2.1: Self Sabotage

Chapter 2.1: Self Sabotage cont...

"I DON'T KNOW" Dave shouted frustrated. He didn't know what he'd do. Well he did but he didn't feel like voicing it out loud. He didn't feel like addressing it either. It was one of those topics where it was hard to explain.

The boys laughed but wasn't shit funny because they all knew the answer. "You'd a tried to keep her ass alive" Errol answered for him. "So we can lose Birdie but you gotta think bout losing Agnes. It's gotta be some logic explanation behind this shit"

"It is" Dave said and nodded but didn't go any further.

"Sometimes I think you forget who her family actually is. You know how her father and uncle get down and don't forget bout Auntie Ana. Shit even my baby is an army vet so you know she's with the fucks. They bout that life and bout their family especially those girls they mean everything to them. They keep letting shit slide when it comes to you but you keep pushing it. One day shit ain't gonna go ya way and ya gonna have to deal with the consequences. You keep tryna save Agnes and she doesn't want to be saved. Ya busy saving the wrong one" Bully said.

"I ain't bout to keep repeating myself" Shooter said pretty much done with the whole conversation. "This nigga gonna fuck around and learn the hard way and maybe that's a good thing. Maybe he'll learn to appreciate what he's got. There's a lot of people out here wishing they had the relationship you and lil sis had. They wished they had something real and pure. You have it but ya losing it for someone who doesn't deserve ya loyalty"

"True shit" Bully and Errol agreed while Dave just nodded his head. He agreed as well.

"Maybe you going back to Jersey to film is a good thing. Maybe it'll give you some time to reflect on everything before you lose it all because ya definitely on the verge of losing it"

"That's what I'm hoping for. I just been trying to stay at the house to spend time with the girls before I leave. I want to soak in the time we have as a family for a lil while longer even if me and ma are at a crossroad" Dave said. He was banking on that time alone because he truly needed it. He hoped something good would come out of it. He just needed that time to clear his mind, figure himself out, and get to the bottom of all of his problems. He wanted to do what he needed to do in order to come home and try to fix things with April.

"And another thing I wish you would come at lil sis again or any other female bout not having a baby. You fuckin shamed her for not having ya seed but you the same nigga stressing her out. How is she supposed to get pregnant or even enjoy a pregnancy while stressing over ya shit? That woman lost a fuckin child so to throw some shit like that in her face was disrespectful and inconsiderate as fuck" Shooter said going off for his sister. He wasn't playing today when it came to Dave and telling him what was on his mind. Yes he was Dave's brother and best friend all day long but once Dave introduced them to April she had became his sister. She wasn't like any of the other chicks Dave had been involved with. He saw how she genuinely liked and cared for Dave and as their like turned into love she had really become a sister to him. "You want a baby so bad but like sis said ya never home. We all know you can't sit still for but so long. So she's supposed to be barefoot and pregnant while ya out filming or booking another tour"

Dave knew they were right and his ass damn sure couldn't sit still but there was no way he'd miss out on her pregnancy especially not with his seed. He had planned to be there throughout it all just like with Charlie. Sure he'd still have to work and would most likely end up on another tour but he had promised himself that he wouldn't over do it if she had gotten pregnant. He wanted what he didn't have the first time around. Maybe he was a little pushy with it but it wasn't on purpose.

"I know you want a baby with sis but ya going bout it the wrong way. Ya busy looking for a do over to fix the shit you had with Agnes instead of letting shit flow. Y'all just had Charlie not too long ago just let shit be. There's absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to have a baby with ya woman but don't take the fun out of it for either of you. Enjoy the moment and let shit be. When it happens it happens. Just live in the moment"

"True shit" Errol and Shooter said once again agreeing with Bully. They were calling Dave out on everything. Dave knew they were speaking the truth. That was one of the main reasons why he wanted another baby so bad. He didn't say anything though. It's not like he needed to anyway.

