20: No Time Like Christmas

Chapter 20: No Time Like Christmas

There's no place like home (Ain't no place like home)
No time like Christmas time, lovin' you right (Baby, baby)
No place like home (Ain't no place like home, yeah)
No time like layin' up with the one that you love (Baby, baby)
There's no time like Christmas (Yeah)
[No Time Like Christmas by: Chris Brown]

It was late Christmas night damn near pushing 12am and Dave and April were at home cuddled up chilling after a long eventful Christmas celebration. This was their first year hosting Christmas at their new home and everyone had come showing love, exchanging loads of gifts, playing games, singing karaoke, eating a good meal which the women had of course prepared, and had desserts galore. Instead of another Thanksgiving feast they switched it up with a massive seafood boil with a side of steaks and finger foods for those who didn't eat seafood. Their parents had even come to celebrate and stay with them for a week as well. Their house was full of life, good vibes, good conversations, an abundance of laughter, and they loved it. Between the gift giving and just being surrounded by family it was just a day to reflect on how their blended family was created and how they genuinely loved, cared, protected, and stood ten toes down for each other. Their bonds grew tighter each passing day. Their family was solid.

It was such a good day that the vibe was still there even after everyone had left. The peace surrounding them throughout the day was still lingering after everyone's departure. The crew had gone to their respective homes. Even Ebony's mother had joined them for this year's festivities and it was safe to say that Ebony's mother was moving to LA indefinitely. Once Ebony dropped the bomb about her pregnancy there wasn't anything that Ebony could've said to make her mother stay in Atlanta. No, she was going to be there with her baby girl the whole way through. Even Ny-Reek was staying in LA for a little while just to keep a close eye on her. Everyone was so happy for them and couldn't wait for the new addition to their family.

Hearing that his boy was having a baby had Dave excited and hype for his boy and high key he couldn't wait to hear the news that he and April were going to be right behind them...hopefully. He had his fingers and toes crossed. All he could think about was him and his boy raising their kids together. He was happy for both Bully and Ebony and was happy that his brother was having a baby by a real one. It was a good look for him. He knew that since his boy was having a baby that he was really about to be on GO and want to get his money up. Dave was going to make sure that Bully was fully plugged in and getting his pockets right even though he already paid him handsomely. He always made sure his boys ate good.

"What you thinking bout Papi" April asked as she looked over her shoulder at him, interrupting him from his thoughts. They were in the family room chilling and having some time to themselves. They had been on go since last night and continued on to that morning and the rest of the evening. The kids and their parents were in bed sleep and this was the first time they actually had some uninterrupted one on one alone time all day. They were posted up on the floor leaning against their huge gray modular sectional that could fit their family comfortably while in front of the fireplace as Christmas music played in the background. She was sipping on hot chocolate with jumbo marshmallows with a caramel drizzle while he sipped on some Coquito that his parents had brought for him from Jersey. She was sitting comfortably between his legs while he had his arm resting around her waist nuzzling her neck.

Dave nibbled on her neck before answering her. "Thinking bout how my brother bout to be a father. You saw how he was looking?! That man was bout to cry" Dave said smiling hard thinking about how Ebony had surprised Bully with her pregnancy reveal during their gift exchange. It was dope and he just knew that his boy was over the moon. He knew just how much Bully having a baby meant to him. He was finally about to have his own little family and start his own legacy.

April smiled. "Yea Bully definitely looked like he was bout to break a tear and if he had it was warranted. Sis was definitely happy too. I'm excited for both of them. I already know between her mother and mine they're already planning the baby shower. Hopefully me and Thing 2 get to add our two cents in" she chuckled.

Dave laughed. "You already know what type of time they're on. As soon as sis bust out with the reveal they were looking at each other plotting. I saw them gathered up looking like they were jotting down notes and I already know my mama in the mix too. Bully's one of her babies too"

April laughed. "As usual...Just like they did us with our baby shower and wedding"

"I'm happy for them though. I can't wait until it's our turn" he said then kissed her neck.

"And what you gonna do when that day comes" she asked before taking a sip of her cocoa as she angled her neck for him to get a better taste of her.

"Shit I don't even know" he said then ran his free hand across his fresh box braids that April had done the day before Christmas along with the girls as well. "You know my ass been thirsting for a baby. At this point my ass might fuck around and bust a tear for real" he answered honestly. He couldn't wait to see April walking around with a belly filled with his seed. He knew it would be a sight to see. He just knew that her having his baby would be a beautiful experience.

April laughed at him and kissed him underneath his chin. "Aww"

"What you gonna do when one of my soldiers finally hits that target" he questioned.

April shook her head and sighed. "Mannn Papi just promise me that you won't do the most. I don't mind eating a lil healthier but don't take my snacks away from me and I'm letting you know now I'm working till I can't work anymore. I'm gonna take the same maternity leave that I give my employees. They get three months off. I know it's normally two but an extra month is sometimes needed to get things in order"

Dave bit down on her neck then raked his teeth over it then chuckled. "Ma I can't make you no promises. You not bout to be sneaking snacks like you did with my baby girl and you definitely not bout to be overworking ya self either. I know you just got back to work so I ain't gonna make you leave just yet. But trust if I see you doing the most then you already know what's gonna happen"

"I feel like you're selling me pipe dreams" she laughed before placing her cup on the tray table beside them before turning around and straddling his lap.

