19: Expect The Unexpected
Chapter 19: Expect the Unexpected
"Expect the unexpected" is an expression that means to be prepared for surprises or unusual events that may occur. It can also mean to accept that things may not go according to plan, no matter how well prepared you are.
"Papi I need to get off the phone" April said in between laughing. She had been trying to get him off the phone for the past five minutes but he just wouldn't hang up.
Dave's ass had been on one since they had gotten back together. Straight all gas no breaks. He was back on his bae shit. Random phone calls and texts throughout the day, just thinking about you calls and texts, blue and white heart emojis just because, flowers sent to her office making sure there was always a blue rose in the arrangement no matter what color flowers he sent, and just being present and attentive. April ate that shit all the way up though and left no crumbs. Shit she missed the way he loved on her so she soaked it all the way in. She loved feeling wanted and needed by him with nothing else preventing him from giving her his all. She had been floating on a cloud since the day he finally let her in on everything. It was to the point that she felt good with whatever direction the Man up above sent them next. She was ready and her feet were all in for the ride. This time there was no getting off because she just knew that all their trials and tribulations were finally done and the end prize was happiness within themselves and with each other. All they had been through was to get them to the place they were now...happy and in love with no restrictions. Sure it would've been amazing not to go through most of the bullshit that they had but no relationship was perfect or came without certain dramatics. Even though most of the shit they had gone through was more than dramatic but it was their story. It was what made them love each other even harder. It was what made them cherish each other and every moment that they spent together. They knew that everyone didn't always get another chance at love or to even get a second well a third chance with the one person that was made for them.
"I'm for real ma. I'm a be up there for lunch...on time. I don't know what's going on with you but I need another dose of that juicy juice between ya legs. I don't know if it's just you being happy that we're back on our shit or what but that pussy doing some extra shit. Shit always been super soaker but that shit on ocean spray and sweeter than a motherfucka. Whatever it is I'm a need you to keep it up" he groaned making her slam her legs shut.
April squeezed her thighs together tightly and squirmed in her chair feeling all types of hot and bothered. He was telling the truth though. Something was going on with her. Lately her juices were on overdrive. Now when she got wet she got WET pouring drenching wet and when she tasted her essence on his weed saturated plumped lips it was definitely sweeter.
"Baby I gotta go" she fidgeted in her chair. "I have a conference call in a few that requires all of my attention and I can't be working and focused on what you tryna eat for lunch" she laughed trying to get him off the phone quickly but she damn sure couldn't wait until he showed up to eat her up for lunch. She couldn't wait to be spread across her desk with her legs suspended in the air and parted wide while he ate her up as if she hadn't made him a hearty breakfast this morning.
"Yea a conference call with my dick between ya thighs" he said. She just knew he was smirking and licking his plush ass lips. He was probably sitting there with his dick on swole feeling heavy in his hand as he slowly stroked it up and down with his nasty ass.
"You know what I'm hanging up" she continued laughing as she shook her head. His ass was a mess and only her mess.
Dave laughed. "Aight ma I'm a let you be for right now. Send me what you want for lunch besides... this dick"
"See you play entirely too much" she shook her head once more with her voice filled with laughter. This is the shit she missed. Her man was all about her and she was all about him and making her smile is what he aimed to do each and every day.
"I love you ma" he said sincerely and she could hear it.
"I love you too Papi. I'll see you in a few"
"Bet" and with that he finally hung up.
April couldn't do shit but keep that cheesy ass shit eating grin plastered on her face. Life had been going amazing for her lately and she was still soaking everything in and taking things one day at a time. Family life was where it needed to be and so much more in a better place. Even when they did have minor disagreements as any couple would they would take a few minutes to get their minds right and then talk everything out. There was no going to bed mad at each other. Communication was made a priority. Shit was good to the point that April no longer worried about the other shoe dropping or whether it would even drop. She wasn't worried or speaking negative bullshit in the air. She wanted her and Dave to work and she was speaking and praying it into existence. She knew that words were powerful. Every morning and every night she and Dave prayed over their family, their relationship, as well as each other.
