Chapter 40 The End Part II
-Louis point of View-
"Call me?" The bubbly brunette winked as she left my house. I rolled over the side of the bed and let tears fall. I just slept with someone. I don't even know her name to be honest. I felt a tear trickle down my cheek. F*CK! I HATE MYSELF! I just used some poor innocent girl because I can't stop being an idiot. Im such an asshole! With all this Harry drama and the tour what else am I gonna do my last day!
You know what actually? F*ck it. I'm a grown adult I can do whatever and whoever the hell I want. Harry is some kid. Yep Harry is still a kid. A kid who got a girl knocked up and now he has an adorable daughter. I don't care about Harry. I'm not gay. Our friendship is bullshit. F*ck it! I got up and got a bottle of vodka from the cabinet and several shot glasses. I poured the liquor in each one and drank it down til the heart ache stopped. OKAY DAMN! I'm really messed up right now. But, It's my last night a little drunken party couldn't kill me? Although its only like 17:00? (5 pm) I got more alcohol and just drank. Drank til I could see the floor move. Til the walls had faces. Til Harry doesn't exist.
-Harry point of View-
"HARRY LETS GO ALREADY MY GIRLFRIEND IS WAITING!" Zayn shouted at me. I adjusted my bow tie in the mirror and straightened out my blazer in the mirror before smiling, satisfied, and rushing out of my bedroom to meet Zayn, Liam, and Niall. We were all in nice clothes. Liam was in a suit vest with a white collared shirt underneath with black trousers. Niall had basically the same get up except he was in a gray sweater with the sleeves pulled up to his elbows. Zayn wore a black blazer with a white button down and black trousers. And I wore a gray blazer, suit vest, black button down, and yes, black trousers. No sign of Louis though.
"Where is Louis?" I asked pulling my jacket sleeves up my arms a bit. Liam frowned.
"He canceled I guess. Said he had a girl come over." I frowned. He really bounces back. Oh well. I'm happy he's moved on. I should too. I got my little girl, and flings are to.... secretive. I'm proud of Zayn for admitting his relationship early. Although we shouldn't, he did. It shows he cares about his girlfriend... My niece. God we have so many awkward moments it's scary.
"Alright lets go I'm not gonna be late." Zayn stated as we opened the door. I grabbed my keys and phone as we left the house to go meet the girls.
-Lizzie Point of View-
"Ready?" I asked Taylor. She opened the door. She looked amazing in the dress Zayn got her. It was blue and beautiful. It matched her eyes quite nicely. Although it was short, it was still adorable on her. Blue ruffling at the bottom, a thin gold line below the bust line with detailing. Her nails were painted white. Her makeup met her blue eyes with ease. She walked downstairs smiling. I gazed over her, still in shock. She looked incredible. But what stood out most, was a silver necklace. A heart with a loop. Odd, I don't think I've seen that on her.
"Honey you look beautiful. I love the necklace. Where is it from?" I asked. She blushed and ran the heart back and forth on the chain. At that same moment Little Darcy ran out off nowhere. She looked cute in purple dress. Although that panda hat that Harry calls her "trademark" has yet to come off her head.
"It was a gift. From a friend. A best friend." She smiled. I gave her a confused look, but before I could continue, the doorbell rang. I slipped away from Taylor, holding my own dress in my hands so I wouldn't trip. I opened the door to reveal 4 finely dressed boys... Men if you will. Darcy leaped on Harry, whom he picked up and placed a kiss on her cheek. She giggled. They were such a cute pair. Harry gazed at me and smiled.
"You look great Lizzie" Harry greeted. I invited the boys in as I had to get my purse and shoes and such. Taylor walked int the room putting on a pair of black pumps. We all smiled at her, except for Zayn. He nearly drooled. I kid you not. She just grinned at him. When we all caught sight of the necklace however, his face turned into a large smile. She put on her other shoe, then locked hands with Zayn. Oh young Love. Those were the days... Jesus Lizzie, you aren't that old. Your only a few years older than Louis.... Louis isn't here? He isn't with us?
"Alright Lets get going our flight is here at 1 so lets get to it" Niall announced. I nodded.
"You go out to the car, Harry, can you help me get my purse. In My Room?" I said putting exaggeration to the 'In My Room'. He gave me a confused look and handed Darcy of to Liam. The others left and he didn't follow. I shut the door quickly.
"What do you need help with?" He asked. I rolled my eyes.
"Harry, where is Louis." His heart sunk. I could see it in his eyes #Mamaknowsbest.
