Chapter 7


Early update because I won't be home this Friday. I'm traveling tomorrow and I'm taking my laptop with me. So expect delays in updates.

Thank you for all the warmest comments and love you're showing for this fic. Here is another action-filled chapter. Happy reading!

Three teams crept through the deserted streets with night as their cover. Dressed in black combat suits, they blended with the shadows, hopping under the covers of one building after the other.

"Delta one speaking. We're at the intersection of 6th and 7th street. Hawk one, come in," Hoseok's voice buzzed through the comms. Hawk team was their eyes and ears in today's mission. "Updates on position."

"Hawk one reporting," a voice breezed through the earpiece, calm and composed. "Clear to proceed. Picking up two heat signatures in third block to the right. Armed."

"Got it. Delta four and Delta five, handle the threat in third block. Others proceed to the target. Delta one, over and out."

Jungkook gestured his team to follow. A few feet away, he noticed the omega team creeping behind the delta team but from the opposite side.

"Alpha team, take cover," Hawk one's voice crackled through his earpiece. "We picked up a SUV coming your way. Four men. Possibly armed."

Jungkook's team retreated soundlessly to the crevices of the buildings or plastering themselves to the wall. A few ducked behind the huge garbage bins. The flashing lights of the SUV briefly washed over their shadowy figures. His six-member team held their breath and waited until the vehicle crossed them.

Incoherent chatters drifted from the vehicle. The occupants blissfully unaware of the assailant team hidden. They waited until the tail lights disappeared from the view before rushing forward and taking cover behind another building.

"Alpha one, speaking," Jungkook hissed. "All clear. Updates on positions."

A click sounded. "Omega one here. Team is in position three. No disturbances spotted. All well," Yoongi's voice filtered through the earpiece.

"Delta one here. Team is in position four. All clear. Permission to proceed," Hoseok announced.

"Proceed. Hawk team, confirm." His sharp gaze cut through the dark via his night-vision goggles. The enemy was so close now. They had already breached past his defenses. Heesung's minions were dead and man of the hour was blissfully unaware.

"All clear," Hawk one confirmed. "Target is in the main warehouse ahead. The blueprint shows at least four underground levels and two top floors. It's heavily guarded. The positions of their heat signatures have been sent to your devices."

"Copy that."

"Copy that."

"Copy that." Their voices echoed through the comms.

Jungkook gestured his team to proceed and together they crept closer to the warehouse looming in front of them. This was not only Heesung's hideout, but was also his new reinforced headquarters as per the information they uncovered.

The sniper team would take out the guards outside. As for the ones inside, it was up to them. It would turn into a war zone the moment the first bullet whizzed through the first guard.

If someone managed to escape, he had three teams monitoring the outer perimeter of the area to take care of them. Jungkook always liked to be thorough and where Jimin was involved, he couldn't afford any mistakes.

"Our target can be anywhere in these six levels. Delta four, you need to find the control room and do exactly what I instructed you to do. Hawk one, over and out."

"Copy that," Taehyung's deep voice confirmed.

Jimin's dear cousin was the last minute addition to the team. He insisted that he wanted to fight and put a bullet through at least one of the assholes who dared to harm Jimin. Jungkook wasn't going to say no to that request. Taehyung had every right for revenge.

"Sniper team, buckle up. On your count. Let's get this!"

The first shot cracked through the air albeit soundlessly. The heavy thud of the body falling to the ground was the only sign there was ever a shot fired. Several rounds of shots fired through the air and more bodies fell. There was a moment of panic, but it was useless because they were all shot down before they could even warn others or react.

The three teams advanced stealthily, slipping through the two entrances with hand gestures to proceed further. Jungkook ran through the well-lit corridors. His face was covered with a mask just like the others. Gripping the machine gun tight in his grip, he led his team of six through the path he had memorized.

