The Morning After
Allura gasped as she awoke. She was back in her apartment and in her bed. What, what happened last night? She couldn't remember, and she had a killer headache.
"Morning babe." At the unfamiliar voice, she sat up and looked to her side to see an unfamiliar young man. He looked younger than her, though in his twenties. He was pale, with longish raven black hair, and blueish-violet eyes. No doubt, he was hot. Especially since he was only wearing a white shirt, and boxers! Allura blushes.
"That was some night huh?" He said with a sexy flirty smirk. Allura blinked, but then noticed that she was naked underneath the blanket, as the night before flashed into her mind.
"Marriage? It's really just a "tradition" when you think about it. Seriously, why do people want to be tied down like that? As long as two people are together and happy, does it really matter? Isn't it best to be free?" The raven-haired boy said. He had come into the club and sat down with Allura and they were talking. Allura had just taken a gulp of her drink as she listened to the boy across from her.
"I'm honestly surprised." She admitted. The boy tilted his head cutely. The woman sighed. "You know how it is, most girls my age are actually scared into getting married before they turn thirty. Heck, my father has said himself that "I'm not getting any younger". Like he needs to remind me. Basically, he's saying I need to get hitched before hitting the big "three and zero". It's kind of refreshing, hearing you say all that." She admits.
"Well, I'm glad you're enjoying it. You know, you're pretty interesting." He says.
"Oh, thank you. No has, really said something like that to me." Allura says while gentle tucking a lock of her hair behind her ear.
"I find that hard to believe." The boy said and suddenly he was next to her. He smirks at her then down his drink, quite sexily might I add. Allura couldn't help but stare. The boy then notices. "What is it?" He asked, and Allura frantically looks away in embarrassment. Suddenly the boy leans over and takes Allura in his arms. "Like what you see?" He asked teasingly. Allura couldn't respond. Suddenly, his lips were on hers. "Mmm..." The boy said as he backed away. "You taste sweet." He says.
-Flashback End-
"Oh, no. No, no, no. This is bad!" Allura panicked. Oh, lord, she can't believe she was so drunk that she went with another guy, and one who was clearly younger than her! She grabbed her head, tussling her hair in frustration. How could she be do this?!
"Hey," The boy said getting her attention. He sat on the bed and handed her a mug of coffee. "This should help with the hangover." He said. Allura took the mug carefully and drank the coffee, it was surprisingly good.
"Oh! Uh! Thank you." She admitted. It was actually helping her feel better. "Um... uhh..." She mumbled.
"What do you not remember me?" The boy asks. "Oh yeah, you were pretty drunk last night. Come to think of it, I didn't actually tell you my name." He admitted. Seriously?!
"This was a bad idea then!" Allura exclaimed and the boy looked at her. "I mean, we just met, and you admitted we don't know each other's names so..." She trailed off, not sure what to say.
"...Keith." The boy suddenly said.
"What?" The woman asked.
"My name is Keith." He replied. "Allura," He said her name as he leaned in close, having set his own coffee on the counter. "Look, I don't want you to get the wrong idea, okay sweetheart. I don't just sleep around willy-nilly. I came here because I like you." He says as he leans more. "You know, you're really beautiful." He says. "Oh crap!" He suddenly exclaims and backs up.
"What?!" Allura asked alarmed.
"You said you had to work right?" He asked as he got up, grabbing a pair of ripped jeans and a leather jacket, that defiantly weren't hers.
"Uh... yes I do." Allura admits.
"I gotta go! I have to get to work myself! My boss is going to murder me if I don't show up on time!" He said as he got into his clothes and went to the front door. "So... see you around!" He said and left the apartment.
Allura just sat there, stunned. Did that really just happen. Or was she dreaming? A quick pinch to her arm confirmed that she was awake. Oh god! What was she going to do?! Shiro would never forgive her for this! And worst, if her father ever found out... Oh, Lord!!!!
Later that day, Allura met up with her friend, Romelle, at a local sushi bar and the woman had just confessed everything to her best friend.
"You know, they say everyone has three hot streaks in their life. This makes your third." The blonde girl in pigtails suddenly says.
"Wha- Hot streaks?! When were the other two then?!" Allura asked annoyed.
"When were young, you were always the most popular with the boys." Romelle replies. "The second time you were in the zone, as they say, is when you and Shiro started dating. Though that might take a tumble when he hears about this." She added. Allura glared at her, annoyed. "Jeez, quite giving me the evil eye would ya." The blonde rebuffed.
"Ah... This would destroy him." Allura groaned.
"That's what you're worried about? As long as he doesn't find out, you're fine. Just act like it never happened." The blonde said.
"I'm not like you, I can't just let it go." Allura groaned.
"Well, why not just switch it up then? Then you won't have to hear anymore marriage talk." Romelle suggested. "If mother and father are anything to go by, married life is horrible." She said sadly, reminiscing her parents' messy divorce.
