
"What is all this?" Allura said when she came to the next location. One wall had a bunch of female symbols, the other had male symbols, all have sheep tied to them. Before the block tower was a marble statue of a woman with a hood and holding a judge's mallet.

Allura didn't have time to dwell on it and began making her way up the tower, running into a bunch of large sheep, with spears! She manages to dodge and get passed them, succeeding in climbing up the tower. She eventually makes it to the top and pulls the rope and climbs the stairs up to the platform.

Once again, Lance was there strumming his guitar. What's more, there was a sheep sitting on the stairs wearing a police hat. He seemed down so Allura goes over to him.

"I can't believe now I'm having these dreams. Is this some sort of karmic punishment for being a police officer?" He asked himself, the noticed Allura. "Oh, hello, did you need something?" He asked.

"Oh, no. I was just going to ask if you were alright." Allura replied. "Pardon me, but I heard you say you were a police officer correct? Do you know anything about this?" She asked.

"Little. Lately people have been coming, talking about horrific nightmares of them almost dying. Then, a few of them wound up dead." He explained. Allura looked at him in shock. "Hmm...?" The guy mumbled. "Do I know you from somewhere?" He asked.

"Maybe." Allura replied. His voice was strangely familiar.

"Eh, it's weird trying to recognize a sheep." He said. "Well, can't be lying around forever. Maybe I should talk to the others." He added. Allura thought she should do the same. She walks up the stairs, though makes a stop to Lance.

"Lance." She greeted, getting the boy's attention.

"Allura! Thank goodness you've made it. I was getting worried." He said with a bright expression, that seemed to shine light on this dark situation.

"I'm come very far. It's thanks to you." Allura said.

"Huh? What do you mean? What did I do?" Lance asked, innocently confused.

"You gave me encouragement when I needed it. Your music helped guide me to the top." She replied, happily. Lance smiled back and continued playing.

"You know," he began. "I think I'm starting to regain some of my memory." He admitted. Allura looked at him in amassment. "I remember playing the guitar, when I was younger, and my Mama, I think, was clapping and smiling at me, then gave me a big hug." He recounted.

"That's wonderful, Lance." Allura praised. The talk reminded her of her own mother, who sadly passed away about 2 years ago. Now that she thought of it, she and her father hadn't been talking as much as they had since then, and around that time, she and Shiro had grown apart as well.

"Allura? Are you okay?" Lance asked, snapping Allura out of her remembrance.

"Oh, yes. Just thinking." She replied, then a thought came to her. "Your Mother, she must be worried sick. Hopefully we can get your memory back and find her." She said, then noticed a look on Lance's face. "What's wrong?" She asks.

"I'm, honestly, a little scared to remember. What if I'm not the person I am now? What if I remember things wrong? What if I don't see you again, or if you like me anymore?" He voiced his worries.

"Hey, it's okay. I'll always be by your side Lance. When you get your memories, and when you go find your mother." She promised.

"Thanks, Allura." He said back. With that, Allura walked up to the platform to the other sheep. She recognized the Purple Jacket Sheep, and went over to him.

"Was that, really Allura?" He asked himself, and the girl stopped. He knew her? "How, poetic, she appears once again, when my life is like this. But, I can't rely on her this time. We're not kids anymore." He mumbled to himself. Allura tried to get his attention, but it did nothing.

Getting nowhere with him, she walked over to another sheep. This one was babbling nonsense, saying things about men and women hate for each other, and apologizing over and over to some unseen. Allura tried to snap him out of it, but he wasn't listening. She decided to move on and found a familiar face. More precisely, familiar clothing.

"Oh?" The Regal Sheep said as Allura approaches. "It's you, isn't it." The female asked. "It's nice to see at least someone, "familiar", in this place." She said then sighed. "Why am I here? Is this some sort of punishment for refusing to marry?" She asks herself.

"Punished for refusing marriage?" Allura asked. Is that why they were being put here. She would fit the bill. But why?

"My mother wants me to marry a man she chooses, but I said no. She didn't say anything after that." The Regal Sheep explained. "Honestly, I don't know if it's even my choice at all. My mother often made decisions for me, and the servants always tended to me. Thinking back, when was the last time I had control? Or done anything myself?" She seemed to ask herself. Allura was stunned, thinking to her own circumstances, did she still have control over her life. No!

"You can have control. It's your life. You should live it how you want to!" She exclaims. Surprising the Regal Sheep.

"My, you're an interesting one." She giggled. "Thank you, no one has said that to me before." She added. Allura nodded and went to another familiar sheep.

"Oh, it's you again." The Headband Sheep said. "You want something?" He asks.

"I just, wanted to wish you luck." Allura admitted.

"Yeah, well, luck will only get you so far." He said, then sighed. "Hey can I ask you something?" he asks.

"Sure." Allura replies.

"What do you see? What I mean, what chases you every night?" He asks her.

"It's different things actually. This horrible beast, and what I'm sure was my father and boyfriend." She answered.

"Yikes. That's rough." He sympathized. "Me personally, it's usually my wife." He admitted. "We've been having, marital problems lately. I wonder if she's the one who tossed me down here." He seemed to consider. Allura hoped not. She made her way to the other side of the platform, when she saw another familiar.