They shot at anyone who dared to step in their way. The Alpha team covered the lower levels and omega team covered the top levels, creating the much-needed distraction while the delta team located the control room. Once they had the CCTV hacked, they would be able to find Heesung easily.

It was a blur of familiar movements. Like playing a video game, Jungkook sneaked through, eliminating threats as he went. The NIS had one hell of a cleanup ahead of them. If they had controlled Heesung before he ran rogue none of this would have happened.

But tonight, Jungkook would end the bastard once and for all. Bullets whizzed past them, their comms clicking with confirmation after confirmation of their successful infiltration. Alarms blared through the entire facility. The CCTV control should be on level one below the ground as per the layout.

The alpha team cleared the path while delta team branched out to find the room. There were more men here. The fight was intense and bullets flew all over them, sending debris flying in the air.

Half an hour later, they cleared the level.

"Alpha one here. Level one clear. We are proceeding downstairs."

"Copy that. Delta one, here. We have located and secured the control room in level one," Hoseok announced. "Delta four has initiated the process as instructed."

"Hawk one, here. Copy that, delta one. I'm ready."

"Copy that. Omega one here. We secured ground level. Omega four and six, guard the entrance. We're going up," Yoongi informed.

"Backup teams on standby," Jungkook said. "No casualties to report. Snipers guard the exits."

Several answering clicks echoed in acknowledgment.

Level two was more intense than level one. They were swarming in and Jungkook's team took cover. They exchanged several shots, waiting for the opening to advance together. Jungkook was behind a cargo container. He noticed the others branched out as well.

"Stay wherever you are," he shot through the comms. "Keep these bastards under control and don't let them go up."

He fired multiple rounds, successfully taking down a few and so did the others. The heat signatures showed more men pouring in and he waited. Suddenly, the alarms stopped blaring, causing a smirk to tug at his lips.

A low whistle echoed into his earpiece. "Hawk one, reporting. The warehouse is now under our control. This bastard is more advanced that we expected," Hawk one informed. "Too bad. It works in our favor. I'm activating an entire facility lockdown. Elevators won't work from now."

Several answering clicks sounded.

"Sealing the doors now. Omega team, you may proceed to the ground level. They won't be able to escape anymore."

"Copied," Yoongi answered.

"Did you locate the target, Hawk one?"

"No. Still searching."

"Delta one, secure level one and send more men down here."

"Roger that. Delta five, this room is yours. Six, guard the entrance. Others follow me," Hoseok replied.

Jungkook glanced at the small screen in his hand. A camera feed now replaced the heat signatures on the screen. He could see himself and the others. He could also see the enemy slowly creeping from behind one of the containers.

The alpha caught the eye of his teammate, gesturing at him. An answering shot echoed in the hall, taking the enemy down. Four delta team members joined them and together they advanced further.

More shots were fired and more men were killed. It was fifteen minutes later when his comms came alive again.

"I have no visuals of the target," Hawk one informed. "There are a few rooms in below levels that doesn't have any cameras. Given the amount of security, the target should be in level three, east corner."

"Roger that."

Jungkook advanced. Hoseok and Taehyung fell beside him, silently moving forward. Jungkook loved a good chase. It wasn't every day he chose to be on the field. He had several people at his disposal to do the dirty deeds. However, this was personal.

Adrenaline pumped through his veins and the thrill was ecstatic. This could easily the second best thing after an orgasm. At least for him.

They were cautious with each step they took.

"Watch out!" Taehyung suddenly pushed him away. The floor shook. Concrete debris and dust was all over him and his ears rang.

"What the hell!" he yelled, swaying to his feet and quickly accessed the damage.

"A fucker has grenades," Taehyung hissed through his comms.

"Not gonna lie. I felt my balls shaking all the way up here," Yoongi quipped. "You okay there, sunshine?"

"All good," Hoseok replied. "Any casualties?"

Several answering clicks resounded and Jungkook nodded. "All good here."

