

Son of Zermon
Universe Devourer
Multiversal Polothorn
Baby Chick
Zermon's Chick

Date of Birth: April 11th

Place of Birth: Unknown

Species: Polothorn
Gender: Male
Height: 27'10
Eye Color: Star

All life will have to meet its ends, but I'll clear out the remains so that there is more room for another creation to be made.-Adelumabub

Adelumabub is a Polothorn that has a resemblance to a cross between a bird and a human, worn the wings on his back and he has claws and talons on his hand. He is the Polothorn son of Zermon and a mortal woman.


Zermon has always been one of the most dangerous and powerful TransVoid Beings that have ever existed in all of time, although his powers are not at the league of MalesGrow or Malware, for they are both more powerful than him, and yet is stronger than the rest below him. Zermon is a giant black bird with star-filled eyes, it flys through all of existence and eating and devouring stars and feeding on galaxies that are on the brink of collapse and destruction. It is unknown why it does this sort of thing, and how it knows which galaxy is about to die. The reason for this is unknown, but there is a theory as to why it is that he has done these things, in that he is simply here to make room for something new to be created, while also at the same time, he consumes the galaxies to gain more powerful for himself to have. But even so, it is unknown still as to how he is able to defend when a galaxy is about to end, as even when he is extremely far away, he is able to come in at the last minute and consume the galaxy before it really has a chance to end itself.

But Zermon is a very mysterious being from within the TransVoid, as he has never been seen interacting with other people, and instead, he just does what he does the best, and that is by consuming other galaxies that are coming to an end in order to grow in power, as well as, supposedly, make more room for some new created Galaxy to take the place of the one that had been destroyed from the first place. But despite this, even though this is considered by many to be very animalistic and cruel, he does have care towards living creature. Although he may be scary, when in the presence of creatures, he is shown that he is not going to hurt them, and instead, he cares deeply enough to let them play on him, and when he converses with humans, he is capable of speaking in English, and is able to think just as much as humans can, although he knows a lot of stuff in his time, enough to the point that he knows of thing that only MalesGrow and Himmsworth has him beat in. And despite this, even when he is a consuming Galaxies, and when he goes to them, he also makes sure that every last being inside of the galaxy that he is consuming dies, and waits for the last souls to depart into the afterlife, so he can consume the dying galaxy.

Naturally, this puts him on odds with other beings that consumes worlds, as they consume even living beings inside of them, and they do so without care or remorse for what happens to them, not that Zermon would care. And because of this, Zermon would even run into other TransVoid Beings, such as MalesGrow and Malware, both of whom desire to kill him, or, in MalesGrow's case, consume him. But Zermon is a very fast and slippery TransVoid Being, as he slips away due to his superior speed. And as Zermon continues to consume Galaxies, he began to grow more and more powerful, more and more stronger, and this feeling of gaining strength grows to the point that he is now able to consume AUs, which makes him even more powerful, and when that happens, he began to consume AUs that are dying, and he will wait for the AUs to have all life killed and move on to an Afterlife, so that he can consume it, and when he consumes AUs, he gains an even bigger boost in power than ever before, and he began to grow more and more exponentially powerful by the passing years, as he consumed more and more AUs, until he than became so powerful, he is now able to consume Multiverses. But despite the fact that he is able to do so, he waits for the Multiverse to have all life within it he killer, so that he can consume it, and in in turn makes him even more powerful than ever before, And eventually, he began to consume dying Multiverses and gain far more power than ever before. And because of the fact that he is gaining more and more strength as time goes on, MalesGrow than turned his attention to Zermon, and decides to try and consume him so that he can gain even more power and become an Unnameable more faster than before, although it is unknown if other TransVoid Beings are able to consume other members of the TransVoid Beings in order to grow more powerful, and it is unknown if they can be resurrected from such a thing happening to them. But Zermon does not want to find out, as he does all that he can to get away from the TransVoid Squid. MalesGrow does all that he can to try and catch him into his tentacles, and even fired his Eye Beam at Zermon, but Zermon is able to react fast despite the fact that he does not see them, as he than looked and saw a Multiverse that has been born a million years ago, and thus, not wanting to get consumed and wanting to hide from MalesGrow, Zermon flies into it, and remains out of sight. But wanting to be as small and as hidden as he can, he manipulated his own body and shrinks down to the point that he is now the size of a mortal male, but at the height of 6'0, so that MalesGrow doesn't see him.

