18.1: Through the Fire
Chapter 18.1 Through the Fire cont...
Hours Later
Kairi was home from school, family time had been had, dinner was done, everyone was fed, and Charlie was with her father. Bath and showers had been taken, bedtime stories had been read, and Kairi was now sleeping peacefully in her bedroom with her fur brother Teddy nestled beside her...well was nestled beside her until he smelled Dave's bag of weed. With Kairi in bed April and Dave were in the family room cuddled up sipping on drinks as Dave rolled up a few blunts for the night. April was feeling the moment. It was a moment she didn't know she needed. Just the two of them with absolutely no outside influence in their bubble just like they used to be. There was nothing but love and nostalgia flowing in the air. It felt as if they had literally picked up where they left off when shit was good between them. They just clicked in place and meshed well together perfectly like the perfect puzzle pieces. Right now she was at peace and it felt amazing. Just cuddled up beside the man she loved felt like a high.
"You know this ya last night for that shit right" Dave said eyeing the fruity drink she had in her hand sipping on.
She raised her brow questioning what he had just said. She was only a few months in from finally being able to actually indulge in her extra curricular activities. Granted she was no longer blowing it down and drinking like she had before she had Charlie but she was still getting nice here and there especially after long stressful days of work. She had calmed down a lot since becoming a mother. She didn't like the girls seeing her high even though it never took anything away from her ability to parenting. It was just certain things she didn't want them to see her doing.
"Ma, don't be looking at me like that. You know what you signed up for and just in case one of my soldiers made it to where I intended for it to go I need you to be on point. I need ya body to be fit and healthy to bake my baby boy without any unnecessary complications" he said just knowing he had successfully planted a seed.
April pouted immediately. Sure she knew what she had signed up for but damn it. She felt like she had just gotten back on the wagon and just like that she had to hop right back off. Luckily she didn't need weed or alcohol to have a good time. She could do all of that while sober but she would damn sure miss it especially with the stressful days she had ahead of her due to her latest software launch in the upcoming new year.
"Put ya lip back in ya mouth ma. I asked you were you sure you were ready and you gave me an answer. So suck it up and get ready to bake my baby boy" he cheesed.
April playfully rolled her eyes not even daring to stomp and rain on his parade. She had heard him loud and clear when he asked if she was ready to have his baby and she was. "You still haven't answered my question though. How do you know if it'll be a boy" she asked again picking with him but also loving that he still wanted a special piece of her. Honestly she couldn't wait to see what her and Dave's DNA would bake up. She just knew with the way Dave's DNA was set up and the way Kairi looked like his twin that their baby would definitely come out looking like his daddy. She just hoped there would be some of her in the mix and yes she was low key team baby boy because they had more than enough girls.
"God wouldn't give me three girls just to not give me a baby boy even if we do have Teddy B" he answered as he looked down at Teddy resting by his feet knowing exactly why he was cuddled up beside him. The way he was talking he just knew it was a boy and for a fact that April was indeed pregnant. If anything she hoped that this time would be the time that Dave finally got his wish.
Her insides still warmed at the fact that he never failed to add her baby Royalty into the equation. It made her love him even more. Most men wouldn't dare entertain that relationship but Dave was different and she loved it.
April laughed and shook her head at his antics. "You know what...I'm a just leave it alone. We'll cross that bridge when we get there. You literally just shot up the club"
"You know me ma...I speak shit into existence. Let alone things are finally the way they should be. There's no more doubts, nothing clouding my mind, no more Agnes living in the back of my head rent free, and my self healing journey is on the up and up. You know where I stand. You know how I feel. I let you in on everything that's going on in my life. Lil Butt and me are back home where we're supposed to be. We're on the right path and no matter how we get to our happily ever after whether it be a baby before or after marriage we're gonna get what we deserve. And I'm definitely getting my baby boy" he spoke with so much confidence.
April bit down on her bottom lip. She just couldn't keep it out of her mouth when he was around. "See it's the speaking with conviction and confidence for me. Not only do I hear you but I believe it and receive it. I believe that you finally believe it and I'm loving it" she smiled. "The confidence looks great on you"
Dave smirked. "Thanks ma but if you keep biting ya lip like that you gonna end up with something hard and heavy in ya mouth" he said while he lit a blunt. He had already lit a few incense around the family room ready to blow it down.
