

Cosmic Slayer
Sir Cosmos
Heir of the Cosmos
Falklore's Son

Date of Birth: November 10th

Place of Birth: Kingdom of Woa

Species: Eden Folk
Gender: Male
Height: 8'5
Weight: 500 Megatons
Hair Color: Void Black
Eye Color: Space-Like

I control the stars, and yet, I shall protect all of existence.-Basil.

Basil is an Eden Folk, and is one of the most powerful heroes in all of existence. He is the son of Falklore, the God Slayer and a Hero of Eden, and Edra, the Goddess of the Cosmos, as well as the Queen who rules the Kingdom of Woa.


It all began with Falklore, who is in during one of his days where he is trying to take down the Conduit of Injustice. He and the Conduit of Injustice have been enemies for a very long time, for as long as they can remember, or rather...for as long as Falklore can remember, due to how long in that he has existed. But regardless of how long it has been for the both of them, for Falklore, one thing is for certain, in that they both have never stopped fighting against each other. It is as if destiny has intertwined their fate in that they are forced to be able to fight against each other. And Falklore, as much as he hates that fate is putting him in this mess, he knows that he has no choice of the matter, and that he needs to take down the Conduit of Injustice, in order to stop him from committing the horrible deeds that he is continuing to commit. After all, Falklore is a hero, and the Conduit of Injustice, he is a villain, and due to their positions, and their different ideals, it is fitting that they would be brought into this sort of thing. The battle between the both of them is fierce and violent, as both of the combatants did not hold back on what they can do, and did not hold back on the full might of their power. The both of them are very strong, stronger than most others, although Falklore always knows that he is the one who will win, as he has done so many times before in the past, and the thing is, the Conduit of Injustice can never truly beat him, no matter how hard he tries to do it.

However, it seems that in this case, fate has other plants for him, and now desires him for another thing. Because on this case, Falklore is being watched by someone, and it is from a realm of immense power, known as the Kingdom of Woa. It is a massive kingdom, in where their inflicted across time and space is endless. And watching the fight between Falklore and the Conduit of Injustice, is the one that has made the Kingdom of Woa. She is known, as the Goddess of the Cosmos. But her real name, is Edra, the ruler of the Kingdom of Woa, as well as the one that has made this kingdom. Originally part of a court of sorts, as well as having once served the Royal Family, Edra would eventually turn against the court and the royal family, Edra dawned herself in bright golden clothes with a dark blue and a large golden hat symbolizing her spot upon the pecking order. Eventually even the likes of Vor would see her as a threat to the natural order and right he was to fear her for through unnatural means and devouring the slumbering carcasses of two God's of Eden that had left they're physical bodies behind Edra was able to transcend far beyond that of which anyone had expected, leading to the three daughters to try and stop her.

Edra and the downfall of the Wicked Throne has gone down in legend and the events that happened there were so vile that none dare speak of them due to fear of brining bad luck upon themselves. Edra had overpowered Abigail and reduced Precisella to scraps of metal and flesh leaving only the eldest Gabriella to fend her off, however it would be unlikely. Edra had grown too vast in power even destroying the countless barriers and limitations of her own perception of reality allowing for her to do just about anything, but Gabriella wouldn't back down so instead of murder the girl Edra would have her imprisoned inside a Cube containing a pocket dimension to which she then sent to the deepest parts of the Wicked Throne.

Edra grew vast cosmic wings and set out to the far reaches of time and space, creating the infinite paradise known as the kingdom of Woa, it was massive in scale and dwarfed anything in its wake. As one last send off Edra created the Pit of nothingness and then vanished without a trace.

Edra has heard of Falklore, but she never had a chance to meet him, and thus, when he is done fighting against the Conduit of Injustice, she immediately appears before him. After all, she is interested in him, and desires something from him, something she has always wanted in such a very long time.

When Edra had appeared, Falklore looked at Edra in confusion, but it didn't take long for him to realize who it is. Although he has never seen Edra in person before, he has been told of her by various entities, and needless to say, she is a very rotten and arrogant goddess, and thus, when Edra tries to take him, Falklore got ready to fight her, and than, the battle between the 2 most powerful Edenfolk happened, after what most have been such a very long time.

