Code Puppets (Forced God of Destruction)
(These 5 characters are from another Undertale multiverse called Sagaverse, and if the creator of Sagaverse sees this when I post it, I really hope you don't mind me using these ones for the Alphatale OC Bio. These versions of those characters that I am basing them off of are a part of the FGoD Alphaverse.)
Alpha-Error (For Error!Frisk)
Beta-Error (For Error!Chara)
Gamma-Error (For Error!Asgore)
Delta-Error (For Error!Alphys)
Neo-Error (For Error!Mettaton)
Error's most dangerous minions
Error's henchmen
Date of Birth: Unknown
Place of Birth: Error's Creation
Species: Code Monsters
Male (Frisk)
Female (Chara)
Male (Asgore)
Female (Alphys)
Male (Mettaton)
185 Cm (Error!Frisk)
150 Cm (Error!Chara)
235 Cm (Error!Asgore)
165 Cm (Error!Alphys)
250 Cm (Error!Mettaton)
For the sake of our master, we will follow his every lead-. Error599 (Frisk)
The Code Puppets are a group of 5 entities that Righteous!Error has made before he became a Polothorn. Starting with Error599 (Frisk) his first and oldest creation, going down to Error204 (Mettaton)
Error knew that he needed help with trying to deal with Ink, as he has been constantly pushing the Multiverse to its limit and is the reason for Error's existence in the first place, from Fate taking him to the Anti-Void and corrupting him to sending him to become a destroyer against his will. So he needed to find a way around to deal with Ink. Over the years, Error began to experiment with code, learning how the AUs and the entities that live inside of the Multiverse work, in order to try and gain some way to fend off Ink. Eventually, he would learn to manipulate and hack the codes of the Multiverse after years of learning how to do so. And when he did that, Error finally began to work on what would most likely be his biggest project yet. He began to experiment and try to make an entity with his power, and using the the souls of various Frisks, including mainly Glitchtale, Endertale, and Refusetale Frisk, in order to try and make a sort of Error Frisk. After what must have taken a rather long time to do, Error was able to succeed in making his first and strongest Code Puppet, who he named Error599, also known as Error!Frisk, and is made in the mental image of Error himself. After that, Error!Sans began to make more, with a named Error500 being next, who specializes in deception and trickery, and then an Asgore named Error417, who possesses raw immense strength and power but lacks high intelligence, then an Alphys named Error304, who acts as the brains for the Code Puppets, and then a Mettaton named Error204, who is the last creation of Error and is the minion of Error304.
With these new puppets at his side, it made his job at going against Ink and his allies easier, and not even Fate is aware of their existence. She had gotten close to discovering them, but Error always managed to find a way to hide them. Even though Error has granted them infinitely greater choices of freedom despite being his puppets, the Code Puppets chose to follow him anyway, since he did make them and is kind to them, and thus had always helped him against Ink whenever he and Error fought against each other. Although Ink himself has grown powerful himself and gained a couple of new abilities of his own, it is not as much as Error, who has grown smarter and stronger, not to mention more manipulative, deceptive, and becoming a trickster. And as such, he has a much easier time stopping Ink than before.
However, Ink began to adapt and grow smarter on his own, and even began attacking Error who would be by himself, whenever the Code Puppets are busy with other tasks, and one such time that happened, it is what lead Error to meet Error404 in the first place. When Error fought against Error404, as the both of them went from Outertale and to the Anti-Void, the Code Puppets were ordered back as soon as possible, and aided their master in taking down Error404. Although this gave Error404 a hard time, they and Error were defeated by Error404's more overwhelming power. Error404, impressed with this, decides to take them under his wing, as long as he holds his promise to Error of freeing him from Fate's strings, and so he did. Error404, expressing interest in the Code Puppets, decides to use them for his plans of reviving Alphatale. After talking with Error in how he made them, although he is impressed with this, he decides to make his own puppet with another Sans, which is through a Sans called Photonegative Sans, and after dipping him inside of the MainFrame Pool, Error404 made him into a Sans that's known as King Multiverse. Although since the Code Puppets are only loyal to Error, and Error himself is controlled by Fate, King Multiverse cannot control them, much to his annoyance. But Error404 doesn't care that much, for he can still use them.