Dave laughed and placed his drink alongside hers on the tray then wrapped his arms around her waist. "I'm a man of my word"

April playfully rolled her eyes. "I'll believe it when I see it" she kissed the rose on his neck while he ran his hands soothingly up and down her back before firmly gripping her ass. "So how was your Christmas?" she asked while looking up at him as she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"It was a good one. Our parents came, y'all went in on the food as usual, all of our lil girls were here this year, everybody loved their gifts, my brother bout to be a first time father, and just sharing another Christmas with you topped everything. I had fun. It's always a vibe when we're all together. I don't care how our family came to be we got one of the dopest families"

April nodded. "And DO...I'm glad you enjoyed yourself though. I'm happy that we got to spend another Christmas together too" she smiled. From the smile that she had on her face all day and the laughter that bubbled out of her he knew for sure that she enjoyed Christmas. The twinkle in her eyes had said it all. "Shit I knew I forgot something" she said as she abruptly hopped off his lap causing him to look up at her. "I'll be right back" she said before quickly shuffling out of the family room.

Dave leaned his head back against the couch thinking about his life and how everything seemed to be finally falling back into place. The only things missing now was giving April back her engagement ring, changing her last name, and knocking her smooth up. With the way life was going for them at the moment everything he wanted to do with April would eventually come to fruition. From where he was sitting and all the things they had been doing to solidify their foundation and relationship things could only go up for them. They deserved it. Just like every time he thought about his and April's future he saw nothing but happiness and a family to call their own. Life was good! He knew that even when life got a little gloomy that they could weather any storm that came their way after the bullshit they had already gone through.

"Soooo I have one more gift for you" April said as she walked back inside of the family room with a wooden box in her hands looking nervous as hell.

"Ma you gave me more than enough. I don't need anything else" he said seriously. She had done it big for him once again and he needed nothing else from her but her. With the type of money they had it was kind of hard to buy each other gifts when they already had everything. So when they bought each other gifts they had to be more meaningful but as usual she had reached inside of her many bags and bought him a storefront in a great area with more than enough traffic to open his own marijuana dispensary. He had already been in the middle of finalizing his own strands and working with growers to make sure things were on the up and up. He even had the packaging ready with his logo. Now he had his very own store to sell his own marijuana along with his merchandise for From The Dirt which was his clothing brand as well as his record label. Honestly he didn't even know how to properly thank her for all that she had given him.

"I know Papi but this one right here is something I know you'd love and really want" she said as she placed the box down in his lap as she remained standing.

Dave could tell that whatever was in the box had to be something major with the way she was standing there all nervous and nibbling on her bottom lip. "I'm have to stop ya gift giving because our shit ain't matching up ma" he shook his head. He had went all out for her as well but he knew that he didn't break as much bread as she had on him. Luckily for him that shit meant absolutely nothing to her. She didn't care how much he spent on her just as long as it came from the heart. But he did come through for her just like he always did. He planned a trip for two back to Jamaica so they could get caught up in each other after she dropped her new software for the new year so that she could jump into the new year refreshed and focused. He had gotten her more charms for her charm bracelet that he had gotten her last Valentine's Day and an all inclusive spa day just for her to unwind. Her package included a full body massage with the works as well as her hair, nails, brows, waxing from all of her favorite estheticians and beauticians. The two gifts that she loved the most and cried her eyes out was a painting of her surrounded by all of their children including CMB Jr with his angel wings looking down at her and his sisters smiling as he rested on a plush cloud in the prettiest blue sky.

He had also had a rendention of how Jr would've looked now alongside his sisters. He had all of April's people crying to the point Chris had to walk out for a second to collect himself. It was like starring at a younger version of Chris with freckles galore covering his nose and cheeks with April's kinky curly hair out wild and free. He looked just like the male version of Charlie, just light bright like their father instead of chocolate like her and April. April had cried her heart out while she held the picture and thanked him over and over and over again. He had spent some serious bread on those paintings but knew that they would be worth every single penny.

"Boy bye you can't stop me from gifting you anything. I'm good and I'm making sure not only you but everyone around us is good" she waved him off.

"I'm already knowing" he nodded already knowing how she was when it came to gift giving and their family.

"Good now open the box" she nodded as she fidgeted with her hands.

Dave looked at how nervous and fidgety she was wondering what the hell was actually in the box. It wasn't big but it also wasn't too small. "What's in the box" he questioned as he looked up at her then back down at the box.

"Open it up and see"

Dave shook the box before he slowly opened the lid and immediately froze. He slowly looked up at April then back down at the box again. "Nahhh" he dragged as his voice got caught in his throat. "Nah ma don't...don't play with me like this" he stared at the contents in the wooden box. "Nah" he sniffed not believing what he was seeing. His eyes had to be playing tricks on him. They had to be.

"Go head and get a good look" she smiled as tears filled her eyes.

Dave shook his head in disbelief. The first thing his eye's zeroed in on was two clear blue pregnancy tests that said 3plus which happened to be glued to a circular wooden plaque that said Coming Soon Baby Brewster Due August 2021 with tiny footprints burnt into the wood. Lying beside it was a sonogram where he could barely see his baby but he or she was there. He knew by the sonogram that she was early on. Picking up the plaque he read it out loud. "Coming soon baby Brewster due August 2021" he choked up. "That's my Dooda right there" he said as he placed the plaque down and picked up the sonogram staring at it as if he'd blink and it would all just disappear.

