17.2: Closure
Chapter 17.2 Closure cont...
"One I'm a need you to calm all that shit down with that bitch word. Two y'all and that jealousy shit gotta go. I don't understand being that jealous of someone but hey to each its own. That green eyed monster got you serving time for being stupid. But are you sure you really want to know why her" he leaned forward, rested his elbows on the table, and placed his fist under his chin then grinned. "I wasn't looking for love or a relationship when she literally bumped into me. But the first time I laid my eyes on her I knew I had to have her. Her spirit spoke to me. Her soul cried out for me. I knew she was for me. Her smile lit up the room and made my heart thump for the first time since I laid eyes on Kairi when she was first born. And we both know you've seen her...lil mama is bad as fuck" he bit down on his fist and watched as anger wiped over Millie's face but he didn't care. Why should he?
"The first conversation we had flowed naturally. She wasn't just looks. She had substance. She knew how to hold a conversation let alone keep my attention. She didn't need me she WANTED me! She's a fuckin fan of her man. She knows every song from my first mixtape to my first album. She reps her set all day long. Whenever I hit a milestone whether big or small she celebrates me and lets me know that she appreciates me. She doesn't care what I'm on the cover for. Whether it be rapping, acting, modeling, or branding she's gonna be in the stands with her pom poms shaking. She's gonna let you know my tour dates, she's gonna let you know when and where my meet and greets are, and she's gonna let you know that I'm out here making moves and how I stay grinding. And ya right she's a billionaire she has way more money than me shit than most but you'd never know because she doesn't care bout that shit. She never gloats. I know she can get whatever she wants whenever she wants but what she knows is that she can get whatever I got even my last. Hair, nails, shopping sprees, spa dates, just because gifts, and trips around the world that's all on me. She doesn't ask for shit so she can get it all"
He continued. "She's one of those rare gems you meet. One of those people who's beautiful on the outside and on the inside. She'll give you the shirt off her back if need be. She knows the meaning of family and stands behind that shit. Family is law and above all else. Everything you don't do she does. She cooks, cleans, loves on me, hugs on me, cuddles me, wants me around all the time, she feeds my soul, encourages me, and that pussy gahdamn that shit is A1! But what takes the cake for me is that she loves on my baby as is she came from her womb. She cares for her without wanting anything in return. She nurtures her and builds her up. She answers every call. Puts her first even when she knows it'll fuck her over in the long run but for her Love Bug she'll do anything. She doesn't brush her off. She doesn't use for her likes, views, or a bag. She genuinely gives a fuck bout my baby. She spends time with her. She reads to her, puts her to sleep, and prays every morning and every night over her. She does her hair, plans momma and daughter dates. That's her baby" he continued on letting Millie know exactly why he'd choose April every single time. His woman was the shit and the definition of a real woman.
"See you almost fucked us up a few times and I'll admit that I willingly let you cause destruction in my relationship but that's all a dub. I'll accept all the shit I let slide. I acknowledge all of the parts I played in all of this. Thank you for having Kairi for me...for us. Thank you for screwing us over. Thank you for being you because without you we would've missed out on the best thing that ever happened to us" he smirked then leaned back in his chair as he watched it take everything in her from leaping out to strike him. "Ya ass couldn't leave well enough alone and look where it's gotten you" he said looking around the dank ass visitors room.
"So basically you came to rub shit in my face" she rolled her eyes fed up with this whole visit. She was honestly fed up with him. "You came all the way here to basically tell me that I ain't shit"
"I told you I came for answers and I came to let you get it all out. I came for closure. The floor is still yours if you want to say something because after today I'm wiping my hands clean with you. You are no longer my problem or my responsibility. I'm no longer keeping promises for someone who really gave no fucks bout me and my child to begin with. So if you got some shit to say, say it" he folded his arms across his chest and spread his legs wide giving her room to speak her peace.
