Alpha!Sans (Forced God of Destruction)

Name: Adam


The first protector
Conduit of Change

Date OF Birth: July 2, XXXX
Place OF Birth: Alphatale

Species: Monster
Gender: Male
Height: 5'4
Weight: 159
Eye color: White

Please forgive me...-Alpha!Sans

Alpha!Sans is the first protector of the Multiverse and is the younger brother of Error404 himself, making him one of the strongest Sanses in existence, as well as one of the 6 Alphatale Brothers. He is the Conduit of Change, and is the teacher and apprentice of Ink!Sans himself.


The backstory of Alpha!Sans is the same as the original Alpha. Adam worked with his brother William and they both lived happily in their AU, Alphatale. But this happiness didn't last long, since Infected was walking over killing all his friends. William had the idea of stopping him, but Adam knew it was a bad idea In the end, however, they chased him and fought him. Adam was killed during a battle, the last thing he saw was the face of his poor brother William. After a while, he woke up and found himself in a place unknown to him, his outfit was different and he heard the screams and sounds of pain, he walked to where he was and shortly thereafter he found the decomposing body of what his brother used to be, Alpha!Sans groaned at the loss of his brother. His soul was empty, he lost any thought or hope of returning to his AU, so his attempt to fix what had gone wrong. Now, he wanders making sure that each AU is well forever, without being seen the Ghost of the Multiverse.
Now, Alpha is completely oblivious to the fact that his brother is alive, but still wanders thinking he is dead and vice versa. However, during the time when he came back, he ends up going into his Excalibur form for some reason, fighting both Error404, Error, and Ink at the same time, before changing back to normal. But he still went to his ghost form. When that happened, Alpha!Sans made Ink his apprentice, although Alpha!Sans was not a good sort of teacher. Despite this, Ink was all he had as a parent in a way.
Alpha would later also fight against Error404 Sans himself, resulting in Alpha!Sans being trapped inside of the True Multiverse, but he still came back.
The rest of the history involving Alpha!Sans is the same as before. Mainly, with him battling against 100, he became controlled by the Astral Mother and an ally of the Astral Mother, who is a sibling of Ten, Judge had to fight against the TransVoid Beings that escaped from the book, etc. But there is one difference of this Alpha!Sans that separated it from the original. Unlike the original, who got killed by Infected after being powered down from his Corrupt Judge form, Righteous!Error, in this case, was able to save him, preventing his second death from occurring. Because of this, Alpha!Sans gained much more time and was able to practice with his Conduit Soul much earlier than before. This act would prove vital for the events that are yet to come, mainly when it involves Faker, when he steals the Conduit Soul of Balance from his brother and conquered the Eden Tree.

As if this wasn't enough, Alpha!Sans would also later be involved in the situation involving 100, who would return and become empowered by the DT, which would increase his power continuously until it destroys the Eden Tree, as well as other Trees present. To stop this, using the power of his Conduit of Change, Alpha!Sans brought back his mother, merging her present and future selves with the past selves, and it is also through her that he has learned the truth of why she acted the way she did, and it is the push that he needed to master his soul to Competent Level.

Alpha!Sans would later find Vape, who would help him practice with his Conduit Soul, only to meet with Mr. Undertale with who he wants to face. He chose to face against Hara, but Faker has already made a deal with Mr. Undertale beforehand, tricking both Vape and Alpha!Sans into where they needed to be. Faker would later grab Vape and consume him, but Alpha!Sans, before anything could happen to him, would later be saved by a certain King of the Multiverse, as they would later get ready for the battle against Faker again, with Alpha!Sans needing to discover the power of his Competent Level, with King Multiverse needing to help him do that as well. But first, he needs to deal with Omnipotent!Sans, who has been manipulated by Hara.


Alpha!Sans wears a long white jacket with a hood that reaches to the back. He wears pink shoes that have lost almost all their color and a white shirt too. He wears black sweatpants that have a vertical blue stripe on each leg. His jacket has fluff on the hood. A single tear-like marking is shown going down his right eye.

Alpha!Sans' outfit would later change a lot from the previous white-based clothes, wearing black trousers, short sleeves black and white, and a blue coat with a blue lining.