The battle was fierce and catastrophic, their mere clashes threaten to destroy all of the realist that are below them, but Falklore has stood his ground and lasted an extremely long time against Eden, and the Goddess of the Cosmos, she became even more interested in him. And normally, she would see all others below her as inferior and not as friends, but Falklore, he has proven his might against her, especially since he himself is an Eden Folk, and thus, she used her powers for something that Falklore is not expecting. She was able to bypass his Autopotence, and knocked him unconscious, before taking off his helmet, and became very infatuated at the sight of his face, which is shown to be very handsome. She kissed him, and used her powers to take a piece of Falklore's essence, and put it inside of herself, but not so that she can take and copy his power. No, it is so that she can make a choke of both herself and Falklore, and a very strong child to have. Edra than puts Falklore inside of a reality that is safe, and goes back to the Kingdom of Woa, as she can feel her child growing and being born. When she gave birth, the child's cries were able to be heard across all of the Kingdom of Woa, and even a Polothorn God was able to hear it, although he has no idea where it is coming from, and even the Conduits of the 10 Realities are able to hear the loud cry of the child.

The Child, who is named Basil, became born from the Goddess of the Cosmos, and is a very strong child, cue to being the son of Falklore and Edra, with his power being so very immense. And thus, as he grows up, Edra taught Basil how to use his powers, and even tries to give him the same personality that she has, being able to look down upon other people, and considering those below him inferior. But due to being able to inherit some of Falklore's personality, that sort of thing is impossible, but still gets taught by this so that he can make his mother proud. But despite what many people mu think, Edra has no love for Basil, mainly due to the fact that she only uses him as a way to become a heir to the throne when she is gone, even though she can last forever. But Edra does not care, as she brought him into life in order to see how he is like when he is born, and of how strong he is able to be when he grows up.

The thing is, when Edra continues to observe how strong he is, she began to see that his strength is growing immensely, and at the age of 28, he stopped to the point that, Edra decides to tell him to leave, due to wanting to secure her position as a ruler, and Basil obeys, and he began to wander around the 10 realities, reminiscing on the memories of Edra, at how hard he did to earn her love, only to earn nothing, which made him very sad, until he came across Falklore, during one of his trips to the 10 realities.

When both Falklore and Basil met, Falklore sensed his essence inside of Basil, and realized what he is, and Basil, he too began to realize what he is. He is his father. Falklore, upon this realization, took Basil under his wing, and taught him all that he knew, about how to fight, all about combat, and all he can about the 10 realities, and unlike Edra, who cares nothing about Basil, he cares immensely about Basil and of how he feels, to the point where he even helps him when against a being that Basil doesn't want to fight by himself, despite the fact that he can do it by himself. This made Basil happy, as he finally has a parent that he can be with, and since then, they had been inseparable for thousands upon thousands of years.


Basil's appearance is similar to his mother, Edra, to the point that he almost resembles her entirely. He is a large, pale man with stary eyes and a long set of black hair that reaches down to the ground with white dots that resembles stars, black nails, and has a feminine figure, to the point of being mistaken for a female, although he is still a male. He wears metal greaves and gauntlets, and wears black leggings and a white shirt that has sleeves that stood after the elbows. The Greaves, surprising, have no shoes, and only cover the legs, but not the feet. And because of this, Basil has always been shown to go barefoot, just like his mother, Edra. And finally, like his mother, Edra, he also has stars circling around the top of his head, almost resembling what seems to be a crown.


Although born with immense power from Edra, who is stronger than even Falklore, Basil has inherited some of Falklore's personality. He is very expressive and shown to have a kind heart, a very cheerful person and a overall good person, and has been known to make very good bonds with other people, even the ones that are below him, as Edra was unable to make him think of them as inferior. He is very noble and kind, and is admittedly weak to romance, which makes him embarrassed and can stutter. Unlike Falklore, he is not afraid of battles, due to training with Edra made him very fearless and very brave to go out and fight. However, he did inherit some of Edra, such as her love of stargazing, and can even has loads of free-time. But unlike Edra, he never looks down at other people, and cares very much of their lives, as well as helping those that are below him, something that makes Falklore proud.


