Chapter 1
[AO3 site is down for maintenance. So I can't post it there right now. I'll update there once it's up.]
A/N: I'm so happy to meet you with another mafia a/b/o romance. The first three chapters of this fic was commissioned by Jkken. Thank you for being so patient with me while I worked on it.
I'm also kinda nervous as if it's the first time I'm releasing a fic lol. This fic turned out more action focused than expected, but I do hope you guys enjoy it nonetheless. I tried my best to make it interesting and mysterious.
When I say action it's mostly cinematic type to give the fic more dramatic flair. Please read tags. I tried to cover as much as possible. Also it's my first time including Sope as a side ship. Hobi and Yoongi is an alphaxalpha pair. They're there but barely but yeah.
Oh, also Jungkook is three years older than Jimin in this. The age gap doesn't play a major role, but I thought I'll highlight that.
"So beautiful, isn't it?" the grave voice taunted through his phone. "You should have seen it up close, Jaehyun-ssi. Fire is God's wonderful creation, don't you agree? It's so glorious."
Jaehyun's hang clenched around his smartphone, and a growl bubbled in his throat as his scent grew bitter with a hint of spice. The need to douse the speaker with the same fire grew in his chest with vengeance.
"You're insane!"
The man clicked his tongue. "I'm just claiming what is mine."
"He was never yours to claim and never will be," he spat. "Leave my son alone."
"Jimin is safe as long as he is in London. You're lucky I have more enemies than friends in that wretched country. But count your days, Jaehyun. The moment he steps out of England, I'll make him mine."
"I'll never let that happen," Jaehyun hissed. "As long as I breathe, a scum like you will never be anywhere around my son."
The man on the other end of the line boomed with laughter. "We will see about that. I love this chase."
The alpha clenched his jaw as the line went dead and it took every fiber of his strength to not hurl the phone onto the wall beside him. Instead, he glanced outside the window, taking several deep breaths.
Park Jaehyun took pride in two things—his royal ancestry and his precious son. He considered it an honor and a blessing to be a wolf descended from the prestigious Joseon dynasty. They might no longer rule the nation, but they were still respected and were looked up to.
As he stood on the 55th floor of his office building overlooking the vast factory and warehouses that sat occupying over the five acres of land, he couldn't help the pride filling him. The sun shone down brightly, making their steel overheads glisten and shine. This was just one of the many properties the Park family owned. And the crown jewel of this all was his only son Park Jimin—the heir to his vast empire.
But now there was someone who threatened to take it all away and turn his empire into nothing but dust. Tension coiled his lithe frame. He turned around, taking a deep breath as he eyed the four-foot-tall family portrait that hung behind his desk. It was a recent portrait of him and his son.
His son, Jimin was the first omega to be born in an all-alpha bloodline with unrivaled beauty and a scent that was more alluring than any other omega he'd ever known. His mate had passed away soon after his son's birth and Jimin was the apple of his eye.
The omega didn't lack in anything though. He gave only the best. Jimin was good at everything he did. His son aced several forms of martial arts from such a young age. He could take down any alpha on any given day. Jimin also graduated with an award of honor from SNU and now went to the prestigious Cambridge University for his postgraduate degree majoring in two fields simultaneously if he might add.
Jimin had great dreams and as his father, he was hell-bent to help him achieve them. So why would he settle for a mediocre alpha just because they came from family money or just because they had noble blood?
No alpha deserved Park Jimin in his eyes. His son was a royal treasure and would be protected as such. One should worship the ground he walked on. Jaehyun hadn't thought twice before rejecting the courting gifts or the mating proposals. None of such preposterous proposals could even get past his front desk.
He strode to his desk, taking a seat and powering his sleeping monitor with a familiar foreboding churning his stomach. His thirty-six-inch PC monitor glared at him—the damage was even higher this time. Last night, the vehicle warehouse in the outskirts of Incheon had caught fire. Luxury cars worth several billion dollars went down in flames.
It was confirmed—printed in black and white—it wasn't just the cars. Park Group was going down in flames. The plummeting stock prices were proof enough. As a leading manufacturer of one of the luxury brands of cars, this new model was highly anticipated in the market. The first batch was even sold out before its official launch.
