Conduit of Decay
Child of Darkness and Death
The Black Rot
The Decomposing God
The Black Death
Date of Birth: Unknown
Place of Birth: Eden
Species: Conduit
Gender: Androgynous
Height: 9'1
Weight: 400 lbs
Hair Color: Black
"All life grows, then dies, with decay coming last."-Conduit of Decay
The Conduit of Decay is the child of 2 of the oldest Conduits to exist: The Conduit of Death and the Conduit of Darkness, and is the oldest half-siblings of Liminality, Purification, and Corruption. Due to this, he is one of the strongest Conduits to exist, as well as one of the more dangerous ones. Despite this, he is one of the more honorable and kinder ones as well.
At some unknown point on the past, Darkness and Death had mated and created a child together that embodies the aspect of decay itself. As Decay happens everywhere in existence, he proved himself to be a very strong Conduit to ever exist, almost to the point that he had become a handful for Death and Darkness.
But as Death and Darkness are constantly busy, especially since they don't really care about him, and yet the Conduit of Darkness decided to look out for him than Death. In a way, Darkness acted as a true parent for the both of them and treated him with kindness and care, and as such, it made Decay feel like they are accepted to an extent. In a way, they felt very happy that someone cares for them this much when Death, his other parent, stopped caring for them in a way. Eventually, when they grew up, and when Decay has completed his grasp at how his Conduit works due to training with Darkness, Decay sought to go on a journey all by themself, and left for the time being, but not before saying one last goodbye to Darkness, which made them a little bit happy.
Decay traveled around the entirety of existence of the Edensphere, hoping to be able to get know who they are a little bit more than before. As they do, they would later meet other Conduits that appeared by the Cycle, many of whom that they would meet by accident. They would have an encounter with the Conduit of Life while she was away from Death to see all living beings grow, and suprisingly they got along very well, almost to the point of having a relationship similar to a mother and son. Decay would later meet Hugo, the Conduit of Balance, and the 2 would get along as well in their own way. They even met some Forbidden Conduits, who Death has talked of them back when he was still around with him. Although Decay does not the Forbidden Conduits, they do possess a sense of weariness of them, to the point the Conduit of Decay would try to avoid them, this changed when the Forbidden Conduits he met are surprisingly friendly. In this case, it is Disorder and Music and Acceptance. This caused them to see how wrong the Conduit transitions are involving the Forbidden Conduits, realizing that everyone only hates the Forbidden Conduits all because of what they represents, but never bothered to care about what the Forbidden Conduits are like individually, never bother to get to know them.
Unfortunately, Death would find out about this, and would immediately stop his journey, but does not express his anger at this, and instead just tells him that he needs to come back, due to the fact that something very important is happening, and as such he wants them around to be with the other Conduits. Decay was unsure of this and even hesitated a bit, but he obliged to Death's demands and came back. Death took him back to the others, and it is here that he would meet 2 of his half-siblings called the Conduit of Liminality and the Conduit of Purification. Decay would feel a bit off about this, but nevertheless is happy that he finally is able to meet his half-siblings. He got along very well with their half-siblings and is always there for them whenever they needed him, just as his half-siblings are always there for Decay when they needed the both of them. He worked with the Conduits to be of aid for others and keep others from doing something horrible, such as the Forbidden Conduit of Corruption, who was born when Darkness violated Life, much to Decay's disappointment and disgust, since they never thought that Darkness would something as horrible as this, which later led to this terrible situation everyone has with Corruption in the first place. But in spite of this, oddly enough, Decay and Death would finally be able to get along like actual offspring and parent when they never had that chance as children, presumably because of the fact that the Conduit of Life has softened his heart to an extent, something that he is rather thankful for in a way.
He would later meet with the Bio-Conduit of Pre-Eminence himself, named Merus, who would also have a bond with Disorder, the current Forbidden Conduit of Disorder. Surprisingly, they were able to get along with Merus when Death despised him for who he is. And as such, he made a sure that his relationship with Merus is kept a secret from their own father. But then...a horrible betrayal had happened. One of the Conduits named O'Brien, the Conduit of Passion, had killed the Conduit of Life, with Bastian, the Conduit of Power, having joined in with the betrayal. Decay, enraged by this, joined with the Conduit it Ambition, Nolan, in order to make both of the Conduits pay for this act. The battle was difficult, and although the battle was difficult for them and O'Brien and Bastian managed to get away, they did not leave unscathed. But Life was still dead, and the damage was done.
