17.1: Closure
Chapter 17.1: Closure cont...
"Damn took you long enough! I've been sitting in this damn hell hole for months. When do I get out" Millie snarled as she looked up at Dave who had just entered the private visitor room. She had been imprisoned for what she deemed way too damn long and she was ready to go. Shit she was ready to go the same day the cuffs were slapped on her wrist and she wasn't even in jail yet. This was not the life she wanted for herself. Sure she had been locked up a time or two maybe even three and her track record was more than a mile long but this was the longest she ever had to stay behind bars. She was ready to go and be free. She had money waiting for her to blow and a life to get back to.
Dave said nothing as he took a seat in front of her looking her over. He couldn't believe this is who he had attached himself to for all these years. It wasn't even her looks it was the fact that she was ugly on the inside and it showed on the outside. He had lost precious time wasting on her and all the what ifs. Looking her over he shook his head she really wasn't worth the heartache, pain, the back and forth, and the love he gave to her so freely. He figured that since she had been sitting for a while that her first question would be about Kairi but of course as usual Kairi was always an afterthought and a means to some funds for her. The fact that she even thought he was there to tell her she was coming home was hilarious but he didn't laugh. Nothing he had to say to her today would be funny or the least bit comical.
"Are you here to talk or to just sit there and look at me stupidly? I could've stayed in my cell for this bullshit. Here I am thinking you're here to give me some news on my release date and you in here acting deaf, dumb, and stupid" she huffed pissed as hell. She still couldn't believe that this is where she had been for months and no one had cared enough about her to visit her. What nerve of them to just leave her be!
Dave darkly chuckled. She was still a piece of shit. She still only cared about herself and sitting in a cell for months on end had changed absolutely nothing. "You really think that I came here to talk to you bout ya release date? Ya shitten me! This is the first time I've seen you since the day this shit you started ended. You ain't even ask how ya daughter is doing no nothing. You really think I'm here to let you know that you're gonna be released" he shook his head and laughed. Now that was funny.
"I mean why ask when you've already replaced me. I know that bitch is still playing mommy dearest anyway" Millie said and shrugged her shoulders. To her Kairi had served her purpose and now she was April's problem to deal with. She had her own money now and didn't need any of Dave's so as far as she was concerned there was no use for Kairi anymore.
"So all this time you've been sitting here you haven't once thought bout ya daughter and what you've put her through? Or how you could change this shit and be a better parent for her? Never mind don't even answer that by now I should already know that if it ain't bout you and a bag you could give two fucks. You should be happy as fuck that I'm with someone who gives a fuck bout our child. Luckily she's loved, cared for, and treated as if she was my woman's. You wouldn't care how she was being treated unless you were searching for some likes online but that's neither here nor there. I came for answers"
"Answers" Millie rolled her eyes and huffed while shaking her neck. "I damn sure could've stayed in my cell for this shit" she seethed.
"Knock it off Millie! Remember you fucked me over. I'm not on your time you're on mine. I want to know why you did what you did to me. Yea I know Profit was in ya ear but be real why me? We spent enough time together for you to fess up but you didn't. You could've told me anything and I'd a held you down" he said not even waiting for a warm up or a slow start. It was time to get down to business. He refused to waste time sitting there when he had better things to do.
Millie wiped her hand over her face and deeply sighed in frustration. "Profit ain't shit, never was shit, and never will be shit" she mumbled. Profit had once been the love of her life but that was when she was young, dumb, naïve, didn't know any better, and was looking for love from a man who wasn't her father. "I was looking for love in all the wrong places and there was Profit. He talked a good game and made me endless promises. You know how y'all men are with those promises. He told me I was the prettiest girl he had ever seen and no one could love me the way he loved me. No one could do for me the way he could. Which in hindsight is twenty, twenty and by then I was head over heels in love with an ain't shit man. You of all people should know we can't help who we love or think we love. We were good until we weren't. Before him I saw you around and I was interested in you but Profit used that to his advantage. Coming up with schemes and scams is what he was good at and with the money he had trickling in I wanted whatever he promised me" she said as she seemed to drift back in time to when she had first gotten involved with Profit. Everything seemed good in the beginning. The cupcake stage was giving.
