(A/n: OH WOW AN UPDATE TO THIS BOOK DAMN I THOUGHT IT WAS COMPLETE! But yes author Rachel aka Luna decided to make another chapter however this chapter doesn't really follow the lore it's just a lemon I decided to add in but Ein is Alpha Male now but it's when he went rouge so he's "evil" aka controlled also this isn't like a normal lemon I put my lemon skills to the test and made you guys do it and start in a risky area then you moved to a bedroom after you almost got caught fucking after the bell rang so I hope you have...fun~...with Ein in that moment huehuehue😏)
-y/n's POV-
I was in class honestly kind of surprised Ein wasn't here
Anyways I was deep in thought thinking about how Ein has now been the alpha male for a few months but something has definitely changed with him he's way more cruel and hostile to everyone I even heard about him attacking Kasey Katelyn's little brother I have no idea what has happened to my sweet wolf I knew back when we were pups he just changed drastically all of a sudden I guess people just change over time but I swear something was up either way I still loved him nonetheless
However Ein hasn't just been more cruel and hostile lately he's also became more horny developing a taste of major sexual desire and lust I always see it in his eyes to be honest he's wanted to have sex with me so badly lately to the point of him actually attempting to rape me when I've already said no but I never let him it's wrong since he's only 17 and I'm only 16 I feel like we're still way to young to do that stuff.
Though I will admit I have thought of and had an urge to fuck multiple times for a while now but kept telling myself it isn't right your to young. It's just I can't help but to still want that sweet dick of his inside of me one day where he fucks me till it hurts
As I was thinking that thank Irene I heard the bell ring for passing period to start and it snapped me out of that thought of wanting Ein so badly but in the Bad~ way and back to reality. But when I heard the bell it was already to late I was already the slightest bit wet from thinking that and I couldn't get my mind off it
Even though I couldn't get my mind off that I still just tried to ignore the feeling of sexual desire and got up from my desk storming through the hall to get to my next class which was gym class as I headed to my locker to get my PDH gym uniform for next class only to be met with Ein at the worst time as I passed under and behind the bleachers
Ein: "Hey Princess~"
y/n: *thinks to self* "Fuck! worst timing babe now I'm more wet"
But I tried to ignore him
Ein: "Darling~ stop ignoring me"
y/n: .....
Ein: "Did I do something to make you upset if so I don't know what I did but I'm sorry"
y/n: .....
Ein: grrrrr *grabs her arm and pins her against the bleachers dropping my voice to a lower more slow and seductive tone* "Stop Ignoring Me Princess~ I Know You're Not Mad My Sweet~"
y/n: *blushes and whimpers trying not to get more wet*
Ein: "What's The Matter My Pet~"
y/n: "N-Nothing Alpha~" *thinks to self* "F-Fuck why is he so hot like more than he usually is to me ack stupid sexual desire"*can't help but to look down*
Ein: "Alpha~?" *notices where she's looking and smirks* "Oh...Heh Heh...I See Now"
y/n: "N-N-No you don't"
Ein: "Oh Don't Lie I Caught You Starring Down At It You Finally Developed What I Feel About You But You Feel It For Me Don't You"
y/n: *nervously sweats and blushes more*
Ein: "What I'm Saying Is You Wanna Have Sex Finally Don't You"
y/n: "N-N-No"
Ein: "You Sure...Pet~ Because What I Caught You Starring Down At Speaks Differently To Me Then What You Said"
y/n: "Damn It E-Ein"
Ein: "So You Definitely Wanna Fuck Don't You"
y/n: "M-Maybe"
Ein: "Heh I Knew It"
y/n: "L-Look it's all that's been on my mind lately for some odd reason"
Ein: "And You Thought About It And You're Already Wet Aren't You"
y/n: "Umm...*blushes*...yes I've been wet ever since my mind stumbled on that thought during class"
Ein: "I Mean I Always Think Of It Darling~ In Fact I'm Pretty Sure I Have A Boner At The Moment"
y/n: "You do I-I saw it wh-when I-I looked down" *blushes harder*
Ein: *pushes closer to her and whispers against her neck* "You Know We Could Both Have A Little...Fun~...And Full Fill That Desire For The Both Of Us Right Now"
y/n: *smirks* "I'd Love To Alpha~"
Ein: "Perfect~"
y/n: "But Not Right Now Alpha~ We're At School So Maybe Later" *wiggles free from his grip and tries walking again but gets slammed against the bleachers again being pinned even harder this time his boner pressing against her even more*
Ein: "Not So Fast My Little Pet~"
Ein: "NO!...*takes a deep breath to calm down*...What I Mean Is No Let's Just Skip Next Class And Fuck Now Instead Of Later My Pet~"
y/n: "N-No"
Ein: "Come On No One Is Around Plus We're In A Rather Private Area So Who Says We Can't Fuck Right Here Right Now"
y/n: "I do so...NO!"
