Squid's unwanted replacement
Ink's Clone
Ink's Son
Ten's Son
Date of Birth: April 30th ????
Place of Birth: Higher Plane
Species: Polothorn
Gender: Male
Height: 5'9
Weight: 145
Eye Color: Lots of Colors
This character exists in the fused Multiverse of Stellar!Astral Mother and the FGoD Multiverse.
With your creativity, I'll be able to finally return AlphaTale to life and end your suffering that you are causing with your madness.-Artisan!Tint
Artisan!Tint is a much more powerful version of Tint that exists inside of the fused Multiverse of the Stellar!Astral Mother and FGoD Righteous!Error.
Tint was created by Ethereal!Ten no Kami in the Higher planes of the Anti-Void, using pieces of what made Ink, well, Ink. The way that Ten no Kami has made Tint is that she took the pieces of Ink, and than, she took a small bit of her tentacle from herself, and put it alongside the small bit of herself, the one that represents her Being, as well as somehow being able to take a small piece of MalesGrow's tentacles without getting caught by him. Using her power over Cosmic Essence, she is able to grant life to the pieces of herself, and lead to the creation of Tint, making him the child of Ten no Kami and Ink himself, and in turn, makes him the grandchild of MalesGrow, who is Ten No Kami's father, and Fate, who is the mother of Ink. Tint was raised there quite some time, his true creation phase didn't start until the Pantheon began after that Tint began to evolve into his own. Tint trained non-stop for months on end so that he could eventually reach the same level as ink if not higher. It would take him that long to even receive his brush, but by then he was already a master at most forms of combat. Tint and Ten's relationship was nothing short of son and mother, Tint obeyed and Ten ordered him around. But unlike the original Tint, Ethereal!Ten no Kami was truthful from the start of what she wants, and thus, she is able to prevent Tint from betraying her. He even talks about his lineage, where he had came from, and who the other parent is. And thus, unlike their original selves, Tint never left Ten, and is able to complete his training.
But than, Fate, the Mother of Ink, and in a way, the grandmother of Tint, discovered his existence, and tried to destroy him, not wanting a copy of Ink to run around and, in her own words, have his reputation be corrupted. And Ten, as much as it breaks her heart to do it, knows that she needs to make sure that he is safe, and so, in order to prevent him from being spotted or noticed by Fate, decides use her power to send him away, while also having Tint's memories be continued to be erased, so that his own memories would give him much more power than before, the memories that fuels and strengthens him. After that Tint made it his goal to seek out and find any other creations of Ten so that he could not only hopefully regain his memories but also have the strength to help them and Fate's scheming.
Unfortunately, the more Tint goes on without his memories, the more of himself he loses. But while he loses his memories his abilities get a huge boost in strength and DEF making him nearly unstoppable, Tint at this point has lost so much of his memories that he as a tendency to even forget the abilities and qualities that make him unique. Fortunately, his Rainbow hand has a factor that allows it to keep Tint from losing himself. And thus, he is able to continue on and remember, in some way about what his goals are, despite the fact that he has lost all memories of his past. But in spite of all of this, his purpose is not gone, and while his memories are erased, a part of him that desires to kill and destroy Ink is still present within his very mind.
A very long time while he is traveling, he is able to find Ink. And on instinct, when Ink found him and fights against him, Tint goes all out against Ink and is able to overpower him. However, Ink, who is a much more affective combatant and is more trained in the protector and creator of the AUs, sends Tint into the Anti-Void, where the Forced God of Destruction, Error, resides in.
When both Error and Tint met, Error quickly thought that it was Ink, but he than noticed the changes and realizes that this is not Ink, but rather, is someone else. When he questions him on his identify, Tint reveals his name, but admits that he cannot remember anything else, due to his memories being erased, in exchange for power. But all he knows is that he hates Ink with a burning passion and is made for this feeling. Error admits that he too hates Ink, but for a different reason, due to the fact that because Ink is very ignorant and selfish, it lead to Error being made, where he had to suffer for no reason. Seeing a kinship within Error, both Tint and Error became very great friends, and whenever they meet Ink, both Error and Tint would beat him down, and win, although Error had to get Tint out of here, due to Fate appearing. Error had even protected Tint from being bonded to King Multiverse, due to not wanting him to suffer in his hands.
After Error came back as a Polothorn, due to Bering reborn within the Unnameable that both he and Error404 slayed, he shows Tint to everyone, and Ten no Kami, seeing Tint, was overwhelmed to see him alive, and thus, used her powers to bring back his memories, thus, allowing Tint to remember who he once was, and what he is made for. And seeing that everyone is here to being back Alphatale, with Error wanting to kill Ink, Tint decides to join because Error is here, as both Error and Tint want to kill Ink to ensure the safety of the Multiverse. And thus, Tint continues on with his life, as he is taught more than ever before, and is now more powerful than ever before.
Tint appears very similar to Classic!Ink and even wears his old jacket around his waist except a little darker. he doesn't carry vials with him instead has an art satchel with him that carries art supplies. He has an ink splat on his face also except it appears to go farther up and is on the opposite side. He wears a long brown scarf similar to Ink's as well. His paintbrush also looks similar to Ink, except that there are tentacles wrapped around the paintbrush itself. He is also far more taller compared to Ink, and is even a few inches taller than Righteous!Error.