Dave just sat back and listened. This was a part of his journey and he was going to finish this session with her from beginning to end. Besides this was the last time he ever wanted to deal with Millie unless it was about Kairi and with the strings Ian and Ny-Reek had pulled he had a few hours to get to the bottom of this bullshit with Millie.
"You were different from the other guys. You weren't doing any better than most but your mindset and your drive is what I admired the most about you. It's also what Profit preyed on. It didn't matter what didn't go through for you, you just kept pushing and pushing to strive to be better and get out of the hood. You had a hustlers mindset and more determination than I'd ever seen in a person. I could see ya name in lights and it made my mouth water. I could see you walking into places I could only dream about but what I could see most is me by ya side like you promised me. Sure you were a pawn but somewhere along the way I fell for you" she said being a 100% honest with him for the first time in her life.
"I loved you but I knew I couldn't have you in the way you wanted me. Profit would never let that happen and still I was in love with two people. I loved y'all both. I wanted out of the hood just as much as you did and keeping it a buck you were my ticket out and for me that was by any means necessary" she continued.
Dave shook his head. He didn't know what to say or do at this point. He was pissed the fuck off. Never in a million years did he think he would be the end game to someone else's future like that. That shit was crazy. Sure he eventually found out that he was a pawn but to hear it come out of the mouth by the person who had done him wrong made it all too real. It was a gut punch to his stomach. But he was here for answers and he was going to sit there until he had all of them. Let alone he had his own demons to get off his chest. He wasn't leaving without letting her know how he felt.
"Forget bout Profit right now was I always the target of your schemes" he questioned.
"I told you what it was" she said talking with her hands. "You were one of the guys on the block who struggled but you were a hustler by nature. Hustling came to you easy and you did it well. You were one of the cute ones on the block, tall, had some swag, and a lil rough around the edges but you were my type. If I hadn't gotten swept up in Profit I would've probably been head over heels for you. Like I said I fell for you and I was in love with the both of you but Profit had a hold on me and just wouldn't let me go" she answered. "Honestly it felt good to be loved by two men. Two men who thought I was the shit" she said feeling herself.
Dave pinched the bridge of his nose."But you knew I loved you and if you would've told me what it was then I would've done whatever I could to get you out of that situation"
She nodded in agreement knowing that he would've done anything for her. "I knew that but I was young, dumb, and he'd already left his mark. He was one of those guys that ya parents tell you not to fuck with and instead of listening it only makes you want to fuck with him even more"
"So you followed me around, laid up with me, and had me making all these promises to you for what? You broke every single promise but expected me to keep mines even when you weren't mines to begin with. Let alone you still wanted me to keep those shits after we weren't together" he questioned confused well more so frustrated than anything. This shit wasn't making any sense.
"I was playing my role and got caught up in the moments we shared. Profit made me promises too but they were bullshit. With you we'd be chilling, high, and the promises you made me sounded so much better and so attainable. It felt like you'd bring me that stars if I asked you to and if you couldn't get me a star you'd at least get one named after me" she said as a smile graced her face causing Dave to shake his head once again. She wasn't lying though if he could've he damn sure would've gotten a star for her. That's how bad and deep he was in love with her at one point. Now she pretty much made him sick.
"Make it make fuckin sense. The shit ain't mathing. You realize while you were playing me I was all in. I fuckin loved you. I made promises to you thinking that you loved me too and that we would have this happy family and we would build an empire together. Wherever my music would take me life wouldn't be right if you weren't by my side. I was going after that shit for my family then you came along and I broadened my horizon on being bigger and better and for what?! You didn't give a fuck bout me. You dragged me around like a fuckin lost puppy. Everything was for the betterment for you not me"
Millie looked at him and for the first time ever she could see all the hurt and pain she had inflicted upon him and she didn't know how to feel about it.
