
Cybele Valloma.

Damon had never heard of her in his life.

Of course, that wasn't strictly true for the other Vallomas — they weren't as famous as the Leeyungs, mind you, but second place wasn't bad — so now Damon wanted nothing more than to grab Aidyn's hand and drag him as far away from Cybele as physically possible. She was too reserved for his taste, and much, much too human.

Also she was carrying a very powerful, probably fragile, possibly explosive magical object.

To put it plainly, Damon would rather go ballroom dancing with Cynth Leeyung than trust Cybele. At least with the Leeyungs, he knew what to expect.

"Can I talk to you?" he muttered to Aidyn, making sure he was loud enough for Cybele to hear. "Alone?"

Aidyn hesitated, glancing around at the thick forest surrounding them and then back at Cybele. "Don't move."

That was good enough. Not bothering to wait for Cybele's response — which was nothing but a small nod — Damon slipped his hand into Aidyn's and set about completing the first thing on his immediate to-do list: getting his newly-recovered bestie out of danger.

Next up: convincing Aidyn to stay that way.

Once they'd put enough distance between them and Cybele (but not too much, like hell was Damon letting that girl out of his sight), Damon whirled on Aidyn. "Addy, you know I trust you with my life, right?"

Aidyn sighed. "But...?"

"But I'm not extending that courtesy to her!" Damon informed him, not bothering to keep his voice low. He was almost hoping Cybele heard him. "She's a Valloma, Aidyn — you know, the ones that consider a vacation to be a nice armed stroll through innocent hibri villages?"

"She tried to save my life, Damon," Aidyn insisted, glancing over his shoulder at the girl in question. A breeze muscled its way through the trees, ruffling his dark hair and messing with Damon's as well. "She could have killed me easily, and she didn't."

"She knows you, doesn't she? Who's to say that isn't the only reason she left you alive?" Damon softened his voice, holding Aidyn's marigold-colored gaze. "I'm just worried is all. I don't want to lose you again because we trusted someone we shouldn't have and she ended up letting us down."

Aidyn looked away and crossed his arms. "I know, okay? This is dumb, I get that, but I really can't shake the feeling that pushing her away is a bad idea." He threw a hand in Cybele's direction, nearly smacking a tree nearby. "Moons, she's still there, isn't she? That's got to count for something."

Damon leaned around Aidyn, peering at Cybele with an intensity that he hoped felt like a thorough x-ray of her soul. But true to her word, she hadn't moved.

"We could get the source and just let her go," Aidyn continued. "Then we have what we're looking for, we cut ties with Cybele, and if we ever need her for something, she owes us for not turning her in."

"And what about meeting your wilderness friends?" Damon asked, hands on his hips. "What if Ryne finds out we had a prominent human in front of us and we just let her go? You're on thin ice already, Addy, she could kick you out for this."

Aidyn ran a tired hand down his face. "Yeah, I know. But we have time before we have to meet back up with everyone else. If we take Cybele back, we can't guarantee her safety."

Is that really such a bad thing, Damon wondered, but he stifled the words for Aidyn's sake.

To put it simply, Damon was torn. He loved how easily Aidyn trusted people — really, he did. But this wasn't the kind of thing that could backfire without someone paying for it. Humans were bent on hurting people like them, and putting faith in the wrong one was the last thing Aidyn needed right now.

"Do you trust her?" Damon asked finally, looking up at him. "Can you really look at me and say you would put someone else's life in her hands?"

Aidyn's arms tightened over his chest, and he refused to meet Damon's eyes. "I don't know, Damon. I don't know if I trust her or... or how much leeway I'm willing to give her, but — " Aidyn's words cut off, and he gave a small noise of frustration. Damon waited for him to get his thoughts together, looking over at Cybele to make sure she wasn't going anywhere. She caught his eye, and gave him a small awkward smile.

After a few moments, Aidyn took a deep breath, and his tone afterwards was shockingly even. "Look. I know this doesn't make any sense, because you're doing the smart thing and taking precautions, and I probably sound crazy for even considering trusting Cybele, but just... forget that I know her, okay, forget she knows me... when it comes down to it, she's a Valloma who doesn't hate hibri; there's no other reason for her to let me go."

