4: Beautiful Lies

Chapter 4: Beautiful Lies

And I'm in this place with you, woah
Where every day it's like you're under attack
And we can't keep gettin' down like that (Ooh-ooh, ooh)
'Cause we be fallin' out, you keep fuckin' up
You apologize and I suck it up
I just stick around, try to toughen up
Is the love enough? You're tellin' me
[Beautiful Lies: By Yung Bleu & Kehlani]

Ding Dong
Ding Dong
Ding Dong

The sound of the doorbell repeatedly going off had Dave on his heels stalking to the front door like a mad man to see who the hell was at their front door ringing it like they had a fuckin problem. Whomever it was had to be family because the bell going off was certainly from the front door and not at the front gate entrance. Two names popped in his head immediately which only made him groan. It had to be either Shooter or August shit possibly both up to some fuck shit because no one else would ring the bell like that. Dave stalked to the door with his mug very present and swung the door open ready to go off. He had a long night tossing and turning and when he finally let sleep take over niggas were ringing the doorbell like it was a fuckin emergency.

"What the fuck y'all-" he cut himself off immediately recognizing not only his mother but April's as well as both of their fathers and with the looks on their faces he knew the cat was officially out of the bag. He wiped his hand over his face and sighed. This was about to be one hell of a day. "My fault I thought y'all were Shooter and August" he said as he moved to the side to allow them entry. Now he understood why April had just dropped the girls off at their auntie's place not too long ago. She claimed they were having an auntie and niece day and maybe they were but now he knew it was because of their parent's impromptu pop up.

"Jr is it true" his mother spoke up first and asked as they walked further inside the house. Even as they stepped through the threshold they could feel the vibe and the tension. Everything felt off when normally it felt welcoming and now it felt like they didn't want visitors. It looked like a place they could call home but it felt cold without actually being cold.

"Is what true" he feigned confused knowing damn well they knew what was up. It was written all over their faces. It was a mixture of concern, worry, disappointment, and disbelief. Shit Ian's face alone looked like he was ready to put his foot in his ass and he couldn't blame him. He had done everything he said he wouldn't do to his daughter.

"That's my cue" Ian said not even about to go there with Dave then looked over at Ananda who hadn't mustered a single hello. "Come on mommy let's go find Peanut" he grabbed her hand and they started walking off. This is what Dave didn't want to happen but he knew April's parents were making her a priority as they should. He was trying his best to not get theirs parents involved but it was inevitable. Everyone was involved at this point. Besides if they held off any longer it would've caused more harm than good. Honestly they really didn't have enough time to sit on the information that they were broken up and the wedding was off. They had too much to do to cancel everything so the longer they would've waited the messier the whole situation would've become.

"She's in the office" Dave said and sighed before giving his attention to his parents. April had been in her office for most of the day. If he had to guess she was trying her best to focus on something else other than their failed relationship. So as in April's usual form she chose to bury herself in her work. "Hey mommy hey Pops" he said finally greeting them. He wondered how this day was going to go and end because his gut was telling him it wasn't going to be pretty and right about now he couldn't emotionally handle anymore jabs. His brothers had done enough and right now he was just mentally drained.

"Come here" Faye said and tightly wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head on his chest. He welcomed her embrace. He wrapped his arms around her inhaling her scent. She smelled like vanilla with a hint of cinnamon and to him she smelled like home. Being in his mother's arms is what he needed. He didn't even have to say how he felt she could see the turmoil in his eyes and as much as she wanted to give him a good popping and a little attitude she couldn't. It wasn't the right time and from the looks of things he was already going through it and beating himself up which was far much worst. Yes she was disappointed in him because she thought he was through with his ways when it came to Millie. Yet he would rather sabotage himself than her. At this point he was the only one keeping him-self from true happiness. No one was holding a gun to his head except himself.

"Come on son let's go talk" Senior said and patted his shoulder. Dave led them to the family room and took a seat on the large sectional with his mother right beside him. As soon as he sat down he ran his hands down his face. He wasn't ready for his or April's parents to know about their breakup or his fuck ups.