"How were you able to afford to help me out with my studio sessions" he asked already knowing the answer but wanting her to admit it out loud.
With no shame in her game she said "I hustled other niggas out of money to make shit shake for you. I did whatever I needed to do"
Dave wiped his hands down his face in frustration. "So you do hear how that sounds right? You were fuckin with Profit, scamming me, and fuckin other niggas not just to help me but ya main nigga too" he shook his head in disbelief. She could've brought anything home to him that he wouldn't have been able to shake off. He had dodged more than a bullet because obviously she didn't care about her health or theirs for that matter.
"But did you refuse my money when I handed it over" she fired back with her brow raised waiting on his answer. "Last time I checked you happily took it"
"Nah, I didn't refuse it. We were supporting each other. I thought you were working for it and not selling ya self or hustling other men out of their money. Besides I paid you back tenfold for all the money you've ever given me. When I made it you never had to ask for fuckin thing. I kept ya pockets laced, made sure ya bank accounts were stacked, made sure you had a legit roof over ya head, and a fuckin car to make sure you were able to get around. You didn't have to worry bout a damn thing. Let alone every time you looked me out I always thanked you for supporting me. I never took that shit for granted"
"It was ya job to take care of me after I took care of ya ass. You promised me the world and I wanted that shit. I earned that shit. I may have been with Profit but I damn sure helped you out"
"Yea you did for ya own personal gain. I was King Cash Cow. Ya right it was my job to take care of you and I DID take care of you. That's what real men do for their women but I won't do it anymore. All this shit was for Profit in the long run. Ya husband had you out in these streets doing something strange for some change to take care of his ass. Don't you know how wrong that is?! A real man would never do no shit like that to his woman let alone his fuckin wife. You went out and did all that shit just to run home and give it to a nigga that really gave no fucks bout you. Had you laid up in my bed, getting fucked, taking money, and bringing it back to his bitch ass. In my book that nigga wasn't ya husband he was ya fuckin pimp and you were his main bitch. He had you fuckin on everybody while his ass was at home laid up like a fuckin fake ass king" Dave was through with this shit. Everything he had built with Millie and planned on building with her was for fuckin nothing. It was all a waste of fuckin time.
"Trust me I know how much he ain't shit. I don't need you to remind me of that. I now know what and who I got myself mixed up with. I told you he wasn't shit and ain't gonna be shit" she repeated. It had taken her a long while to realize that Profit was never the man he had claimed to be. She had gotten played too.
"And yet you just letting that shit roll off ya shoulders but let it had been me you'd be jumping all down my damn throat" he fussed fed the fuck up. "I need a minute" he got up and left out of the private visitor room letting the guard out there know that he was going to the vending machine. He needed a few minutes to get himself in check before he reached over the table and chocked the shit out of Millie. It really felt like she had no remorse about anything that she had done. Standing at the vending machine he looked through his options and grabbed a few things. After purchasing a few snacks and two drinks he headed back to the room silently praying along the way.
"Allah please let me get through this and get the closure I need to successfully move on. I came here to get answers whether good or bad just please help me get through this without coming out of character ameen" he prayed to himself before walking back into the room and joining Millie at the table. He slid a bag of chips and a drink over to her. He wanted to be petty and let her watch him eat and drink his snacks but he refused to sink low. When it was time for him to leave this room all he wanted was good vibes to follow him out.
He nodded his head and leaned back in his chair.
"Months back you called asking to speak to Kairi. I told you what to do to be able to talk to her and you haven't done it. So why call to speak to her anyway" he asked.
"Look you may not like the answer but it gets lonely here. Kairi is the one person in my life that loves me unconditionally even when I know I don't deserve it. I wanted to see how she was doing and wondered if she missed me. Y'all snatched up my daughter and started acting like I didn't exist anymore. You got her calling someone else mommy like she doesn't have a mother! How is that supposed to make me feel?! I'm the one that carried her for nine months. I'm the one that pushed her out. What about me" she replied as her voice cracked.