Aidyn finally met Damon's eyes, the amber color filled with a surprising amount of confidence. "Damon, the one thing I'm good at is making friends. I know I can get her on our side, but I need a chance to do that, and I can't get it here. If we take her to Ryne and she locks Cybele up, having an ally might not be an option anymore." Aidyn held out a hand. "But you know I trust you more than anything. So if you think this is a bad idea, we'll take her straight to Ryne and get the source some other way."

Damon stifled a sigh. Six tides, why was he so convincing.

After all, Aidyn was right — he knew what he was doing when it came to people. Most of their Voc friends had fallen victim to his baffling social battery at some point. Moons, Damon himself could attest to that better than anyone.

Damon didn't understand it. But he didn't need to.

"Okay," he said finally, taking Aidyn's outstretched hand. "I'll compromise. We won't let her go, but we'll make sure Ryne doesn't hurt her. Then if Cybele wants to go free on her own, she can, as long as she gives us the source first. Okay?"

Aidyn let out a small breath of relief and nodded. "Yeah. Okay."

"But if she tries to hurt you, I'm shooting her."

Aidyn laughed. And that almost made the risk worth it.


"Ryne wants you."

Damon stifled a sigh. "You're kidding."

Lyla stared him dead in the eye, her voice filled to the brim with exhaustion. "Does it sound like I'm kidding."

"No Lyla, that was sarcasm." Damon took a bite of his cinnamon roll, watching groups of patrias stream through the festival entrance. The sun was almost directly overhead, and it was starting to get hotter than he'd like. "What does she want?"

"I don't know, Damon. Why don't you go ask her?"

"Because I'm slightly against abandoning Aidyn with the daughter of a murderous family." To prove his point, Damon pointed to a clearing a few yards away, where Aidyn and Cybele were supposedly talking things out, and had been for the past ten minutes. Damon didn't know. Damon couldn't hear them.

Lyla raised her eyebrows. If she was surprised to see a Valloma here, she didn't show it. "Then what are you doing all the way over here?"

Ah, what a wonderful question.

Because Aidyn was still adamant about getting Cybele to give up the source without Ryne's involvement, so Damon had given him fifteen minutes to work out a solution. Damon knew why his presence during that discussion wouldn't be helpful, but he just wished they'd gotten more time together before the universe and its problems came crashing back in.

So in answer to Lyla's question: "Being the best and letting Aidyn try his way, that's what." Damon shoved the rest of his cinnamon bun into his mouth and balled up the waxy paper. "Key to a healthy relationship."


In absence of any other option, Damon put the wrapper in the pocket of Aidyn's jacket, and a folded piece of paper crinkled under his hand. It took him a second to recall what it was.

Right. He'd have to remember to give that to Aidyn later.

Right now though, he was being stared at expectantly. "Can I help you with something?"

Lyla crossed her arms, bright sunlight striking across her leather jacket and long black hair. "I know you like to procrastinate on stuff, but Ryne is not in the mood right now. I'd hurry if I were you."

Damon put his hands on his hips, hoping his determination would shine through. "I'm not leaving Aidyn. If Ryne wants me, she'll have to wait."

It was around that time that Lyla started calling him rude names under her breath, but Damon decided to ignore that. "And anyway, what's stopping her from coming over here? She does that all the time."

Lyla rubbed her shoulder, white and brown wings flicking behind her. "Because she's got the most racist tide bringer on Selino in handcuffs, and it's only a matter of time before that ingrata tries something. Which is why she sent me, like she always does."

That stopped Damon's thought process in its tracks.

Six tides. So the rumors were true. Ryne really had caught Cynth Leeyung.

For a rare second, Damon was quiet. He didn't quite know what that meant for them — his knowledge of Cynth had initially come from one source, and it was hard to know what was true and what was embellishment of a scared kid and a threatening father.

But one thing was for sure: with Cynth Leeyung in custody, the patrias finally had the power to do some real damage to tidebringers like the Leeyungs and Vallomas.

And that knowledge felt really good.

"Where's Ryne keeping her?" Damon asked finally, turning a full circle to examine the Voc's "headquarters" (a small circle of tents on the widest grass clearing with a few members here and there and also a fold-up chair). "And why isn't everyone freaking the hell out because of it?"

Aidyn's voice sounded from behind them. "Who's freaking out?"

Damon jumped and whirled around, nearly losing his balance doing so. Lyla had to reach out and steady him, which was nice of her, except Damon was positive she only did that so he wouldn't fall on her. "By Altarbe, how long have you been there?"