After what happened, Death returned to his former self, but much colder than before. Because of this, Liminality, Purification, and Decay decided to give Death some space that he needs in order to grieve for the death of the one he loves, feeling that he needs this. And so, Decay, Liminality, and Purification left Death, and set out on their own journeys. In spite of it all, they still visit each other from time to time, even when it involves meeting Merus, which all 3 siblings are surprised that they are all acquainted with him on. As such, they all agree to be with him and have some fun with him whenever they have the chance to do so. But even after all this, the betrayal still scared the mind of Decay.
Decay is shown to be an unnaturally tall Conduit, being able to slightly surpass even both Corruption and Purification in terms of sheer height. He is shown to be wearing some clothes that appears to be worn out and breaking down, the clothes being consist of a black jacket with a grey shirt and black pants. The clothes have a lot of holes in them as well as some thread that is all over the place, with the hood being over the head of Decay, obscuring his face in darkness and not showing what his own face looks like. However, underneath his clothes, his body is shown to resemble being in a state of advanced decomposition, with some of his bones showing in the holes of decayed flesh, especially with its long hair that is present underneath the hood, which is shown to be long enough to reach down to his own ankles.
Decay is shown to be somewhat of a combination between both of its parents. Like Death, Decay is a cold and distant person, often staying to themself whenever they can, but like Darkness, Decay is a cunning and wise being, always knowing how to twist the situation into their favor and get their way. It is shown to be a bit of a loner type of person, wanting to be by themself and be left to its own devices. But unlike their parents, as it has traveled around the Edensphere, visiting residents of the Eden Trees and the Twisted Lands, meeting various types of Conduits and Forbidden Conduits, both good and bad, Decay lacks the prejudice to hate those that are considered taboo, seeing that they are just as much individuals as the normal Conduits themselves. As such, unlike most Conduits, Decay treats any and all types of Conduits equally, even when he hates those that he is enemies against.
In spite of his cold side, Decay is shown to be rather kind deep down, especially when it involves his half-siblings, Liminality and Purification, and treats them with a kind hand, and gets along with them very well, to the point that he is very protective of them. He is shown to be very good at reading the emotional state of others and can deduce of what they are feeling by just some body gestures that they make. However, it still keeps their cold attitude, but this is to cover how much they care for them deep down and rarely drops this cold act of his on special occasions.
Powers and Abilities:
Conduit of Decay: Being the embodiment of rot and decomposition, Decay has control over all aspects of decay throughout the verse. Life grows, dies, and then withers and is constant, being as constant as Death.
Absolute Decay: Decay is able to absolutely decay onto anything whether the target is organic or not, allowing the user to destroy anything, making it crumble into dust. Not even concepts are safe from this power. This power is surprisingly more dangerous than even Death's Absolute Death Manipulation.
Rotting Presence: Inspired by both of his parents, the Conduit of Decay can be omnipresent at anything that has even a slight bit of decay and rot present. Decay happens anywhere and everywhere.
Decomposing World: Decay's Sub-Reality, they can send their victim to a reality where everything is in a state of advanced decomposition, the tres are wilting, the buildings crumbling, and even the bodies are decomposing and have maggots and flies eating the corpses. Upon entering the sub-reality, they will began to have their body rot, first on the inside and their organs, before it affects the outside of their body. However, there does exist an exit, which takes on the form of a trapdoor, but it is hidden and needs to be found, or else the victims inside of the sub-reality will die painfully.
Decay's Vermin: Decay is able to create a swarm of insects, a cluster of spiders, or any groups of vermin and send them out to attack an individual that dares to attack him. They will attack and bite at them, decaying small portions of their body, but their sheer numbers makes it seem like the decay is happening to their body rapidly.
