9: Girls' Trip
Chapter 9: Girls' Trip
"Girls trip because it's cheaper than therapy."
[Author Unknown]
Today was supposed to be a day filled with excitement. Today was supposed to be a day where she floated on cloud nine. Today she was supposed to be all up in Dave's skin. Fuck being in his arms. Fuck cuddling beside him. She was supposed to be one with him. Butterflies soaring in her stomach. A cheesy ass grin plastered on her face. Eyes just a smiling. Happiness was supposed to be following her along this journey. Jitteriness was supposed to accompany her. Love...unconditional love she was supposed to be covered in it.
On top of that it had been a trying week for her. Between keeping her emotions in check and making sure everything at work and home were squared away. Also sending for her and Dave's parents to watch the kids for the week because she still refused to ask Dave for anything unless she absolutely had to so it had been a very eventful week. Luckily Chris would still be around to spend time with Charlie so that was that. Then there was Kairi who almost had a fit once she found out that she would be leaving and gone for a week. So as usual April had to do her usual smothering her with kisses and promising her that she was going to come back let alone spend some extra quality time with her. Luckily it wasn't a full blown fit and far from another panic attack. Thank God for therapy! But Kairi wasn't letting her off the hook that easily either. She had to pinky promise to call her every day before school, after school, bed time for a quick story, and let her know that she could call her whenever she felt like it.
Not only that but Dave had popped back up unexpectedly at the house on a late night and dropped a heavy ass bomb on her. The bomb was so heavy that he ended up staying the night because he refused to leave her alone in the state that she was in. Even if she couldn't admit it out loud and to him April was thankful that he had stayed by her side that night because she indeed needed him. Honestly they needed each other more now than ever. She hadn't mentioned the news to anybody as of yet because she was still processing the new found information herself. But here it was the weekend before her and Dave's supposed wedding and although she had stopped crying about it for some reason today that shit had hurt like hell. It felt like she could physically feel her heart hurting.
This isn't how things were supposed to go. This time things were supposed to be different. It felt different. It felt like she was on the right path but how could she be when she was now single. It felt like she was finally supposed to get her happy ending and no matter how it felt she was now living with a different outcome than the one she dreamt. This was supposed to be the weekend of her bachelorette party and the last few days before she became somebody's wife. This was supposed to be a few days before she was dressed in her wedding gown. Their baby girls Charlie and Royalty were supposed to be walking down the aisle one after another in their cute little white dresses sprinkling flowers along the seashell lined aisle as the music played. Kairi would be dressed in her cute little dress as well as she followed behind her sisters holding their rings. April would be kissed on her forehead by her father as he held her arm and walked her down the aisle to meet Dave and as soon as she and Dave's eyes locked on each other the tears would've threatened to spill out of each of their eyes. Her thug teddy bear that she loved so much would let just one tear drop from his eyes as she approached him with her father in tow. Ian would let her go, kiss her forehead once more, greet Dave with a firm handshake, whisper some shit in his ear, then pull him into a hug before walking off.
This week they were supposed to say their written vows, say I do, then be announced to their family and close friends as Mr. and Mrs. David Lawrence Brewster Jr, have their first dance, their honeymoon, and if the time was right for God he'd finally let Dave plant his seed of life inside of her welcoming womb and send her back home with a special gift. Yet today was a gentle reminder that things never go according to plan. She knew she couldn't stay like this and ruin not only her trip but the girls trip as well especially being their first official trip together with the new additions to their crew. But damn her feelings were getting the best of her. It didn't matter how strong she was sometimes she had a moment or moments of weakness. Besides a heart break like the one she had took time to nurse back to health even though she knew her heart would never be whole again. That's the thing about love lovers always imprint their marks on your heart and when they leave they take that chunk they imprinted you with right along with them leaving a gaping hole in replace of it for you to fill.
This was none of what she had planned and the only family she had beside her today were her sisters. Instead of a genuine smile she wasn't smiling at all. Instead of butterflies she felt nothing not even a flutter. If anything she felt sick to her stomach. She couldn't even psych her way to happiness. She couldn't comprehend that she was on her private jet with her girls and Dave was nowhere in sight. She couldn't grasp that this was a girls trip and not her on her way to do the finalizing and finishing touches to what was supposed to be her special day. She knew it was going to hurt and be hard to deal with so she had a virtual session with her therapist the day before to prep her. As usual her therapist kept it real with her. She told her that she would be ok but she might experience moments where she wasn't ok and that was completely fine. She would go through ups and downs because heartbreaks hurt and that it was ok to feel down and be in her feelings about it but try to enjoy and embrace the moment. Maybe this trip would bring her comfort and peace of mind. Yet all April wanted to know was when would the feelings simply just fade away. But she knew the truth they wouldn't. She would just have to learn to live with them and keep it pushing and eventually things would get better.