Alpha!Sans is a very distant person and finds it difficult to get in touch with his brothers. He loves all his brothers and likes to take care of them as a big brother figure. He loves to drink tea and eat cake. He wants to be believed in. Alpha is a self-proclaimed hero and is willing to force others to get involved in any situation for the so-called "right cause". He is also a very emotional personality in many ways, and while having the kindness of Adam in the past, he lacks ethics and morality just like Error404. He only see things in the dualism of good or evil, and there is nothing else. He is also not that intelligent, at least compared to Error404 himself, and therefore, although it has one of the strongest powers in all of existence, he can't use it correctly. This creates a disadvantage for Alpha, because of he gets agitated by an opponent whenever he is in a battle of sorts, he will get emotional and will lose his calm mind. However, he began to change this and began to be more patient and more calmer, as well as working hard to increase his intelligence enough for him to use his powers properly.

Powers and Abilities:

AU Jump: By using this, he has the power to jump to any AU that he deems appropriate to visit.

Mind Wipe: The ability to erase and distort the memory of any person in front of him, making them forget that it existed.

Uncertain existence: Unless someone believes in him, he cannot be seen, heard, or touched.

Double-eye: This allows Alpha!Sans make 2 hate eyes of Gaster and this power dramatically increases his power, giving him immense power of magical impulse.

Timeline Manipulation: Alpha!Sans can mend and bend timelines at will, giving some worlds the perfect ending they deserve while damning others.

Eyes of Burning Hate: Every once in awhile, Alpha will take off his mask and reveal his true power, these new eyes of Hate manifested while he was dead and thinking about all of the things he can't and never did. Now, he posses 2 eyes of hate that he only uses when he needs to.

Hate Grenade: Alpha can make an attack made out of his own Hate, and send it towards the enemy, and detonating it like a grenade.

Determination depletion: Alpha can cipher the Determination from others.

Out Code no more: Alpha can reverse the effect of what has made an Outcode what they are, so long as the individual is not stronger than him this is possible.

Rebirth: By Helping a soul that has seen damage and trauma, he can reform a soul and take away all negative and bad trait from it, such as hate, he can reform a hate soul back to a positive one.

Banishment: This gives Alpha the ability to put them in a hell-like dimension where they are being forced to carry the weight of their guilt depending on what's the worst possible action the person has made in their lifetime. The contents of that hell also vary from person to person.

Teleportation: Instantaneous teleportation grants Alpha strategic advantages, allowing him to position himself strategically and surprise opponents. The ability to traverse space instantly enhances Alpha's mobility and unpredictability on the battlefield.

Karmatic Retribution: The normal KR that most Sanses usually have. For Alpha however, it is not only stronger, but its "poison" affect can kill you, and it is extra effective and damaging against anything related to negativity. Either be Hate, LV, ML or Negativity itself.

Revive: Alpha!Sans is able to revive worlds or AUs that had been destroyed. Unfortunately, he cannot revive AUs that have been consumed.

Sub-Blasters: These Blasters don't deal damage but instead are used to take away damage.

Bone Retrieval: This attack allows Adam to retrieve bones from anywhere on the field and from Opponents as well.

Life Force Drainage: Alpha is capable of draining and absorbing the life form of others weaker than him, and getting stronger as a result.

Determination Sword: Alpha can manifest his own sword from his own DT. Allowing to kill people strong than himself. He can also use it to make slash projectiles, block, parry, make beams fire out from the top of the blade, and make explosions when he strikes the ground.

Determination Shield: Alpha!Sans can manifest a shield made out of his own Determination. He can make a circular shield on his arm, made a dome, a crescent wall, or even make an armor in order to lessen any sort of damage he's hit by.

Determination Fire: Alpha!Sans can make flames appear out of his hands, being able to launch them with enough force to burn someone at Infected's level or stab the ground and make a twister of red fire appear around him.

Determination Spear: Alpha!Sans can manifest a spear and use them in a similar manner to Undyne, being able to launch them as projectiles or use them as durable walls. The spears can also lock on and fire at his opponents, just like Quenya.

