
Hello :) This is the Epilogue because, their is no longer a sequel... And it's in third person so... Let us begin!

Originally Finished on November 29th 2012.


Harry sat in his flat, when his beautiful baby girl came into the room, however, she was no longer a baby. Darcy, today, was fourteen. It was a while after the band had parted ways, Harry hated leaving his best friends, but he also had a child to raise.

"Hi Daddy." She smiled. He got up and wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

"Jesus, you're getting tall." He smiled at his daughter. She shook her head, flashing her mother's signature smile. Harry noticed as Darcy aged, the two girls were very alike. Same smile, despite her dimple she gained from her dad. Her eyes matched her mother's. Her hair color. Although she did have a bit of wave, again from Harry's side.

"I'm not tall, you're still a giant. I'm only 5'5." Harry chuckled.

"Go get dressed, I have a surprise for you birthday girl." She looked down at her flannel pajama bottoms and hoodie.

"Oh I get it, my attire isn't Harry Styles material." She joked. Harry laughed once more and pushed her in the direction of her room. She went off to get dressed, leaving Harry to think about all the years. He met her 10 years ago. 10. And over those 10 years it was hard. Hardest 10 years of his life. Then again, raising a child alone is never easy. Harry, had never gotten Married. He didn't need too. He didn't want to. His daughter always asked why he didn't date, occasionally when she went over a friend's house. Harry would be 'busy' as some would say. And He was perfectly fine with that. Darcy and Harry. Harry and Darcy. They had grown attached to each other. More of a best friend relationship. Of course, Harry still had his father part of him, but he was only tough on her when he needed to be. And usually felt so guilty afterwards, that they made up quickly.

Darcy returned to the room, doing a little spin. Her Hollister jeans, snug on her legs. Converse on her feet. ¾ sleeved shirt. But Harry noticed something that made him grin.

"Are those...?" He pointed to the hanging bands around her waist.

"Suspenders? Oh look!" She turned them to her dad. "Tomlinson." Harry laughed.

"I remember when he gave those to you. You were only 7 and thought it was rope. But now I guess you're hipster now hmm?" He teased.

"Ha. Ha. So funny. I'm dieing. You had a shirt that said 'Hipsta Please' so, don't think I don't remember just cause I was like 5." They both grinned at each other before there was a knock at the door. Harry went to open the door before he was attacked at the legs by a little giggling boy.

"Uncle Hazza!" The boy smiled. Zayn picked up the small child.

"Hello Dylan." Harry smiled at the small 4 year old. He had eyes like his father. Of course, That just happened to be Zayn. "Zayn, how ya doing, thanks for coming." They hugged briefly.

"Let me see my niece I haven't seen her in 4 months!" Zayn said setting down the small boy. The boy ran inside and Darcy squealed when She saw her Uncle.

"Zayn!" She said. She launched herself into his arms as he pecked her forehead. Harry chuckled as another female approached.

"Hey Harry." The dark skinned girl smiled. He hugged her.

"Hi Tay, how's mummy doing?"

"Mummy Taylor is good. My mum couldn't make it, she sent me with gifts though." Harry looked at the bag on the steps and took it from the girl.

"It's alright, Darcy figured. Ya know, America. Kinda far." The two nodded.

Over time, the full gang arrived. Not only Zayn. Niall came knocking next, holding hands with his lovely Nicki. His wife to be. Then Liam. With his wife, Danielle. Whom had gotten back together, prior to the band separating. Also their little girl. Only 4, just like Dylan. And was named. Lilly. Which always made Harry chuckle because of Lilly and LiLi. Liam's nickname once given to him by his mates. But Harry's was missing one person.


Louis and Harry hadn't talked in a while. Although he'd get the occasional 'Happy birthday Hazza.' 'Merry Christmas You two' 'Tell Darcy Happy birthday for me.' Over Twitter, but he understood why. It was awkward for them. After their whole "I kinda liked you hooked up with you broke you're heart and now we're like strangers" It wasn't easy being a single parent. And it wasn't easy not having someone who was a big part of his life around anymore. Harry often thought about Louis, looked him up, trying to find his address to send him a birthday card or Christmas present, but it wasn't easy.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. The gang was chatting, the kids playing on the floor. Darcy talking to the adults. But She got up, and went to the door.

There it was, a shrill shriek. That brought everyone to the attention of the source. Darcy came in the room, moments later, crying her eyes out. Her mascara running, as Louis was holding her hand.

"Oh my God Louis!" Liam spoke up first. Everyone flew up to hug the man. Darcy, still crying at the person she hadn't seen in 8 years. She would talk to him on Skype sometimes. When it was possible.

Harry stood facing Louis, still in shock.

"Hello Harry." He smiled.

"Hi Louis... How- How have you been?"

"Oh you know... Afghanistan." Louis smiled.

Yep. You heard right. Louis, was in service. Also another reason why he didn't keep much contact with the boys. He cleaned up his act. Whatever act that was. He stopped drinking, and basically disappeared from the world for a year, later they all figured out from Louis Mum, that Louis was now on battlefields. Defending all he loved. Putting his life on the line. Everyone was shocked. They didn't know Louis would even think about going into service, but he did. And he was damn proud of it. He received medals, many medals. He had beefed up a bit too, but Louis, was still Louis. The Louis with the golden voice, who sold millions of records. Who made teenagers faint. Scream. Cry. He was still Louis.

