It was just a regular day. Allura was walking down the street. As she neared an alleyway, she suddenly found herself being knocked into and falling down to the ground with something on top of her.
"Nngh... What the-?" She groaned then looked up to see someone on top of her. The person lifts themselves up a little, to reveal they were a young boy, with beautiful mocha colored skin, soft coco brown hair, and probably the deepest blue eyes she had ever seen. She blushed, entranced by this boy's beauty.
"Uh! Oh no! I'm sorry!" The boy apologized when he noticed he was on her. "I didn't hurt you? Did I?!" he asked frantically.
"N-no! I'm alright." Allura answered. Just then, a loud sound, like stomping was heard, and the ground shook, startling them both. "What in the world?" Allura asked confused, then noticed the boy's scared expression.
"Ah! It's going to get me!" He shouted as he looked at the alleyway he came from, where the shaking and loud sounds were coming from. Allura then noticed a large shadowy silhouette.
"What?! Wha-what is that?!" She said out loud.
"Please! Help me! I can't let it get me!" The boy pleaded. Allura could tell how scared he was. She looked at the approached silhouette, then up at the boy. She got out from under him and quickly took his hand.
"Quickly! Follow me!" She said and pulled the boy along, and down a hole in the sidewalk to hide. "Shh..." She instructed him and remained quiet as the loud stomping sounds could be heard. After some time, the noise quieted and eventually faded away. Allura let out a breath she didn't realize she was holding and climbed out of the hole, then helped the boy up as well.
"Are you alright?" She asked and the boy nodded. She looked to where she last heard the sound coming from, then back to the boy. "What was that? And why was it after you?" She asked. The boy looked down, then touched a hand to his head.
"I-I can't remember. Anything." He admitted. Allura gasped. He had amnesia.
"Do you at least know you're name?" She asked.
"Lance..." The boy answered.
Allura opened the door before her, and found herself on some sort of platform made up of strange blocks. She walked onto the platform and yelped when she nearly fell off the edge.
"What? Where am I?" She asked herself then noticed she was in her whitish pink silk nightgown. "Wha-What is this?!" She exclaimed and tried to cover herself. She then heard a noise and looked over the edge to see the bottom blocks of the platform falling. "Wha-What's going on?!" She exclaimed then heard a voice.
"Hurry up and climb!" The voice said. It sounded like a male's.
"Wh-who's there?! Where is this?!" She asked in return.
"Save your breath and start climbing! If you fall, you'll die!" The voice urge.
"D-Die?!" Allura exclaimed then noticed the falling blocks again and started climbing up the blocks when she heard the voice again.
"Move the blocks around to make a path. You can only move one block at a time right?" The voice said. Allura was unsure, but she then started to move the blocks around when she started hitting dead ends. She found a few different blocks, one she could move, others she couldn't, and a bunch combined together.
"Listen carefully, because this is important." The voice suddenly said. "These blocks aren't normal. They'll lock in place and support your weight, even they're only connected by the edges." The voice explained. Allura moved a block to an edge, but it didn't drop. Like the voice said, it was connected at the edge.
"What?! How is this possible?! What about gravity?!" Allura exclaims confused.
"Don't think about it, just climb! If all works out, we'll meet again." The voice said.
"Wait! Don't go!" Allura begged the voice.
"No time! Just hurry!" The voice urged, and Allura continued climbing. She climbed up as fast as she could, as she got higher she suddenly heard a ringing, like a bell, and followed it. She soon came to another door at the top.
"Can I get out through here?" She asked herself and opened the door, a light shinned from inside. Suddenly she heard a groaning noise and looked down to see silhouettes of hands coming up and towards. "Ahh!" She screamed and quickly ran through the door, as it closed behind her.
"*Gasp!*" Allura gasped as she awoke in her bed in her apartment. She panted as she sat up. "Uh, what a truly horrible dream..." She sighed, then felt something wet on the bed. She got up and uncovered the bed to see a certain "wet spot". "Arrgh!" She groaned. Just great. Suddenly her phone rang, making her jumped before then picking it up and answering. "Hello?" She greeted, then sighed when she saw the "wetness" on her nightgown too.
"Allura?" She straightened up at the familiar voice.
"Father? Well hello. This is a surprise. What's the occasion?" Allura asked. They hadn't spoken for a bit with their busy schedules.
"I just thought that I'd check in on my favorite daughter." The man on the other line replied.
"I'm your only daughter, and child." Allura stated, taking out some clothes to change into.
"Yes, yes you are." Alfor said lovingly. "So how is work dear?" he asked.
"It's going fine." She answered simply.
"And how are things going with Shiro?" He asked next.
"Things are going great. We're really happy together." Allura answered.
"Oh, I'm glad to hear it. You know, I always liked that boy." Alfor comments. "Hey, sweetie, how long have you two been together now?" He suddenly asked in a different tone. Allura blinked. That was out of the blue.
"Um, a few years now, I guess. Why?" She answers then asked.
"Look, honey, you're not going to be young forever." He says. "You're at that age. So, don't you think it's time for you two to truly get serious?" He asked and Allura was stunned. Was he implying, what she thinks he's implying?!
"What?!" She said surprised, she needed to end this call, fast. "Sorry father, but I need to get ready for work! We'll talk later!" She says hastily.
"Wait! Allu-!" The man was caught off as the woman hung up. She sighed then took the sheets from her bed and tossed them into the wash. She was about to get her clothes when the phone started ringing again. She picks her phone back up and answered.