Now he sat there, staring at the charred remains without any emotions on his face. His scent soured, betraying the impassive mask. His phones were ringing non-stop since morning. At one point, he had taken the receivers and put them down before telling his assistant to hold all and any calls.
The fire that broke last week on the 11th floor of his luxury hotel still graced the headlines. The reports claimed it was some electricity short circuit issue while he knew differently. A month ago, his luxury cruise sank to the bottom of the ocean. Fortunately, for him, a navy ship cruising nearby saved all the tourists thereby avoiding major casualties.
These continued accidents might look unfortunate from the outsider's point of view, but on the business front, it took a toll on their company reputation. They had to cancel the schedules of their luxury cruise since many canceled out of fear.
The police wanted his statement, insurance agents wanted to start their investigation. But that was no use. It was going to be the same. Jaehyun knew why exactly this was happening. And he knew what he should do to stop all this.
Too bad for them. Jaehyun wasn't afraid of these puny threats. They might burn his entire empire down, but he'd still stand strong in his decision. No alpha was worthy enough to have Park Jimin as their mate, not especially the one who was wreaking havoc just because Jaehyun refused the array of courting gifts that were sent his way.
He will die before he let that bastard anywhere near his son. A growl rumbled out of his chest when his phone rang and it took him a few seconds to realize it was his personal phone. The wolf calmed down as soon as he saw the name and photo flashing on the screen.
His thumb swiped across the screen. "Jimin, my son," he greeted, forcefully tamping down his fury.
"Papa, are you okay?" Jimin's soft voice filled his ear and the wolf calmed immediately. "I saw the news and heard our stock prices are going down."
"Ah, it's nothing we can't handle, Jimin-ah. Papa, got it all covered. Don't worry." He tried to ease his son's worry.
"They're saying it's arson. Is it true, Papa? What are you not telling me?"
Jaehyun took a shuddering breath, running a hand over his face. "The media is spewing bullshit. You know how it is."
He wouldn't be able to hide the truth from Jimin for too long, but Jimin was in London.
"Are you sure? It's not anything I should worry about? Do you want me to come over?"
"What? No. You'll do no such thing. Your graduation is just months away, Jimin-ah. You worked so hard. Why don't you listen to Papa? Just focus on your studies and have fun with your friends, hmm? It's nothing I haven't handled before."
Jimin didn't sound convinced but conceded. "Fine. You'll tell me if there's something wrong, right?"
"Of course, Jimin-ah."
"I love you, Papa."
"I love you too, my son." He let out a sigh when the call ended.
I'll protect Jimin from those assholes. No matter what.
"You can't hide this from Jimin for long, Uncle."
He knew that. Jaehyun lifted his head to see his nephew, Kim Namjoon taking a seat on one of the empty chairs opposite to him. He was his sister's second son but inherited the majority of his features from his father who was a respectable businessman and philanthropist.
His spicy cinnamon scent was neutral. It was wondrous how the alpha managed to keep his scent calm and composed even when they were under fire.
"I don't want him to come here over this issue," he said instead.
"The police or NIS can do nothing," Namjoon grimaced. "We already tried everything, Uncle. This man is lethal and his power runs beyond what any of us could ever imagine. Our Jimin isn't safe."
"What do you expect me to do?" His fists clenched. "Hire the best security team in the country. Bring men from overseas if needed."
Namjoon stared at him intently. "You know that's not gonna stop them. He hasn't tried to touch Jimin in London. He is only safe as long as he is there. But this is that bastard's domain. We're powerless here, Uncle. We must admit defeat when we know we are defeated."
He growled in warning, his wolf didn't like what he was hearing. The scent of burning wood intensified and thickened in the atmosphere, suffocating them. But Namjoon looked unbothered.
"The past few months are examples. They're destroying anything and everything. Their atrocity knows no bounds. We failed to meet supplier demand thrice in a row. It won't take long before we go bankrupt or get sued. The investor and shareholders are raising questions."
"Do you think I don't know that?" he snarled, slamming his palm on the table and causing everything to shift in its place. "I know that dammit. But I'm not sacrificing my son to protect this fucking empire."
"How do you plan to protect Jimin if you don't even have the source to do it?" Namjoon narrowed his eyes and Jaehyun paused. "Think, Uncle. If all this money isn't able to buy him protection, then what will you do when you don't have it?"