"Be careful. The floor won't withstand," Hawk one's voice came through. "Fucker damaged two cameras."

Jungkook glanced down at his screen with a hiss. "Take him down. Don't let him throw another."

Too late. Someone hurled another that sent the team scattering to take cover. Jungkook's breath was knocked out of his lungs as he panted, trying to recover from the blow.

"Nasty fuckers," he growled. He panted heavily as he rolled to his side. His back groaned and he took a moment to access the damage. Fortunately, everything was intact except for the insistent ringing in his ears.

Jungkook glanced around, heaving another breath as he lifted himself up. Taehyung was beside him, groaning and face scrunched in pain but looked better otherwise. There was a small cut along his brow that was bleeding.

"You good there, buddy." He extended a hand and Taehyung took it.

"Not until I fuck them up," he grunted. "That fucker is mine."

Jungkook shrugged. "Just don't die." He dusted his pants and adjusted the weapons before clicking his comms. "Alpha one, here. Delta four and me are fine. Status updates."

"Alive and breathing," Hoseok gritted out.

"We lost a few more cams. Take that bastard out. The floor won't withstand another blast. You need to get rid of him now," Hawk one informed.

"Delta four is gonna take him out." His gaze locked with Taehyung, who nodded curtly. With bump of their fists, Taehyung secured his gun and began to sneak through the other side. "Others create a distraction and provide cover."

Several acknowledging clicks sounded and they were off.

Jungkook only spoke to Taehyung a few times, especially when he went to pick up or drop Jimin. But both knew each other so well because how much Jimin talked about the other. Only Taehyung knew about their relationship. As for Jungkook, his omega talked nonstop about his cousin and their shenanigans.

This was the first time Jungkook saw Taehyung in a fighting gear. He had no idea Taehyung could fire a gun, especially the most advanced version such as this. Jimin had once told him Taehyung trained to fight. They all did. It was a part of being a royal. They were required to attend mandatory defense training since young. But many stopped at basic self-defense techniques and never bothered to perfect it because they didn't have the need to.

Jimin could use a glock any day but he didn't like big ones. His omega also hated violence, though he packed one hell of a punch. He almost dislocated Jungkook's jaw when they got carried a bit too far during one of their training sessions. If that ended up with Jungkook fucking the omega against the wall, no one had to know that. He just couldn't help himself and he was just so turned on at the display of strength.

Taehyung moved with a precision and grace of a predator, his feet steady and soundless. He crouched low, gaze on the target. Hoseok fired a shot and so did the others from different locations, making it hard for the enemy to regard their exact positions. They switched positions and continued to distract them.

Jungkook monitored the scene, his weapon aimed and finger ready to pull the trigger if needed. Taehyung got impossibly close to the target and attacked with sharp precision. Every bullet he fired found its mark.

"Clear!" he called out, voicing sounding over the comms and in the floor.

"Alpha one, here. Level two clear. We are moving to level three."

"I got eyes on you," Hawk one said. "I see increased activities in level three. Someone is in there and trying to override my codes."

Jungkook snickered. "Good luck to them," he whispered. Hawk one was the best hacker and a tech geek. At twenty-one year old, the youngest member of their team and the child prodigy already had two master degrees in latest technology and was already quarter way through her doctorate.

"Opening the stairwell doors to level three now. Got company and it's pretty heated down there," Hawk one continued.

"Love myself some heat," Jungkook growled.

"Let's light them up," Taehyung agreed.

"Can't wait to go home and maybe set up a spa appointment after this," Hoseok groaned.

"I'll prepare you a nice, steaming bath, Sunshine. Smoke them," Yoongi chimed.

The first bullet hit the wall as soon as they opened the door. "We have a bit of blind spot here," Jungkook said.

"Well, let me handle them then." Taehyung waved a hand grenade he retrieved from the guy earlier with a shit-eating grin. "Take cover. Time to give them a taste of their own medicine."