"You really think that I wanted to live this fuckin life" she snapped. "You think I really woke up one day and said I'm a hit a lick?! Sure I had parents who cared about me and showed me the right way but I wanted more. Do you really think I wanted this life? I wanted what I wanted. I wanted to get out of the hood by any means. I wanted to be somebody and have my own shit but it wasn't in my cards. I was young, dumb, easily impressed, and Profit saw that shit and molded me to his image. I got hooked on the lifestyle. Fast money fast lifestyle. I was in too deep that it was hard to stick my head out of the water so I stuck with what I knew. What was easy. Yes I enjoyed it. It was quite an adrenaline rush but I never saw this shit for myself. In and out of jail and doing drugs here and there wasn't what I wanted or asked for. I wanted the rich life that you provided. I put in the work I wanted what was owed to me" she spat. Granted her life wasn't bad she lived the life everyone around her lived. Pay check to pay check and getting the essentials but she wanted more out of life and no one could fault her for that. Maybe she went about it the wrong way but still she wanted better for herself.
"See if you'd a kept doing ya research you would've found out that there was more than meets the eye. My woman was born and raised in the hood. She's no different from us. She just made lemonade out of those lemons. I understand how you feel though and you had more than enough opportunities to make some shit shake. I even asked you what did you want to do with ya life. I asked bout ya goals and aspirations often. I was willing to support whatever business venture ya soul desired and you fumbled that shit. It wasn't a one time offer. I asked you multiple times. Why wouldn't I want the best for you" he said and asked. "Nails, hair, clothing, and whatever else you wanted to put ya stamp on I would've got it done for you. All you had to do was find something you were interested in and come up with a plan and I'd a executed it for you"
"Well hey all that's over now right" she said sarcastically and shrugged.
"This ain't going anywhere and besides I got what I came here for. Look if you ever come to a point in ya life where you genuinely want to speak to Kairi and build a healthy relationship with her then I'll allow it. I have no problem with y'all having a relationship. Just don't hurt her. Don't say you're gonna call her and have her waiting by the phone for nothing. Regardless of all the changes in her life she knows that you're her mother and she will always love you. I just need you to love her a lil more. Other than that the you and me era is done. You can't call on me to diffuse any situation you find yourself in. I can't be that man for you anymore. I'm wiping my hands clean with you and ya bullshit. You are no longer my problem. You gotta family and a husband so you better start calling on them. If it ain't bout Kairi we have absolutely nothing to talk bout" he said reiterating that he was officially done with her hoping that she took heed to what he was saying.
Millie rolled her eyes. "Uh huh sure" she waved him off not believing him. He never stayed gone too long. He always ran back to her. It had been that way since day one and she saw him changing absolutely nothing when it came to her. The way she saw it she was his first love and the mother of his one and only child so he'll forever be by her side. He could front all day but she knew the truth.
"By the way you might want to settle ya affairs and get ya shit in order. I've protected you long enough and this time there's nothing I can do for you. The next time you speak to Kairi you might want to tell her thank you because if it wasn't for her you wouldn't be here. Your family would've been planning ya funeral arrangements. I don't think you realize just how bad you fucked up. You let that bitch fill ya head up with some bullshit to where you paid a fuckin ex friend of mine 1.5 million dollars to kill my woman a public figure with a family full of goons. That was a stupid move especially knowing firsthand how they get down. That wasn't ya first run in with them. You knew they were no nonsense people" he grilled her. "You knew that she was not to be fucked with but you tried it"
"I stupidly allowed her to dumb down the charges for someone who doesn't even show an ounce of remorse. You weren't trying to fight her or get her jumped you fuckin wanted her dead! She ain't do shit to you to warrant death. Every time you came at her sideways she kept it easy on you. Two ass whoopings weren't enough for you huh. I allowed her to silently continue to look over her shoulders waiting for something else to come her way. I allowed her to not be able to sleep properly at night because she's worried bout the other shoe dropping. I allowed her to not get the justice she so desperately deserves. You've been coming at her sideways since the first day you met her and today I'm ending all that shit. Be prepared to face the music. You're gonna be here for a very long, long time and the world will know exactly what you, Profit, Hood, and Kaerruche did. They're gonna find out that y'all tried to off my fuckin woman. That y'all literally tried to kill her...murder her" he said full disgust and anger as he got straight to the point. He was letting Millie go. He was walking away from her without and ounce of a fuck to give. She made her bed so it was time for her to lie in it.
Millie's eyes ballooned and looked as if they would pop out of the sockets at any given moment. She started hysterically crying, coughing, and choking as if on cue.
"Damn it sounds like you need some milk" Dave chuckled and shook his head before getting up to pat her back.
