
(This is merely an interpretation of what I think in Alphatale version of Alastor would be like, if the Hazbin Hotel!Helluva Boss world were to be a part of the Undertale Alphaverse. This is not canon to the Alphaverse itself, except for perhaps the one that I made. I might make a little bit chapters involving the characters from both shows. Also, this is only because of the fact that Alastor and Sans are shown in fanart together sometimes, which I admit that is find it to be interesting comparison, due to how unpredictable that they're both are. Finally, this character takes place in a version of the FGOD Multiverse)


The Radio Demon
The Deer Dealmaker
The Red Demon

Date of Birth: Unknown (Sometime in 1933)

Place of Birth: Earth (Alpha Hotel AU)

Species: Sinner Demon (Overlord)
Gender: Male
Height: 7'0
Weight: 130 Ibs
Eye Color: Red

"Smile, my friends. For you know, you're never fully able to be alive without one."-Alastor!Crowley

Alastor!Crowley is the Alphaverse version of Alastor, and is the strongest version of him to ever exist. Unpredictable and very flexible, he is one of the most dangerous beings in his world, as well as one of the most dangerous allies that 404 has made.


Alastor!Crowley's past is similar, but very different compared to the original Alastor's. In this AU, called Alpha Hotel, Alastor had a mother that he had lived with for most of his life. And originally, Alastor lived a good life. But that all changed when he and his mother were attacked, and the mother was killed...but Alastor, he took the chance to kill the ones that had attacked him and his family. Forced to move, he goes out of the house with as much food and water as he can, as he goes into the cruel world that awaits him. But when he ran out of food, he is forced to eat the other bodies of humans to survive in the reality that is his home. Although he has grown accustomed to the act, and even admits that, it tastes very great, even he does not take pleasure in this act. But as he has become so used to this, he believes that he cannot change, and became hopeless. In this world where he goes to survive, he is at least able to make a good sort of behavior to make it look like he seems like a very pleasant person, and even was able to learn how to use radio, being a speaker for some important events in a job that he has been able to get. But then, one day, an event changed his life in a way that is completely unexpected. At sometime in the night, Alastor was mistaken for a deer and was shot in the head by a hunter, when he was out in the woods. And when that happened, due to his acts and his hopelessness in his ability got change, he went to the afterlife of Hell itself. And the moment that he arrived, Alastor has gained power unlike most mortal souls before, and wreak havoc on those that target and attacked him, becoming an Overlord as a result, as well as one of the more feared demons in existence.

But as he felt lonely and never had a very pleasant life, he felt saddened, but despite this, his smile remains locked onto his face, almost as if he is forever stuck with this facial expression. But at some point in the past, he would later meet Rosie, who is an Overlord, only she didn't die, but is a person that is born in hell natively. This sparked a first friendship with Alastor, and later grew to become a couple worn one another, which allowed him to regain a sense of happiness and genuine joy that he always wanted. Although, like the original Alastor, he would go to the hotel that is owned by the Princess of hell herself, Charlie, and would not hesitate in voicing his doubt in redemption, deep down, he wishes that he can be proven wrong, but thinks that it would not work on him, due to the fact that he is irredeemable in his eyes, and thus, will forever stay like this. But even so, he was able to develop a genuine bond with the other demons, even if he is very strange and very twisted in showing it.

One day an unknown event, the AU of Alastor began to be destroyed by an unknown reason, which meant that Heaven, Earth, and Hell were in danger. Alastor, he did everything that he can in his power to try and save the hotel and the woman of his life, but the midst of all of this... a blinding flash of light occurred, as Alastor is now without an AU home of his own. Alastor...had lost everything. He spent his days, wandering around the Multiverse that he is in, going to worlds that are far different from the one he lived in, having monsters instead of demons, and the humans in these worlds are a much more stable species, despite their flaws. He even takes notice of a specific monster in particular, named Sans, who also smiled even when he is upset. When seeing this, Alastor feels as though that he could relate to him. He even became aware of the original AU he was based off of, and he observed it with peak interest, before deciding that he should not let himself get distracted by this sight.

He would then go around the AUs and made deals with them for years, and in the deals that he has made, he grew stronger and stronger, becoming one of the most powerful entities to ever exist inside of the Multiverse, too the point that, in order to separate his identity of the original Alastor, he renamed himself, Alastor!Crowley, because it made him feel a bit more power then before. But then...a certain meeting either the God of the Multiverse, would change his life forever. A being named, Error404, who he thinks will be the one that will aid him in bringing back all that he had lost from the past.


