Multiversal Janitor
Cleanup guy
Storage dude
The Weakest Son
Date of Birth: December 19th
Place of Birth: Anti-Void
Species: Skeleton
Gender: Male
Height: 5'4
Ekon is born within the Shipchild universe.
Ekon belongs to his creator, Yōichi.
Hopefully the mess will be much more less messy than last time.-Blend!Ekon.
Ekon is the newborn son of Ink and Error, after a fight that was resulted into an end when the Inkmation and the PoloError collided some attacks with each other, resulting in the creation of Ekon.
It is during the time of when Righteous!Error and Hollow!Ink are fighting against each other in combat, as Ink and Error punched and struck at each other with immense force and rage, due to them both having a fierce rivalry and hatred to each other. Error firing an onslaught of strings and Glitch Ray at Ink, with Ink making a bunch of stuff to create with his paint and firing an Inpasto Gun. But the battle was fierce, as Ink is putting up quite a fight against Error, especially since Error has grown stronger with Error404's training and the fact that he has the DNA of an Unnameable within his body, as Ink had the Soul of the Unnameable, and the worst part, as that Ink and Error are fighting inside of the Anti-Void. The reason is that Ink has become aware of the fact that there are 2 children of his own, as well as the fact that Error is hiding his other kids, such as Palette Roller and Stain, and thus wants to find them. However, Error, having became aware of this, is able to bring them into the realm of Error404, where they would he safe from their own parent, and where Ink will be the one to fight against him.
As the fight continues on more and more and more, Ink and Error began the feel immensely frustrated with the fact that they are now backing down, it the one still continuing to fight back against the other, even though this one is supposedly weaker than the other. Despite this, Error and Ink continue to combat against one another, even with the odds against them, with one of them outclassing the other in a fight, and yet, the both of them are somehow able to match each other in a fight.
But then, Error, in the middle of the fight, decides to call Ink out on his vile nature and what he had done, calling him out of the fact that he has betrayed the AUs that he is supposed to be protecting, and now, he has began to consume AUs. He than ended the insult in that, at the end of it all, Ink is no better compared to Error. At the end of it all, Ink has become a destroyer himself, the very same entity that he hates, with Error himself had been this whole entire time.
Being very angry at this, Ink got so mad and enraged that he began to morph and transform into the Inkmation, all in an effort to try and destroy him, as he than uses his power to try and destroy him. But Error, not wanting to be outdone, got so angry that he changed into his PoloError form, as the 2 Unnameable forms looked at each other, and they both charged up their most powerful attacks at each other, in order to try and destroy each other at the end of it all. But as the attack collided against each other, both of them are pushing back against each other with all of their might, in order to try and kill the other. But the power of these 2 entities are far too great, as the attacks pushed each other to the point where it had caused an explosion, first by sucking in the many souls that Error had collected over the years, and than, took in the form of an explosion that forced the Inkmation transformation and the PoloError transformation to end much more faster than it was supposed to be.
When the 2 Transformations ended, Ink and Error looked to see what had happened, as Error and Ink are shocked to see that a new entity had been made. Stunned at the sight that is before their eyes, Ink wanted to go and grab him, but he realized that the child's magic is nonexistent. And thus, seeing how weak he is, tries to kill him with an Ink Blaster. But then, the child's bag, which is wrapped around the waist, sucked in the Ink Blast, and this caught Ink by surprise. But before he can do anything about it, Error punched Ink as hard as he could and sends him into the portal.
When Error looks at Ekon, who is already in the body of an adult, he looks and observes Ekon, before using his bag and puts his strings into it, only to see that his strings are absorbed into the bag. Realizing what this meant, Error decides that this child, although the weakest spawn the the and Ink had made, does have some use in it. He named the child, Ekon, and thus, began to use his powers over absorbing the residue of shacks, or the mess, in order to make himself more powerful. He tested the limits of the powers of Ekon, and discovers that he can reuse it, and the only time that it ever drains is when Ekon uses the green strings in order to heal himself. But other than that, he can use Ink and Error's attacks, which he has absorbed, with the downside is that the attacks are now as strong as Ink and Error's. Deciding that the child can still be useful in a way, he decides to bring him to the ear if his family to where the rest of his spawns are at right now.
Ekon's appearance is very smilies to his original counterpart's, meaning that he dons a sleeveless, red undershirt with a short jacket over it, as well as having a jacket that is sleeves as well, and is over the shirt jacket and red undershirt, with black fingerless gloves reaching to his elbows. He is also shown to be having a light blue scarf, wears pants with the leggings stitched up, and has stockings over his legs and feet, sign the toes and back part of the feet exposed and out in the open. He has black tear-like markings coming down his left eye and tattoos on his right arm, and what seems to be a purple bag on the left side of his hip. Both of his eyes are white, but with the color of purple on the outside of the eye lights.