They all have been through a lot over the years, due to Error404's appearance, and the fact that his brothers appeared. They faced against 100 and the Astral Mother, they faced against Alpha!Sans, his brother and fought against him, they even face against Infected. But all that they did, they all did it for their master in order to help him, for they follow his will and his dreams.
But the biggest event that happened was when it involved with the Unnameable and 2 TransVoid Beings, Faringold and Avalon, and it is here...that Error sacrificed himself to save the Multiverse along with Error404. The Code Puppets were saddened, with some so broken that they can't do anything, such as Error417 and Error500, who are so in shock that they are depressed of what happened. In spite of this, Error599 refuses to give up, and does all that he can to keep the group together, and continue for his sake. But the Code Puppets would soon be overjoyed to see that Righteous!Error is back and is now a Polothorn, and thus the Code Puppets are once again active and serving their longtime master
But Righteous!Error, seeing the level of power that they are in, realizes that they are going to need a far bigger upgrade then before. So Righteous!Error came up with a idea, in which he will use the NullVoid's powerful whirlpool that is combined from other Multiverses into a large funnel of strength and might, with NodeTale inside existing at the center of the pool. Of course, he knows how risky it is, but he need to take to take the chance in order to give them a chance. The Code Puppets, also willing to take the chance, agreed. And so, Righteous!Error used his strings to lower them into the center of the funnel, and submerged them in it. The process was very painful, to the point that it cannot be described at all. But the Code Puppets persisted and endured worn all that they can. And eventually...after they are pulled out, they are far more stronger than ever due to being infused with the code of the NullVoid, being almost as strong as Righteous!Error himself. And so...with the new power and might that they possess, due to its power, the Code Puppets are now ready to fight for the sake of their master, against Hollow!Ink, and against the enemies that will have yet to come and threatened all.
Error599: The first Error, Error599 resembles a male Frisk with white hair, dark brown skin, and blue and red markings thar is going down from his eyes just like Error. He wears clothes similar to Righteous!Error, and the coat is even now a white color instead of a black color like before. His eyes are also glowing white, wears black pants and has black slippers worn no shoes.
Error500: A Chara, Error500's face has black, hollow eyes that also has small, white pupils, with rosy red cheeks, purple stripes that stretch from the bottom of its eyes to the top of her mouth. She has white hair and face, and wears a black coat that has three strips going on her arms and legs, which end ins stubs.
Error417: An Asgore, Error417 wears a dark red coat going down to his knees with a red shirt and has a red scarf all around his neck, as well as black shoes with red stripes. He also has red lines going down from his eyes.
Error304: An Alphys, Error304 is simply a pale white Alphys with yellow stripes going down from her eyes, as black turtleneck sweater, and a white coat, pants, and shoes with yellow on the hood, sleeve ends, pockets, at the bottom end of her pants, and a single yellow ring around each of her shoes. She also has a yellow tail with white wings on them.
Error204: A Mettaton, this Code Ouppet resembles a mannequin of some sort that is colored blue, with light blue on the torso and has a soul in his stomach area black hair that is light blue at the end, light blue irises with black sclera, and has blue stripes going down from the eyes. He also has dark blue high heel boots on his shoes.
Error599: Being modeled after Error himself, Error599 is passive, fun, and very negotiable, always constantly speaking in a polite tone, even when he is facing against a person that is an enemy to his master. And even when he does get enraged, Error599 does not change his tone in the slightest, for he maintains the polite and calm demeanor, but this sort of personality makes him a bit more intimidating, with Error599 being able to intimidate even the other code puppets, with Error being the only that is not intimidated in the slightest from this. And by Error404's request to Error, whenever Error himself is not allowed, Error599 will follow Error404's orders. Even when having become stronger along with the other puppets due to the NullVoid having strengthened them to greater power than before, Error599 is still the same person as he is.
