Ch. 20

Hello to all of you :-) Here comes ch. 20 and have to say that this wasn't planned, but thought to add it anyway, because it felt right in this way. Hope you'll enjoy it!

Thank you so much for all the votes and comments, this story that started slowly, is now going amazingly and I am so happy!

The music that Emmett and Shane listen is from the singer in the video here on the that music and love the movie where you can listen to that song...

A picture of Enna on the right, seeing how many of you like him and Roman together, thanks :-)

Dedicated to all fans of Emmett and Shane and in particular to SweetLover1, thanks for reading and commenting all of my stories! xox



I was a little still in shock for what had just happened, seeing Jordan suddenly on Skype with my sister and hearing they were about to come over to Dublin. Well, that wasn’t something to digest in just a chat and lucky me Shane was there with me, because the brat kept me calm and relaxed, helped my pathetic side not to run away and freak out; God, he really was unique in everything. How did he do that in just few weeks? Shane changed me so much in such little time that seemed almost unbelievable, but I had realized after short time that being with him and having him around was something that exceeded rationality and logic, it was something unique.

Man, I need to get myself a dictionary, because I was getting repetitive here.

I left Shane talking another bit with Alice, since they were obviously enjoying the chat and then roamed in the kitchen, trying to decide what to cook. I wasn’t exactly hungry, well, I was hungry, but not for food.

Argh...I pressed my forehead on the fridge and sighed. I wasn’t anymore turning into something, because I had already done it. I turned into a Shane craving, into a possessive, jealous, overly worrying and lusting man...actually, boyfriend. A chuckle left my mouth and thought about that word, boyfriend; now it really was official and it didn’t scare me or made me panic or want to run away. Not anymore. It in fact gave me a secure and wrapping feeling, making me feel stronger and really worth of this second chance graciously offered to me.

Was it normal to feel this excited at my age? I know I wasn’t old, but I was around thirty and I felt that overwhelming tickling and burning sensation you have when you’re a teenager, when you experience your first crush, your first kiss, your first boyfriend/girlfriend.

I chuckled more and decided I’d ask the brat about dinner, maybe he had some preferences or wanted to try something new. I checked the time and it was already quite late, perhaps we could simply order from a take-away and speaking of being late, how long were they planning to chat? I wanted my man back, given I was still craving to have him.

Seriously, I needed to control this new side of me, not sure the brat would really appreciate this possessiveness of mine; well, he’ll have to like it, because I knew it wasn’t going to change, considering how my real nature was.

I walked to the living room and hugged Shane from behind; he turned his head and smiled again that incredible carefree and joyous smile. So he really was happy about living here with me and being my man. Well, so was I.

“Alice, how long are you planning to keep Shane here? We still have to get dinner.”

“Well Metty, not my fault you wasted time somewhere else instead of properly taking care of your boyfriend.” She giggled and winked at Shane, twisting her nose like a cute small mouse.

“I was surely taking care of him, don’t worry.” I tightened the grip on him and felt him tremble under my touch. God, I wanted him again like crazy and it was the same for Shane.

I heard my friend laugh loud and then showed his face on the webcam.

“Shane dawg, the master there sure isn’t hungry for food, that I can tell you.” 

“Thanks man, that’s really nice of you.” I grunted playfully.

“Oh I don’t mind sham, Em and I have the same appetite, so no problems there.” The brat always knew how to crack someone and how to provoke.

“Hmm, right brat...” I rubbed my cheek with his and slipped one hand down from his waist to his thighs, between his legs, hidden from the webcam. He took a deep breath and gulped down a curse for me and a moan. I smirked more, liking to know I provoked such reactions in my man.

“ brother is actually flirting in front of me, how sweet is that? Ok, don’t want to go between him and his prey; that would be stupid of me and of anyone else, since we all know how he is.” She joked, but only partially. Al knew me better than I knew myself.

“Right mate, talk to ya another time and see yar white ass soon.” Jordan grinned in his usual way and then I noticed the way he acted around Alice.

He would try to keep close to her, but wanting to give her space and looked at her with intense and .... damn, yes, with adoring eyes.

I froze at the realization and Shane felt it, because he turned his head and casted me a curios look, but I simply shook my head and he narrowed his beautiful liquid jades and I whispered a “later” in his ear, purposely grazing his earlobe. He whispered back a “tool” and that made me chuckle.

So, my best friend liked my little sister? That gotta be a joke.

From the look of it, she had no idea about that and I had to make sure to call back Jordan and talk to him, to warn him to behave, otherwise...he knew well the otherwise. Argh, what was I freaking out about? It was Jordan and not a common Joe or a random idiot. I could trust Jordan with my life and I knew he would never hurt Alice, he knew how much I loved her. I sighed and tried not to think too much over the matter, but I will sure talk to him tomorrow.