Autopotence: As he is the son of Falklore, he has inherited the gift that Falklore had been given by the One from Eden. Basil is all-powerful over himself, including his own existence. He can make his existence ineffable and defiant of all laws and logic, also rewriting himself on absolutely all levels, including structure, origin, conclusion, and many more. With absolute control over himself, He can essentially do anything as long as it stems from his own existence, like granting himself all powers/abilities, becoming one with everything, attaining true perfection, etc.

Metapotence: Basil, as the son of Edra, the Queen of the Cosmos, is a Metapotent level threat and as such possess all abilities consisting of that which you can also see from the link above. Metapotence is purely centered on Omnipotence as the ability to "do absolutely anything and everything," rather than "being supremely almighty in every sense." Basil is literally able to do anything, regardless of how contradictory or paradoxical it may be, and with ease, accomplish unquestionably impossible feats just by wanting it. Basil is able to perfectly replicate the effects of any power, as they hold power infinitely beyond logic and understanding, fundamentally allowing him to achieve whatever they want, in any way they want, both limitlessly and perfectly. His power automatically overrides all opposing forces and abilities completely, like they didn't even exist in the first place.

Cosmic Presence: Basil's power, which he inherited from Edra, gives him a unique aura that inflicts a cosmic illness giving anyone massive headaches, epilepsy and loss of thought and eventual mental functions. He can even control when to unleash it and can even suppress the aura.

Complete Cosmic Collapse: Taught by Edra, Basil brings ever conceptual version of the Cosmos in the Omniverse and Eden itself and drops it onto his opponent.

Void Hair: Inherited from Edra, Basil's hair and locks are so black and so dark that touching his hair if your a enemy will suck you into the void trapping them forever. Despite this, if he considers you a friend, he can allow you to touch it without any problems, and can be interacted just like normal hair.

Cosmic Cube: Taught by Edra, Basil is able to trap opponents in a pocket dimension of Edra's own making called the Cosmic cube, trapping them forever in a infinite and unbreakable dimension.

Meta Immunity Bypassing: Basil can completely and perfectly bypass any and all immunities in existence and beyond regardless of its type, status, or level of power, including but not limited too, omni and meta-level powers.

Cosmic Claws: Basil has long black claws like Edra, and in his life, he has used them as weapons and when he fights against his enemies, with the claws being insanely sharp, being able to cut through even the strongest metals of the Kingdom of Woa, and being unable to break. Only the Being Slayer is able to slice them, and even then, it will grow back after a little while.

The Key: Taught by Edra, Basil can create a key out of thin air and without even having to need a door can gain access to any place, dimension, reality or even beyond that. Basil can go absolutely anywhere whenever he wants with no limits.

Edenspace Tunnel: Edra's most dangerous attack, which she taught to Basil, in which it is how she perceives and interprets the void, Basil can throw his victims and enemies into where they will forever be tormented beyond, they're own understanding of torment and pain where they will never be able to escape without Basil releasing them. Basil only does this to the most evil and the most remorseless of entities that have ever existed.

Nova Bombs: Basil can summon Red Giants and detonate them in order to cause massive damage to the opponent he's fighting.

Stardust Sword: A Sword that he'a able to make by molding and compressing a Star into a blade that he himself can hold. It is shown to be able to rival the Being Slayer in terms of sheer cutting, and has the powers to detonate a person who is struck by the sword, and when stabbing the ground, he can do lose in an entire planet. Of course, though, the Being Slayer is still a little bit more powerful compared to the Staedust Sword.

The God Shield: A Gift from the One, the God Shield is a special type of shield, 'created' by the Nunn himself. It is one of the most powerful object to ever been created, and it is the only one able to counter the Being Slayer. The God Shield has the power to protect Basil against any sort of attack, even the ones that are strong enough to kill an Eden Folk as powerful as Edra and Basil. When not in use, it takes on the form of a golden bracelet with a white orb that is as bright as a star.


