Bio-Conduit of Monarchy, King Multiverse

(This is just the future version of FGoD King Multiverse, as well as taking place way before the Blue Dragon story, where Faker steals the Conduit Soul of Balance from Error404, killing him. Might also be connected to Equilibium!Yukari's what if scenario on Error404 surviving the cycle's end.)


Lord Multiverse
Our King
Error404's Puppet
The True King

Date of birth: February 12, XXXX

Place of Birth: MainFrame Pool

Species: Unknown

Gender: male
Height: 6'7
Eye Color: Black/Magenta

It never thought that it would end this way, with me becoming a Conduit in my own right, even though the soul that I have is created and not being from the Cycle itself. But it does not matter anymore. What matters now, is that I am now needed, far more then ever, more then what even I myself can imagine. As the Bio-Conduit of Monarchy, I will ensure the existence of the Multiverse, and not let it be destroyed by anyone, for I will make sure, that the Multiverse is safe from death.-Bio-Conduit of Monarchy, King Multiverse

The Bio-Conduit of Monarchy, King Multiverse, is a future version of FGoD King Multiverse, where he is able to become an extremely strong Bio-Conduit in his own right, due to the fact that FGoD Righteous!Error and Error404 were able to use their powers in order to give King Multiverse the power that he need in order to become as strong as he is, now making him one of the strongest beings in the Multiverse.


The King Multiverse of the FGoD Alphaverse is the same one as the King Multiverse in the original Alphaverse. When he existed, he was originally a version of Sans called Photonegative Sans, who is simply a Sans that has inverse colors of the original classic Sans. Not much is known about King Multiverse before he became the way he is, but is assumed that his history in his AU is the same as Classic Sans' backstory, having an older brother, and most likely follows the same plot as Undertale itself. But when, one day changed it all, that would forever mold the King of the Multiverse to become the way that he is.

During a time when he was minding his own business, he is then approached by the arrival of a Sans that has black bones, red sockets, the words, error, all over the place, his body glitching, and he has tear-like markings coming down from his face. This is none other then Error Sans, the Forced God of Destruction. Error came to be when he was taken to the Anti-Void, and is subjected to torturous voices from a goddess called Fate. Error, spotting his target, decided to take him as fast as he can, before he can have a chance to escape, and luckily, since he is a god and is far stronger then Photonegative Sans, he is able to effortlessly catch him and take him to Error404, who then brought Photonegative Sans into the MainFrame, and dipped him into one of the MainFrame Pools, with Error404 ripping off one of his fingers and put it into the MainFrame pool, in order to integrate his code into his own creation. His code and very essence became altered and changed into something new, something different. And then, after a very long time, King Multiverse has been created, all by the power of a MainFrame Pool, and gained nigh-unimaginable power, surpassed only by those belonging to Alphatale.

When King Multiverse ascended into the Multiverse, Error404 gave him a series of instruction, and tells him of what to do and what he is able to do, and Error told him of the importance of the balance within the Multiverse. King Multiverse originally thought that he would have fun in doing this, being in control and command of others, but Error and Error404 make it very clear that such a task is not fun, and if it is supposed to be fun, that would have meant that King Multiverse would never have been made. Error404, in control of the MainFrame, manipulates the code of it in order to make the throne for King Multiverse to sit on, and that is when he began to take his own role as the Puppet King of Error404.

Back with the Multiverse, though years later after alot of the fighting amongst each other began to die down, King Multiverse then came out of nowhere and proclaimed himself King and even had already made a throne for himself, however a small one, of course this sparked millions not only to challenge this so-called King, but now people wanted to try their hand at ruling the multiverse. It all, however, ended in failure for alot of the best and toughest Aus around even Thought!Sans himself couldn't touch or grasp at the power of this god-like king. Even Ink could not touch him, despite the fact that he is one of the strongest Sanses to ever be born, especially from a goddess named Fate. But King Multiverse proved stronger and defeated Ink without effort, and with Error404's aid, forced Ink to read his oath, and became bonded to King Multiverse, forever under his command.

Fate, the mother of Ink, had witnessed this and is consumed by pure rage at this, and she wound then storm into King Multiverse's throne room, and attacked King Multiverse, but King Multiverse, due to how powerful he is, fought back, eventually winning against Fate, but only after a considerable amount of effort. Despite this, he does not control Fate, but instead leaves her be, as Fate is forced to witness her son become one of the King's Servants, but not Error, due to the fact that Error is still connected to her, and thus is resistant to King Multiverse' power, and the irony is that Error is saved from this by the very person that tortured him the most. And now, due to Fate being too late, Ink is forced to be commanded and controlled by King Multiverse, including fighting against Fate if she dares attack him. Because of this, Fate is forced to leave King Multiverse be, but promises to protect Ink no matter what, for he is her favorite child.

