Conduit of Pre-Eminance, Merus
(Just like King Multiverse, this takes place near the end of the Blue Dragon, where Merus finally becomes a true Conduit)
The Prince of the Cosmos
Prince of Superiority
Edra's successor
Scion of the Kingdom of Woa
Prince of the Kingdom of Woa
Conduit of Pre-Eminance
Date of Birth: October 4th
Place of Birth: Kingdom of Woa
Species: Edenfolk/Bio-Conduit
Gender: Male
Height: 8'9
Weight: 500 Megatons
Hair Color: White Dwarf-Like
Eye Color: Crystal-Like
For my mother, my friends, and all of those I care about, it is time to put an end to your madness, Karvashal, once and for all!-Conduit of Pre-Eminance.
Merus is the son of Edra and is the Bio-Conduit of Pre-Eminence, as well as the Prince of the Cosmos. Merus, at this age, is now a fully grown adult that is nearly Edra's height, and even after all of these years, he still has a care towards his friends and his mother, who was taken away by Faker, after taking Error404's Balance Soul. Later on, near the end of the battle with Faker, Merus along with King Multiverse, the Bio-Conduit of Monarchy, were chosen by the Cycle and were given the status of becoming true Conduits.
Merus, throughout the years, had been practicing his Conduit powers for a couple of decades, starting at the age of 11, before going into his 30s. At the time, Merus has become exceptionally powerful, gaining the level of Master over his Conduit Soul, allowing him to ascend and surpass everything and anything. And because of this, he originally thought that he would be strong enough to protect his mother, assuming that his powers enough were able to make sure that she was okay, along with his friends. Sadly, it was not to be.
Merus, during a visit to Righteous!Error, had stumbled into a fight between Infected and Error404, and during this time, Error404 had his Perfect404 form, and Infected had his newly created Hellseeker form, which lead to a battle of immensely chaotic proportions. However, during this time, Righteous!Error also sees a problem that Hollow!Ink is causing, and tells Merus to go back, so he does not get caught in the crossfire. But Merus claims that he is fine and can take care of himself, especially since he has grown stronger then ever before. Righteous!Error was skeptical, but he decides to respect Merus' wishes and goes to fight Hollow!Ink with what he is doing, while Merus goes out and tries to see the fight by himself. Merus has never seen Error404 fight at his fullest before. So seeing him like this was a sort of treat for him to see.
As the battle prolonged and kept on going, Hellseeker, although he is stronger then Perfect404, was somehow still being overpowered by him, and eventually, Perfect404 prevailed, and at first, Merus was about to go to Error404. But then...a familiar enemy of Error404 came. Merus looked, as he sees a gargantuan, twisted version of Error404, and it was something that Merus has heard of from Righteous!Error, back when he was a little kid. It was Faker, and he has come for Error404's Conduit Soul.
Perfect404 tried to keep up with Faker, even going into his Perfect B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y form in order to get away from him, but Faker was too fast, and killed him, while also taking his Conduit Soul of Balance. And during this time, Prism, EchoStar, Scribe, as well as some others, even his mother Edra arrived in as well in order to take on Faker, seeing him as away too dangerous. Merus then joined in, as he, Edra, an all the others go in to attack Merus with everything they have, with Merus even getting some good actual blows in compared to the others, almost was ready o surpass Faker. But Faker had another trick up his sleeve. He transformed into his Unsuppressed Form, and used the Conduit Soul's Balance Wave, weakening everyone, even Merus to the power of a child and below that. And then, Merus saw something that he was not prepared for Faker to do. Faker grabbed Edra and another one, and forcefully turned them into Faker versions of themselves. Merus tried to stop Faker, but it was too late, as Edra became a fake. Merus was then forced to run away, as he was not prepared for this at all. Prism then demands Merus he flees. Merus tried to protect, but Prism demands so, as Faker!Edra began to go after Merus.