But despite resembling a mortal male, he does still have some parts of his TransVoid appearance out, such as his wings and his hands and feet are claws and talons which look extremely sharp and dangerous. And more importantly, his eyes are still filled with stars, and they shined brightly. This makes Zermon look like a type of monster of some sort, and thus, Zermon does all that he can to remain hidden. But as he tries to hide, he felt a pain on his shoulder, and he looks to see a large cut on his shoulder, and at the same time, he looked as though his wound has been burned a bit too the point that the wound as partially cauterized. And this made Zermon worried, as he does not want anyone to see him. But then, someone did see him. A beautiful mortal woman with black hair and very beautiful eyes and a smile came to him, and at first, Zermon steps back, as he tries to look threatening in order to scare her off, due to not wanting her involved in his mess, but the woman could see that even though he is mysterious, he is a truly good person, and thus, desires to help him. She went to him, and calmly and gently told him that it is okay, before she than helped patch up Zermon to stop the bleeding, which surprised him, as he has never seen a human act this kind before in his life. He has been able to hold some cordial conversations, but not once has he met a human that is able to help him with the wounds he has, and is okay, he wound wait for the wounds on his body to heal on their own. This made Zermon surprised, but the woman is interested to learn more about him, and thus, seeing that he has no home to go to, decides to take him into her home, so that she can show that he can trust her. Zermon refused, claiming that he does want to be a bother for her, but the woman does find this nonsense, and takes him into her home, so that he can live there, and it is something that Zermon did not expect. He felt a little bit insecure, as all he has been doing is feasting on stars and galaxies his whole life, but he has not learn how to with deal this, despite the fact that he has learned to converse with other people, even mortal humans, which is something that he does not expect, and initially, Zermon was reluctant to tell her of his life and of what he is, but the woman was so determined to earn his trust and to try and get him to tell her of what he is. Zermon, although he did began to trust her, does all he can to hide the truth of his heritage, but the woman is very eager to know more about him.

The woman kept on acting increasingly nice to him, and TransVoid Bird Being does all that he can to hide his side of him, too hide the truth of what he is, but no matter what he did, he always felt the urge to trust her and tell her all that he knows about himself, while at the same time, he goes out and consumes galaxies different AUs inside of her Multiverse, as to not only continue to grow more powerful than before, even if it is a slight power increase, but it is also to make sure that he is ready to go against MalesGrow again, if he does ever appear inside of his life again, and eventually, after what must have been about half a year, by about 6 months, Zermon finally gave in, and he finally decided to talk about what he is and why he is here. The woman, although felt like this a very huge thing to take in, cares very little,
And even though she knows that Zermon had consumed other existences and worlds, that is only to the worlds that have lost every singe being on there and he simply waited until the souls pass on into the afterlife, where they do not have to witness it. Then, the woman asked for Zermon to reveal his true form. Zermon was unsure about this, as he looked down and felt very uneasy, but the woman convinced him to do it, and after a little while, he agrees, as he than revealed his true form, but now shrunken where she can see all of him without having to look at one of his body parts in order to see the real him as a gigantic entity of great power. The woman smiled, as this is what she wanted to see all of this time, to see the real him. Zermon was surprised and even felt very happy that the woman had easily accepted him for who he is, and thus, he felt very happy about it all. The Woman and Zermon, who went back to his humanoid form, consummate their relationship and procreated with each other, as Zermon began to feel life for the very first time in his life, after what must have been a very long time with doing nothing more than consuming dying worlds and Multiverses just to make himself more powerful.

And years later, Zermon, he gained a son of his own, one that has born his bird feed, as well as claws on his hands and his star-filled eyes, but had gained the woman's black hair and face, as the son looked very handsome for a Polothorn. But the woman, due to the birth, died, but still had enough of her strength to be awake to see her son, remarking his beautiful he is. And than, she passed away. Normally, Zermo wound just devour her and be done with it, but this time, he does not do such a thing, as he than simply went outside, and buried her, before Zermon went back inside of the house, and does all he can raise her son, and thankfully, since being with the woman, Zermon is able to parent his son, who he gave the name of, Adelumabub, as he does all he can to make sure that his son lives a happy life. But than, one terrible incident happened, as MalesGrow, having noticed the Multiverse that Zermon is in, and unaware of the fact that he is in there, began ti try and consume it. Zermon, not wanting his son to die, and keeping a pair of lockets that had the woman's face on it, took his son, and flies out of the Multiverse, whine also growing in size just enough get out of the Multiverse just barely. It is amazing that he is able to get out from such a very fast journey.