Tint was made without emotions or personalities, for fear of him growing corrupt or getting mushy. Unfortunately, for some reason whenever Tint is within proximity of any other Ink of his (ex.Fresh!Ink) he tends to feel emotions. When in proximity of other members of his kin, there is no mistaking that when Tint interacts with other survivors or inhabitants of Alphatale he feels a strong emotion. He can also feel emotions when around Ten no Kami, who had sired him from the past. When feeling emotions, Tint will act a bit more similar to Ink, meaning that like the parent he is made from, he is generally optimistic, has a sense of kindness, loves making art, and can get too excited even to the point of throwing up ink. In the more serious side, he objectively tries to reason with anyone, and is very skilled with reasoning, due to taking lessons from Ten no Kami in how to persuade others, as he approaches people carefully, and does not act on impulse or by believing in the lies of other people, and thus, tries to know what he is dealing with first.
Like Ink, Tint supports all kinds of art, like painting, literature, dance, music, etc. He is very passionate about art and likes to motivate characters and creators. He's able to change clothes on people just by using his brush, and he loves to create the kind of outfit they like. He even aids in the creation of AUs. But unlike Ink, because Righteous!Error had warned him of the consequences of doing to much art, Tint understands the limits of the Multiverse, and thus, does all he can not to leave it cramp, and also to try and protect the AUs from Hollow!Ink.
Unlike Ink, he is much more well-behaved, and will act in a kind and pleasant manner, in order to try and make himself act much more amiable than Ink, who would come off as a jerk at first impression. However, if the enemy that is before him is not very kind and refuses to accept his mercy, he will adapt the much more darker parts of Ink. Particularly, he will be downright mocking and cruel, caring very little of they changed their minds, as he knows that they are not truly meaning it, and wants to make them suffer for as long as possible. He tends to be somewhat detached from his emotions. And while he does have proper social understanding when compared to Ink, if he desires to, he can blunt in his teasing and mocking just like in his ability to give support and to be kind. He's a mischief-maker, and pranks are some sick form of guilty pleasure to his opponents.
And unlike the original Tint, who had been manipulated by Ten no Kami, and lost his memories to her due to the fact that he had turned against her, as Ethereal!Ten is much more honest and caring, being truthful, Tint is loyal to her most of the time, and the only times in when he defies orders, would only be if there is a good reason to, such as helping Ten more. However, Tint is also an independent entity, and desires to create and protect AUs the right way, much more effectively than what Ink had been able to do. He refuses to lie about his intent, and only lies about his origins, just to make himself less suspicious.
Ink Gun: Tint can fire a ray of ink out his fingertips with sharp and perfect percussion.
Creativity Cipher: Tint can Cipher the creativity of others and turn them back to basic sans or whatever they used to be and if done twice will kill instantly. The attack is done when Tint's Rainbow arm stabs you with the tips of its nails and sucks out your creativity and uniqueness.
Rainbow Arm/Arm of a Creator: Tint's Rainbow doesn't just act like an extra Arm but depending on what color the fingers/fingertips are colored will give off a different type of attack.
if Red: Will siphon DT from the target.
if Orange: will mark the person with orange veins, and the person will than explode in a violent way.
if Yellow: will shoot truck-sized bullets at you at the speed of sound.
if Green: Will entangle you in green vines that cipher your Hp by 50 every 5 seconds.
if Cyan: Will slow down an opponent.
if Blue: Will increase the gravity of the target.
if Purple: Will induce Slow-Healing.
Ink Clones: Tint's able to create Ink clones of himself. the first 3 always will be stronger than tint but for the rest, they will be weaker. and Ink can continue to make more clones the longer he produces Ink.
Flight: Tint has the ability to fly around, due to training with Ten no Kami in how to be able to achiever such an ability.
Memory Consumption: Due to Ten's powers, Tint is able to have his memories be erased from his mind, but the memories that he has made are made to exchange them with physicality and powers. As he had been lost for a very long time with his memories being absorbed into his powers, he has grown very powerful to the point of being a very difficult challenge for Hollow!Ink. Meeting with Ten now allows him to control this power and choose which memory he wants to have be absorbed as the increased part of his power. The stronger the memory that he absorbs, the more powerful the increase of power is. He can also focus this power onto the memories of other people, in order to search for their most darkest and most painful memories, which are very strong, and are able to aid Tint in having his own power increase, both Physical and Magical.
Creativity: Tint, due to training with Ten no Kami, is able to be as creative as possible and even allow him to fight with his mind turning his ink into whatever he needs or wants.
AU Creation: A power that he had inherited from Ink, Tint is able to create AUs and even copies of AUs. However, since Hollow!Ink came to be, he tries all he can to limit how much he can create, so that Ink does not gain even more strength than ever before.
Creation's Hand: When Tint trained with the Astral Mother, she has taken him to an AU that taught people the meaning of life and the true meaning of death. He spent as much time there as he can and was taught how to bring things back to life, such as people and smaller objects. Tint, when he grew powerful enough, is able to resurrect even AUs that had been lost.