Error500: Due to Error having grown to being a bit mischievous and deceptive after being forced to grow up and become more different then before, inheriting her master's mischievous, devious, trickery, but she has gained an angry personality and issues. She often disobeyed his orders but remained loyal to him as she was made. She is a very skilled actor, and in spite of her anger issues, she will do all that she can to remain calm and will continue to act as the person that she has disguised herself as. Training with Error404 has allowed her to tame her anger a little bit, although she can still get mad.
Error417: Error417 is more of a brute, as he focuses on fighting with strength and power, but is admittedly not that smart and is rarely capable of battle strategy. In spite of this, Error and Error404 still keeps him around due to the fact that his power and strength is at least enough for him use against Ink. Error417 listens to no one and only listens to Error, for he is the only one that he is loyal to, and does not listen to Error404, with the only time that he does listen to Error404 is when Error tells him to do it. Error417, during one of such orders, trains him to hopefully make him smarter, and admittedly, he does gain some success in doing that, as Error417 is capable of some complex thoughts and some form of battle strategy, but he is still a brute, just with a bit more intelligence then before.
Error304: Error304 has Error's intelligence, due to the fact that she has a broad knowledge of the entire multiverse thanks to Error's experience in the past. Because of this, she is the most intelligent of the group, and often comes to Error whenever he needs information that he himself is unaware of is, even serving as Error404's assistant whenever he does some experiments, which Error404 prefers, since he would have her absorb information to help make her smarter.
Error204: Error204, the last and final creation of Error, has an emotionless and non-talkative personality unless ordered by either him or 304 alone, as Error204 is a very loyal subject and more robotic than alive. As such, fitting his nature of being a robot, he is more of a robotic servant to the 2 than the others.
Powers and Abilities (Error599):
Master Cables: Originally powerful normal Blue strings that can both control people and cause burning pain to them due to the Red strings that have Determination in them, Error599 trained with Error666, the fusion of Error404 and Error, and finalized the attack, which increased in power when he took a dip into the NullVoid. The Cables start chasing down the target and once latched onto something or someone, Blue Mastery is then initiated with the color Blue and Red mixing into Black, forcing the Object or person into a forced state of binding. And the final kill is when the black cables crush the opponent into dust using Blue Mastery as a type of heavy gravity crushing the opponent with sheer strength. These cables are able to wrap around a Multiverse and can destroy it with little effort.
Glitch Ray: Error599 had learned the Glitch Ray from Error404, and has been increased by the power of the NullVoid. This Ray is capable of the same thing that Error can do.
Glitch Ray First Shot: Error599 fires a Glitch Ray at the target and corrupts their code, in order to control them. This will show by them gaining mismatched color, and glitching similar to Error, and will follow Error599's command without question. He can deactivate this effect whenever he wishes to.
Glitch Ray Second Shot: the Glitch Ray shoots a target and erased them from existence, regardless if the target had code or not, and with the second shot, Error599 can detonate 7 AUs at the same time in just one single fire, needing only to fire at one, which will than make 6 other AUs being pulled towards the one AU that Error has fired.
Multiverse RESET: Error599 is capable of summoning a Button that can RESET the Multiverse back to its previous change, with beings that lack code and those that are as strong as the Alphatale Brothers or more can resist this power.
Keeper Button: Based off of Alpha!Frisk's own Keeper Button, It has the capability of keeping the items inside of a pocket a dimensional storage of some sort. He often uses this to gather code to help Error404 in rebuilding Alphatale.
NullVoid Sword: This sword is made due to Error having used the code of a Glitchtale Frisk while he had hate injected inside of him. The sword can make slash projectiles that can slice AUs, can block and party, or can make an explosion that can shake the Multiverse by stabbing the ground. He can also make beams of energy from his sword that can destroy groups of AUs at once.