Not wanting to fight against his own mother, he runs away using the Key, and into the Eden Orb that FGoD Righteous!Error resides in, while also taking Pawl, the Conduit of Awkwardness and Muse, the Forbidden Conduit of Music, inside of the MainFrame, after his battle with Hollow!Ink was interrupted. Righteous!Error knew that by Merus' expression that something was wrong, and learns that Faker had taken Error404's Conduit Soul, allowing him to understand the danger. He contacted King Multiverse, who also came to Merus' aid, as well as get Ten No Kami, Himmsworth, and Yesmerian as well, all that remains of Merus' old friends, as he has no idea what has happened to Prism. Merus, promising vengeance on Faker for taking his mother away, as well as taking Prism, decides to get stronger with his mastery over his Conduit Soul. Righteous!Error agrees, but first they need to gather allies first, and as much as he hates to admit it, he is going to need Hollow!Ink for this one, especially since compared to Hollow!Ink, Faker is far worse.
And so, Merus, Righteous!Error, and the others began to do whatever it takes to try and get strong enough to fight Faker. And they manage to grow greater in size in power, especially the time where Alpha!Sans was able to reach Competent Level due to summoning the Astral Mother from the past, present, and future, in order to get the Fully Grown 100 under control, as well as being able to use a Primeval Excalibur form, which is almost as strong as the Perfect B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y. They also managed to recruit the Conduit of Conclusions and the Forbidden Conduit of Beginnings, as well as the Forbidden Conduit of Imagination, and later recruited Pride, Greed, Wrath, and Archetypes. And, by King Multiverse's suggestion, decide to return the brain of the Conduit of Chaos in order to revive him, since they know that they'll need as much strength as they can get, and Chaos will give them an advantage.
From the day that the time to fight Faker finally has arrived, everyone goes into battle against him and fought with everything that they have, with Merus joining in on the battle to fight against Faker personally, alongside the Alphatale Brothers, in order to make Faker pay for changing Merus into a Faker herself. Faker, seeing Merus, tried to get Edra to fight against Merus, in order to halt him, but the Forbidden Conduit of Imagination intervened and fought her to spare Merus the trouble, as Merus and the others attacked Faker directly.
All of them fought with everything that they have. Omnipotent!Sans, having gained Absolute Will at Proficient Level, Infected and Alpha, using their powers at Competent Level, Merus, King Multiverse, and Error404, using their Bio-Conduit Souls at their own levels, with the Alphatale Brothers being in their strongest forms, attacked Faker and using everything that they have against him, with Merus going to the fused Conduit Souls in order to give back the one that Error404 has, as well as save the other ones inside of them. As much as Merus hates the Conduits, he sees that not all of them are bad, especially since the Conduit of Life, who he respects a lot and trusts, is part of the fusion. So for her sake, he grabs and grasps at the fused Conduit Soul, with Faker trying to stop Merus. But then, King Multiverse began to join in, as he too began to help with separating the souls, and Righteous!Error also joined in. After a lot of struggle, the Souls finally defused, and Error404 regained his Balance Soul.
Faker, in sheer rage, attacks Merus and King Multiverse first, hoping to kill them off permanently due to being Bio-Conduits, since the Cycle won't be able to bring them back. The Conduit of Life, with her power, also used her power to revive Prism, the Forbidden Conduit of Disorder. But the Cycle, unexpectedly, seemed Merus and King Multiverse worthy of becoming genuine Conduits. So then, with the Cycle's power, Merus and King Multiverse are now able to become true Conduits, and fought back against Karvashal, with the Alphatale Brothers activating their strongest forms.
After they poured everything in, Karvashal was now too weakened to fight back anymore, but even so...the battle is not over yet, as Karvashal continues his reign of terror all over. After all that has happened, King Multiverse realizes...that existence and the Eden Tree...they will need him more then ever. While for Merus...he has other important stuff that he needs to do.
Merus is shown to possess his usual white eyes and hair still, but now it is much more different than before. Merus' hair has now grown so long that it is the same as Edra's hair, in which it grows before collapsing in on itself, with his eyes whiting out like twin miniature stars. Merus possesses some new clothes, in which he wears a white cloak that has golden markings of the Kingdom of Woa on the back of it, with a black sweater underneath it. He wears a pair of black pants that are tightly hugging his legs and ankles, and ever since Faker's attack, he began to adapt his mother's habits of walking barefoot, now no longer caring if his feet become dirty. He has now extremely tall, being an inch under Edra. He also gained somewhat of a fit and muscular figure, due to having practiced in physical combat with Righteous!Error.