y/n: "Wha..."
Ein: *cuts her off with an attack of a kiss and Instantly demands entry roughly biting down on her lower lip while he grabbed one of her breasts and squeezed it really hard making sure it hurt*
y/n: *tries to deny but can't gasping and giving in though not letting him win and fights for dominance only to fail because he's too strong*
Ein: *smirks through the kiss and explores her mouth pushing her even harder against the bleachers and slips a hand under her uniform blouse now massaging her sore breast he just hurt with a rough squeeze He then keeps her pinned and covers her mouth with his other hand keeping her pinned only with his own muscular body now and moves from her lips to her neck's sweet spot and bites down hard sinking his fangs into her sweet delicate neck marking her which made her bleed he then sucked on it to stop the bleeding making her moan but muffled because of his hand over her mouth so they wouldn't get caught*
-Ein's POV-
Ein: "Heh...You Like It So Far Don't You Princess~"
y/n: "Yes But this still feels wrong"
Ein: "Oh I Haven't Even Gotten To The Major Parts Yet This Is Only How I Start Princess~"
y/n: ....
Ein: "Heh Heh This Will Be Fun"
y/n: "P-Please don't rape me if that's what you're planning Ein"
Ein: "If You Like It, It's Not Rape"
y/n: "True"
I then smirk and go back to kissing her to distract her as I let my hands travel up to her uniform's blouse again untying the light blue bow revealing her bra which I pulled up to reveal her beautiful and perfect breasts which I squeeze, kiss, gently bite, then suck them making her moan more
I then go back to kissing her lips and let one of my hands move up and down her inners thighs when I reach her uniform skirt I pull that down as well as her panties but not all the way only a little so my hand can grab her inner thigh directly under her now soaking wet womanhood so I could stick 2 of my fingers in which I began rubbing the inside of her warm wet womanhood making her moan even more as she grabbed that hand which was pleasuring her
Moments later I was surprised she decided to take it further and had her hand travel up to my uniform and unbuttoned it revealing my very toned chest which she traced all the way down to where my pants were and unbuttoned those as well freeing my now pretty hard boner that was already dripping a little
Ein: *smirks* "Heh You Naught, Naughty Girl I'm Surprised And Honestly Kind Of Impressed Princess~ You Really Went All Out Didn't You"
y/n: *blushes* "I-I'm sorry I-I d-didn't realize w-what I-I was doing" "FUCK"
Ein: "Heh Heh Calm Down I'm Not Mad"
y/n: "R-Really"
Ein: "Yeah To Be Honest I Was Gonna Do It If You Didn't"
y/n: "E-Eiiinnn"
Ein: "Shut Up...It's Because I Was About Ready To Do This"
y/n: "Do What"
I just smirk and turn her around wrapping my arms around her body and under her breasts like a behind hug and lift her up
y/n: "E-Ein?"