Psychic DT: Being taught by Echo!Frisk, Alpha developed a Psychic link with DT and became able to sense and read minds of other DT users from entire different realms/canons, turn someone's DT into poison, rot a DT users brain using their own DT, and cause mental combustion via their DT. However, he is not as experienced in this power as Echo!Frisk is.

Judgement Blade: A new blade that Alpha!Sans acquire sometime during the events of the Blue Dragon Arc. The power of this blade is unknown, although it's assumed that it's stronger than the DT Blade, being capable of dealing extreme amounts of karma damage to his opponents that have demonstrated great sinful acts.

Judge Blasters: Alpha!Sans wields the Judge Blasters, an immensely potent weapon in the form of white Gaster Blasters that carry an extreme karma effect. These blasters are not only devastating in their destructive potential but also bring about a profound karmic consequence to their targets, the opposite to the Sub-Blasters themselves

Conduit of Change:

Alpha is the Conduit of change which allows him to change any and all things through his will and Authority over them.

Novice: At the youngest tier Alpha is capable of Reality warping. Alpha can manipulate reality or the existential state of anything or everything the Alpha chooses to command. Reality is the sum or aggregate of all that is real or existent within a system. Everything that humanity has categorized as real or possesses a physical impact on their surrounding area can be defined as actual. From the laws of physics (matter, energy, space-time), the universe to intangible phenomena such as logic is considered to exist.

Advanced Beginner: Alpha can perceive, shape and manipulate the destiny and fate of anything/anyone, including gods, demons, eldritch abomination, transcendent beings, entire worlds, universes and even realities. This allows him to control/decide anything and everything's destiny and fate.

Compotent (Currently at this level): Alpha has evolved or acquired Freedom from what was predetermined, and the existential power to usurp and supersede the original predestined intent, the Grand Design of Existence, to what they will and determine. To create a new "code", a new path, a new intent, a new "narrative" for the Grand Design, for Creation, and supplant the original intent in fine deterministic detail.


Judge: The Judge is a form taken by Alpha when his code has been tampered or he's been killed again, which then causes him to relive his death, overcome with dread and a determination not to die again, Alpha would then react and would regain his physical form while also absorbing every soul in the multiverse. This form allows Alpha to gather all the souls in the known Multiverse to aid him, his physical form taking a huge hit, as he grows 2 huge arms that expand for 30 miles long and a size of 30 yards from his back along with 10 huge wings that each dwarf mars. Both of his eyes began to cry tears as souls upon souls fluctuate and appear in his eyes, with all the souls Alpha's body melts a rapid rate, but thanks to the Kindness souls, keeps him together. Along with this Alpha creates a bone sword that has 30 Determination souls lined through it. Every being in the multiverse will be left soulless for the entirety of the fight.

Determination Blade: This Blade is imbued with 30 Determination souls giving it the ability to cut through anything that is lv 10 and Higher. In current times, the Determination Blade can now be imbued with much more, allowing him to nearly match the power and damage of Error666.

Souls of Kindness: These souls heal Alpha to full Hp ever 2 milliseconds

Souls of Perseverance: These Souls fuel Alpha's Will and allow him to continue to fight for even longer, losing no stamina at all.

Souls of Bravery: The Souls of Bravery would allow Alpha to do great in Close Combat, making him deadly up close.

Souls of Patience: These Souls allow Alpha to wait for opportunities being able to strike with perfect percussion and knowing exactly when to attack and to back off.

Souls of Justice: The Souls of Justice when activated fire Thousands of blast at a time, decapitating and paralyzing his opponents.

Souls of Integrity: The souls of Integrity make Alpha Appear to be very intimidating

SOUL CANNON: This move allows Alpha to fire all the souls of the Multiverse simultaneously causing a Multiverse shattering blast destroying the Multiverse in-process and causing a chain reaction and destroying 3 others with it. This move however is a last resort and should be used if the threat proves too much.

INSANITY SWIPE: This power allows any dark,evil entity to be killed with a " Goner " button,this is very useful for bad sanses.