"For you to know that Kairi loves you unconditionally you sure as hell don't feel the same way bout her. I never took Kairi away from you. You showed and proved time and time again that you didn't want anything to do with her unless it came with a price tag. We both know you loved to take pictures and post her up on the Gram for likes and once it was all said and done you were done with her. You left her when she was only a few months old and gave no fucks bout returning until it was a beneficial to you. Mind you I was a new parent myself. You've been walking in and out of her life since then. You think I wanted her to only see you on the weekends? No, I wanted her to be raised in a two parent household but you tossed all that shit away. Even when you were supposed to have her she'd be over at ya crib with ya mama watching her while you ripped and ran off in the streets. You never made time for her. It got so bad that you couldn't even tell that she felt unsteady with you. She couldn't breathe easy with you. Every time you brought her back home she would sigh in relief when she was back in my arms. You can say what you want bout my woman all day long until you turn blue in the face but I never asked and she never asked Kairi to call her anything other than her name. Kairi did that shit willingly at her third birthday party and since then she hasn't stopped. You made it easy for April to come in and fill that void" he voiced.
Millie rolled her eyes so hard he thought that they would roll out of her sockets and bounce on the steel table. "You want to know the Gods honest truth" she questioned already knowing that he wasn't going to like it but it was her truth.
"Speak now or forever hold ya peace" he answered wondering what bullshit was about to come out of her mouth next.
"Yea we made promises to each other and they sounded good just like we talked about a family but I NEVER wanted kids. I never wanted the responsibility of taking care of one. They never looked appealing to me. Sure I would have no problem being an aunt or something like that where I could chill with the kid and send them back to their parents but I never wanted that for myself. It's a huge responsibility and fuck how you feeling but I'm stingy and some might even say I'm selfish. There's not one motherhood bone in my body. I hated being pregnant. The only thing I enjoyed was everybody giving me attention and doting on me" she admitted feeling relieved to finally get that off of her chest. Motherhood wasn't for her.
Dave ran his hands down his face and tightly balled his fist. He was pissed the fuck off. He couldn't believe the shit he had just heard. This shit was something she should've let him know from jump but of course she was only looking for a bag so why would she. Had he known her true feelings he'd a never gotten her pregnant.
"You could've told me all this shit from jump. I'd a never gotten you pregnant or went in you raw. I wouldn't set myself up like that. You sat there acting like a baby was something you wanted. You got a lil girl out here who only wants love from a mother who never actually wanted her in the first place. So Kairi was just a pawn just like I was huh" he said and asked damn near ready to drag her ass back to her cell himself and make sure she stayed there for all eternity.
"I told you, you wouldn't like the answer but it's my truth. Yes, she was just a pawn. Me and you both knew that our relationship was coming to an abrupt end and I couldn't afford to fumble a bag hence why I had her. I planned her" she said pointing to her chest as if it was something to be proud of.
"And you wonder why she doesn't fuck with you now. She probably feels that shit radiating off of you. You didn't even have to plan her because if it was money that you wanted I would've given it to you. However you got the money for my sessions I would've never left you hanging while I had the opportunity to look you out. So you don't actually love her or care for her? She was literally just a paycheck to you. A means to a fuckin end" he said feeling disgusted with himself for even laying down with her.
Millie's eye began to sting with unshed tears. "I might've used her but I do love her. I just can't be who she wants or needs me to be for her. I'm not that person"
Dave placed his still balled fists in his lap clenching and unclenching them. "You love her but you don't know much bout her. You don't know her favorite color, what makes her happy, and what makes her sad. You talked all that big shit when you first met my woman like you were an active parent. The only thing you do know bout her is her birthday which you've missed this year and came late to her party the year before that. Oh you know she likes Disney princess movies but that's because you throw that shit on to get her out of ya face. And you know she's a daddy's girl and we both know the reason behind that. I don't mind you screwing me over but not my Lil Butt. She never asked to be here so she shouldn't be on ya target list at all. But that's my fault too I should've called it like I saw it when ya ass didn't even attempt to show up for her to have rights to her in court" he paused feeling like he let his baby girl down.