“Alright, for today you gave me enough news and surprises, so hope you’re not planning to give me more for few days, right?” My best friend understood what I meant and he simply smirked.

“Right dawg, promise.”

“Take care big brother and see you soon, can’t wait to finally see you and hug you.” Alice twitted and giggled, her face a blooming and smiling flower, brighter than the sun. She looked at Shane. “Shane I’ll call you Saturday and then I look forward to meet you in person, but hey, I already love you like a younger brother.” My sister had the power to make everyone happy and loving her. It was impossible to resist her warm, sincere and spontaneous enthusiasm.

“Thanks Alice, it’s the same for me.” The brat smiled widely, but I could tell he was slightly embarrassed because what my sister said took him by surprise.

We waved goodbye and then the call went off.

“Wow...your sister sure is...overwhelming, but I like her very much, she’s so sweet and warm.” He murmured, now placing his hands on my arms.

“Yes, she’s a force of the nature, I love her. I’d be lost without Alice...” Then I thought about something else, about what I realized in the kitchen and in these days. I pulled Shane up and made him turn towards me, then slipped my hands around his waist, pulling him into my body. “Shane?”

“What?” He studied my face and that usual insecurity and worry he had when couldn’t understand my thoughts was gone. He now had a confident and secure expression, not anymore doubting and worrying about my reactions. It made me smile tenderly.

What was this brat doing to me? God, I was so grateful he kicked that damn ball towards me that day.

“Shane, I said I’d be lost without Alice and that’s true, because she helped me in a very fucked up moment of my life, but...I’d be lost as well without you, I just realized it now, today. You changed so much my pathetic self, you kicked it back and shut in such a short time that still can’t believe it. I’d be lying big time if I were to say I don’t fear for that to come back, but don’t know... I don’t think it will. Brat you brought me back.”

That was so true that hearing my own words made me realize how deeply true it all was. The brat really brought me back to my normal self; actually, much better, he fixed me and brought back my usual and better self.

Sure it took some time for me to realize everything. Was what Alice meant earlier? Or was it something else?

Shane’s mouth interrupted my thoughts sealing mine in a scorching and crazy deep kiss, while his hands locked behind my neck and pressed me closer to him. My fingers slipped slowly on his skin, from his sides to his perfect round ass and folded it hungrily, pulling him up to me. He jumped up and wrapped his legs around me, while I moved to the couch and let both of us fall down there, never interrupting our hot and hard making out. His hands roamed my back and tugged the hem of the t-shirt, wanting to chuck it away; I lifted myself a moment to let him take off my t-shirt, then claimed back his mouth and tongue, pushing deeper in his hot depth and groaning at the feeling of the growing pleasure.

We rolled over and now he was on top of me, still twirling and rubbing our tongues together, now getting hotter and harder, my hands descending on his ass and craving for it. We both growled loud and when he bit my tongue and tugged my air, I felt like losing it, so darted my fingers at the waist band of his short and went to throw them down, but he stopped me. I groaned quite annoyed, given we had already been interrupted tonight by my sister’s call and my desire hasn’t decreased in the least; it in fact increased.

“Shane...what do you think you’re doing?” I hissed when he pulled back.

The brat smirked and his eyes gleamed of that dark and tempting green-blue light, then softly pecked my lips and kept staring at me in silence for few seconds.

“Em...what you said before, that you’d be lost without me...” He bit his lower lip and shifted his smouldering gaze elsewhere, looking almost shy. Gotta be a joke, Shane shy?

“What is it brat?”

His eyes turned back and were intense and now smiling of a sweet and timid light. He bent over me and rested his lips on mine.

“It’s the same for me, Emmett. I’d be lost without you and I’m not scared anymore of living with you, I really want that.” He just whispered that on my mouth, softly staring at my eyes and smiling.

I smiled back and brushed his messy hair.

“Glad you’re not scared anymore.” I confessed.

We kept like this, Shane in my arms and our lips softly touching, for long moments and then I remembered we still had to have dinner, thus I asked him what he would prefer.

“Anything is grand for me, Em, really.”

“That doesn’t help, Shane. Probably we should just order something from a take away. What you feel like?”

“You being a lazy ass tonight?” He joked, crooking his eyebrows and smirking in that typical cocky way.

“Lazy, brat? I’d measure your words if I were you, because you know, you just agreed to live with me and sure we won’t have lazy times.” I warned him, but he didn’t mind it and actually moaned low in his throat and grinded on me.

Argh, he’ll drive me to insanity one of these days.

“Well, I like when you turn into an animal, an arrogant and domineering’s really exciting, know that sham?”