"Da...Dav...David don't do this to me. Please don't do this to me. I'll leave you all alone. You won't have to hear from me ever again. Just please don't do this to me. I'm sorry. I promise I'll do whatever you want me to" she cried and sniffled as snot ran and bubbled out of her nose almost instantly.
Dave shook his head. "I can't do that. I gave you one too many chances and each and every time you not only fucked me over but you fucked over Kairi. My baby used to talk bout you all the time and cry over you missing family days now it's like you don't even exist. I never wanted that but this was the hand we were dealt. I came to you like a man each and every time you did some fucked up shit or came out the side of ya neck to my woman. You tried to embarrass and clown her while you taunted her over the internet. You aired her business out for the world to see not even checking to see if you were spewing facts or fiction. You went online and came for a woman who lost a fuckin baby...a baby. You brought an innocent life into an adult situation. You're a woman yourself and a fuckin mother! How could you stoop that low for a bag?! I'm a public figure did you care how all that shit would make me look? Some of my fan base are women. Do you know how many women who can't have kids, miscarried, had stillborns, infertility issues, and so on? You made a fool out of yourself and me. You really hopped online and acted like you were big shit and you ain't even got a pot to piss in and window to throw it out of without me. Let alone you don't even take care of your own damn child. You're a weekend mother...a court ordered visitation mother. I'm fed up with ya bullshit and negative energy. Everything around you turns to shit" he went off.
"You're selfish and don't give a fuck bout nobody but ya self. If it ain't bout you or a bag it's not important. You would think that with all I've accomplished that you would want to be on the same type of time. Most of these rapper baby mamas be out here getting bookings for club appearances. They be out here opening online boutiques, coming out with their own makeup, hair, and nail brands. They be out here networking and all you did was give me a headache and always have ya hand out. You fumbled everything"
Millie bypassed everything he said. All she knew was that she needed to find herself out of this situation. "What will Kairi think if I'm in here for however long? She needs me. Think bout how this will affect her. She needs her mother. I promise I'll do right by her. David don't let them throw me away. I can't do prison. I won't survive in here" she pleaded and of course threw Kairi in the mix as if she really gave a fuck about her when she already laid her cards on the table and proved she didn't.
"That's the thing bout us we always put Kairi first and we always will. You weren't thinking bout her while you was out here choosing violence. But this time ya luck has officially run out. You gotta pay the price for what you did right along with ya peoples. You put a hit out on someone. You paid to have someone killed and it may have not been ya idea but it was ya money, ya resources, and you went along with it. All you had to do was pick up the phone and said hey so and so is plotting on harming April and you'd a been good. When shit got that serious you should've spoken up"
"David please" she uncontrollably sobbed feeling like her soul was about to leave her body. This couldn't have been the end game for her. She just knew she would be out in a few months at least and now there was no telling how long she'd be put away. It felt as if her life was flashing before her eyes. Her hopes and dreams of the new life she was going to be living with her newfound wealth were dwindling before her eyes.
"Just think bout it you'll have more than enough time to make things rights and really think bout what you've done not only to me, but Kairi, April, and even the other men you were out in the streets scamming"
"David don't do this to me. I'll apologize to her. Do you know how many years they'll give me. I might never see the light of day" she said feeling as if she would hyperventilate at any given moment. She wasn't trying to hear anything but her getting out of the bullshit she had willingly got herself involved in.
"Yea but what would've happened if April never saw another light of day if Hood had done what you paid him to do? What if we were burying her? What if my kids were fuckin hit in the crossfire by a stray bullet?! Sorry can't change shit. People could've lost their lives over y'all being jealous and not knowing when to throw the towel in when a man doesn't want you anymore. All of that shit over petty high school shit like y'all aren't grown women. At anytime you could've changed shit around but you thought you had so much pull that ya ass could do as you please without any real consequences. Then again that's my fault for giving you that much rope but hey this time you hung ya self"
Millie abruptly stood up with her body trembling and shaking, snot running down her nose, and tears following right behind the mess. She was fucked up. She didn't know if it was a cruel joke to rattle her or what. She didn't know up from down. But this couldn't be life. This couldn't be her karma. She already lost the man, her child, and their family even if she didn't necessarily want them. Now here she was about to lose her freedom indefinitely. She didn't think any of this through. She should've left well enough alone. When Kaerruche popped up in her inbox she should've left it on read or not even opened it. She had finally got blessed with some big money which would've been her ticket out and here she was watching all the chips falling right before her eyes. Karma was a bitch! She never saw that shit coming...well not like this anyway.
