Baldur (Fusion)

(This is not to be confused with the character I made as a crossover of SCP and Alphatale)


Cosmic Digital God
Coded Light

Date of Birth: Unknown

Place of Birth: Unknown

Species: Fusion
Gender: Male
Height: 6'0
Weight: Unknown.

No one controls my fate but me.-Baldur

Baldur is a fusion of Omnipotent and Error404, and is thus an exceptionally strong fusion. Due to both possessing TransVoid Beings that are used for their transformations, this makes Baldur an exceptionally strong fusion whenever he uses it, as well as with the 2 TransVoid Beings that are aiding him in power.


Baldur is a tall skeleton that has a hood over his head that hides his face. When his face is shown, he is shown to possess 4 eyes, both eyes on the left are blue, with one of them having a white pupil, whine the right eyes have one that is covered and one that is simply a white pupil. He is shown to be wearing a coat that is rolled up, the coat being light blue in color, with electrical and string markings on the white part of the hood, which is the fluffy part. He has a black tank top of some sort with a pair of pants, one long enough to cover the entire left foot, and the other that is short. But there is a second pair of leggings underneath the pants that covers the right leg that is thinner and is tightly covering the ankles, with the sneaker of Baldur being white with blue stripes and a blue diamond-shape on the top of the shoes. He also has a black cape of sorts on his back that is stretched at the shoulders, and also has a combination of a string and lightning design.


Baldur is one of the more heroic fusions to date. Like Omnipotent, although he shows almost no personality of the sort, Baldur cares deeply about people and would protect them, and would not hesitate to put his life on the line in order to keep them safe. But like 404, he is very manipulative and would not hesitate to manipulate someone, although this form of manipulation is not for the intention to get people killed, but rather to have others aid him in trying to win against an enemy that stands before him. Although he would get lives killed, it would not be innocent lives and would only use the lives of the guilty in order to further his own goals of protecting innocents.

Powers and Abilities:

Cosmic Mastery: Baldur's answers to the Blue Mastery and the Red Mastery, Baldur can either use it to move any object, alive or dead, from any distance as long as he can see to it, and may also use this ability to completely collapse the SOUL if used on an alive being by crushing their soul, or he could gain complete control over the soul and inject them with enough Cosmic Essence in order to force them to suffer from Cosmic Deflection, erasing them from existence completely.

Undeniable Strength: Baldur possesses colossal strength, allowing him to overpower almost anyone, with very rare individuals that can match and give him trouble.

Exemplary Speed: Baldur possesses incredible speeds, allowing him to travel around the Multiverse without issue in merely half an hour.

Immense Invulnerable: Baldur is immune to most forms of damage and can come out unscathed. Only those that can pierce durability or are way to strong for it to handle can be able to cause immense damage to him, with magic being able to hurt him more then physical strength.

Void Blasters: Baldur can fire Blasters that is able to destroy almost anything that it is fired at. Upon making contact it is able to delete any regular or glitched code out code, whether it is a person, object, essence, or anything of sorts. Of course, it is not limited to code. As it has Cosmic Essence, it can also destroy beings that lack code. It can home in on entities and it can be used to ram into people at devastating speeds.

Immortality: Using the Nexus and Cosmic Essence as his source of power, Baldur is unable to be killed by any known means, and even if he does die, he will reincarnate and return to life as if nothing happened.

Soul Manipulation: A combination of the Soul Drain and the Mind Manipulation, Baldur can either take complete control of others' SOULs, allowing him to alter, distort, and warp their mind, or he can drain a trait, giving the monster/human a negative variant of their trait in response.

Flight: Baldur is capable of flying in the air.

Gravitational Ruling: Baldur can manipulate the flow and the force of gravity, allowing to invert the momentum of an object to diagonal, horizontal, or vertical. He can also initiate zero gravity, which is a state of zero force of gravity impacting the object.

Time Manipulation: Baldur is capable of manipulating time to an extent, allowing him to slow down, speed up, or even freeze time to a crawl, affecting the entire reality in a stasis of sorts. However, he cannot reverse time.

Twin Eye: Baldur can fire a twin pair of beams from the top part of the eyes, allowing for him to kill any being that is weaker then him and destroy structures just the same.

Being Ray: a combination of the God Ray and the Crimson Lightning, this allows him to fire a beam of energy from his fingertips that can be used in 2 effects.

Being Ray Shot 1: Being hit by the Being Ray paralyzes the opponent in their tracks and negates the use of their magic, as well as having some code siphoned from them so Baldur can heal.

Being Ray Shot 2: the second shot, when fired at the opponent, can destroy an entire target by erasing them from existence by infusing the Nexus with the Cosmic Essence erasing them and the concept of them as a whole.

Mainframe Thunders: Code-Based Lightning Attacks  that allows Baldur to destroy AUs and Multiverses in a single hit.


R.A.V.E.N: Baldur's answer to the B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y and Omnithorn form, which takes on both of their aspects, with Wings coming out from the back of Baldur, and Islothorn's power coursing through his very body at full power.

Lightning Armor: Baldur's body is constantly covered in electricity, already increasing his power even more while at the same time making touching him no longer an option.

Cosmic Beams: The wings can fire beams of both Sources of Power, being able to burn a hole in reality.

Reality Control: Baldur can control the entire reality of the MainFrame in order to make it into however he wishes it to be.

Wind Combat: Baldur can use wind in a variety of ways, ranging from invisible punches and kicks, to making a ball condensed from wind, to making a large object of wind that he can use to throw down onto the opposing in order to cause massive damage.

Nexus Lightning: Baldur can manipulate lighting in a variety of ways, to incinerate a person by firing lighting at his fingertips.

Void Rockets: Baldur is capable of infusing lighting into the Void Blasters in order to send the Blasters at the target, causing a powerful explosion that severely damages the opponent.

Just R.A.V.E.N: The Malware possessed form of the R.A.V.E.N, in combination with the power up of Islothorn. With the combination of 2 TransVoid Beings aiding in the R.A.V.E.N form, Just R.A.V.E.N is now a force to be reckoned with, possessing pure uncontrollable might that constantly grows in power, allowing for him to utilize feats never being seen before.

Decay Aura: Just R.A.V.E.N has a large radius that can passively decay anything that gets into his radius, allowing Malware himself in his true body to grow even more in power than ever before.

Gravity, Time, n' Space Control: Just R.A.V.E.N can manipulate of time and space inside of the MainFrame, as well as the gravity of it.

Cosmic Clones: Just R.A.V.E.N can make clones appear alongside him in order to aid him in the tasks at hand.

Reality Thunderbolt: Just R.A.V.E.N can summon Blasters from his wings that extends out at a large length, with the Blasters firing to make a large thunderbolt from the sky, allowing him to destroy countless Hyperverses and even a reality. This is a combination of the Multiverse MachineGun and Zeus' Thunderbolt

Omninova Destroyer: An attack that combines the Omnilock Destroyer and the Omninova, in which he can make a sphere that is infused with the combined power of Malware and Islothorn, and when hurled, it not only destroys 4 realities at the same time, but it can also destroy the concepts of them as well.


Baldur can only be given trouble by those of comparable power.

Due to possessing 2 TransVoid Beings in his powers, Baldur whenever he transforms is a very dangerous being to go up against and a powerful force to be reckoned with.

Baldur shares the liking of cookies and red wine, often seen having both whenever he takes them.

Baldur is basically the only 404 fusion that is heroic and is not in the evil side.

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