And so, when that happened, Zermon, realizing that he is now out in the open, realizes that his son is in danger, and thus, he needs to find a world for him to stay in, so that he can make sure that his son grows up in a safe environment. But Yesmerian, who saw this, approaches Zermon, and reveals that she can take him and Zermon to her planet, as long as he stops consuming, until his son is old enough, in which he can do it again. Zermon agreed, as this is the only want to keep his son safe, and allows himself to be on the plant, as his son began to grow up, and became a very powerful Polothorn, and since he had consumed countless worlds and differ Multiverses, he became so powerful that he is able to surpass Zermon in terms of immense power. And after a little bit of time learning with Zermon, he decided to leave at the age of 18, now old enough to explore on his one and do what he is good at best, and began to consume the same stuff that Zermon himself consumed, essentially helping his father with his work. 

And inside of the TransVoid, he met others like himself, such as Zero, who is the firstborn son of MalesGrow, Joash and Sandhya from Gabriel, Sinware from Malware, and recently, Jaivyn from Eledora, and in time, he also has met Raguel the Just from Basil and Gabriella, although at that time, Raguel was just a young child, at the age of 1, and thus, alerted his parents with sounds to find him,
And take him away. And needless to say, he's one of the strongest Polothorns to exist, and he swears that he will do whatever it takes to make sure that there is room for other stuff in creation to appear in, so that there will be more lives that will appear inside of the TransVoid. He'll do whatever it takes to continue Zermon's work.


Adelumabub, due to his heritage, resembles a cross between a human and a bird. He is shown to have have black hair, that reaches down halfway to his back, and is shown to wear a coat that is colored black with white dotes on it that appears to resemble stars. He is also shown to wear a white shirt and has black shirt pants that stops at his knees. As for the parts of his body that are from his parents, he has black wings coming out from his back, about 4 pairs of them, and has claws and talons on his hands and feet. And as something that he inherited from Zermon, he has eyes that are filled with stars. He is also very large in size, and at his minimal height, is at the height of 27'10, although he is extremely huge at his full height, much more larger than Zermon.


Adelumabub, ever since he is raised by Zermon, is a Polothorn that has been taught manners by him, as well as the importance as to why he is the way he is in the first place. Adelumabub is shown that he is able to care for others just as much as any other people, and is even willing to strike conversations with others, due to him having a much more social personality that his father doesn't have. He is shown to be able to make genuine bonds and is able to hang out with other people, unlike his father, who is to busy to care about making friends. Because of this, he is far more knowledgeable about the social bonds that he can make with his friends.

Although, even though he does have a desire to make friends, he also knows that it is important to use his powers for the tasks that his father has, and thus, he often goes along with his father to find a dying world, or a dying Multiverse, so that he can consume it, and allow another Multiverse to take its place. Although he does not like the fact that he is given such a task and has to do it, he knows that it is a necessity, especially since he will be forced to get involved in a very terrible situation in the future, where the power increase after he consumes a Multiverse becomes vital to him when he is against someone, such as MalesGrow, that desperately wants to eat him. So as much as he hates the powers that he uses drying Multiverses and Stars, and merely wants time to take its course on the ones that are dying, he knows that it is a necessity that he must do something such as this.


Consumption: Inherited from Zermon, Adelumabub is able to consume anything that he is able to consume, and ever since he is born from Zermon, who is able to consume Multiverses, due to becoming more powerful, Adelumabub is able to accomplish the same feat, although a bit more easily.

Wings: Adelumabub has 4 pairs of wings on his back, which is used to aid him in the ability to fly, so that he can travel through space, which also aids him go from going one Multiverse to another.

Massively FTL+ Speed: Adelumabub is shown to be extremely fast, being able to cords distances between different Multiverses in just mere seconds.