"Dooda...I know that ain't what ya planning on calling my baby" April said playfully with her hands now on her hips as tears trickled down her face.

"Damn right" he smiled showing off all of his thirty two teeth.

"There's more in there"

Dave put down the sonogram and continued to dig inside of the box. There was a pair of white baby Chuck Taylors with Baby on the right shoe and Brewster on the left that looked to be airbrushed in blue and pink. They were so tiny but oh so cute. He wondered how they were even able to get the words on the tiny kicks. There was also a blue onesie that said Hi daddy I can't wait to meet you with a picture of a basketball, a microphone, and a baby doll as well as Made in 2020.

"Turn it around Papi there's something on the back too"

Dave flipped the onesie over and laughed a full hearty laugh that shook his body. On the back of the onesie it said 'My daddy doesn't shoot blanks' with bullet holes in the O's. He knew that it had two meanings behind it. One meant that he would definitely bust his guns if anybody came for his family and two his soldiers were definitely hitting their targets.

Dave couldn't help himself as a tear slid down his face. "Ma come here" he reached his hand out for her and she grabbed it as she made her way closer to him. "You shitten me right now"

April ran her hand through his braids. "Same shit I said when I saw it" she giggled. "But nope I'm not shitten you Papi. We finally got Baby Brewster on the way. He or she will be here in August"

Dave lifted up the shirt to her matching pajama set. They had all wore matching pajama sets. "Hey Dooda" he kissed her stomach. "Dooda daddy's been waiting a long time for you. I can't wait to meet you. I love you to the moon and back" he said as he wrapped his arms around April's waist and placed another kiss on her stomach.

"Aww babes" she sniffled and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"How long have you known? When did you find out? When did you piss on a damn stick? Where was I? Ma when did you even go to the doctor" he fired off.

April laughed as she cupped his face in her hands and wiped away his tears with the pads of her thumbs. "Can I sit down first?" she questioned.

Dave let her go and pulled her down onto his lap needing her close.

"Well I found out the same day sis found out she was pregnant. She came to the office and wanted me to take one with her for moral support so I did" she answered as she continued to tell him the story about how Ebony came to her and how she wanted her to take the test with her. "I wanted to tell you when I first found out but with the way you had baby fever not too long ago I wanted to make sure that there was really a baby in there. I'm sorry I didn't let you know then and there as well as going to the first appointment without you"

"Nah don't apologize I love how you set up the keepsake box for me" he said still choked up. "But just know every appointment I'm there from here on out. I don't want to miss shit" and he wouldn't.

"I already know"

"So how far along are you" he questioned wanting to know what was what. He needed to know everything.

"As of today I'm six weeks" she answered smiling as she placed her hand on her flat stomach. It was still nice and toned.

Dave couldn't wait to see her stomach grow with his seed. Dave's brows scrunched as if he was in deep thought before he had an ah ha moment. He smirked. "I bust that ass after I bathed you in Barbados because I damn sure shot ya shit up that first round. I emptied a full clip and my ass was backed up too so I know you got every last drop" he gloated feeling happy for a job well done. He was ready to pat himself on the back.

"Boy bye" she heartily laughed and tossed her head back. "But you did. You gave me everything you had"

"Then you gonna do that fuck shit and make me wear condoms after that. Nah, nah my soldiers did what they needed to do ain't that right Dooda" he said happy as hell. This had to be the best present he had gotten today. This had topped everything he had gotten. He hadn't even suspected that she was even pregnant. She wasn't throwing up, craving certain foods, or sleeping a lot. "I guess I know now why that pussy been super sloshy. You got that extra good pregnancy pussy" he cheesed. "That's why I can't stay off ya heels. Ya ass been in here having me feigning"

April just laughed. "Well it's good to know ya happy bout that"

"Beyond happy but why you wait till now though instead of earlier with everybody else" he curiously asked because everyone would've been just as excited for them as they were for Bully and Ebony. He hoped she wasn't worried about them thinking it was too soon because he damn sure didn't give not one single fuck what they thought or how they felt. It was about him and April and how they felt at the end of the day.

April pecked his lips before answering. "I wanted sis and brother to have their moment and with the way you and I do things I wanted something a lil more intimate. I wanted you to know before anyone else knew. I wanted to share it with you so we could have our moment before our parents start going in. Mommy's ass was already hinting shit but I let Ebony and the rest of the girls take the fall for all that. She had called me the same day I took the test asking questions. Said she had a dream that we took the girls to the carnival and they came back with a blue fish" she chuckled and shook her head.

Dave placed his forehead against hers. "Mama knew what it was and a blue fish at that! Yea sounds like my baby boy is in there" he said all hype before pecking her lips tasting remnants of her hot cocoa. "Thank you Allah for allowing my baby to have my baby and thank you baby for allowing me that moment in Barbados and this moment right here. Thank you for carrying my baby"

"You're very welcome Papi. I wouldn't have it any other way. I can't wait for this new journey and to meet our baby" she beamed genuinely happy. He saw it all over her face. There wasn't a hint of regret or uncertainty.

"Allah I'm a need you to come through for ya boy and bless me with a baby boy" he said looking up at the ceiling.