Walking over to Dave and kneeling down before him with her hands clutched together tightly as if she was praying she stared up at him. "David I am on my hands and knees begging you please not to do this to me. I fucked up and took things too far but April is still here. Nothing happened to her or y'all's kids. I know it was a stupid plan but please...please...please don't leave me here" she begged and grabbed his arm.
Dave closed his eyes and took a deep calming breath just like his therapist had taught him. He never wanted this shit for Millie but like she said she took things too far. Someone had to pay for what happened. Who's to say if they kept this swept under the rug that someone or something else would've happened to April because hey if you let them slide once you'll surely let them slide twice. He couldn't afford to brush something this big off and honestly he should've handled it when it first happened. This wasn't them going back and forth talking shit online. This wasn't any of the shit that had gone down between them before they pulled this hit shit. This was serious and Millie now had the motive and the means to reach out to someone else to get the job done and he couldn't have that happen.
Did he feel like shit? Of course he did but he had done all he could do from the very beginning to save her. He couldn't do it anymore. Besides with all the shit that she had spilled today she was never team David. She was always out for self and her ain't shit husband. Dave nor Kairi were never a part of the equation. They were just pawns. "Millie the only thing I can tell you to do is get a good lawyer and pray. Other than that I have nothing else for you. I have a fiancée and kids at home to worry bout and get back to"
"What about me?! What about all the things we've been through together? What about the promises you made me? I get it I'm a terrible person, I get jealous sometimes, and I'm selfish but this right here isn't right and you know it"
"Right is right and wrong is wrong. You made ya bed and now you gotta lie in it. You had way too many chances to go bout ya business and you chose to get caught up in the bullshit. This sounds like a you problem. I can't and I won't do anything else for you. I've done more than enough. Ya own mother told me I should've left you alone but no I was too blinded by love. I was ten toes down for you, loving you, making you all these promises, and for what all you saw in me was a check"
"You know what David fuck you! Fuck all of you! I'm not going down for this shit alone. I didn't even come up with the stupid ass plan" she jumped up from the floor angrily looking at him as if she wanted to tee off. She was lucky as hell that this wasn't a usual visit because security would've been on her ass in zero point five.
"I'm out of here I said all that I needed to say" he pushed his chair back and stood up looking at his past and ready to head home to his future. Come hell or high water he was getting his woman back, putting their family back together, marrying her, and knocking her right up with a baby Brewster.
"Fuck all y'all bitch asses! I'm a be aight and I'm a get the last laugh" she deliriously smiled and laughed looking just as crazy as she sounded.
"That sounds like a threat to me so I'll leave you with this is mind...be careful what you say around these parts you never know who's watching better yet listening" he chuckled and headed towards the door. Taking one last look at her he shook his head. "Have a nice life. I guess the next time we'll be seeing each other is in the courtroom" and with that he walked out the room with his head held high letting the guard know that he was done with his visit.
April was full blown crying. She couldn't believe that Dave had went and got the closure he needed let alone that he had to hear all the terrible shit that he had. She felt sorry for him. Sorry that he was such a good person and the love he thought he was giving was given to someone who really gave no fucks about him. Millie and Profit used and abused him until they couldn't anymore and it wasn't right. She was ready to pay Millie a damn visit herself or send out a word to make sure that Millie never bothered either of them again.
"Papi why didn't you tell me you were going to get that type of closure? Sure I was pissed with you but I would've been by ya side" April said and asked while wiping her eyes as Dave pulled her closer.
"I know you would've and that wouldn't have been fair to you. That was something that only I needed to handle and although that shit sucks and even hurts a lil I needed it. It was different from hearing some of the shit from Pops bout all the shit that was going on behind my back but to actually hear it straight out of the mouth of the person who caused all of this shit it hit different. It was a wake up call and a sobering experience. I know I played my part in what had gone down between Millie and I by allowing her to do as she pleased and supporting her bullshit but I know I didn't deserve anything that she dished out. Regardless I know that I'm a damn good person and I deserve real love from someone who really loves me"
"You damn sure do! You deserve all the love that you pour out. Are you ok? She said some pretty shitty stuff to you" April asked concerned about his mental health.