NullVoid Spears: Based off of Refusetale Frisk's DT Spears due to possessing that Frisk's code, Error599 can summon glitching red spears that can attack a target on command, being rose from the ground to skewer people, or simply use it as another melee weapon for thrusting.
NullVoid Barrier: Based off of the DT Shield, Frisk can make a shield that is either circular on the arm, spherical to surround himself or traps others inside of it, crescent to block incoming attacks on ground, or make an armor of sorts around him to lessen damage.
NullVoid Flames: Based off of Endertale Frisk's flames, due to possessing his code, Error599 can launch fireballs from his fists, or when he stabs the ground, can make a red flaming tornado of some sort to burn anyone caught in it. He even used it to burn a dozen AUs at once.
Gifts of Life: Using his Determination, he can bring any inanimate objects to life.
Emoțional Auras: He can emit Auras that could affect the area around them; said effect strongly depends on the emotions they're experiencing at the time.
Wails of Distortions: Error599 can let out an ear piercing cry that distort the world around them with their glitches, causing opponents to feel lag and glitched out, which is painful, and can damage their hearing in a way.
Coding Errors: Having been taught by Error himself, Error599 has the ability to change the reality of an event just like a coder and a hacker could, for he is able to alter the codes of an AU or a character depends on how much knowledge he has of them. He can revive dead beings once he gained their code information and use them as a means of getting what he wants. He can empower his Master Cables with these to be able to destroy multiple AUs at once, throw a planet into a star, and many more gigantic destruction all over the multiverse, just like Error himself can do it. The power of the NullVoid has increased this power immensely.
Teleportation: Error599 can teleport like his creator, and is capable of going anywhere that his creator can go to.
NullVoid Blaster: Error599 originally had a blaster similar to Error, but slightly weaker. Now having been strengthened by the power of the NullVoid, these blasters are capable of the same amount of destruction as the Polothorn Blasters, although still slightly weaker.
White Strings: Her white strings allow her to steal other people's appearance aside from the usual Error strings' powers. They can also be used for the Odd Limb removal to rip the limbs of an opponent off.
Slaughter Knives: These Knives are used mainly as projectiles and can be used to spam all over the place. They are even strong enough in slash or stab a Multiverse with this power, although this is mainly because the NullVoid strengthened the knives to such levels.
Slaughter Sword: This White Sword is based off of Glitchtale Chara's power, in which she can block, parry, make slashes, cause explosions, and fire beams of energy from the tip of the blade. However, she can use the White Strings to also wrap around the handle and can extend her range.
NullVoid Rift: Opens a rift to pass though dimensional intersections. ie; Entering The Void, the Anti-Void, Void Pockets and Sub Dimensions. Entering AUs have special conditions and self-imposed rules, which no longer matter, since Error500 has been strengthen by the NullVoid to bypass such rules.
Coding Errors: Error500 has been taught the same Coding Errors as Error599 by Error himself, although Error500 uses it different compared to Error599 and Righteous!Error, for she can alter the environment around a person and distort and corrupt reality in such a way that she can make a location seem confusing.
Error Necromancy: Error500 is capable of using her powers to forcefully resurrect dead beings with pieces of herself. When doing this, she can use them to act as normal people as if they hadn't died, and can hear through them. When controlling them, she is able to command them to use the same powers as they had when they were alive.
NullVoid Flames: Chara too can use Error Flames like Error599, but the flames she uses are different, being able to act as land mines which detonate and explode to those that step onto it.
Explosive Strings: These strings as the same ones that Righteous!Error can use. they are strings that glow red, and when impacting a target, will cause the strings to explode. This can be used for carpet bombing onto an enemy. They can destroy an entire Multiverse in just one single carpet bombing.
NullVoid Flames: Error417 can manipulate flames like Error599 and Error500, but these are used for much more destructive force and purposes, such as summoning projectiles of them in rows.