“Hmm, don’t provoke me more than necessary, I already want you bad and hard.” I claimed his mouth possessive and demanding and right when I was about to pull away his short the phone rang. “For crying out loud! Who the hell is now?” I groaned annoyed out of mind.

Should I ignore the phone? Yeah, maybe they would just give up and let it go, but Shane arched his brows as if to ask the reason I wasn’t picking up. Well, the sound was quite loud and piercing, not easy to ignore. So I snorted more and picked up, without checking the ID.

“What?” I barked.

“Uhm, Emmett evening. I am so sorry to disturb you, did I just interrupt something? Roman said I should have called another time, but couldn’t wait to tell you.” It was Enna and had an excited voice, still very musical and delicate. I let go of my annoyance, him and that thug helped me a lot with Shane.

“Enna, don’t worry it’s fine.” Shane snapped his eyes on me in a questioning way and I waved him off. He didn’t need to know about his surprise birthday party. “How are you?”

“We are good. Is Shane there with you?”


“Did you convince him?”

“Yes, I did.”

“That is wonderful, I am so happy and I am sure Roman will be delighted to know it.” Somehow the word “delighted” didn’t match well in my head if paired to that arrogant bastard. “So, about Saturday, we have contacted his friends and planned everything. They won’t say a word and simply ask to go out for a drink, as usual, thus he won’t suspect of anything.”

“That’s awesome, thank you very much.”

Shane tried to listen to our conversation, but I kept him away.

“Hey, what the bloody hell is going on, sham?”

“Nothing, brat. Just keep quiet.”

Enna giggled and then explained me other few particulars. We had planned everything and Saturday evening we would have a surprise party here in my apartment; Ciara would distract Shane for a couple of hours in the afternoon to let us prepare everything.

“Alright, talk to you later.”

“Good bye Emmett, say hi to Shane from us.” He said, surely smiling in that feminine and gentle way.

When I ended the conversation, Shane bombarded me with trillions of questions and had quite a hard time to keep him quiet, until he finally shut up and decided to let it go.

“Grand, don’t tell me bloody anything, tool.” He pouted and sat up, crossing his arms clearly annoyed. I chuckled; he looked just like a child.

“You’re such a brat, Shane.” I mused and he rolled his eyes and snorted something. “Sorry, but you better suck it up for now. Can’t say a word.” It was actually quite funny annoying him like that, because I knew he would love what we organized for him.

I sat up and distracted him by kissing his neck and he gave in almost at first, then suddenly pulled away, gaining an annoyed growl from me.

“Bloody hell, I almost forgot. I got something for you, Em.” He sprang up and ran to my, well, now our bedroom and I just stood there. He had something for me?

He came back and handed me a small bag, smiling in the same way he did in Galway and an equal smile formed on my face.

“There, I wanted to thank you for taking me to Galway and also thought you might like it.”

“Thanks, Shane.” I grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him down for a tender and short kiss.

I opened the bag and looked inside, seeing a CD. It was from a singer I never heard and I automatically open the case to better look at that; I slightly shook my head, feeling something moving inside. This brat here went all the way to buy me a CD and I knew well what that meant for him; the same that meant for me. I walked to the CD player and played it; Shane was right behind me and I searched for his hands, locking them in front of me. The music was very soft and chilling, the singer had a soothing and quiet voice and the words were always sweet and kind. I liked it; I liked it very much.

“I liked it very much Shane; is it one of your favourite?” I had no idea he could like something like this.

“Yes, I love the sound of his voice. I discovered him by chance and I had been lucky enough to find a copy here.” He rested his forehead on my back and we kept listening to the music in silence.

I then turned around and gently pushed him down on the sofa, slowly removing his shorts and boxers and then taking off my jeans; I kissed him for long and intense minutes, holding him tight, our naked bodies rocking together and sending shivers of sweet pleasure, which fused with our soft moans. I wanted this brat, very much wanted him, but this time I didn’t feel like going crazy and hard; the need of feeling him completely and slowly, savouring every second of it was dominating and thundering, thus I pushed inside him gentler and less controlling. Shane moaned loud, but followed my pace and grinded slowly and intensely, every time granting me deeper access. Our mouths fused in a deep and lost embrace and our eyes locked each other.

It was the first time between us having sex in such a sweet and tenderly passionate way, not losing control, not going hard and wild, only feeling deeply each other and feeling even the most silent breath. It was incredible, was like making love.


That’s what we were doing Shane and me, making love and it felt the most perfect thing of this world.

I penetrated him more, only deeper, never hard or harsh, just having him following me and grinding in a sensual way, while his hands were tightly locked in my hair.

“Em...ahhh...this is...” He panted slightly arching his back and wrapping his legs around my waist.

“This is perfect, brat.” I mouthed on his lips.