However, the similarities end, when most of the clothing is colored different. His short sleeveless jacket and long sleeveless jacket are white in color, as well as his pants, which are stuffed with the black strings, and the stockings are also colored white. And where on the right arm, he has a tattoo, on the left arm, he had eyes that resemble both of his eyes, but in a more human-like shape.
Ekon is a very unique type of son that Error and Ink has. He is a very kind and warm individual, who loves and respects the parent that raised him. Due to the fact that Ekon is made to clean up the mess of his parents, as well as the mess of those that are related to him, Ekon has a tendency to appear on the battlefield and try to clean up the messes that his family and half-siblings have made. Although Ekon is kind of a silly member of the family, and is the least chaotic influenced member, Ekon can be serious whenever he wants to be, and he can even be a bit scary, which he picked up from Ink's old self.
Elon's Knives: Gradient is able to make a pair of knives that are base on a pair of palette knives. The golden Chan is able to be extended to as long as he wants, and we even able the be separated, so that he can dual wield them more properly.
Bag Refill: Ekon's most noticeable ability is that he is able use use his bag to absorb the attacks that he is able to get and refill them inside of his soul. He is able to use the attacks of those that are related to him, but the drawbacks is that they will not be as strong as the members of his kin.
Flight: Like Ink, Ekon has the ability to fly. He can use this power, even when he does not have any magic filled inside of his soul.
Ungodly Strength: Ekon has inherited the strength of Ink, and is able to cause a lot of trouble for those stronger than him. Despite this, Ekon is shown to be weaker than even Paperjam.
Body Manipulation: Ekon is able to manipulate his body and do just about anything with it.
Consumption: Ekon is able to consume anything, even AUs, in order to become stronger. Not only that, he can also increase the limit as of how long he can use his powers when he uses it if when it starts to drain, not to mention being able to use his powers much more effectively and the powers being utilized in a much more stable manner.
Container Soul: Ekon's Soul is unique, in that it is able to fill magic inside itself. He can use his bag to collect magic in order to fill his souk with magic. The appearance of the magic within his soul will be a brown liquid that is of a consistency reminiscent to Ink.
Blue Strings: Ekon is able to absorb blue strings into his bag in order to control the bodies of other sentient creatures. However, he is unable to control their souls, and cannot siphon magic from other entities.
Red Strings: Ekon can use red strings in combat, usually to make the attacks feel more painful that what they are usually appearing to be. However, this is more of a mental agony to increase the feeling of the physical agony that they're feeling.
Green Strings: One if the few abilities that is able to drain the magic inside of his soul, Ekon is able to summon Green Strings in order to heal himself or his allies, and using the Green Strings will dragon the magic that he has absorbed within his soul.
White Strings: Ekon is able to summon White Strings in order to trap opponents. It does not have any real powers, just like when Error uses it.
Terror Strings: Ekon is able to summon Terror Strings in order to wrap it around the soul, and make them see something that terrified them. However, the illusions that he makes to the person are not that convincing, and can be broken out of.
Creativity: Ekon is able to absorb Ink in order to use Ink's paint to create stuff. However, his creations are not perfect in being maintained, and have been known to last more than a few hours. Consumption is able to increase the time limit and the stability of his creations.
Ink Morph: He is able to morph and change his entire body into Ink at will and can use this to dodge certain attacks.
Color Manipulation: Able to give things color or take the color away from things with his ability to manipulate ink and paint.
Mini Bombs: Ekon is able to utilize miniature spheres filled with differ strings and ink, and when it is thrown into a target, it explodes and the contents inside becomes similar to vines in which they wrap around the opponent, holding the enemy's bodies.
Ink Gateway: Ekon is able to utilize magic ink in order to use it as a gateway to a different pocket dimension, such as the Doodle Sphere and the Anti-Void. However, he can also use his own power to teleport to different AUs.
Barbed Wires: Ekon can utilize Babred Wires that he has absorbed from Palette, due to being his half-brother. The Barbed Wires hurt a lot, but don't do as much damage as Palette's Barbed Wires.
Purple Chains: Ekon is able to summon chains from nowhere, due to Ekon being able to absorb Palette's Chains. And these chains are able to be used a blunt weapons.
Compact Gun: Ekon is able to fire a ray of paint and strings from his fingertips with high and accursed precision that pierces the souls of other sentient entities. Using this, Ekon can either restrain magic from a monster, preventing them from using their full powers on him, or he can drain it in order to refill his soul's magic.
Negativity Tentacles: Ekon is able to absorb Stain's tendrils into his bag so that he can use them to pierce entities.