"Ya ass needs to get over that one night stand shit too. Lil sis ain't belong to you and whether you like it or not that's how my niece Triple B got here. So fuckin deal with it. It wasn't meant for Triple B to be yours in that capacity. Believe it or not but the way Triple B was born strengthened you and Birdie's relationship and set up a whole ass chain of events. Birdie being pregnant made y'all work from the ground up for what y'all really wanted out of y'all relationship. The family we have now wouldn't have hit the way it hits without Charlie. That pregnancy brought three families together and this shit works for everyone involved" Errol said. They weren't going to tolerate Dave's behavior. They were protective about their sister just like they were over him and when you were wrong then they were going to let you know. What kind of brothers would they be if they let his fuck shit slide?

Dave groaned once the one night stand was mentioned. He had been so pissed at himself for saying what he said to April about getting an abortion. He knew he was reckless at the mouth at times but that was one thing he regretted the most. He knew the type of woman April was and what she had gone through with her first pregnancy so him even mentioning an abortion was some fucked up shit. He could admit to that one. It was something he shouldn't have said at all. He knew once he said that shit that it had hurt April more than anything.

"Y'all aren't together and she's not wearing her ring so watch when the media finds out. It's gonna be a circus show and most likely she'll be getting the most backlash. Watch all the niggas flock her way though. Sis is a catch and you keep forgetting that shit. You know how many niggas are watching and waiting on the sidelines for her ass and you keep playing. They're waiting for you to fuck up and honestly you just did. Ya gonna fuck around and see some shit you don't like" Bully said still keeping it real as always. Dave might've been the one to cuff April but he wasn't the only one trying to get that spot either. Men were always coming for her. Even when Dave posted April online his followers would be thirsting all over her. He stayed having to set a nigga straight.

"Like I've been telling you that woman doesn't want or need for shit. She got her own. She's beautiful inside and out, has a nice personality, she's classy yet hood when need be, and she's genuine. You don't find many women like that anymore. She can have any nigga she wants so if you just so happen to see her ass talking to another nigga you better be ready to sit the fuck down and shut the fuck up and let her live her life. Y'all are over with like done...done. She ain't got a ring on her finger and you can't even ask her to wait for you. She's been waiting on you since the first time she let ya ass go and every time she thinks y'all are good you get stuck on Agnes and fuck everything up" Shooter said.

Dave sucked is teeth hard as fuck. He wished April would try to fuck around with another nigga. He wasn't here for that shit at all. She was still his and they were just going through a rough patch. He knew where her heart and her love lied and that was with him. It would always and forever be with him. "I wish one of these dirty ass niggas would" he said and darkly chuckled. Somebody would be on his hit list if they tried to take it their with April. He'd straight lose his shit.

They laughed at him sitting there mugging the air but hey it was his lose. He did it to himself once again.

"Real talk we all want to see you happy but you gotta want happiness for ya self. It's time you do what sis did and go find ya self before you end up alone. You need to get ya shit together and focus on ya self and what you really want for ya self and out of life" Bully said and it was true Dave needed time to himself to figure things out. He needed time with himself to properly heal. He was damaged and it was starting to surface more and more.

"So what y'all gonna do bout the wedding because between you filming and not being home ya not gonna have time to even focus on getting home life together in time for the wedding and it's already crunch time. This shit ain't bout to happen overnight. If she does end up taking ya ass back it's not gonna be easy this time around. She's gonna make you work hard for it"

"I don't know" Dave shrugged. He was really at a lost he didn't know what to do. He had been so excited about the wedding. Shit he was the one that wanted it pushed up. He couldn't wait to claim April as his wife. Now it looked like they wouldn't even make it down the aisle. Thanks to him and Millie of course. Then again was this Millie's fault or Dave's alone because sure Millie was the root of their problems but this was Dave holding onto the past and screwing himself over.

"Timeout" Errol abruptly said and lean forward in his seat looking at Dave. "You proposed to Birdie twice" He questioned confused. That shit had gone way over his head when he first heard it.

Shooter and Bully looked between Errol and Dave and burst out laughing while Dave wiped his hands over his face. "That fool proposed twice" Shooter said still laughing.

"So when was the first time you proposed to her and why did you do it twice because you never mentioned that to me"

"Tell em" Bully said laughing.

"I asked her while she was giving me the goods. It was the weekend where her six weeks was up after having Charlie and my album release. She had set up the whole weekend and we were in the moment and before I could stop myself I asked. I asked twice because although she loved the first proposal I wanted to make sure that we had that official moment" Dave replied not wanting to dig too deep into it.

