(Same as the previous 3 characters)
Full Name: Suika Ibuku
Forgathering Dream Illusion
The Dawn of Time
Little Pandemonic Carnival
Tiny/Little Pandemonium
Sprinkling Pandemonium
Free-Spirited Old Timer
Free-Spirited Oni
Drunk Oni
Oni of Mass
Conduit of Mass
Date of Birth: Unknown
Place of Birth: Alpha Project AU
Species: Oni
Gender: Female
Height: 4'9
Weight: Unknown
Eye Color: Brown
My army is the night parade of a hundred demons! No human or youkai can stand against foregathered oni, not even another Conduit.-Shuten!Suika
Compact!Suika is an exceptionally powerful Oni and is one of the strongest Yokai in the Alpha Project AU, known for her extreme levels of strength and is chosen by the Cycle to be the the Conduit of Density, in which she can manipulate the density of an object at will
Not much about Suika is known involving her own past. But what is known is that before appearing in Gensokyo, Suika lived in the Underworld. However, before even that, she apparently lived on the Youkai Mountain as one of the four "Devas of the Mountain", along with Yuugi Hoshiguma, Kasen Ibaraki, and one other. Since the oni were superior to the other residents of the mountain, such as the tengu and kappa, they all still remember her even now as someone to be respected. But since her birth, she was chosen to become a Conduit by the Cycle due to the power that she possesses. The conduit thar she is chosen to become is the Conduit of Densitiy. This made her a rather powerful Conduit, as although she has no idea how far her powers can take her, she knows that she is very powerful and trains with it as much as she can. Because of this, even when she is at a low level, she is able to give someone as powerful as Yuugi a rather difficult time, although she can still be beaten by her due to the fact that Yuugi is far stronger.
Speaking of which, she and Yuugi met when they became a group called the Big Four of the Mountain, where both Onis, along with Karen and another unknown member, came together and became a nearly unstoppable force. In fact, even when the group was defunct years later, they still were able to hang out with one another and are very happy with each other, as they enjoy their companionship.
At some point in the past, Suika is able to meet with Yukari Yakumo before Yukari met Yuugi. Although it is unknown how they met each other, it is known that the both of them became friends with one another before the Oni went into the Underworld. During their talk, due to Yukari being a Conduit herself, but as a reincarnation instead of being chosen, she sensed and told Suika about this, which allows her to practice even more of her power then ever before, raising her mastery much higher then before. Thanks to that, Suika has a better grasp on her powers, and at some point in the past, Suika decided to bring Yuugi into Yukari's life by introducing to her. When both Yuugi and Yukari met thanks to Suika, the both of them are able to get along, much to her happiness, and because of this, the 2 Onis and Yukari have become very great friends with one another and never once stopped being friends with each other. But even so, she does miss Karen, a dear member of the group from before and wishes to see her again, but due to an unknown incident in their lives, she decides to not see her, possibly thinking that it will not be a good thing to do at all.
At some point during her life, Yukari, due to being with Prism and discovering the previous owner of the Conduit of Balance, decides to bring Suika and Yuugi into the other Eden Orb in order to see what it is all about, even thinking that they might find some worthy opponents for them to go out and spar against. And when they arrived, they see how unworked and impressive the Eden Orb is, as well as the fact that the Alphatale Brothers, who are Conduits themselves, and the fact that 404 is the previous Conduit of Balanca, made it all the more sweeter. The group got along rather well with one another, and they even bond due to the fact that all of them are very strong. But the one person that Suika and Yuugi are interested in, as Infected. And although they do not know why they are interested in him, they do know what thing, and it is that the both of them will earn his love.
The appearance of this version of Suika is similar to that of the original, bit worn some key differences. She has brown eyes. Has long ginger hair, tied with a chain with a blue cube on the end. Has two horns coming out, decorated with red and purple ribbons. She now shown to ear a white sleeveless button shirt that has the sleeves look as tho if they are torn and a red skirt that reaches down to her ankles. She also has some red tattoos that are on her arms as if to show how powerful she is.
The personality of this Suika is rather similar to the original. Her personality is jolly and quite childish as you would expect from her appearance. She also likes to drink and loves to party with all her heart. She bears the typical personality traits of most oni, valuing strength and fair play while despising dishonesty and cowardice. However, it is also noted that Suika was a bit of an outcast among the oni, being slightly less honest than a typical oni, and thus, she usually avoids other members of her kind to avoid getting into whatever problem and confrontation that she has with them.