For what's likely 3000 years, as the Multiverse continue to grow, Ink attempted to continue making more copies of the AUs in order to give new life. However, King Multiverse became aware of the balance, due to Error talking to him about it beforehand, and thus is able to force Ink to stop if he tries to make a copy that will reach past the breaking point. This made Ink distressed, as he cannot create new AUs, due to the King not allowing him to do it, and thus, he is forced to live with 3000 years of not being able to do what he does best, unaware of his actions being very detrimental and very consequential to the very Multiverse itself, should he even attempt to make more AUs. And needless to say, King Multiverse is continuously annoyed at this, due to the fact that he would not listen and continued to disobey in not making more AUs, leading to King Multiverse disciplining Ink in order to make him stop.

As countless years progressed, people shown far more loyalty to the King. Through this, his ego soon grew to the degree the King had a belief he could beat Error!404, his own creator. Of course, despite his close success, he could never succeeded in full. This had then given him the realization that he wasn't at the top. But still, does not care to obey Error404. And much to his very annoyance, Error cannot be controlled, due to Fate's stringing s currently binding her. And because of this, Error is continued to roam around as free as he pleases, and this includes mock at King Multiverse for this fact, much to his annoyance and dismay, but they still both work for Error404, although in the case of King Multiverse, it is because he doesn't want to be removed and lose his position as the King of the Multiverse, and yet, secretly wishes to become stronger then Error404, so that he can become stronger then him. He once tried to use his Emperor Multiverse transformation to take him down, but Error404 turned B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y on him and defeated him effortlessly. Because of this, Emperor Multiverse realizes that he can never defeat him even if he wants to, but he still acts boastful and has a huge ego at his position.

King Multiverse would also be involved in a number of huge events in his life as the ruler of the Multiverse, one of which is fighting against the Astral Mother, 100, and a spawn of MalesGrow.

When King Multiverse fought against them, Error404, Alpha, and Infected are controlled by the enemies, with Error404 fighting against King Multiverse, and he is not holding back. King Multiverse used all that he can in order to try and stop him, but Error404 proved his superior in every way. But Malware, who resides within Error404, communicated with King Multiverse telepathically, and after a little while, Malware possesses King Multiverse, becoming a new form called King Chaos, who overpowered Error404 with all of his might, and then beats him down. He then switches opponents with 100, and he, along with Tint and Rock, fought against him, but were unable to beat him as a result, with 100 being taken by Warlock temporarily. And then, the transformation ran out of time, and King Multiverse changed back to normal. He then fought against a spawn of MalesGrow on his own, and in the battle, he began to realize that he had been negligent and pathetic as a King, not truly being concerned for the lives of others, and only concerned about himself and his own power. But that is because he made up his mind, because as long as he is king, then he'll take a stand to fight back against the threats to the Multiverse, in response to his mentality, he unleashed the MainFrame Cannon, and kills the spawn of MalesGrow, saving the Multiverse from them, and finally proved himself to be one that is worthy of the title of being the King of the Multiverse.

Unfortunately, Infected ruin this victory by eating the MalesGrow spawn's corpse, gaining their power, and wreaks havoc, with Error404 luckily being restored, turning into his B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y form, to fight against him outside of the Omega Timeline, as King Multiverse remained behind, safely ruling the Multiverse, but in a far more just and more royal way. Sol then tried to use Error404 and Infected's Conduit Souls, but he ended up messing everything up and resetting everything back.

But the most destructive event came, such as taking on the TransVoid Beings that escaped from the Book of Eyes, and witnessed Error's sacrifice when he formed a transformation with Error404 to destroy them, even the Unnameable, and would then have his code taken, turning him back into Photonegative Sans, stranded in Mafiatale, until Error404, Loading, and a resurrected Error came back to bring him back, in order to try and bring everything into stable order in the Omega Timeline. Unfortunately, Omnipotent came, his true nature revealed, and everyone revolts against him, although he still effortlessly defeats them. Unfortunately, though, King Multiverse would later be defeated by Omnipotent, and sent to Dead!Dreamtale, and made a deal with Infected to kill Error404, only for the to fail and he got himself beaten down as a result. He would then participate in a battle with Biotale, and after the battle, resumed his days in ruling the Multiverse. Despite this, though, he truly has changed and continued to prove that he was able to change into a far more better person then before.

