Chapter 14
"Oh my god. I'm Sorry I didn't-" Louis babbled a he pulled away from my lips. My lips were burning. I didn't think it was from 'sparks' either.
"I-It's okay..." I mumbled. There was so much tension in the air, you could cut it with a knife. I heard Darcy call my name and shot up out of the room to see her. Louis why did you have to make things so freaking AWKWARD!
"Daddy?" Darcy mumbled sleepily. I sat on the side of her bed.
"Hey Sleepyhead." I smiled stroking her hair.
"Mummy called me that too." She smiled. My smile widened.
"You hungry babe? You've been asleep for a while ya know."
"Can you make pasta, like you did in the hotel?"
"Sure babe." I picked her up and brought her tired body into the kitchen. I sat her on the counter as I searched for the ingredients. I noticed Louis out of the corner of my eye, our eyes connected for a split second before I moved my attention to Darcy.
"Want help with that?" Louis asked approaching Darcy, rubbing her head, pecking the top. She giggled slightly, as I tried to avoid the tension again.
"Ummm yeah sure, go ahead" I replied. I swear, I made the whole meal while Louis and Darcy just sat their like a bump on a log, doing nothing. After we had cooked the food, Darcy and Louis sat next to each other, me on the other side. Thoughts raced through my head. Why did he kiss me? Why Is he so clingy to Darcy all if a sudden? Does he have a crush on me or something? Is he gay? Is he bi?
"Harry?" Louis words made me snap back into reality.
"Are you gonna eat?" He asked. I noticed Darcy wasn't at the table, and Louis was picking up the cups and plates. I still had a mound of pasta in front of me. I shook my head. He sighed and sat down next to me.
"Harry, are you mad at me? For kissi-" I cut him off
"Please don't say it." I mumbled. Louis sighed again and ran his fingers through his hair.
"Harry, I'm sorry. When you were gone, I just really missed you. It seemed like the right way to show it at the time." His words lacked sound towards the end of the sentence, yet it still rang in my ears. I nodded.
"Do you hate me?" He asked. I poked my food with my fork.
"Are you gay Louis?" I mumbled. Louis chuckled.
"Only for you." He smiled. My face turned into a horrified expression.
"I'm joking! God calm yourself!" He half shouted. I laughed slightly and put my head in my hands.
"DON'T DO THAT!" I shouted laughing.
"But your laughing!" He began laughing too.
"You had me scared! Like if you were gay, nothing would be the same." I replied, my laughter died down. Louis face turned into a hurt expression.
"DADDY!" Darcy screamed. Louis and I bolted up to my bedroom, where Darcy was sleeping. She was curled up in a ball, crying, the lights were out. She must have been sleeping. If she was sleeping, that would mean another nightmare.
"Come here" I said, cradling her tiny body. Louis watched from the doorframe as Darcy cried. I rubbed her shoulder as she hiccuped into my chest.
"I'm gonna stay with her tonight. Okay?" I whispered To Louis. He nodded and left, closing the door.
"I'm here Darce, go back to sleep." I assured her. She curled up next to me, and lay her head on my arm, that was stretched out before me. I pecked the top of her head, until I found myself slipping away into slumber as well.
I woke up to sunlight poring through the windows. I yawned and stretched out looking over for my phone. It was 10:12. Simons meeting was at 12:00. I slipped out if bed and took a shower. I shook out my hair and got dressed. Blazer. Chinos. Converse. How typical! I went into Louis room, he was pulling on a shirt.
"Time?" I asked walking through the door.
"Almost 11. Is Dee Dee up?" He asked brushing off his shirt.
"No, I'm getting her up now. When is the car coming?"
"Ummmm half past." I nodded and left back to my room. Darcy was awake, rummaging through her bag that sat in the corner.
"You're up." I smiled, bending down to her height. She smiled. She was holding a drawing. It only took me a second to realize Marie had drawn it. Darcy thrusted it in my direction.
'Mummy Loves You!' There was roses all over the edges for a border, then there was a giant heart with Darcy's name in loopy letters inside. I had almost forgotten Marie was an artist. Or if she wasn't an Artist she has, had. A future on that path.
"It's beautiful. Mummy was a good drawer huh?" I said pulling Darcy to my lap. She nodded.
"Can you draw daddy?"
"No, but Zayn can."
"Then why did mummy always say you were art?"
"You mean a work of art?
"Huh. Really?"
"Really really?" I began tickling Darcy.
"Yes REALLY REALLY!" She giggled. I couldn't help but laugh myself. I heard a knock on the door.
"Get ready, we leave in 20." Louis voice echoed. I picked up Darcy and helped her to get dressed. Today was gonna be a long ass day.
So I haven't been uploading as much and that would be because I get like 5 one shots a day on my other Dirty One Shots book/story/ whateveryouwannacallit. Anyways, I've given you an Idea of what's gonna happen in the next few chapters. Sadly, the book is coming to an end. WAIT WHAT!? Yes it is, but there is going to be a sequel, calm yourself! And tragedy is rapidly approaching. DUN DUN DUN! Will someone die? That's up to you to figure out!... Haha bye guys!
Twitter: @HeyVannah
Tumblr: nommynoms519
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