Chapter 40 The End Part I
-Long Last Chapter Again thank you-
~Taylor's Point of View~
I awoke in Zayn's arms. He was still out cold. I smiled at the sleeping body of my boyfriend's and traced patterns of circles into his inner wrist. His head moved slightly but his breathing still shallow and eyes still peacefully shut. I maneuvered myself from his light grip and snuck out of his room. I pulled out my phone and quickly dialled my mum's number
"Mum?" I answered
"Hey lovey. You stay at Zayn's last night?" She asked.
"Yeah. Sorry I didn't call you it's just with him leaving and everything, I wanted to spend the last day with him" I painfully replied. I heard my mum sigh on the other line.
"As long as he makes you happy. I've seen you in enough pain. I'd hate to see you in more." I smiled at her response.
"Thanks mum, so hows the baby?" I asked in a happier tone.
"Well... That's what I wanted to talk to you about." My heart was racing inside my chest. "Harry is um... Well he and Darcy are going back to the hospital with me... We're gonna find out the gender"
"MUM THAT'S GREAT!" I slapped a hand over my mouth when I realized I screamed and Zayn was still sleeping.
"Well I was wondering if maybe... You would go too. You can even bring Zayn." I nearly squealed with excitement.
"Yes Yes a thousand times YES!" I heard my mum chuckle on the other line.
"Okay babes. I'll see you at 11:30 ish?" I agreed and ended the call, when I felt to warm arms around my shoulders.
"Hey beautiful. Why so bubbly?" Zayn asked. His voice was deep and sleepy. Dear lord take me now.
"My mum finds out the gender today. Wanna go with me?" He kissed my neck.
"Sure babe." I felt so frustrated with his actions.
"Zayn please stop." I begged. He rest his chin on my shoulder.
"I'm... Not... Okay with this."
"Okay with what?"
"Zayn your kissing me, in boxers, and being sexy."
"And here I thought I was being normal." He said with a wink. I rolled my eyes.
"You are cute, and very seductive. But maybe when you get home."
"IN 3 MONTHS!" He whined. I chuckled.
"It'll be worth the wait. Plus then we'll know. Alright? Plus isn't it slutty to do that in only a WEEK." I said exaggerating the week.
"You couldn't be a slut if you tried. Maybe a tease, but never a slut. So don't you fret little girl, you're a slut, if you have 20 fuck buddies." I slapped his arm teasingly with a humored expression. "Yet you still grind on me before we even date!"
"I was drunk you loser!" I said pecking his cheek.
"Whatever you say... Slut."
"Okay! Okay... You sexy girlfriend of mine?"
"And they said Harry was cheeky. Ya twat!" I grinned running off into his bedroom. God I'd miss him later.
-Harry point of view-
Everything was packed. Darcy was staying here. I tried to wrap my mind around I was going to see her, play with her, hug her, for 3 months. Not only that, but I might miss her birthday. Darn you America for being so far apart and not close to home! I stared up at the ceiling in my bedroom, when I heard little footsteps outside my door. Darcy came bursting in and jumped on my bed. Right on me.... Right on my balls. At least I had boxers on. Not like that'd help.
"OW! Darcy that hurt!" I grinned using my leg to cover my injury. She sat on my bare stomach. She was light as a feather. "Whatcha want kiddo?" I asked. She shrugged. "Food?" I asked. She shook her head. "Sleep?" I asked she shook again. "Then what do you want?!" I asked tickling her. She let out an array of giggles and fell off my stomach. I grinned and hoisted her back up.
"I wanna spend the day with you." She croaked out. My facial expression turned melancholy.
"Darce, you know I won't be home for a long time right?" She nodded.
"But I'm gonna miss you daddy." My heart dropped as I locked her in my arms.
"I know Dee. I know. It'll be hard. But I'll love you no matter where I am okay. Be strong for mum. Promise?" I held out my pinky to her. She nodded and laced her small finger with mine. I lifted her off me and sat up, placing her back down in my lap. "So what we doing today?" And almost on cue the phone rang. I reached over my bed to get it.
"Harry?" The voice asked. Oh she can't hide that voice.
"Lizzie? Hey! How you doing?" I greeted.
"Alright. Well, just got a bit of morning sickness, but I'll be okay. We still on for the gender?" Shoot! I nearly forgot.
"Yes we are. Can't wait! What time again?" I heard a slight chuckle on the other line, causing me to grin.
"11:30 Harry. Like I said 4 times!"
"But that's in a half hour."
"Get dressed ya skanky boy."