Charlie and Kairi were even happier that things were finally going good in their home. They all felt complete like home life was finally back to normal. They could even tell that the girl's moods and auras were so much lighter yet fuller. Even their family days were back in full effect to what they once were. They were filled with love, great conversation, laughter, family, and plenty of good food.
April looked up from the stack of paperwork Dave had interrupted her from a little while ago and glanced at her double office doors. She already knew it had to be between Ebony, Mimi, or both because Mimi would've called and said if she had a visitor. Everyone else that it could've been was either at work or in another state. Before she could even tell the person to come in one of the doors was already being opened. April smiled seeing that it was Ebony. She high key loved the fact that Ebony had set up shop in her office building so they saw each other daily.
"Hey babes" April greeted her as she watched her close the door behind her and lock it which sent her on high alert making her sit up straight. "Why we locking doors? What happened" she fired off just hoping no bullshit was coming her way again when things were finally good and settled. Low key the shit with Millie and all the shit that transpired gave her a slight case of PTSD which is what she was currently working through with her therapist. She had no time for fuck shit. This time if she had to step out guns blazing that's just what it was. She had no more room for turning the other cheek. She felt like if she turned her cheek one more time than she'd be the one getting truly hurt and she wasn't going for that anymore. This time around she was being selfish with herself and worrying about other people's feelings later. No more was she going to sit around and let her feelings be played with. They had already been played with enough.
Ebony smiled at her which eased her some. "Everything's good sis calm down" Ebony said as she took a seat in front of her desk on one of the two clear acrylic white and gold desk chairs.
April relaxed and leaned back in her seat giving her, her full attention. "Ok" she nodded. "What's going on though? You sort of look like ya up to something or something is on ya mind" she questioned.
Ebony nervously chewed on her bottom lip and looked around the room before looking back at April.
"Sis what's going on" April questioned concerned. She had never seen Ebony look so nervous before.
"I need you to do something with me right quick" she answered still beating around the bush.
April nodded for her to continue because whatever it was it had to be important. "Sup what we doing" she asked not giving a fuck what it was. If she needed her then she was going to be there for her no questions asked.
Ebony raised her hand showing her a brown paper bag that she hadn't even noticed when she first came in.
"What's in the bag" April questioned.
Ebony placed the bag on her desk and slid it over to her.
April slowly opened the bag and peeked inside. As soon as her eyes saw the contents and her brain registered what it was her eyes immediately shot across the desk to Ebony. She couldn't help the big ass kool aid smile that graced her face. "Sis are you saying what I think ya saying"
Ebony smiled back and bobbed her head up and down. "I could be but I'm not sure. I didn't want to do it alone and you're the only one I figured I could share this moment with"
"You know damn well the girls would've been on board sis" she waved her off. "I hope ya ass is though. We need some more babies around here. Ya nieces need some best friends/sisters/cousins like us" April said. She couldn't wait for one of the girls to have a baby so their kids could grow up together like they had. She knew real genuine friendships were hard to come by these days and with the lifestyles they lived she wanted their kids to have friends who were actually down for them and not what they could do for them. Besides cousins always made the best, best friends. They already knew who you were, your likes and dislikes, the way you moved, and when shit got funny they knew when to leave well enough alone and to come back later.
Ebony's smile grew. "I know they would've been on board but you know their situations. Mimi and Shooter are together but kids aren't quite on their radar just yet even though we all know that Shooter is with the shits. Lil sis and lil bruh are spokesmen for damn birth control at this point and the only kids they claim to have are yours" she said and laughed because Alaina and August just weren't here for kids at the moment. They enjoyed being an aunt and uncle. You know the type to play with kids, load them up with snacks, spoil them then return them back to sender. "And Vonnie and Trey are nowhere near that stage so that leaves you"
April laughed but she agreed. "Sis you know damn well I don't mind and neither do they mind holding ya hand while you take the test"
"That's the thing...I know that but I don't want to take one alone"
"And you won't. I'll be here with you"
Ebony nodded. "I know that too but I want you to take one with me"
April damn near choked then placed her hand across her chest. "Ma'am I just got my man back it's way too soon for me to be taking a test but I'll hold you down"
Ebony's perfectly arched brow raised looking at her like she knew she was full of shit. "And we both know that my brother has been in and on ya ass like white on rice and the last time I checked you haven't even gotten back on birth control"
April playfully rolled her eyes. "Mind ya business" she said laughing. But birth control was far from her radar at this point. She and Dave were trying for a baby Brewster so there was no need for birth control. Papi was shooting her club up every chance he got.