I ignore her even though she sounded nervous now and covered her mouth
y/n: *muffled out the sentence* "What are you you doing"
Ein: "Don't Worry Princess~ This Will Only Hurt For A Second"
y/n: *gets exactly what he was about to do he was gonna rape me* *muffly screams out* "EIN NO I'M NOT READY FOR THIS JUST YET"
I ignore her and grunt as I thrusted my hips up forcing my dick straight Into her making her scream in pain but muffled because of my hand covering her mouth as tears filled her eyes and streaked down her cheeks
I the set her down once I felt like I was deep enough in her and made her bend over so I could get an even better angle to fuck her
I really didn't care because I was way to lust filled to care a shit if it hurt or not so I was basically blinded by my own sexual intentions that I didn't realize I was both hurting and rapping her at the same time and I just flat out started slamming my hips in and out of her rather fast which only made her cry more but soon her cries turned into moans and she was now howling and crying with pleasure or that's what I thought when in reality it was actually because of pain
y/n: "Ein P-Please Stop Y-You're Hurting M-Me" *cries*
Ein: "NO!" *goes harder*
Ein: "NO!" *goes even harder*
y/n: "I-I Liked The I-Idea Before you st-started But This I-Isn't Fun Anymore It h-hurts like h-hell" *cries harder*
y/n: "E-Ein P-Please I-It hurts a l-lot"
Ein: N-NO"
That's when I start to feel the cum bubble up in my stomach and start to growl from the uncomfortable feeling but I still pushed past it which was making me more and more aggressive
That's when hear the bell ring I had lost track of time while we were having a little fun~ sending me in a panic
Ein: "F-FUCK" "I-I'm not done yet but we have to continue this in a bedroom NOW!"
y/n: "N-No J-Just Stop P-Please I-It Hurts"
Ein: grrrr "I Wanna Do This Still PET~!" You're Lucky The Bell Just Rang And I Can't Hold Back For Much Longer" *feels his erection start dripping more *
y/n: "W-What"
Ein: "We G-Gotta Go So W-We're Not C-Caught In A Few Minutes"
y/n: "O-Ok"
I then quickly pull out my somewhat dripping with cum erection and groan as I still held it in feeling pretty uncomfortable which was effecting my efficiency of speed but I still rather quickly pulled up my pants and tried to button them and zip them up as well as buttoning my uniform top under the stress of a few minutes before every one got out y/n tried doing the same but with her skirt, bra, and collar bow I only managed to button my pants cause the zipper got stuck and get my shirt buttoned and y/n only got her skirt up and and bra down
y/n: "Wha"
I then end up full on picking up y/n bridal style and quickly sprinting off at max running speed so we wouldn't be caught the cum still in me slowly dripping out it really wanted to burst which was slowing me down by a lot because of how uncomfortable I felt from the bubbling
y/n: "Just go behind the nearest tree then you can run again"
y/n: "Just hold on a little longer there's a tree over there"
Ein: "I-I'll T-Try" "F-FUCK"
I then sprinted towards that tree making it bubble more as it dripped and twitched a lot we finally got there and I set her down then leaned against the tree unbuttoning my pants and holding my stomach as I finally let my ears lay flat and tail curl making it burst out while I panted from running
y/n: "Dang you really had too didn't you"
Ein: "Y-Yeah"
we then hear somebody growing near even though I wasn't done
Ein: "AGH....FUCK"
Ein: "I-I know"
y/n: "Stop or will be caught"
Ein: "Ughhhh...FUCK FINE"
y/n: "I'm sorry Alpha~"
I groan as I stopped releasing and once again picked her up and sprinted at full speed at least I was slightly faster since I let some out but not quite all of it I still had a lot more in me but held it again even though it now kind of hurt to hold it now but managed to
As I managed to hold it in even though it hurt I had decided to sprint to my house even though it was further because if we went to y/n's house and her parents saw both of us half undressed they would probably flip out and I knew they were home unlike my house where my father is never home and never there for me I knew my house was the safer option in this type of predicament
By the time we reached my house I was exhausted but I still carried her up to my bedroom locked the door behind me even though no one was home, set her down on the bed, and flopped down on my back beside her with one arm over my sweat drenched forehead both from fucking and full on sprinting home the other dangling off the side of the bed while I laid there with my tie swooshed over my shoulder and my tail draped over the side of the bed as well while I heavily panted and groaned as felt it again and now held my still bubbling stomach
y/n: "You can let the rest out now"
Ein: "That w-was the p-plan"
I then growled as I held my stomach, laid my ears flat curled my tail finally letting the rest of the cum I had in me from earlier out which made me feel so much better
y/n: "Wow how much did you have in you"
Ein: "A...lot"
y/n: "How?"