"I'm ok and getting better each day" he answered honestly. This whole journey had been hard for him but it was worth all the hard work he had been putting in.
"So you guys really didn't need me. Y'all actually know how to communicate effectively" Dr. Lockwood said a little surprised as she looked between them.
Dave nodded. "We do but sometimes it doesn't work out that way"
"True" April agreed nodding.
"I will say that I knew that this was a serious situation but now I fully understand how serious. Dave informed me that it was serious and it was something he needed to do but I didn't know that his ex had put a target on your head. I'm starting to understand why you guys needed to walk away from each other and get clarity. It had to be done. Dave how do you feel about April knowing the whole truth in its entirety" Dr. Lockwood said and asked.
"I feel like all of the dead weight I've been carrying has finally fallen off of my shoulders. I feel like things will only get better between us. I'm still a work in progress but hopefully she'll better understand me more" he answered and gave his attention to Dr. Lockwood then looked back at April. She gripped his hand a little tighter giving him some reassurance that she was there for him.
She nodded. "April how do you feel about what he just told you" she questioned.
"I feel sorry for him. Not in a way where I pity him but the fact that he's genuinely a great guy and with the way he is he's all bout family and being there for his friends. I would hope that someone he loved would treat him in the same manner. He didn't deserve what happened to him. For Millie to say all that she had to him I'm honestly surprised to see him not broken. That's a lot to digest that you were never anything to someone but a meal ticket. Then to know that the child that they created was never made from love from her mother but out of sheer greed from her own mother that's a pretty hard pill to swallow. But as far as the things she said bout me I'm used to people calling me names so that doesn't bother me but to know he stood his ground and made sure that she knew that I was everything to him makes my heart full" she said and smiled a megawatt smile.
Dave kissed her temple. "You know you're my everything"
"That I do" she blushed. "And your mines"
"Since you guys are all smiles right now I'm going to end this session on that note. What I want you guys to do for me when you get home and wind down for the night and put the kids to bed I want y'all to take a moment and talk about how this session went and how you guys are feeling after everything has settled. Can y'all do that for me" she said and asked giving them some homework for the night.
Dave and April looked at each other. "Yea we can do that" they said in unison which only made them smile harder. They were back in tune with one another.
"Great...Dave I'll see you at your next appointment and hopefully I'll see you as well April"
"Sure thing Doc" Dave said and stood up.
"I'll be here" April said agreeing to accompany him to his next appointment.
"Great I'll see you both then. Have a great Friday"
"You too" they said in unison once again before grabbing their belongings and headed out of the office and saying a quick goodbye to the receptionist on the way out.
"Sooooo we don't have to pick up Love Bug until a few more hours and baby girl is with Chris this weekend. I'm thinking a fat ass blunt and ya dick between my lips and thighs" April said once they were back inside their truck and on the move.
Dave smirked and glanced over at her. "Sounds good to me" he said as he reached over and squeezed her thigh.
-Hey boos happy reading I hope y'all enjoyed.
-Whew Papi said he's done and baby he's backing that shit up. Ole girl really thought he was coming to let her know that she was coming home. No sir no ma'am he snatched those rose colored glasses off her ass immediately. Now she'll have nothing but time to think about what she's done to everyone she's screwed over.
-I don't know about y'all but baby when Dave pulled the let me count the ways on why his woman is the shit made me smile like I'm not the one who wrote it 😂 That man is about his woman and his woman only. Ain't no running back to Millie this time around. He got all the closure and more than he needed.
-Now with Millie being in jail for forever how long do you guys think she's going to change or retaliate?
-How do you think things will turn out for Dave and April with everything out in the open and Dave getting his closure?
-So we've finally dealt with Millie now what are you guys hoping for next...well want to see between April and Dave besides the usual baby and wedding?
-Any, who y'all know the drill sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, and add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading and not commenting no worries just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰
🛑By the way I know I'm late but Happy Belated Mother's Day everyone. I hope all is well and that you guys enjoyed your special day. And for the ladies like me who have no kids and are hoping one day that you get to experience Mother's Day your time will eventually come. Keep your heads up, pray, and try to stay positive. Love y'all 🥰🥰
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