April laughed. "Either or just let our baby be healthy with no complications"

"Yea a healthy baby boy with no complications Allah ameen"

"Jesussssss" April dragged and laughed.

"That's right call him and ask for that baby boy" Dave laughed. "Yo you just made me the happiest man alive. I know we're still fine tuning our shit Ma but just know I got ya back all day long. I'm here every step of the way. I'm not missing anything. I got you and Dooda. Just like I was there for Triple B I'm gonna be here for Dooda" he spoke with conviction. There was no way in hell that he was going to fall short when it came to his baby or his woman. He didn't do it with Kairi or Triple B and he damn sure wasn't going to do it with this baby.

"I know Papi and we're blessed to have you too. But I'm a need you to be a man of ya word. Don't be hounding my cravings and trying to stop me from working. I can't take another year off"

"I gotchu don't worry but just know I AM bout to be on ya heels" he pecked her lips.

"Jesus" she shook her head. He knew she knew what was up.

"How you feeling though" he asked trying to see where her head was at.

"Honestly I'm good I feel like it was meant to be. It feels right. I'm happy and excited to meet our baby. When I think bout when he or she was conceived I just think bout how I went to Barbados to reclaim that moment for myself and how you followed me down there. You came down there with a purpose and you made sure that you made that shit right. We might not be married but we're headed there. Either way married or not our baby was made from pure fuckin love" she answered with a big ass smile that eased his heart and his mind. He knew having another baby and being at the place they were in their relationship that a baby might be iffy but to know that she was just as excited made him feel even better about their baby.

"Letting you know now get ready because we're getting married before daddy's baby comes. I'm not bout to have my baby with my last name and you without it. I'll even grant ya wish and make it happen before you start showing so you can still wear ya dream dress meaning you need to be getting ready like now"

"I'm on ya type of time so whenever ya ready I'm ready" she smiled then cupped his face in her hands and kissed his lips sending him all of her love through the kiss to the point his body shivered.

"Say less" he nodded with his wheels already spinning in his head on how to make shit special for her once again. This was his last and final time proposing so he had to make sure he got it right and made it just as meaningful as the first two times. Honestly he didn't even want to propose to her again and he probably wouldn't. Twice was enough...more than enough if he was being completely honest with himself. He was just ready to place her ring back on her finger and jump the broom. There was no reason to propose. They could skip all of that and just make that shit happen.

"I'm a lil nervous with how this pregnancy is gonna go while having a one year old. Momma's baby just turned one and she's already trying to do whatever she sees her big sisters doing. She's a busy body and soaks in everything. The baby is supposed to be here the month before she turns two. It's gonna be a lot going on then I still want to love on her and give her the same attention. Like when I was pregnant with her and was making sure Love Bug knew that she was still my baby. Let alone this will be another major change for Love Bug" she sighed.

"Triple B can't help but to be just as active as her sisters. They include her in everything. Everything is going to work out and yea it's gonna get a lil hectic with a new baby and toddlers but ya not a single parent. I'll be here and you already know our parents are gonna be around too. You already know that first month they're gonna be right here so we'll have more than enough help. I'll even make sure that by the time Dooda gets here that I'm not touring. I'll try to keep it local and lessen the states if I do have to tour. Whatever the case may be I'm gonna be here and you're gonna be good" he said with confidence knowing that there were going to be times that would get overwhelming but they would be ok. It took a village and they had their village. "As far as Lil Butt she'll be fine as long as we keep doing what we're already doing and if it gets to where we're seeing her behavior change then we'll get her therapist involved. It might be good to get her involved when you start showing so we'll be ahead of the game"

April nodded in approval. "That sounds good to me. But um why Dooda" she said and asked.

He shrugged. "It just came to me. Why? You don't like it"

"Dooda is just fine with me. I was just asking"

"I love you Ma" He said before kissing her nose.

"I love you too Papi"

Dave smiled and placed his hand back on her stomach in disbelief. If anyone would've told him that he and April would be back to where they were now and with a baby on the way he probably would've waved them off. Don't get him wrong, he always knew he was going to get her back. Well he hoped and prayed he would but he didn't think things were going to be this smooth and feel so damn good, this shit right here had his heart feeling fuller than ever. They had Kairi, Charlie, Royalty and now they were about to add a new baby in the mix that had both of their DNA and that excited him even more. They were finally about to have a baby that was mixed with the both of them. He hoped and prayed that they had the best of both of them. He couldn't wait to see what his Dooda would look like. Would he be sunkissed like him or chocolate like his mother? Would he have a head full of kinky curls like his mother? His nose...his mouth. Would he be his twin? And yes he knew that they wouldn't know the gender until a few more months but he was speaking his baby boy into existence.