Corrupt Judge: Corrupt Judge is when the good in Alpha vanishes and is replaced with raging hate that can't be extinguished by just anyone, The form showing incredible power and resolve and strength. Corrupt Judge burns with black fire and tears as it's new blade made of hate sharpens and cuts throw anything it touches leaving scorching hot hate behind that burns to the touch. The blade is absolute hate and despair, going toe to toe with the All-Mother demonstrates this forms incredible strength.

Excalibur: This transformation is the result of Cruel to Kind!Ten no Kami pumping Cosmic Essence into Alpha!Sans, with countless arms sprout from its body, and his head becoming a sword. In this form, Excalibur is almost as strong as B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y, even though he is slightly weaker. Possessing an unknown energy source, he was able to grab Error404!Sans' Blue Mastery and bounce it back, defeating Error!404 in an instant. But Excalibur's main ability is to grab anything he gets his hands on and turns them into swords, with each type doing a variety of effects. For example, he once grabbed onto Error's blue strings and turned it into a sword that wraps blue strings around Error when he swings it, grab onto an 11th Dimensional Multiverse in order to inflict 11th dimensional damage, or as Metaphysical concept of said Multiverse in order to inflict Metaphysical damage, which is invisible to all by the person that is being targeted. The power of Excalibur can increase when Cruel to Kind!Ten No Kami consumes and increases in power. Alpha can later activate this power on his own without Ten No Kami doing it for him.

Environmental Change: With this ability, he can use the environment around him to create whatever he wants. He used this ability to create an entire Hyperverse into a blade, and using it like a weapon and delivering Hyperverse slashing attacks with it by also adding his own power on top of it as well.

Abstract Interaction: Alpha is capable of not only damaging a foes physical body, but also their mind, soul, and being, making him able to damage people even if they're fused with something such as the Multiverse.

Full Power Excalibur: This form is the result of Cruel to Kind!Ten no Kami uses all of her Cosmic Essence and pumps it into Alpha!Sans. In this state, Excalibur is a far more improved and perfected in its power, the gap in the power is so overwhelming that it is now able to rival the power of Full Power B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y, and although it is still weaker like normal Excalibur to B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y, the gap of power between them is now much smaller. Now he can amplify of the effects of the swords that he can take, being able to affect multiple things at once, as well as being able to reach speeds so fast that space and time is irrelevant to it. The appearance of Full Power Excalibur is a bit different, with his eyes glowing darkness, the claws on his arms and his teeth are a bit sharper and deadlier, and Cosmic Essence in liquid form is shown to be leaking out of both the eyes and mouth, as well as black electricity sparking all over his body.

King Excalibur: This transformation is the combination of the Excalibur form and the Judge form, achieved when Excalibur is activated first, and then pure emotional turmoil and distress that becomes powerful enough to make Souls appear on him. Unlike last time, the Souls will not come from a single multiverse he is in, but this time will come from many Multiverses, or perhaps all of the Multiverse at once within the Reality that he is in. The souls this time can make wings that are large enough to dwarf a galaxy or an entire Universe, he gains a red crown on top of his head, as well as red teeth, but he still has light blue eyes that cry due to overflowing energy. In this form, King Excalibur possess near unstoppable power, being almost as strong as B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y 666, although still weaker, which makes it one of the strongest transformations that he can utilize. He can also use both the normal 7 human souls, as well as the other souls that exist in the Hyperverse.

DETERMINATION Infusing: This time, King Excalibur does not need to make a DT Blade. Instead, whatever he grabs is infused with DT, making the weapon much more stronger then before, and while they still carry the effects of the type of swords he uses, they are now much more dangerous and are amplified to much greater levels then before.

Soul Breath: Excalibur can fire an energy attack from his mouth. It's weaker than the Soul Cannon, yet still powerful.

Fangs of DETERMINATION: King Excalibur's teeth are infused with Determination. They are similar to 100's Jaws of Determination, only slightly weaker. Despite this, he can still do almost as much damage as the jaws themselves.

BRAVERY: This time, the Bravery Souls allow him to not only further increase his strength, but now allows him to cause an explosive effect whenever he punches or kicks someone, making him much more deadly.

JUSTICE: Now billions of blasts can be fired at a time, paralyzing or killing his opponent, depending on how strong they are.