"I know you fucking lying" Errol said just knowing he had to be lying.

"Nope" Bully and Shooter said laughing.

"Laugh all you want but she loved the first proposal" Dave said all sad looking. He didn't care how much they laughed. The first proposal had meant something to both him and April. The way she had looked at him while she gave him not only her mind but her body and soul was a moment it self. In that moment all her walls were done and she was completely his. She had given him her every piece of her.

"Real talk I think you owe sis an apology especially before you leave. You can't leave ya home in that much disarray. Y'all still have to be cordial for the kids no matter how bad you fucked up. Let alone you really need to do some soul searching because we all know you love lil sis let alone ya in love with her but love ain't enough. She needs to know that she has all of you and not some of you. She wants you in the same capacity that you have her. This is the same woman you broke up with yet complaining bout a one-night stand baby but who's taking care of Kairi while ya out doing ya shit" Bully said and asked with his brow raised. This time around he needed Dave to hear everything they were saying and not what he wanted to hear. It was bad enough that he wasn't really saying anything. He only spoke a little and it was only to things he wanted to address.

"THAT PART" Shooter and Errol said in unison.

"Ya ass can't count on Agnes to do that shit. You just fumbled the bag and it ain't even a bag it's a whole ass woman who loves ya stubborn hard headed ass"

"Look we can rag on ya ass all day long and tell you how bad you fucked up but this shit is up to you to fix. You might not want to hear it or even do it but you need to go visit Agnes while ya in Jersey and have a one on one face to face with her. Whatever you got on ya chest and in ya heart you need to let it out and let it go. She's holding you back and we all know until you actually deal with her she's always gonna be a problem for you. If ya end game is lil sis you gotta handle Agnes and properly this time around. You done broke lil sis heart twice and it's over the same chick so don't put her through that shit again and make sure ya doing this shit for you because if not it's not gonna work. It doesn't matter if it's for lil sis or any other woman you find interest in. You gotta let Agnes go in order to move forward"

Dave nodded his head. Bully was absolutely right. He had to do it for himself. April had pretty much told him the same shit but certain things hit different when you hear it from certain people. "Bet"

"This shit crazy though. Y'all just went and looked at the venue and y'all came back all googly eyed and excited and in the same trip it all collapsed" Bully said sort of mind blown. He knew their relationship wasn't perfect by far but he damn sure didn't see this shit coming.

"We knew something was wrong but we weren't expecting that shit well this shit" Errol said. "Besides feeling like shit how ya feeling" He asked genuinely wanting to know.

"Like shit...I feel like I fucked everything up. I heard everything she said to me and when I should've spoken up I didn't. I couldn't. I just disregarded it. I didn't even apologize for hurting her feelings. I basically addressed shit that I wanted and ignored most of it" Dave replied. They were used to that shit though. He had been doing it the whole time they were talking to him. Dave couldn't  speak up when he was talking to April because he couldn't admit certain things. He just wasn't ready.

"The hole you dug ya self is deep bruh"

"How is this shit gonna work because you can't just snatch Kairi away from her" Shooter asked wondering how this whole shit was going to work out for his niece. It was as if Dave hadn't thought anything through and breaking up with April had just been on impulse.

"I have no idea" he heavily sighed. "Taking Kairi away from her would crush the both of them and honestly I wouldn't even do that to them. I just have to find a way to make shit work" Dave replied. "At the end of the day it's both of our house but I don't want to make her uncomfortable either. She's dealing with shit I didn't even know and I'm the one causing her more problems. I want to go home so bad and lie up under my woman and rub on her booty while she rubs on my chest" he admitted. He wanted to be home under April especially since he was leaving for Jersey soon. He just wanted to spend some much needed time loving on her but now that was impossible. She wanted nothing to do with him.

"Well if you don't get ya shit together you'll never be able to do that shit again"

"What kind of break up is this though? Is it y'all still fucking around or are y'all completely over" Shooter asked because people loved saying they were over and done with but still continued to creep in and out of each other's beds.

"Put it like this if my name wasn't on the deed my shit would be on the front lawn and just like y'all seen her plotting she'd be plotting on me"

"Yeaaaa you got some work to do my boy and ya lucky lil sis is done with Breezy because this would be the perfect opportunity for him to sweep her off her feet" Bully said.