Due to this, she is much more kinder and friendly, as well as considerate of those that wish to fight or not. Though she is generally a happy-go-lucky oni, as one of the most powerful youkai in Gensokyo, she can be very observant. In addition, she is seen being very critical of others, even calling others cowards if she felt like they do shameful acts. However, Suika is also not that honest, as she doesn't kidnap humans, which is known to be the "strongest bond of trust" between oni and humans. However, she is nonetheless quite honest.
Powers and Abilities:
Earth Spirit -Dense-: She can manipulates the earth underneath her to reshape the landscape and subterranean features, causing boulders to burst from the ground like lances.
Earth Spirit -Sparse-: By doing this, she awakens spirits within the earth by pounding on the ground, causing them to drift up from the ground and damage her opponent.
Foot Bellows: Suika can jumps and stomps on the ground, causing a shockwave, with the shockwaves being able to destroy AUs that surround her.
Collecting Oni: Suika, with her power, can create a black hole that draws in her opponent and their surroundings a short distance away. She can also use this attack to draw in a large group of AUs.
Oni Goddess' Will-o'-Wisp Masterpiece: Suika is able to spray a blue-white flame from her mouth that follows her opponent. These flames are strong enough to surpass the power of the Dark Blasters, now taking a big group of them to handle and match it, as well as being able to burn down AUs without even trying, and can handle 100's Pure Uncontrollable Blast, before being overpowered.
Oni Spirit Nuke: By gathering heat from her surroundings, she creates a massive fireball in her hands and throws it at her opponent, mainly from the AUs she gathers them, and can make it explode in such force that it can destroy a lot of AUs.
Spectre -Dense-: Suika is able to gather heat from her surroundings and focuses it in her hand, releasing it as a burst of flame with a punch.
Spectre -Sparse-: Using her hair, Suika is able to make a bunch of small duplicates of herself.
Thin Oni: Suika can creates a white hole that spews out bullets, with the bullets themselves being strong enough to break through the Anti-Void Bones effortlessly. It is, however, able to be countered by Yukari's Shadow Gap Projectiles.
Unpleasant Mist: Can transforms into mist so that she can freely move around, even being able to phase through attacks without trying.
Size Change: Suika can choose to grow or shrink her size, becoming very small to the point of being unnoticeable, or being so large that even Error404 would have trouble against her.
Chain of Oppression: Suika can drain their energy and disturbs its flow, preventing them from properly gathering energy temporarily, as well as doing it while pulling them closer.
Mist Signal "Gathering and Dissipating": Suika can sprays out a cloud of mist that's dense enough to block projectiles as it disperses over her surroundings, such as being able to stop the Anti-Void Bones.
Unaccountable Strength: Suika possesses near-incomprehensible levels of strength, being able to overpower even Yukari herself when they both go into a fist fight. And at one point, when she was in the Alphaverse Eden Orb, she was so strong that it took Error404, Righteous!Error, Equilibrium!Yukari, Bio-Conduit King!Multiverse, and Bloody!Remilia in their base forms in order to try and keep her from getting out of control, and even then, they were barely were able to stop her when she was at the size of a giant. Her change in size also reflects on her physical strength, as when she grew larger, she became a little bit more stronger then before. In the words of other Yokai, she is the second strongest Yokai when it comes to physical strength, with Yuugo being the only one that is stronger then her even when she is in giant form.
Titanic Durability: Suika is exceedingly durable, able to take on punches from Yukari and shrug them off as if they were nothing, and while she is still defeated by her power over boundaries and gaps, she did go down with a difficult fight that tired even Yukari herself a bit. And in giant form, she has far greater durability then before, enough that it took way more then before to bring her down in the combined effort. Despite this, even when in giant form, Suika is still weaker compared to Yuugi.
BERSERK ONI: The transformation, Berserk Oni, is a form that she can utilize whenever she is enraged, allowing for her to use the full extent of her Oni powers. When this is activated, her hair and eyes will turn red with a light pink glow, as well as her teeth becoming a little bit more sharper then before. When that happens, her physical prowess increases much more then ever before, being slightly stronger then Yukari when she's in B.U.T.T.E.R.F.LY form. With a single poke with her pinkie, she can cause a person to detonate and blow, with her mind making her different then before, now taking one a more sadistic and twisted mindset then before, but despite this, she remains in control of herself and is still very much sentient.
Conduit of Density:
Being chosen by the Cycle, Suika has been born as the Conduit of Mass since the beginning of her birth, with her being at the level to manipulate and control density, altering their molecular structure. In other words, the power to control the density of any given object; to put it simply, assembly and dispersion. As the object's density increases, it heats up, and as it decreases, it turns into a mist. Through this, can also create smaller versions of herself and make herself giant. She can also decrease her own body's density to become a mist, which in turn, makes it impossible to attack her, thus requiring other means. By doing this all over Gensokyo, she can effectively keep an eye on everything going on, similar to the way Yukari does it with her gaps.
