Part 11
Things this time around with Alexa felt different. We were apart for a month, yet at the same time things felt so secure with her that it didn't feel like she was across the country from me.
When she said "nothing is going to stop us this time", she meant it and so did I.
Getting my mom up to speed on what was happening was interesting to say the least.
"So you're going to Arizona in a couple of weeks to visit Alexa, who you dated for a few months about a year ago? Even though you and Sam broke up not long ago?" she asked in an amused tone.
"Sam broke up with me, through text, out of nowhere. I don't want to pay her any mind. Alexa and I have history, it just feels right with her. It always did."
My mom smiled at me, "I know, I met her that one time when she picked you up and I was getting home from work as she was really lovely."
"I think things might actually work out this time with her. Regardless, I'm more than willing to try."
"I think you're going to have an amazing time in Arizona. It's beautiful out there, especially in Sedona."
"I'm really looking forward to it."
Alexa and I were Face Timing pretty much every single day in between the time of her visit and me going to Arizona to see her, and as my trip neared, the excitement grew.
"I've never been on a plane by myself before," I said to her about a week before my trip, "I'm kind of nervous; I won't lie."
"I promise it'll be alright," Alexa reassured me, "Is it being in the airport or the plane ride that makes you the most nervous?"
"I've flown quite a few times when I was younger, so that doesn't scare me as much. Honestly, it sounds so dumb, but I'm nervous I'll get lost in the airport and miss my flight somehow."
"That doesn't sound dumb, I promise. However, I also promise that it's pretty hard to get lost in an airport, especially the Philly one. There are signs everywhere telling you where to go."
"I just know that I'll feel the happiest when I am in Arizona, with you," I said to her, "Thank you for helping calm my anxiety about flying alone."
My flight to Arizona was on a Sunday, super early in the morning at 5:15 AM. My mom was kind enough to drive me to the airport, and when she dropped me off I was overwhelmed, however I was able to find my way through baggage screening, and I then sat at my terminal waiting for my flight.
To my pleasant surprise, even though it was in the middle of the night in Phoenix, Alexa was texting me the whole time, even though I told her to go back to sleep.
I bought a bottle of iced tea and a protein bar that was way more expensive at the airport than it normally would've been and eventually boarded my flight. Thankfully I was seated next to a woman around my age on the flight, and I was in the aisle seat.
Five hours in the sky was the last leg of the journey to finally see Alexa again.
When I got off the plane, and she greeted me at the airport, normally my anxiety would've kicked in and I wouldn't kiss her in public, over fears of being heckled or just facing straight up homophobia.
When I ran into her arms at the airport and she kissed me, I didn't care. Everything else faded away, and all I could focus on was her, and her lips on mine.
As Alexa and I walked to her car, and she so kindly carried my heavier bag, I felt at home, even though I'd never been to Arizona before.
I felt at home with her.
She drove us from the airport to her house, where we were going to spend one night before heading to Sedona for two days.
I looked around as she drove, "I am so not used to seeing palm trees, they're so pretty."
Alexa chuckled, "Definitely not something you see in Pennsylvania."
Alexa's family greeted me with open arms.
"May, it's so good to see you!" her mom, Laurel, gave me a hug, "I had a feeling you'd be here at some point."
My trip to Arizona is something I'll never forget.
We spent the first night together in downtown Phoenix and left early the next morning for our stay in Sedona, which was a little over two hours away from Phoenix.
"Sedona is really breathtaking," Alexa said on our drive up, "I've only been one time, I'm glad the second time is with you."
Alexa was right about Sedona being breathtaking. There were red rocks everywhere, no matter which direction I turned, the view was completely scenic. The town itself had Southwestern architecture with an almost bohemian vibe to it.
Even with my fear of heights, I still climbed up all of the high rocks and hiking trails, and on our second night, Alexa made reservations at a restaurant called Mariposa with a beautiful view overlooking the rocks.
"So," she said, taking a sip of her drink as we sat at the restaurant, "There's something that I wanted to ask you, I think it's pretty long overdue."
