Once Kira texted she was approaching the motel I grabbed my things and headed outside, the full moon rising in the sky above me.
I started up my bike, adjusting my gloves in the meantime to sit more comfortably on my calloused hands as I waited for the kitsune. Soon her car pulled in and she parked beside me, rolling the passenger side window down so we could speak.
"You ready?" I inquired but already had a good guess as to what she would say.
"I'm freaking out, but I know we have to do this." She responds, having to strain her voice over the sound of my engine.
I grabbed my helmet, holding it in front of my head to symbolize I was ready. "I'll follow you to make sure the pick up goes okay, then I'll pull back so he doesn't get suspicious as to why a bike is tailing you. Take the normal route to the lake house so I know if anything happens when I catch up to you."
She nods and takes in what I say carefully and I consider her straightened posture as a sign that she's as ready as she'll ever be.
I follow her closely until we reach a more residential area. Kira waved from inside her car, trying to tell me we were about to reach Liam's house. I remained at the top of the street she pulled into, close enough to watch but not reveal myself. I shut off my bike too, using the darkness of night to my advantage.
A minute passed before the front door of the house Kira parked in front of opened.
Liam came out and I couldn't help but appreciate his change of clothes. He had ditched his plain school outfit for a much more casual look, wearing dark jeans with a plain white shirt covered by a denim jacket that was similar in shade to his pants. I averted my eyes when I realized I was starting to stare a little too much for it to be considered just observing.
I brought out my phone, slipping off one of my gloves to send a quick update text to Stiles. I wasn't expecting anything back but Stiles responded right away, a file coming through for an image of some kind.
I drew my eyebrows together in confusion as to what I was about to click, tapping the link and having the image load in.
It was a completely wrecked car. Not wrecked from a crash of some kind, but because a person had taken a blunt object and smashed in every single inch of the vehicle, with the words "THIS IS YOUR FAULT" spray-painted on the side.
I was about to text Stiles what I was looking at but another message from him came through.
Did some digging: Liam's old teacher's car. Major anger issues, the text from him read.
I watched anxiously as Kira's car drove off as another complication arose. Said complication sitting in her passenger seat.
Before they could get too far out of my sight I pocketed my phone and slipped my glove back on. I didn't get too close to Kira and allowed some cars to come between us, but had to pull back completely as we approached the lake house property.
Kira's tail lights disappeared and I was worried about leaving her and Liam alone, but if anything did happen I would stumble upon it soon enough. After some time passed I continued my way towards the house, feeling relief when I didn't spot Kira's car crashed somewhere on the side of the road.
When I pulled up to the house I could see her car parked out front, no sign of her or Liam.
Before I entered the house I made sure to keep one hand hovered behind my back, ready to grab my gun if need be. The thought of hurting Liam was something that made me feel uneasy but I didn't know what I was walking into and I needed to be prepared for the possibility of an uncontrollable, newly bitten werewolf charging at me.
The door creaked open and the sound of it brought the attention of everyone in the room to me. Scott stood next to Lydia, Stiles, and Malia on the wall across from me. Kira was next to the door behind Liam who was in the middle of the loose circle we had created.
By default, I was the closest to Liam because he didnt move from his position to let me pass him.
"Sorry, I'm late." I say to the room in hopes of breaking the tension that hung heavy in the air.
"What are you? A werewolf too?" Liam's tone was slightly harsh as he stared at me, his posture was stiff and his hands were clenched into fists at his sides.
Stiles nervously flexed his hands. "We gave him the whole banshee, evil spirit, werecoyote speech."
Liam didn't turn at the sound of his voice and continued to glare at me.
"I like to think of myself as the emotional support human mascot." I joke, hoping the comment might ease the tension. Plus I didn't think telling him I was raised to hunt his kind would exactly help the situation.
"More like emotionally stunted." Stiles remarked from across the room. When my annoyed eyes snapped to him he quickly took a cowardly step behind Malia.
"Jac is a friend," Scott brings the attention to him, shaking his head softly at Stiles and I.
"She and Stiles are human but they know about us and our world because it's their world too. They're here to help tonight because of the full moon and the fact that it's your first."