"Calm down, I'm just here for a bit." Aidyn paused, his orange gaze flicking between Damon and Lyla with an aura of growing suspicion. "Unless I missed something important?"

Lyla glanced over at Damon, silently asking what to do. He sent her a telepathic "don't you dare," and her expression went from "this is your call" to "I'll be at your funeral."

Damon decided to momentarily ignore that last one.

Telling Aidyn about Cynth was a bad idea, plain and simple. He already had enough going on right now, he didn't need another threat piled on top of it all.

And yes, of course Damon was going to let him know eventually... just after he gauged how much damage Cynth might've done to Aidyn while he was away.

Until then, the psycho was going to stay a secret.

Aidyn sighed. "Okay, the answer to that is obviously yes, but I'm on a time-sensitive mission here, so you're off the hook for now. I don't suppose either of you have a piece of paper?" He paused. Then, to validate his request: "I'm trying to prove a point."

Ah, what perfect timing.

Damon dug around in Aidyn's jacket pocket and pulled out the folded piece of paper. Not the cinnamon roll one, but the actual important one. After making sure there were no grease stains on it from the pastry wrapper, Damon handed it over. "Here. Just don't write on the inside."

"What's on the inside?"

Damon winked at him, just for fun. "It's a surprise."

Aidyn snorted. "Right. I'll be back." He made it two steps before turning around. "Thanks. Again. After I deal with this, we'll go walk around and enjoy the festival. Promise."

Damon had to smile. "Take your time, Addy. Hanging out with Lyla isn't as unbearable as it seems."

That comment earned him an offended "tide bringer" from the caela in question, but it coaxed a grin out of Aidyn before he ran back to Cybele, so it was worth it in the end.

But that promise made up Damon's mind. They really needed a time to get back in the swing of things, to remember what it's like not to be in danger or worried about each other's safety. Damon had spent a whole moons-damned month with nothing but the fear that Aidyn wasn't coming back, and he was absolutely over it.

They were going to spend the festival together one way or another.

But that meant Damon had an appointment with Ryne to get through first.

"Watch him, will you?" he asked Lyla, taking off "his" jacket and tying it around his waist. "Make sure he doesn't get killed or seriously injured."

"And what's in it for me?" Lyla countered, flicking her wings irritably. "I was going to take a nap. Do you know how exhausting fighting a murderer is?"

Damon sighed and started backpedalling across the Voc Tent Circle. "I'll buy you a moon pie or something, I don't know, just — " He flapped a hand in Aidyn's direction. "Make sure Cybele doesn't murder my friend!"

"Fine, but you owe me!" Lyla called after him. Damon waved and pretended not to hear her.

Finding Ryne's tent wasn't the hardest thing in the world. Out of the seven (one of which included a bagel table, which Damon may or may not have visited), it was the only one with its flaps closed.

And what a sight greeted Damon as he opened them.

The noon sun managed to shove enough of itself through the cloth walls to illuminate a white fold-up table in the center of the space, a row of knives sitting patiently on top. Behind it, Ryne stood with a paper plate, taking a bite of what looked like a buttered English muffin. She seemed fairly relaxed for someone who had one of the most notorious hibri killers standing only a few feet away.

Yeah. That was the other thing.

Damon wasn't sure what to make of Cynth Leeyung. Admittedly, his heart sped up as soon as her sharp eyes landed on him, but that could've been due to his aversion to attention rather than actual intimidation. Her pale hands were pulled in front of her silver clothes, wrists encircled with glowing cuffs. The colored hair was cool, but her face was more emotionless than Damon's old pet rock, so it brought the spiciness of her design down a few notches.

Oh, and there was another girl too. She looked like she was freaking out.

Damon felt that.

"You called?" he asked Ryne, letting the flap fall behind him.

"Oh good, you're here." Ryne set down her English muffin. "I honestly thought you'd take longer, so I hope you don't mind me eating breakfast." She nodded over at Cynth and the other girl, her many braids swaying with the movement. "Do you know who that is?"

Damon gave Cynth another once over. She was no longer looking at him, which was slightly offensive, but other than that, his initial impression hadn't changed.

So yeah, Damon knew her. That part was easy.

The hard part was what to tell Ryne.