"That's my boy but I wish a nigga would" Dave said with an instant mug on his face. "Ma wouldn't even think bout that shit"

"Lucky you but poor you all in the same because just like you're so big on fixing ya family they could want the same for Triple B"

"Nope Bully I ain't even tryna hear that shit" Dave said not here for that shit at all. "Bruh had more than enough time to get his shit together"

"I bet ya ass don't but the same goes for you too"

"You pretty much have everything you didn't know you needed or wanted and helped sabotage that shit. Whatever ya next move is it better be ya best move. You gotta think long and hard bout it because this might be ya last chance. What are you gonna do if she decides to move on? Sure she's already found her person but nobody wants to deal with the type of shit ya causing either. Sis might want to settle for some nigga who has no problem making her number one. Sure she'll be settling and most likely wouldn't be as happy as she was with you but she'll know she wouldn't have to worry bout the shit she does when she's with you" Errol said and asked. "She'll be playing it safe so she won't get hurt"

"Facts because you can't expect her to wait on you to get ya shit together" Shooter added.

"What do you see for ya self and Birdie? Like sit back and really think bout it. Better yet what do you see for ya self? In a few years from now what do you want" Errol questioned.

These were good questions. What did Dave see and want out of the future? Dave sat back, stretched out his legs, and closed his eyes. He took a few moments taking in the silence as his brothers let him think. What he saw was his future and he saw it clear as day. In his future his woman and children were by his side including his baby boy Teddy. His wife April and his two little girls Kairi and Charlie alongside April's growing belly were right there smiling just as bright as his future. He had peace of mind, clarity, and he knew who he was and what he wanted out of life. He had everything he ever wanted and needed. Life was good.

"It must be good with that big ass koolaid smile you got going on right now" Shooter said as they looked at the big ass smile on Dave's face.

"It is" he said still cheesing as he opened his eyes and looked dead at them. "And it's worth fighting for"

"Then act like you know" they all said together.

Dave sighed. He had heard everything they had said and he knew what he needed to do. The thing was...was he actually going to do it because no one was stopping him from being great but himself. "Ok" he sighed again. "Real talk I feel worse than shit. I feel like I had everything in the palm of my hands and just lost it all. I feel like I just fucked myself over for nothing. Just like I made Agnes promises I made ma promises too and I've broken many so far. There was supposed to be no way out of our relationship but I pushed her out. Granted I haven't done any Chris shit to her but I still fucked her over. I broke her and her heart and that's something I promised I would never do to her. I promised her that she and her heart were safe in my hands. I promised her the world and it all came crashing down on her but on myself too. Like y'all said everything I wanted and never knew I needed I got from her. She loves me loves me. She fucks with me heavy. She's solid, loyal, and trustworthy. Ma knows what love is and she shows and gives it to me every day" he said and paused then took a sip of his drink. He wasn't trying to get fucked up he still had to drive home but he needed this drink.

"I know Agnes will never be the mother Kairi needs her to be so to have ma treat her as if she's her own is a plus for me. Kairi and I are a package deal and ma understands that. It's a blessing. She gave Kairi something she would never have and I'm so grateful for that and her. But in order for me to be who I need to be for not just her and the kids but me I had to let her go because the way I feel bout Agnes isn't fair to myself or her. I want to be with her with no strings attached. I want to love her wholeheartedly and not have a soft spot for Agnes. My Achilles heel should be my woman and that's not Agnes. I want to love on her and be with her without Agnes resting in the back of my mind rent free. I deserve the love, care, and respect that I get from ma on a daily. I've been trying so damn hard to give her my all and every time I think I've moved on there's Agnes popping up again and it stirs up everything. I take full responsibility because it's me letting her in instead of treating her how she should be treated. No one did this to Agnes. She did it to herself. So why should I be the one paying for it. Haven't I paid enough? I deserve my happy ending. I deserve the woman of my dreams and my fucking family" he exclaimed. He was tired of her bullshit but letting go seemed to be a difficult task for him.