As soon as it was safe for them to take off their seatbelts and move about April was up and out of her seat with the quickness. She apologetically looked around at her girls because nowadays she refused to fake the funk for anybody. If she felt a way she wasn't going to downplay her feelings to appease anyone anymore. It was tiring, energy consuming, and only ended up causing her more harm than good.
"Hey I know y'all know I'm here but not necessarily here so before I bring the mood down I'm gonna go ahead and get my shit together. So feel free to sip and eat. The crew already has drinks, snacks, and food prepared so enjoy" April said then focused on Alaina, Ebony, and Mimi. "That goes for you three as well" she said and walked off making sure to grab her Christopher PM Louis Vuitton backpack and made a mad dash for the bedroom.
As soon as she stepped inside of the bedroom she closed and locked the door behind her, slipped off her Louis Vuitton slides, and climbed into the freshly made bed. She grabbed her phone, air pods, and went straight to Pandora to listen to Kehlani's station per usual. This station still had her in a headlock. Summer Walker, SZA, Ella Mae, HER, Kiana Lede', Tink, and her baby daddy Chris Brown and a few others played on the same station. Shit even Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion blazed through it once in a while. Right now her emotions were all over the place.
The hurt and pain the anger and disbelief amongst others plagued her. It felt like she was feeling everything at once. If she had just went ahead and listened to her gut the first time around all of this could've been easily avoided. But why did he have to love her so hard? Why did he have to promise her the world? Why did he have to take her battered and bandaged heart out of her chest, remove the old bandages, and heal it. Yet all in the same cradle it in the palms of his hands as if it was the most precious thing in the world and squeeze all the life out of it? Why did he have to rip it out of her chest twice? Most importantly why did she allow him to do it...again? Why did she continue to give him the power to crush her? Why did she even give him a second chance?
She chuckled at how stuck on stupid she got for another pretty nigga who spoke a good game and lay the pipe like no other. She still loved Dave dearly but did he really know how to love? She wanted to move on but honestly she wanted something she couldn't have and that was Dave. Yet no matter how difficult moving on was she felt like it was a necessity and that's why she had to get out of this funk. She wanted nothing serious. She just wanted to have fun. Now she was only committed to herself and she knew with that she would never disappoint herself because she would love on herself like nobody else could.
A Thousand Times by Ella Mae came on and she chuckled again as she pulled out her journal from her backpack. She had stopped journaling a little while ago but since her break up writing in her journal became a necessity. "So when you come running back from the past you'll be out of time" she sang along to the song as she grabbed her ink pen and opened a new page in her journal. As usual she wrote down the date and time and began to pour her heart onto the page. She bopped her head to the music. Pen to paper music in her ears she hadn't even realized that she had filled up four pages. Practically writing a four page letter to Dave and no it wasn't a love letter by any means. Pathetic no but therapeutic because she still felt like she had left some things unsaid.
"I dove in blind, took a chance on us. Gave you my trust so in love and it's difficult for me to open up. You were someone I thought was careful of me stead you left me in pieces. If this ain't where you wanted to be you should've at least manned up and just let me be" she now sung along to Irresponsible by Kiana Ledé. This shit was speaking to her live and direct. It was tapping on her soul. She had kept it a hundred with Dave. She put it all on the table and never once while they played cards did he show her his whole hand. He made it seem that way but he hadn't. He had been bluffing and blowing smoke up her ass and treated her like a game of Poker.
By the time she was done letting loose on the pages in her journal she felt relieved and so much better. Possibly even lighter. She just had to get that shit out of her system so she could enjoy herself. She knew she'd be on and off with her moods but she planned on making the most out of this trip. So instead of continuing to drown in her sorrows she changed the station to Cardi B. She Bad featuring YG came on and now she was ready to twerk something on an island. She was about to be on somebody's grocery list. Shit possibly somebody's bucket list. Putting her belongings safely back into her backpack she zipped it up, took out her air pods, put them up, and let the music bleed through the speakers of her phone. She got out of bed, unlocked the door, and pranced her ass back to the front leaving all of her problems and worries behind.