Scott holds his hands out to Liam in what he probably hopes is a comforting gesture. Liam doesn't calm down though, and his eyes dart rapidly around the room. They landed on the bag full of chains on the coffee table.
"Are those for me?"
"No, they're for me." Malia replies to Liam.
She takes a step forward and flashes her eyes to reveal the inhuman shade of icy blue. Liam staggers back in shock, unintentionally coming closer to me.
"Wha - how did you do that?"
"You'll learn, but first you need to get through this full moon." Scott says to him slowly, wanting to have Liam comprehend what he was saying. Liam was listening but his face was starting to get visibly red and aggravated.
"You're starting to feel something, aren't you?" Scott asked, hoping to guide Liam in the right direction with what he was feeling.
Liam didn't give the desired reaction though. The moon was getting to him and whatever anger issues he already had were doubled by its effects.
"I feel like I'm surrounded by a bunch of psychotic nutjobs." He hissed, venom lacing his words as stared down Scott.
His body was radiating heat and I could feel it considering he was only a foot away from me at this point.
"You guys are out of your freaking minds. I don't know how you did that eye thing and I don't care! I'm walking out that door right now! And if any of you try to stop me, I swear to God, I'm gonna-'' Liam stopped yelling at us to let out a painful scream, covering his ears and hunching over.
My knee-jerk reaction was to reach out to brace him to prevent him from falling against me. He leaned into my touch and kneeled down at my feet as he bent over in agony.
I looked at the others and around the room, trying to figure out what was causing this reaction.
We took every precaution to make sure his senses wouldn't be overloaded tonight. The location was isolated, all the lights were off and we didn't have any background music, our phones had to be silenced, and Scott even warned us not to use any perfume or cologne.
"What's wrong, Liam?" Scott asked.
"You don't hear that?" Liam responded, his voice was strained and his light blue eyes showed distress.
My head was telling me to step away from him because it was a rookie mistake to be this close to a werewolf on their first full moon, especially when they were reacting like this, but I couldn't be bothered to listen to logic.
"Oh no." Scott breathed out, his gaze looking outside the large window that overlooked the driveway to the lake house.
I couldn't see from my position, but the sudden flood of light that streamed into the house now allowed me to put two and two together.
"Did you tell someone about this?" Lydia's stunned face lit up from the flood of lights coming up her driveway.
Scott squatted down in front of Liam when he bent over to put his hands onto the floor and panted aggressively. This was supposed to be a calming experience for his Beta's first full moon, but now it was being suffocated by uncontrollable variables.
"I - I told my friend, Mason," Liam's eyes were blinking rapidly and his breath was all over the place. "You said it was a party." Liam added in a defensive tone.
"Yeah, well who did Mason invite?" Stiles' question being answered by the sounds of hollering teenagers outside. It sounded like an army.
"Everyone." Kira gulped.
Liams nails formed into claws, his shift beginning, and his first victim was Lydia's hardwood floors.
"No, the floors!" Lydia panicked and came up to us to try and get Liam to stop.
That clearly had the opposite effect she wanted and it made Liam reach his half-shifted state, his eyes glowing yellow and fangs coming out to display themselves as he roared at her. I leaned away from him because of the outburst, wanting to put distance between me and the new werewolf.
I had enough scars, the last thing I needed was to have a chunk of my face bitten off.
Lydia jumped back behind Scott who kneeled protectively in front of her. He reached to pull me out from behind Liam, but Liam snapped at him and prevented Scott from touching me. I could feel my heart in my throat as his growls actually vibrated my bones.
"Boat house. Now." I murmured to Kira and Scott who were on the same page as me, the plan having to be rushed.
Scott used his strength to haul Liam to his feet, both of us guiding him out the back door in the kitchen. Kira held the door open for us, following closely as we avoided the crowd of teens out front.
We followed the dirt path down the hill to the lake, heading into the small boat house.
Scott and I pinned him to one of the support beams in the small shack while Kira got the chains Stiles had left for us on a nearby table. She began to move as quickly as she could to wrap it around the post and Liam's torso.
Liam had a tight grip on my forearm that was becoming incredibly painful so I moved to take his hand away while he was seemingly docile, but my touch alerted him to his surroundings.