Originally, his personality was the same as his previous teenager self. He was originally happy-go-lucky, bright, and happy kid who embraced good, but he's a matured mindset as he understands that there are others that are evil, and cares deeply for the people he is close to.
However, the loss of his mother made him a completely different person. He became quiet, hurt, and somewhat cold, but is ultimately suffering. He is a man of few words, as he feels depressed of what happened to him. But at the same time, he is filled with a cold, freezing vengeance with what it is that Faker had done to her and will make him suffer for it. Due to training with Error404 and Righteous!Error, he is now filled with immense rage, while also remaining calm at the same time, now being fully in control and after losing his mother, he has now become so enraged that he can no longer lash out anymore, and this made him generate an aura of intimation around him that can affect everyone, even making Righteous!Error afraid. Despite all this, he is loyal to his friends and will fight with them to the absolute bitter end.
He shows himself to be very brave, fighting against Faker despite becoming far stronger, having fused 4 Conduit Souls together into himself, and despite hating them, he refuses to let them die and saves them from Faker. And due to his act in saving the Conduits in spite of his grudge against them, the Cycle decided to deem Merus worthy of being a Conduit and grants him the status of becoming a true Conduit himself.
When his mother, Edra, returned to normal, Merus finally returned to his normal self again, being the same happy man that he once was.
Powers and Abilities:
Patapotence: Merus, due to growing in power and training with Edra, gained Patapotence, which is purely centered on Omnipotence as the illogical side who transcendent omnipotence, based on the paradox of "if an Omnipotent being can do everything, he can create something stronger then himself," as well as the idea that there is always an unspoken higher power beyond anything written. This power is stronger than Edra's Metapotence, and Merus, with this power, can do far more than what she is capable of. This power represents the ever ascending power of his Conduit, allowing him constant ascension.
Cosmic Ray: Originally the Comic Blast, which originally fired small star projectiles that don't do much, under Righteous!Error's teachings, Merus manages change it to fire a God Ray-Like attack. It is merely a Novice Ray of sorts that can burn people with the heat of a white-dwarf star and can even burn other Conduits. As such, the ray emits a star-like glow as before when it was a Cosmic Blast. Sometimes Merus would even charge up his power to turn the ray into a large star to cause a powerful detonation to damage multiple people at the same time. In current times, it is now strong enough to destroy an Eden Orb in one single beam, or a few Eden Orbs with just a single detonation.
Cosmos Grasp: Merus is capable of moving and manipulating the cosmos around him as a form of telekinesis. With this, he is capable of moving objects and people, creating stars, planets and other celestial objects normally found in space by compressing the cosmic forces and gasses around him into a concentrated area which is usually his palms. He can now create any universe he desires and even Multiverses.
Cosmic Manipulation: This power is similar to Error404's pixel manipulation, in which he can make something from the air itself, in this cause, he manipulate stardust. He mainly uses this to make Swords by Alpha's request, but can make other objects of his desire of need, such as a shield and some armor.
Timeless Immortality: As a result of eating an illegal fruit from the tree of time, Merus was instantly granted Immortality which would allow him to live forever. And since reaching his prime, he has stopped aging.
Cosmic Awareness: Originally a form of Heighten Sense, due to being near the dead tree in the Twisted Lands, Merus was smelling in the toxic air that polluted the area near the tree. Prism had heightened all of Merus's Senses in order to breathe fresh air. He also gained an additional sense in which he can detect beings of great power, whether it is a TransVoid Being or a Conduit, which is useful to know when he senses Corruption. Now in current days, Merus possesses a form of Cosmic Awareness, possessing an understanding of the Eden Tree's functions and workings.
Star Bomb: Merus learned to create stars which he can throw like grenades. These star bombs can explode with the force of a Supernova, destroying a Solar System with just one single detonation.
Shooting Stars: Merus can fire projectiles similar to comets by command.
Sun Shield: Merus can make a sun in front of him to defend himself against attacks. Any projectiles that hit the star are simply incinerated and absorbed into the star, but can explode if it takes too much attacks at once.
Solar Flare: Merus can let out a bright light from his eyes and hair, allowing him to temporarily blind someone in order to make a quick escape.