"I bet." Harry replied. The two looked at each other for a moment, before Harry nearly toppled the man down. Jumping on him for a hug, bursting into tears. "I missed you Lou." Louis let out a small chuckle as he rubbed the younger boy's back.

"I could say the same, so how's this little girl on you?" He asked taking Darcy into him. She hiccuped and hugged him once more. "Why are you all crying? Am I that bad?" Louis asked. The gang chuckled, an array of sniffles from all the boys.

"Jesus Lou we just... We never know." Louis nodded.

"Always afraid to get the call." He stated. The gang nodded. "Well, I'm on a bit of a release, so I decided I'd pay a visit to my boys... And my mum of course or she'd piss on me." Darcy smiled Into Louis chest. "Darcy stop crying love." He said starting to choke. He was always a sucker for those green-blue eyes she owned.

"I can't I just missed you so much and I wore you're suspenders and I still have your sailor shirt and-" Louis shushed her.

"I know. I know. No need to be upset though. Don't be upset on your birthday. It's no fun!" Louis grinned, making his eyes wide at the girl. She nodded.

"I love you Louis."

"I love you to Darcy."

Eventually everyone calmed down over Louis presence, enough to enjoy Darcy's 14th birthday. Harry got the cake out, and placed 14 candles in it for the occasion. Only to have Louis wrap his arms around his shoulders.

"She really misses you I don't think you know." Harry told him without looking away from the cake.

"How is she?"

"Alright. Good in school. Couple boyfriends-"

"What's a couple?" Louis asked shocked.

"I have no idea. She's good though. She's very bright. Like her Mum. Shows everyday." Louis smiled at the boy.

"You're doing great Haz- Harry." Louis corrected. Harry frowned.

"Louis I'm still Hazza. You can call me Hazza, you gave me the nickname."

"I know. I just... Harry?" Harry hummed in reply looking for matches to light the candle with. "I umm... I've just missed you the most." Louis confessed. Harry froze. He looked up at Louis with tears in his eyes. "I don't regret it. I really don't. I just... It's never safe ya'know? I never know anymore. Never know if there is someone behind me. I just. I love you. As a brother. As a friend. And, I just feel bad for leaving."

"Louis, you went to war! I'm proud. I'm so proud." He hugged the shorter boy. Louis paled.

"Harry... I'm not on break." Louis confessed.

"What?" Louis pulled up his sleeve. "I got... I got shot." Harry's throat tightened. "I'm not going back. But....I just thought you should know how I feel before I leave."



"You're moving?" Harry asked shaking hands and sniffling.

"Harry?! Where's the cake." Louis pulled Harry into the bathroom.

"It's for the best. I promise."

"But you're alone!"

"Harry?! I can't be here! I have PTSD! I'll just sit her and suffer. I need help." Harry shook his head.

"I'll help you-"


"Listen to me! I'll help you! Darcy loves you! Hell I love you! We can work this out!"

"Daddy?" Darcy's voice rang out.

"Say you'll stay."






Louis And Harry, now live together. Louis has healed. Darcy is a bright sixteen year old. Many people still think that Harry and Louis are in a relationship, but after Louis' service, they chose not to be publicised anymore. Although the Paparazzi would see them and snap pictures, they ignored every comment. Only they knew what they were. Friends or more, we will never no.

Zayn and Taylor, married and have a beautiful boy named Dylan. A dark brunette like Taylor, olive skin like Zayn, and shining hazel eyes.

Niall and Nicki, the dynamic duo. They are happily married with twins. Gadge and Bella. Girl and a boy. Boy blonds with Blue eyes like Niall, but personalities like their mother. Exactly like their mother. Sweet, funny, unique, and all around Loveable.

Liam and Danielle are both, again insanely happy. With their daughters Lilly and Emma. Lilly a big sister to Baby Emma who looks just like Liam, as Lilly, cloning her mother.

Lizzie, happily lives in America with her 12 year old son, Brandon. No contact with his father, and he doesn't mind a bit. Harry comes to visit with Louis and Darcy often so the two don't get lonely, but overall, the small family is good.

Darcy, still goes to her mother. Sometimes bringing her father along, but he often comes alone. They both bring flowers to set. But what always remains a dear friend to the pair is that bear.

That bear that Darcy didn't give up. Not ever. She was often questioned about the bear, then she explains the story of her mother.

The story of Darcy Anne Styles.



So that was it. Wow. PLOT F*CKING TWIST!

I liked it though. It was fun to write. kinda sad though... Wanted this to be a 2012 type thing but the original date is at the top so. Yep. I'm weird Like that. I HOPE YOU LIKED THE ENDING! The sequel was just pointless in my opinion so... Alternative ending I guess?

Wow. It's over now. Completely. Teenage Darcy is kinda fun I think. I don't know.... Hmm Oh.. Well.


I love each and everyone of you and I send you one free butt touch for Louis. Oh yeah, aren't I deep ;)

Bye guys, thanks again! Much Love!

-Vannah Banana (B-a-n-a-n-n-a-s A-R-E G-o-O-D) < my kindle added this after I said banana not me...

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