He is very similar to the original Alastor, in which he is a slim, dapper sinner demon, with beige colored skin, and usually having a broad smile full of sharp teeth that he never takes off, and at the height of 7 feet. He has red hair with black tips and 2 deer ears on the top of his head that also end in black tips, and are in fact actual ears, not a hairstyle of sort. The style has an undercut at the back, and two small black antlers protuding from the crown, although they are larger and more noticeable then the original Alastor. His hands, unlike the original Alastor, are not covered in gloves, meaning that the skin of his hands are black with red tipped-claws. But the similarities end there.

What separates Alastor!Crowley from the original Alastor's is the fact that he has red teeth instead of yellow teeth. His eyes are permanently resembling Radio Dials, and is constantly crying black demonic blood from his eyes. He has a bow tie in his suit with an eye on it, and his red suit is much more darker then the original Alastor's suit, taking on a blood red color, as well as the fact that it reaches down to his ankles. His hair is also much more longer, being able to reach down halfway to the back, as well as black shoes. He also lacks an X on his forehead.


Like the original Alastor and similar to 404, Alastor!Crowley does very little to no attempts in being able to hide his true nature, as he does not hold back on his opinion. He is a man of duality, in which he values good manners, affability and intelligence very highly in others, and will actively look down on those who do not meet his standards, however he will often play fast and loose with these arbitrary rules in regards to himself and his own conduct. Alastor's behavior, mannerisms, and even his voice are similar to an old-fashioned radio announcer and speaks with a transatlantic accent, often using quaint anachronisms such as "the picture show" and refers to Error404 as a "charming skeleton gentleman." He is also sociopathic, possesses an attitude of l high levels of self-importance, and he will not hesitate to use physical violence when others don't act in line with his very particular values or expectations.

However, what separates Alastor!Crowley from to original Alastor is that, unlike the original, Alastor!Crowley does have a truly good side him, and truly values his bonds and friendships with other people. Although he smiles because he thinks it is a symbol of dominance and power over those weaker then him, in truth, he also smiles because in the way that he believes, it is the only head to feel alive, for his mother told him that if you don't smile, then there would be no reason to continue on. He also does want to believe that he can be redeemed, but deep down, believes that it would never happen and lost hope in that, although he desperately wishes to be proved wrong. In spite of this, however, it would not stop him from trying to redeem other sinner demons to regain their lives and become free down the cursed existence that they are subjugated to.

He also possesses a sense of morality that is different compared to the original Alastor's. He only consumes those that deserve it and refuses to mock those weaker then him, instead treating them kindly and cordially. Even when his home AU has been destroyed, he never loses this sense of morality. He is also a man of his word, for when 404 made a deal with Alastor to revive his home AU, Alastor did what he could to help him, although this is also because of the effect of the deal that he has made.

Although he would never admit to it, he truly cares deeply for his friends and for his lover, Rosie, and when he met 404, seeing his desire to bring back the people he cares about, he decides to side with him, so that he can bring back the people he himself cares about as well. While he is chaotic, he is also a tragic version of Alastor that suffered, and desires nothing more then to be proven wrong.

Powers and Abilities:

Dealmaking: Like the original Alastor, he is capable of making deals, which allow him to increase his own power, which is a very powerful commodity in hell, making them very manipulative. However, unlike the original, making this deal has another effect. When both sides agree, the deal will bind them and influence the choices that they make with their actions, which will keep its effect, until they both finished with the deal. However, Alastor does have a benefit in that he can control the other soul to an extent, such as controlling them and then them into demonic entities, while at the same time, granting them power. But that is to those that are not Conduits, who are resistant to this effect.

Mental Manipulation: Alastor is able to manipulate the mental state of other beings, such as being able to imprint words into the mind of another person in a different language, manipulate memories, and distort, warp, and change the minds of others, although his way works very different compared to Error404.

Flexibility: Alastor can contort his body into numerous unnatural poses, and for some reason, makes radio static noises when he does that.

Shadow Mastery: The strongest version of the shadow manipulation, Alastor is able to summon shadows and manipulate them into doing his bidding. His own shadow is even sentient. He can even manipulate shadow tentacles that are so strong, they can rival, perhaps surpass the strength and power of the Dark Blasters, as they can destroy AUs with only one of the tentacles by grappling and crushing them.

Unchallenged Strength: Alastor possess immense strength of his own, being able to give Error404 and even Righteous!Error and Hollow!Ink separately an extremely hard time trying to take him down.

MFLT+/Infinite Speed: Alastor is extremely fast, being able to keep up with Error404 and Omnipotent, able to react to their attacks.

Spacial Warping: Alastor is able to get around with the help of his shadow.

Portal Creation: Alastor can also transport others to his location easily via the portals he makes. He can use it to go to different AU or Multiverses. He can also use this power to bring objects to himself instead of going to said location.

Dream Walking: Alastor is able to enter the dreams of other people in order to speak to them, even if they are far away.