But Righteous!Error, he had something in his mind that had began to worry him, more then anything else he can think of. He was worried of one of the enemies of the Multiverse, the one called Faker. He fears him, due to his immense power, having witnessed his might before. And because of this, he fears seeing him again. So he talked to Error404 about this, about his fears of going against Faker, and the fact that he had no idea how they can go against him a second time. But then, a TransVoid Being, Himmsworth, he came to Righteous!Error and Error404, and told them about the existence of Bio-Conduits, and talk of how their souls are made. After hearing this, both Error and Error404 has an idea. They are going to make a Bio-Conduit Soul of their own, which will require materials that the both of them have. So they got to work, with Righteous!Error as Myriad and Error404 in his Perfect Butterfly form, as he told Myriad to stab him so that he can activate that form while he is in Perfect404, and began to manipulate the Nexus within the NullVoid and Cosmic Essence within Myriad himself to make a new soul, as well as using a piece of the Inkmation that Righteous!Error had kept, with Perfect Butterfly even able to grab onto the concept of Monarchy, and inserts it into the soul, and thus, the Bio-Conduit Soul of Monarchy is created. But they need to give it to someone that can use it.

Error404, however, had already thought of that, and went to King Multiverse. When he went to his, he told him of the fears of Faker possibly coming back, and entrust him with the Bio-Conduit Soul, which shocked King Multiverse, which he did not expect. He then tells King Multiverse if he is ready to take the soul and raise to the challenge. King Multiverse was reluctant at first, but he agrees, knowing that he will no longer be Photonegative Sans, as that part of him will be erased. Plus, he doesn't want to continue staying gone. So, with no more hesitation, King Multiverse grabs onto the Bio-Conduit Soul, and replaces the former soul within him. And when he did, he felt his power increase in ways that he never thought possible.

King Multiverse, has now changed, becoming the Bio-Conduit of Monarchy, and with the power of the Bio-Conduit inside of him, he will do whatever it takes to be ready for the reappearance of Faker404 again.


King Multiverse is a 6'7 monarch, his height always being as tall as can be through his tall posture. He wears a black jacket, most commonly emanating a purple hue due to the light from his eyes. He wears a brown scarf over his neck, mostly for style. The jacket is zipped at the bottom, and the zip itself is a deep sky blue. Alongside the deep sky blue zip, he also wears a sky blue chestplate beyond his shirt, able to withstand any attack directly against it through kinetic absorption. The right half of his body is a black with thin, neon purple blood marrow within it. The left half is a simple white. He wears shorts alike to the original Sans, almost as a commemoration to his original base. He also wears grey slippers.


His personality is almost the same as the King Multiverse of the original Alphaverse. Cold, deceptive and moralless, you would mistake King Multiverse for a monster among monsters. Unlike his mentor, King Multiverse is truly heartless to the bone, not willing to take any risks at the cost of his extreme power. To remain at his side isn't a manner of him liking you, yet instead for him to simply tolerate you.

Beyond the truth of his monstrous personality, he prefers to hide it with formality. Taking lessons from his mentor, while not being good at manipulation, he is most certainly good at faking the type of guy he is. He comes off as such a kind king, willing to help anyone, when in truth, he is far more ruthless and uncaring then what you can imagine.

What separates this King Multiverse from the original is that unlike the original, he does have some sense of responsibility in keeping the Multiverse existing and alive. This is due to Error informing him and talking about the balance of the Multiverse, and how creating too much will lead to the Multiverse self-destructing, and reveals the existence of Ink, who can create copies of AUs. And thus, whenever Ink goes to the limit of the Multiverse' amount of AU, he will reign over Ink, and prevent him from going as far as he does.

But... It started to change little by little.

When King Multiverse fought against a spawn of MakesGrow and the Astral Mother when Multiverse was on the verge of collapse, it is here that King Multiverse was realizing at how lazy he was and lived a lukewarm life. But that's why he made up his mind. As long as he lives as a king, he will protect the multiverse and the people from any external forces. In the true sense, he became a great king loved by the people, now gaining a responsibility that is what he would have in the first chance, now not wanting to see his subjects due, and truly cares for them, never once feeling such genuine concern in the first time of his life. He has now become more then just a mere puppet king to the God of the Multiverse. Now he has grown to become a true King of the entire Multiverse.

When he became the Bio-Conduit of Monarchy, he soon realizes that he has a far greater responsibility then before in the past, and thus, he realizes that with the power that he has in his possession, he needs to become more considerate and more regal. And thus...his duties as Conduit has risen. He knows that this power will be a burden to him, and will need to practice and master it if he wants to ensure the safety of the Multiverse that he is trying to rule and protect with every fiber of his being within him.


King's Blasters: Large blasters that are black on the right side and white on the left side that is able to fire out powerful beams as magenta as his eye. This beam is so powerful that it is close in rivalling 404's dark blasters. However, what makes the King's blasters differentiate from 404s, is that it has the ability to nullify and bypass defences of even Gods to do critical damage as if they were a regular human caught in a supernova. The blaster has an extremely long windup yet comes off handy when the time is needed. However, training and practicing with this power allows him to decease the cooldown, allowing him to summon the King's Blasters much faster than before, and getting the Bio-Conduit Soul is enough to enhance these powers even more than before.