His head snapped to meet Namjoon. His fists clenched by his sides. "I-I'll do something. I won't let him come home." His thoughts raced. "I'll send him to a place where no one knows him. Change his identity. I'll do whatever it takes."
For the first time since morning, he allowed himself to show his fear. He didn't want Jimin anywhere near that asshole.
Namjoon shook his head. "You're forgetting our enemy is Asia's most wanted crime lord. Even Interpol couldn't touch a hair on his body. They were chasing him for how long? They don't even know where he is. He has connections all over the world. You can't hide Jimin anywhere."
"Are you telling me that I should just sacrifice Jimin?" he growled again, eyes flashing red in anger.
"I'm telling you we need a different action plan. We need to act before it's too late," Namjoon stressed. The calming pheromones he kept releasing seemed to do only so much. "Jimin is graduating soon. He won't stay back."
Park Jaehyun stared at Namjoon for a long moment and straightened his posture. "You already have something in your mind," he observed. "What is it?"
Namjoon took a deep breath, closing his eyes for a moment. "I've thought this through for weeks and I don't think there's a better option," he said after a beat. "Choi Heesung is a cold-blooded criminal." He stood pushing his hands into his pant pockets. "We need a stronger ally."
Jaehyun lifted a brow in question. "A stronger ally?" he scoffed. "Even the President couldn't do shit. He's afraid for his life and then there are those useless ministers." He clenched his fist. "They only need us for their election campaigns."
"I'm not talking about them," Namjoon said. "They're nothing but puppets that run after money and power. The ally I have in mind has both." His features tightened. "They're not easy to convince, but if we could get them on our side, we could probably end this for once and for all."
"The Jeons."
A visible shudder ran through his body at the mention of their name. He swallowed thickly.
"They're no less in money or status," Namjoon continued. "Once upon a time, their ancestors served the king and held an honorable position in the royal courts. Jeon Jungwon is married to a royal from the Kim clan of the east."
Jaehyun drummed his fingers on the desk. His thoughts raced. The Jeons weren't just descendants of royal families. Though they never ruled the nation, they held the most influential positions inside their ancestor's court for generations. Several of their family members were trained assassins and spies. They were the closest to the king and everyone else came after. After the country became democratic, the royals lost their power, and the families with money resorted to business.
On the public front, the Jeons were a firearm manufacturer and a dealer who worked with the government, developing military-grade weapons for the nation. But deep down, they ruled the underground. No weapon came in or went out without their knowledge. Their country was able to breathe easy and had no fear of terrorism thanks to the Jeons.
"They're equally powerful as Choi Heesung," Namjoon added. "If you agree, we could contact them. We might not be in touch with them, but they're honorable and they might agree to help us."
Jaehyun slumped in his chair. "At what cost?" his voice was barely above a whisper. "They cannot be bought with money."
"I'm aware," Namjoon said. "But they're bound by honor. You're a descendant of the ruling family. Our words still holds respect and power. Many alliances have only been verbal promises that were made between our ancestors in the past and they still honor it. Also, we wouldn't know unless we contacted them. Let me please do this, Uncle."
Jaehyun took a shuddering breath. His heart thundered in his chest. It was tempting but nothing in this world was free. If they contacted them first they'd know they were desperate. What if they asked for Jimin in exchange for their protection? The world had changed and nothing came free of cost. He couldn't do that to his son. Could he really afford to believe they were still bound by the promises of their ancestors?
"I need time," he said.
Namjoon nodded and pivoted on his heel, taking slow yet long strides toward the door. "It's our only hope. Please think this through."
Jaehyun only nodded, looking outside as his chest tightened. What should I do?
A month later.
"Are you sure you want to do this?" Hoseok asked as he helped him pack the last of his bags. "Don't wanna stay until graduation? We can have fun, you know?" The alpha pouted, his heart-shaped lips drooped forming a cute triangle. His pleasant sunflower scent wrapped around him like a blanket.
"Aish...can you stop pouting, hyung?" He pinched his cheeks. "I'm only going home. It's not like we aren't gonna meet again. You'll be back in what...three months?"