"You know me...don't threaten me with a good time" she stuck out her tongue as she sat back watching how his lips connected to the blunt wishing it was connected to her clit and just like that her clit jumped just thinking about it. She could damn sure go for a nice session with Dave's head tucked securely between her thighs sucking on her until he drunk her dry.
"I see that look in ya eyes but don't worry I'm a feed you but we got some homework to do tonight" he said getting a little serious.
April nodded. "We do" she said as she created some space between them as she moved away from him so they could be eye to eye and really talk things out. She really wanted to know where his head was at after everything they had experienced today. "I can't believe you really went as far as getting a therapist. The way you were so adamant bout it I just knew that whatever you did to get yourself right a therapist would be nowhere in the equation"
He nodded agreeing with her. "Like I said earlier I didn't want anyone probing around in my head but I just kept replaying how things went down in Barbados and how I spoke to you and how you gave me ya ring back. When everything sunk in and I realized how bad I fucked up I knew I had to do something. I hit way below the belt and when it comes to you, you know that ain't me. Sure sometimes I can talk to you nice nasty which I don't like and will change but what I said in Barbados was too damn low. I couldn't imagine a world without you and my baby Triple B in it. Real talk Charlie completes our family. Even thinking bout how I came at you bout how she was conceived and how you basically should've gotten rid of her. I just felt like shit. That should've never even left my mouth. I still can't believe some of the shit I said to you even how I made it seem as if ya body wasn't working right when we were trying to have a baby the first time around. Like it couldn't be my fault. I wasn't even thinking bout it not being the right time, me, or any of the shit you were dealing with behind Agnes that you were keeping to yourself. It could've been a whole ass list of why you weren't getting pregnant and to make it seem as if it was just you and your fault wasn't the move. With you giving me back ya ring shit just felt too final for me and I couldn't deal with that shit happening. Waking up and going to bed and it's just me and Kairi after we've made a family with you and Charlie just wasn't it. She might be from Chris but I was by ya side throughout that whole journey. When ya water broke I was the one making shit shake. That's my baby too. I couldn't let what we built crash like that. There was too much to lose at stake. From the beginning we started on some friend shit and I couldn't fathom losing out on ya love let alone ya friendship. You were the one who taught me real love"
He paused, took a sip of his drink, then took a pull from the blunt before continuing. "The first thing I did was hit my father up and take my ass back to masjid. I needed some type of guidance and assurance. Just getting advice from Pops wasn't gonna be enough. Then I couldn't shake my feelings and I knew Millie couldn't be the cause of my happy ending not happening. So I took my ass to see a shrink. Somebody had to help me get to the bottom of whatever my attachment was to Millie. I had to come up with a visual pro and con list and just deal with that shit in a healthy manner. The cons of course outweighed the pros. Now that I've been going all I can think is that I should've been took my ass to talk to someone" he paused and took a few pulls from the blunt once again before passing it to April. "What I had with her was unhealthy and I tossed all of that baggage and trauma on you. That shit wasn't nothing but toxicity and dependency. I was only sticking to her because she was familiar. The love I once had for her had been done but I just couldn't see myself giving up on my family. I was so big on wanting my baby to have a two parent household that I was allowing the bullshit to occur instead of dropping the dead weight"
April sighed. Their whole journey had been one for the books. The trials, errors, and tribulations were too frequent but they had both learned a thing or two from what they had been through. Of course she wished that things had gone differently but she knew what they had been through was something they couldn't escape. "Well I'm glad you not only started working on yourself spiritually but mentally. You needed it. Even if we had never met you would've still needed it. What you been through would've followed you in every relationship whether it had been with me or another woman. You've been through a lot of heavy shit. The scars that Millie left were invisible but they were deep scars nonetheless. Barbados was a breaking point for the both of us but also a breakthrough for you and although that was a heartbreaking time for me I think that was what you needed to make the life changing decisions that you did. Was I hurt that it took you breaking my heart and speaking to me the way you did? Absolutely but you've apologized and we're past that" she took a few pulls from the blunt making sure they kept the rotation going even though Dave was the type to keep the blunt like he didn't know he was in a rotation sometimes.