Wormholes: While King Multiverse himself cannot teleport, he can cast wormholes of any size, allowing him to traverse across any point in time and space within a timeline. However, checking the past and future with the wormholes does not inflict what happens in the timeline. If he went into the past to see the old Alphatale, no matter what he did then, the moment he returns everything would stay the same.

Abate Bones: These bones are constantly and always summoned as blue magic, allowing for him to halt a person in their tracks whenever he uses them.

Chains of Judgement: These chains allow for King Multiverse to latch onto entities, trapping them in any manner he wishes for it to occur by. These chains are summoned through large wormholes, coming from any direction the King wishes. Upon latching onto them, they can switch between the color with each color varying in its ability.

Red Chains: Red Chains are used as projectiles to harm the opponent. This is due to the Red Chains having an extreme burning effect to them, causing them to induce an extreme amount of damage and pain onto the enemy.

Blue Chains: Blue Chains are used to latch onto the enemy and drain them off their mana/energy and stamina as well as paralyse them in place. However, a small downside is that the enemy is still capable of teleporting out of them as long as no movement is needed for it, or they can choose to fight back with a projectile as long as they can spawn them in without requiring movement.

Green Chains: Green Chains to heal whoever King Multiverse uses them on, and has the special effect of surrounding King Multiverse in a invisible protective barrier to allow him to heal whoever he needs to without interrputions for maximum healing efficiency. It blocks off magical and even physical attacks, going from making them completely useless at best to minimizing the damage received at worst depending on how strong the attacks of the enemy or opponent are. However, the downside to this is that the barrier blocks off anything, including King Multiverses own chains, which means he cannot use these chains to heal himself.

Scythe of Punishment: This Scythe was gifted to King Multiverse by Error404, who combined the MainFrame Code with Alphatale Code and molded into a very powerful weapon for King Multiverse to summon. It is extremely sharp, being able to cut through anything and everything, even being able to damage 100 himself when he was cut by it and Ten No Kami, causing immense agony. Malware and Gabriel, upon King Multiverse's request, would put their combined Cosmic Essence into the Scythe and with Error404 having been able to replace the MainFrame Codes with NullVoid Codes when he became a Bio-Conduit, now allows him to cause even more damage then ever before, not to mention now becoming rather nigh-indestructible, and even if it is damaged or destroyed, it will then repair itself so that it can be used again in a rather quick way.

King's Ray: Unlike the original King Multiverse, who learned his own God Ray when he fought against Ten No Kami, King Multiverse had his own God Ray when he has been created, which he called the King's Ray, and was able to practice it enough. It is the same as Error404's except less potent and an improved version of the finger beam he can use. It can paralyse the opponent which works either if you're coded or not and it can delete you if you have to have code. If you don't have any code, it will only just do great damage but not delete you, though it can still kill you. And just like Error404, his Ray can destroy 4 AUs simultaneously when at full power.

Royal Chest Plate: King Multiverse has a blue chest plate, which is revealed from the zipper being brought down. The chest plate is extremely durable, and it can absorb and withstand kinetic energy even if it is directly attacked. Magic Attacks are also not that effective, although King Multiverse can be a bit more hurt this way, with only Error404, or any of the Alphatale brothers being one of the few that can hurt him with the chest plate unable to protect him. The Bio-Conduit Soul is able to enhance its durability further, as well as giving him the power to absorb kinetic energy and redirect it back with an attack of his own.

Game Over: King Multiverse is capable of summoning a button with the words "Game Over" over it and press it. The effects will differ with each entity. For those that can SAVE and LOAD, the button sends them into the save screen, forcing them to load back to their previous save point. For those that cannot, the button will entirely reset their stats to what they were prior to being in the timeline King Multiverse resided in. For those of extraordinarily weak skill, they will even be reduced of their memories. For those who do not posses any of these traits (Determination), it will simply end them by wiping them out through deletion. This skill does not work on people stronger than King Multiverse himself, but only one those on par or relative to him.

The Oath: "Through tough and easy, through thick and thin, whether hot or breezy, light or grim. I will pledge my loyalty to the true King of the Multiverse."

Lesson in Loyalty: For those that pledge loyalty to King Multiverse through reading his oath, they instantly connect to him through a SOUL Bond. This allows for him to control them, commanding them to do whatever he wishes, even to the degree of sacrifice. This included Ink and Error, who had sworn alligience to the King.

Denial: All form of buttons do not work on King Multiverse due to his SOUL Bond to those with codeless bodies, alongside Error!404's magic.