Hoseok narrowed his eyes. "Doesn't mean I can't miss my best friend." His flowery scent wilted a little. "You're leaving me all alone in this scary place."
Jimin laughed. The merry sound filled the air. "Scary place? Really? How can you be alone when you have Yoongi hyung with you."
"He's not my friend. You are. We are talking about me missing you. How am I going to survive the next three months without my favorite omega in the entire universe?" he lamented. "Who's gonna help me dress up for my dates?"
Jimin continued to laugh, covering his mouth. "You will do just fine," he assured. Not that Hoseok needed his help. The alpha was a fashion icon himself, capable of creating street-smart fashion out of anything he could get his hands on. He made heads turns wherever he went with his catchy, unique style.
The omega prince had met the alpha last year in college and soon he learned they were neighbors. Yoongi worked in a furniture gallery while Hoseok was enrolled into post-graduate program in fine arts. Hoseok's easygoing attitude and funny persona made them friends. Not to mention they were both from Korea. Jimin was so happy to have a piece of his home in a foreign land.
"Stop exaggerating. You won't die in three months," Yoongi, an alpha and Hoseok's boyfriend grumbled under his breath. He splayed on a couch in his bedroom; his nose buried in a book.
"Shut up. What do you even know about friendship?" Hoseok rolled his eyes and turned his attention to Jimin. "Ignore him. I'm the only one he properly talks to."
The other alpha lifted his head from the book, cocking a brow with a scowl. There was no change in his citrus scent that hinted at his disagreement. He was calm like that. In Jimin's eyes, that was what made him mysterious. No one knew what was going on in his mind.
"And that's as much as I'm willing to handle in a day," Yoongi grunted.
Jimin laughed. The alpha couple was an odd pair but fun to be around. One was a ball of fluff, a chatterbox who doesn't stop talking with loud laughter while the other barely uttered a word or two. Yoongi might seem grumpy and uninterested but there was nothing he wouldn't do for Hoseok and vice versa. And he smiled only for a few selected ones in his circle. Jimin took pride in being one of them because the alpha had the most beautiful gummy smile that made his grumpiness fade away. These two complimented each other so well.
"We can't hear you," he called over his shoulder. "Can't you stay a bit longer?" Hoseok asked with puppy eyes. "We could go to Paris instead of Italy? You like Paris. Yoongi won't mind." He once again glanced over his shoulder. "Yoongles, do you mind if we change our travel plans?"
"No." The alpha didn't look up from his book. He took a sip from his Americano, turning to the next page with a concentrated look.
Jimin closed his suitcase and put a hand on top of Hoseok's. "I can't, hyung. I'm worried about my dad. Our business is suffering back-to-back losses because of some unfortunate incidents. I can tell he's hiding things from me but I can see how much this is affecting everything. He's done so much for me, hyung. He's everything to me and I want to be there for him."
Hoseok nodded with an understanding smile. "Then I'll see you in three months, yeah?"
"Yeah. We'll call every day and you're gonna tell me about your planned trip and whatnots." He chuckled. "Oh, once you're back I'll introduce my cousin Taehyung. I'm sure you'll love him. Then, maybe, we can go on a small vacation. How about Jeju?" he asked. "We have a guest house there with a great view of the beach."
"Sold." Hoseok slammed his fist on the suitcase. "Count us both in."
"I didn't even agree," Yoongi grunted.
"You don't have to," Hoseok shot back before turning back to Jimin. "He follows me wherever I go anyway. So, when is the flight?"
"Tonight. I was hoping one of you could—"
"I'll drive you," Yoongi cut him off without taking his eyes off his phone screen. "Anyone wanna go for a Korean barbeque?"
Jimin chuckled. That was Yoongi—acting unbothered but the first one to care. "Sure, hyung. I'd love that." He sighed wistfully.
He didn't want to leave London yet. Jimin loved it here but his sense of duty was calling at him. His father might not agree, but Jimin could tell he needed him. Even with his cousins to help with the business, his father was struggling. He needed more information on this setback and could tell his father knew more than he let on. There was only one way to find out.
The hot summer air assaulted him ruthlessly as soon as he stepped outside the airport. The two years in London almost made him forget how brutal Seoul heat can be. The humidity was suffocating. Thankfully, he would only have to put up with it for a few minutes. The car should be here already.