"Look I know I fucked up and I fucked up bad" he said before they could even unload on him. He was honestly tired of repeating the same line. He felt like it was a default statement. It was no other way that he could say it though. He couldn't say he made a mistake. He couldn't say he was playing. He had to accept it for what it was...a fuck up.

"We're not here to get on you. I'm pretty sure ya brothers have already and from the looks of it so have you" Faye said as she sat beside him and soothingly rubbed his back. She knew he was hurting. She could feel that shit miles away. She knew something was bothering him. She had felt it since their trip to Barbados but she was waiting on him to come to her. She didn't want to be that nagging mother so she waited no matter how bad she knew he needed her.

"Does this have anything to do with Barbados because we noticed y'all weren't fucking with each other and I saw my daughter-in-law without her ring" Senior asked as he sat on the opposite side of him in the recliner that Dave just swore he needed. He believed that every man needed a recliner in their home.

Just like his brothers everyone knew something big had happened between Dave and April in Barbados but no one had said a single word about it. Dave nodded. Everyone had saw how their mood had suddenly changed and with April going to stay at the other villa with their parents it just confirmed what they all had suspected. "Yea we had a blow up and everything went left. Before I knew it I was breaking up with her and she was giving me back her ring" he said sounding defeated. He had never expected the conversation to go that far left. Sure he knew that there would be some words said, a little back and forth, and raised voices but he never thought that they would be breaking up. Let alone he never thought that he would be breaking up with her.

"What's stopping you from giving my daughter-in-law all you've got" his mother asked but Senior already knew the answer. It had been the same answer for years now and they all knew it. Just like with his brothers this shit was rinse and repeat.

"Millie" he answered and sighed. "It's like not matter what I do I can't shake her. No matter what she does to fuck me over I'm still right there in her corner. I know she's no good for me but it's Millie" he confessed. Every time he confessed anything about Millie he felt stupid for even letting her have that much power over him and his emotions. By now he felt like a broken record because it was always the same question being asked and always the same sad excuse of an answer. Besides he didn't feel like repeating all he had confessed to his brothers. He hadn't even felt the urge to confess to April well he did but he didn't feel like going back and forth with her again. Everything he had said to the boys had been sitting in his head playing ping pong as he thought and tried not to think about it.

"Do you and are you in love with baby girl" Senior asked. He wanted to see where Dave's head was at besides all the Millie bullshit because it had been that way for years. He wanted to see past all of that and see what he was focused on at this very moment.

"Absolutely" Dave answered with the quickness just like he did every time someone asked him that question. He didn't even have to think about it. But he was definitely tired of people questioning his love for April. Sure they were going through something but the love he had for her he never doubted. He loved her ass to the moon and back. For him it was love at first sight. Shit was just complicated at the moment.

"Then you already know what you have to do. I can tell you everything you did wrong and chastise you but you're a grown ass man and it would be pointless because you already know what you're on the verge of losing. We all know you love her but man to man father to son love will never be enough. The same energy you're giving Agnes is the same energy you need to be giving that woman upstairs" Senior said and pointed to the ceiling. "You need to show her that you're all in and not one foot out the door. She gives you everything she's got and deserves the same from you. You gotta let Agnes go because all she's doing is drowning you"

"I already know Pops. I want to give ma the world but right now I can't. I'm not in the space to. Just like I know I should've handled things with Millie before getting this far with ma but I just had to have her. She came into my life unexpectedly and filled it with so much light and I couldn't let that go" he said as his shoulders slumped. "She's like the Apple in the Garden of Eden and I wanted a taste of her so damn bad and once I did I got lost in it and before I knew it I was too far gone. I didn't think I would fall that fast but I did. With her it's hard not to fall for her. She's like this lil big ball of light and energy and you just want to be in her presence because she makes everything better" he said and boy if he had heard the words that April had just told her mother the night before there was no way in the world that he could deny that they were each other's other half. April was that forbidden fruit. "I thought when I broke up with Millie that it would be the last time I had to deal with her unless Kairi was involved but it was like once I found out the full extent to what she actually did to me I'm just stuck. I'm stuck because I know what the fuck I gave her and what I've done for her and yet every time I'm the one who gets shitted on. I know I should be running but I can't. I need answers first. I've already brought enough bullshit in ma's life I don't want to bring anymore. I don't want to put more of my issues with Millie on her plate"