"Love you too!" I smiled hanging up the phone. "Go get dressed Muppet. You're auntie will be here soon and I gotta get in the shower. Kay? Want food first?" Darcy shook her head. "Then get going Darce-Snee!" She giggled at my nickname as she leaped off the bed out of the room. I gathered my clothes quickly and headed towards the shower.
"DADDY!" Darcy shouted nearly scaring me to death. I ran out.
"What baby? What's..." I stopped once I noticed Darcy in tears clutching a picture of Marie, Taylor, and Lizzie. With Darcy as a baby. It was burned and had, "Give me my kids" scribbled on it.
"Daddy?" Darcy broke down. I cradled her.
"Shh They can touch you. I got you. He won't hurt you. I'll protect you Dee." I cooed. Michael would pay for this. First Zayn and Taylor. What does he want with Darcy and I?
-At The Hospital- -Lizzie point of View-
"Nervous?" Taylor asked me. I shook my head. "Then stop wringing your hands and bouncing your knee." She grinned.
"Sorry. It's just. I want it to be healthy." I replied rubbing my belly.
"It is mum. Now on to bigger things! Gender preference?" Taylor smiled. I looked at the ground.
"I kinda... want a boy. I have you, Darcy. But, I'm just thinking boy. Spice things up a bit" She nodded
"I think a boy would be a nice addition. The boys would like him. or her. They'd love him or her no matter what. And so will I as well as Darcy." I half hugged her.
"So, do the boys, more specifically Harry, seem a bit... Off" I asked. Taylor turned towards where Harry and Zayn were chatting. Harry actually looked troubled.
-Zayn Point of View-
"It was horrible. I don't know what to do Zayn. She was crying and shaking and I freaked out and calling the police would only scare her even more. I mean my poor babe just got out the hospital for Christ sake. What am I gonna do?" Harry spilled that out in on big blurb. But I caught every sound. and can I just say, the mention of Taylor's dad burns my scar from him. Like he just cut me again. No way in hell is he going after Harry and Darcy now. Hell fucking no. He doesn't deserve this. After his suicide incident? Fuck that. Harry needs as much love as possible. He's one of my best mates. I would risk my life for that green eyed boy in a heart beat. "Zayn? HELLO!" Harry brought me back out of my trance by waving his hand in my face. "Did I hit a nerve?"
"No Haz I'm fine. Just shocked. Why would he want Darcy? It makes no sense to go after her. Speaking of which where is the little energy ball anyways?"
"Liam's got her. And Niall's with him. She might see Andy for the first time too. That'll be something." Harry smirked while cupping his chin in his hand.
"Not to be... weird? But what are you doing after this?" I asked staring at my hands.
"Nothing? Why has Zaynie got something special planned for his little lady friend?" He grinned. I felt my cheeks grow hot.
"I kinda... wanna spoil her before we go. Just have one last time here. All of us. All the boys and all the girls. Even Darcy."
"Sounds like there is something else on your mind bud." He said nudging me
"You're right. I...I got her a necklace. Nothing too special but, just a label I guess. I wanna prove I really like her, I wanted to give it to her then show it off at like a dinner with all you guys there." I felt Harry smiling at me as I gazed deeply into the palms of my hands.
"I'm not dad... Wait I am.... But... You know what I mean. I'm not Taylor's dad, but if I was? You'd really be something Zayn." I gave him a slight smile. The girls had returned from the doctor's room. Lizzie was smiling and crying.
"What's wrong?" I asked alarmed.
"Its a healthy boy. A little boy." Lizzie sniffled. Harry got up and hugged her.
"No need to be sad about that!" He gave a smile as he ran his thumb under her eyes to catch her tears.
"I KNOW! I'm just so happy. It's a boy. I already got my girl. Now it's a boy. He's a boy." She replied wiping her tears again. I locked hands with Taylor, intertwining our fingers as we watched Harry and Lizzie have a tear wiping fest.
"Come with me later babe. I have to show you something before I go." I whispered to her. She nodded and pecked my cheek.
"Can't wait" She grinned.
-Liam's Point of View-
"DARCY'S GOT THE GIGGLES!" Niall shouted from the living room. I rolled my eyes as I heard a sudden knock at the door.
"Oh Don't worry Niall, I'll get the door with my HANDS COVERED IN FOOD!" I shouted walking towards the door. I opened it to reveal a soaking wet Louis. It was pouring rain!
"Can I come in?" He weakly asked. I looked at him shocked and ushered him in. His feathery brown hair was dripping on his forehead. His denim jacket nearly leaking water.
"Gosh Louis what happened to you!?" I asked washing off my hands. He peeled off his jacket and pushed his wet fringe to the side.