"Romelle, I'm not like you, I don't want to just play around. I just want life to stay the same for now!" Allura exclaimed. "What am I going to do? I didn't mean for any of this to happen..." She groaned and put her head in her hands.
"Then you shouldn't have done it." The blonde said.
"Well, I wish I could be as carefree as you." The silver-haired one growled.
"Well, if you want to ditch the new boy, how about you hook me up then? He's hot, right? You got his picture?" The other girl asked.
"Nice. No, I don't have a picture of him. He's not your type anyway!" Allura rebuffed as she grabbed some sushi and started stuffing her face.
"How do you know that?" Romelle asked.
"Because he's MY type." Allura thought as she contained to stuff her face.
Later, her and Romelle met up with their friends at the "Stray Sheep" bar.
"What? Seriously?" Pidge asked after Allura confessed.
"Dude, are you saying you actually...?" Hunk says shocked.
"Hey peoples." Nyma said as she walked up to their table. "So have you guy's heard this rumor about the "Lover's Wrath"?" She asked. "They say it targets cheaters and kills them. Or not." She said, Allura looked up at that.
"What?! What is "Lover's Wrath"?!" Allura asked, a little panicked.
"Ah, don't worry about it. You only care about your man 'Lura." Nyma replied.
"Oh, I don't know, I think she needs to know." Romelle said.
"Yeah. Cheating is pathetic." Pidge laughed. Allura growled and tossed nuts at her. "Ow!" The glasses girl, shrieked.
"Huh? What?! Seriously?! You're cheating?! For real?! Weren't you talking about getting married though?!" Nyma asked surprised.
"Oh, say it louder why don't you! Really! I'm pretty someone on Mars didn't hear you!" Allura snapped. She really didn't need this right now.
"Well? Well? Tell me about this guy then." Nyma urged.
"Oh, lord..." Allura groaned.
"Apparently, he's 50s greasers hot." Romelle comments.
"Oh, shut up." Allura groaned. "None of you better mention this to anyone outside of this conversation, got it." She said sternly.
"Girl, we get it." Romelle said.
"Oh, right. Tonight's Lance's first performance." The purple-eyed blonde announced. Allura and the others turned to the said boy, sitting on a stool and tuning an acoustic guitar. He then took the guitar pick and ran it over the strings. Uhh... let's just say the results, were less then pleasant to listen to.
"What the fuck was that?" Pidge asked.
"Uhh... First time for everything?" Hunk says.
"Hey, c'mon guys. Lance is working really hard here." Nyma rebuffed. Just then, Lance walked up to their table.
"Hey, Allura, what did you think of my performance?" He asked, rather sweetly.
"Oh..." Allura really didn't want to hurt this sweet boy's feelings, but she needed to at least tell him some truth. "It was... Okay, I guess? For a first time. Really unique. That's for sure." She said nervously.
"Really? I'm glad! Thank you!" Lance said with a bright smile. "I was actually hoping a bit better than that, but..." the boy trailed.
"Hey, it's alright. Nobody gets things perfect the first time. You know the saying, "Practice makes Perfect". You just have to keep going." Allura encouraged.
"Ah... I guess you're right. Well in that case, I'll just keep practicing until I get it!" Lance said enthusiastically.
"Yeah, if the bar isn't out of business by then." Pidge muttered, but Allura heard her and flicked more nuts into her face. "Ah!" She squawked.
"Well, I'll see you later then!" The boy said and walked back to the stage.
"Hehehe... He really is adorable isn't he? Like a little puppy." Romelle comments.
"What's up you anyway Allura? Saving some sweet boy from a stalker in the streets... Sounds like some stupid daytime soap opera. That stuff just doesn't really happen." The glasses girl rebuffs.
"Well, it did, so just give it a rest." Allura replied and took a swig of her drink.
"Who would do that?" Hunk asked. "And does Lance really have amnesia?" He followed up. "Nyma you took him to the doctor right?" He asked the waitress.
"Yeah I did, but they didn't find anything though. They think it's only temporary, but it's got to be hard when the only memory you have is wanting to play guitar." Nyma replies and comments.
"Hey, is it true that you two are really neighbors now?" Romelle asked Allura.
"Yes. The other tenant moved recently, so I thought since Lance didn't have a place to stay it would be a good idea." Allura admitted.
"Just make sure to keep yourself." Romelle teased.
"Oh, shut up." Allura groaned and smacked Romelle on the shoulder. "But, you and boss really came through for us." She said to Nyma.
"You know it. Having Lance work here was a great idea. We have you guys, and even a police officer as customers." The sunny blonde said.
"Not to mention, public places are safer if he's really being stalked." Hunk comments.
"Yeah." Allura said as she looked back at Lance. Who was chasing him that day? And why? She was still worried about that if she was being honest.