His head shot up and he shifted into his half state once again, snarling and biting at us. All I could do was hold his right arm back, but his left still aimed to tear at Scott and Kira.
Scott used his leverage to push onto Liam's shoulders, forcing him down the post. The pressure of Scott's strength caused Liam's grip on me to loosen. He tried to take hold of my arm again but missed and ended up clawing through the sleeve of my jacket and ripped it to shreds.
He narrowly missed my skin and thankfully left me unscathed.
"I got him, get his hands!" Scott shouted at Kira and I. We flanked his side and got a hold of different ends of the chains laid out, quickly working to wrap them around Liam.
Liam still tried to claw at us, his left hand came shooting out from the gaps in the chain. Scott was quicker than Liam and swung his arm out to push me back before he could slash at my face.
His save caused his grip to loosen, and Liam tackled Scott to the ground. He straddled him and tried to slash his claws at whatever piece of flesh he could get. Scott refused to hurt Liam so he didn't fight back.
I was about to tackle Liam off of him when Kira used an ore off the wall to whack Liam over the head with it. His body fell limply to the ground, and silence fell between us as we stared at his body.
"I didn't kill him, did I?" Kira squeaks. Scott quickly shakes his head to ease her mind. "No, just out cold."
"We need to get him chained before he wakes up." Scott put his arms under Liam's, dragging him back to the post.
Kira grabbed one of the chains and started wrapping him and I did the same, locking each link after they reached their end.
When we finally got Liam restrained we stepped away, all breathing out in relief.
"Is your arm okay?" Scott faced me, worry evident on his face.
I held up my torn sleeve of my leather jacket with a frown, showing him I was fine and only my clothes were harmed. "I really liked this jacket too."
Scott shook his head with soft laughter at my reaction before we both turned to watch Liam who still sat unconscious, his head lolling towards his chest.
His breathing was even now but it caught towards the end because of his posture, almost like he was snoring. It was a faint sound, almost unnoticeable, but because of how quiet it was in the boat house I could hear it.
The corner of my lip tilted up, finding it amusing that after he tried to rip us to shreds now he was snoring like a baby.
"He looks so young." Kira said as all three of us watched Liam.
"He is, he's fifteen. Only a year younger than Jac." Scott responded which led Kira to stare at me.
I didn't return her gaze because I could feel the sympathy wafting off of her.
Sometimes it slipped their minds that I wasn't as old as the rest of them considering how much I had already experienced, and whenever they were reminded their first reactions were to pity me. I hated that. I hated them thinking they needed to feel sorry for me.
"Might as well get comfortable." I cleared my throat and dragged out an empty milk crate from under a table to sit on, laying my arms on my knees to rest.
Scott and Kira went to sit together near the opening of the boat house that overlooked the water. They started to talk and I zoned them out, pulling out one of my daggers from my jacket to toy with to pass the time. I twirled it in my hands and did some minor flips with it, using the time to practice some lazy moves since there was nothing better to do.
The electronic music carried through the trees from the lake house, Lydia apparently throwing a successful party for a group of freshmen. I didn't know who had it worse tonight, her or Liam.
I overheard Kira and Scott talking about how she wished people still played slow songs at parties and internally gagged as I saw Scott look dreamily into her eyes.
Was I always destined to be a third wheel to lovey-dovey moments around these guys?
I stood up and dusted the invisible dirt from my jeans and also put away my dagger, getting the attention of Scott and Kira.
"I should go check on Lydia." I announced and gave a lasting look towards Liam before I left the boat house, wanting to make sure he was okay in his unconscious state before going.
Scott watched me walk away, his eyes lingering on my disappearing figure until I was farther up the hill to where he couldn't see me anymore.
As I got closer to the main house the music started flooding my senses and pounded the back of my skull with its intense volume. I entered through the kitchen and was swarmed by a bunch of gyrating bodies that made me start to spaz out in a far too similar manner to Stiles.
I maneuvered my way through the crowd, avoiding having anyone grind on me. People were swarming to the kitchen island trying to fill up their cups from the keg that sat on the marble countertop and it was making the space become confined.