Novice: At this level, she is simply capable of making objects intangible or solid, as well as changing states of matter.
Advanced Beginner: At this state, Suika possesses Mass-Telekinesis, which can affect mass in all its forms to simulate Telekinesis. Namely by alternating the weight and density of objects as well as people in order to remotely affect placement and direction, allowing for her to use it to crush AUs under their own weight, and to an extent, can crush the Multiverse under its own weight as well. She can also manipulate Mass onto herself, such as being able to fly, or alter her body into growing in size, or being able to harden her own body. She can also use Weighted Attacks, which can increase the weight, density, and mass of her attacks. This allows her to cause more damage with her attacks without actually changing the attack itself. For an example, she's able to make something as small and insignificant as a snowflake weigh as much as tank when it lands on something.
Competent: Suika is now able to spread her powers across the Omniverse and somewhere beyond She possesses the power to change her body into a gas, Density Defiance which allows her to ignore density, and Picnokinetic Combat, which allows Suika to infuse density with her physical combat, allowing her to have most of the applications of Density Manipulation such as making weapons, armor, or anything you can think of.
Proficient (Currently at this Level): While in this state, Suika possess Mass Amplifying Replication, in which she can increase the mass of herself and/or her clones by replicating, being able to spread her clones throughout the Omniverse, which allows her to be everywhere at once.
Master: She is grasping at almost the full extent of her power in such a way that she is able to cause mass devastation with the change of mass around her, while in this form, she can utilize Inertia Generation, in which she can generate inertia and its effects, such as feeling pushed back when in an accelerating car and being unable to move, or having organs turn into paste, or being able to turn AU into a liquid when it is the one being moved.
Full-Fledged Conduit: At this state, Suika is now able to utilize the full extent of her Conduit Powers, being able to affect the entire Edenverse. Thanks to that, she is able to manipulate the mass of the entire Eden Tree, causing it to either become a mist or be solid, or even manipulate its weight to make it heavier then it can hope to be still on.
Event!Yuugi: The best friend of Suika, she and Yuugi know of each other very well due to the fact that they were both in a group of their own and are very close friends, much more then they both realize. Because of this, even when the team had been defunct, they still refuse to stay away from one another and continue to hang out with one another even when there is no reason to. She even goes all of the way and goes into sparring matches with her, with the sparring being friendly.
Equilibrium!Yukari: Yukari Yakumo was Suika's friend before the oni went to the Underworld. It is unknown how or when they became friends, but it is assumed that Yukari did something to be able to befriend her. Both Yukari and Suika hold each other onto rather high regard, both due to their position of power and of how strong either of them are. And because of this, Yukari and Suika would hang out with one another and share a drink with one another, acting like sisters to one another on more then one occasion. Although, Suika does tend to get annoyed with Yukari's "dirty tricks", but doesn't go beyond snapping that they're dirty, and is often annoyed with them, but even so, she still considers Yukari to be a very great and loyal friend to have and would even spar with her on occasion.
Bloody!Remilia: The friend of Yukari, she and Remilia met when Yukari introduced Suika to her. Ever since then, both Suika and Remilia are able to get along well with one another, as Remilia is shown to be strong enough to handle Yukari, even considering Remilia to be a very worthy friend having.
Queen!Ran: The Shikigami that Yukari has made, both Ran and Suika are able to get along well with one another due to Suika being close to Yukari herself, but just like Yuugi, the relationship os not that close compared to the others that Ran has bonded with. Even so, they still count each other as friends.
Error404!Sans: Suika and Error404 met with one another when Yukari brought her and Yuugi into the Eden Orb that the Alphatale crew resides in. The meeting between them is interesting and admittedly, Suika seems to have great respect for Error404, due to the fact that she sees how powerful he is at the full extent, as well as being very skilled in combat. Because of this, she would often spar with the God of the Multiverse, due to wanting to improve her skills, and the fact that she enjoys fighting against him.
Bio-Conduit of Monarchy!King Multiverse: The creation of Error404 and the Bio-Conduit of Monarchy, Suika and King Multiverse seem to have a rather close relationship with one another, although Suika has been known to tease him about his relationship with Ran, which made King Multiverse annoyed and somewhat embarrassed, with Ran even feeling the same thing, and as such, the both of them try their best not to give her the satisfaction of having her tease them more then before. Despite this, it does lot affect their relationship with one another in any sort of bad way, and are still rather close and friendly to one another, even if it is rather strange.