"Weave long, pussy bald, suck his dick through his drawers lick his balls just because lil bitch I evolved. I'm a monsta mouth open wide like opera" she rapped.
"FACE DOWN ASS UP I GOT PERFECT POSTURE" the girls followed up getting hype right along with her giving her the energy she needed.
Reclaiming her seat she looked around at her girls and smiled. She knew they were going to make sure she enjoyed herself. They weren't going to let her wallow in her sorrow and heartbreak. They were going to let her do and be her. Alaina passed her a shot of Hennessy and she tossed it back like it was water ignoring the sting that went down her chest ready to get the party started. For the remainder of their flight they sipped on mimosas, ate, talked about all of the trouble they planned on getting into while in Barbados, and even got a few hours of sleep in.
9 Hours Later...
"Yessssss" the girls all said in unison as they finally made it to their destination. Barbados smelled like a breath of fresh air, had the right amount of sun, and the feeling of the warm sun against their skin felt amazing. They couldn't wait for what was next.
In and out of the airport as well as getting the 2 SUV rentals squared away they all loaded inside luggage and all with April's security driving them to their home away from home for the week. She had wanted to get a car service but with the way they wanted to explore she figured it was best to rent a few vehicles. She couldn't wait for them to see the place they were staying because when her eyes first saw it and she read the amenities and reviews she just knew it was the place to be. She was paying a pretty penny for it but it was so worth it. She was always mindful of how she spent her money but this trip she took out her fun bag and said fuck it. She went all in. It was go big or go home for her this week so of course she chose to go big.
"Aww shit now" Tesha said hype as fuck as they pulled up to their final destination for the day. They all hopped out of the SUVs cheesing. Sure April and the girls were used to shit like this but no matter how much money they had and how many places they seen and visited they still got excited.
"Ladies welcome to our lovely home away from home for the week" April said cheesing. It was a beautiful six bedroom six and a half bathroom beachfront villa filled with nothing but luxury vibes. It accommodated twelve guests so they had more than enough room for all of them. It was luxurious and lavish just like she wanted and needed. It had a cocktail bar, living and reception areas, a media room, a formal dining room, a fitness room, and a hell of a kitchen. She even made sure they had a chef because she didn't want to lift a finger. She wasn't on momma duty or anyone's boss this week so she wanted to be taken care of. Outside faced a sea of beautiful blue water with a cocktail bar, an oceanfront gazebo, and a formal dining area. It had an infinity lap pool with a built in bar table and sunken seats. It featured a zen garden, a koi fish pond, and private access to a secluded beach. It came fully staffed with a butler, house keeper, laundress, and round the clock security including April's private security team who were staying close by. It was $8500.00 a night and so damn worth it. Altogether it was about 60k plus for seven days and made no dent in her pocket. This money was literally from her fun bag.
"Bitchhhhh" they said in unison trying to take it all in.
"Good afternoon ladies welcome to Seaclusion Saint James. My name is Manny and I'm here to serve you. If you need anything during your stay I'm the one to call. My information along with the staff's is located on the refrigerator and next to the phone. If you need anything please don't hesitate to call" a nice looking milk chocolate brother greeted them dressed in a pair of black slacks fitting him like they were specially tailored just for him with a white long sleeve dress shirt rolled up to a little below his elbows. Head full of healthy locs freshly done and in a neat bun on top of his head, shape up just right, and a neatly groomed goatee.
April wasn't expecting this at all she figured it would be a regular island guy dressed in some cargo shorts and a short sleeve shirt you know giving island vibes. But the man standing in front of them gave off nothing but sex on legs and business. He had an accent but it wasn't as deep as someone who lived on the island. It was giving he was born here but possibly wasn't raised here vibes. His eyes were dark brown sexy and alluring complimenting his gorgeous smooth and blemish free chocolate skin and the juicy plump lips that sat on his sexy ass face were to die for. He wasn't as tall as she liked her men but he was way taller than her and that was a plus. He looked to be about 5'9 5'10 give or take and had the right amount of muscle. He was definitely easy on the eyes.
"Good afternoon Manny" April said with a smile and a little hint of flirtatiousness. She was definitely enjoying the view. "I'm April and these are my girls" she said and proceeded to introduce them one by one.
The girls greeted him while an older gentleman and crew came outside and picked up all of their luggage placing it on a luggage buggy. Following Manny inside the villa a young woman greeted them at the entrance with a tray full of drinks with a strawberry on the rim of each wine glass. They each grabbed a glass then followed Manny around the villa. It was rum punch and damn sure packed a hell of a punch. Manny gave them an in depth tour inside and outside of the villa before letting them be to explore on their own. Once he was done they all went and claimed a bedroom.