"Listen I can't say everything is gonna be alright but things will get better in time. You're just gonna have to come to some type of resolve when it comes to Agnes. You're giving her way too much credit when all she's done is used you" Faye said. She had hope that things would work out for Dave and April. She couldn't see the two of them being separated for too long. But at the same time Dave was going to have to really put in some work if he wanted to actually be with April. He couldn't keep doing the back and forth with Millie and April. He was going to have to choose. That didn't mean choosing to be with Millie it just meant choosing whether or not if he was going to keep himself buried in the past or go focus on his future.

"Mommy I can't sleep. I barely eat. If it wasn't for the girls I wouldn't survive here. Nothing is the same anymore. I knew that things would be a lil bad but damn. I thought Chris broke her but I'm pretty sure I just stuck the nail in her coffin. I don't know if I fucked her up to the point she's back at square one with how she was when I first met her but I don't want her to go back to who she once was. Then I'm mad at myself for allowing this shit to happen. I thought I was done with Millie but I'm far from it and I can't blame anyone but myself. I was excited bout the wedding and as soon as those words came out of my mouth and she placed her ring in my hand I knew it was officially over. I went too far" he said. If he could go back in time and change what he said and how that whole blow up went down he would with the quickness. But it would still be a problem because Millie wasn't going anywhere until he got rid of her.

"So what are you gonna do because you're the one with the problem. How are you gonna fix it? You can run down a whole list to me but I need you to be real bout the situation and the work you need to put in. So like I said what are you gonna to do to get your woman back" Senior asked. He felt so bad for his first born but he knew that Dave had a lesson to learn and that lesson was to let it go well let go of Millie. It was a lesson of self-worth, getting rid of baggage, and allowing himself to accept and embrace true happiness. He couldn't understand why he would even be stuck on Millie when their whole relationship had been built on lies.

"I know what I need to do but I don't think I'm ready to do it. I'm not in the right head space to deal with Millie. Sitting face to face with her right now wouldn't do me any good. Yet I feel like if I don't I'll lose everything and that's if I haven't already. I want ma to wait for me but I can't ask her that. She already did it once when me and Millie got back together the last time. I just need some time to figure shit out but I don't want ma out here moving like she's single when I'm trying to make it back home to her" Dave replied. He really wasn't in the mood or right head space to deal with Millie. He wanted to work on himself and really gather his thoughts before going to sit down and talk to her. He wanted to be right with himself before he went down that path.

"Listen if ya not ready then I agree with you don't do it. No one can rush you to get ready. You have to move at your own pace. Nothing positive will come out of it if you do rush. The only thing it would do is bring you down and make Agnes feel like she done won something yet again. But ya right you can't ask my daughter-in-law to wait for you. It would be selfish and unfair to her. I know you don't want to hear it or see it but she is single. You can't expect her to stop living her life because you ended things. You should've told her how you truly felt and then maybe she would've been down to ride with you but you didn't. You threw everything away and now you have to live with that. The only thing y'all can do at this point is be cordial, be there for my grandbabies, and co-parent. Y'all can try to be friends but as a woman I can see her pulling away from all of that when it comes to you. She can't be your friend when she's still in love with you. Ya gonna have to give her some space and time to get to that point. Y'all living together right now has to be hard for the both of y'all especially her when she thought things were good. As a woman I'm surprised nothing bad has happened between y'all because I'd a been trying to come for ya ass for dragging me along for nothing" his mother said keeping it honest with him. "This was a serious relationship. Y'all weren't just dating or just in a beginning stages of a relationship y'all were headed down the aisle"

"I wish I could rewind time back because she even asked me bout therapy for the both of us and I just threw that idea out the window. I just didn't feel like having someone picking my brain like that. But honestly I wasn't trying to hear anything she had to say" Dave admitted. Now when he thought about therapy he didn't think it was so much of a bad idea after all. Maybe if they did go to therapy he wouldn't be feeling or dealing with the shit he was at the moment. Maybe therapy could've stopped him from derailing from all the things he wanted out of his relationship and future with April. Maybe therapy could've put the whole situation with Millie in perspective for him because he even thought he was a little to hung up on her as well.