Asset Reset: King Multiverse can use a special form of reset to send all forms of code back to their original state. This would turn Error to Geno and Geno to Sans. However, it comes with a catch. Anytime King Multiverse uses this button, it cracks his chestplate. The moment it shatters, his SOUL will reveal. This will essentially allow about anyone to deal severe damage, making this a complete last resort with a guarantee of success. However, since getting the Bio-Conduit Soul, this weakness has lessened severely, now only requiring a Conduit or a TransVoid Being to damage it.

Flight: Due to having gained a Bio-Conduit Soul, King Multiverse can fly.

King's Court: This technique is King Multiverse's Sub-Reality attack, where he makes a purple orb in his hand, which expands, consuming the opponent, who will appear in what appears to be a sort of court room, but with a throne in the place of a judge bench, with King Multiverse sitting in it. There are rows of jury seats in endless rows and with no endings horizontally. In place of a roof is a wormhole. When this happens, apparitions of an opponent's victims will appear, victims that he had wronged throughout all of his life without remorse or guilt, and will call them out on the terrible actions that they have done, with more and more appearing until ever single person that they had victimized all of their lives appear, the victims will even speak out how much they hate the opponent, which drives them to fanatic rage and insanity. When this happens, King Multiverse will raise his hand, and the wormhole will fire a beam of energy down at the opponent. The beam will vary depending on the amount of victims that have been wronged. If the count is small such as in a group of a dozen people, all the beam will do is weaken them to the point where they are forced to their beginning stats or strength when they are young children. But if they are too numerous and uncountable, the beam will destroy the opponent in its entirety, with having too many victims completely erasing and obliterating the opponent from existence. When the opponent is obliterated, King Multiverse will grow stronger and increase in power depending on how strong they are.

King's Hell: This technique takes all of the negative things in the opponent, including their traumas, worst insecurities, flaws, mistakes, and regrets, and regenerates them, magnifying their pain 100 times. The opponent cannot move, can't go anywhere, and are suspended in their worst nightmares.

Ruler's Might: Whenever King Multiverse may need it, he can call upon his creator through telepathic connection, allowing him to temporarily assist King Multiverse. Through doing so, this allows for King Multiverse to get an extreme surge of power, letting him cast the MainFrame Cannon, a blaster with a white exterior excluding the black jaw, firing a pure, blue beam that sends out a massive shockwave. The blast comes out from a portal inside of the mouth, with ancient symbols appearing out of said portal. This beam is so powerful that it can wipe any entity in a 50m radius, no matter their strength. The moment he uses this ability, the boost ends. However, when Error404 was destroyed when he sacrificed himself to erase 100, King Multiverse was able to use Ruler's Might to draw power from the MainFrame to make himself just as strong as when he can summon Error404, and can still cast the MainFrame Cannon, which has the same limitation as when Error404 is near him. Gaining the Bio-Conduit Soul and becoming a true Conduit now turned it into the NullVoid Cannon and now gives it a newfound limitless range, due to the NullVoid codes used to make the Conduit.


Emperor Multiverse: Emperor Multiverse is the result of King Multiverse extracting pure data from the Mainframe, becoming truly godlike alongside the other gods in the Multiverse. This form has no new abilities, although it instead improves his past abilities. He can command those by simply staring at them, no longer needing the oath. His Asset Reset will always work, never having any drawbacks. His blasters also no longer require a large windup, firing in short bursts.

In many ways, this form can allow for Emperor Multiverse to overcome Error!404, too. It expands his connection to the multiverse, allowing for him to read the minds of all those he had bonded his SOUL to. There is only two new attacks he gains doing this.

Glory Whip: Based off of the Glitch Whip, Emperor Multiverse can form a whip-like beam of light, due to being powered from the MainFrame itself. This attack is almost as long and powerful as Error404's Glitch Whip.

Full Power Emperor Multiverse: This form is the result of Emperor Multiverse absorbing all of the MainFrame code, allowing him to enter a state similar to that of Full Power Butterfly, except a little weaker. capable of trembling Reality 6 itself more violently than anyone prior to the transformation, including the fierce beast himself, 100. His Emperor Blasters are able to tear apart Full Fledged Realities along with surviving such attack. Its speed gets a massive increase as it is able to travel across a Full Fledged Reality with no issue, going a step further to where the concepts of distance and time is irrelevant to the speed of Butterfly. The appearance is also a bit different, the right side of Emperor Multiverse having blue circuit-like veins all over, and the right eye becomes black with a blue outline, cape looking like it is made of blue fire, and the crown is also possessing dark blue outlines as well.