Ein: I...tend too...fight it...back...all the...time while doing...it"
y/n: "Damn"
Ein: "Yeah"
y/n: "Also I know you're exhausted but that was so fun"
Ein: "What...was the fucking behind the....bleachers or me...carrying you while I..... sprinted full speed...under stress"
y/n: "Can I Say Both Alpha~"
Ein: *smirks* "Heh Heh...So You Liked It Huh"
y/n: "Even Though It Was Basically Rape Yes I Actually Did Like It Alpha~ Even Though It Hurt"
Ein: *sits up and pins her* "Well Now That Were In A Bedroom And I Release Making Me Feel So Much Better Than Before What Do You Say If We Continued Then Hmm"
y/n: "I'd Love To Alpha~"
Ein: "Well Then Your In For A Treat Then"
I then deeply kiss her as I slipped my hand down inside her skirt and stuck my fingers in her still pretty wet womanhood once again rubbing the inside of it as she moaned through the kiss
She then began unbuttoning my uniform top and undid the button on my pants as I once again used the other hand to lift up her bra
Ein: "Heh Heh Looks Like Were Pretty Much Back Where We Started Huh Princess~"
y/n: "Heh Yep"
Ein: "Also Now That Were In A Bedroom Or Well A Bed I'm Not Afraid To Take This Sex To The Next Level And Go All The Way For Actual Sex Not Just Fucking Behind The Bleachers Status"
y/n: "What Do You Mean Alpha~"
Ein: "I Mean Like This"
I then take off my shoes and socks then sit up on her in a straddle position and undo the uniform tie took it off and set it aside then finished unbuttoning my uniform shirt took it off and set that aside then took off my pants and boxers so I now had nothing on and pinned her again with a mischievous smirk on my face as my tail now swayed to match my mood. The way y/n saw me gave her a massive blush and a little bloody nose
y/n: "E-Ein"
Ein: "Heh heh....I Told You I Wasn't Afraid To Go All Out Since Were No Longer In Public"
y/n: *thinks to self* "Oh Fuck he's even hotter now like damn I can't right now"
Ein: "You Like What You See Don't You Princess~"
y/n: "y-yes"
Ein: "It's Your Turn Now My Sweet~"
y/n: "T-To Do What Alpha~"
Ein: "To Strip For Me Darling~"
y/n: "N-No"
Ein: "Come On Do It Before I Do It Princess~"
y/n: "Fine Alpha~"
I then smirk as I see her take of her shoes and socks first then take of her uniform blouse and skirt setting those aside, then reach behind and unclipped her bra taking that off and freeing her beautiful and perfect breasts which turned me on even more then lastly her wet panties so she was now fully nude like me I was turned on entirely now so I knew I couldn't get out of the mood what so ever now her beauty gave me a little nose bleed as well like what happened to her when I stripped
y/n: "How's This Alpha~"
Ein: "Perfect~"
y/n: "Hehe" "I Was Just Playing Hard To Get Alpha~"
Ein: "Heh...You Know I Love A Girl Who Plays Hard To Get I Like The Challenge...It Makes It So Much More Worth The Prize"
y/n: "Maybe I'll Play Hard To Get More Often Then Alpha~"
Ein: "Even If You Do I'll Always Make You Crack"
y/n: "True" "Now Can We Continue What We Were Doing Behind The Bleachers"
Ein: "Sure Princess~ I Mean I Have To Punish You Anyways"
y/n: "Heh...I'm All Yours Alpha~"
I then smirk while I decided to stick 2 of my fingers in her rubbing her warm wet womanhood
y/n: "Mmph"
Ein: "Heh You're So Wet Princess~"
y/n: "P-Probably Because A-After What H-Happened Behind The B-Bleachers I-I Wanted You E-Even More Than I-I P-Previously Did E-Even Though I-It Was R-Rape"
Ein: "I Guess That Makes Sense"
y/n: "Mm...Y-Yeah"
Ein: "Heh heh....Since You're So Wet How About I Clean You Up"
y/n: "W-What"
I just smirk and pull my fingers out and licked them and started licking her womanhood till I eventually stuck in my tongue and swirled it around even gently nibbling her inside
y/n: "E-Eiiiinnn~"
I then pull out my tongue after I had made her release
Ein: "Heh...You Liked That Didn't You Princess~"
y/n: "Y-Yes"
I pin her again now grinding against her to tease her
y/n: "F-Fuck E-Ein Don't Tease Me"
Ein: "Heh You Really Want Me Don't You"
y/n: "More Th-Than You Th-Think"
Ein: "Show Me Then"
y/n: "H-How"
Ein: "Beg"
y/n: "What"
Ein: "Did. I. Stutter."
y/n: "N-No"
y/n: "E-Ein Don't Make Me Do This" *whimpers*
Ein: "Do. It."
y/n: "B-But"
Ein: "I. Wanna. Hear. You. BEG."