"You ain't show up not one day knowing that the system would've never taken ya weekends away from her just on the strength of you being her mother. I should've known you didn't want her. The signs were always there and like a dumb ass I chose to ignore them just hoping you'd eventually reciprocate the same love that my baby was giving you. Just know that one day she's gonna ask bout why you weren't around and I'm going to tell her the truth. I refuse to lie to her and continue to give you passes to soothe her. What I won't do is kick ya back in, in front of her. I'll let her be the judge on how she feels bout you. But I won't hold my tongue either. You've caused enough damage in her life as it is. My fuckin baby is in therapy for abandonment issues that you've created. Just walking in and out of her life to the point she thinks my woman might walk out on her at any given moment. All you had to do was be there and show up for her. She didn't want or need for anything but you"
"All you had to do was love on her and spend time with her. But nah in order to do ya job I had to pay ya way like you were her fuckin baby sitter. Popping up on social media uploading pics and shit like you were mother of the year knowing damn well you were only looking for likes. I couldn't even ask you to watch her during the week let alone during tour because that wasn't ya scheduled time to have her while I'm out here busting my ass to provide. Some women be talking shit bout how they can't be with a man who can't take care of their kids but what bout the women like you who are out here doing the same shit. I may have gotten shot along the way dealing with ya sorry ass but I dodged quite a few bullets for finally waking up and walking away. I could've ended up stuck with ya ass with more kids and more problems. It's aight though. I know you don't care bout us but we're fuckin good...we're fuckin great. We still don't want or need for shit and we're surrounded by genuine people who actually fuck with us and love us. People who don't want anything from us. And you know what? It fuckin feels good to be loved flaws and all. I sound soft as shit right" he said and laughed as he aired out his grievances while he leaned back in his chair looking at all the emotions showing on Millie's face. She looked like she was ready to cry yet she looked angered all in the same. At this point he didn't give a fuck how she felt.
"We're not perfect by a long shot no matter how it looks to others. We both come with flaws and traumas from old relationships but at the end of the day our love for each other and our baby girls outweighs all of the bullshit we endured. So in the long run thanks for fuckin up. I found someone and something that was made for me and only me and an actual mother for my child and not a donor" he said and smirked.
Dave paused again and sipped on his bottled water while staring straight into her eyes. "Do you realize that all the shit you pulled that you had Kairi right in the center of it all? Talking shit bout my woman online and yes I know her sister paid you to but you should've said no from the jump. You talked all that shit and thought nothing would happen to you because of me then she had to embarrass not only you but me and Kairi. Sure she said nothing bout her or me but Kairi will eventually get to the age where she's curious bout you and the shit on the internet may fade away in time but it truly never goes away. So she'll be able to see all the shit you was talking and then see you get ya ass handed to you through words online. Not only that but you just keep playing with ya life like Kairi isn't going to feel a way or be affected if something happens to you. Yes she calls my woman momma but you're still her mother whether we both like it or not so if anything should happen to you she's gonna feel that shit. You think I want that for her" he said getting more into his feelings.
"Look y'all both got what y'all wanted. You have a woman who loves you blah, blah, blah, and now Kairi has a mother. Kudos to y'all" she nonchalantly waved him off but he knew she was in her feelings.
Dave shook his head fuming. Millie would never change. "And with all this ya ass still wouldn't let me go"
"Why should I let you go" she damn near screamed. "I helped you get to where you needed to be. I helped pay for those sessions! I sat by ya side all those nights watching you in the studio perfecting ya craft. It was me who was there through it all and you think I should just let you go because you're in love nigga bye" she rolled her eyes and waved him off once again.