He had called his eldest cousin Seokjin an hour before the flight to tell him he was coming home and he needed someone to pick him up from the airport.
Jimin thought of just taking a taxi, but the paparazzi or the media outside the airport could turn dangerous and he didn't want to add more to his father's worries.
As expected, Seokjin was waiting for him at the arrivals with a huge flower bouquet and a slew of bodyguards at the VIP section. The airport authorities had diligently cleared him off without having to wait and soon he was out.
"Couldn't you give me a little warning?" his cousin grunted but proceeded to hug him nonetheless. "You know I had to leave an important client meeting this morning."
Jimin sank into his embrace, inhaling the wild bergamot that smelled like home. His cousin scented him gently, brushing their cheeks together. "Missed you too, hyung," he mumbled into his shoulder. "Would you be happy if I had not been informed at all?"
"Yah! Brat. Your father would have a heart attack when he sees you." Jin released him and led him outside with a protective hand around him. "You're lucky he's on a flight back from China with Namjoon and I couldn't reach him through the phone."
Jimin laughed. "I know. I already confirmed his schedule before booking the flight," he admitted. "If he knew, he wouldn't have let me come home, hyung. You know how protective he is."
They reached the black-tinted SUV and Seokjin allowed him to enter first while the guards loaded his bags into another car. They both got in and the driver took off to their destination.
"Why are you here anyway?" Seokjin asked. "Don't you still have two months for your graduation?"
"I graduated early." Jimin shrugged. "I don't have a reason to stay longer. And to answer your first question, this is my home, hyung. Wherever I go, I have to come back here." He chuckled.
"Oh, God!" Seokjin ran a hand over his face. "Not that I'm not happy to see you, but you should really stop running around like this, Jimin. You don't even know half of the things going around here."
Jimin's eyes narrowed. "Then why don't you start by telling me all about it? I know Papa is hiding something from me."
Seokjin sighed in exasperation and Jimin could see the fight on his face and the eventual defeat. "I'm not allowed to tell you everything, but it's not safe for you to be here, Jimin. You shouldn't have come."
Jimin lifted a brow. "Why?"
Before Seokjin could answer, their SUV came to a screeching halt. The vehicle swerved violently to the side, tires squealing and the seat belt cut into his clavicle. Seokjin's right hand shot out to push him back and hold him there as the alpha gripped the seat harder. His bergamot scent spiked with panic.
The side of their car hit something, the vehicle tilting on two wheels before settling with a violent shake. Smoke billowed around them, obscuring their vision ahead.
Jimin's panic rose as he glanced around frantically. Seokjin's hand on his chest grounded him but his fingers dug into the leather of his seat as their car radio went off.
"Alpha one, come in."
"Beta one, come in."
"Code red."
"Code red."
"Alpha one, come in."
"Beta one, come in."
"This is Omega one. We are compromised. I repeat, the We are compromised. We're calling for backup."
"Alpha one, come in. Alpha one, is the Butterfly safe?"
Seokjin grabbed the walkie-talkie as he lowered the partition between them and the driver seat. "This is Alpha one, the Butterfly is safe," he reported immediately. "What the fuck happened?" He growled into it.
"We are under attack. Please do not leave your vehicle. I repeat, please do not leave the SUV."
Just as the security team finished the sentence, Jimin heard the telltale sound of bullets flying. One hit the windshield and the other hit the passenger side window. He flinched and ducked as much as his seat belt allowed though he knew it was bulletproof.
"This is Alpha One. The Butterfly is under attack. I repeat, the butterfly is under attack. Beta one, come in. Beta one."
There was static before someone replied. "This is Omega one. We lost contact with Beta one at the time of wreckage."
Another bullet shot right by the window near Jimin. Seokjin immediately jumped into action. "Drive!" he commanded. "Keep driving and don't look back."
The driver who was waiting for his command nodded immediately. The bodyguard beside him cocked his gun with a curt nod. They couldn't see anything ahead. Jimin watched with a bated breath as Seokjin pulled his gun from the holster.
"Extra gun?" he asked the bodyguard who immediately threw one at him.
"Jimin, take this."