Dave nodded. "Yea it was a fucked up way that everything went down but it did make me go ahead and better myself not only for you and the girls but for me too. I needed that shit bad and didn't know just how bad until I sat in front of my therapist. Things were actually that bad. She was on the outside looking in and made me look at things differently" he inhaled and slowly exhaled a cloud of smoke. "She even mentioned some things that I've heard before but it hit different when it's said by someone who doesn't know shit bout you or you in general. Things that you, Bully, Shooter, and even Errol said started to make sense once an outsider pointed it out"
April reached for the blunt and took a deep pull letting the smoke fill her lungs before slowly exhaling out of her nose and mouth while keeping her eyes on Dave. "Its always like that when a stranger is checking you but Papi are you sure you're ok after talking to Millie" she questioned not even bothering to call her by her given nickname. She knew that whole ordeal had to take a toll on his mental and hurt his feelings. Shit it would've hurt anybody who had been put through the wringer like that. She still couldn't believe that Millie had actually said what she said. That women was a whole ass joke.
Dave sighed and tossed back his double shot of Henny then filled his shot glass back up. "Ma real talk I wanted to snap her fuckin neck and if any woman gets me to the point of bodily harm then it's time for me to go. I knew she was selfish. I knew she was bout a bag but that horrible nasty of a person wasn't what I was expecting. You know for a minute I just wanted it to be a front like she really didn't know what she had gotten herself into. But to know that she wasn't as dense and stupid as we all thought she was just made everything sink in that I really wasted my fuckin time on a female that was never for me. She had no remorse for anything that she did. The only time she apologized is when I told her she'd be stuck in that bitch and even then that apology wasn't sincere. All I can think bout is ok she fucked me over, took my money, played in my face, and never loved me. It hurts sure but how the fuck could she not want or even love her own child. She acted as if I begged her to have my baby. Ma, back then I was busy on my grind but I loved her and the way I saw it was if we had a slip up and a baby was the outcome then so be it. I was here for it. A baby was part of our future. We both said we wanted kids so it was what it was" he took another pull of the blunt before putting it out in the glass ashtray.
April grabbed his hand and intertwined their fingers. She felt so bad for him but she wouldn't dare interrupt him. She knew he needed to get everything off of his chest and even though this was their homework assignment he still needed a listening ear that would just listen. As usual she was prepared to be that for him.
"You know how I be on ya heels bout a baby and how my baby fever was on ten? Every time I was in ya shit I was praying to Allah that this time was the time my baby boy would be concieved. I've never done that shit to her. Planning the future out and saying I wanted kids with her yea but purposely trying to knock her up and on her heels was something that I didn't do. I was too focused on my career. She literally plotted on getting pregnant and even with her carrying around precious cargo for nine months she felt no motherly bond for our baby. There was no attachment. She was only in it for a bag, gifts, and attention. How fucked up can a person be to go through all of that shit on purpose to secure a fuckin bag? I know groupies do shit like that all day but even they love their kids but damn a person you considered ya other half that's some bullshit. How you married and fuckin another nigga and plotting on having a baby by another man all in the name of a check for you and ya husband. He pimped her ass out and she was cool with it. At any point she could've told me what was what. At any point she could've let me know that the man I called my friend was never my friend" he said getting a little pissed off just thinking about the whole situation.
"I'm more so hurt for Kairi than myself. Her mother doesn't want her or even loves her. She could care less bout her. All the back and forth she's done in Kairi's life I should've just dead that shit from jump. I don't know any mother that just ups and walks away from a newborn like he or she is nothing. I wanted my family to work so bad that in the end I helped cause my baby trauma by keeping around someone who didn't genuinely care bout her. Kids pick up on shit like that and I know for a fact that my baby felt that shit" he said and wiped his free hand down his face annoyed with himself.