The others took cover while Taehyung dropped the grenade and ducked for cover. The blow rattled the walls but got their job done. Jungkook chuckled as he led the team down the stairs through the now charred and damaged staircase. The concrete had given way to expose the steel inside but otherwise held on.

It rained bullets as soon as they set their foot into the corridor. The team was ready as ever. After several minutes of heated exchange, Jungkook finally had an upper hand. He gestured the team to check every closed room.

A few minutes and after combing through every room they turned up with nothing.

"Nothing," Taehyung growled, coming to stand directly in front of him. "That's absurd. Hawk one was sure he must be here."

"Well, we still have one more level to check," Jungkook said. He could be in level four and level three could be a bloody decoy.

"Two actually," Yoongi corrected him. "We didn't go to the top floor either."

"Alright, guys. Let's branch out. Secure level three. We're going down. Hawk one?"

"Copy that. Level four seems to be a warehouse of some sorts. There are a few cameras but many blind spots too. No heat signatures. Sorry, chief."

"There's no need for an apology." Jungkook moved to the next level. "We know how these things work. Keep looking."

Level four was big and he was glad there weren't any men down here because it would undoubtedly a blood bath because they were severely at disadvantage. It didn't make sense why Heesung simply didn't hide here. Time was running out and they took their time to thoroughly comb the place.

"Nothing. Don't tell me we lost the bastard again," Jungkook growled, punching the wall.

"That's not possible," Hoseok said, lowering his facemask. "We monitored this place for days and never saw him going out."

"Does this place have any tunnels?" Taehyung asked. "Secret shit that we aren't aware of."

"The blueprint doesn't show any," Yoongi stated.

Jungkook frowned. Where is that asshole? He clenched and unclenched his fists. His thoughts raced as his gaze raked every corner of the large floor as far as he could reach. "We're going back," he announced. "They weren't expecting our attack. We surprised them." He rushed to the stairs. "Hawk one noticed increased activity in level three than compared to the other floors. It doesn't make sense why no one is down here. What's he very good at doing? What is the best thing to do when you know you're severely outnumbered and has no way out?"

"Hide?" Hoseok answered.

"Heesung is a coward who is always on the run and the only thing he's good at is hiding," Yoongi agreed.

"We are searching level three?" Taehyung asked.

"Yes. Comb every nook and cranny. A secret room or a compartment," Jungkook said. "He couldn't have escaped that soon."

"Allow me the honor," Taehyung growled. "I'm gonna find him no matter what."

"Mobilize the backup teams," Jungkook commanded. "We need more hands on the deck. Secure the perimeter. I'd rather blow this entire thing down instead of letting him escape."

"Tempting. I got a few c4 babies in my car," Yoongi purred through the comms. "Someone just gotta drive it down here and..."

"Really?" Hawk one grunted. "I thought we agreed on no more c4s."

"And there's nothing wrong in having a little back up," Yoongi shot back.

"Guys, focus. We got a rat to find." Just like that, they were back at work.


"Fucking coward!" Taehyung kicked the table with a frustrating growl. It hit the wall with a heavy thud. His chest heaved as he continued to smash the walls around him with a feral roar. The heavy hammer he found in level four earlier weighed him down.

"Taehyung, go easy, dude," Yoongi said. He had joined them a while ago as soon as their backup teams have arrived and secured the building.

"There's no way we could miss that, asshole." He glanced around. "He must be somewhere here."

Yoongi lowered his thermal scanner and put a hand on the wall. He frowned. "The machines aren't picking up any body heat behind these walls."

"We found two secret rooms but he isn't in either," Hoseok said, peering from the door.

Taehyung threw the hammer, kicking a small piece of concrete angrily. "There has to be something," he growled. "Something we either missed or overlooked." He paced the room, gripping the back of his head in both his arms with another growl. "Something," he murmured to himself.