"Come on take one with me. I'll feel less nervous if you did" she said giving her the puppy eyes.
April shook her head laughing. She wasn't worried about taking the test with her. She knew it didn't take much to get pregnant but she didn't think she was. She wasn't showing any symptoms. If anything she thought the test would be a waste of money but if her sister wanted her to take the test with her then she'd do it. "Ain't ya ass supposed to be on birth control ya self" she shot back.
"Supposedly but I've been off it for a few months now. Me and bae want a baby so it's turned into one of those things that if it happens it happens" she answered and shrugged.
"Well I hope you are because I've been waiting for one of y'all to join the club"
They both laughed.
"Let me call Mimi and tell her to hold my calls.
I have a conference call in a few" April said as she picked up her phone letting Mimi know to hold her calls then focused back on Ebony. "Come on" she got up from her white and gold tufted office chair and grabbed the bag off her desk.
Ebony followed behind her to the bathroom. "So how we gonna do this" she asked as they entered the large full bathroom equipped with a marble and gold freestanding shower. A coffee and whiskey scented candle from Bath and Body Works filled the bathroom giving a calm relaxing feeling right along with the same scented wallflowers. Gold and black marble tiles adorned the floor with stark white walls and a matte black and gold accent wall filled with gold veining gave off a luxury vibe. The vanity in matte black with gold handles rested under a huge glass sink bowl with a fountain faucet. There was live plants in strategic places, a few pieces of gold metal art décor of different types of women's body shapes, and black and white pictures of black women with uplifting affirmations. It was a calming vibe, a sanctuary, and a place where she could run to, to decompress at work. The full bath came in handy for days where April had to rush and change outfits to attend certain last minute meetings, events, or whenever Dave dropped by and dropped off some good dick.
"So what's the plan" April asked as they fully entered the bathroom and closed the door behind themselves.
"We each piss in a cup and go from there so we don't have to keep pissing on a stick" Ebony answered.
"Ok well you go first while I set up shop" April said as she placed down some paper towels on the sink counter then grabbed two black and white marble disposal bathroom paper cups from the dispenser. She put the cups on opposite sides of the sink so there wouldn't be any confusion or cross contamination. "Yours is on the left and mines is on the right" she said as she passed a cup to Ebony then pulled out the two packs of clear blue pregnancy tests. She placed two tests on each of their sides.
"You really aren't scared or nervous are you" Ebony asked as she nervously paced the bathroom.
April shook her head no. There was no reason for her to be scared or the least bit nervous. "I'm more so here for moral support. Sure I've been getting my back blown every which way but I don't think anything's happened as of yet. I have no signs and no symptoms" she shrugged not really giving it that much thought. No one knew that she and Dave were or the same type of time that whatever happens just happens even though Dave had every intention of getting her pregnant. "I need you to breath though" she spoke calmly as she approached Ebony and gripped her hands. "Sis what is meant to be will be and if God sees you fit for that in this very moment then that's what it is"
Ebony nodded with a small smile. "Thanks boo"
"No problem now go piss in that cup" April chuckled to lighten the mood. She wouldn't admit it out loud to Ebony just yet but it was cute and a little funny to see her so nervous. Normally she was the most sure and ready for whatever type of person. She was the definition of hard body. Sure she was still womanly and soft but she was still the hardest one out of the bunch. A glimpse of her like this told April just how bad Ebony really wanted a positive test and a baby all together.
Ebony walked to the toilet to go handle her business while April focused on everything else to give her a bit of privacy. Just because they saw each other naked or barely in clothing at times didn't mean she wanted to see her pissing. A minute or two later the toilet was being flushed and the faucet was running. April turned to see Ebony washing her hands.