Key: Edra teaches Merus to make a key out of thin air in order to go to any place that he desires. And in current times, can now use it in the same effectiveness as Edra.
Teleportation: Merus, thanks to Righteous!Error, learned how to teleport, and often does this in short distances, or when he wants to go to his mother.
Flight: Merus can fly in the air without aid.
Cosmic Aura: Merus now gains a unique aura that inflicts a cosmic illness giving anyone massive headaches, epilepsy and loss of thought and eventual mental functions, as well as psychosis and schizophrenia. He can get shut down this power at will if he desires to.
Cosmic Chains: Practicing with King Multiverse, Merus can make chains out of Cosmic Energy, the chains are able to drain both the magic and life force of others and add them to his own, making him stronger.
Star Hair: Merus' hair has become like Edra, except that it is a hair that is so bright and hot that touching it will instantly burn a person to ashes without even needing to ignite them.
Meta Immunity Bypassing: Merus can completely and perfectly bypass any and all immunities in existence and beyond regardless of its type, status, or level of power, including but not limited too, omni and meta-level powers.
Sword of the Cosmos: Merus can make a sword of cosmic energy, allowing for him to be able to slice and cut through anything and everything, even being able to cut through King Multiverse's Scythe of Punishment, and can slice even Fakers hands, causing him great pain.
Cosmic Orb: The Cosmic Orb is based around Righteous!Error's Perceptive Multiverse and Cosmic Hell, except it also combines the aspects of Edra's Edraspace Tunnel and Cosmic Cube, in which an orb appears on Merus' hands, which grows in size before trapping inside of Merus' concept of what he sees the void as, in which they are filled with so much torment and suffering that is unlike any other, beyond their own understanding where they will never be able to escape.
The Great Attractor: Merus can create a field of gravitational attraction, allowing him to pull anything towards himself without effort.
Gravitational Lensing: Merus can manipulate gravity to bend light in order to make fake copies of himself that copy his movement, confusing other people as to which one is the real one.
Hypervelocity Cannon: Merus can create a very large star, before firing it at devastating speeds that are strong enough to damage even very strong Forbidden Conduits.
Eden Big Bang: Merus' strongest attack, in which he gathers all Cosmic Energy from all over the Eden Tree, and after all of the Cosmic Power from the entirety of the Eden Tree is infused into him, he can detonate and explode with such immense force, he can severely damage the Eden Tree itself.
Conduit of Pre-Eminence:
Merus is a Conduit of Pre-Eminence, thanks to the Cycle. His conduit revolves around the abstract concept of Superiority (Pre-Eminence) which allows him to massively increase his power through his own belief that he is superior towards others. Due to being chosen by the cycle, he has become a true Conduit.
Subconscious Ability: Subconsciously, Merus is granted a 15x boost in power added onto his current strength. This is not something he can activate at will, it just happens randomly and more often in battles.
Novice: Merus is capable of increasing his power dramatically through his own superiority to himself, he exponentially gets an increase in power for as long as Merus deems himself to be superior than he was last. This allows him to grow in strength very quickly.
Advanced Beginner: Merus is capable of becoming "superior" towards others he feels superior towards, gaining massive strength, durability, speed etc. Merus is capable of also Transcending dimensions and structures to a certain extent if he feels/believes he is superior to them. Merus also gains new abilities that go along with his nature and personality while also boosting his current abilities.
Competent: As Merus's training grows to competent, he has superiority.
Proficient: Merus is capable of manipulating his personal boundaries, transcendence, Hierarchy, and limitations, allowing him to transcend into any higher state of being by feeling/being superior, this allows him to remove his natural limitations, weaknesses, and boundaries or closing them if the user has a desire for simplicity. These limitations, weaknesses, and boundaries could range from being physical, mental, spiritual, or even existential in nature. With this power, Merus has countless choices at his disposal, being able to perform and achieve anything they wish at any time like resist negative effects (natural and supernatural), develop new abilities, correct their flaws, change their form, their mind, their nature, and even transcending all of their boundaries and limitations all at once.