No one could complain about the bedrooms. Four of the bedrooms came with king size beds, an en-suite bathroom with double vanities, a bathtub, and a walk-in shower. Two of those rooms had access to the terrace so of course April grabbed one of those rooms letting the rest of them figure out who was staying in the second one. One of the bedrooms had two twin size beds with the same features minus the terrace. The next and last room also had a king size bed with the same amenities minus the terrace but the only catch was that it was in the guest cottage. They all wanted to stay together in the main house though. April, Alaina, Ebony, and Mimi had choose the rooms with the king size beds while Vonni and Tesha had the twin beds. No one cared though because they had no intentions on being cooped up in the house. They only needed beds to sleep. They had plans to take Barbados all the way in. Then again April knew that Alaina would make it to her bedroom anyway so someone could snatch up her king size bed if they wanted.
By the time they chose their rooms and the staff had placed their luggage in the right rooms they were all hungry and jet lagged so for today their day would be spent in the villa. While everyone was in their rooms showering April had hand delivered each of the girls a cute little gift bag filled with silk pajama short sets in different variations of brown and tan tones with their names stitched on the breast pockets of their shirts. She also added matching satin eye masks for sleeping with their names also stitched on them, matching personalized fluffy sleepers to match, and a personalized rose gold skinny tumbler with straws that had their names on it in cursive. She wanted to add something special for her girls as a thank you for dropping whatever they had to make it on this girls trip. Once she was done hand delivering gifts she called up her parents to let them know that they had all arrived safe and sound.
Almost two hours later everyone was washed, moisturized, dressed in their matching silk pajamas, and all headed downstairs for dinner and drinks. They were all feeling the vibes that April was sending out and the matching pajamas had them all taking pictures and posting them up on social media even April was with the shits. She wanted to enjoy being normal for a change and live her life and with what was coming her way soon this would be the most normal life would be for a while. Dinner was almost done and you could smell it all throughout the villa. The chef was doing his thing. By the time he was done he had a full spread laid out in front of them. They had fried flying fish, fish cakes with a side of pepper sauce, chicken curry over plain rice, a side of bakes, and two pitchers full of rum punch. They ate, talked, and laughed while getting tipsy off the rum punch. By the time they were done with dinner and fully satisfied they found themselves outside by the pool with music bumping and April in her zone.
The liquor had taken over, the weed she had managed to get had did what it needed to do, and with music playing that's all she needed at the moment. She was up on her feet rapping along to Get Money by Junior Mafia and the girls were hyping her up as usual. They hadn't seen her this carefree in months. She looked like she had no care in the world and for a second she felt that way. Nothing and no one was holding her down or holding her back. "Is you with me? How could you ever deceive me? But payback's a bitch, motherfucker believe me. Nah I ain't gay, this ain't no lesbo flow. Just a lil somethin' to let you motherfuckers know" she rapped Lil Kim's verse with both of her hands out and fingers pointed like she meant that shit. "Fuck niggas, get money" she said with both her middle fingers out.
"Fuck bitches, get money" the girls shouted up on their feet acting up right along with her. They had their phones out recording memories while Ebony was on her live. It seemed like everyone had tuned into her live tonight. Everyone was hyping the girls up.
"Not bae requesting to join my live" Ebony said laughing.
"No boys allowed brother. Love you though" April said laughing while still dancing. She was feeling good.
"All their asses tryna get through" Ebony laughed.
"That's on y'all because me, she, her is on her FUCK NIGGAS GET MONEY shit over here" April said still on her shit. She was here to embrace another failed relationship, not making it down the aisle again, free her mind, enjoy her surroundings, and simply make something good out of something bad. She was trying to make a fresh pitcher of lemonade out of the lemons that had been tossed in her hands. This was supposed to be a fun week. She had nobody to report to and that was the wave of the trip for her. She just wanted to let go for a minute and be free from it all.
"Sorry babes but I'm on ratchet ass sister duty" Ebony said laughing then got off of her live and phone altogether.
"Looks like we'll be getting in some trouble this week" Mimi said laughing because Shooter had been texting her nonstop since she had told them they had landed. "Shooter said have fun lil sis"
"And will" April said laughing. She already knew what team her brothers were riding for.
"Lil daddy said have fun but not too much fun" Alaina said laughing at the text August had sent her.