"He's with some girl apparently. Liam told me he canceled." He sighed
"Have you talked to him?" I asked nearly too quickly. Harry dimly shook his head. I wrapped my arms around his torso. He hugged back. "Do you still love him?" I asked into his blazer.
"I don't think in that way. I still cared about him. He makes me worried. Like I finally put an end to all this cutting and all this sadness and he just sleeps around with other people. He knows it breaks my heart why does he do that." He asked resting his head on my shoulder.
"I don't know babe. But you know I had been asked the same question a few years ago by someone very close to me." I replied brushing his curls off his face a bit.
"Who? Taylor?" He grinned.
"Marie. She wasn't in the best shape when you left. Actually, she was torn to bits. When she was in the hospital. She got a tattoo of you and Darcy's name. By my friend Derek actually. She loved you a lot. More than anyone. Except Darcy. That was even. Harry, she saw you plastered on magazines with 30 year olds, 16 year olds, 20 year olds. She was ripped up. And seeing your name on her body seemed to hurt her more. But it was love Harry. And I know you love her too. But she knows exactly how you feel." I told him. A tear burned down his cheek.
"How can I live without Marie. I'm a mess just thinking about her. So what if its been 6 months with Darcy, she needs a mother. And that mother can only be Marie." He sniffled. I wiped the tear off his cheek.
"That's something only you can figure out Harry. Give Darcy whatever she needs." I whispered to him. He nodded.
"We should get going. The boys are waiting." He awkwardly smiled and got up. I nodded and got my shoes and purse before walking out with Harry, arms linked.
-Zayn Point of View- Several hours later-
"So this is it huh?" Taylor sadly smiled. Darcy was asleep wrapped up in Harry's blazer. Her head in Lizzie's lap as she sucked her thumb ever so slightly. Harry stared at her half smiling. He was hurting bad. The fact that for 3 months he wouldn't see her. It made me sad just to think we wouldn't have our little ball of joy with us for just a week. I can't imagine what Harry's feeling. And it's 3 months. There is no telling what he'll do. I hope he doesn't cut. If he does, we'll have to cancel the tour and Harry will have to go into serious rehab. I hope Taylor is okay. She's seemed off ever since her dad. I would be too. The fact that a criminal is running lose, threatening you and your family. Talk about horrifying. I don't even know how she can sleep at night. Jeez how will I sleep at night?
"Oh c'mon Tay. We have Skype." Liam assured her. She nodded. I moved my hand over her's.
"What about you Haz, what's on your mind." Harry had his head in his hand. His green eyes still stuck on the little girl that was asleep before him.
"Have you talked to Louis?" He asked Liam quickly. Liam shook his head. "Maybe I should check on him. I'm a bit worried about him." He confessed.
"Harry, he's a grown man he can do for himself." Liam tried to stop him. Harry shook his head.
"No it's okay. I want to see him. He wanted to see Darcy before he left, and he hasn't." He said getting up.
"He saw her at the house." Liam told him. Liam really didn't want him to go.
"Yeah Harry Liam is right, If he wanted to see her, he would have came over." Harry shook his head. He kissed his daughters forehead.
"Call if she asks for me." Harry smiled. And like that he was off. Taylor sighed and dropped her head in her palms.
"He's gonna get his heart broken isn't he" Niall muttered. Liam nodded. His head turned to Taylor.
"Hey Tay, where'd you get that necklace, its nice." Liam smiled. Taylor locked hands with me under the table.
"Zayn gave it to me. This afternoon actually." She grinned running the heart along the chain. Lizzie smiled at us. Niall and Liam exchanged smirks.
"I guess we should get this little one to bed yeah?" Lizzie suggested. Sadly we all nodded. Knowing that Darcy wouldn't be with us for a long time. We got up after paying for the dinner. I held a tight grip on my girlfriends hand and handed my blazer off to Liam, whom was holding Darcy. Niall had his arm wrapped around Lizzie's waist. We opened the door only to be blasted with camera flashes of the paps. My grip tightened as we navigated our way to the car. Darcy still was asleep on Liam's shoulder, which was a surprise. Although she was hidden from the paparazzi so it was hard to tell.
-Harry point of view-
I arrive at Louis house after a brisk walk in the cold. I walked up to the complex and rang the buzzer. No reply.
"Louis, its me" I said. The door unlocked, but still no reply. I opened the door and hurried up the stairs. With each step closer to his apartment, it smelt more and more like vodka. Oh god. I opened the door slowly.
"Who the FUCK is that!" I heard him slur. I walked into the darkened room. He stood a shadow by the window. Drinking like a maniac.
"Louis?" I asked softly. He turned on the lights. His face looked horrid to be honest. His eyes were red, stubble on his face, tears falling from his eyes. He wore a hoodie, a black t shirt and sweat pants. The hood over his head. His hair stuck out looking like a mess.