Along with this, Merus is able to eternally transcend himself higher and higher infinitely. This allows Merus to be in an endless state of transcendence so long as he believes/feels to be superior to himself and those around him. Merus is essentially transcending one's unique state of being, existence, nature, capabilities, abilities, etc., to the infinity with no limit or restriction to their potential. Users are continuously transcending things like concepts and/or the various levels of reality endlessly, breaking free from the laws, principles, or rules that make up any reality, seeing all lower levels of reality as if they were nonexistent fiction and all transcended concepts as if they're meaningless. Ultimately, users will eventually exist beyond absolutely everything, becoming a completely unrivaled force unmatched by the totality of all existence and beyond, achieving true boundlessness, and even then, the user will continue to ascend for all of eternity.
Master: Merus is capable of manipulating Superiority almost to its fullest extent. While being able to transcend himself eternally and infinitely, Merus is able to alter the power of others he chooses, making them inferior to him. Merus is also capable of transferring the power or "superiority" of beings like gods and even other conduits to himself, making him grow in power more while the others decrease in power.
(This is just my own interpretation) Full-Fledged Conduit (Currently at this Level): In response to becoming a True Conduit of Pre-Eminence, and finally understanding what he is meant to be at his core, Merus has finally achieved the full extent of his Conduit Soul. He can now manipulate Superiority to the absolute fullest extent, now possessing Meta Transcendence, which allows Merus to transcend all limitations, weaknesses, restrictions and boundaries of all nature, as well as allowing him to surpass his physical, mental, spiritual, and existential limitations, resist negative effects, develop new abilities, correct their flaws, change their form, his mind and even his nature, essentially opening new worlds of possibilities with each use, or closing them when he aspires to a simpler life. He would also gain Absolute Transcendence, which allows him to transcend absolutely anything and everything, including all dimensions, life/death, beginning/ending, concepts/ideas/principles, creation/destruction, boundaries, context, potential, possibilities/variables, levels of reality, existence/nonexistence, perfection/levels of perfection, embodiments, their personal status, being/non-being, etc.
Edra, the Goddess of the Cosmos: Merus has loved his mother more then anything in the world, and seeing her become a Faker by the hands of Faker himself saddened him deeply, and he couldn't even bear hurting her. When she returned to her normal self after Faker was finally defeated; Merus was overjoyed and embraced her, having missed her dearly. Edra, in return, was surprised that he was chosen to become a true Conduit, but nevertheless is proud of him for how brave he is, and the fact that he fought to the very end to save her, now no longer seeing him as a weapon, and simply seeing Merus as her true son.
Prism: Merus last saw him when he was fighting against Faker to buy him time to escape, as Faker had weakened his power severely with the Conduit Soul of Balance. They would later reunite again after Prism came back due to the Conduit of Life resurrecting him, with Merus thankful of that, and being very happy to see his old friend again.
Himmsworth: Merus and Himmsworth's relationship has not changed, and now Merus is dependent on him for comfort due to what Faker had done to his mother. Merus now no longer needs emotional support, but still prefers to have Himmsworth with him.
Yesmerian: Yesmerian, same with Merus, depended a bit on her due to what happened to her mother, which Yesmerian decides to do, since Merus needs this. Even she can tell that Merus is depressed about what has happened to his mother due to what Faker had done to her. Merus finally became
Falklore: Merus has a very deep respect for Falklore, finding him to be an inspiration and true hero of Eden along with the other knights. Merus wishes to be a knight or hero similar to Falklore but he has a long, long way to go.
Helia: Merus enjoyed his time with Helia despite his nervousness of being close to the family that banned his own kin
Eden: Eden and Merus met in the Garden of the church of Nunn. Merus was heavily overjoyed when she answered his prayers. Merus liked being with Eden and certainly hopes to do so again. And now, he prays to Eden, if she is still alive, for the success of Faker finally being put down for what he has done.
Reia: Merus and Reia got along very well, becoming very quick friends. Reia and Merus cared for each other deeply only for Corruption to take her life. Even today, he never stops mourning for her and vows to make Corruption pay for what he's done, for it even costs him the friendship of Cole, who he has not seen in a rather long time.