Demonic Soul: Alastor's answer to Error404's Fiberglass Soul, this makes Alastor unable to be harmed completely, as the attacks are reflected, making critical hits the ones that are able to hurt him.

Flight: Alastor is able to summon wings from his back, which allow him to fly a extremely fast speeds.

Radio Jack: Alastor is able to speak through the radios of other AUs, using the Microphone he can summon in his hands, which he often uses to either scare people or to check on 404 or Error whenever they are in a different AU.

Sinner Immortality: Alastor is immortal, due to having already died in the first place, but even though he 'came back to life' when his AU got destroyed, his immortality is only lessened slightly, yet is unkillable by almost all conventional means, with the exception of Error404's own transformations, which would be powerful enough to destroy him entirely.

Fireballs: Alastor is able to summon balls of fire that are strong enough to rival or surpass the power of the Anti-Void Bones.

Plant Decay (Passive Ability): Alastor, like Reaper, is able to cause plants to decay and rot whenever he is around them.

Multiversal Quake: Alastor, when he is angered, can cause a quake that is so immense that it can be felt in an entire Multiverse.

Blood Magic: Alastor, by hurting himself and drawing blood, is able to cause a variety of affects, most commonly in the form of explosions whenever he is holding an opponent or object, but can also use it as traps that shock people, or as barriers.

Outfit Alteration: Alastor can can change the outfit of a person with just a snap of his fingers, but this is only for mundane tasks and not for combat.


FULL DEMON: Alastor, when he is enraged, can change into a true form of sorts. This Full Demon form is able to make Alastor stronger then before, increasing his magic and abilities, as well as giving him some new abilities of his own. While in this stage, he grows taller, about 8 feet this time, his feet replaced by deer hooves, and his antlers have now become bigger and larger.

Sinful Claws: Alastor now gains claws in his hands, which are able to cause cuts and tears into other entities with ease. He can even use it to tear down structure with just his barehands. He is even able to slice the Master Cables or Error666 without any problem whatsoever.

Ravenous Jaws: Alastor's jaws are now very sharp and can open twice the size of normal humans, being able to make a big bite out of other people. His teeth are extremely sharp, although admittedly not to the same extent as 100's Teeth, which are far sharper and much more dangerous then Alastor's.

Fearful Aura: Alastor can unleash an aura so dangerous, he can cause other people to collapse unconscious or even die of fear to those that are weaker then him.

Red Noise: White noise that comes from a Radio constantly appears out of his body in the form of a screeching sound. Any of those that hear it will be locked in a state of shock and paralysis from the pain, and if left long enough, any monsters beside him will begin to melt, and if grouped together, will be become amalgamates. Only those that are at King Multiverse's level or higher is able to resist this effect.

KING ALASTOR: This form is the result of Gabriel infusing Alastor with his Cosmic Essence. In this form, his hair is on fire, as well as his antlers and claws, the wings on his back are larger and stronger, and between the antlers is a crown that seems to be molded from fire itself. Alastor, in this states, becomes the walking incarnation of uncontrollable destruction, for his touch against those that are severely weaker then him will cause people to combust and explode, and can now move so fast, it is as though he is in 7 places at once.

Reality Distortion: The reality around King Alastor's personal area becomes distorted and warped, which can cause some confusion as to what is happening in the eyes of the viewer to those weaker then him.

Time n' Space Control: Alastor can manipulate the aspects of Time and Space, stronger then Just404 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y's usage of this power, in which can either speed up/slow down time, or can manipulate space around him in whatever way he desires.

Burning Noise: The Res Noise's power when in Full Demon is now dangerously altered. Instead of making people paralyzed and frozen whenever they are near it for too long, those that hear it will instead combust into flames and explode. Only Just404 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y or any entity that is comparable to his strength are able to resist this effect.

Radio Apocalypse: Alastor's finishing move, in which he touches the ground, and concentrates, as he ground builds up Cosmic Essence in the way that Alastor concentrates it, before it explodes. It is unknown how strong it is, but it is believed that he can take out 4 Realities at the same time upon detonation.


Alpha!Rosie: Alastor's first ally and his girlfriend. They met when Alastor became new around here, and although he has power, he felt all by himself and suffered in loneliness. Rosie coming into his life was able to change that, and made him feel better. And when they both became a couple, they would often go on dates in the human world or hell, as well as kiss and hug one another, with both being inseparable to one another. Alastor, at first, thought Rosie died when his AU's destroyed, which made him have a broken heart, feeling empty without yet. It when she is revealed to have been alive this whole time, with her too having grown stronger, he was able to find her and reunite with her. Now, he does all that he can to ensure her safety.