Ein: "Ehh...I Know You Can Do Better Than That Princess~....Normally Wouldn't Take A Beg Like That Because I Would Normally Want A Better One Than That....But Because I'm Feeling Especially Horny Right Now Like More Than Usual...My Desires Really Just Wanna Fuck You Already So I'll Take Your Weak Ass Beg For Now"
I then grunt as I once again slam into her making her eyes tear up but instead of crying she lets out a moan
y/n: "Ack...E-Eiiinnn~ Mmm"
Ein: "I'm Already Making You Moan I Didn't Even Do Anything Yet"
y/n: "I-I Guess I-It's Because Of H-How B-Bad I-I Wanted You"
Ein: "Heh Maybe" *grunts and gives her a pound*
y/n: "Y-Yes A-Alpha~"
Ein: "Heh So You Like It Now" *pounds her again*
y/n: "Y-Yes I-I Do"
Ein: "Would You Like Me To Continue"
y/n: "Y-Yes"
Ein: "Heh Heh Ok Darling~....Mmph" *goes in deeper*
y/n: "E-Eiiinnn~"
I then start to go in and out at a fast pace making y/n eyes tear up while she moaned like crazy
Ein: "You R-Really Like This D-Don't You"
y/n: "Y-Yes"
Ein: "Heh Would Y-You Like M-Me To P-Pick Up The P-Pace Because I-I C-Can"
y/n: .......
Ein: "N-Nothing To S-Say So I-I Guess I-I'm In F-Full C-Control"
I then start fucking a lot harder making he become a moaning mess as I continued faster and faster till I started panting and breaking a sweat and she started bucking back making me start to moan a lot to I was at my max speed when I started to growl from the bubbling feeling notifying I was getting really close to my climax breaking point while I pushed through it
y/n: "E-Ein Y-You G-Good"
Ein: "Y-Yeah I-I'm Just Really C-C-Close Again"
y/n: "P-Pull Out Th-Then"
Ein: "N-No"
y/n: "Wh-Why"
Ein: "I-I'm Gonna...agh...See How L-Long I C-Can F-Fight"
y/n: "Wh-Why"
Ein: "B-Because Y-You Have N-No I-Idea How...ack...B-Badly I-I've Wanted To F-Fuck You"
y/n: "B-Badly Huh"
Ein: "Y-Yeah So I-I'm Gonna S-Savor Th-This E-Even I-If It Means I-I...agh...Have To D-Deal With H-Having A Uncomfortable F-Feeling In My Stomach F-For A While"
y/n: "D-Don't Go To F-Far Or You'll R-Release I-In Me M-Making Me P-Pregnant"
Ein: "I-I Promise I-I Won't" "W-When I-I Can't H-Hold B-Back Anymore I-I'll P-Pull Out"
y/n: "Y-You Better Be R-Right Or M-My P-Parents W-Would F-Flip If Th-They Found Out I-I Was P-Pregnant This Y-Young"
Ein: "D-Don't Worry I-I'll Remember I-I Mean The F-Feeling Is H-Hard To Ignore And F-Forget About U-Unless I-I'm Really Into I-It"
y/n: "O-Ok"
On that note we both went silent as I really focused on holding it in now while I fucked her harder and harder I could soon tell it was really hurting her now but in a good way she started crying but I could tell even though she felt pain she was really pleasured and I was going for a while till I couldn't hold back much any releasing the smallest amount but not enough to impregnate her
y/n: "E-Ein C-Can We Stop"
Ein: "Wh-Why"
y/n: "You're R-Really Starting To H-Hurt Me N-Now"
Ein: "So You're G-Getting Sore"
y/n: "Y-Yeah"
Ein: "S-Sure"
y/n: "R-Really Y-You're G-Giving Up That E-Easily"
Ein: "Y-Yeah"
y/n: "Wh-Why"
Ein: "M-Multiple R-Reasons"
y/n: "L-Like?"