"Father! I told you! Not now!" She said into the receiver, but found it was actually her boss. "Oh, sorry Ma'am!" She apologized. "Yes! I'll be there soon!" She said back and went to get ready.
Later, Allura met up with her long-time boyfriend Shiro, at their favorite café. Allura was unfocused at the moment, just starring at Shiro's tapping fingers.
"Hey! Where'd you go? Snap out of it!" At the sound of her boyfriend's voice, she finally snaps out of her daze. "Hey, were you listening?" Shiro asked.
"Y-yes, sorry." Allura replied.
"Hey, are you okay? You've been pretty out of it lately. Spacing out left and right." Shiro asked her concerned.
"Oh, I'm sorry. I had to work early today." Allura replied and rubbed her forehead. Shiro smiled at her.
"So, you getting anything extra then?" He asked.
"Extra? For what?" Allura asked.
"For all the overtime you've been doing." Shiro clarified.
"Oh, it hasn't really crossed my mind actually." Allura admitted.
"So you're not?" Shiro asked, but noticed Allura was spaced out again. "Hey!" He called and the girl was startled out of it.
"Oh! What!?" She asked.
"Are you sure you're okay?" Shiro asked again. Allura looked down at her lap, her hands fidgeting.
"I... The truth is, my father, he had called me today. He was asking about our relationship." She admits. "It just got me thinking." She adds.
"I hear ya, my bro's been calling me too." Shiro admits. "Hey, Allura, how many years have we been together?" He suddenly asks. That was unexpected.
"Uhh..." She said speechless at the moment. "H-how long was it? We've been together for a while, I can't remember." She thought. "Uh, how many?" She said.
"I was asking you." Shiro said. She felt dumb at that moment, then that dream from last night popped up.
"Hey, Shiro." She said getting her boyfriend's attention. "Have you ever had a dream, where you died?" She asked.
"You mean, where you're in danger?" Shiro asked.
"No, like you literally die. Like, you're being killed, or something." She elaborates.
"Uh... not really." Shiro replies. "Look, we're getting off track here. We've been together for a while now, so maybe it's time to take it to the next step." He suggests, Allura is unsure.
"So basically he's suggesting you guys get married?" It was now late evening, and Allura was at the local bar, hanging out with her two friends, Pidge and Hunk.
"That's awesome man!" Hunk congratulated, then noticed Allura's downcast look. "Not awesome?" He reworded.
"Hey, what's the matter? I'd thought you be happy." Pidge asked. "Then again, never thought I'd see the day you get married." She added.
"It's not that, I just feel we're rushing into this, is all." Allura replied. "I love Shiro, but I don't think I'm actually ready for marriage yet." She admitted.
"You're not getting any younger you know." Pidge comments.
"Thank you, Father has already pointed that out." Allura snapped. At her friends' confused looks she decided to explain. "He called earlier and was asking me about how life was going. Then he brought up Shiro and my age, and it looks like he was suggesting we get married as well." She sighed. "First that nightmare, now this." She groaned, could this day any more frustrating.
"Nightmare?" Hunk asked nervously.
"That reminds, you guys here about that "Mystery Death" this morning?" Pidge asked and directed to the TV where they were showing a broadcast about said death. "Apparently the guy had been found dead in his bed. Maybe we'll die too." She said and added creepily.
"Dude! Don't say that!" Hunk complained.
"Please, I don't need another nightmare." Allura added.
"Yeah, what is this about a nightmare anyway?" Pidge asked.
"I don't remember what is was about, but it was horrifying. So much I actually wet the bed for the first time since kindergarten." Allura admitted.
"Seriously? How old are you again?" Pidge asked with a chuckle.
"Twenty-eight." Allura replied simply.
"I know." Pidge rebuffed. "Hmm, twenty-eight, only two years until thirty. All the more reason to tie the knot now." She teased.
"Again, father already pointed that out." Allura groaned. Hunk and Pidge then started to get up.
"Gotta get going now. See ya!" Pidge said as she and Hunk left the bar. Allura sighs and leaned over.
"Hey." The woman looked up to see Nyma. The waitress and personal acquaintance.
"Hello, Nyma." Allura greeted. "So how did Lance's interview go?" She asked.
"It went great. He starts working here tomorrow." Nyma replied.
"Oh good, I'm glad. He seems to be doing better." Allura comments.
"Indeed. You helped a lot. And Lance is such a darling." Nyma comments, suddenly a voice called. "Oh, got to get back to work. See ya." She said and went to get the customer their order. Just then Lance, walked up.
"Oh Lance, I heard you got the job. Is everything okay now?" She asked the boy.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure." He replied. "Um, Allura, I wanted to say thanks. Not just for saving me, but also finding me a place to stay and a job. I was terrified... I couldn't remember a thing, but you helped me." He said with a bright smile.
"No problem, I couldn't abandon someone who needs help, and who has amnesia on top of that." Allura replied. "I look forward to your performance tomorrow night." She added with a gentle smile.
"Me too. I hope you like it." Lance says then walks away.
Allura then thought back to her father and Shiro. Marriage. Yeah, she loved Shiro, and she understood what her father was saying, but she just, didn't feel ready. She sighed and went back to drinking, quietly thinking to herself.
"Well hello there. Aren't you a little young to be here."
"I'm in my twenties, I can take it. Though this usually isn't my crowd."
"Oh, you're with her, then by all means..."
"Excuse me." Allura, already a little tipsy, looked up to see a young man. "Mind if I sit here?" He asked. That's when things went dark.
Next Chapter>
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