April squeezed his hand letting him know that she was still very much listening. She hated that he even had to go through any of that with Millie. Her ass wasn't shit. "That's the thing Papi it's some sick, twisted, weird, and wicked people out here and the way I see it is if you thought the same as those people thought then you'd be just like them. It's a special place in hell for people like Millie and people like that in general. Just like everyone isn't meant to be a mother. Just because you have the necessary parts to have a baby doesn't mean you should"
He nodded agreeing.
"The good thing is that you got the closure you needed and in the end you and my Love Bug have more than enough love surrounding y'all. You won't ever have to wonder or worry bout me mistreating your heart or taking your love for granted. You won't ever have to wonder or worry if I'm here for Kairi or not. I got y'all and so does our family. Y'all will never experience the type of love Millie showed y'all ever again. Shit that's not even considered love. We love y'all to the moon and back. My parents loved you before I even knew you. They never stopped loving you just like I haven't. I vow to continue to love and cherish both you and Kairi. You already know how I feel bout her that's my baby and blood couldn't be any thicker"
Dave smiled and kissed her temple. "And that's why I had to let her know exactly what you mean to me. Sometimes I think bout what she said and I get in my feelings but I'm ok. I know in the long run I'll be even better and one day that shit won't even affect me"
"That you will...especially with you putting in the work" she said then lifted his hand and kissed it.
"How do you feel bout it though? She said some shit bout you too and I know you've heard most of it before but I know sometimes those words get to be too much at times" he questioned.
April shrugged and smacked her lips while rolling her eyes. "She ain't say nothing new that I haven't heard before. Like I always say I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't. You know how it goes" she shrugged. "I've been getting my back kicked in since I dated my first celebrity...Chris. According to them I wasn't enough even when he was the one fuckin around on me. Even before then when my family started coming up in the world and making a name for ourselves bitches had everything in the world to say bout me. Does it hurt my feelings? I'd be lying if I say it didn't sometimes but I know who I am and I know the type of vibes and energy that I put out in the world. At the end of the day I'm a damn good person and loved by the ones who matter the most. I know most people either want to be me, want what I have, and be around the people I'm surrounded by. I can't fault them for that. Everybody gets jealous once in a while but most people don't do the most either" she replied. Sure words hurt but at the end of the day she knew that those same people couldn't walk a mile let alone a block in her shoes. To her it was the same shit just a different day.
"I'm mad she's pretty much triggered by me though. I haven't done anything literally anything to that girl. She acts as if I've taken everything from her as if she wasn't the cause on why you don't fuck with her and Kairi is off her. The way our family is set up and the way you're friends with my damn baby daddy I would've definitely been a friend to Millie if she had come correct. Why wouldn't I be friendly or cordial to her when y'all share Kairi? Just like I understand how easy it is for people to get jealous. Shit I've been jealous of people and their relationships with their spouses plenty of times especially when mines were dwindling. Or jealous that people have friends that genuinely want to be their friends instead of the ones I've encountered that just want to be friendly because of what I have and who I'm surrounded by. But I've never been jealous to the point where I want to fuck some shit up in someone else's life. That's just sad and that's what Millie is. She's a sad ass human being so whatever she says bout me is aimed more to herself than towards me. Ain't shit different between us. We got the same 24 hours. What she chooses to do with hers ain't my problem. Shit you should've been part of her motivation. Being by ya side seeing you grinding should've motivated her to want to make some shit shake for herself. She's mad at herself and projecting it on everybody except for the person responsible for her actions which is herself. They all think that I'm on a high horse or fucked my way to the top but don't ever think bout how I got to where I am in life. Hard work, dedication, a family who supports me, motivation to make sure my family is well off for generations to come, sleepless nights, only sisters for friends, a shitty relationship with letting a man walk all over me, not knowing my worth, losing a child, but waking up and walking around with a smile on my face because I can't let a bitch see me sweat. I never gloat...never. I know how it feels to have nothing. I'm the only billionaire in my family and sure my people are millionaires at this point but you don't see me walking around talking shit because I got more zeros in the bank. I'm a hustler by nature. I got my daddy's blood running throughout my veins the only thing is that I'm not out here selling nickels, dimes, or bricks of that white girl. I found my niche and made an empire out of it. I make sure that whenever I make a power play that my family has their hands in it because when I come up they come up. The weight of the world I know the feeling. I've carried it on my back plenty of times and when it gets too heavy my family helps to shoulder it. So Millie can say whatever the fuck her delusional ass wants bout me she had opportunities just like I did and she dropped the ball. She needs to point the finger at herself for being a selfish, dishonest, miserable, unloving bitch that she is. This shit needs to be a wake up call because once court hits and the world finds out bout her shit I need for everyone who dislikes me to understand that if I don't send for you then don't send for me. It won't end the way you expect it to" she said with a mean mug of her own. She was tired of jealous miserable bitches who were so in their feelings that they came her way because they felt like there would be no consequences. She was about to make everyone feel her.