"How's daddy baby been treating you? I haven't noticed if you've been feeling unwell and with the way I've been on ya heels I would've noticed if you weren't feeling good"

"Honestly I haven't been showing any symptoms. If I hadn't taken those tests with sis I probably wouldn't have noticed anything until it was too late. I wasn't even  worried bout Aunt Flo not showing up. I've been so busy getting settled in at work and finalizing things for my latest project that my period was the least of my worries. But um why do you keep saying daddy's baby? How do you know if this baby isn't going to be a momma's baby? You already got Triple B let alone if Dooda is a boy he might be attached to me because they say lil boys are mama's boys"

Dave nodded. He could see how she wouldn't have noticed that she was carrying his child. She was still on momma duty and her workload was heavy. She had been trying to make sure everything was A1 for her latest project since she had pushed it off for so long. She was busting her ass to make sure that everything was finished on time. Sometimes he would catch her sleeping in their home office because she was so busy tweaking shit on her project. Sure she was still keeping Friday's for herself but when work needed to be done she was on top of everything. "Ok so I do have Triple B but don't act like Lil Butt isn't ya shadow. She used to be a daddy's girl through and through and now she's all about her momma. You turned my baby against me" he tried to pout but he was so damn happy and blessed that Kairi had April in her life. She was that missing piece that she so desperately needed...that they both needed.

"Ok, ok so I do have Love Bug but still you know damn well she still bout her daddy too so you over here doing the most"

He shrugged. "Welp I'm a just have all my babies then"

"You know what...I can't with you" she laughed.

"All I know is that I'm a have a daddy's boy" Dave said, sounding so sure of himself. "Bout to be out here matching my fly, showing him the ropes, teaching him how to play basketball, playing catch, and everything else I can think of. We bout to be a vibe. I'm bout to have both of my boys out here. Teddy B and Dooda bout to be lit" he said thinking about all of the things he was about to do and teach their child. He was going to teach him to be better than him.

April smiled at him. "I'm not even bout to knock ya hustle or kill ya dreams. I wouldn't mind having another boy anyway. Just know that if Baby Brewster is a boy my daddy and unkie are gonna be all over him too. Y'all gonna have to share. You see how they be with the girls and basketball they're really gonna be on their shit if we have a boy"

"We just gonna have to share him. I already know my Pops gonna be on his shit too" he shrugged not minding that his baby was going to have good male role models in his life who would not only love him but help mold him into a respectable young man. "How were you even able to keep a secret this big to ya self? You know how we be bout secrets. We can't hold water"

April laughed. "I wanted to tell you as soon as I saw the damn results I knew damn well that I couldn't tell you shit without knowing for sure. Let alone I wanted to make it special for you and not just throw some shit together. I told you I'm a do more than Agnes ever did when it comes to having a baby with you. I want you to experience it all. The highs and the lows, the good and bad I want you to experience it all. I'm not saying that you didn't experience certain things while she was pregnant with my Love Bug but I'm pretty sure this experience will be different for the both of us. For one our baby was made from love from both parties involved and not one of us scheming. Two you won't ever have to worry or think that I'm going to walk away from our child. Three Dooda will be loved and loved on just like I love and love on the rest of our kids. Four I'm here for every birthday: planning and celebrating, school plays, award ceremonies, and whatever sport he or she decides to play or if they decide to play. He or she will never be an afterthought. Five, our baby will never think for a second that he or she is not loved. Our baby will know that he or she is loved, protected, safe, away from harm, and know that his or her parents are their safe haven. Whatever you've experienced and however you felt during that time with her I promise you will not feel it or experience it with me" she spoke with conviction as she looked him square in the eyes letting him know that everything was going to be different this time around. She pledged that she would never do him like Millie had done him and for that he loved her even more.

He knew this was his do over. Maybe not necessarily a do over but it was still a chance for him to experience all that he hadn't the first time around. He would get to see his baby growing and not have to watch April pull a disappearing act every time something doesn't go her way. Or sneak off to do some sideways shit. He knew that once the baby was born April would look at their child with a twinkle in her eyes because he would be one of their greatest gifts...blessing. He knew that after the baby would be born that April would go through hell and high water to let each and every one of their children know that even though they had a new sibling that they were still just as important and still loved. He knew that she would make sure to continue to let them know that home was a safe space and that no matter what all they had to do was call and she would always come running. Her undivided attention they would always have.

It made him want to break down and cry to know that he had a life partner that was down and out for him. To know how bad he wanted a baby and to even keep it a secret from him just to make sure the reveal was special spoke volumes. She didn't even have to say what she said and he knew that she would make sure that he had a hell of an experience as they got ready to bring in new life. His eyes teared up as they collected on the rim of his bottom lids. He stared back at her with so much love and admiration. "Thank you for being you and doing all that you do to make sure that we are loved and appreciated. Nothing you do for me goes unnoticed. I see you"

April beamed her smile just as bright as the lights on their seven foot tall Christmas tree if not brighter twinkling like the star up above it. "Thank you for seeing me...the real me and loving me unconditionally"

She didn't have to go in detail about it. Dave knew exactly what she meant about really seeing her. She was so much more than the woman he had first met. She had grown so much. She was no longer the girl hiding behind a faux smile and overworking herself to not think about how love had chewed her up and spit her out. He could no longer see sadness lingering behind her eyes or suffocating her aura. She glowed on the outside and from within. She embodied happiness and strength. She knew her self worth. She was one of those women who loved love and when she thought love was through with her Dave had come to her rescue and showed her what real love was. It was an even trade and unconditional. The best trade off they could ever ask for. Both not looking for love but love came right on in looking for the both of them. Now their love was expanding in the form of a child...a child that they both created and it felt so surreal and magical and oh so beautiful.

April leaned her head against his chest nuzzling into him then sniffed him before yawning. "I'm sleepy Papi and no it isn't the baby. We've been up since late last night making sure all the gifts were wrapped and under the tree. I need a good ole booty rub and our bed" she sleepily said.