Jimin took the gun without further questions. Adrenaline pumped through his veins. He'd been trained how to react in situations like this, however, this was the first time his safety was compromised. More bullets hit the windshield as the driver reversed their car.
The SUV bumped into something, but the driver worked faster, hands twisting the steering wheel and stepping on the gas. Their car jerked forward and Jimin gripped the seat harder. The smoke seemed to clear off a bit and Jimin noticed the wreckage ahead.
A garbage truck blocked their path. He couldn't see where the shooters were, considering they were traveling parallel to a flyover. The driver efficiently avoided the vehicles ahead, their car swerving right and left with the speed at which he was driving.
"This is Omega one. We are engaging the assailants in the wreckage. Counting at least ten with deadly weapons."
More gunshots followed and Jimin's heart raced. What the fuck is going on? What was Seokjin going to say?
"This is Alpha one, we are evacuating the Butterfly. Omega One, come in. What's the status?" Seokjin asked.
"This is Omega one, we saw two vehicles leaving the crime scene. We have called for backup."
"Got it, Omega one." Seokjin dug into his pockets and reached for his phone. "This is Alpha one," he said as soon as whoever it was on the other end answered. "Code red. We need backup. Driving through Highway 321. The Butterfly is safe but the situation is compromised. We are being tailed."
He nodded, his eyes glued to the rearview mirror, one hand still holding Jimin in place.
"Roger that."
Jimin looked behind them, noticing the two vans that stuck out like a sore thumb. "Oh, my God!" he whispered. "Hyung, what the fuck is even happening?"
Seokjin put the phone back and glared ahead, his jaw tight with tension. "Choi Heesung is a most wanted criminal by the Interpol and the law enforcement around the world," he gritted through his teeth. "Now he wants you."
Jimin gasped. "W-What?"
That name was familiar. Anyone who grew up in Korea knew him. He has seen several articles on newspapers about Choi Heesung. The man was ruthless and has never been photographed. He was just so good at making people disappear. Anyone with a common sense steered clear of the topic, fearing that would bring Heesung's wrath on them. However, a covert mission led by Interpol with the help of US intelligence agency a few years ago led him to flee and no one has heard of him ever since.
What does Seokjin mean? Why would Heesung want me?
Something bumped into their car and it swerved. Jimin almost knocked his head against the window but pulled himself back the last moment. Seokjin once again steadied him, gaze sweeping around them.
"Careful!" he barked at the driver. He ran a hand wearily over his face. "A few years ago when your photos leaked to the media, they claimed you're the most beautiful omega in the entire Korea. The public is obsessed with our family for centuries. You're our first omega crown prince. All eyes are on you, Jimin. Those who met you raves about how alluring your scent is and how sweet and kind you are. Almost everyone with an alpha son dreams for you to be their son-in-law."
A shiver raked through his spine. How could he forget? Just because past two years were peaceful didn't mean he was entirely safe. He always had a tight security around him. If Jimin had a disagreement with his father, it was only during then. In the end, Taehyung transferred into the same course as him and took the same classes. He promised to protect him and never let him out of his eyesight. It was only because of him, Jimin had a somewhat regular college life.
"Every other day, they would send courting gifts and marriage proposals," his cousin continued.
Jimin remembered the truckload of flowers and love letter he used to receive from several alphas. His dad had a team specifically to handle them.
"Then one day Heesung send you a gift. An expensive piece of jewelry with his intent to court you. Your dad was furious and rejected it right away. Heesung didn't take it kindly. The bastard took it as a challenge and now he wants to have you one way or another. His men infiltrated our company in disguise, they're wreaking havoc and there's nothing we can do. We find one and hand them over to the police, but somehow another gets in. They rigged our vehicles and destroyed our raw materials. The police and NIS are effectively powerless in front of them. All these losses you heard about, it's because of that asshole."
"Oh, my God!" Jimin shivered. He clutched his chest to calm his racing heart.
"Fuck! I don't even know how they found out about your arrival, Jimin. I swear I didn't even tell Taehyung about it. Your dad isn't gonna like this."
And to think he wanted to surprise them. A cold shiver ran down his spine. He didn't even want to think what would have happened if he was alone. As they raced through the traffic that was spreading thinly on the highway, Jimin's heart galloped. He kept glancing back, sweating despite the air conditioner inside the vehicle.