"Same message I got from my baby daddy" April said still laughing then shook her head. Between Chris, August, and Trey they had all been in their feelings when it came to how she and Dave had called it quits. Of course they were still cool with him but their loyalty was with April this time around. They felt like he had more than enough time to handle all of his affairs rather than lead April on. Chris was in his feelings the most because after all he had put April through he thought that Dave would've done better. It was like the conversation they had long ago when he first found out they were dating was pointless and now he had Charlie in the middle of his shit let alone Kairi. Sure Dave was still very present in Charlie's life but Chris at least knew that at the end of the day there was a man in the house with both Charlie and April who was willing to protect them and be that father figure when he wasn't around to do so. To him Dave had dropped the ball and fumbled April's heart.
"Same with bae but his ass is low key in his feelings bout this shit. Said this ain't how this weekend was supposed to go. It was supposed to be a big ass family event" Tesha said talking about Errol.
"Lil brother is definitely in his feelings but like I told him before don't sweat it too much. None of this changes how I feel and deal with Dave's family" April said. "But enough of that I'm here to enjoy myself. So Vonnii since traveling is what you do what did you come up with for the final itinerary" April asked. She wasn't about to turn this shit into a should've would've could've moment over Dave. She was out for self. It was fuck niggas get money season for her.
Vonnii pulled up her itinerary on her phone that she had planned and sent to their group chat. They had all approved a few of the excursions but she had went and tweaked it just a bit. She wanted to make sure they hit some good spots. "Ok so I have the Catamaran Turtle and Shipwreck Snorkeling cruise and a private tour of the island. I know we were saying that we didn't have a chance to try all of their food so I have the walking food tour that we visited the last time we were here. I also have a few night clubs and other food spots that I thought would be cool to check out as well" Vonnii answered focused on her phone.
"Bet, so basically we can do an activity a day" Alaina said.
"I want to see what their malls are hitting for too" Ebony added not wanting to miss a chance to do some shopping.
"Same" the rest of the girls said in unison and laughed.
A few days had gone past and the girls were in complete bliss. The trip had been nothing but fun. Barbados was giving everything it was supposed to give and more. The food was amazing, the people were nice, and the scenery was everything. It was truly beautiful. They snorkeled with tropical fish and even a few turtles and even saw an actual shipwreck. They went to different eateries tasting all types of Barbados cuisine. They went to the mall, got massages, and did other excursions. It was lit every day. Every morning they'd wake up to a hot meal, get dressed, found something new and fun to get into, and every night if they didn't eat out the chef had something hot and ready for them. They had arrived early Saturday afternoon and here it was already Thursday. Today they had plans to lounge around by the pool, hit the secluded beach, snag some lunch prepared by the chef, and tonight they were going to Harbour Lights Beach Extravaganza and Dinner Show.
"I can't believe vacation is almost over" April whined as she moved her fruit around her plate. It seemed as if the days had been flying by.
"You know what they say. Time flies when ya having fun" Tesha said and laughed.
"Word but it feels like we just got here" Mimi said pouting too.
"Hell yea we only got two days left and considering this is pretty much one of the two we're on our last leg" Ebony said pouting because they were leaving Saturday morning and would have no time to really enjoy their actual last day.
"Did you at least enjoy yourself because we know it was a girls trip but we all know it was more than that for you" Alaina asked as she looked over at April as they all sat outside enjoying breakfast.
"Bitchhhh" April dragged cheesing. "Did I? I damn sure did" she spoke truthfully. "This was everything I needed. Every day has been a breath of fresh air and I know y'all see that glow on this 24k melanin" she laughed some. Barbados had her skin looking like she was sun kissed by the Gods. "I can think clearly. I don't have a hundred and one things going on in my mind. Y'all have been keeping me on my toes and in good spirits. It's never a dull moment so being here and on the go has helped tremendously. By the way Vonnii on my next trip I'll definitely have to request your services. You found everything for us to get into and it's all been a vibe"
"Hey you know I got you boo" she said smiling.
"For real though this has been a nice ass trip. I'm not getting awkward stares and no one is following me around with a camera asking me ridiculous bullshit. This has been peaceful" she continued. She had even got back to her usual scheduled programming. You know jogs early morning on the beach then writing in her journal followed by a daily prayer. "Ouuuu and let's not forget bout the eye candy. These men look good enough to eat. All that chocolate and caramel" April said as she squeezed her legs shut and did a chef's kiss.