The others let him be. Hoseok moved to assist Yoongi, who continued to scan the walls. He paced, tuning out all the sounds around him and replaying the events since they busted into this place. Suddenly he stopped and looked up.

"Shit! That's it!" He snatched the scanner from Yoongi's hand and began to scan the roof. "Come on. Come on. Come on," he chanted.

Yoongi and Hoseok looked at each other with a shrug. "Guys, I need another scanner and also search the roof."

The search began with a new fervor. They turned everything upside down, not leaving a nook or cranny."

"Omega two here. Target two acquired. I repeat, we found Lee Boram. He was hiding in one of the containers in level four."

"Fuck, I knew it!" Taehyung said.

"Alpha one here. Copied that. We found Target three, Kim Hyeong-bin hiding in one of the barrels in the rooftop."

Lee Boram was Heesung's second-in-command while Kim Hyeong-bin was his consigliere. They were all fools to be in the same place. Then they were busted while they were in the middle, preparing for their move.

"A fucking barrel?" Hoseok snorted. "They have no shame."

"Cowards," Taehyung repeated. "Heesung is here. I can feel it and we are not leaving this place without him."

"Omega two, speaking. What are our orders, sir?"

"Alpha one here. Put a bullet between his eyes." A sound of gunshot sounded just as the order came from Jungkook.

"He isn't playing around today," Yoongi said. "Let's resume the search."

Another shot echoed from downstairs. "Lee Boram is dead, sir." Omega two confirmed.

Footsteps echoed in the halls as the search continued. Taehyung hurried outside, leaving the room to the alpha couple. He used the device on the false ceiling. His first guess were the AC vents but he could be wrong. The coward could also hide in places he thought was least obvious.

He was passing through the elevator when he suddenly stopped. He eyed the camera above with a frown. With a press of a finger to his ear, he hissed, "Hawk one, it's delta four. Tell me what you can see."

"I can see your boots. You're in a blind spot," Hawk one said.

He moved back. "Now?"


"Come someone override your hack and open the doors?"

"Manually, yes. They can pry the doors open. However, they won't be able to go anywhere. There aren't any cameras inside the elevators."

"Unlock the elevator on my count. Delta one and Omega one, I need back up here."

"Copy that." Three voices echoed into his earpiece.

Footsteps echoed toward him not even seconds later and both men flanked him. Taehyung pointed at the doors and signaled. They took positions. With a nod to them, Taehyung said, "Count of three. One, two, three."

The steel doors slid open and they tensed, expecting gun fire. However, it was empty. Scanning the small space, Taehyung stepped inside cautiously. He brought the scanner to scan the sides and the roof, stiffening when he found a heat signature above them.

"There's no one here," he said loudly and stepped out of the elevator followed by the other two.

We need back up. Someone is in the shaft above. He signaled the roof, mouthing the words to Hoseok. His eyes widened and he hurried away with a nod.

"Delta one here. Someone is in the elevator shaft. We need back up." His voice crackled through the earpiece not even a second later. "We are disadvantage if the enemy is armed."

"Alpha four and five, go to level three," Jungkook barked. "The rest proceed to level two. We will attack from above. Hawk one, will you be able to judge his position?"

"Negative. The walls are too thick for a scan and I'd have to send a bug inside," Hawk one answered.

"No need. We wasted enough time already," Jungkook said. "Delta four, come upstairs. Others, you know the drill."

Taehyung hurried upstairs, boot-clad feet carrying him at the speed of a lightning. His anger bubbled and his wolf was at the surface, lingering just beneath his skin. He knew if he looked into the mirror, his pupils would be a brilliant shade of amber.

For years, this bastard had terrorized his family. His brother and cousin almost died. They all woke with fear in their hearts. After he breached the tight security of the mansion, Taehyung had felt extremely helpless. He'd held his crying cousin for hours, trying to comfort him and strengthen him.

But then, Jungkook happened. He couldn't explain his relief in words. However, this mission was personal. He had to be here when Jungkook eliminated every threat for their family. Heesung had been a trouble for too long. It was time to put an end to this.