The bodyguard traveling with him was glancing around them like a hawk, gun ready to attack. Jimin didn't know how long they had before the backup arrived. He was worried for Seokjin's life more than his. He caused this.
His hands trembled as chewed his bottom lips, unable to tear his eyes from the vans chasing them. It was clear they were gaining on them. He'd only seen such thing in movies before. However, being the prey was the opposite of thrilling. The enemies inched closer with every passing second.
Jimin's driver was racing at his best speed, weaving in and out of the traffic. He could see they were aiming at them again but the driver was doing a good job at losing them by driving zig-zag and putting other vehicles between them.
"Omega one, come in. What's the status?" Seokjin asked into the walkie-talkie.
The statics crackled and no response came.
"Omega one, come in. This is Alpha one."
"This is Omega one," a wheezing voice greeted. They heard sirens and yells in the background. "Omega one is down. Beta one is compromised. The injured ones are en-route to the hospital."
"Fuck!" Seokjin ran a hand over his face. "Keep me posted, Omega one. Over and out."
"Roger that."
A ball of emotion tightened Jimin's throat. He never dreamed to be in a situation like this. Seokjin suddenly perked from his side. "Is that our backup?"
It was then Jimin noticed the helicopter flying over them.
"Can't be sure, sir," the bodyguard responded. "I can't spot a logo yet."
Seokjin pulled his phone out calling someone again as he cursed under his breath. "Alpha one here. We are still on Highway 321. Where is our backup?" He frowned but nodded. "Roger that." He turned to Jimin. "Our backup isn't here yet. That's the police but I don't know how much of a help they will be." He looked behind them. "Fuck! Those bastards are closer."
Jimin distantly saw one of the assailant's heads popping through the ceiling of the van. He tensed when he noticed the sniper rifle. "Hyung—"
It all happened in a heartbeat. Their car swerved violently, fishtailing a few feet before hitting the truck in front of them that braked out of nowhere. They didn't even have time to recover when another car rammed into their side. Before he knew it, their car toppled with a deafening screech of metal. The glasses shattered around them and he heard distant screams.
Was that a woman?
Pain shot through his body as he hung upside down from his seat. The seat belt dug into his skin painfully. Something wet trickled down his temple and then there was silence. He smelled smoke and gasoline. He smelled distressed bergamot reaching out to him. He smelled blood. A lot of it.
Jimin gasped for breath, his vision swimming. He didn't even remember taking a hit. His thoughts were haywire. Gunshots echoed in the distance as darkness enveloped him.
In Media:
BREAKING NEWS: Massive accident reported on Highway 321: The police received a distress call reporting multiple vehicles crash on Highway 321 earlier this afternoon.
UPDATE: The police, firefighters, and paramedic have rushed to the crash site.
UPDATE: A witness on the site of Highway 321 claims a few cars were engaged in a chase and hearing gunshots before the accident.
UPDATE: A fire broke out in the crash site delaying the rescue process. The firefighters are fighting to keep the fire contained as they extract the severely injured victims who are unidentified.
BREAKING NEWS: Another crash was reported near the flyover at the intersection of Highway 321 and 320. The video footage we received shows two SUVs colliding with a truck. A team rushes for rescue as the passersby pull out the injured victims from the wreckage.
UPDATE: Seven were injured and four killed in Highway 321 crash. The police are working to identify the victims. The police have secured the perimeter. The footage from our onsite camera team shows the police and the firefighters working relentlessly to rescue the victims struck inside their vehicles.
JUST IN: His Highness Park Jimin of the Park clan, age 25 has been identified as one of the victims of a road crash on Highway 321.
JUST IN: Another royal Kim Seokjin of the Kim clan, age 27 has been identified as a victim of a road crash on Highway 321
BREAKING NEWS: Royals Park Jimin and Kim Seokjin rushed to the hospital after being injured in a road crash that killed four people this afternoon. Their condition along with the other victims remains unknown.
UPDATE: SNH released a statement claiming Kim Seokjin is stable and has been transferred to intensive care after suffering from a dislocated shoulder and bruised ribs among other injuries. The hospital refused to comment on His Highness Park Jimin's condition.