"Besides after hearing how you told her that I damn sure meant everything to you I could care less bout how that woman feels bout me. She's miserable and misery loves company and that right there I don't have time for. I know you love me the real me. I know that right here is where you want to be. I know that you love the blended family that we've created and I know that you're my person. You were made for me and I was made for you" she said all cheesy looking at him all dreamy and heart eyed just blushing. Every time she thought about his words it just made her heart fuller, beat a little different, and filled her with so much joy. She could even feel the band aids that she placed on her heart after he crushed it fall completely off and heal back together to its original 100% function. It never beat so boldly and proudly until then. "But fuck Millie and how she feels bout me. She needs to be worried bout herself and that bid she bout to do right along with those lawyer fees" she rolled her eyes.
"I'm good you know what it is so we can fully move forward without the elephant being in the room. This is our fresh start with no strings attached and nothing and no one looming over us. I know I can't erase the shitty parts but I'm here and ready for our journey to begin. I still want the big wedding and the babies. I want it all" Dave said staring in her eyes.
"Shitty history and all it got us to this point I'm here and ready. Thank you for bringing me along to your session. I know how sacred and private those moments are so thank you for letting me in"
"No need...I needed you there for that. We both know that I could've told you that I was seeing a therapist but you probably would've doubted it some. I needed you to see that I'm actually out here working on myself. You know less talking and more action"
"Understood...I'm not gonna lie though I don't know if it's the petty in me or what but I low key think Millie needs another fade for GP. After all the bullshit she was spewing and for being a shitty person in general I think she needs to be knocked on her ass again. But at the same time it's like what's the point. She's not getting the point or taking a hint. She can't even catch a clue. Ebony already whooped her ass once. Alaina and I tagged teamed her ass till she literally shitted on herself. Then let's not forget how me and Ebony rolled up on her for the very first time and I knocked her head loose against the table. She hasn't learned anything. She isn't growing up or maturing after any of the L's she's so busy collecting. With the way you crushed her soul I think her ass might try to retaliate" At this point April thought that Millie had nothing else to lose so why not try some more fuck shit.
Dave groaned in annoyance but not towards April. He was annoyed by Millie as usual. "She'd be stupid as fuck to do anything especially with me telling her that she's gonna be in that bitch for a long while. But you might be right. We can't count her out anymore. She's not as stupid as we thought and she does have the motive and means to make some shit shake again" he said and ran his hand down his face.
"Exactly but we'll play it by ear but I got someone in her cell with her so if anything pops off I'll be one of the first people to know" April wished her ass would pop off though because this time if she did anything remotely close to stupid that would effect her quality of life then her family would be burying her ass. There was but so many times that she could get a pass to where just being Kairi's mother wouldn't mean anything. She had already gotten one too many passes as it is and that final one should've been the one to nail her coffin.
"Heard ju"
"Damn it all makes sense now" she looked at him and shook her head thinking about how he had popped up a few months back one night telling her that everything was going to be ok and that Millie and the Scooby Doo Gang was going to get what they deserved.