Dave leaned down and kissed her forehead. He knew she needed some sleep but he needed something from her first. "Bet, I gotchu but I'm a need you to play a round of the quiet game once we hit the bedroom. I need a dose of that night, night between ya legs first. Dooda got ya shit on ocean spray and I'm guaranteed to knock out straight after. So come on so I can put us both to sleep" he patted her butt.

He didn't have to tell her twice. Just like she stayed on ocean spray her ass stayed ready to play. These days all he had to do was look at her and she would be ready to go. "Let me straighten up this room first and I'll meet you upstairs" she said as she got off his lap.

He shook his head. She was always cleaning and making sure things were back in order. She couldn't help herself. "Ma, that shit can stay right where it's at. The girls are on winter break and all they're gonna do is wake up and come down here and make a mess in here with their toys and fall right to sleep at nap time on all this shit. They can have this room for all I care. Fuck this room! But I'm a take my keepsake upstairs and display it on my island in my closet" he beamed. He was really about to get his baby. Nothing and no one could take away his smile and the way he was feeling right now.

April nodded. "True...get ya stuff while I take these cups to the kitchen"

"Bet" he said as he watched her walk out of the family room before gently placing all of the items back inside his keepsake box, still not believing that he had finally planted a seed and it took root in the woman he loved who loved him back.

Meeting up in the front hallway Dave grabbed her hand as they made their way upstairs. Checking in on the girls who were peacefully sleeping along with Teddy who was in the room with Charlie at the moment. He would be in Kairi's room in a few. Dave couldn't help but smile because by this time next year Baby Brewster would be there to join them for his first Christmas. Then to top it off with the way the home they had which was more like a mini mansion and the way their family was about to expand they didn't even need to look for another home, they had more than enough room to grow. This time around no one would have to be uprooted. All they had to do was pick a room and make magic happen. He couldn't wait to pick a room and start working on the nursery.

"I can't wait to tell the fam" Dave said excitedly as they entered their bedroom.

April laughed. "Our mothers are gonna mess around and stay longer while our fathers head back to Jersey. Then again they just might stick around too. They know they be missing us especially their precious grand babies"

"I can see that happening. They gonna fuck around and move out here one of these days" he joined her as he closed the bedroom door behind them making sure to lock it. He wasn't giving Kairi the slightest chance to bust up in their room on some just because. He was ready to get between his woman's thighs and rock them both into a good ole deep sleep.

"I can actually see that happening and honestly I wouldn't mind having them closer. We can't be neighbors though" April said as she slipped out of her pajama set then pulled the comforter back then climbed into bed while Dave walked into his closet and gently placed his keepsake box on his massive island alongside some of his jewelry, shades, and colognes. He placed it right where he could see it first thing whenever he entered his closet. He opened the box and placed the lid right behind it and made sure the items inside were perfectly displayed. Once he got it looking the way he wanted he leaned back just looking at it as his heart fluttered, feeling as though it had grown just a bit bigger and fuller as if it had made even more room for his Dooda. He didn't even know where he got that nickname from but it crept out of his mouth so easily that he had to keep it. It sounded right. This shit had him ready to take a picture and post it up for the world to see but he wouldn't...not yet anyway. He wanted to share the moment with his family first. Besides he knew how finicky people on social media was and he didn't want them spewing negativity their way and coming up with think pieces about them and their child. But when the time came and his baby was sporting her glorious baby bump everyone was going to see it. He felt like a damn woman like he was carrying the baby he wanted to do the maternity photos, the baby shower, and the gender reveal and he was. This time around the only people who would be invited were the people who genuinely fucked with them.

Walking back inside the bedroom Dave couldn't help the goofy ass smile that graced his face. He was on cloud nine as he watched his woman lying on his side of the bed as soft snores filled the room. He knew she was tired from the snoring alone. She had wrapped presents all night well into the early morning, helped prepare breakfast, dinner, hosted, played with the girls, and so much more. If he had known that she was pregnant beforehand he would've made her sit her ass still for a second. Pregnant...he still couldn't believe that she was baking his baby. After all the trying and plotting it had happened at a time when he didn't know what was going to become of the two of them. Now here she was six weeks in and their baby would be arriving at the end of summer.

He didn't even bother to turn the tv on. He simply went to his phone and went to their special playlist then stripped out of his pajamas leaving him in his boxer briefs. This Is Your Night by Avant came through their Bluetooth speaker serenading the room. He dimmed the lights, climbed in bed behind her, then spooned her. Raking his hand lightly against her warm flesh he slipped it between her thighs and went directly for her honey pot. Dave didn't need any directions or a search party to get to where he was going, he eased his hand between her thighs, spread her plumped lips, and went straight to her clit damn near moaning in her ear because of course her juices were already flowing.

"Damn it" he groaned in her ear before nibbling on it. "Shit already wet and I ain't even do shit to you yet" he whispered as he strum her clit causing a moan to slip from her lips. "Spread them for me"

April spread her legs wide while still in a sleepy haze. Legs now spread he ran all of his digits down her slippery sticky slope. "Ma you on ocean spray"

"Mhmm" she nodded as she leaned her head back against his bare chest.