"How'd you deal with getting over... Danielle? Or like.. Have you ever thought about Niall in a relationship way?" He asked staring into his damp palms.
"Louis." I sighed. "Is this about Harry? I thought you ended it last night." I asked handing him a blanket and a glass of water. He looked up into my brown eyes.
"I don't get it. Why does it hurt so bad?" He asked. He paid close attention to the fabric of the blanket draped over his shoulders.
"Louis please tell me the truth... Do you love him still?" Louis was completely blank to my words. "Louis? Louis?! LOUIS TOMLINSON!" I shouted. He jumped knocking over the water.
"WHAT LIAM! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!" He screamed at me. His blue eyes were filled with anger. Confusion... Oh no
"Louis are you drunk?" I asked
"Pshhh no what makes you say that?" He asked rolling his eyes.
"Well, you walked here in the rain. You have a car. You never get mad out of the blue, and you we're oblivious to my words. Even when I said 'Harry'"
"I'm not wasted Liam!"
"Well you aren't sane!"
"Stop yelling at me!" He shouted getting in my face
"STOP FUCKING SCREAMING AT EACH OTHER! Jesus Christ Darcy's fucking crying now you idiots" Niall broke us up while he held the small child to his torso.
"Let her cry then" Louis cursed under his breath. Niall whipped towards him.
"What the hell is wrong with you! Ever since that damn accident you only care about yourself. This little girl is the most important thing in Harry's life and she could have died! Harry cut himself because of you Lou! So shut up and act like a decent human being because I AM NOT SITTING ON TOUR FOR 3 MONTHS WITH A STUCK UP ASSHOLE! FUCK OFF!" He shouted at Louis. My eyes widened. Louis' jaw was clenched shut. Darcy's soft sniffles were the only sound.
"What's happening to us?" I asked breaking the silence. All eyes on me. "Since when did we turn into monsters? We're supposed to be best friends..." I trailed off.
"Liam. Open your eyes. You have as many tattoos as Harry now. Harry is a dad. Louis is heartbroken. Zayn's in love and I grew up. We just... Aren't like we used to be anymore" Niall sadly confessed.
"How'd you know I was heart broken?" Louis asked Niall confused. Niall half hearted smiled.
"You've changed."
"DADDY'S HOME!!!!" Harry's voice rang throughout the apartment complex. Darcy slid from Niall's arm and ran up to Harry. "Why is she cry... Why is Louis... What happened here?" Harry asked. We all shook our heads.
"Louis drunk." Niall confessed. Harry smiled and shook his head.
"Come on Boo, I'll drive you ho-" Harry began
"No. No I wanna walk." Louis cut him off
"Its pourin-"
"I want to walk okay?" And with that Louis ran out the door into the pouring rain.
-Taylor Point of View-
"Is there a reason you took me to the mall and are acting so nervous?" I asked. Zayn had our hands tightly locked at the moment. Any paps could film, take a picture, disrupt us. But they didn't.
"Surprises. And more Surprise." He grinned. I walked closer to him, or shoulders brushing. He suddenly stopped in front of a gallery. A dress gallery. A really expensive dress gallery. He grinned and pulled me in. I was shell shocked by the colorful racks of dresses. Long, Short, bridal, prom, you name it.
"I'm here to pick up a gift. Name's Malik." Zayn stated to a middle aged woman behind the counter. She smiled and fished out a gold bow with red ribbon in an elegant bow shape wrapped around it. He paid, and thanked her before grabbing the box and tugging me back out.
"What was that babe?" I asked nearly laughing at him.
"Oh you wait." He smirked. We walked nearly the whole mall before he stopped at a jewelry store. I gave him a weird look but he just smiled and led me to another middle aged woman. "Umm Zayn Malik?" He asked the woman. She pulled out a small box. Not ring small, but nothing huge either. She handed it to him. Who then smiled like an idiot and handed it to me.
"Open it babe." He motioned. I raised my eyebrows but carefully lifted the top of the bow.
"No. No. No Zayn It's too much. We've only been together since you got out of the hospital. And that wasn't long ago. I can't take this."
"You can and you will. You wanna know why? Because then all the fans who say Tayn or Zaylor or whatever we are isn't real, can look at your necklace and see my proof I care about you. I really like you Tay. It's a little much. But, It's a part of me. Keep it? Please?" He begged. I stared at the silver heart necklace. It was such a simple gesture that drove me wild.
"Thank you."
"There is one last surprise."
"All of us are going out to one final dinner. Together. I guess you could say for the holiday. And this" He said passing me the gold box. "Is your dress."
Like the gif? God I love that boy
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