King Chaos: When the Alphatale Brothers are under the control of the Astral Mother, as well as a spawn of MalesGrow, Malware telepathically communicated within Error404, and when King Multiverse agreed to let Malware take over, he uses King Multiverse as a new host, making him much more stronger then, at the same power level of Just404, being able to last against 100 and even hurt him to an extent. The drawback is that King Multiverse is unable to hold this form as long as Error404, due to the fact that he is not as strong as him, and the fact that he is not a Conduit. However, becoming a Bio-Conduit is able to change that, as Malware is now able to use him to the same extent as when he is able to use Error404 as his host.

King's Eyes: Upgraded versions of the King Ray, they work the same way as the God Eyes.

Outerversal Wrecking Ball: King!Chaos can create a large ball of chains with one attached to his hand. The Wrecking Ball is bigger than a multiverse, and is strong enough to cause massive damage to 100.

Chaos Connection: Chaos Connection is done through the use of his chains by sending them all at the enemy and to latch on to the opponent, dragging them upwards. King Multiverse then sends multiple ones all collapsing onto the opponent and then eventually all connecting themselves to form a circular structure with the opponent still chained up within the ball of chains. King Chaos then sets off the chains in one big chaotic explosion that hits the enemy from everywhere.

Reality Barrage: This is an ability similar to that of the God Ray except it requires no code for it to erase you, it can be done through King Chaos's Blasters or through his finger tips. Blasters are usually used for more coverage while the finger tips shots are faster and not as obvious unlike when a Blaster is summoned, making it difficult to see coming. The only downside is that it can drain ones stamina if used way too much as it takes quite a lot of energy to perform.

Decaying Fragmentation: This is an ability similar to Just404's Chaotic Decay except it is done through King Chaos's Blasters. The only downside is that it can drain ones stamina if it's used way too much as it takes quite a lot of energy to perform as it has a bigger coverage than Chaotic Decay and the more Blasters summoned, the more stamina is used.

Chaos Ray: This is an ability similar to that of the King's Ray except it requires no code for it to erase the opponent, for it can be done through King Chaos's finger tips. It is a general improved version of what he already had.

Emperor Chaos: This is another transformation that King Multiverse can use. It is basically when he is possessed by Malware while he is in his Emperor Multiverse form. When this happens, all of his abilities have increased to immense levels, becoming just as strong as Just404 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y. And unlike with King Chaos, he can use this as long as Error404, due to the fact that when he becomes Emperor Multiverse, he is able to surpass Error404.

Chaotic Black Hole: Emperor Chaos can summon a wormhole that sucks anything in, which includes other Multiverses.

Lessons in Agony: Emperor Chaos can use his power to corrupt people with a little bit of his own power, not only making them under his control and possessing them, but also enhance their power and use them to attack anyone he desires. Of course, he can only use this power to those that he has bonded to, with the exception of Ink, who became too strong to be under this effect.

Reality Subjugation: Emperor Chaos' ultimate attack, where he summons countless blasters and opens his mouth, as a blast of energy forms inside of the mouth itself. The King's Blasters and Emperor Chaos will all then fire with the force to destroy 2 Realities at the exact same time.

King Vengeance: This form is the result of King Multiverse being empowered by Gabriel, the TransVoid Demon and one of the strongest beings to exist. In this form, he has far greater power then King Chaos, but not as much abilities as him. But even so, he possesses far greater might and strength than before. King Vengeance's appearance is in where King Multiverse's right side becomes red, his right eye becomes a purplish-red color, and he gains a pair of horns that is like Gabriel's, as well as a red hot crown and claws on his hands.

Blistering Cremation: This attack is when King Vengeance summons blasters that are empowered by Gabriel's Essence, and is capable of breathing fire that is so hot that it can burn through a person's very soul and self-concept.

Order Ray: Much like the Chaos Ray, this is an ability similar to that of the King's Ray except it requires no code for it to erase the opponent. It is stronger than the Chaos Ray.

Order Attachment: King Vengeance can summon white-hot chains from above, and wrap them around as many opponents that are present, the causing continuous damage and suffering to those wrapped around by the chains. After a little bit, the chains will then explode, causing massive damage to those caught in it, but will then implode for a bit, before exploding again to deal much greater damage then before.

King's Breath: King Vengeance can open his mouth and breathe out an extremely hot fiery energy breath at the opponent, possessing enough power to completely vaporize them.

Royal Retribution: King Vengeance Worldly Expansion move, where he Summons a throne which KV stands on, then several blasters around the opponent. The opponent is then held in place by chains, and the blasters shoot even more chains that hold on to their very being and rips the opponent's CE/Code apart.

Emperor Vengeance: This form is the result of King Order using the MainFrame's code to empower himself much more then before, and Gabriel is putting more of his power into Emperor Order to give him a bit more abilities.