His boots squeaked when he rounded the corner at full speed, sliding smoothly through the corridor and jogging the rest of the way to stop in front of the elevator.

Taehyung noticed the cameras here were strategically placed so the elevator doors were only partially visible. He suspected Heesung could have used the initial diversion to hide somewhere or maybe activate an elevator. After all, he didn't know Hawk one and how good their hacking abilities were. What if someone manually over rode the controls? It was that thought that halted him.

Jungkook rounded the corner just in time. He tapped his earpiece. "Hawk one, open the doors."

"Copied, Alpha one."

The doors slid open, revealing the concrete walls and thick cables. Jungkook fished his pockets, pulling out his phone much to Taehyung's confusion. His reasoning became clear when he opened the phone camera. Taehyung peered over his shoulder, eyes narrowing to get a better look.

They couldn't see much in the darkness. One of the men handed him a few emergency glow sticks. He grabbed them throwing it inside. A few gunshots lit up inside the shaft, causing Taehyung to smirk.

"Choi Heesung, how are you pal?" Jungkook called. "Longtime no see." No one responded. Of course they wouldn't. "It's Jeon Jungkook by the way," he continued. "I'm curious. We had a good thing going on, didn't we? Why would you barge into my hotel like that, hmm?"

The alpha continued to look into the phone camera, searching for any movement.

"You gave me lot of grievances, Heesung. I don't want to kill you for this. Why don't you come out so we can talk?" Jungkook coaxed.

"Then why the heck did you attack me?" Heesung called out. "Your men destroyed the building."

"To teach you a lesson, Heesung," Jungkook replied. "That's how things work in our world, doesn't it? An eye for an eye. Your men breached my property first. I'm merely returning the favor."

They heard a scoff and something unintelligible.

"Why don't you come out now? I'd rather talk face to face with you."

"What guarantee do I have that you wouldn't shoot me?" Heesung barked.

Jungkook hummed in his throat. "You're right. There's no guarantee. You see, if I wanted you dead, all I have to do is to throw this hand grenade. Or I could just fix the c4 explosives if I'm feeling a bit fancy. The choice is yours, Heesung. Come out and we settle this peacefully so we can be on our ways. Else I'll just blow the shaft and be on my merry way."

"Fuck! I'll come."

Jungkook nodded at Taehyung once and backed away a little. "Omega one and delta one, secure him," he ordered through his earpiece. "End him if he had any funny ideas."

"Copied that." Two voices cracked in the opposite end.

Jungkook gestured his head to go downstairs and together they moved. Heesung wasn't alone when they arrived. There was a guard with him. They had confiscated his weapons and surrounded him.

"Jungkook," the man in those grainy pictures he'd seen weeks ago greeted.

"Choi Heesung." Jungkook inclined his head. "Your defenses are pretty weak for someone so offensive," he commented. "But you're good at running. I have to commend your cowardice."

The other man growled in his throat. "I thought we are here to talk. It was a mistake." His chest heaved. "I'll compensate for the fucking damage."

"We're talking," Jungkook said. "The thing is I'm in a bit of hurry and you have wasted a lot of time today. So, I'll be brief. You broke our alliance by breaking into my hotel. I would have forgiven you if it was just my hotel that you touched, but you went after my omega."

Heesung frowned. He lifted his hands with several shakes of his head. "Oh, no, no. There's a huge misunderstanding. I never went after your omega."

"Park Jimin," Jungkook said. "He's mine."

Choi Heesung's jaw went slack, eyes widening as realization slowly began to dawn on his face. However, it froze and Taehyung jerked at the sound of the gunshot. A dot of red began to trickle down from between his eyes. He stood frozen in time for the next few seconds before his body slumped to the ground with a thud.

"Only good enemy is a dead enemy." Jungkook shot the guard, killing him instantly. "But he had to know why he was dying."