Allura got from the booth and walked over to the bar counter. She saw a customer with her dark hair up in a ponytail and glasses, she looked like she was writing something in a notepad. Allura sat down at the bar, then noticed two other customers in the next seats over. Both were men, wearing beanie hats, with one being spiked. One man was clearly older and the other was younger. The two seemed to know each other as they were talking.
"Let me introduce you." The bartender, Boss, said. "These two gentlemen here are Ozar and Rolo." He introduced the two men.
"Hello." Allura greeted.
"Nice to meet you." The older man, Ozar, greeted.
"Hello~" The younger, Rolo, said with a flirtatious glint in his eye.
"Knock it off!" Ozar scold and bonked Rolo on the head. "Sorry, he doesn't know his manners, or how to talk to a lady." He apologized.
"Oh, it's fine." Allura then turned to the girl in the glasses.
"This young girl here is a journalist." The boss said. "She's been researching a certain legend lately." He added.
"Hi! I'm Nadia!" The girl greeted. "I was looking into the strange deaths lately. During my research however, I found documents dictating similar occurrences before in 100-year-cycles. Many people died last time as well... It's the truth. I also found a variation on it as well. There is one who survives it. Very rarely, there is one survivor out of them all. It is said the survivor is then granted any wish." The woman explained.
"Seriously?" Allura couldn't believe it.
"Hmm... Now that I think I about, I swear I've heard your voice before." The girl suddenly said. Now that she mentioned, she sounded familiar herself, but Allura couldn't place where. The silver-haired woman then got up and walked over to Nyma and Lance.
"I still wonder who the stalker was... Lance doesn't seem worried, but you never know." Nyma says. Allura couldn't help but agree.
"Well, when push comes to shove, we'll protect him, won't we?" Allura replies.
"Yeah..." Nyma said. "Anyway, you cheating? I never thought you were that girl." The sunny blonde comments. Allura groaned. Seriously?
"Look! For the last time! It's not like I wanted that to happen! It just did! And I really need to fix it! If father ever... *Groan!*" Allura groaned.
"Well you shouldn't have done it then!" Nyma rebuffed. "Those who cheat, are cursed! If that's true then..." Nyma trailed off.
"Like you're one talk little "Miss Sleeps with a New Guy Every Night"!" Allura rebuffed, she really didn't need this. She walked over to Lance before Nyma could say anything else.
"So how are you doing Lance?" She asked.
"Really great. I hope I get the hang of this soon." The boy replied. Allura smiled feeling better, then walks away and goes into the bathroom. She sighs, then got a message alert on her phone. She opened it up to see an unknown number.
Hey! Sorry about taking off again!
Hope to see you soon!
P.S. Here's a pic! (:
Opening up her images she found, Keith! He was washing a dog, a black husky and wolf mix, and was sobbing wet. The white shirt he had was soaked, making it see-through. His hair was up in a ponytail and he was smiling, with some soap suds on him. Allura blushed. Holy jeez! Suddenly a memory from last night came back.
"Oh!" Allura said as she came out of the bathroom stall. Keith was there standing next to the sink. "Why are you in here?" She asked surprised.
"Well you were taking a while, and I got worried." The raven-haired replied.
"I'm fine, I promise." The woman said as she stumbled to the sink.
"You sure, you're okay?" Keith asked as Allura went to turn on the water, but the spout flipped and water sprayed her. Keith quickly turned off the water and turned to Allura. "Hey! You okay?!" He asked, but paused when he saw the alluring scene before him. Allura was soaked through, and her face was flushed from the alcohol.
"Ahh... Of all the..." She groaned as she wrung out her wet shirt, when she felt something on her shoulders and found she was wearing Keith's jacket.
"I think, I should take you home." He said and proceeded to walk Allura out of the bathroom. Stopping by the bar to tell Boss about the sink, then walked out of the bar.
-Flashback End-
Allura groaned as she rubbed her forehead. She proceeded to close her phone, then wash her face. As she did, a flash of blood and a shadowed creature appeared behind her, along with a growl.
"What the-?!" Allura said as she caught a glimpse of the flash. She looked around, but saw nothing. Suddenly she heard a voice, it was vaguely familiar, but she had no idea why.
"Are you going to keep looking away? I'll be waiting for you at the Torture Chamber tonight. What punishment will be waiting I wonder. Hehehe!"
What the hell? Was she that drunk? Or just tired. Either way, she decided to head home and go to bed. She quickly said bye to her friends and Nyma, and walked out of the bar and head back to her apartment.
At said apartment, Allura was sitting on her bed, her mind a jumbled mess with everything that happened lately swirling around. She sighed as she lied down. Hopefully no nightmares tonight, even though she couldn't remember them. She then falls asleep, exhausted from, just everything.
Next Chapter>
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