"It's you." She said and went up to the sheep, wearing a tie. "Oh, thank goodness you're alright. I was so worried." She said relieved, then noticed he didn't seem to be listening to her. "Excuse me?" She said.

"Dammit!" He exclaimed making her jump. That's when he noticed her. "Oh, it's you." He said almost apathetic.

"You taught me so much. When I didn't see you yesterday, I thought you didn't make it." Allura confided.

"Trust me, I'm not dying. Not until I see him again." He replied.

"Wait. Do you mean your family is down here!?" She asked, horrible images of her Father running for his life filled her mind.

"What? No. You don't get how it works down here, yet? Seriously? You don't?" He asked. Allura didn't understand. What did he mean? "Why are you even concerning yourself with others. You need to save your own ass down here!" He snapped and started to ignore her. With nothing else to say, she moves on to another sheep.

One talked about how Lance helped them to keep going, Allura wholeheartedly agreed. Then went on to say they had a drawing to finish and needed to get out to do that. It was that kind of thinking that would get them through this. Having a goal to live for. Allura moved to another sheep, this one talked about how Lance was special, and Allura was inclined to agree. She then moved on to a familiar group of sheep.

"I wonder why we've been tossed down here. Is it because I was cheating on my fiance? I guess this is fair then." The Spike-Hat Sheep said.

"Even if that is a horrible thing to do, no one deserves this torture." Allura rebuffed.

"I knew I liked you." The Glasses Sheep said. "Though, if this does have something to do with lovers, me and my boyfriend have been pretty strained lately." She admitted.

"Me? I'm single right now, but I have a few past lovers who are probably mad at me." The Beanie-Hat Sheep said next. That got Allura thinking, from what everyone said, it seemed those with a troubled relationship were being put here. Was that what the Tie Wearing Sheep was talking about? If that was it, she defiantly fit the bill then.

"I see." Allura mumbled.

"Before you go, want to share some techniques?" Glasses Sheep asked. Allura decided to take up on her offer and they shared some climbing strategies with each other. She then made her way to the confessional.

"Welcome back, little lamb." The voice seemed to mock.

"You know, I talked to everyone, and it seems that you're targeting people who have relationship issues." Allura said. She found the voice especially infuriating.

"Is that so?" The voice said back.

"Why are you doing this? Why are you targeting people who are in trouble like that? Why must you bring them here?" She asked.

"You're perceptive. It seems you're on the right path, but you still don't quite get it yet." The voice said.

"What do you mean?" Allura asked.

"You're to have to find out for yourself." The voice replied. "Now, for the next question."

Fifth Question: Do you care what other people think of you?

Yes, of course<<

No, it doesn't matter<<

"Hmm... I see. So you chose that one. I'm getting to know you better." The voice said. "Now, would you like to know, this is the fourth floor. Pass this, and you'll be halfway to the Pinnacle." It says.

"Really?" Allura asked hopefully.

"Yes, if you make it that is." The voice said. "Well, have luck at the next trial. Let's see if you can outrun this terror." They seem to mock.

"What is it this time?" Allura asked. The voice just laughed, not answering and she found herself being taken to the next area. She had a bad feeling about it.

Allura stepped out cautiously onto the area. She knew something was coming. But just what exactly? That was the terrifying question.

"Maaa..." A voice spoke. Allura looked down, dreading what she would find.

"AH!" And promptly screamed in terror.

"Moommmy!" The thing screeched. It looked like a giant baby, only with awful rubbery skin, like a leech. It had bulging blue eyes and torn straggly white hair. The thing squirmed and wiggled, and had a pacifier hanging from its mouth.

"No! No! Get away! Stay away from me!" Allura screamed and began climbing.

The Child


*Goo-goo sounds*

Mama! where are you going!

Come back mama!

Mommy! Don't leave me!

I want to go with you too!

*crying sounds*

No! Please don't leave again!

Mommy! Come Back!


Allura made it, no thanks to that, thing and its shaking the block tower.

"I made it." She panted and opened the door.

"Ma-Mama!" The thing screeched as it appeared.

"I'm not your mother!" Allura screamed.

"Come back! Mama!" It said and went to grab Allura.

"Go away! Get away, you, monster!" She screamed. Just then, the light from the door burned the monster baby and destroyed it like the others. "Thank goodness, that was close." Allura said and went through the door.


"This is amazing Allura." Shiro said as he took a bite of the food Allura just cooked.

"Well, it is a special day." Allura said. "It's officially been a year since we've started dating." She announced.

"Yeah, hard to believe we've already been dating for a year, huh." He said. the two smile and toast each other.

"You know, Shiro, we should do something special." Allura suggested.

"You're right." Shiro agreed. "And I know just where to start." He said and got up and went over to his girlfriend and started nuzzling her ear.

"Shiro!" She said while laughing.

"Come one babe!" The man said and led her to the bed, the two laughing happily.

-Flashback End-

Those were happy times. Simply times. Whatever happened to them? It wasn't just the marriage suggestion. We were already drifting apart before that. He probably thought it was the only way to save what we had, before it was too late. I don't... want to lose it, but... do I even still have it? ............Mom?

Next Chapter>

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