"Remember we're playing the quiet game. I don't need our parents to know how I be breaking my precious pussy down and I damn sure don't need Lil Butt pounding on the doors to get to you while I'm tryna bust a nut" he inwardly groaned thinking about how Kairi came barging into their bedroom trying to play Captain-Save-A-Momma the last time she heard April damn near screaming over the dick. He needed none of that shit tonight so April needed to play by the rules or she would be punished which he absolutely didn't mind. If anything he loved the idea of punishing her especially since it had been a long time since he tortured her body. In fact she was due for a punishment even if he had to make some shit up.

"Mhmm quiet game" she said as her legs quaked as Dave's thumb strummed her soaked swollen clit and plunged his curved middle and ring fingers in and out of her wet tunnel.

"I need you to cum for me first before I get inside of you. I know it's coming I feel those legs shaking and that tight wet pussy thumping" he whispered into her ear as he increased his speed making her arch her back into him as she fucked his fingers back as the sound of her juices engulfed his ears adding to the music already playing in the background.

"Papiii" she moaned and let loose in his hands as her body jerked back and forth.

"Just like that ma...good girl" he removed his soaked hand from between her now sticky thighs, pulled his dick out of his briefs, then took that same soaked hand to stroke his hardened dick. "Toot that ass back for me"

Still lying on her side now with her ass tooted back just right Dave took his time stuffing inch after inch inside her warm soaking wet walls until he was deep seated. It felt as if he was deep sea diving with how wet she was.

"Give me a minute ma I just need to lay in this good shit for a minute. Papi got you though" he laid still as he reached around her grabbing one of breast then kneaded it. "Shit" he mumbled, feeling her walls suck him in further.

"Papi" she lowly called out as she started to back her ass up against him trying to get him to fuck her.

"Ma didn't I say give me a minute? I need to just lay in my shit" he grunted as he pinched her pebbled nipple seizing her movement almost instantly.

"You promised to rock me to sleep" she damn near whined. He didn't have to look at her to know that she was pouting.

"All Papi asked was for a minute to lay in his shit but ok just know you asked for it and you better keep ya fuckin mouth shut" he abruptly pulled out of her and smacked her ass. "Disobedient ass" he mumbled. "Get up and get into position. I'm bout to give you all this dick" he said as he slipped out of his briefs.

Not needing to be told twice, April got on all fours with the most perfect arch ready and waiting for Dave to make his move. He should've known she was always down for the fucks. Dave looked down and even in the dimly lit room he could see her plumped lips staring back at him as they glistened ready for him to dive deep into his forever home.  The way her pussy was bust wide open and the way her asshole puckered at him he had no choice but to bend down and take a good lick. Greedily he licked her from the tip of her swollen bud to her puckered asshole enjoying the sweet taste of her juices.

"Papi" she moaned while she tried to suffocate him with her ass.

"Fuck around between this ocean spray and that sweetness dripping out of your pussy I'm a have you pregnant again. Back to back" he said as he lined himself up at her entrance and plunged back inside of her wet warm walls. "If I didn't respect ya hustle I'd keep ya sexy ass barefoot and pregnant"

"Fuck" they moaned together loving the feel of each other.

Dave grabbed both cheeks and spread them wide as he increased his speed and started hammering her insides. She matched him stroke for stroke as her pussy muscles choked the shit out of his dick. Shit had him in a literal headlock. "Pussy so good it always feels just as tight as the first time I broke these walls down" he groaned as he slapped her ass watching it ripple.

"Dick me down Papi" she said slowly as her legs began to shake. "Ouuuuu" she moaned. "Damn itttt"

"I gotchu ma" Dave groaned as he closed his eyes and thought about why his woman's pussy was going above the limits of Grade A. Her shit was top tier supreme and the fact that she was now carrying his seed had his hips on swivel as he pounded and grinded into her filling her up with all the good dick he had to offer.

Damn near ready to say fuck waking up to their family he lifted one of his legs so he could get better leverage as he continued to hit her with deep stroke after deep stroke not missing a beat. Looking down at how they were connected all he could see was her cream covering him like a blanket on a cold winter night.

"Fuck me just like that Papi...just like that" she egged him on as she dropped into a deeper arch. "I can feel that dick in my stomach" she quivered and panted.

That respect he had for their parents was slowly dwindling as he watched her ass clap against his pelvis rippling like a wave. He needed to go deeper. Snatching himself out of her he gave her another command. "Lay on ya back ma. Turn around"

April did exactly as he said and laid flat on her back as she looked at his dick with a greedy stare and licked her lips hungrily and although he wouldn't mind having her lips wrapped around his dick he knew that couldn't happen tonight. If she sucked him off he'd have no choice but to say fuck the family and slut her out with the way he was feeling. He knew damn well if she wrapped her lips around his pipe she would seek to steal his soul and he couldn't have anybody hearing him moan as his soul left his body.

Taking her legs and hoisting them up in the air then bending them back to the point her knees were damn near touching her ears he eased back inside of her with little restraint as her walls happily welcomed him back. Staring down at her as she stared up at him he slowly and meticulously pumped inside of her watching all of her love faces transform before his very eyes. He bit down on his bottom lip as he hit bottom. He felt as if he was damn near touching her heart with the way he was stroking her.