"What Harry!? WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!" He shouted. He was deranged.
"Louis calm down-"
"NO HARRY NO LEAVE ME ALONE!" He freaked out and sent the bottle crashing to the floor. It shattered. Louis bent down and tried to pick it up.
"Louis you're bleeding!" I said crouching down. I carefully brushed the glass out of his hand when he winced. "Sorry, is it in your hand?" I asked.
"What, Why are you here?" He asked confused. I worked on trying to find glass bits as I answered.
"You didn't come to dinner and I got worried." I confessed. I don't even think he could comprehend my words he was that drunk, but he seemed to listen. Blood dripped from his hand. "Can you get up for me?" I asked. He nodded and I helped him up and over to the sink. I ran water and brought his hand under the tap, earning a small wince from his lips. I put a ran over it and the bleeding stopped.
"Where is Darcy?" He asked.
"The others... We have to leave soon you know maybe you should wash up or something." I suggested. He scoffed and shook his head.
"What's wrong with me. I mean I just slept with 3 girls before you came here. What the fuck is going on in my head." He giggled to himself. His words put a knife in my breathing. "Not only that. I'm drinking alcohol like no tomorrow. And guess the reason Harry guess!" He smiled.
"Why Lou?"
"YOU! Y-O-U! I hated the fact that I couldn't have you that I slept with 3 girls and drank 3 bottles of this shit Harry. 3! uno dos tres!" He laughed.
"Louis it's not funny you're drunk and-"
"Would it be wrong to say I love you?" He asked turning towards me. My heart stopped.
"I love you. I love you more than.... MORE THAN THIS!" He giggled. Wow okay drunk Louis is scary
"Louis you're drunk-"
"And you're sober! Ya goofball! Loosen up Haz. C'mon have a bit of fun! Hmmm?"
"No Louis stop you are wasted and you need to stop."
"No Harry fuck you!" He sang. I took Louis good hand and made him look me in the eye.
"LOUIS STOP IT! CALM DOWN!" I demanded. He scrunched up his face and turned sickly. I turned him towards the sink just before he expelled every alcoholic beverage in his system. I rubbed his back slightly. He rest his head against the faucet once he was done.
"Do you still love me" He mumbled. I was in shock at his words. I opened my mouth but no words came out. "I didn't think so either. But can you stay? Can you help me get ready to leave?" He asked.
"Louis I have to take care of...." I saw the pain and how helpless he looked. He needed me. "Okay, but I need to see Darcy before we leave okay? It's important to me."
"Don't worry. I'll be quick with your help." He seemed to be slowly fading back into my original Louis I know and love... Loved
-Liam Point of View-
"She's still asleep?" Niall asked me. We were all out of our nice clothes and in clothes we would wear on a plane. You know, sweat pants, hoodies, snap backs, the usual.
"Yep." I still had Darcy. Her head was on my chest, she was still wrapped in Zayn's blazer from earlier too. I don't think she moved a muscle since we left. Well, besides her thumb sucking habit. That's not for me to worry about though.
"Have you talked to Harry?" I asked Lizzie. Yes Lizzie was still here. She had to take DeeDee with her when she left. That's what really made me sad. She was so fun to have around. She always put a smile on your face. Now she just isn't gonna be with us for 3 months.
"He just sent a text." She said gawking at her phone. "He said he and Louis are on their way to the airport and to bring Darcy and his bag. He wants us to meet him there cause Louis is a bit ill" She sighed reading the text of her phone. I got up, still holding Darcy.
"I'll go get Zayn" Niall sadly announced. I nodded and exchanged glances with Lizzie.
"I'm sure gonna miss this munchkin." I mumbled kissing Darcy's head. Lizzie's smile turned solemn.
"She's gonna miss you guys too. And so will I" She smiled. She hugged the side of me that wasn't surrounded by Darcy's embrace. Lizzie is like the girl best friend you never had.
-Zayn Point of View-
I had my arm wrapped around Taylor's shoulders. She shivered and so did I. The fact I wouldn't see her for 3 months. The fact of what could happen to us in 3 months. It scared me. I mean I could do something stupid. She could do something stupid. We could break up just from missing each other to much. The options were limitless. But I'd stay in this. Because I know If I screw with Taylor, I screw with everyone. I screw Darcy, Lizzie, Harry, the boys, Taylor, worst of all, Michael. Yeah he's not one to negotiate with.... At all. But we just sat here in silence. Enjoying each others company. When suddenly an array of words flew from nowhere.