The music was taking us to another place, where only he and I existed and everything else was forgotten; no more problems, no more issues or bad experiences. More thrusts and kisses and we both came together, intense and long, lost in each other eyes and mouth.

“Thank you for the CD, Shane. You didn’t need to thank me for Galway, I had a great time and it had been my idea and thinking about it, I’d like to go somewhere else with you.”

“But I wanted to give you something I like.” He was now resting in my arms, both of us stretched long on my sofa, still naked. “You really would like to go again away with me?”

“Of course, brat. Any place in mind?”

“Not now, but I have a question, if you don’t mind it.”

“What is it?”

“You said before that I can leave my uncle’s place and live here with you without a problem. How is that possible and how do you know that?” Shane tilted his head to better study and stare at my eyes; his were breathtaking.

I damn hoped he wasn’t going to change mind on that, because sure as hell I wasn’t going to allow it.

“You’re not changing mind, right? Because you know well I will not let you do it.” I warned him and he simply smiled and shook his head, to say he hadn’t. Good to know. “Very good. Well, since I asked the first time I thought there must be something to do to change that situation and it seemed strange to me the fact you couldn’t leave the place, because you’re over eighteen. I didn’t ask you out of impulse or because I feel sorry for you, you know this perfectly brat. I did it because I worry like crazy for you and care for you and want you here with me, because you’re mine and we are together.”

He nodded and stroked the line of my jaw with his finger.

“So I went to talk with Enna and that arrogant bastard of Roman.” I rolled my eyes thinking about our conversation, but then let it go, since we reached mutual understanding and respect. “And asked them to tell me more about your conditions, the one stipulated with your uncle’s family and turned out you have no legal obligations to keep staying there after eighteen, you just have obligations towards school and your social works. Nothing else. I realize they won’t let you go easily because of the money they receive for taking care of you, if that can be called “taking care”, therefore visited a lawyer and solved everything with a legal agreement.”

“Which sort of agreement?” He was following word after word, carefully studying my face and eyes.

“I shall pay them the remaining sum the welfare owes them till June, given money it’s all they care about; because once you’ll obtain your diploma they’ll stop receiving money and they have to let you go if you wish. Now, I cannot wait until June, and next week we’ll go there, talk with them and make them sign the paper. If they’ll even only dare to raise complications, I swear to make their miserable and useless lives a living hell. You don’t need to worry about anything and I don’t want to hear any but or if. It’s settled and final, is that clear Shane?” I said so because I saw he was about to argue about the money issues, but couldn’t care less about that.

“Em, you stubborn tool, why you have to waste money in this way? I don’t want that..” I cut him off at once.

“Wasting money, you say?” I growled with annoyed and dark voice and calmed down immediately when I saw his expression. “Shane don’t you even dare to think it in that way. I want you out of there without problems and without involving legal pain in the ass and that’s the easiest way. Now you live with me and next week we’ll go and change your address of residence and that’s final and official.”

He stared at me for almost a minute without saying a word, processing what I told him. Then he shook his head and cracked a small smile.

“I’m too bloody tired to argue with you and too happy, I know it sounds selfish to say, but I’m so happy about this and about what you told me that I don’t want to think about it...and you went to talk with Roman? I should have seen it.”

“There wasn’t much to see, we reached a mutual agreement. About arguing, there is nothing to discuss about, as I said, it’s final and period. Clear brat?” I arched one of my eyebrows and flashed him a meaningful look.

“Clear, Em.” He snuggled on my collarbone and then called my name. “Emmett? Thank you for all you are doing for me. I..I..” He shook his head and looked up smiling.

“You what?” I asked, wanting to know what he had to say.

“Nothing, really.” I wasn’t convinced, but let it go.

“Em? Know what? Right now I am starving.”

I chuckled and realized it was the same for me.

The CD had stopped playing a moment ago and I reluctantly pushed myself up and reached for the phone. I ordered a couple of large pizza and we ate them sitting in the living room, on the carpet, watching a video of me playing basketball. I felt nostalgic, because I missed the court and the roar of the cheering crowd, the adrenaline of the last seconds, the excitement of making a basket or slam dunk, but I wasn’t feeling miserable. I hugged Shane and rested my chin on his shoulder, feeling his excitement flowing into me. Now it was completely official, we were going to live together and be together; he was my man.

I thought for a moment about Saturday and knew the brat, my man, was going to love it without any doubt.

Author's chit-chat:

Hope you didn't find it boring or anything of the sort, but hope you enjoyed it....let me know!

Don't worry, I will update again this week and very soon.

Next chapter is finally Shane's bday party and we should all wish him happy birthday, Emmett ordered so and you know all how assertive and ordering he is.. Btw, still didn't say which day is Shane's bday...we shall find it out next chapter!

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