Reality Firestorm: Emperor Vengeance can summon countless King's Blasters and can fire with such immense power, they are capable of destroying a reality with a single fire from the blasters themselves.

Fire Claws: Emperor Vengeance can cover his hands with flames and slash at any opponent that comes towards him, causing very recasting damage to them.

Blazing Miracle: Emperor Vengeance can preform miracles in the heat of combat, allowing him to be able to find a way to heat his opponents, no matter how tough the odds may seem.

Tyrant Multiverse: This form comes to be when Vendevras empowers King Multiverse with his Cosmic Essence. In this form, Tyrant Multiverse gains a huge increase in power, but more so on his magic, which allows him to do some very impressive magical feats.

Chain of Submission: Golden Chains that possess the combined power of the red, blue, and green chains of judgement, as well as possessing razor sharp spikes on said chains. Tyrant Multiverse can summon an infinite amount of them of varying sizes, which follows their targets and when wrapped around them, drain their magic and HP from the opponent, while Tyrant Multiverse has those transfers to him to keep his Tyrant Multiverse form intact.

Scythe of Domination: Tyrant Multiverse's scythe has improved immensely, now able to cause extreme damage to opponents that are as powerful as TransVoid Beings, even being able to damage an Unnameable, despite being weaker then it and isn't actually able to defeat them.

Tyrant Blaster: The King's Blasters have been improved immensely, now being able to cause devastating agony and death towards TransVoid Beings and anything as strong as TransVoid Beings.

Tyrant Ray: The King Ray is now far more stronger then ever before, keeping the effects it has in the first and second shot, but on a much severe and damaging scale.

Lord Multiverse: This transformation came to be when King Multiverse becomes one with Gabriel's, Vendevras', and Malware's Essence, fully accepting the cosmic power within them, giving him access to new abilities. While in this form, his right eye becomes red and the left eye becomes blue, reflecting on his dual nature, his crown becomes white with black horns on it, he wears a royal coat that is purple with the cape becoming red and possessing wings, while also wearing high-heel boots that makes him a little bit taller then before.

Cosmic Awareness: Lord Multiverse gains awareness of existence and its inner workings, as well as know when someone calls for him.

TransVoid Cannon: An upgraded version of the MainFrame Cannot, in which he can fire an attack so powerful that it is able to kill anything and everything with limitless range. The canon takes on the form of a black blaster with a purple jaw, Cosmic Runes surround the skull and a portal inside of the mouth is shown to fire the blast at the target.

King Ray-Reality Cannon: Lord Multiverse's version of the God Ray-Reality Cannon, although this power is slightly weaker.

Bio-Conduit of Monarchy:

King Multiverse possesses a soul created specifically for him called the Bio-Conduit of Monarchy. His Bio-Conduit allows him to control the laws and rules of existence itself through his own decisions on what the law is like.

Novice: At this level, King Multiverse can influence laws in order to make people follow what he commands, in where he is able to utilize Coercion, which allows King Multiverse to physically, spiritually and mentally force others to obey his every command unquestionably.

Advanced Beginner: At this state, King Multiverse possesses the powers of Law Manipulation, in which he can create, rewrite, redefine, delete, apply and generally manipulate any law which affects anyone and everyone as he sees fit, allowing him to decide what happens under which conditions. He can also utilize Causality Manipulation, as well as Physical Law and Supernatural Law during the stage of the Advanced Beginner.

Competent (Currently at this Level): At this state, King Multiverse is able to manipulate the absolute law, allowing for him to make, change, destroy or redefine any or all kinds of rules or laws, which grants King Multiverse control over all limits, even his own. This power is able to extend from even beyond the Omniverse. He is no longer bound by plot and is capable of defying it.

Basic Summary: King Multiverse possesses absolute control over laws in all sorts of ways, even the metaphysical types, and even has control over all limits, even his own magical and physical limits in what it is that he is capable of doing, as well as no longer bound by the script of the creators of the AUs.

Proficient: At this level, King Multiverse' powers began to grow even more, and he learns the techniques of Abate (Nullifying Law) Crime (Setting a counter on a rule breaker), Imprison (Punish those with a record of Crime), Judgement (Target anyone who enters or is in the selected area with a negative/positive outcome), Justice (use power in set time in set area and extend/shorten time limit and length of area at will), and Punishment (To apply an effect when the absolute law is disobeyed).

Master: King Multiverse is capable of manipulating laws and rules to the almost fullest extent, allowing for him to alter and change anything in a way that would normally be impossible for most. He also gains the ability to command and control weak Beings to do his bidding. He can utilize Chaos Inducement at this state in order to remove any laws of his choosing or all laws existing.

