Chapter 33 The begining of the End

-Only a few chapters left, so if the chapters seem longer its because I'm trying to make the last chapter chapter 40 And this is mostly a Zayn and Taylor chapter-

Taylor Point of View

I woke up with a horrible headache. Not only that I was on someones couch. An apartment? I didn't recognize the surroundings. I wasn't wearing the close I remembered. WHERE AM I?! I felt panic wash over me I jumped off the couch, only to be hit by a headache blast. I fell to the ground.

"Tay?! You alright?" I heard that familiar voice behind me. I propped myself up against the coffee table. I felt an arm go around me. I turned to see Zayn. Why am I at Zayn's? And why was he shirtless and helping me? "Taylor?" He asked. I turned towards him rubbing my aching head.

"What happened? Why am I here?" I asked.

"You got drunk last night. You couldn't remember the address of the hotel so I brought you here. How are you feeling?" He asked. Why couldn't I remember that?

"I feel Like a million bucks" I joked. He smirked.

"Well I'm gonna head in the shower so we can get back to the hospital. Want anything?" He asked. Someones a gentlemen. I shook my head and cuddled back into the couch.

-Zayn Point of View-

Its wrong. Its so wrong to have feelings for your best mate's niece. Let alone dance with her provocatively. And get here drunk. And bring her home. And kiss her forehead. Dear god, secrets will be made with us.

I took a quick shower when I realized I forgot something in the other room. My clothes. Shit! I hadn't heard anything from Taylor. Maybe she went back to sleep. I wrapped the towel around my waist and peered through the door. Coast is clear. I ran across to my room and grabbed my clothes. I turned around and ran back into the hall, only to collide with Taylor. Thankfully, the towel didn't fall down.

"Tay! I'm sorry I didn't..." I stopped talking when I realized she was staring at my wet body. I looked down then back up at Taylor. I cocked my eyebrow.

"Want a picture or something?" I smiled. She turned bright red.

"S-Sorry I didn't mean to... I'm gonna go." She stuttered running off into the kitchen. I smiled and shook my head walking back to the bathroom. I dried off, fixed my hair decently, and put on my clothes. I couldn't help but smile at Taylor's reaction to what happened. Sounds pervy, but I was the naked one. You can't technically be a pervert to yourself.

I walked out into the kitchen and got 2 bowls of cereal. One for me, one for Tay. She was laying on the couch, her knees to her chest. That's weird. She doesn't normally act that way. Unless...

"Tay, what are you doing today?" I asked handing her the bowl. She shrugged.

"Going to the hospital with you I guess" She mumbled.

"Wanna have a change in plans?"

"What do you mean?" She took a spoonful of her cereal.

"I wanna take you to your Dad's. I don't want you to be alone anymore." She set down her bowl and I sat next to her.

"Zayn, this isn't something you can just do. He still lives in the house."

"We'll sneak in I'll take care of it." I promised. She sighed. "I said I'd protect you and your family. I intend on keeping that promise." I smiled. She bit her bottom lip.

"Get a duffel bag and be ready. If we're gonna do this I want to do it quick." She said getting up and placing her bowl on the counter. I smiled wide. I was finally gonna get her away.

-Lizzie Point of View-

Harry was asleep next to me. I was glad my "Little brother' was finally getting some sleep. Despite the worry I had for him. For some reason the only things that went in my mind were Harry and Marie. I mean she died loving him. She had a tattoo of His name and Darcy's. I can't tell you the countless nights she looked out her window, hoping he'd come back. All those times she saw a new magazine with him and some new girl. She looked like someone shot her in the heart. God dammit why'd she have to go! Why did he have to go!? When Harry left she was a mess. After Darcy, she was the same way Harry was now. An emotional wreck. Yet she was superwomen. Always had a smile on her face for her baby. Used the last bits of energy just to kiss her goodbye. I got up and sat next to the 4 year old. She was looking out her window sucking her thumb. The cutie.

"Hey Dee." I greeted stroking her soft brown locks.

"I get to go home today right?" She asked. I nodded.

"Whenever Daddy wakes up."

"Can you wake him up?"

"Honey, your Daddy has barley slept. He's been sad. He wants you to come home too, but he needs to sleep for a little while longer okay?" She nodded. I kissed her forehead.

"I'm gonna call Taylor and see where she's at. Liam said she was with Zayn. Tell your daddy if he wakes up" I told her. She nodded and rolled into her pillow. She was so cute when she was sleepy. I took a glance at the two. There was clear evidence in Darcy she was Harry's child. Dimples and Green blue eyes.

I smiled and walked out of the room, when I bumped into Louis. He looked like he had been crying.

"Louis what's wrong babe?" I asked.

"I hurt Harry really bad. So bad, that he hates me .H-He doesn't want me to see Darcy anymore." I was shocked. Harry told him that?.

"Lou what happened. I need you to tell me. I hate seeing you like this."

"He told me to leave him and Darcy alone. Then he kissed me and said now we can move on!" He sobbed. I locked him in my arms.

"I thought you didn't like Harry that way."

"I don't but he hates me. I TOLD YOU THIS WOULD HAPPEN LIZZIE! I said it at the cemetery!" He was shouting while sobbing. This isn't normal Louis. He must feel really guilty. But how could you hate Louis? Those blue eyes? Come on! You can't hate those eyes? And that angel voice! Not to mention he's very fit! And.... Oh my god what Am I saying?!!!? Lizzie its just the baby talking. Hormones. Shuuush Lizzie. Calm down.

"It's alright Louis.Don't get all worked up. Harry hasn't slept in a while, he's probably ust moody."

"NO HE ISN'T! HE MEANT IT THIS TIME!" He was still shouting and crying.

"Shhh. Its okay babe. I got you. No need to cry." I cooed. He placed his head on my shoulder and sobbed silently. Poor Louis.

We all make mistakes.

But Louis is really torn up over this

(Can we take a minute to love HArry asleep I mean, ANGEL!)

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