"Go on don't make me wait too long" Ebony said looking at her through the crystal frameless double LED vanity mirror.
"Yea, yea, yea ya lucky I just got finished sipping on a cup of Bigelow peach tea or else you'd a been waiting" April teased her as she made her way to the toilet with her cup in her hand ready to handle business.
Ebony playfully rolled her eyes. A minute or two later April was filling her cup, wiping, and flushing the toilet. Placing her cup in its rightful spot she fixed her clothing then washed her hands.
"You ready" Ebony asked.
"Yup" April said as she dried off her hands and picked up the clear blue box then opened it.
"At the count of three we're gonna place them both in"
"Gotcha" April nodded ready to get it over with.
"1...2...3" Ebony counted and they placed the tests inside of their individual cups then took them out and placed them beside the cups.
"I'll set the timer" April said and set a timer on her phone.
Ebony nervously nodded and began to pace again. April took it upon herself to help her relax.
"So if you were pregnant how would you feel" she questioned not even caring about her own results. Her sister needed her.
Ebony looked at her with teary eyes that tugged at her heart. She was seeing a raw version of Ebony that she only showed once in a blue moon. "I'd be happy. You know I'm hard body all day long well around certain people but I want a mini me and bae and I've wanted one for a while now. In the army all I could think bout was creating my own legacy and family and then not meeting the one or anyone remotely close to being the one I sort of put it on the back burner. Then living in Atlanta you already know it was very slim picking. I wasn't bout to have a baby by just anybody. But now with being with Bully and being in love with someone who really loves me I couldn't picture any other man to share this journey with" Ebony expressed.
"Aww babes whether it be today, weeks, or months from now it's gonna happen. You're gonna get ya blessing" April said as she pulled her into a tight hug. Just as she pulled away to give her more words of encouragement the timer went off pulling their focus on the tests sitting on the sink. "Ready"
Ebony glanced at her and nodded. Both looking down and picking their tests up they looked on.
"Oh My God" Ebony said tearfully with her eyes stuck on her test.
"You Shitten Me" April said sounding just like Dave as she looked down at her test stunned. She couldn't be too surprised to see the results staring back at her but gahdamn she wasn't prepared to see what she was seeing. "3 plus weeks" she whispered to herself as her body started feeling hot all over. She started to feel a little clammy. Her man had finally got what he so desperately wanted...a fuckin baby.
Ebony looked over at April and April looked over at Ebony stunned.
"You pregnant" they asked each other in unison. They both nodded almost robotically.
April cleared her throat trying to get herself together and focused on Ebony. She placed her test down and made her way beside Ebony to see her results. "1-2" April read the results and smiled at Ebony. Her sister had gotten the results she was hoping and praying for. "Someone's gonna be a mommyyyy" April joyfully sang happy for her sister as her own heart fluttered at the fact that she was about to have another baby herself. "You already know it's bout to go down from the baby shower to the gender reveal. We bout to go all out for auntie's baby" she said excitedly just thinking about how all of the women in their family were about to go all out and create magic for her and Bully. They were going to make sure it was day that they would never forget.
"I can't believe this shit. I thought it might've been a hiccup but I'm bout to have my bae's baby" she beamed a whole mega watt smile showing off her bright white thirty-twos. "Now I gotta schedule an emergency appointment just to make sure before I let him know anything"
"This is bout to be the cutest thing ever. Have you been thinking bout a reveal if you were to pop up pregnant" April said and asked.
"Yesssss and soon as I get this appointment out the way I'll be putting it in motion"
"Well if and whatever you need me to do just say the word and I'll make it happen"
"Sisssss waittt" Ebony dragged as she looked at her and walked over to April's test and her eyes damn near ballooned.
April looked at her through the mirror. "I think I may have got, got in Barbados"
Ebony burst out laughing. "3 plus! I thought you made that man strap up"
"I did...well after the first time he bust my shit wide open and shot up the club I made him put one on every time after during that trip" she said then bit down on her lip shaking her head remembering how he had done her body during that trip. She knew the very moment when their baby was planted. She could remember the events as if they had just happened hours ago.