Edra: The Mother of Basil, Edra, the Queen of the Cosmos, has been the one to raise him in the beginning of his life. She raised him and taught him all that she knows, but only because she wants to do it. She has no love towards her son, even when Basil tries to prove how much he loves his mother. But when he was taken in by Falklore, who is able to care for him, Basil stopped looking at her mother for approval as a result, and thus, does all that he can to stay away from her. But secretly, Edra fears him, due to the fact that he can possible grow powerful enough to surpass her in terms of sheer might, and thus, he sends him away to make sure her rule is secure.

Falklore: The Father of Basil, the both of them met when they ran into each other at one point with Basil going outside. Sensing his essence inside of Basil and realizing who he is, Falklore decides to take Basil in and raises him for combat, but also shows him stuff that he has not been taught before, such as care, compassion, and being able to become independent. Due to the care and love that he has shown to Basil, he has decided to switch over and be with Falklore, due to Edra's lack of love or care to Basil.

Conduits: Like Falklore, Basil has been known to have a bond with the Conduits, having both enemy Conduits and Ally Conduits. However, due to being stronger than even Falklore, his own father, he is able to deal with the enemy Conduits more easily.

Anomaly!Core: The Forbidden Conduit of Reality, Basil and Core struck a friendship, with Basil even taking some time to watch over the Alpha Timeline to make sure that it does not get attacked by any sort of enemy. Although Anomaly!Core is well aware of who he is, due to knowing Edra, thanks to her Omnipresence, she sees that he is much more kinder and much more heroic than even Edra, and is just as heroic as Falklore.

Conduit!Cell: A Version of Abyss that became a Conduit, Basil is interested in Cell's power to evolve, but despite this, is very kind and friendly to him, and has even helped Cell on some occasions, making the bond between the both of them very close.

Mes: Another version of Abyss, this one being a Polothorn God, due to Sol infusing his DNA and a piece of his Soul into the other version of Abyss, he is shown to be very polite and friendly to him. Because of this, Mes and Basil have a bond as close as the one that he has when he's with Conduit!Cell.

Alachardvat: A TransVoid Being of Omnipotence, Alachardvat and Basil met at some point in the past when Basil decides to go into the TransVoid to see what it is like. They talked about each other, and Basil decided to leave, but promises to come back and speak to him from time to time. Because of this, Basil and Alachardvat are very close friends.

Yesmerian: A TransVoid Being of Omnipresence, similar to Anomaly!Core, Basil and Yesmerian are shown to be able to have a friendship similar to the friendship between Basil and Anomaly!Core. He even hangs out with both Anomlay!Core and Yesmerian whenever he has the chance to do it.

Sandhya: A TransVoid Being and the son of Zarla, the ArchAngel, and Gabriel, the Demon Prince, she and Basil are shown to be on very good terms worn each other, due to being the sons of heroic figures and have mothers that are not very kind and are actually pretty nasty. They have the closest friendship to ever have due to their similarities, and Sandhya even has somewhat of a crush on Basil, with Basil having a similar feeling, but does not know how to put it as.

Scion!Paper Crane: A being from the void, as well as an amalgamation of Sanses that have died, only to be resurrected as Paper Crane, both Basil and Paper Crane have spoke to each other, and are surprisingly friendly to one another, and even has a chance to meet Exul, a being molded from the Void itself. They parted away on good terms with no bad blood.


Like Edra's hair, Basil's hair grows forever but collapses on itself causing for it to start over and grow again.

Basil likes physical contact.

Basil has his own gravitational field, which is strong enough to collapse an entire reality if he is standing too close or doesn't shut his gravity down. Thankfully, he is able to learn how to control it.

Basil is stronger than his father, Falklore, but it is unknown how strong Basil is to Edea, although it is possible that he has grown strong enough to surpass Edra.

Due to Basil's status as an Eden Folk, he is a 10th dimensional entity, although he can change this willingly.

Basil is the only person to be able to master the Eden Regiment, which only Falklore can do and is said to be impossible to achieve.

Due to training with Falklore, Basil is one of the best combative fighters in the entire verse. And someday, he'll surpass Falklore in terms of being able to fight.

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