"With Agnes I'm still keeping promises when I know I shouldn't and it's not fair to ma at all. To me like I said to ma all of the shit I had going on with Agnes was real to me. When I think bout it she's my first love and she's the mother of my child so there's some unspoken love there. Am I in love with her? Nah and I haven't been for a long while but she's the one person besides y'all who saw all of me. She's seen the good, the bad, the in between, and the ugly. When I didn't have shit she was there and when I got to where I am now I still held her down. She's seen it all. She knows it all. She can say that it was a scheme all day long but I know her and I know what we had was more than that. She was my best friend to some extent. She was my other half. When y'all seen me y'all seen her...well when shit was good anyway. The highs and lows she was there for it all. She saw me struggling and helped me out no matter where she got the money from" he continued on getting it all out.

"Outside on the corner doing what I do and in the studio trying to make some shit shake she was there for all of that shit. We've had plenty of fucked up times, said some hateful shit to each other, and times where she literally put her hands on me. We done had too much good and bad for this shit to be a scheme. You don't go through what we went through for a fuckin scheme. Fine she doesn't want to be a mother and yes it's a hard pill to swallow but at least have the decency to check on ya kid. It ain't like Kairi asks her for anything. She just wants some attention that should already be on her. I'm struggling with that shit too" he said and paused taking a breath. He didn't know why but he finally felt the need to fully express himself. It was honestly a lot to keep to his self and he had been doing just that for far too long. The boys didn't interrupt they remained focused on him and let him speak his peace. They knew he needed to get that shit off his chest and it was long overdue.

"I might be in my feelings bout ma's one night stand but I enjoy seeing ma and Chris working together to raise Charlie. It sucks that I can't get the same thing in return when it comes to Agnes. It's refreshing to see two adults who have the past that ma and Chris have and seeing them being cordial and friendly and their child not being affected by any of it. They can talk and be around each other without any ill will towards each other. Neither of them is looking at the baby as a bag. If ma wanted to put him on child support she could but it's not needed because he does everything he's supposed to do and even gives her money every month like clockwork for child support on his own. Ma doesn't look at him and see money bags just because he's Charlie's father. Agnes ass on the other sees nothing but dollar signs. If April needs Chris to do anything for Charlie all she has to do is pick up the phone. He doesn't and wouldn't hesitate. On any given day they can both call each other and ask for a favor for Charlie and I can't even get half of that from Agnes" he said and sighed and took a little break. He felt like this had been the most he had ever opened up his feeling about everything surrounding him. Sure he talked to April but most of this shit he kept to himself.

"People love to say oh it won't work with the blended family we have but that shit works. I see it every day and I never have to bat an eye or think twice bout Chris trying to get that old thing back. Everybody is just looking out for the kids and that's all. With the way Chris treated ma a baby should've never even been an option but honestly I low key think Charlie is what they both needed even if she did come from a one-night stand. I wish that was the case for Agnes and me. I know that everything I know now that I shouldn't give two fucks bout her but I'm a decent person and I can't move the way she moves. She does all this shit and never thinks bout the consequences, Kairi, or me not even after the fact. She only thinks bout us when she needs shit" Dave continued ranting about how he felt and the boys were just happy that he was finally saying what he wanted to say. He was getting shit off his chest instead of always being prideful and still no one dared to say a word. They let him continue to speak his mind and what was in his heart.

"She called to speak to Kairi and I told her what she needed to do and she hasn't called back since that day in Barbados. Yet that one phone call helped destroy what I had with ma. She's all smoke and never bout what she says. She doesn't even realize how bad she fucked up. Even if one day she actually reaches out and wants to be involved in Kairi's life it will still be some bullshit. She can do all she needs to be in Kairi's life but she will never be invited to the party. After what she's done it ain't no way in hell ma's family will play peacemaker with her ass. I would love if she and Kairi had some type of relationship but I'm weary bout that too" he said as he reached in his pocket and grabbed his weed and some blunt wraps to roll him up a much needed blunt.