Matter Manipulation: Tint is able to manipulate matter. Tint, through this, is able to transform and revamp the composition of an object from solid, to liquid, to gas, change its size from microscopic to building-sized, or disfigure and reassemble an object's matter into another form, and is able to use this power to fill up the volume of the Multiverse, and is even able to manipulate planets with this power, as well as being able to destroy Matter.
Life Creation: Tint is able to use her power to create entities with life, regardless of it is organic or inorganic, such as when he is able to give life to an entity made out of his own paint.
Sentience Granting: Tint is able to grant the ability to think to non-sentient beings, such as when he is able to give the paint entity the ability to think, which caused the entity to question the existence that it suddenly has.
Tint Blaster: It works the same way as the Ink Blasters themselves.
Tentacles: If in a tight spot Tint can create Tentacles out of thin air and make them attack his opponents
Black Everything: If Tint is killed his body will explode releasing Ink everywhere and whoever gets covered with it suffers 2 side effects.
1. The ink paralyzes you in place and weakens and dampens your soul and magic making it impossible to escape what happens next.
2. They then begin to devolve into the ink until they return to the darkness from whence they came.
Don't touch that Soul: Machigatta kami no norowareta tamashī: Tint, similar to Ink, has no real soul, but instead, in its place lying in the center of his rib cage is something...odd. Tint has a clump of black tentacles in the center of his rib cage that acts like his soul. This weird thing inside him is fully sentient and will instantly kill anyone who tries to remove it from its host. The weird clump keeps itself secure inside him by holding onto his ribs and spine and moves its tentacles throughout his body.
Ethereal!Ten no Kami: In contrast to their original selves's relationships, Ethereal!Ten no Kami and Artisan!Tint are much more better and stable, due to Ten being a much more kinder person than her original self. Because of this, and the fact that she is truthful, Tint is loyal to his mother.
Hollow!Ink (FGoD): Just like their original selves, Tint is made to kill Ink. But seeing that he has become corrupted and changed into a monstrosity far worse than ever imaginable, Tint now has a much more bigger reason to hate his father than ever before.
Fate: The mother of Ink, and in a way, the grandmother of Tint, Fate has tried all she can to find him so that she can destroy him for his purpose towards Ink. But ever since the corruption of Ink, Fate had not seen Tint again, due to the fact that she is too much in grief to even notice him, and she simply turns her back onto the entire Multiverse, filled with so much despair and agony to even know that Tint is still here.
Righteous!Error (FGoD): Due to the fact that Error hates Ink even more than Tint, both Tint and Error sided with each other to go and take down Ink. Because of this, Tint and Error, unusually, have a very great bond and agrees that Ink needs to die.
Rock: A version of Sans that is a host to MalesGrow, Tint hates Rock even more than his original self does, and thus, whenever they both met, Rock and Tint will always fight against each other, but as Tint is trained and is able to grow strong, Tint will always stand triumph.
Stellar!Astral Mother: The closest friend of Ten no Kami, the Astral Mother teaches Tint all that she knows, such as how to fight in her way, and even took him to an AU that can aid him in his powers.
Error404: Unlike the original Tint, Error404 and Tint have a very great bond with each other, with Error404 even training with Tint to help improve in his combat abilities.
Azrael: The son of Asgore and Toriel, Tint and Azrael sparred and practiced with each other in order to better their ability to fight and go against their enemies that are much more powerful than themself.
MalesGrow: The grandfather of Tint, MalesGrow became aware of him when Rock met him, and sensed Ten no Kami's power inside of him. Needing to gain strength, MalesGrow directs Rock to try and take him, but Ten no Kami intervenes and sends him away.
Anomaly!Core: As Anomaly is a close friend of Ten, Tint is allowed to go into the Alpha Timeline, where he is one of the most skilled and powerful protects yet.
Prism: Like the others, Tint has met Prism, although in such a common way, Prim doesn't speak and flees. And now, Tint is searching around, trying to find him.
Tint doesn't enjoy at all. He finds it disgusting.
Tint hates Ink with a burning passion.
Tint, meanwhile, has a very strong bond with Error, due to the fact that he too hate Ink, even for different reasons.
When Tint gets excited...nothing happens.
Tint can't stand crowds and enjoys being alone.
Even though Tint's meant to be ink, he doesn't enjoy being nice and kind and often adopts inks colder side.
Tint portrays no color from his eyes, so in an attempt to look normal he paints his eyes to look more friendly.
Tint's soul constantly is feeding him with constant Ink and sight.
Tint dislikes Rock, and they both dislike each other to an intense degree.
Although Tint can be killed, it is not permanent, due to his physiology, and is able to regather his body parts and return back to his original self without any issue, but much stronger than ever. This is seemingly Tint's version of consumption.
As Tint is a Polothorn, due to being the son of Ten no Kami, this means that he has Cosmic Essence within himself, and is able to use it with his powers, such as being able to create life or give sentience to other entities, which Ten had been able to teach him in.
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