"I'm a be real with you Jr. I actually think you need it and it would've helped y'all but you've already said ya not ready so it would be a waste of time and money. But when you are ready I think that should be something to handle on the top of ya list of things to do" Senior said. He truly thought therapy would be a great idea for Dave separately and both him and April as a whole. He knew that after everything he had dealt with and learned about Millie that Dave needed some professional help. Love and loyalty had blinded him so much that he was accepting anything Millie gave him when he should've been running for the hills. She had proved a million and one times that he should've taken flight.

Dave sighed and slumped deeper into the couch. "I can't even fix this shit with ma right now. I have filming next month then there's no time to even get back in her good graces. Let alone get to a point where we can actually make it down the aisle on time. I know I can't stay here much longer and that causes problems too because now the girls are in the middle. You know leaving Kairi isn't an option for me. Wherever I go she goes. I can't take her away from ma either but if I move out then how does this even work. Kairi can't go back to a weekend mommy and me time mother and April would want more than a weekend with her" Dave said conflicted in so many ways. This was one of those things that plagued his brain because he knew pulling Kairi and April apart would cause more harm than good. He couldn't take her away from her mother. April had been that positive role for her and he couldn't see depriving Kairi from that. She needed April just like April needed her.

"I was afraid of this. This is why I asked you guys about my relationship with Charlie. I didn't want things to go wrong and my grandbaby is taken away from me" Faye said and shook her head. She had been dreading this. The first time she mentioned it she didn't mean to come off rude but she knew shit could always happen to change a situation.

"Charlie isn't going anywhere mama" April said as she and her parents walked inside of the living room joining them. Dave could tell off bat that she had been crying. Her eyes were teary, slightly red, and puffy. "Y'all are her grandparents just as much as his ass is her father. I would never take her away from y'all no matter what Dave and I are going through. I would hope y'all wouldn't distances yourselves as well as take Kairi away from me. At the end of the day we're all still family blended and all. I already co-parent with Chris so I'm capable of doing it with Dave" she said as she looked over at Dave. She never thought that she and Dave would get to a point where they had to even bring up the word co-parenting amongst the two of them.

"Daughter there's nothing you could do to keep us away from our grandbaby. We love that lil girl and she loves us" Faye said smiling a little. When it came to Faye and Senior and their relationship with Charlie no one could tell them that she wasn't their grand baby. They doted and loved on her just like they did Kairi. From where they were standing it as just as if she had come from Dave. But that's how tight their whole family had grown.

April couldn't help but to smile right along with Senior.

"I'm down for co-parenting. I don't want the girls in the middle but you do know I'll have to take Kairi with me" he looked up at her seeing everything written all over her face. There was sadness, grief, frustration, anger, and so many others threatening to spill out.

April eyes teared as she nodded her head in understanding. "I know" she said above a whisper. Dave wanted to pull her into his arms and make things better but he couldn't. He was the problem this time around and he couldn't help her without helping himself first. So it would all be in vain.

"I can't do Agnes's visitations. I can't see my child only on the weekends. So can we do like I do with Chris where I have free range? I'll be respectable bout it but I can't fathom seeing my Love Bug only on the weekends especially when I'm used to seeing her every day" April said as her voice cracked and asked as she looked at Dave then around the room at nothing in particular. Having this conversation wasn't in the plan but it was one they knew they needed to have.

Dave sighed and wiped his hands over his face again. He was frustrated with himself. He couldn't believe what they were talking about or the shit they were going through. Shit was actually sounding like the end for them like they weren't going to get back together at all. "I wouldn't do that to you or Kairi and I hope the same goes for me with Charlie" Just like April there was no way in hell that Dave could walk away from Charlie especially not after everything they had gone through. He was there while she was baking in her mother's stomach, he was there when April's water broke, and he was there at her birth so walking away from her wasn't an option. Sure she had Chris's blood in her but that was his damn daughter. That was his baby girl. Besides Charlie was still the gatekeeper of all of his secrets. Although he didn't know how much longer it would last since her little ass was talking these days but even still that was his baby. She wasn't called Triple B for nothing. She was still a Brewster.