"Oh he bout to be all on ya heels" she shook her head knowing Dave was about to a whole ass mess remembering how he was when she was pregnant with Charlie.
April shook her head already knowing that shit was about to get so much worse than when she was pregnant with Charlie. Dave was going to show his whole entire ass and monitor everything between what she ate to her even working. Mind you she had just returned back to work. "I'm a go head and make me an emergency appointment too. I be damn to deliver news to that man and not know 100% for certain that I'm carrying his child especially with the way he had baby fever" there was no way that she would tell him without full proof.
"Oh baby girl those sticks ain't lying sis so you better get ready"
"Says the one whose man is bout to be acting up right alongside mines. Oh and let's not forget bout Unkie ouuuu and auntie. Lawd they bout to be all over you. I wouldn't even be surprised if auntie moved her ass here indefinitely" April laughed knowing damn well Ebony was about to be in the same damn boat.
"Jesusssss" she dramatically dragged. "I don't know if I can do all three of them together. Daddy already on Bully's heels with that whole making an honest woman out of me and according to mommy she's been waiting way too long for a grandchild" she stressed but that smile never left her face.
"Welcome to the club" April continued laughing at her while putting her shit on the back burner for a second. She had some thinking to do.
Ebony beamed. "Let me wrap this up so I can run back to my office and make this appointment. If I don't do it now I'm a blurt it out to bae and I can't have that without knowing the facts"
"Understood" April nodded as they both gathered their tests wrapping them up and tossing them back inside of the boxes they came out of. Once they were done they washed their hands again and April wiped down the vanity with a Clorox wipe then sprayed Lysol on it for good measure. They finally exited out of the bathroom and made it back inside her office. Ebony tossed her tests back inside the bag while April grabbed a ziplock from her draw and tossed hers deep inside then sanitized her hands.
"Thank you for doing this with me and going on this journey with me sis. Congratulations on ya bundle of joy too and know that this pregnancy will give you life, a new experience, and be just as healthy and good of a journey as it was with auntie's baby" Ebony smiled then kissed her cheek.
"I needed to hear that" April smiled and kissed her cheek as well. She knew that this pregnancy was going to be different than her last. For one she was finally pregnant by Dave so there was no in between man or nothing stopping him from being all over and inside of her. Secondly there was no stress and thinking about how things were when she had her baby boy. Having Charlie had taken away all of her fears. Let alone she knew Dave was going to make sure that she had a stress free pregnancy. Lastly they were finally on the right track, happy, in love, and had washed their hands with all of their side bullshit. "You know they're gonna get tired of our asses" she laughed knowing that their men were going to have a field day but also get tired of their asses from the ripping and running for their desired cravings to them just doing the most.
Ebony laughed. "They'll be aight though. I'm gonna go and handle my business"
"Bet, make sure you keep me in the loop and if you have any questions or need someone to vent to then you already know what to do"
"Same here" she smiled. "Love you"
"Love you too...hey do you mind keeping this between us for the moment...just mines" April asked. She didn't want anyone to know what was going on before she had absolute proof and letting Dave know first.
"You already know" she nodded then headed out of April's office.
April dropped down in her seat with a heavy sigh then hit up Mimi to let her know that she was back in motion. She rubbed her forehead and stared at the drawer she had placed her pregnancy tests in. She was feeling a bunch of different emotions. What she didn't feel was trapped, upset, sad, angry, or regret that it happened. She was just stunned. She knew what the end game was but didn't expect it to happen so soon. Then with the timing of it all she couldn't help but smile because her baby was planted when he or she was originally supposed to be planted...the week of her and Dave's supposed wedding. Sure they hadn't gotten married when they were supposed to but they definitely brought back a bundle of joy like they had planned to during their so called honeymoon.