"Gahdamn" he moaned as he tilted his head back immersed in the feeling of her goods surrounding him wholly as her walls pulsed around him like an erratic heartbeat. Leaning forward to the point he was now laying right on top of her chest with her legs still bent looking like a damn pretzel he filled her up to the hilt going as far and deep as he could go as he watched her face contort, switch, and transform with every daddy stroke he gave her.

"Ouuu Papi I feel you everywhere" she moaned as her body trembled just a shaking under him.

"You feel me everywhere huh" he asked as he slowly eased out of her before plunging back deep inside of her making her yelp.

"Yesssss" she damn near screamed. "Everywhere"

"Look at me ma. Look at ya man" he ordered then bit down on his bottom lip trying to keep himself together. He could feel his nut rising and refused to let loose until she came again all over his dick like she was supposed to.

April opened her eyes looking straight into his eyes as if she was looking through him and right into his soul. Knowing how she made him feel he was pretty sure that that's exactly what she was doing.

"Ma, I'm never coming up off you...NEVER" he fucked her slowly. "In case you need to hear it again we are LOCKED in. We're secure. There's no way out" he wound his hips hitting her spot making her eyes flicker. "Keep ya eyes on me ma" he hit her with a deep stroke. "We're locked in like that chick who put that glue in her hair. You are mine and I am yours. It's you and me against the world. That baby my baby that rests inside of you was written and I'm so thankful that you allowed me back into your life to give you a special piece of me" he switched it up and slowly stroked her still making sure to hit her spot and dig deep. He was making love to her. "If you need reassurance ma I'm here to stay. I'm never leaving. I'll go stay in another bedroom before walking my ass out that front door again. You and our kids mean the world to me. Y'all make me better. Y'all make me go harder. Y'all ignite my flame. I fuckin love y'all and everything we've built together. I...love...you...April" he stroked her after every word hoping she felt his love dancing all over and through her.

Tears pulled in her eyes and rolled down the sides of her face and her lips trembled. "That's all I ever wanted and I love our family so, so much. Y'all feel me with so much joy and love. Y'all give me life. Y'all give me purpose. Y'all make my heart beat. I love you too David always and forever and I can't wait to go on this new journey with you. Thank you for giving me another piece of you and loving me the way you do" she proudly said with so much love that he could feel it in his soul. "Oh God I'm bout to cum" her body jerked and her pussy convulsed as her eyes rolled back into her head damn near giving off possessed.

"Shitttt" Dave grunted as his own eyes shut and rolled back as he picked up his pace making sure every stroke hit her special spot. "Cum for me ma. Wet this dick up. Cum with me NOW" he gritted.

"Fuckkkk" they both moaned as they released together. Both of their bodies shivering and shaking as they tried to catch their breath.

"If you weren't already carrying my Dooda ya damn sure would be after this" he said as she continued to milk him dry before he slowly pulled out of her leaving her with a soft sigh, a smile, and light snores. He hit her with a dose of night, night and she was officially out like a light. Dave pecked her lips once more before releasing her legs then climbed out of bed and walked into their en-suite. He grabbed a fresh wash rag out of the lining closet, went to the his and her sink, soaked it in hot water, squeezed out the excess water, and cleaned himself off then grabbed another fresh wash rag, repeated the same steps, and went to wipe off April. Once he was done he tossed both rags into the hamper, hit the lights, climbed into his side of the bed, and pulled April into his arms while letting the music continue to play.

"Allah thank you for the many blessings you continue to give me. I cherish it all and take none for granted. Continue to look after our family and keep us safe, protected, humble, and guide us all on the right paths. Continue to look after our kids. Allah my woman is finally carrying my baby! Thank you so much for seeing us fit to be in this moment and position. Allah I pray and ask that you let this journey be a healthy and good one. Protect my seed and my woman through it all. I pray for a healthy child...a lil boy please and a stress free pregnancy for my woman. Please let our relationship and our love continue to flourish ameen" Dave prayed thankful for everything that Allah had done for him. There wasn't a night that they didn't pray and he wasn't about to start tonight. He had a lot to be thankful for and wanted Allah to know that he received them.

"Amen" April sleepily mumbled.

"Goodnight ma" he kissed her forehead and placed his hand on her stomach excited for everything that was coming their way.

"Good night Papi" she kissed his chest.

-Hey boos happy reading I hope y'all enjoyed 😊
-Our lil family is finally growing and I'm so happy about it. I HAVE to finish this book soon because the fact that the baby will be born in 2021 and it's 2025 is ridiculous 🤦🏾‍♀️. I have plans to actually do some major editing, updating, changing names, likenesses, and actually publishing this series. Hopefully this will be the year to actually see this book somewhere else besides Wattpad and hopefully on kindle 🤞🏾 I would even love to have hardcover copies.
-Any, who that man bust some tears and he already swearing they're having a boy he even got a damn nickname and I'm here for it 😂. Who's ready for lil Dooda and who's making the meatballs for the shower 😂😂
-There isn't much to say but congratulations to them again 😂
-If there is something you guys would like to see happen in this book before it's over let me know because it's close to the end. I'll take them into consideration if they align with what's already planned.
-Any, who y'all know the drill sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, and add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading and not commenting no worries just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰

🛑 HAPPY NEW YEARS BOOS I HOPE 2025 IS YOUR BEST YEAR EVER!! Love y'all lots and thank you for the continuous support ❤️❤️❤️

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