Faker: Also known as Karvarshal The One-Eyed God, Merus would finally gain the opportunity to finally see Faker in person, and not in a good way. And not simply because of Faker's powers, but of what he wants, as well as what he has done, mainly for taking his mother away and turning her into a Faker version of herself. Out of everyone Merus has met, he hates Faker the most, even more so compared to the Forbidden Conduit of Corruption. He swears that he will make Faker pay for what he's done to his mother. He later stayed true to his vow when he attacked and fought against Faker, and when he became a true Conduit along with a King Multiverse, Merus and all of the others beat Faker down, but Faker still got away, which enraged him a bit, but Merus decides to pay attention to his mother to help her, deciding that she needs him because of what Faker had put her through with his corruption.
Forbidden Conduit of Corruption: Merus absolutely despises Corruption. Merus, at first, thought nothing of the Forbidden Conduit. but after he had killed Reia in order to take Merus, the Bio-Conduit had a massive hatred for Corruption. Although he blames himself for her death. And his hatred to him somewhat grew due to him siding with Faker himself, although his hatred could not surpass the newfound one he has for Faker. He would later average the death of Reia when he used his power to tortured Corruption as slow and painfully as possible, as Corruption suffered very dearly, before sending the Forbidden Conduit of Corruption into the Cosmic Orb, to ensure that he does not come back again.
Conduits: Merus absolutely despises the Conduits. He hates the Conduits more than anything as not even words could describe it. He will never forget what they did. Threatening death to him, his Mother taking his place, and even the possibility of Prism's death. He'll never forgive them. Despite this, he'll make some exceptions. However, due to Faker having threatened all of existence, the Conduits and Merus decided to put aside their differences in order to take down Faler, although Merus would remain rather distant to them due to the possibility of betrayal. After the defeat of Faker and Merus becoming a true Conduit, Merus no longer has a desire to hate them, and while he will not forgive them for all the times that they attacked and hurt him, he does finally cooperate with them.
Lycan Geri: Merus, for a day, was kidnapped by Geri due to him being hired by the Forbidden Conduit of Networks, Nicole. During his time with Geri, Merus had to endure the more cruel side of the world while he was in the underbelly. Though his time with Geri only strengthened his resolve to prove him wrong. In current times, Lycan Geri has decided to aid Merus in this, but like with the other Conduits, Merus maintains his distance in case Lycan Geri decides to try and kidnap him again, even though his mastery over his Conduit Soul makes it impossible. Lycan Geri decides to leave Merus alone after becoming a true Conduit.
Muse: The Forbidden Conduit of Music, Merus watched her concert and enjoyed her singing, thinking it as amazing. Muse, noticing and realizing his Bio-Conduit nature, likes him due to him liking her songs, even promising to give him singing lessons one day. He can now sing thanks to Muse, but he is too unhappy to think about it. And whenever he sleeps, Muse would come to him and sing a song that would comfort him in his sleep. After Faker's conquering was finally over, Merus would continue to hang out with Muse and practice with music.
Pawl: The Conduit of Awkwardness, Merus has met Pawl during his time traveling with Righteous!Error. During his time getting to know him, aside from feeling Pawl's powers, Merus learned that even though he is not a Forbidden Conduit, he was treated the same way as the Forbidden and Bio-Conduits. Because of this, Merus and Pawl struck a friendship, with Pawl even appreciating Merus having met him in the first place. Pawl, knowing of Merus struggles, vows to keep him company whenever he feels down, as to him, thinks he needs it, due to losing his mother. Even after Faker is gone, he continues to hang out with Pawl.
FGoD Righteous!Error: Righteous!Error has been with him ever since he met him, protecting him ever since he was separated from his mother, until the both of them reunited once again, with Righteous!Error being an uncle figure to him. Losing his mother made him afraid to lose Righteous!Error and Himmsworth, but Righteous!Error vows to not die from this, and ever since then, he's doing around consuming Multiverses while as Myriad, so that he can become stronger then ever before. They worked together to take down Faker, and after all of that, Merus thanked Righteous!Error and admitted how he sees him as an Uncle Figure, with Error touched by this.
Error404: The relationship between both Merus and Error404 has slightly became better. Error404 has now become a Bio-Conduit due to Faker taking his Conduit Soul of Balance, with Error404 now training him in fighting even more than before, both with his magic and with physicality. Their relationship would then improve on good terms while working together to defeat Faker and became much more positive after Faker's defeat.