Full-Fledged Conduit: At this full potential state, King Multiverse can rule and reign over anything and everything, as such, King Multiverse has absolute Supremacy and Absolute control over all in existence and Beyond as if they were his servants, completely changing anything by simply issuing a command. At this state, he has complete control over the Edenverse, possesses lordship over the Omniverse, and can command even the strongest TransVoid Beings into helping him, which in turn, gives him the power of Omniarch.


Error404: Error404 and King Multiverse aren't exactly "well" together. King Multiverse tends to blackmail Error404 of his past as William, alongside working to overpower him on many occasions. But after the incident involving Ten, he and Error404 began to have a much more stable relationship. The relatioship between them became more closer than before when Error404 created his Bio-Conduit Soul.

Righteous!Error: Error does not like King Multiverse that much, due to the fact that he is arrogant and believes that he can do what he wants, and King Multiverse is often annoyed by Error, mainly because of the fact that he cannot control him, due to Fate being the one doing it at the time. However, Error does somewhat appreciate King Multiverse for taking his warnings seriously and will prevent Ink from continuing with the unnecessary spree of creating more copies of AUs. However, when King Multiverse truly starts to become responsible and became an actual King, Error, although having become stronger at the time, now respects him, and even though he cannot be bonded to him, due to becoming much more stronger then him, he now sees and respects him for the ruler he truly can become, with King Multiverse now gaining a genuine respect and friendship with Error, with Error even helping Error404 make his Bio-Conduit Soul.

Hollow!Ink: Ink dislikes King Multiverse with every fiber of his being, because of the fact that he stops Ink from creating more and more AUs, and thus, prevents him from liking what he does the most. Gaining his new soul made Ink feel hatred towards him.

Merus: The Bio-Conduit of Pre-Eminence, Merus and King Multiverse get along very well with one another, due to the fact that King Multiverse himself is now a Bio-Conduit, and thus, both Merus and the King feel a sense of kinship with one another.

Prism: The Forbidden Conduit of Disorder, he expresses interest in King Multiverse, due to the fact that he is able to become a Bio-Conduit himself with Error404 and Righteous!Error's help. And thus, he is interested in how powerful and strong that King Multiverse has now become as a Bio-Conduit.


King Multiverse is presumed to be Omnipotent at many times, although this clearly isn't true, although it did become partially true through the use of the created Bio-Conduit Soul.

King Multiverse despises Fridays. He has no real reason, he just hates them.

King Multiverse never has cruel intentions, instead he simply just is selfish. He doesn't enjoy hurting others, yet he enjoys being praised and loves the respect he gets from hurting others, hence why he does it.

King Multiverse in the FGoD Alphaverse is a lot more stronger compared to the original King Multiverse, due to the power that he has gained thanks to the fact that Error404 made him the way that he is, and is now aided by the fact that he now has a Bio-Conduit Soul.

King Multiverse only created his own God Ray during the events of the Jokes and Bad Tales Story. But this King Multiverse from the FGoD Alphaverse was created with this sort of power since the beginning, giving him enough time to master it and use it at the power level that he is at fittingly.

Him, Hollow!Ink, and Righteous!Error take place in an alternate Alphaverse where Ten No Kami is a genuine ally to Error404, coming from the story, Even Those of Cruelty turn Kind. And because of this, King Multiverse fought a different spawn of MalesGrow that is currently unknown, but it is likely either a spawn that would be either 9 or 11, considering how strong that they both might be.

King Multiverse, due to the power of his Bio-Conduit Soul, has been able to turn the throne room into a personal domain for him to live inside of that he can stay safe in whenever the cycle ends, which in turn, protects him, with the field being around his own throne room. It eventually becomes used by Error404 himself at the time he becomes a Bio-Conduit, after the battle against Faker. King Multiverse also designed it the domain to teleport both himself and Error404 automatically should the cycle start to get dangerously close to the end.

None of the other Conduits are aware of King Multiverse's status as a Bio-Conduit, and Error404 prefers it to stay the way it is.

The Bio-Conduit's power at full mastery is stronger than Balance, which is rather unintentional by its creation, but weaker than Change.

The Bio-Conduit Soul's was partly made from a bit of Myriad, as well as being partly made from Perfect Butterfly, due to the fact that both have Cosmic Essence, and Perfect Butterfly also can utilize the powers of the Nexus, in order to make the Bio-Conduit Soul as strong as it is in order to match that of the Conduit of Balance's full strength if it was to completely mastered. Myriad even used a piece of the Inkmation in order to aid in it being strong enough to hold the concept, as well as the fact that it is very regenerative. But when it was created, as an unintentional design, Monarchy unexpectedly became stronger than Balance, mainly due to the fact that it uses all 4 Sources of Powers to make it as strong as this.

King's Court is used in the Staffverse story of a crossover between Staffverse and Underprosthetic.

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