, it affected 7 dozen universes at once, removing all power from them temporarily.

Electric Blade: Sonic can manipulate his electricity to make a sword in the shape of a claymore, which allows him to fight at up-close and slide through those that are stronger then him.

Grand Slam: Sonic charges up his attack and then Spin Dashes towards the enemy. Once he hits the enemy, he will launch a diving kick at them, causing weaker enemies to spin as they recoil from the counterattack.

Cyclone Kick: Sonic starts off with a strong kick, and then proceeds to spin in midair. While he spins, he creates a gust of electricity which surrounds the enemy. After the attack is finalized, the electricity disappears and Sonic does an acrobatic move in midair while launching himself upwards.

Cross Slash: Sonic will float and turn around the enemy, with two of his copies in ball form rotate around him, creating shockwaves that forms a cross-like shape at his enemy. These are strong enough to cancel the God Ray that Error404 is rather very of doing. They are strong enough to destory 7 AUs at once.

Sonic Boom: Sonic begins rapidly swiping his foot in circles around himself while in mid-air, creating a blue aura around it, and forming several small shockwaves which travel horizontally in the direction he faces while descending slowly. It will also lock-on automatically at nearby enemies.

Recovery Smash: Sonic will not land face down on the ground, instead charging up an attack and then Spin Dashing towards the enemy. Once he hits the enemy, he will launch a diving kick at them, causing weaker enemies to spin as they recoil from the counterattack.

Loop Kick: Sonic begins to do a loop while "flying" in midair. Then, he stops and charges an electrical kick while dashing towards the enemy, then giving the final blow.

Parry: Sonic, when guarding in a defensive stance, will be able to parry the attack coming to him.

Phantom Rush: Sonic will attack at high speed, to the point that he moves so fast, that from other people's perspective, many Sonics are appearing all at once.


Supreme Sonic: This is the result of Sonic using the Mayhem Emeralds, which allows him to transform into a form known as Supreme Sonic. When this happens, Sonic's powers are boosted to such unfathomable levels, allowing him to match the power of B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y in most departments, but allows him to surpass that form in terms of sheer speed. His speed speed alone can cause AUs to evaporate and be destroyed, as well as severely damage multiverses by moving fast past them. He now possesses a golden appearance with red eyes, and the scarf extends in length, now reaching down to his ankles.

Mentifery: Supreme Sonic can bring anything he wants into existence by thought alone.

Flight: Supreme Sonic can fly at incredibly high speeds.

Supreme Sonic 2: Due to the Cyber Corruption being channeled for Sonic to use in a safe manner after a long time practicing, Sonic can use it to further power up his Supreme Sonic form to Supreme Sonic 2, being able to match the power of B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666.

Perfect Parry: Sonic can now parry all attacks that come at his way with little to no difficulty.

Darkness Sonic: This is what happens when Sonic gets enraged while in normal form, making him transform into a dark form where his entire body becomes black with white blank eyes. In this form, Darkness Sonic is far more aggressive and violent, although Sonic is still in control. He is no fast enough to be in 2 places at the same time, and possesses strength to fight against Just404.

Darkness Sonic Supercell: Sonic can summon a devastating gust of wind that can destroy multiple Hyperverses at the same time.

Speed Slice: Darkness Sonic can run so fast, he can treat through people like nothing.

Fleetway Sonic: The answer to Just404 Butterfly, this result happens when Supreme Sonic 2 gives into his negative emotions. In turn, it allows a split personality to take over the mind of Sonic. In this form, he possesses extremely devastating powers, now being able to cause as much destruction as he can.

Mayhem Beams: Fleetway can fire a beam of energy from his eyes, which are strong enough to blind Just404 when hit in his eye sockets.

Mayhem Shield: Fleetway can make a shield that can block attacks from coming his way.

Life Leech: Fleetway can summon a sort of green energy that can drain a person's magic and life, allowing him to increase in power even more than before.

Anarchic Destruction: Fleetway's most powerful attack, in which he can charge up an explosion around his body by supercharging his physical form. And when he is done charging up his power, he can explode with a force so immense, he can destroy 2 realities at the same time, being as strong as the Omninova.

Ultimate Sonic: This form happens when he uses one Cosmic Emerald, which is the Alphatale equivalent of the Super Emeralds, allowing him to turn into a form that keeps his base-form appearance, but with cosmic stars trailing behind him and is surrounded by two energy loops which closely resembles the electron shells of an atom. In this form, he is slightly stronger than Fleetway, and possesses additional powers that allows him far stronger might than ever before.

Atom Manipulation: Sonic can control the bond of local atoms. He is able to manipulate non living matter by changing its atom structure, i.e. turning air into a wall of water or turning a stone column into a large uprising spike.