He looked at he curiously. "What makes sense now"
"The night you randomly popped up over here saying you needed to be at home with ya family. That night you told me that Millie and her gang were finally going to be charged for the hit. You told me to stop looking over my shoulders and things were going to be just fine"
Dave nodded. "Yea that was the night after I came back from talking to her. I just couldn't go back to the family guesthouse. I needed to be home with all of my girls. Besides I needed to make sure that Millie knew that I couldn't save her anymore. She's in that cell because of herself and one of the reasons why I needed to let her go was also one of the reasons I needed to make sure that you got the justice you deserve. I couldn't come back half stepping when it came to you and the more I thought bout it the more fucked up it was to even put her in there on some bullshit ass charges. I had to make everything right. If it had been the other way around she would've tried to have ya ass under the cell and coming out of a bag because she damn sure would've made sure she got some type of money out of it. Just off the strength of her being who she was I was letting three other people get away with murder. It wasn't right and it never was right to begin with"
"At this point I'm just happy that you went and handled the situation. That's all I wanted you to do from jump...stand on business. I thought bout every alternative when I found out what they had planned and taking Kairi's mother away from her no matter how much I wanted to I knew that I couldn't do it. But what I had hoped was that you knew my heart and that at the end of the day you would be by my side throughout it all and stop giving her grace. Give her the same energy she puts out. She wouldn't save ya ass at all well only if she could get a bag from you. Those other three should've been in the dirt the same night. But that's neither here nor there. You went and handled the situation and I can't wait to see them in court even though three of them might be seeing other places afterwards" April said with a wicked smile plastered on her face. Like Dave said justice needed to be served and that's just what April was going to get. Ever since the night Dave had told her that Millie, Profit, Hood, and Kaerruche were going to be charged for her hit she had been able to breathe better, stop looking over her shoulders some, and sleep a little easier. Her mind was at peace. She wouldn't be able to do any of that normally until their sentences but for now she was good.
"Just know that I'm standing on business in everything when it comes to me and mines. Always will. I'm ten toes down. Ain't no rose colored glasses over here anymore and I'll paint the city red if anybody tries that fuck shit again"
"Good" she blushed at his conviction as her pussy gushed and flooded most likely soaking the couch cushion since she only had on one of his shirts.
"So how you feel bout me going back to therapy with you? It sounds like she's trying to do a couples therapy session" she asked not wanting to impose on his time to clear his mind. She knew how important therapy was and didn't want to take any time away from him to focus on things that he wasn't ready to focus on.
"Ma I wouldn't have brought you along if I didn't want you to be there for some of my sessions. Besides you said we needed to go to therapy anyway and after the session we just had I think we need to do it. The end game is marriage so if we can get a few sessions in before we cross that bridge the better. I'm serious ma I don't want to bring any of this shit into our marriage and relationship period. No Millie should've, would've, could've. I just want us to focus on us, our lil girls, our family, our careers, and our businesses. Sure I know it'll always be someone talking shit but that's regular shit. That comes with the territory but anything else I want that shit cleared. And if people know what's best for them they might even want to keep those words to themselves"
"Agreed...well I'm there for whatever sessions you need me there for. I'm a just shoot a prayer up to God for those people who don't know any better. My ass is getting too old to be fighting bitter bitches. I'm too pretty for that shit"
"Bet, say that shit! I def don't want you out here throwing hands like that. Those shits are lethal. Let alone you bout to be carrying around precious cargo so I'm a need people to leave you be...but are you good" he asked.
She laughed. "Never better"
"And how you feeling bout me trying to put a baby in you so soon? I know we got a ways to go but" he shrugged.
"It's too late to ask me now. You already shot up the club" she laughed but the way he was looking at her she knew he needed an actual answer.
She sighed and smiled. "If you would've asked me before you followed me to Barbados for my girls trip I'd probably be in my feelings and felt like you may have been trying to low key trap me just to keep me in ya life like Kairi and Charlie wouldn't have already been a reason to keep you in it. But I know what I want and what I'm signing myself up for. I want you and everything that comes along with you. I want to continue to grow and build with you. Building with you also means building more family...having your children. Well child. It's always been that way but we had a few obstacles along the way that we had to overcome and deal with. But just because you shot up the club doesn't mean that I'm necessarily pregnant either" she answered.