"I don't know if it'll be genuine. I don't know what she'd be telling her or teaching her. I don't know who she would have around her or what she'd have around her since she's into drugs. Like she's not coming home for some time but I have to think bout everything" he said as he broke down his weed. "I even think bout since she couldn't get at ma would she take it out on Kairi because of how close they are. It's a lot of factors to think bout. People will say she's her mother and she has every right to be in her life and that would be true if he was acting like a real mother. But how many times have we seen or heard bout some bad shit happening to a child because people ignored the red flags just because the person was that child's parent? How many times have we seen a bitter baby mama or baby daddy bitter and they go and kill both the child and the parent on some revenge shit? I have to think bout everything when it comes to Agnes especially when Kairi is involved. After the bullshit she did this time I can't just pass her to her without thinking bout everything. I can't think bout A to C I have to think bout A to Z and everything in between because you never know what ya in for when it comes to Agnes" he said and paused and took a few moments to roll his blunt before picking up right where he left off.

"It's just ass that with me knowing all of this I still can't write her off. I know everything on the back of her warning label and still I'm stuck in the same position I was in when she first walked away. I want to let her go and I need to let her go" he said while he lit his freshly rolled blunt. The way he as feeling he honestly just wanted to break down and cry. He was confused, frustrated, sad, hurt, angry with himself, and just at a loss.

"I'm supposed to be finishing up the last few arrangements for the wedding, making sure my fit is perfect, working on my vows, and just in love right now. I'm supposed to be pestering ma into letting me see what her dress looks like. Now my home is upside down and I'm fucked. My woman is fed the fuck up, my kids are in the middle, and I'm at a loss right now" he continued on.

The boys felt bad for him but he needed to feel how he felt. He needed to feel what it was like to lose the one you love so when and if he gets her back he'll cherish her and what they have and not take her for granted.

"Being completely honest with y'all I wouldn't have been able to deal with any of that shit if ma had actually killed Agnes. Yea I know that in the streets it's an eye for an eye and if someone is plotting on murdering you then you better handle that nigga before he handles you. You know me I'd handle it if it was me with no questions asked. But how would I sleep at night or even look at my baby knowing that my woman killed her mother and yes her mother deserved it but this woman next to me took her away from her. I wouldn't have been able to look at my damn daughter without feeling guilty like I had a hand in it. I'd a felt like I helped take her mother away from her permanently" he said and ran his hand down his face.

"How would ma even be able to look at herself or even our daughter knowing that she killed her mother? She wouldn't have been right after that shit. Things would've been different and there wouldn't have been anyway to change it. Even if ma didn't pull the trigger and it was her family behind it I wouldn't even know how we'd be able to face that shit. Would we all be walking around each other on egg shells? Granted y'all already know if it was anybody other than Agnes I'd paint the city fuckin red no questions asked if somebody killed my woman but it's Agnes and I can't have that shit on neither one of our hands or conscience" Dave finally admitted out loud.  "A nigga ain't stupid I know if Agnes had got what she paid for nothing I could do or say would protect Agnes from her family's wrath. They would've killed her and thought nothing of it. The family that we built would've been destroyed." Dave let it out.

"If Agnes got what she paid for my life would never be the same because a world without April wouldn't be a world I would want to live in. I can't imagine her being taken from the world and our family. My kids wouldn't be the same. I wouldn't even know how to explain that shit to my babies let alone Royalty. I'd be devastated and wouldn't know what to do with myself because now I have to look at ma's family knowing that the woman that I brought into their family took away their daughter, their niece, and their sister. We would never be a blended family after that. Sure I know they would say it's not my fault but I wouldn't be able to be around them knowing that it was my baby mama along with niggas that were supposed to be my fuckin family that came for my woman. From every point there would've been some backlash and fucked up shit whether it been Agnes taking April or April taking Agnes"

The boys remained quiet and now they understood why the decision was so difficult for him. Sure they understood that it was Kairi's mother and April was his woman so either way it would be difficult but with explaining himself and actually giving them a reason why they understood it more. Granted they still wasn't off the shit because of who Millie was and what she had actually done but it felt good to finally have an explanation because to them it looked like he was trying to save Millie because of who she was to him. It felt like it did every time Millie was in the middle of some shit because Dave would come to her rescue not even caring about what she had done. They also knew that Dave was going to have to get his feelings in check when it came to Millie because it was causing him more harm than good and with the way he was about her it wasn't healthy at all. He needed to detox himself off of Millie. He was letting her win and giving her way too much power and control over him.