Coded Blazing: Large, glitchy star-shaped projectiles rain down from above, in rapid succession, each one detonating into expanding rings of smaller projectiles that spin clockwise followed by one final, larger star that detonates directly above with a much denser ring.
Glitched Breaker: Error417 strikes the battlefield with bolts of lightning seven times, but have no sense of pattern whatsoever.
Coded Trident: Error417 possesses a trident of some sort, which he can use to either stab a person with, throw it like a Lance after charging it, or stab the ground and make more tridents pop up.
Virus Slicer: Error417 can use dual swords to fight in combat in order to cut and slash at them, as well as stab with them. He can even channel flames into the swords themselves in order to make a charged attack of some sort.
Virus Blaster: Error417 summons a blaster and fires nine waves of bullets telegraphed by flashing lines, and finishes with a charged beam, which also creates a massive starburst that covers the battlefield itself.
Angel of Glitches: Error417 can make comet-like projectiles from his fingertips and home in on the opponent.
NullVoid Goner: Error417 can summon a skull that resembles that of a goat and a Gaster Blaster, and will suck in anything into its mouth, and if a person is caught in it, the NullVoid Goner will close its mouth and detonate. These are useful in blasters that attack him, and can even suck in the Dark Blasters, but only if the NullVoid Goner has it in its sight.
Barrier Breaker: Error304 can use this power to break and breach any sort of defense that comes in her way.
Shattered Buzzsaw: Error304 can fire buzzsaw and launch them at opponents in order to cut and slice through them. They can also be used for defensive purposes, such as parrying attacks.
Yellow Strings: Her strings are slick, and she can absorb and collect information and data.
Error Lightning: Error304 can breathe out a glitchy lightning attack of some sort from her mouth, which is strong enough to destroy 5 AUs with just a single attack.
Static Touch: Error304, by touching someone, can unleash a powerful jolt of electricity at them, acting similar to a taser.
Memory Storage: Error304 is capable of storing knowledge and information into herself, allowing her to recall and remember anything that she gains info on.
Video Electricity: Error204 is capable of using electricity, being able to shock 4 AUs at once.
Star Bombs Plus: These bombs can cause explosions are strong enough to destroy a few AUs at once.
Star Bombs Minus: These bombs can cause implosions are strong enough to destroy a few AUs at once.
Electric Strings: Along with his regular strings, he can create powerful, electrifying strings of death.
Puppet Drones: Error204 can summon small doll-like versions of itself that can attack with weaker versions of the Star Bombs.
All of them:
Pixel Manipulation: The Code can manipulate the very air, turning the particles into small pixels, allowing them to form things out of any physical material.
Flight: All of the Code Puppets, due to the power of the NullVoid, are capable of flight.
Weapon Modification: Due to the power of the NullVoid, all of them can upgrade their weapons and modify them to whatever fits their needs.
Reincarnation: Due to the power of the NullVoid, if all of them were to die, they would scatter into pixels, before using the Multiverse's code in order to bright themselves back to life.
Righteous!Error: Their creation and master, Righteous!Error made them in order to get help at fighting against Ink and his allies. The puppets are undyingly loyal to him and served him without question, even though they are given freedom of being able to do anything else then come with him. When Error died, the puppets were crushed and saddened, with Error599 most saddened, and yet he kept the group together in his name, with the puppets being happy returned as a Polothorn. Righteous!Error even vowed to make them stronger with the NullVoid, with the Puppets willingly going along with it if it means helping their master in spite of the possible unbearable agony it might give them, a testament of their absolute loyalty to him.
Error404: The God of the Multiverse, the Code Puppets did not like him a single bit, due to the fact that he attacked Error. Although they are willing to take orders from him, that is only if Error404 does it as well. But over the years, as Error and Error404 start to truly bond together, the Code Puppets all began to take orders from Error404 of their own accord, with Error404 even starting to care for them, when he at first originally saw them as tools for his plans to revive Alphatale.