Dave laughed. She must've bumped her head. "You keep bringing up this money like you sat down and wrote me a check for a million dollars. You must've bumped ya fuckin head on ya bunk bed before stepping inside this room or somebody molly whopped ya ass in the head. Thank you for the funds that you provided but like I said I paid that back tenfold. You forgot like you said I was a hustler so I was already getting money to pay for those sessions regardless of what you put in and this talent of mines made my career. I was paying for sessions long before you crept ya scheming ass into my life. I was gonna make it with or without you" he said. She might've put some money towards a few sessions but that damn sure didn't mean it would stop his hustle to make it in the rap game. Let alone it didn't even put a dent in for the money he actually needed.
"Whatever David are we done here" she said and asked clearly irritated that shit wasn't going her way and she wasn't hearing the news that she wanted to hear.
"Nope, you should be a happy somebody finally came and visited ya ass too. But whatever I guess I learned that me and Kairi were never enough for you. Shit I thought we were tight enough to where you could tell me you were working with the oops but I guess not" he shrugged.
"There were plenty of times where I wanted to say something but what good would come out of it. You'd a probably packed up and left and then Profit would've been pissed and I'd a had no one by my side. It was a lose, lose situation for me. There was nothing to gain by saying anything" Millie admitted. There was no reason to lie to him anymore.
"Always bout you and not what you've done to people or what happens to people you screw over. What were you and ole boy trying to accomplish? Y'all were getting mad money from me so I can't see why y'all would be hounding the way y'all were. Every time I turned around you had ya damn hands out. Asking to get ya hair, nails, and everything else done like we were still together only for you to spend it on that lame you fuckin with. My fault married too"
"We wanted whatever we could get from you" she said it as if was nothing.
"Do you fuckin hear yourself" he snapped. "You really wanted nothing but money for you and ya husband. You don't care bout what y'all did and who y'all screwed over. Y'all just out here thinking shit sweet. Like you don't have to pay for any of ya wrongdoings. Y'all can do whatever the fuck y'all want and the world is y'all's for the taking. You're sitting in jail while ya daughter is calling someone else momma and I got marriage and more babies on my mind. You ain't win shit but L's and you still collecting them. You did all that shit and my woman and her sister dogged walked ya ass literally...then tagged teamed ya ass. Left ya ass stinking with literal shit in ya draws and you still in here with no remorse for everything that you've done. You've gotta be living in some type of delusion because you can't possibly be this ignorant, selfish, or shallow. You too damn old to be acting this damn dumb. You gotta know that what you've been doing is fuckin wrong"
"Fuck ya so called woman and her sisters! Fuck all those bitches even the scary bitch that was paying me. Fuck all y'all" she seethed. "Those bitches ain't no better than me and obviously ya woman ain't shit if her sister was willing to pay me to trash her ass and disturb her peace"
"Trust me after today you won't ever have to worry bout us and we damn sure won't be worried bout you. Y'all women be out here miserable as hell just because another woman is shining instead of following suit. But hey misery loves company "
"Whatever" she sucked her teeth.
"What was the end game for you? Like you got whatever money you could from me, ya child free, and all there's left is you. What was ya end game" he questioned because from where he was sitting her end game was looking pretty shitty.
"Didn't think that far ahead. All I knew was that I was gonna live my best life" she shrugged still acting as if she didn't care.
"And was everything that you've done worth it" he questioned.