This was reason 101 why life was funny and never went the way you planned it. Sometimes you just had to expect the unexpected! She was supposed to be married and making a baby after saying I do and now she was having a baby before saying I do. It was definitely past due to drop her extra curricular activities and hopefully she hadn't caused any harm to their baby. Then with the way Dave was plotting she was happy that she hadn't picked up a blunt or a drink in that past few weeks. She'd have to talk to her doctor and see what was what and have a one on one with God to make sure their baby was straight.
Immediately picking up her personal cell phone she called her OB-GYN and made an appointment. Luckily for her she was able to get an early morning slot due to a cancellation. April didn't know how she was about to look at Dave during their lunch date and not say anything. She knew that having a baby with him he was going to want to be apart of every single step. He wouldn't want to miss a single beat. One thing for certain she was going to make sure that this pregnancy journey was going to be everything that he didn't get from Millie. It would be a journey and experience that he would never forget. He couldn't come with her to this first appointment though. She needed to make sure the results were indeed correct. She didn't want to get his hopes up just in case it was a false alarm. She didn't even want to get her own hopes up. But in her gut she knew what it was. She was definitely pregnant with his baby...Baby Brewster was finally on the way.
Now she had to think of a way to tell him. She wanted to make it special but not too over the top. You know something intimate. She also knew that however she was going to tell him that she had to start working on it like now because there was no way that she'd be able to withhold the news from him for too long. Dave was one of those men who wanted to be in the bathroom with you while you pissed on a stick and go to the doctor with you for the very first appointment and since he was about to miss out on both it had to be extra special.
Looking back at her phone she noticed a new text from Dave.
Papi🤴🏽💋😝🍆: Ma what's for lunch besides you?
Me: 🤣 hmm a dirty steak and shrimp burrito from the taco truck will do and one of those fruit drinks please and thank you!
Papi🤴🏽💋😝🍆: bet I gotchu
April placed her phone down and tried to get back into work but her head just wouldn't let her. She couldn't believe that she was pregnant again. Wait she could because she knew she had been getting makeup and I miss you dick to the fullest and Dave was shooting up the club like somebody had called him out and done him wrong. Every chance he got he was loading her up with a purpose. He was barely letting her swallow it down. She was surprised because they had just gotten back together and it just seemed too fast to be popping up with another baby yet at the same time it felt right. Then when she thought about the timeline that their baby was conceived way before they had even gotten back together and when she thought of the night it took place it just seemed like it was meant to be. They were really about to have two under two...Well by the time the baby would get here Charlie would be turning two.
"He really got me pregnant" she whispered to herself. She didn't know whether to smile, laugh, or cry happy tears. She was feeling every emotion hitting her all at once. She couldn't freak out at work though she had to focus and once she got out of there then she could feel however she needed. But right now she needed her head in the game and get back to boss shit. Time was of the essence and with her and her team actually finished and finalizing her upcoming project for the new year she definitely needed to get her mind right because new years was literally three weeks away let alone Christmas was a good two. So she needed work done and complete so she could enjoy the holiday like she wanted to.
Forcing herself to get some paperwork done she got caught up back in motion but never once did her bundle of joy leave her mind. Like they say Expect The Unexpected...
-Hey boos happy reading I hope y'all enjoyed 😊
-Man oh man I had to drop this baby 😂 Baby Brewster is officially on the way!!! It's been a long time coming and with the way I had them going at it on her girls trip I had to make sure she brought something back with her 😂 get those baby shower meatballs ready 😂
-I know y'all banking on a baby boy 👀
-What y'all think too soon or past due 🤔
-Wait lets not forget Ebony and Bully are right along with them this time around 😊
-Any, who y'all know the drill sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, and add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading and not commenting no worries just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰
🛑Y'all 🤦🏾♀️ I'm still doing all this shit with my damn phone 😬 life be life'n and with having a house and with the way unexpected things be happening in here shit be having to be put on the back burner. Why ain't nobody tell me that getting a house ain't for the weak?!Hopefully I'll have a new laptop by the new year though so it'll make things a whole lot easier on me to update. Any, who hope all is well with all of you and I hope y'all have a good 🦃 day filled with family, good vibes, and good food🥰🥰
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