Righteous!Error: Suika seems to have a good relationship with the student or Error404 himself, due to the fact that he is much more stronger then his master physically, and the fact that he is able to learn all that he knows from him. Because of this, Suika would often spar with Error, seeing him as a much bigger challenge then Error404 himself, and even give Righteous!Error a rather hard time going against her. Despite this, there are no heed feelings involved and Righteous!Error even seems to have a liking towards Suika as a very great sparring partner.
Infected: Just like Yuugi, Suika seems to have a liking towards Infected, even having somewhat of a crush on him, as they both of them often fight against one another and have fun sparring with one another. Although she has heard of the fact that Infected had been a rather evil person before, he has now changed himself into a much better person then ever, having redeemed himself for what he had done after all that has happened. It is unknown why she seems to have a crush on him like Yuugi, but is assumed that she sees something inside of Infected that even he himself does not realize.
Omnipotent!Sans: Although like the others, she does not get along with Omnipotent much due to the fact that he had cast aside his own humanity, like Yuugi, she does have somewhat of a higher opinion on him due to the fact that he has great strength and is able to fight, but that is the only reason she has any respect for him. Other then that, she does lot have a liking to him that much, because as far she is concerned, Evil and Lesser Evil be damned, and even Righteous!Error agrees on how such a concept like this can exist, thinking of it as outfight stupid and pathetic.
Alpha!Sans: Suika, just like Yuugi, has a much better opinion on Alpha!Sans, due to the fact that he is someone that refuses to cast aside his humanity, and thus is willing to continue fighting for what is right even with the concept that Omnipotent had utilize. Although she does disapprove and not like the fact that he uses a sword instead of fighting worn his bare hands, that mattered little as he is shown to be a much more stronger person then before, being able to give even Yuugi a challenge despite the fact that she is much stronger compare to him.
100: Just like Yuugi, Suika sees 100 as a sparring partner that she can go against, due to the fact that 100 is able to grow in power with his sheer anger, which makes training with him a far harsher and exciting experience then before. Because of this, along with Yuugi, she would bring 100 to a realm separate from the Multiverse, and will use her own strength and power to challenge him and give out the fight that she always liked to have. Although it is unknown if 100 feels the same way, Suika doesn't seem to mind and is in fact very happy that she gets to be in a battle against him.
Warlock: Like all of the others that would first meet him, Suika would see Warlock as a very strange being, due to the fact that Warlock possesses powers that are so bizarre, strange, and otherworldly that she has no idea how else to describe him, only thinking of him as someone that is so weird and strange. But seeing that Warlock is a rather helpful person and is shown that he is willing to aid people when they need it, she seems to have a very good opinion on him, seeing him as a friend even though he is very strange, and would not mind sparring with him a bit, with Warlock maybe feeling the same way to her also.
Merus: The Bio-Conduit of Pre-Eminence, as well as the son and creation of Edra, the Goddess of the Cosmos, Suika seem to have taken a liking to the young kid, and just like Yuugi, decides to bond with him and train with him in order to help him become stronger then before. The both of them even hang out with one another with Suika acting as somewhat of a babysitter, although she makes sure to not drink on the job so she does not become drunk and accidentally does something bad to Merus while she is during it.
Quenya: The adoptive mother of Error404 and Alpha, just as Yuugi gets along wait Quenya for her strength, Suika also gets along with Quenya for the fact that she is someone that is willing to fight strong opponents, as well as the fact that she seems to be a rather friendly person compared to them. Because of this, Suika and Quenya, whenever Yuugi isn't here, would often spar against one another, which in turn allows her to be able to view Quenya as a very good sparring partner to have, and as such, both Quenya and Suika get along swimmingly, even having a friendly rivalry and competition of a sort in order to push one another to do what they are able to both do.
Second only to Yuugi, she is the strongest Oni to exist and the second strongest Yokai to ever exist.
The power of toe Conduit of Density possibly rivals that of the Conduit of Change when the both of them are at full power, which in turn, possibly makes her a strong as Alpha of the both of them are at their full mastery as Full-Fledged Conduits.
Suika only gets drunk when she is in her house, and even when drunk, she is shown to be rather tough as ever, which makes opponent embarrassed at being defeated like that.
Like Yuugi, she knows better then to cause a ruckus for no reason, and thus only keeps being drunk in private so she does not hurt people accidentally.
Yuugi, due to her status as the second strongest Oni, is shown to give others less of a hard time trying to hold her, although like Yuugi, still give them some difficulty in trying to hold her down and prevent her from going very nuts.
Yuugi and Suika, if they got together with Infected, will share him for each other's sake.
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