Body Adaptation: The form is able to adapt into separate forms depending on the environment that he is in.

Portal Cyclone: Ultimate Sonic is able to spin his legs so fast, he can make a portal that leads to other locations. However, this is only used in very dire and dangerous circumstances, and using this will automatically deactivate the form.

Absolute Sonic: This form is the result of Sonic using all 7 Cosmic Emeralds, allowing him to take on the alpha equivalent of the Hyper Form that the original Sonic has. In this form, Sonic's powers are colossal, being at the same height as Perfect404.

Transcendent Physiology:  Sonic possess the traits, attributes, characteristics and/or abilities of transcendent beings like deities, other beings that are divine in nature, and other transcendent level beings like cosmic beast entities. Sonic has surpassed the restraints of the material existence and transcended their physical limitations to achieve a higher level of status, power, and/or state of being.

Absolute Parry: Sonic can now block anything coming towards him, even concepts that are weapon used against him.

Cosmic Slash-Speed God: An upgrade to the Cross Slash, Sonic can use this to slice through almost anything, and are as strong as the God Ray Reality Cannon.

Cosmic Lightning: Sonic's Bio-Electricity has been increased to unforeseen levels, now being able to make lighting attacks that can damage even other transcendent beings like Perfect404, or anyone else stronger then him.

Nigh-Omnipotence: Absolute Sonic possesses immeasurable power which makes him one the most powerful being in all existence. He has shown to be invulnerable to injury, easily capable of super-strength, able to turn his thoughts into reality, and can possibly perform various other incredible feats on a whim.

Conduit of Speed:

Sonic is the current incarnation of the Conduit of Speed, after the previous one, Lucas, was killed by an unknown incident. Sonic seems to know so much about his Conduit Powers, due to speed being his specialty, that he is able to reach Proficient Level. Here, Sonic possesses a level of speed at a maximum and limitless level, transcending the logical limits and boundaries of speed as a concept, being beyond and qualitatively superior to all concepts of speed and the dimensions of time and space and are capable of performing movement beyond infinite dimensions of time due to transcending the very concepts of movement itself. He also possesses Speed Infinitum, in which he has speed that increases over time and training without limit to how fast he can become and can increase his speed for essentially forever.


Alpha Zone (Friends): Sonic has a great deal of care towards his friends and family, with Sally and Amy having a crush on him, Knuckles having a rivalry with him, and Tails being like a little brother to him. He would do whatever it takes to protect those he holds dear.

Alpha!Zone Robotnik: Sonic and Robotnik in this Alpha version are hated enemies towards one another, with Sonic doing all that he can to kill him, and Eggman doing all that he can to turn Sonic into his robotic minion.

Error404: Sonic met Error404 when he somehow appeared inside of the Alpha Zone. Error404 initiated a fight with Sonic, who held his ground and forced him out, and has since became an enemy to him at times, due to the fact that Error404 nearly put his friends and loved ones in grave danger of death. In spite of this, Sonic does team up with Error404 when the situations demands it.

Infected: Sonic hates Infected with a burning vengeance, since he nearly tried to kill Tails in a sadistic manner. He beats Infected away and fought against him with everything that he has and forced him to flee. Sonic and Infected have since become enemies.

Alpha!Sans: Sonic and Alpha met when Alpha entered the Alpha!Zone. When they met, Sonic expected a fight, only for Alpha to reveal that he is curious of the world he lived in and wanted to see what it is like. After a bit of talking to one another, Alpha!Sans part ways with Sonic, but vows to come back to see him again someday, with Sonic looking forward to it, with both Sonic and Alpha!Sans on good terms.

Omnipotent!Sans: Another Sans that Sonic met, Omnipotent!Sans accidentally crashed into the Alpha!Zone while inside of the TransVoid dealing with a problem of his own. Sonic helped Omnipotent recover, and Omnipotent talked about Sonic of the TransVoid. When Sonic showed him the Mayhem Emeralds, Omnipotent claims that they have Cosmic Essence inside of them and urged him to be careful with them. Sonic agreed, with Omnipotent parting ways with him on, somewhat good terms with him.


Sonic, being the Conduit of Speed, is shown to be far superior then Lucas, since he already has fast speeds since his birth. Sonic's own speed further increased the power of the Conduit of Speed that he possesses.

The Mayhem and Cosmic Emeralds possess Cosmic Essence inside of them, which allowed Sonic to gain those transformations in the first place.

Sonic is strong enough to rival Error404, a frat very few are able to accomplish themselves.

Sonic is able to access a sort of pathway called the Cosmic Expressway, which allows him to go to different Timelines, Universes, Multiverses, Realities, etc. Although after becoming aware of his status as a Conduit, Sonic would eventually use his speed to travel anywhere without needing to use the Expressway.

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