Chapter 14
"Stupid mud." I muttered.
I'm very grateful that my mothers bought me rain boots some time ago. I remember hating them because there is no way I'm going outside in the mud. But no. Here I am walking out in the mud. I wish Sumo was here to keep me company and keep my mind off of everything.
He would be laughing. He would try to convince that we should go skinny dipping. He would be telling me that this is a bad idea. He would answer my questions about the wolf pack. He would be telling me more beautiful lies.
Sumo would just calm my nerves.
I sighed as I pulled my bookbag straps tighter against me. I walked forward. The silence of the words filled my ears. The bright green trees surrounded me, blowing with the wind reminding me of the soft dances from Swan Lake. The grass is different shades of greens, light, dark and even some yellow.
I don't even want to know why the grass is yellow.
"Okay, Jeff. That shouldn't be your main concern." I mumbled. "Your main concern should be trying to find this thing Emilio sent you too."
I looked around again. I still can't find anything. That doesn't mean I heard nothing. Growls replaced the silent woods. I stopped in my place. I started to rack my brain of things I need to do. If its a black bear then I should yell loudly right? Or drop dead? Or is that for brown bears?
Oh crap. I'm going to die because I can't remember what to do for the types of bear!
The growls aren't coming from a bear. Great! They are coming from wolves. Not great! Not great at all! A black wolf stepped out from behind the rock. It growled but its gaze soften when it saw me. Great, I'm going to make a wolf happy before they chop on me.
The black wolf shifted into someone. Emilio. Now, now, I feel like an idiot. I don't know why I didn't think of that first. He is the one who sent me here. He did say he is a werewolf. I just . . . I just need to hurry up and get out of these woods. Emilio looked around.
"Sorry, Jeff. I thought you were from another pack." Emilio said.
"Why?" I asked.
Last time I checked, I'm very human.
"I smell wolf all over you. It smells like someone from the Otoe tribe." Emilio said as he nodded.
"Then I remembered that you're really close with, Sumo. So, my bad."
"I need to talk to Kimby." I said.
"And why?"
"I need answers."
I put both of my hands behind me back, "I want to help Sumo."
"You know, it's dangerous for human mates, yeah? Muy dangerous because unlike wolves who can heal fast enough you humans can't. Then you got the whole, the wolf wouldn't rest until the person who hurt their human mate is down."
"Why are you telling me this, Emilio?"
"I'm telling you this because once you met with Kimby, then there is no turning back. If you get hurt then my pack gets hurt."
"I won't."
Emilio nodded at my answer. He motioned me to follow him. I did. I moved forward feeling eyes all on me. I moved my hands to grip my bookbag straps tightly. Emilio would talk to a couple of people then walk on. Each person we walked past, they stared at me like I'm the Mona Lisa.
He stopped in front of a short girl. She is talking to another female but it seems like its more of an order. The short girl brown hair is pushed over to one shoulder, she is wearing a short blue dress with a pair of white tights. Which seems odd to be wearing white in the woods. The short girl looked over at me. She looks familiar.
She started to touch her hair. I noted that she would braid then unbraid just to restart the process. She took a seat on a chair. The moment she sat down on the chair, she would run her fingers through her hair. The short girl raised her eyebrow.
"Emilio? Why did you bring a human here?" She asked.
Seriously, where have I seen her?
"He wanted answers." Emilio said.
The girl looked at me. Then it hit me. I have seen her! We share a class together.
"You're Kimby?" I asked.
She didn't say anything, all she did is raised her eyebrow again.
"We share a class together. I didn't know you were a rogue wolf! I been trying to find one since I moved here. Which has been a month or two." I snapped.
"Two." She said.
"So, where have you been? You could have heard me."
"I did hear you. Clarence doesn't even try to whisper by wolf standards." Kimby sighed. "What did you want to ask me, Jeff?"
"Sumo . . . ." I whispered. I felt everyone looking at me now. "He's getting hurt because of me, all because of that freaking Alpha Joshua. I want to know how I can stop it. I also need to know more why Sumo refuses to take the Alpha position. There has to be more than just not wanting to take it because of the responsibilities."
"There is." Kimby said with a nod.
"T-there is?" I stammered.
"He didn't tell you how much you would be in danger?" She asked. I shook my head. "If you were a wolf, then you would be fine. You could heal all the damages the enemies would inflict on you. But you're human. If Sumo takes the position of the Alpha then your life will be forever in danger. There is a very large chance that you can die."
I gulped.
"The pack will have to protect you long as they can. But it happens almost all the times. The mate of the Alpha would lay down their life if their Alpha is in danger. It's very rare when both Alpha and their mate live into their old age." Kimby said. "Joshua knows this and he plans to use that against Sumo."
I pressed my lips together.
"And if you want to help him then just stay out of danger. A good example, don't go into a pack of wolves alone! Without any weapons." Kimby said.
A small smile spread across her face. She finds this amusing and I don't blame her. I didn't really think this through.
"I would hurry away from here. I refuse to allow my pack to get hurt because you couldn't explain Sumo why you're here." Kimby said.
"I didn't get all the answers I want!" I said.
Kimby shrugged, "Then talk to me at school. It'll allow Sumo to keep an eye on you while my pack doesn't get hurt. That sounds like a deal?"
I nodded. She nodded her head towards the opening. I thanked her before walking out. I figured if I run then it would show fear. There is no way I am showing fear at them. I continue to walk until I got a good distance away from them. Then I ran.
I ran until I slammed against someone. I would have been scared but I know this warmth. It's Sumo's. I need to seriously look where I am going. I'm so tire of slamming into people. It hurts when they have a rock solid body. Is that a thing from a werewolf?
"Where have you been, Jeffrey?" Sumo asked, playful.
"Talking a walk." I said. Not a complete lie.
"Cool. I asked your parents where you were but I ended up doing Yoga. It was really fun."
"You don't look sweaty."
Sumo rolled his eyes, "Don't know if I should be offended or not."
I smiled at him. Kimby words rang through my brain. Sumo won't take the Alpha role because of me. All because I am human. A part of me is glad, he won't be hurt but the other part of me is angry. Why did I have to be human. Sumo could be Alpha right now and won't be getting hurt.
Dang it, stop having a civil war, brain.
"Jeffrey?" Sumo asked as he waved his hand in my face.
"Yeah?" I replied.
"Are you okay? You keep on staring off into space."
I didn't answer him. Instead, I leaned forward wrapping him into a hug. Sumo is shocked from my reaction but hugged me back. I can tell that he is still confused no matter what I do. Sumo put his face in my hair. I kept my arm tightly around him.
"Thanks." I muttered.
"What for?" He asked, chuckling lightly.
"For being here."
"You starting to scare me, Jeffrey."
He hummed in response.
"Promise me that you won't leave me." I whispered.
Great, now I sound needy. I sound like a loser. I wouldn't blame him if he did leave me for that question. Sumo tighten his loose hug on me.
"I promise." He whispered.
I smiled against his chest. Okay, maybe it wasn't a complete lame question. I got an answer I never thought would make me so happy.
But still . . . I have more questions for Kimby.
Heyyo Guyys!!!!!!!!
What we thinks??? Sumo??? Jeff??? Their promise to never leave each other???? Jeff's questions??? Kimby answer???? Well tell me your thoughts!!!!!!!!!!
Wells Byes Loves Y'alls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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