KINDNESS: The Kindness Souls, in addition to continuously heal his body every 2 nanoseconds, it now makes him durable then before, as well as being able to heal those that are his allies.

PATIENCE: Not only does this allow King Excalibur to wait for opportunities, this time it allows him to slow down the perception of time in his field of vision, allowing him to react to an attack that is coming at him.

INTEGRITY: In addition to making King Excalibur much more intimidating, it also allows him to use Gravity Magic, forcing people down to the ground by the pressure of gravity, which would kill those that are not at King Multiverse's level or higher.

PERSEVERANCE: Not only does this fuel King Excalibur's will to fight, it also allows him to pierce through defenses and slow down the healing of other beings, with only the Alphatale Brothers being able to heal fast still, despite their healing being slowed.

WILL: King Excalibur can use the souls of Will in order to defy any sort of odds that stack against him, as well as make him resistant to any sort of mind or soul control, as well as boosting his mind and body so much that even when he is at the brink of his defeat? His body will never be able to give out.

HOPE: King Excalibur, using the Souls of Hope, now has unending optimism and resilience, as well as making changes to reality itself.

CONFIDENCE: With the Soul of Confidence, King Excalibur possesses incredible certainty in himself, allowing him to not be hesitant in battle and allowing him to carry out the fight with no fear of what comes before his very own eyes.

SOUL RAILGUN: This attack is the same as the Soul Cannon, in which he can fire the souls of all of the Multiverses simultaneously. The power of the Soul Railgun is so immense, it is almost as strong as the Multiverse Machine Gun, although it will still be weaker compared to that attack.

Corrupt Excalibur: This form is the result of the King Excalibur losing all of his goodness inside of him, resulting in a transformation that is also as strong as Just404 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y, although it will still be weaker. In this form, he is shown to possess immense power, being able to go toe-to-toe against the likes of Just404 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y himself despite being weaker then him.

Hate Fangs: Far stronger and sharper than the Fangs of Determination, the Hate Fangs are much more stronger and sharper, allowing him to bite and pierce anything with his teeth.

Hate Breath: Corrupt Excalibur can fire a beam of Hate from his mouth in order to cause devastating damage to those caught in it, and mainly this beam kills a person.

Hate Spit: Corrupt Excalibur can spit out an acidic substance out of his mouth and coating an opponent in it, causing continuous damage to those covered in it.

Reality Control: Corrupt Excalibur is able to control the fabric of reality in different ways, such as being able to wrap a person in the fabric of it, trapping them temporarily by simply gripping it.

Hate Greatsword: Corrupt Excalibur can make a Greatsword that is infused with Hate, which is molded when fused with other swords. This sword allows him to cut and slice through anything, and despite its large size, he can wield it with no problem, although that is also partly because he is using his other hands to hold onto it. However, it also has a power that allows Corrupt Excalibur to answer to Just404 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y's passive strength increase, in which he can absorb Multiverses and its Metaphysical self into his Greatsword, allowing him to increase its strength and power when he absorbs higher dimensional multiverses, such as first grabbing an 11th Dimensional Multiverse, then a 12th Dimensional Multiverse, and a 13th Dimensional Multiverse.

Hate Combustion: Corrupt Excalibur can stab the sword onto something in order to cause a powerful detonation that is strong enough to destroy a planet within the TransVoid.

Hate Nuke: Corrupt Excalibur can make the sword explode with enough force to destroy so many Multiverses and cause a powerful shaking in the reality he's in.

SOUL COIL-GUN: Corrupt Excalibur's strongest attack, in which he can fire all of the Hate-Infused Souls from his wings into a devastating blast. The power is this blast is so strong, it is capable of the same destructive power as Just404 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y's Omninova, in which he can destroy 2 realities at the same time. However, doing this is a last resort, as it will drain the souls to the point he changes back to the normal Excalibur form.

Primeval Judge: Alpha's new form, in which he now dawns new glowing eyes and a burning blue wings. This form is likely the result of combining the Judge form with the Conduit of Change's power. The strength and abilities of this form are unknown, although it is likely he is able to keep up with the strength of Orin in this form.