Ein: "L-Look D-Do You W-Want Me To St-Stop Or N-Not"
y/n: "I-I Mean I-It Hurts B-But No N-Not Really I-It Still F-Feels G-Good"
Ein: "Heh Heh...You R-Really L-Like My D-Dick In You D-Don't You"
y/n: "Y-Yes I L-Like I-It A L-Lot I-It Feels So G-Good"
Ein: "Heh Heh" *feels stomach gurgle and then bubble again making his erection twitch* "F-Fuck"
y/n: "Y-You Ok A-Alpha~"
Ein: "Mmph...Y-Yeah But I-I R-Really Need To St-Stop"
y/n: "Wh-Why"
Ein: "U-Unless You W-Want Pups I-I'll Continue"
y/n: "Wh-What No"
Ein: "W-Well Continuing W-Will G-Give Y-You Them" *stomach bubbles and gurgles more making his erection twitch more*
y/n: "Huh?"
Ein: "D-Did You Really N-Not F-Feel Me Twitch I-Inside Y-You"
y/n: "N-No"
Ein: "H-How It Was A Sh-Sharp One"
y/n: "I-I Don't Kn-Know"
Ein: *twitches even more* "F-Fuck I C-Can't Any More!"
I then immediately pull out as it started twitching like crazy as some more spilled out at least not in her this time
I then flop down lay my ears back and curled my tail as I let it all out once again
y/n: "Heh I See You Really Needed To Cum huh"
Ein: "Ugh...Badly thank Irene I didn't release all of that in you or else I would have 100% made you pregnant that was way to close of a call for my liking"
y/n: "Yeah"
Ein: "Ugh...I'm so fucking exhausted now"
y/n: "heh I bet" "It looked like fucking me twice today took a lot of energy"
Ein: "You have no idea how much it took out of me on top that I'm now alpha male of the school so that too is exhausting"
y/n: "Yeah the pups of the pack are....something aren't they especially because of how you made them act"
Ein: "Shut Up let the werewolves be there true selves"
y/n: "It's still not right how you're making them act"
Ein: "Does it look like I care a fucking shit about the way they act"
y/n: "No"
Ein: "Exactly" *flips in the other direction facing away from her as he shut his eyes to sleep*
y/n: "What the hell happened to you babe" "This isn't you" *flips away from him as her e/c eyes filled with tears that streaked down her cheeks crying softly and quietly to herself as her t/c tail curled around her body*
Ein: *notices and flips towards her putting his arms around her and held her close as he rested his chin on her shoulder* "What's wrong Angel"
y/n: "N-Nothing"
Ein: "You sure I heard you softly crying"
y/n: *flips over and crys harder into his bare chest* "Wh-What H-Happened To You"
Ein: "What Do You Mean I'm Still Here"
y/n: "You're Not The Ein I Use To Know"
Ein: "What Do You Mean"
y/n: "The way you've been treated the pac and every one at the school is cruel, All you seem to care about now is yourself, strength, power and sex, You've even hurt so many Humans, Meif'Wa, and even Werewolves our own kind" "I want the sweet shy boy Ein that I use to know back"
Ein: "Th-That side of me never left Darling~"
y/n: "It seems like it did ever since you started being Michael's little runner"
Ein: "L-Look I-I can't control him alright and you know this too"
y/n: "E-Ein" *crys harder into his chest*
Ein: "Shhhh it's ok Princess~ your shy sweet wolf will never leave even if Michael holds him hostage most of the time"
y/n: *just crys more*
Ein: "Aw Darling~" *pulls her closer and more into his chest snuggling her more* "Lets just get some sleep we're both exhausted from today especially me"
y/n: *calms down and nuzzles his chest* "O-Ok"
I then kiss her head and rest my chin on it as I pulled her even closer and fell asleep to day was fun I finally got to do what I've wanted to do to her for the longest time and got to do it twice
Hehe I hope you liked this high school lemon I did because why not all my other Ein x Readers have them so I decided to put one in this one too sorry Ein basically raped you the first time but yeah
Anyways this was a long one it was approximately 5238 words in all by the end of it so yeah pretty long huh
As always until next time "I Love You All And I Will See You Guys Escalater" ;3
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