"Same here I don't care what we go through but I would never put the kids in the middle" April said as their parents looked at the both of them in awe because they were going through difficult times but they both refused to put the kids through anymore unnecessary bullshit. For Dave's parents this was a rare but sad moment for them to see because when it came to Dave and co-parenting with Millie everything had gone left and turned ugly until they got to an ok point. Yet it was sad because they didn't think he'd be back at a stage where he'd be talking about co-parenting with anyone. For April's parents they were just in awe that they could be mature about the situation but then again they knew their daughter and how she handled her business so they didn't expect anything less. It was also a blow to their chests because they had to watch their daughter go through the bullshit all over again.

"I'm moving out" Dave and April said in unison as they kept their eyes on each other neither one of them expecting that those words would come out of each other's mouth at the same damn time. Then again they always knew what was on each other's mind. For April she figured Dave would bring up moving since he mentioned taking Kairi with him but Dave wasn't expecting April to say that she was moving at all.

"Why would you move out" Dave curiously questioned frowning. At the end of the day it was their house and he wouldn't dare ask her to leave especially not when they had children together. What kind of man would he be if he let his children and their mother leave a house that was meant for them?

"I can't stay here with you. We need some space away from each other and being here no matter how massive this place is we'll still run into each other. Even with you gone I couldn't stay here because this was supposed to be our forever home. We were supposed to make new memories here, raise our kids in, have another baby and decorate a room specially made for them. We were supposed to grow old here and now we don't even have forever. It's too much to stay here and these four walls when being apart wasn't in the equation. Out was never part of it. We promised each other that is was either in or in. It's ok though I know you can't keep those when it comes to me" she explained and shrugged. She didn't want to be constantly haunted by what was and what could've been. She didn't want to keep waking up in their bed alone or going to sleep without being in his arms.

Dave huffed and nodded his head. He understood exactly what she meant but now they had a massive mansion that would be paid for, vacant, and haunted by old memories. "Understood" he said but he wasn't feeling that at all.

"You can stay here with Kairi since she's older. She'll have a yard to play in and all the amenities she's already use to instead of buying or renting something new. I have more room to do whatever with Charlie since she's still a baby. She can always come over to get some backyard time in and she still has a home with Chris so she'll be fine either way. I don't want to take any of that away from Kairi and our home is already paid for so why not stay and make use of it"

"I understand what ya saying but I wouldn't dare take our home from you or our children" Dave protested. Sure April made some valid points but he wasn't that type of man. The man in him wouldn't allow him to do any such thing. The house was for her and the kids to begin with.

"I know that but I can't stay here and Kairi is already use to this being her home"

"Look I don't want to go back and forth with you on this so can we give this some more thought and come back to it later" Dave questioned. He wasn't feeling this shit at all but he could see that April was trying to stay firm.

"Sure" she shrugged.

"Since everyone is here I guess we can address the elephant in the room besides our break up...the wedding" Dave said and looked around the room at everyone's somber faces.

"What about it" Ananda asked finally saying something to Dave even though she already knew what was going on. She and Faye had this whole dream about the perfect wedding for their babies and now the shit was a complete nightmare. As soon as she had gotten off the phone with April yesterday she had called Faye up and told her that she and Senior needed to join them for an impromptu visit to LA. She hadn't given her exact details but told her enough because whether or not she was pissed at Dave she knew that he also needed his parents just like April had needed her and Ian.

"There's no wedding" April answered before Dave could get the words out of his mouth. Her voice was laced with nothing but pure venom as she tried her best to remain calm in front of their parents.

Dave slowly nodded his head as the words stung his chest. "The wedding has to be canceled" he added.