Zermon's Foresight: Adelumabub can foresee the opponent's movements and attacks ahead of time; although this doesn't work unless the person is in his vision.

Claws and Talons: Adelumabub has the claws and talons of Zermon, which he uses as his main weapons of choice, at least, in close combat. And due to training with some people that are skilled in combat, this allows Adelumabub to use a deadly form of marital arts that he can use his class in to decimate and cut down an opponent.

Life Detection: Adelumabub is able to detect the life of an object, as well as sense when the object is about to die and end, which is how Zermon is able to go to differ Galaxies and Stars without even knowing them, as he senses that they are about to die.

Precognition: Adelumabub is able to catch a glimpse into the future, in order to know what it is that is about to come next, which is usually important. This power only lasts for about 6 seconds, before the vision is gone.

Burning Gaze: Adelumabub can look into a person's eyes, and by doing this, he can render them temporarily blind, which has been very useful towards enemies that try to fight him.

Star Sight: A technique that Adelumabub created, he has the power to see through a star, so that he can the solar system that has planets and all of that, although this is mainly to see if there will be any odd activities going on that he is beginning to feel suspicious over.


Zermon: The father of Adelumabub, he is the one that had to raise him when his mother had died, and he barely escaped from the Multiverse they were on, due to MalesGrow deciding to consume it. He and his father have a very good relationship with each other.

Yesmerian: The TransVoid Being of Omnipotence, she gave Adelumabub and Zermon shelter, which Adelumabub is very grateful for.

MalesGrow: The one that tried to consume both him and his father back then, Adelumabub does all that he can to make sure that he does not get caught by MalesGrow, as he refuses to be consumed and to power him up.

Zero: The firstborn son of MalesGrow, he and Adelumabub get along very well, due to the fact that they are both sons of TransVoid Beings that consume stuff, but while MalesGrow consumes to get stronger, Zermon consumes in order to make more room in the entirely of the Omniverse. Because of this, Zero has some good feeling with Zermon, and has a good relationship with Adelumabub.

Joash and Sandhya: The Son and Daughter of Gabriel, Adelumabub gets along with both of the offsprings of Gabriel, due to the fact that they are protecting the TransVoid to make it a safe place.

Sinware: The son of Malware, both Adelumabub and Sinware get along very well, although Adelumabub would obviously have a very low opinion on his father.

Ishtarati and Lilyin: The Daughters of Helatory, with 2 other parents for each, they both also flirt with Adelumabub, but he ignores that, although it does not stop him from getting along with the 2 daughters of Helatory.

Raguel the Just: The son of Basil and Gabriella the Voice, both he and Adelumabub are shown to have a very stable relationship with each other. Basil also is shown to get along with Adelumabub, due to his friendly relationship with him.

Jaivyn: The son of Eledora, and is the most recent Polothorn to ever be born, this one on modern times, Adelumabub and Jaivyn are shown to get along very well, with Adelumabub acting as a father figure to Jaivyn.

Anomaly!Core: The Forbidden Conduit of Reality, Adelumabub gets along well with Anomaly!Core, who allows him entrance into the Alpha Timeline, where he is able to make more friends here.

Conduit!Cell and Mes: 2 Versions of Abyss, one of with a Polothorn God and the other a Forbidden Conduit, they are able to get along very well with Adelumabub, who also gets along with both versions of Abyss, although Mes admittedly does kind of make him worried.

Prism: The Forbidden Conduit of Disorder, Adelumabub has met him before, but is unable to talk to him, due to Prism disappearing. Now he tries to find him, but all by himself, as he does not want to talk to anyone else about what he has seen.


Adelumabub is stronger than his father, as well as being slightly stronger than MalesGrow and Malware, but he is still weaker than Zero and the other Polothorn Children.

Adelumabub is one of the fastest Polothorns to ever be born, being able to surpass his father in terms of speed, and is able to travel between different Multiverses in seconds, and if he continues to consume, he'll go beyond that.

He is one of the few that get away from MalesGrow, who can consume anything.

Even Zero and Joash, along with some of the other stronger children, have a hard time catching him.

Adelumabub is one of the few Polothorns that gets along with the TransVoid Being parent and does not hate them. The other ones being Ishtarati, Lilyin, Joash, and Sandhya.

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