First off, Damon didn't like Cynth Leeyung. That was a given. And he didn't know why Ryne was asking if he knew her or not, because everybody did, but it didn't really matter. She seemed like a prideful person, and after trying to kill Aidyn, anything he could do to hurt that tidebringer's ego was a plus.

"Nope," Damon answered eventually, watching Cynth for a reaction. Her steely gaze was fixed straight ahead, her body rigid and still as stone. It was almost like she wasn't even breathing. "Never heard of her."

"Perfect." Ryne took another bite of her English muffin, sunlight soaking into the fur covering her arms. "I need you to take her to the patria jail. Soon as possible, if you don't mind."

...Okay. So that wasn't quite computing.

"Um," he started eloquently, casting yet another glance at the odd pair. "You know I respect you as a leader and would almost never question your judgement, but..."

Damon left it at that, hoping the obvious would show through. He wasn't a fighter. Could he pull a gun on someone and hit them from a pretty good distance away? Yes, he could. Could he throw a punch if they stood still enough? For sure!

But could he hold his own hand to hand? Hell no. If Cynth came at him and he somehow missed, his life would probably end then and there.

Cheery to think about, but the truth nonetheless.

"Don't worry, you won't be going alone." Ryne held the wannabe muffin in her mouth for a few moments, taking the time to shove some of the knives decorating the table into her belt. She then took a bite and placed the "muffin" back on the plate. "I don't care who you take with you, but I need her out of here. She's making the other patrias restless."

If Cynth took any pride in that, her dead expression didn't show it.

"Okay, but why me?" Damon asked, running a hand through his undercut anxiously. He was not vibing with the hostile energy Cynth was filling the space with, not to mention the very nervous aura surrounding the violet-eyed girl. "I appreciate the confidence, but I had plans. All of which were extremely productive, I promise."

"Because everyone else said no." Ryne finished attaching various weapons onto her person and looked up at him. "Cynth Leeyung snuck into the Almoons Festival and got her filthy hands on a source. I'm going to make sure she was working alone, and I need someone I trust to take care of her until I can negotiate with Leon Leeyung for her release." Ryne's gaze turned slightly reassuring. "She won't try anything. I'd bet losing broke her spirit."

She turned to Cynth, the kind energy behind her eyes flipping to smug fire in an instant. "Didn't it, Miss Leeyung?"

The other handcuffed girl glanced over wearily, but Cynth stared straight ahead. Damon wasn't surprised, given her track record, but it was unnerving to say the least. She was like a robot: an emotionless, hibri killing machine.

And then her fingers twitched.

Ryne didn't seem to notice, and if she did, she certainly didn't care. But Damon noticed.

And relief flooded through him faster than Nori running to a free bagel stand.

Damon had noticed that minute movement because Aidyn was the same way. He'd shut himself down when he was struggling too, but there were always tiny signs to what was going through his head. Rubbing his sleeves, or tightening fists, even the things he looked at. The small things that Aidyn never seemed to realize were happening, that Damon had spent years learning so he could try and help.

Damon couldn't care less what Cynth's signs meant. But they proved she was human.

And suddenly, she wasn't so scary.

"I'll come get her once I'm done securing the festival," Ryne told him, striding around the table and staring him down. "Do not go alone. She'll kill you the second she gets the chance. Understood?"

Oh sure, he understood perfectly. That wasn't the problem.

The problem was Aidyn, and the fact that this was going to take longer than Damon had anticipated. Aidyn was going to notice he was gone. Lyla wouldn't know where he was. And if something happened...

Damon tapped the side of his leg nervously. This wasn't a good idea. But Ryne didn't look like she was going to take no for an answer, and to be honest, he just didn't have the confidence to test that theory.

So his goal was to get this over and done with as fast as possible.

Damon looked up at Ryne and nodded, trying to shake off the stunning amount of confidence her pep talk had instilled. "Sure thing. I can do that."

"Good." Ryne walked past him. "If either of them try anything, don't be afraid to shoot their ass with an orange or two."

"Understood," Damon muttered, suppressing a shudder at the memory of what getting hit with one of those felt like. If anyone deserved that suffocating nightmare, it was Cynth.

Ryne brushed past him, and the tent flap swung closed.