"Yup" April said and popped the P. "So mommy and daddy y'all already know part of the routine. Send out cards telling everyone the wedding is canceled. I'll call the resort and cancel the wedding as well as the caterers, photographer, videographer, refund airline tickets, and we can't forget bout Tesha" April said running through the mental checklist of things to do remembering everything they had to deal with from her first wedding as well as the new shit they had to deal with. "Daddy I know you won't accept the wedding money back so think of the next business venture we're putting it into. Mama and Pops we'll be refunding the money that y'all have put in as well" she said looking straight at Dave but talking to their parents. Ian's foot tapped the marble floors as his leg bounced up and down while April kept her tears locked in her eyes refusing to let them spill in front of Dave again. "I'll cancel the other wedding myself and while we're at it if I ever do get proposed to again I need you not to foot the bill daddy" she said and looked over at her father who was sitting beside her with his arm wrapped around her.

"Understood Peanut we got it handled" Ian said as his focus turned to Dave.

"Other wedding" Dave said and scrunched his face confused. All he knew about was the one they were in the mist of planning.

"Don't worry bout it. Besides I don't think marriage is in my deck of cards" she continued as she turned her attention back to Dave. She was pissed the fuck off. "Seems like they only want my uterus and for me to be a baby mama. I'm good enough to have their kids but not good enough to wife up" April said and shrugged. Sorry to say but this seemed to be the norm for her. That shit had her father fuming that she even thought that the men in her life made her feel and think that way about herself when she had so much more to offer.

"That's not true Peanut. April that's not true" her mother said and repeated as she pulled her into her arms hugging her tight.

"Yea but it's my reality. They love the idea of me and they want what I give them with other woman. I give them my whole soul and being. I show them what it's like to be loved and while I'm pouring out my soul they're silently wishing they were getting it from someone else. It's cool though you live and you learn"

Dave felt like April had gut punched him and the tension only seemed to grow thicker. He could tell that her parents wanted to share some words with him but were keeping shit at bay because they were friends with his parents.

"And like I already told you...you are wife material and any man would be blessed and lucky to have you and one day someone will make that happen. One day someone's gonna realize the gem that you are and do right by you. It'll happen when it's supposed to happen. But just know you are worth it" Ian said and placed a kiss to her temple. Nobody was going to make his child feel like she wasn't worth loving.

"Pops it looks like you got something to say so just say it" Dave said looking straight at Ian. He couldn't handle the tension any longer so if they were going to speak their peace then that's what they were going to do.

"It ain't the time" Ian replied keeping his mouth sealed out of the respect he had for his friends and knowing that Dave was already beating himself up anyway.

"Just say it. I fucked up and we all know it"

"Nah I'm good I'm not in the right head space and you're my friend's son as well as a son to me so I rather keep it to myself at the moment" Ian said trying to avoid confrontation with Senior and Faye. Sure he had some choice words for Dave but he also thought that it was a conversation they needed to have amongst the two of them.

"Like I told everyone else I fucked up I did. I know I fucked up. I'm sorry for disappointing all of you. I'm sorry for fuckin up y'all dream wedding. I'm sorry for taking money from you for the wedding for it all to go down like this" he said looking between his mother and April's. "I'm sorry for breaking ya heart ma. I'm sorry" he said looking back at April. Dave was defeated. He couldn't say sorry enough. Faye held him in her arms and rubbed his arm trying to sooth him. This whole ordeal was a mess for everyone involved.

"Look I'm not tryna make you feel bad. I know you have ya issues and you have to find it in ya self to work on them. Suffering isn't what I want for you. But you don't have to keep telling me sorry. I'm tired of men telling me their sorry. Sorry can't fix shit for me or make me feel any better. I just hate that you dragged me along instead of dealing with what you needed to beforehand. I'm sorry I couldn't be her for you. I'm sorry I couldn't be enough for you to want to rid ya self from Agnes. I'm sorry to myself for even doing this shit to myself again. I broke a promise to myself to fuck with you. That's on me and I have to live with that" she shrugged. "So whatever"

"Nope that's what we won't do. I love Dave as if he was my own son but none of this is ya fault. You gave more than ya all" Ananda said straight up. She didn't give a fuck who was there she was not about to let April eat that shit. No sir no ma'am! "All of this shit that you're going through has nothing to do with you. You've been more than loyal and put his ass before you each and every time. Dave has things he needs too deal with on his own and those issues don't stem from you. You have nothing to be worry bout" and just like that the tension got a little more thicker. Yet Faye and Senior didn't say anything. What could they say? They didn't want April beating up herself when they knew damn well this was on Dave. They just hoped that shit wouldn't go any further.