The Conduit of Darkness and the Conduit of Death: The 2 parents of Decay, the Conduit of Decay don't get along with them that much compared to the other Conduits it has met. The Conduit of Death mostly ignored Decay, so Darkness had to take care of them, and because of this, the Conduit of Decay got along with Darkness more then Death, although this positive opinion was shattered when he hears of what he has done to Life, and as such became distant from them. He later developed a positive relationship with Death, who actually began to try and make an effort to be a father for Decay, but Death became distant again with Life died, causing their bond to be estranged again.
The Conduit of Liminality and the Conduit of Purification: Decay's younger half-siblings, they surprisingly get along with the both of them very well, to the point that Decay often hangs out with them and tries to always be there for them whenever he wants to. Even after Death had became cold and distant again due to what happened to Life, their relationship remains the same even when they decided to go their separate ways.
Urien, the Conduit of Extinction: Decay met Urien when they returned to Death, who tells them to come back. Surprisingly, Decay treats Urien in an almost brotherly way, and the relationship still has not changed even when he has grown up.
Conduit of Life: Death's one true love and the mother of Liminality, Life met with Decay, years after he left Death and Darkness. Decay got along with Life and developed a mother and child-like relationship with her. Decay was saddened and distressed at what had happened to her by O'Brien's hands.
O'Brien, the Conduit of Passion: O'Brien and Decay don't get along much due to O'Brien being a bookworm at times and being even more of a loner than Decay, but he still held some respect to O'Brien for the fact that he desires knowledge to an extent. But he lost what little respect he had to O'Brien when he killed Life, now earring Decay's full blown hatred towards him.
Nolan, the Conduit of Ambition: Nolan and Decay's relationships is sort of similar to that of Death and O'Brien's relationship, in which Decay and Nolan were never truly on good terms with each other, although their relationship is slightly better and is professional to an extent. But when O'Brien betrayed the Conduits and Nolan fought against his former friend, Decay surprisingly now held a more positive opinion on him and felt bad for not trying to make a good relationship with them in the first place. Nolan, in return, does get along as well with Decay, since they are genuinely kind, and allowed for them both to be closer to one another.
The Horseman Conduits: the Conduits of War, Conquest, and Famine, Decay gets along with the 3 'brothers' of Death and treats them with kindness and respect, with the others having the same mutual feelings as Decay. As such, Decay often spars with them whenever they hehe the chance. Their relationship remains the same even after Life died and O'Brien's betrayal.
Prism: The Forbidden Conduit of Disorder, Decay met him during his journey around the Edensphere, and surprisingly, they were able to get along to an extent despite him being a Forbidden Conduit, even Decay was surprised that he can get along with him despite being a Forbidden Conduit. Unfortunately, Death knows of this and Decay was forced to stop meeting him. They only decided to meet with Prism again when Life died, especially since they can hang out with Merus.
Forbidden Conduit of Corruption: Decay's half-siblings, Decay outright hates his younger brother due to how dangerous he is, considering him to be an embarrassment that his father has made. As such, along with Purification and War, he makes it his personal goal to try and kill his younger brother in order to take him down. Corruption, in return, despises Decay and tries to kill him, but as Decay as just as consistent and occurring as Death, Decay can never truly be rid of, much to Corruption's ire.
Muse, the Forbidden Conduit of Music: Decay met Muse during one of her concerts and are able to get along to an extent, with Decay even admitting of liking her music, which amused Muse a bit.
Himmsworth: Himmsworth is already aware of Decay and how it was born, and they only met when Merus led Decay to him. They were both able to respect each other for their personalities of wisdom and knowledge, even engaging in what seems to be philosophical conversations.
Merus: The Bio-Conduit of Pre-Eminence, Decay met Merus during his walk around the Citadel. They recognized that he is a Conduit and revealed his own Conduit as well. Although Merus was a bit unsure if he can trust Decay due to them being a Conduit, since Death has targeted him without their knowledge. Decay, however, proved that it is unlike his father and Merus got along with them, and even kept their meetings a secret from Death, who is unaware of them meeting together.
Decay, unlike their parent, Darkness, likes pie, and unlike Darkness, hates pranks.
Decay rarely eats food, mainly because he thinks he could decay with mg touching them.
Decay is one of the oldest naturally borns Conduits, since it was born from the first 2 Conduits.
Decay is the eldest is their half-siblings, surpassing even Liminality in terms of age. But surprisingly, Liminality is stronger than Decay.
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