"Its time." Niall's voice echoed. I turned to face him. He looked sad, as did the rest of us.
"'C'mon babe. Off to America." Taylor smiled. She didn't even look at me. She just stared ahead. I pulled her up. She was wearing my clothes actually. She seemed comfortable, but uncomfortable, if that makes any sense.
"Hey." I said tilting her chin up so her eyes met mine. "You'll be okay babe" I whispered. She nodded.
"I hope." She softly replied. I pushed my lips to hers for a split second.
"You will" I smiled. She half smiled back.
-Harry Point of view-
"Baby don't cry" I cooed to my daughter. She was sobbing on my shoulder as we waited at the terminal. Louis was better, actually, much better after he cleaned up a bit. She continued crying.
"Don't go" She hiccuped.
"I don't want to Darce but I have to" My voice was breaking. The others had nearly done the same thing. Tay and Zayn were just sitting in silence, as he wiped her tears.
"No Daddy please." She cried.
"FLIGHT TO NEW YORK IS NOW BOARDING" The P.A said. Each sob got louder.
"Darcy please. Go with Auntie and be good." I said wiping my own tears.
"No No No Daddy don't go." Liam came over and kissed her head.
"Bye Dee Dee." He whispered. Her sobs got louder.
"Bye Princess" Niall smiled, he was nearly crying too. He kissed her cheek. Zayn kissed Tay then kissed Darcy goodbye too.
"Bye Energy ball." he dimly said. Louis approached her and smiled.
"Darce, you know we love you right?" She nodded. He wiped her damp cheeks. "Your mummy and Daddy are with you whenever Dee. Remember that. And anytime you want us, just call. But, after we land. Okay babe?" She cried and Louis move to her height. "Can uncle Lou have a kiss goodbye?" She leaned over and kiss Louis cheek, putting a smile on my face. "That's my girl. Love you babe, more than any girl I'll ever date... Or guy" He whispered. I knew that smile on my face showed dimples. Darcy looked up at me with sad eyes.
"I don't wanna say goodbye." She cried.
"I gotta go." I whispered.
"No!" She shouted. She clutched my jacket.
"Darcy, daddy has to go." Taylor sniffled. Darcy remain crying but Taylor took her away from me.
"I love you Darcy" I kissed her forehead, letting a tear slip into her hair
"I love you Daddy" (A/N haha I'm crying WHAT IS THIS!)
- ? Point of View-
They watched the plane take off. The boys were gone. And they wouldn't come back for 3 months. Darcy cried.
"Mum." Taylor asked her mother sadly. Lizzie was holding Darcy, whom had cried herself to sleep. "I don't know what to do." Taylor said. She began crying.
"I don't think any of us know what to do. None of us expected this to happen. No one expected you to fall for Zayn, Harry to find his child, Harry and Louis to end up like that" Lizzie told her.
Harry stared out his window, silently crying remembering every moment with his daughter. The pictures. The bear. The red bull. The cutting. Running away. The accident. The hospitals. The deep cut. Every last detail down to when they left.
Harry is a wise boy. He changed. In a good way. Not into a man. But into a gentlemen. He's still a goofball. He's still sensitive. He still put others first. Same with the other boys. He's an extraordinary father. He will do whatever to protect the ones he loves. And Harry loves the boys. his family, and Little Darcy more than anything I've ever seen. He's made mistakes. He's only human though.
I'm proud of Harry. And I'm proud He's Darcy's father. I'm proud I left her in his hands.
Hi, I'm Marie. Darcy's mother.
I decided to edit this author's note a year later. Yes it is about a year later. 10 months or so. September 2013. And I just wanted to tell you I see all the comments. All of them. I read all of them. And I delete a lot of them. I haven't been able to express enough how much I hate.... myself. And your comments? Some of them make me hate myself. Because I'm gay. And the hate I get on this book for making a gay couple, okay. For making a plot twist. It feels like high school. It feels like being told I'm useless. And a waste. And that I ruin everything. And I know you guys have written that. I KNOW. I see it. I leave a few hate comments up. But I deleted 34 in one night. 34. 34 'you ruined the book.' 'Being gay ruins the book.' 'Worst story ever' 'I hate you now.' Okay. No. No you act like I don't hate me too. But for all of you who have left me one of those. Even If it wasn't meant to be offensive. Fuck you. Honest to god fuck. You. Because this has never left me more affected. Never. I feel like I should kill myself seeing those. AND WHAT'S EVEN BETTER?! Some of you have said that to me. I changed the story for you. And I hope you're happy now. Because Harry wasn't just a character. Harry was me.
Have a good day/evening/ sleep. Because I'm fucking done with this book.
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