Bio-Conduit of Monarchy, King Multiverse: The Puppet King of Error404, King Multiverse is a bit infuriated with the fact that he can't control them and only follow Error's orders. The Code Puppets, on the other hand, don't care about King Multiverse that much and most of the time ignore him. But when King Multiverse changed to become a good king due to having to fight against 100, the Astral Mother, and her ally, they changed their views to see him as a good king and a well-trusted ally.
Infected: The brother of Error404 and one of his worst enemies, the Code Puppets, along with Error, hate Infected with a burning vengeance, and as such think of him as a disgusting individual that needs to be put down.
Alpha!Sans: The Protector of the Multiverse, the Code Puppets, like Righteous!Error, knows and understands 404s love for his brother or care at least and even he too sees Alpha as some sort of symbol of heroism or at least pacifism, as well as possessing a degree of respect to him to an extent, even though he is the mentor of Ink.
Omnipotent!Sans: The puppets don't think that much of him, only seeing him as another protector. Fittingly enough, due to Error599 taking on most of Error's traits, he tends to tease him and call him 'Omnopent Sause' much to his annoyance and dismay.
Hollow!Ink: The main enemy of Righteous!Error, as well as the one responsible for putting him into the mess he is in, the Code Puppets hate Ink for this act of bringing Error into this mess and treating him like a bad guy when is the one that is doing this in the first place, with Error599 showing the most hatred to him in spite of keeping his friendly attitude towards him. Him becoming Hollow!Ink and showing his true nature of the Multiverse intensified their hatred towards him even more.
Loading: The Code Puppets don't really think much of Loading, only seeing him as a strange entity of a sort.
Fate: The Goddess that is the mother of Ink, all of them hated her deeply for her act of torturing Error the way he did just to get Ink to stop when she could have done this herself. Fate, on the other hand, is unaware of their existence, due to hiding using them from her. They feel no sympathy to her when she witnessed her son becoming corrupted by the Unnameable itself, feeling that she had deserved such pain.
Destiny: The sister of Fate, Destiny is a goddess that gets along with Error and worked to help free him. And as such, the Code Puppets felt in their debt to her, due to the fact that she did all she could to help give her master freedom.
Cruel to Kind!Ten no Kami: When Error met Ten No Kami, she was introduced to the Code Puppets that Error has made, and seeing that Ten is an ally to Error, the Code Puppets also ally with Error as well, with Ten No Kami returning their friendship in kind too.
Core!Frisk: The Code Puppets and Core!Frisk get along well in their own way, with Error599 being the closest to Core!Frisk due to his friendly, approachable personality. Often times, the Code Puppets will travel to the Omega Timeline in order to hang out with her.
Abyss!Sans: Abyss is a bit freaked out of what Error was able to do, make other entities like himself. Despite this, he is able to get along with the Code Puppets in a way.
Cyan: The Code Puppets, mainly Error599, help Cyan train, having a good mentor, student relationship in a way. They also make sure he is alright and guard him whenever Righteous!Error is away, and sometimes will take him to the Omega Timeline if they are going to be busy with something.
Himmsworth and Yesmerian: The Code Puppets get along with both Himmsworth and Yesmerian, due to how they helped Error with his powers.
Merus: Whenever Error is not around, The Code Puppets are there to take care of him until Error comes back. Merus gets along with them, especially with Error599, who is the most friendliest of them all, and Chara, who is trickster and plays harmless pranks on Merus. In a way, Merus see them as a good group of friends for him to get along with.
Unlike the original Sagaverse, where Mettaton is first and Frisk is last, in the FGoD Alphaverse, it is Frisk who is first and Mettaton is last. The other positions were switched with Chara and Alphys as well, with Asgore being the only one unchanged.
Error treats them like his friends instead of servants and slaves for him to use, with the Puppets seeing their creator as their master who they will follow, as well as their lord and god.
All of them share Error's intense hatred to Ink, with Error599 possessing the most hatred for him out of all, even compared to Error417. Despite this, he never drops his polite attitude in front of him whenever they speak to one another.
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