Not a moment later (and much to Damon's uneasiness), the blue-haired girl came alive. Almost as if Ryne's absence had awakened something in her, Cynth's grey eyes were flitting across everything: the table, which Ryne had been wise enough to clear of sharp items; her handcuffs, casting a dim blue glow in the sunlight; even Damon himself, which did not feel good in the slightest.

Okie dokie, he thought to himself, pulling the gun from his belt and sliding the level up as far as it would go. This will be a piece of cake. An everything bagel, if you will. With some lox and capers and nice fresh cream cheese.

The thought of cream cheese helped his nerves a surprising amount.

Ryne's instructions had been clear. Take Cynth and Other Girl to a patria jail. Don't go alone.

Step One was easy. Step Two... not so much.

The obvious choice was to take Aidyn. This was the time to tell him Cynth Leeyung was here and ask for his help. He'd already fought Cynth once, and he and Damon had been working side by side for ten years. They could keep each other safe, no problem.

But Damon couldn't bring himself to do it.

Because the horror stories he'd been told of Cynth as a child hadn't come from his parents, or his school bullies. Tales of the Leeyungs hanging patrias trophies on their walls, of hibri hunting games and the sick pride in turning their prey to ash...

They all came from Aidyn.

Every. Single. One.

Stories like that were used as a way to get him to act human, for fear of being killed for his hibri features otherwise. It wasn't an uncommon tactic for raising human hibri, and Damon remembered how much the idea of Cynth had scared Aidyn as a kid.

And here she was. The boogeyman herself.

Cynth had already tried to kill Aidyn once. Damon didn't want her to hurt his best friend any more than she already had.

Damon stifled a sigh. There wasn't anyone else around that he would feel comfortable enough asking, and Lyla was with Aidyn.

So Damon was — amazingly, idiotically — going alone.


"So how many people have you killed?"

Cynth ignored him, her posture perfect as she strode across the wide, grassy road, looking annoyingly dignified for someone in handcuffs.

"Seven?" Damon guessed, one hand clasped around the middle of her bindings. "Eight?" He made a show of glancing around and lowered his voice. "Six?"

No response.


The other girl, who was possibly a rana hibri (possibly not, assuming is also rude), kept motioning with wide eyes for him to cut it out. Damon wasn't the best at charades, but apparently, she was terrified of Cynth. 

Which, after spending the past ten minutes leading the lovely Miss Leeyung through the less crowded parts of the festival, he didn't totally understand. She had the personality of a brick: not great at conversation, sharp on the corners, and if you threw her at something, she probably wouldn't react.

Damon was tempted to poke her and test that theory.

Then he remembered she could kill him.

While he tried to come up with more one-sided topics to fill the awkward silence, a four-way intersection presented itself. It was a nice one, as far as intersections went, with grassy roads and flowers popping up at the corners of shops and brick buildings. But aside from the aesthetics, three other directions presented a big problem.

Because Damon didn't know where he was going.

He'd set off from camp with a three step plan: leave without Aidyn knowing, drop his escortees(?) off without dying, and get back before anything went wrong. Step one had been completed, but in his haste, he'd forgotten to ask exactly where the prison was. Damon's best solution had been to stick to the outskirts of the festival, so he could keep Cynth away from as many patrias as possible.

But aside from that, he was praying to the moons and hoping for the best.

"I don't suppose you know where we're going, do you?" Damon asked, turning to the other girl. The maybe-hibri shook her head, afternoon sunlight bouncing off her dark hair and making her purple eyes startlingly bright.

Damon squinted up at the sun, using the gun in his free hand to shield his eyes. He was running out of time. Aidyn had definitely noticed by now.

When in doubt, spin around and pick a direction.

Solid strategy, but difficult to do when you're holding on to a notorious murderer.

So that was problem number one. Problem number two was the strong possibility of getting lost. Damon was debating whether letting go of Cynth's handcuffs to spin would kill him (he was leaning towards yes), when a third problem walked itself around the leftmost aesthetic corner.

A human officer.

Of course. Of moons-damned course.

Damon wasn't normally one for panicking, but he was an obvious hibri with two handcuffed humans beside him. Also he had a gun. Nothing about this situation looked good.

Damon lowered his gun to appear less threatening and watched the guard pass. He wore a black coat and black pants, which must've been a nightmare in the summer heat, and his wispy grey hair was thinning faster than Damon's patience. He gave Damon a weird look (especially awkward since they were the only people on the street), but kept walking.