"Look if it's meant to be it will be. You and lil sis love each other and y'all are in love with each other. This shit right here rattled y'all foundation but shit happens. This time it's up to you to fix it. She put the ball in ya court. You know what you need to do and if you don't we'll help you along the way but that's if ya really ready to get rid of Agnes. If not don't string us along for the ride" Bully said. "What ya gonna do first is apologize to lil sis before you leave because that's the right thing to do. Then ya gonna leave and have some one on one time with ya self. You know what you want and in order to get that you need to focus on you and put ya big boy pants on and get that closure from Agnes" Bully continued on giving him the play by play.

Dave nodded he was down for it. "I need to get out of here though. I told ma I'd be back to chill with the girls so she could have some time to herself" Dave said then took another pull from his blunt right as his phone went off. He pulled his phone out of his pocket to see a picture of April on his screen dressed in nothing but a fresh wife beater with his chains draped around her neck in a sexy lil pose in the middle of their bed.

"Hey ma what's up" he answered the phone. April sucked her teeth. She didn't want him calling her ma and he hated that shit but he wasn't going to stop.

"When will you be home I have plans" she asked a little irritated. He knew it was because of him. He also didn't know that she had actual plans. He just thought she was going to hang out in her she cave and decompress. She had just told him that she needed some time to herself.

"Where you going" he asked before even thinking twice.

April laughed but it wasn't her usual laugh. It wasn't the laugh that he had grown to love. This one was different. "I thought a nigga who wasn't my nigga asked me something"

Dave mugged her with the quickness as if she could see him. Her petty side was always out these days. The only times she wasn't petty was when the kids were around. "I'm just asking a question"

"A question that you don't need to know the answer to or have the privilege of asking"

Dave sighed. "I'm on my way I should be home in a few"

"Ok" and with that she hung up.

"Yo I know she ain't hang up on me" Dave pulled his phone from his ear and looked at it. The boys burst out laughing while he put out his blunt.

"Sucks to be you" Shooter said laughing.

"Whatever...her lil ass too damn petty" Dave said as he got up from the couch.

"Now you know she's where the petty resides" Bully said laughing. "Better get home"

"Fuck y'all I'm out" Dave said and made his way up the stairs and out of the basement. It didn't take him long to get home at all. But as soon as he opened the door and walked pass the threshold he immediately felt the tension. It was no longer warm, welcoming, and the feeling of ahh I'm home and he didn't like that one bit but he had to deal with it.

"Hey the girls are in our room watching a movie. I'll be in my room if you need me" April said barely looking at him. No she didn't have plans but she needed time to herself before she fell apart in front of the kids.

"Ok cool" he looked at her getting ready to walk off. He hated the fuck out of this whole situation. There was no more hey Papi, no kisses, hugs, no nothing when he came through the door. Only the kids and the dog gave and showed him love. The smile April used to have when seeing him was now nonexistent. All he could see was sadness, irritation, and annoyance in her eyes. "How you doing" he asked with his hands tucked in his pockets nervous and not wanting her to leave just yet. He missed her.

April chuckled. "Just peachy...you"

"I miss you" he admitted and he did. How could he not? After all she was still the love of his life. He just had some shit to work on.

"Bye David" she said and walked off before he could watch the tears drop from her eyes leaving him where he stood.

-Hey boos happy reading I hope y'all enjoyed 😊
-😩 I just don't know what to say. I love the boys and how they always manage to keep it real with Dave. If my friends can't give me the real then I don't want them 🤷🏾‍♀️. They all made valid points though. I don't know about y'all but I love their relationship.
-I bet y'all thought Dave was going to keep quiet as usual 😂. He FINALLY spoke up about how he felt about everything going on. He's been keeping a lot of shit to himself just like April. Hopefully y'all somewhat understand why he is the way he is when it comes to Millie or how he feels about the whole hit situation. He needs some healing and he definitely needs to have a one on one with Millie.
-I know how some of y'all are about Millie and Kairi's relationship but sometimes just because a person is your parent doesn't mean they should be in your life. There's a difference when the person is actually trying to be in your life for good reasons and one that's just using or hurting you. There's so many ppl out here who aren't mentally there and rather hurt their child instead of letting go of the hurt and bitterness of a relationship. You have to be careful who you place in your children's lives even if it is their parent.
-How are y'all feeling about what's being said 🤔
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰

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