Primeval Excalibur: Simply the Excalibur form that is empowered by the Primeval Judge form. The physical appearance of it simply is the Excalibur form with new glowing eyes and burning blue wings. The strength of this form is unknown. But it is believed to be close to the power of Perfect Butterfly.

Self-Concept Interaction: Primeval Excalibur can now cause damage to a person's self-concept with his attacks, or he can heal a person's self-concept as well.

Meta-Environment: Primeval Excalibur can create, shape and manipulate any environment comprising of various existences, timelines, dimensions or realities be they physical or surreal in nature, fabricating whole new territories and the like by taking and combing parts of multiple different realities and continuum's across space/time, or terraforming a whole new reality and layering it out and over preexistence; growing an entire multiverse and beyond. He can turn the metaphysical environment into anything he wants, such as interacting with an Eden Orb and change it into a sword and delivering Eden Orb slash attacks, as well as adding it to his own power.

Meta Perspective: Primeval Excalibur can manipulate every, any, and all perspectives, allowing for him to manipulate things outside of interpretation and create, destroy/erase, modify/change/deny/negate/remove even things that exist completely outside of reality and beyond, as well as manipulate the image of the object to the object itself, and control its underlying nature or principles by manipulating their own perspectives

Meta Stage: Primeval Excalibur can manipulate the concept of stage/scenario and is capable of manipulating the stage/scenario of all things, being able to manipulate any and all types of scenarios, which are always all "Possibilities or perspectives of an event or situation" and the "Set of circumstances that are considered the environment of a person or event" and not just as the "Place where an action or an event takes place" (as many think) encompassing absolutely anything and everything, making them capable of changing, molding, reshaping, creating, destroying, erasing, bestowing, banishing, manipulating, etc., anything and everything without limits of any kind.

Uncertainty Interaction: Primeval Excalibur is able to manipulate the uncertain/unknown, manipulating everything that lies beyond his perception or understanding. In short, what cannot be perceived or understood at a given moment can be anything they choose.

Meta Gravity: Primeval Excalibur possess the power of having absolute control over gravity itself, allowing for him to manipulate the gravity of everything in the universe/multiverse/Eden Orb, no matter whether they are physical locations, such as higher dimensions, heaven, or hell, or metaphysical locations such as the dream world.

Context Interaction: Primeval Excalibur is able to the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, and in terms of which something can be fully understood, or the parts of something written or spoken that immediately precede and follow a word or passage and clarify its meaning, being able to purposeful misinterpret words, changing the physical location/politics of an event, to swapping the lives of people around, to changing just an individual's life completely, to dramatically shifting the entire contexts of any given event, if the user only knows one thing about an event they can impose their own invented context of that event on reality, etc.

True Change: True Change is when Alpha!Sans fully mastered his Conduit to Full-Fledged, giving him Atoms inside of his eye sockets, spheres that resembles Electrons, and souls of both the ones from all over existence. With this form, he has the full power of Change at his side, allowing him to Change anything that he desires, anything and everything that is within a Pond, as well as giving him access to some special souls to aid in his arsenal.

GODHOOD: With this, True Change possesses dimensional destruction and reality rejection, as well as possessing the right and title of that of a God with no exceptions or restraints.

TETRALOGY: True Change, with the Soul of Tetralogy, can control the four aspects of reality, and other extraordinary forces: science, philosophy, magic and religion, allowing him complete and total unison with all levels and forms of each of the four types regardless of superiority.

INDEPENDENCE: Somehow, True Change is able to pull in an Independence Soul that has no user or an owner of its own, instead of from Hara. With this soul, Alpha is now independent from concepts such as categories, roles, subjects, and made up rules, and possesses similar effects like the one Hara has.


Error404!Sans: Error404 adores his brother, despite their differences. Error404 is still grieving over Alpha and refuses to accept that he is a ghost. Alpha was killed by Infected, he ended up fighting Infected in the Mainframe. Alpha's death has left Error404 psychologically scared. Error404 was overjoyed to see him again when he turns out to still be alive and having become a Conduit like him.

Infected: The one that killed him when he was still Adam, Infected and Alpha hate each other deeply, with Infected nearly having tried killing him again, although Righteous!Error saved him from his second death before Infected could break his soul. However, Infected would later change and become a good person, back to Jacob, and the animosity and hatred between both Infected and Alpha has mostly ceased.