"I really hoped you would let us torture him a bit," Yoongi said, kicking the leg of the fallen guard.

"Waste of time," Jungkook said. "I don't want to give him a chance to run again. We're done here. The government can handle the rest."

"Alright." Yoongi nodded. "Hawk one, shoot the text. We will be out of here in fifteen."

"Copied, Omega one."

Taehyung took a deep breath and waited for the others to exit the elevator before emptying his bullets into Heesung's body. "Fucking coward," he growled. "That's for my family. You're no longer a threat. I'll dig your grave and shoot you again if you so much as showed up in Jimin's dreams."

Hoseok chuckled. "Let's go," he beckoned. "You were awesome today, Taehyung-ssi. We should train together. We make an amazing team."

Taehyung grinned. "We would."

Yoongi clapped his back with a grin. "You did great, kid." With that, he was off.

"Gosh, I'm so exhausted," Hoseok said. "I need a hot shower and a good dinner. Maybe a good massage too. Yah! Jungkook-ah, book me a spa trip. I deserve as much after today."

"Whatever you want, hyung," Jungkook called back somewhere from the stairs ahead. "Maybe go on a romantic trip with Yoongi hyung. I'll sponsor."


Yoongi scoffed with a shake of his head. "You behave as if you don't enjoy special benefits from him already. You're his mate's favorite hyung and that brings special rewards."

Hoseok shrugged. "What can I say? I'm charming."

Taehyung chuckled, throwing an arm around the other alpha's shoulder. "You almost replaced me in those two years, hyung. I'm not letting you go that easily. I'm cuter than Jimin you know."

Hoseok laughed, throwing his head back. The tension in the atmosphere had completely diffused and Taehyung exited the warehouse, inhaling the fresh air with a smile. He called Jimin first. An SUV slid next to him and he jumped inside. Jungkook was in a distance, giving orders to his men as they prepared to evacuate.

"Taehyungie! Oh, my God! What happened? Where is Jungkook? Is he okay? What about you guys? Is everyone okay? Hoseok hyung, Yoongi hyung"

"Everyone is fine." Taehyung laughed. "Calm down, cousin. Heesung is dead. Your mate killed him. We are leaving now and Jungkook is a bit caught up with everything now."

"Thank God! I was so worried. You aren't hurt, are you?"

"No. Not a scratch," Taehyung replied. "They were cowards, Jiminie. You would laugh if you know where they hiding." He launched into the story enthusiastically as the vehicle backed away and veered out of there.


In Media:

JUST IN: Interpol and NIS kills the most wanted criminal and the leader of one of the Asian crime syndicate organizations, Choi Heesung in a fight today. Choi Heesung was wanted by several countries for organized crimes and had bounty on his head issued by the Interpol.

Interpol with the help of the NIS has tracked down Heesung to a warehouse in an unrevealed location in South Korea earlier this evening and after exchanging several hours of gunfire has managed to take down the terrorizing criminal along with his gang. There were a few casualties; however, no death was reported.

This Choi Heesung is also believed to be the man behind the several attacks executed on the Park family recently. The authorities refused to comment further as the investigations are still ongoing.

Amongst the killed criminals were Lee Boram, who is said to the second-in-command of the Black Mambas and Kim Hyeong-bin, the consigliere.

This incident has shocked not only the public, but also garnered attention worldwide as it is seen as a bold move by the Korean government and the Interpol. The world leaders are praising the bravery of the units who carried out the most successful operation in the history of the nation.

BREAKING NEWS: "We will never tolerate violence and terrorism. We will always work hard to protect our nation and its people," says the President of South Korea.

BREAKING NEWS: South Korea with the help of Interpol ends the terror of Black Mambas. Choi Heesung and the most important men in his gang are dead. "We are searching for the members who are on the run and we won't stop until we catch everyone," says the Interpol.


One more chapter to go and then it's a wrap!

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