Then Cynth moved, and Damon nearly had a heart attack.

He wasn't entirely sure what happened at the time. One moment Damon was dealing with probably not getting arrested, then a pebble bounced across the grassy road and hit the guard in the boot, and then Cynth looked back at Damon with the most condescendingly innocent look he had ever seen, and the guard kept walking behind her.

For a second, Damon thought they were going to get away with it.

Then the guard stopped. He bowed his head, sighed, and turned to face them with a tired expression. "Why do you have Cynth Leeyung handcuffed down a deserted road."

And that was the moment that Damon's tolerance for tide bringers named Cynth dropped to zero.

The murderer in question whirled on Damon. "Fuck, I thought you said we'd be avoiding officers on this route?"

It took him less than a second to realize what kind of game she was playing.


Oh that was rude.

That was rude as hell.

But before Damon could form any kind of objection, the guard spoke up, his voice heavy with exhaustion as he gestured between Damon and his two... captives? Supposed hostages? "What is this, some kind of escape attempt?"

Damon's "No," was drowned out by the loudest sigh he had ever heard.

"More of an arranged breakout, though the arrangements seem to have fallen through." Cynth rolled her silver eyes, somehow possessing the nerve to look annoyed — and even worse, unsurprised.

"Guess I have to take you back to the human jail then, don't I?" The guard sighed again. Damon decided to call him Nigel. He looked like a middle aged Nigel. "I don't get paid enough for this. "

Cynth nodded, casting an exasperated glance at Damon and Girl Who Was Not Cynth (who Damon had honestly forgotten was there). "I suppose so. Though we wouldn't be in this mess if my fucking associates weren't utterly senseless morons."

"Hold it, stop, nope." Damon interrupted eloquently, holding his hands out. "You're not buying this, right? I mean..." He couldn't think of any way to sum up the multitude of holes in Cynth's story, so he just waved his hands around. "You see the problem here, right?"

The guard took a step back and reached for his belt. "What I see is a hibri waving a gun. Put it down slowly, or..." Nigel didn't seem to be able to come up with anything threatening. "Or else."


But Damon's leniency with this situation was all but gone, and he really couldn't contain his disbelief any longer. "Right. Of course. Because me, a hibri" he gestured to himself as obviously as possible, "is breaking Cynth Leeyung — she kills people like me, keep that in mind — out of jail. In handcuffs!" He threw his hands up. "Oh no! We've been found out! What in Altarbe are we gonna do now?"

The guard did not seem to pick up what Damon's sarcasm was putting down, and raised his weapon instead. "Gun, hibri! Don't make me shoot!"

Moons-damned tide bringers and their collective sharing of a single brain cell.

But Damon wasn't one to push police officers. If anyone wanted to get through this without getting shot, it was him.

"Fine," he sighed, lowering his hands and the gun along with it. "Fine."

"Drop it," Nigel ordered, his sweaty face scrunched in concentration.

Damon made the movement as patronizing as possible, and the weapon thudded to the grassy ground. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see Cynth's face was once again a blank slate. But her eyes were flashing with satisfaction, and that was enough to solidify Damon's opinion of her.

Cynth Leeyung was genuinely the most annoying person Damon had ever met.

Nigel approached wearily, slipping metal bindings from his very official looking belt. "Hands."

Damon reluctantly obliged, the russet feathers covering the backs of his arms glinting with reds and golds in the sun. He wished he could've put Aidyn's jacket back on before he was cuffed.


Six tides. Damon wasn't going to make it back in time.

Guilt welled up inside his chest like water through a broken dam. He'd been trying to keep Aidyn away from trauma, which had seemed like the right thing to do at the time. But having Damon disappear out of the blue was probably worse than anything Cynth could've cooked up, and ironically, he was the one that had caused it.

Damon flexed his brown fingers as the cuffs snapped closed, trying to hold onto the fact that at least he'd been right.

This was a tremendously bad idea. 



Soooooo this is probably not a good situation for Damyboy. We only have two chapters left in book one — what do you think is going to happen???


(ALSO! This is not a definite but it's possible next week we will be posting BOTH final chapters so keep ya schedules open)

(More information on book two will come then)

With virtual hugs, purple Google features, and a gravestone for Google Hangouts Gal (the monopoly man/Chat Chum scum is taking over :((((((),

Gay Friendsof Comicsans


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