"Just a reminder just know that I'm not bout to be ya baby mama so if you in fact did hit the mark you better be fully ready and committed to putting my ring back on my finger and actually waiting for me down the aisle. So know that if I pop up pregnant we're walking down that aisle before he or she gets here. And I know I wanted my day to just be me in my body so I could wear my dress and look good in it but if anything happens me and my baby are gonna look good together. I'm not having another baby without being married first. The next baby has to come from my husband"
Dave gave her a full blown goofy ass smile. Shit damn near reached from ear to ear. "Trust and believe ma I wouldn't have it any other way. I ain't going anywhere and neither are you. That ring will be back on ya finger before you know it baby or not. Let alone you know how I am bout my babies and being in a two parent household and how I am bout wanting to be ya husband so that's the only option for me and I'm a need you to stop knocking my hustle an add that R.E.N. to that child you tried to sneak in. You owe me two"
April smiled feeling all giddy inside. "We'll see" she was here for having his babies. She knew she couldn't give him just one so she was prepared to give him at least two. If they had a two for one special that would be even better. She was two and done after that they could tie her tubes.
"I'm telling you Baby Brewster is on the way. I feel that shit in my soul"
"Like I said we'll see" If in fact Baby Brewster was coming she was down for the cause. Their baby would be created by love with a whole ass family ready to welcome him or her with open arms. Shit after Charlie was born they were already questioning when baby number two was coming like she hadn't just given birth. She understood it though her parents had been waiting right along with her for babies to come their way and be loved on. Let alone even though Dave's parents loved the fuck out of Charlie and no one could tell them that they weren't her grandparents she knew that they still wanted one from her and Dave. So who was she to deny them of that experience. Besides there was nothing wrong with having another baby when this time she wholeheartedly believed that Dave was back and not going anywhere. He was going to be her husband.
"I know I keep asking but are we good? Is this something you're really ready for? Is it something you really want? I know I told you I was coming back home but are you really ready for me to be here? I'm not talking being here as in just staying in the same house sleeping in the same bed but resuming my roles as ya man, ya lover, ya best friend, ya protector, ya partner, ya provider, and ya end game" he questioned.
April crawled into his lap and straddled him making sure she looked him square in the eyes so he knew just how serious she was about him and them as a whole. "Papi I never wanted to be apart from you. I've missed you since the day everything fell apart. I wanted you in Barbados by my side forever. While you were working ya self back into my life I was already ready to fall face first back into our love bubble. I just had to protect my heart to make sure you weren't still with the shits. But like I said in the truck you're mine. All mine and only mine. I'm ready for whatever comes our way. We don't have to rush into anything. We can go as slow as you want. I just need you to know that you Mr. Brewster are mines. There's no second guessing for me. It was always you. I just hope that you are really ready for what's bout to happen. In my head I feel as though you finally are" she answered honestly.
Dave bit down on his bottom lip looking at her with a hint of lust but seriousness all wrapped in one. "See yea I'm bout to fuck up ya whole life...in a good way. You know what it is we're locked in. Ain't no way out. If I got you then you"
"Got me" she finished his sentence with a smile. She loved hearing their saying. They might not have used it as often as they first did when they were in the getting to know you stage and just friends but just like the first time they said it to each other it still meant something. It meant everything. It meant that they both had each other's backs.
"I love you ma and I can't wait to do this thing called life with you" he said and gave her a chaste kiss to her forehead looking at her lovingly.
"I love you too Papi. I love you too"
-Hey boos happy reading I hope you all enjoyed.
-It's team April and Dave for me! My babies are back like they never left. I had to make sure they handled that homework assignment though. It was a must if they want to progress. Hopefully the Millie era is done but that all depends on what my minds thinks up. I'm ready to leave her be because she's been around long enough. Yet knowing me you never know 🤷🏾♀️.
-This chapter is giving y'all might just be getting a baby Brewster 😝.
-I need to make some notes so I can tie everything up and make sure everything is squared away because this story does have to end eventually 😬. So if y'all feel like I missed something let me know.
-Any, who y'all know the drill sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, and add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading and not commenting no worries just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰
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