Tint Tentacles: Ekon is able to use Tint's tentacles, which he absorbed into his bag. He uses this when ever he is in a tight spot.
Elon Blaster: Ekon is able to fire a blaster that is made of normal bones, but when fired, it shoots out a blast of ink from the mouth, similar to Ink Sans' Ink Blaster. This drains the magic from his soul the most.
Eyes of the Committer: Ekon has eyes on his left arm, at the same time as there are tattoos on his right arm. The powers of these eyes are unknown, although it is assume to be immensely powerful and dangerous, just like Error's arm.
EKONPATHY: Ekonpathy is the unnameable form of Ekon that he is able to activate. Ekon can only activate this form whenever he is far too stressed or scared, which will trigger his transformation.
Ekon, in this state, is a being of unlimited power, and he, in this state, is one of the strongest and most dangerous entities that ever exists, matching only the Inkmation and PoloError.
Power Absorption: Ekonathy is able to absorb the magic of other entities in order to increase his power a little bit more than it has.
Magical Fusion: Ekonpathy can fuse the magic of the other entities and combine it into much more devastating attacks. For example, he can manipulate ice and electricity magic in order to fire off spears made of ice and covered in electricity, which will explode upon impact with the target of who he desires to hit.
Compaction Detonation: Ekonpathy's most powerful attack, in which he can compact all of his absorbed magical attacks into a ball that explodes upon impact, and when that happens, Ekon will suck countless AUs into the explosion, which will destroy a lot of universes that have been sucked into the explosion.
Compaction Subspace: Ekon's bag acts as more than just a simple way to absorb magic into himself for him to incorporate. Ekon's bag is also a pocket dimension that he is able to enter, along with anybody that goes into the bag. Inside of the pocket dimension, one would usually find a lot of debris of attacks in there, such as different colored strings, ink, as well as the attacks from his half-siblings, and is filled with floating islands similar to that of the Doodle Sphere. On top of some of the rocks, are doors that are able to allow anyone access to Ekon's memories. This is due to Ekon's pocket dimension connected with his mind, and Ekon is even able to control the gravity of the Compaction Subspace,, the perception of others inside of the Subspace, and the appearance of the Subspace's background, as well as the size and space of it. When empty, the area around the Subspace will have stars all over the place, which is the main appearance of the Compaction Subspace usually, although Ekon is able to change the appearance of the background to make it more different.
Error: Ekon's father, who had raised him, Ekon repeats his parent very much and does what he says, with his loyalty to Error rivaling that of Gradient's.
Ink: Ekon's other father, Ink has tried to take Ekon multiple times, only for Ekon to flee and for Error to have to protect him. It is known what Ink would have done if he had taken Ekon, but it is assumed to not be good at all.
Paperjam and Gradient: Ekon's 2 older brothers, they get along very well their their new brother, Ekon, and Ekon, in return, has a huge like towards them.
Hollow!Stain: The half-brother of Ekon, Stain is known to have a rather close relationship with Ekon, due to how friendly he is compared to the others. In fact, Ekon's relationship with Stain is surprisingly the second closest after Gradient and Paperjam.
Tint: Ekon's eldest half-brother, Tint and Ekon have been known to get along well. Tint in the presence of Ekon is very odd, due to the fact that Ekon's magic is dependent on the amount of magic that he has. If he had empty magic within his soul, Tint will feel no emotions. But if there are even a little bit of magic within, or if there is magic they fills up the entirety of Ekon's soul's soul, Tint will start feeling emotions.
Error404: The God of the Multiverse does not see that much use in Ekon, due to the fact that, compared to the other spawns that Error and Ink had made, he is by far the weakest of them all. Despite this, even Error404 sees that Ekon has some use in his powers to make him useful.
Alpha: Ekon, due to his king and friendly personality, is able to see Alpha, but is a little bit scared whenever he sees him, and will try to wake away from Alpha. Alpha, in return, tried to recruit Ekon to his cause, only to be met with hate and defense from Gradient and Paperjam.
Ekon, unlike Paperjam and Gradient, only has one tongue, which is purple, due to taking in more of Ink's traits.
Ekon's taller than Gradient, at the exact same height as Error, but is a few inches shorter than Tint.
Error, Stain, and Error404 are the only ones that are well aware of the Compaction Subspace that Ekon has inside of his bag.
Ekon can almost never hate other people.
Ekon has a love for cookies even more than even Error404.
Ekon can have his consciousness enter the Compaction Subspace, allowing him control over space, perception, and appearance of the Subspace when he is inside it. Being present physically makes those powers more stronger.
Ekon is Error and Ink's weakest child, due to how imperfect his powers are, even when compared to Paperjam.
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