Alpha!Vox: Too simply say that he hates him would be an understatement. Alastor despises Vox beyond any reasoning and belief, even as his smile's still kept. Due to their opposing views on technology, Alastor despises Alastor so much that he's try and kill him if he met him. Vox, on the other hand, has a very strange obsession for him and wants him. Alastor became very enraged when he discovered that Vox is alive and is still after him.

Alpha Hotel crew: Although on the surface, he does not seem to have that much of a friendly relationship with them, deep inside, Alastor cares for them more then even he realizes. He protects the Hotel from people that wants to destroy it and makes sure it goes smoothly. He is even overjoyed when he realizes that his friends survived, and would be able to reunite them, due to Charlie having protected the Hotel with her powers, as well as being glad Niffty and Husk's survived.

Error404: The strongest Sans of then all, as well as the God of the Multiverse, they both met with Alastor visits the Outertale AU, and Error404 arrived there. When they met, Error404 and Alastor fought against one another. Despite Alastor's superior power, Error404 possesses far greater combat experience, but even so, they both tied in the fight. But after that, upon hearing one another's stories, Alastor's decides to make a deal with 404, in that they will both revive each other's worlds. 404 agrees, and Alastor became one of the most important members of his group, with the both of  them like brothers-in-arms.

Righteous!Error: Error404's student, Error did not trust Alastor immediately, thinking that there is something off and wrong about him. But with time, they both were able to develop a very genuine bond with one another, with Alastor making sure that Error is doing very well. He grieved for him when he died, even while smiling, and is very happy to see that he had returned to life.

Infected: Deapite Alastor being stronger then him, even Alastor could not help but feel revolted at the existence of the first Destroyer. Infected's cruelty and sadism were far greater then even Alastor's own. Because of this, he does all that he can to take him down as painfully as possible.

Omnipotent!Sans: Alastor does not like Omnipotent that much, mainly due to his behavior. Despite this, however, he is willing to work with him in more then one occasion when the situation requires it.

Alpha!Sans: The younger brother of Error404, Alpha and Alastor met, and seems to have a stable relationship with one another when they join forces. But initially, they were born fierce enemies, even when compared to Error404 and Alpha against one another.

Hollow!Ink: Alastor is weary of Ink, due to the fact that he is one of the most dangerous entities to ever be seen, and the fact that he is unpredictable. The fact that he has an Unnameable Soul with him does not help matters at all.

King Multiverse: Alastor cares little to nothing when involving King Multiverse, and thus, he wouldn't care if he had died or not. The only reason he doesn't kill him by himself is because King Multiverse is the only person that is keeping the entire Multiverse in stable condition.

100: A monster that Alastor despises, he teams up with 404 in order to try and take down 100 so that he can die.

Warlock: Alastor has no comment on him, other then the fact that he thinks of him as the strangest entity to exist, and has no idea how to speak to him, due to the fact that the way that he says his name makes it impossible to know what it is that he is saying.

Astral Mother: Alastor has heard of the Astral Mother from 404, and when they met, Alastor was not happy to see her, yet his smile is kept onto his face. He'd always team up with 404 to try killing her.


In base form, Alastor!Crowley is stronger then Error404. As Full Demon, he is stronger then Just404. As King Alastor, he's stronger then Just404 B.U.T.T.E.R.F.L.Y, but is weaker then Perfect404. And unfortunately, he is weaker then Righteous in base form, and still weaker then Myriad in his King form. But unfortunately for him, the Stolas of the Alpha Hotel AU is also stronger then him, and only Vox, who has survived, has the power to rival him.

Unlike the original Sinner Demons, the Sinner Demons in the Alpha Hotel AU are capable of reproduction. It is unknown why this is the case, due to the fact that the sinners are already dead souls, but it is possible that the AU of the Alpha Hotel has rules that work very different in comparison to the original AU that it is based off of.

Alastor could possibly be the Conduit of Miracles, due to his unique deal making. At his weakest, he has Probability Manipulation. At the full peak of his mastery, he is possibly able to possess Meta Miracle Manipulation, although it is unknown if this position would make him a Forbidden Conduit of some sort.

If Alastor and Rosie were to have children, their names would be Betty, Marie, and Francis. And all 3 of them would likely be stronger then both parents combined, and all 3 of them would also likely be deal makers just as Alastor is.

It is unknown if he can be in multiple relationships at once in the Alpha Hotel AU, but considering Hell being the way it is, with no laws and all of that, it is possible he can get into multiple relationships.

Unlike the original Alastor, who is asexual, Alastor is straight in his romances, meaning he likes females.

Alastor and Rosie are lovers unlike in the original AU.

Unlike his original self, Alastor would be a great father figure, due to his genuinely polite nature.

All of the characters in the Alpha Hotel AU are stronger then Error404 or higher, with the experience of 100 and Warlock.

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