I squeezed past the oncoming herd to make my way into the living room, muttering thanks to everyone that moved out of my way to let me pass by. The living room wasn't as packed as the kitchen but with everyone dancing, it certainly took up space.
I had to slip off my jacket though, the inside of the house was not as cold as the outside, all the bodies making me feel uncomfortably warm. Plus, I stood out more than I would have liked to walking around with my shredded sleeve that appeared like a bad fashion call.
I was working my way towards the staircase to check for Lydia on the second floor as she was nowhere to be seen down here, but couldn't get onto the steps because of a certain blond.
"Hey, Knight." Garrett was standing on the first step, a cup in his hand and a smirk on his face.
I rolled my eyes and moved to pass him but he stepped to the side to block me fully. I jerked back as to not have him touch me and glared up at him, now taking his demeanor as a threat and seriously considering throwing him over the banister.
"You seen Liam around? We've been trying to find him all night." He asked, looking down at me. His words didn't seem genuine at all and his mood seemed more like he was toying with me.
I wanted more than anything to smack that smirk off of him.
I didn't hesitate to shake my head and take a fake look around the room as if I was searching for Liam. "No, sorry, I've been with my friends. Now can you move?"
He took a pause and pursed his lips before turning to the side, allowing me to pass. I shook off the interaction and just left him behind, not wanting to deal with his annoyingly cocky demeanor.
I caught the reflection of a strip of light from under the door of one of the rooms upstairs as I ventured down the hallway and figured that was a decent place to start looking for Lydia. Reaching out, I twisted the golden knob, revealing a spacious lounge room that had far too much white inside for my liking. The walls and ceiling were white, as was the carpet except for a red blotch of spilled wine. The furniture brought some color into the room too, but it didn't stop me from getting an uncomfortable chill.
Lydia was kneeling in front of a record player on a table against the far wall and was completely still. For a second I assumed she had collapsed and I dropped the jacket from my arms to rush over to her. I grabbed her shoulders to force her to look at me and was greeted with vacant eyes.
"Lydia? Are you okay? What's wrong?"
She didn't say anything but returned her gaze to the record player in front of her. No sound was coming from it though and I could only hear faint scratches as the record spun around endlessly. I look back at Lydia and piece together that whatever she heard was something finely tuned for a banshee.
"What do you hear, Lydia?"
A single tear slipped down her blush-covered cheeks. "I know it. I know how to break the code. I know the key."
"Lydia? Jac?" Kira's voice called out from out in the hall. "In here!"
Kira came into the room, her eyes wide at the urgency in my voice and Lydia on the floor.
"What happened?" She asked, coming closer to us and reaching out to lay a gentle hand on Lydia's upper back.
"Lydia knows how to break the code, we need her laptop."
Kira's face turned from concerned to determined in a second before spinning around and leaving the room. I put my attention back on Lydia, placing my arms under hers to help her up.
She let me move her to a chair beside a small table in the room but was still unresponsive. When she was seated I turned back to the record player and stopped the track, Lydia jumping as I did so.
She seemed more alert now, sitting up as Kira when she hurried back into the room, laptop in hand. Kira placed it in front of Lydia after closing the door behind her, and the banshee wordlessly opened the laptop to pull up the code she had written.
Her screen became flooded with the random letters and numbers that scrolled past until it landed at the empty box for the cipher key.
Kira and I stood behind Lydia, nerves running high as she dropped her hands to the keyboard and started to type something into the empty box. Halfway through I felt my stomach lurch, the feeling of retching arising in me.
I wanted Lydia to be wrong, for that name not to break what we were about to see, but we never get what we want.
Lydia hit enter and the code began to shuffle across the screen again, only this time revealing actual words. They were names, a few I couldn't place but the majority were hauntingly recognizable. Sean Walcott and his family, Scott, Lydia, and Kira, even Derek, were all decorated on the screen. Their names were followed by numbers that didn't show any sort of pattern or ranking to them.
"What the hell is this?" My voice cracked and didn't hide my discomfort at what we were looking at.
"A list of supernaturals in Beacon Hills," Lydia replied as we gazed down at her screen, the feeling of impending doom heavy in the air. "It's a Dead Pool, and we're all on it."
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