UPDATE: His Highness Park Jimin is now stable. "We were able to stop his internal bleeding and stabilize him after three hours," says Doctor Jo. "He will continue to remain under close observation."
JUST IN: "The police have begun an investigation and it's too soon to say anything," says the police captain Choi.
BREAKING NEWS: Highway 321 crashes are one of the biggest accidents reported this year.
Park Jaehyun dashed through the pristine corridors of the hospital with his heart in his throat. He was devastated when he received the news. It was the last thing he expected when he touched down this evening. Namjoon was running ahead of him, the security clearing the path for them.
They stopped in front of the emergency ward. Taehyung, who was leaning on the wall, straightened and immediately hurried to his brother.
"Hyung, they're both—" He burst into tears.
"Is it true?" Jaehyun grabbed Taehyung's elbow, shaking him. "Is my Jiminie back?" His chest tightened.
Taehyung nodded with a crestfallen look. "Only Seokjin hyung knows. He didn't tell anyone as a safety precaution and canceled the morning meeting to go pick Jimin himself. I don't know what even happened." He wiped his cheeks. "They were attacked on the way and Jin hyung requested backup, but...but—" He began to cry again.
Jaehyun clenched his jaw. "Where are they?"
"They shifted Jin hyung to ICU. Jimin is still in an emergency. He took a hit to his head, fractured his clavicle, and broke two ribs. His side of the car was hit severely," he replied, voice cracking. "The doctors wouldn't tell me more. They said something about internal bleeding."
Jaehyun's knees weakened. Who would want to hurt Jimin? It didn't make sense. He didn't think Choi Heesung would attempt to kill his only son. The man wanted Jimin as a trophy. Namjoon was there to catch him when his knees gave out and he slid to the floor.
"My son..." his voice cracked. "My precious Jiminie."
"Nothing will happen to him, Uncle," Namjoon tried to comfort him but his scent itself was distressed. "Let me talk to the doctors."
Jaehyun could barely nod and his thoughts spiraled. I caused this. He just wanted his son to have a better life. The wolf howled inside him as he felt the pain slice through his heart. Taehyung slid next to him, wiping his tears and holding him closer.
"Jimin is strong, Uncle. He will get through this. Trust me," he tried to comfort but his own voice broke in the end.
"My son is the kindest soul out there. He can't even hurt a fly. Why is this happening to him?" His voice was thick with emotion.
As a royal, he was trained to control his emotions, to stay neutral and impassive in all sorts of situations. However, where Jimin was concerned, he was only a father who loved his son dearly. A father whose life revolved around the last gift from his beloved mate. A gift of their love and union. How could he stay stoic? How could he not react?
"My precious Jimin." His chest tightened and Taehyung's worried face was the last thing he saw before being consumed by darkness.
In Media:
JUST IN: His Highness Park Jaehyun faints upon hearing the news of his son's accident.
UPDATE: The police have identified the victims of the Highway 321 crash: Lee Han-Gyeo, age 45; Jo SunYe, age 30; Son Sung-Ho, age 56, Ji Young-Ho, age 26 are reported dead on site. The list of victims in an emergency from crash site Highway 321 are as follows: His Highness Park Jimin, age 24; Royal Kim Seokjin, age 30; Jung Heechul, age 35; Lee Chung-Hee, age 29; Jo Ha-Kun, age 45; Sun Kwang-Sun, age 50; Choi Minjun, age 28.
JUST IN: Four died in the crash at the intersection of Highway 321 and 320. Several injured victims have been hurried to the nearby hospitals in private vehicles. The police are yet to identify the victims and the extent of the damage remains unknown.
BREAKING NEWS: The police confirm that Highway 321 was an attempt on His Highness Park Jimin's life, who had just returned from London.
JUST IN: The attempt on His Highness Park Jimin's life kills eight people with the extent of damage unknown to the public. The Omega Prince who had returned from London this afternoon is still in a critical condition as the doctors are fighting for his life.
UPDATE: His Highness Park Jaehyun is admitted to the intensive care unit as he suffers a heart attack.
JUST IN: The police tighten the security around the hospital premises as media and people who want to catch a glimpse of the royals now surround it.
This story is completed on Patreon. Those who are interested can subscribe to my Patreon Membership Tier to read in advance. Patreon username - chimmyxkookies.
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