They all laughed at her shenanigans but April wasn't lying. The men out in Barbados were looking good enough to eat or at least take a bite out of. Some definitely had that fuck boy feel but for the most part they were damn sure worth looking at. One in particular had stayed on her mind from the moment her eyes laid on him. But she didn't like mixing business with pleasure so she tossed the idea to the back of her mind. Lawd knew if she had the opportunity to do so she would damn sure take it because Manny had been the best thing she saw in Barbados.
"Bitch we saw ya ass biting ya lip and eye fucking a few of those niggas" Ebony said laughing. They had all caught April one too many times looking at dudes like she really wanted to take a bite especially when her ass was looking at Manny.
"Shittttttt I'm surprised she hasn't dipped on us yet" Alaina said truthfully then took a bite out of her fruit salad.
They laughed.
"Hey now don't count me out just yet I still got tonight and tomorrow to make some shit shake and I'm definitely looking for some fun to get into before I step foot off this beautiful ass island" April said not even denying that she was on the prowl. She had been looking and not touching because she was too busy having fun not thinking about men and just enjoying time to herself and the girls.
"You serious bout this island dick ain't you" Tesha asked with one of her brows up questioning April. She really wanted to know how serious she was.
"You must not know bout me. You must not know bout me" April said in a song song tone while she danced in her seat and laughed.
"She's serious" Alaina, Ebony, and Mimi said in unison then laughed letting Tesha know that this was in fact not a game.
"Hey it's sex with no strings attached, no feelings involved, and I ain't gotta worry bout running into a nigga on my turf" April said lying the cards out right in front of her. She was far from a hoe but she damn sure knew how to get hers and with nothing and nobody stopping her she was game for anything.
"I mean I get it" Tesha shrugged. "I'm just-"
"Hoping that she holds out for Dave" Mimi said cutting her off.
Tesha nodded she couldn't help it. She had only been around to see April and Dave together just for a moment and the relationship they had was one, one could only dream about having in a lifetime.
"Listen if I could fuck Dave with no attachments and feelings involved he'd be my number one draft pick. That's that dick I want but don't need and right now all I need is a nine to ten inch with some weight on it that's only down for nothing but clean adult fun"
They all nodded looking over at her. They all wanted her with Dave too but they understood why they were apart and why April wanted to move on. Or at least find something else to get into.
"Ya not necessarily in a drought just yet though. What's it been September so in all actuality ya just a month and some change in" Tesha said.
April looked at her and laughed. "Ya definitely team Dave and that's cool with me. Sure I got some on September 25th to be exact but before that I hadn't gotten any since Barbados when we were all out here the first time. Before Dave I was celibate for two damn near three years. Then when Dave and I started fucking I got dick around the clock. My sexual appetite is different. Even when he was on the road the phone sex hit. Nowadays I get none of that" she explained even though it honestly wasn't anybody's business especially when she was grown, single, and free to do whatever the fuck she wanted to do. "Tee I know you heard me when I said it before it's a wheelchair in my closet for God sakes and ain't nobody in my household handicap. That's for days when he done knocked my ankles loose literally and figuratively. Done beat my guts up so bad, had me in every position, and punished my ass so damn good that a bitch couldn't walk properly" April said and groaned in frustration just thinking about those days. She missed those shits. Those were the good ole days when shit was sweet. Days when she and Dave both had been wearing rose colored glasses.
Everyone laughed.
"What bout just focusing on yourself and not adding a man into the equation" Tesha asked and everyone went quiet. It was so quiet you could hear a crab pissing on sand.
-Hey boos guess who's backkkkkk?! Happy New Year 🥳🍾🥂. Hope all of you have been doing well and the new year has started off just right for you. Stay tuned for part 2 coming soon.
-So I have a few chapters written but I'm also trying to find my footing with this book. I know what I want to happen but I'm also struggling with missing them together. So it's been a lil struggle. Sorry if the beginning may sound a little repetitive but trust I got y'all. Just like I know y'all are really waiting for that Millie and Hazel chapter. I have to take my time on the Millie one because that's one that packs a lot but trust in due time I'll have it. By the way my laptop is DONE like DONE 💀☠️⚰️👻 so I had to type this chapter out on the Microsoft app on my phone so please don't mind if there's a comma or so missing 😬. I've edited this a few times already but it might have some minor errors.
-How do y'all feel about Tesha asking April to focus on herself instead of on a man 🤔 Do you think it's the right message just the wrong messenger 🤔
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰
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