Omnipotent!Sans: The brother of Infected, although Alpha and Omnipotent are similar, they are not on good terms, due to Omnipotent's point of view contrasting with Alpha's point of view, in which he sees the world as Evil and Lesser Evil, with Alpha seeing the world as Good and Evil. Because of this, they are not on good terms, with Omnipotent even not having that much respect, and Alpha formerly respected Omnipotent, but now does not anymore due to what he decides to see the world as. The feelings became worse when Omnipotent had been manipulated by Hara, now vowing to give Omnipotent a beatdown that he will never forget, as soon as he gets to him.

Bio-Conduit of Monarchy, King Multiverse: Alpha does not have a good opinion on King Multiverse at first, but ever since he became a much more just and kinder king, Alpha now has a form of respect to him, with the respect increasing a bit when King Multiverse gained a Bio-Conduit Soul.

Righteous!Error: He's only heard a few things, but knows and understands Error404s love for his brother or care at least and even he too sees Alpha as some sort of symbol of heroism or at least pacifism. Despite this, he is not above hurting Alpha when he goes a bit out of line, such as when he is in his Corrupt Judge form. But even so, he still saves Alpha from being killer by Infected a second some, showing he cares enough to save him.

Hollow!Ink: Ink was pretty much raised by Alpha. However coming from a dark and horrible home, Alpha had a tendency to be cruel and relentless when it came to his training, to the point where he even suggests Ink to stop using vials entirely because they made him "Unable to do his job". However, Alpha was the only thing Ink had as family and since Error was made to be an enemy and he was told to stay away from him, he only had the Ghost to look towards. Ink becoming a vessel for the Unnameable and causing mass devastation with his powers made Alpha realize how horrible of a teacher he was, regretting his treatment to him. He now wishes that he can take back what he had done to his student.

100: The oldest brother of Error404 and Alpha, he and 100 are fierce enemies, with Alpha even having to try and kill him one when he was in his Corrupt Judge form together with Omnipotent when he was in his Omnithorn form, finishing him off with the Hate Grenade. He is also the only being that can negatively affect Alpha when he uses his Determination Depletion, being able to cause him to decay.

Astral Mother: Even after all the neglect and horrible treatment, Alpha still loves and cares deeply for his mother, and tries to gain a good bond with her and believe that she is good, to no avail.

Muffet: Alpha!Sans has a crush on Muffet, but Muffet does not feel the same way, with one of the reasons being that he always stood up for his mother despite all the terrible stuff he had done. Perhaps if he had went against her, then she'd be more willing to love him.

Cruel to Kind!Ten no Kami: The daughter of MalesGrow, Alpha!Sans sees Ten as a close friend and the reason he is able to get as far as he is. She is also the reason that he has access to the Excalibur form, and thus needs her in order to keep this form, although Ten would later give him the ability to activate this form on his own without needing her to do it.


Ink!Sans is a close friend of all Aus, which makes him naturally able to see Alpha! Sans.

Alpha!Sans is as strong as 6 Karma Sanses when he is fighting.

Alpha's birthday! Alpha!Sans' birthday is on July 2.

Alpha!Sans is younger than Infected and Error404.

Alpha!Sans never got to invite Muffet before he died.
Alpha!Sans doesn't enjoy Sundays or Wednesdays since he doesn't believe in god.

Alpha!Sans loves to drink Orange Juice along with Pepperoni Pizza.

Alpha!Sans loves to watch over other Aus and even loves to roleplay past timelines they've been in.
Since Righteous!Error was able to save Alpha!Sans from his second death by Infected's hands, this gave Alpha!Sans more time to practice with his Conduit Soul of Change, allowing him to reach Competent Mastery of his soul.

Alpha!Sans was able to go to Competent Level due to meeting with the Astral Mother, after merging the past, prevent, and future versions of herself, allowing for him to know the truth as to why she acted the way she did to them before.

Alpha!Sans has drained the life force of many entities that are slightly weaker than him, yet close to his level of power, allowing him to fight against Error404 evenly and held very long against Omnipotent!Sans' own immense power.

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