"So are you taking Kairi back to Jersey while you film or is she still staying with me" April asked changing the subject. She was tired of all the sorry being spread around the room and she didn't want their parents getting caught up in the middle of them.

Dave was happy for the change of subject. He hated that what they were going through just might cause a rift between their two families. "She'll stay with you since things are bout to change. Y'all can enjoy that time together"

"Do y'all really see this as being the end for y'all" Senior spoke up and asked. He didn't think that this was the end of them. It was just another bump and a big ass bump in the road. "Do y'all not want to fight for what y'all have" he questioned.

"Pops I ain't even tryna be funny but that's a question you need to ask Dave I'm honestly done with fighting for him. I fight for him too often and I don't get the same in return. I done fought for him as well. My gloves are off. The ball is in his court I'm done. I'm tired of fighting over the same shit and over the same person. I deserve for someone to finally fight for me. I deserve for your son to see what he has in front of him and know that I'm worth fighting for. My love is worth fighting for. I'm fuckin worth it" April answered honestly. Besides she knew Dave wasn't mentally or emotionally ready for the type of commitment she wanted so there was no reason for her to even think about fighting. Fighting would be pointless.

Dave rushed over to April like someone had lit fire to his ass and got on his knees before her and wiped the lone tear that escaped the barrier she tried so hard to keep it contained in. He knew she wanted to break down but she didn't want to do it in front of him anymore. "Baby you're worth it all. You're worth the fight. I love you and I don't want anybody else but you. I don't know what you've actually been in here thinking all this time if you think I don't love you or that I only want you for ya uterus. What you give me I don't want from Millie. This isn't bout my love for you. Don't ever doubt that shit ma because I DO LOVE YOU" he said speaking from his heart. He should've been spoken up when she first started talking crazy about herself but he was just trying to give her space. But he couldn't let this shit go on for much longer. He had to speak up. He had to tell her somewhat how he felt. "I know you can't help it because of what we're going through right now or even believe that I'm telling you the truth but that's something I need you to not even think. I want more than the idea of you. I want you but I can't have you until I do what I need to do" he continued. He needed her to know that she was worth every bit of a fight. He knew this would be the perfect opportunity to tell her how he was really feeling about everything but he couldn't bring himself to do so. It was like every time he wanted to let her in he backed out of it.

"Then fight" she said with conviction. "If I'm it for you then I need you to fight. I need you to fight for me this round. Fight for our children the ones here and the ones to come. Fight for our love. Fight for our happiness. Fight for our happily ever after. I NEED YOU TO FIGHT FOR YOU" she said loud and clear trying to get him to fully hear her words as she placed her hands on both of his cheeks cupping his face in her hands. She looked him in his eyes as their parents watched their exchange. "You David Lawrence Brewster Jr deserve to be loved. You deserve to be happy. You deserve peace of mind. You deserve to be cared for. You deserve to be cherished. You deserve the love that I pour all over you. I need you to see your worth. Let ME love you the way you deserve" April spoke to him with so much emotion. She let it pour out of her just hoping it would fuel and seep into him.

Tears trickled out of Dave's eyes and he gave no fucks who saw or what they thought. He needed this moment. He needed to let go. He needed and wanted to be free from the shackles Millie had on him. "I'll fight"

-Hey boos happy reading I hope y'all enjoyed.
-Yikes I feel like everything has been so tense these last few chapters but hey it's gotta go down. I just feel so damn sad that my babies aren't in their happy bubble. But hey relationships aren't perfect and to have a successful one you have to put in the necessary work. I know y'all were waiting on daddy Ian to go in but who would I be if I gave that up so easily 😂😈
-I don't even know what to say so I guess I'll just ask how are you guys feeling about what's going on. Do y'all think Dave will really fight for April let alone himself🤔
-Do you think this will cause a rift between their
families 🤔
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading and not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰

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