I smiled at Alexa, knowing what was coming, "And what would that be?"
"I see that smile, you know I'm about to ask you to be my girlfriend. Officially," Alexa grinned back at me.
"My answer to that is yes, of course. There's nothing I'd love more."
"Now that makes me just about the happiest girl alive. You're mine, and I'm yours. How it should be."
"Can you imagine if you never left me your number when I was your server?"
"I would have regretted it. Majorly. You know that was something I'd never done before, right? I normally would have never written my number on a receipt, but there was something about your pretty smile and dark eyes that got me hooked from the moment I saw you."
That's exactly how I felt about Alexa. Hooked.
However, it wasn't the kind of all consuming hooked that I felt with Rebecca to the point where it was almost overwhelming and borderline unhealthy. This felt different, in the best possible way.
The rest of my time in Arizona was spent back in Phoenix, I got to spend more time with Alexa's family as well.
On my second to last night there, Alexa's mom made dinner for all of us, including Alexa's grandmother, Evelyn. It was hard seeing Evelyn not doing so well, though I could tell she was still trying to keep in good spirits.
"May, tell us more about your family," Laurel said to me in a warm tone.
"Well," I said, "My parents got divorced when I was young and they both remarried. I have an older sister, Casey, who I'm close with. I have a few step brothers who I'm not as close with, maybe that'll change in the future."
"I understand, my parents got divorced when I was young as well," Laurel nodded, "Are your parents accepting of your sexuality?"
Even though it was a personal question, I didn't mind at all. I had gotten to that level with Alexa's family, especially on this trip.
"My mom is. She always has been, ever since I told her. Same with my stepdad, he's cool. My dad...well, he still doesn't know. I'm not very close with him or my stepmom, they're pretty conservative. I expect that the day I tell him will be the last day I speak with him."
Laurel's face fell, "Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that, May."
Alexa's dad, Bill, nodded, "As am I. No parent should be like that."
Alexa gave me an encouraging hand squeeze from under the table, and I said, "I have a feeling I'll have to come out to him soon. He'll know eventually no matter what. I just haven't mustered up the courage to tell him."
That night after dinner, Alexa and I went downtown to get a few drinks.
"You look stunning," she said to me, "I love the dress you're wearing."
"Thank you," I smiled at her, "I packed it thinking you would."
Alexa drummed her fingers on the bar and asked, "Did you mind my mom asking those questions? I was going to jump in if she got any more personal."
"Not at all. Your family is great, I don't mind. I know I'm going to have to come out to my dad soon enough. I mean, I plan on marrying a woman one day. I can't go much longer without him knowing."
When I said the words "marry a woman one day", Alexa flashed me a subtle smile.
Not going to think that far ahead, but you never know your luck...
On my last night, Alexa and I decided to plan our next trip to see each other.
"I'll come to PA," she said as we sat on her bed, looking at flights on her laptop, "You know, I do plan on moving back there eventually. We won't have to do this long distance thing for a long time."
"You don't want to stay in Arizona?" I asked her.
"Not long term. I like it here, sure. But Pennsylvania is home to me. I know it is for my parents as well. Even if it wasn't to them, I'd still move back."
Alexa and I planned for her next trip to be in six weeks.
"I'm thankful my job is so lenient with me taking time off," she said.
"So am I," I leaned in and gave her a kiss on the cheek, "I need to spend as much time with you as possible."
When Alexa took me to the airport, a slew of emotions washed over me. Yes, I knew I'd see her again in six weeks, yet somehow that felt too long.
"I wish I could extend this trip," I said to her, blinking back tears, "It's been amazing. I'm going to miss you so fucking much."
"I'm going to miss you even more; you count on that. Though I promise, six weeks will be here before we know it."
I laughed as a few tears fell from my eyes, "I'm glad you're being positive for the both of us."
Alexa laughed as well and said, "Please, I'll be crying on my drive home."
She gave me one last kiss before leaving the airport, and I watched her as she walked away.
Though it wouldn't be for long.
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