Infected: The Conduit of Destruction, Merus finally has the opportunity to meet Infected, due to the fact that he is battling against Error404 while both were in their transformations. But he can tell that he was a bad person for what he has done. But Merus would reunite with him ever since he changed sides, and when he obtained the Soul Seeker and became truly good, Merus and Infected would now finally get along, and still remain on gods terms even after Faker was finally defeated.
Alpha!Sans: Merus and Alpha never stopped caring for one another, with Alpha even helping him with his powers. Alpha, in a way, also decides to help Merus with his powers like 404, helping him fight by teaching him how to make swords.
Omnipotent!Sans: Meeting in the past when Merus spends time with Yesmerian and Himmsworth on Yesmerian's home world, Omnipotent and Merus often spar with each other with Faker now conquering the entirety of the Eden Tree. Omnipotent helps Merus in all that he can with what he has.
Conduit of Monarchy, King Multiverse: Merus and King Multiverse's relationship has not changed a single bit ever since the both of them had met. Due to Faker's conquest, Merus and King Multiverse spar with one another, with King Multiverse even teaching him to use his chains. They would work together against Faker, and would both become true Conduits on that same day, due to the Cycle granting it to them.
FGoD Hollow!Ink: Hollow!Ink and Merus would finally meet with one another due to Faker having appeared, forcing Righteous!Error to come to Hollow!Ink for his aid. Merus, realizing that Hollow!Ink is what Error considers him to be, and sees how chaotic and cold he is. And because of this, he keeps his distance and makes it clear that he does it trust him. Although he is now in Error's side due to Faker causing problems, he is not above messing with him and tries to manipulate Merus to believe in him, but to no avail, due to Merus having been warned of his behavior and personify by Righteous!Error beforehand in the past.
Cruel to Kind!Ten no Kami: Ten No Kami and Merus are still good friends just as they always have been, due to Righteous!Error introducing her to Merus, and now the both of them are getting along. Even today, Merus and Ten No Kami never stop caring for one another, with the feeling increasing due to Merus having lost his mother and the threat that Faker poses.
Malware: Merus still does not like Malware and hers him in a way, but he still sides with Error404 if it means to gain power. With Faker's threat on the rise and Malware still needing 404, Merus now tolerates his presence, but still does not like him for what he's like.
MalesGrow: Merus once met a version of MalesGrow when he traveled around the Eden Orb, and needless to say, he is exactly what he is described as. Due to this, he despises him immensely, even being a bit higher then Malware, whose hatred has been lessened a little bit.
Gabriel: Merus finally meets Gabriel and King Multiverse warns him of Faker's threat, and gathers with everyone else. Merus always wanted to meet him and is a bit excited to see him. Gabriel and Merus get along very well, with Gabriel being one of the few TransVoid Beings that he gets along swimmingly with.
100: Merus finally gets to met 100 when he was restored, along with 404. Due to his power and the fact that he attacks anyone with his rage, Merus is sort of weary of him and keeps his distance for what he does, but does still think that he is pretty cool with his powers. He even admits that 100 was awesome when he fought against Faker.
Warlock: Merus and Warlock met at some point in the past, due to Merus traveling around the Eden Tree. The interaction was bizarre and strange, and Merus had no idea how to respond to him. Now with his Cosmic Awareness, he can now tell what Warlock is saying to him and can respond back, the same way Omnipotent can understand him. He would later witness Warlock's incredible power during the battle against Faker.
Merus' Conduit Soul, at the mastery he is at and soon needs to be at Full-Fledged, is the only thing that can beat Faker with the Balance Soul he has stolen from Error404.
Merus has now grown to the point in which he surpasses his mother in everything else, except for experience.
Merus still loves chocolate chip cookies.
Merus sees the entire Alphatale Brothers as a very close family of sorts, even though Omnipotent does the Error404 for what he has done to Infected. Despite this, he can see their relationship's became better.
Due to Merus now becoming a true Conduit, he can now reincarnate from the Cycle.
Merus didn't actually increase his mastery to Full-Fledged when he became a true Conduit, rather, he finally understood what it meant to be superior during the battle, as well as understanding the meaning of what he is meant to be during the battle against Faker. This is what allowed him to this point.
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