"I know ya big head ass see me in this damn orange jumpsuit. My ass is sitting on millions yet my dumb ass is sitting behind bars wondering when the fuck y'all gonna let me out this bitch and you talking bout was it worth it" she smacked her lips. "Hell nah it won't ever be worth it until my ass is outside of these bars"
Dave laughed. "You really think shit sweet don't you like this shit is all a game? You think you just got a slap on ya wrist. Then again I guess that's my fault for giving you so many passes"
Dave rubbed his beard. "When you did what you did, did you think bout Kairi being in the crossfire? She's literally with April the majority of the time when I'm gone. Studio sessions, appearances, and tours my lil girl is at home with her mother. Did you think that if something happened to my woman that Kairi would be right there too and something could've gone terribly wrong? She could've taken a bullet that was meant for April. Not only that but there's two other lil girls that could've been caught in the crossfire. What you didn't know while y'all were so busy planning is that April had a baby. A baby y'all said she couldn't have by the way. The same baby she was pregnant with when you got that first ass whoopin" he said and threw in.
"She was only a few months old. On top of that she has a goddaughter as well. You'd a known that if y'all asses hadn't gotten caught before New Years. See those three lil girls mean a lot to our family. They mean the world to us. We'd go to war and back for those three lil girls. They're sisters, best friends, and blood couldn't make them any thicker. Most of the time they're all together with April. Had a bullet touched any of my lil girls we'd all paint the city red and there wouldn't have been anything to stop any of us from getting to you and the rest of ya so called crew"
Millie sat up and gulped. She knew about Kairi and a little about Royalty but nothing about the baby girl. Then again she didn't think that Hood would do anything if Kairi was close by. He knew she was off limits. Yet at the same time if he was willing to murder one of his friend's woman than anything was possible. Then again for the money she paid and offered him he probably wouldn't care who got, got just as long as he got paid.
"What you also didn't know is that you could've set off a domino effect and shit would've been way too heavy to just slap you on ya wrist. Those two lil girls one that calls me Papa and the other one who calls me unkie belong to Chris Brown. Those are his fuckin kids. You know the same nigga you were throwing in my woman's face bout how she slept with him on New Years and she can't keep a man. Those are his kids. Mines too nonetheless. You think you'd a survived if something happened to any one of our lil girls. Mind you it wouldn't have just been me and April's family but Chris and his family right along with his baby mama and her family" he leaned back and chuckled watching her wheels turning in her head and perspiration collecting on her forehead.
"What's even more stupider is that you and ya lil friends put a hit out on a well known successful black woman billionaire. Not to mention the ex-fiancée of Chris Brown and now my fiancée. You didn't think that, that would blow up in y'all's faces? She's a fuckin public figure. Everyone would've been beating down ya door from the regular ass cops to the feds. Let alone the streets would've came after y'all. Then again they still might" Dave laughed again because how stupid could they be to think that something like that would slide and yes he called April his fiancée. Millie didn't know or needed to know what was going on between them. Besides he had every intention to propose again and actually making it down the aisle the next time around.
Millie wiped her forehead. It looked like she could barely breathe. She knew for a fact that she wasn't in jail for an attempted murder on April. The charges they threw at her were bogus as hell and just enough to keep her behind bars for a little while. She knew that no one besides a selected few knew what had actually gone down. She didn't give it two thoughts that people would find out and she was praying like hell that they wouldn't because she knew damn well that she couldn't do prison or serious time. Let alone she didn't want her name attached to anything like what they had planned. She cleared her throat or at least tried to because she felt like something was stuck in her throat. "What's going on" she questioned as things slowly started to click in her head. She was in trouble real trouble.
"I'm just giving you time to put all ya cards on the table and tell me whatever you need to tell me. And while ya at it you can tell me why out of all the women I fucked with why did you decide that April should've been ya target. You never gave two fucks bout who I was fuckin just as long as you had some sort of reach to me"
Millie cackled. She was giving bipolar vibes to the fullest. Her emotions were all over the place yet she was tired of hearing about Ms. Perfect April. "Why would I care about bitches that I knew would only be around for two seconds? I knew those hoes wouldn't last just like you did. They were all quick fucks and just something to do. The question you should be asking is why not April. April this April that! I'm tired of hearing about her perfect ghetto uppity ass. You think I didn't notice the way ya smile changed in ya pictures? Sure I know how you can't help but smile when Kairi is around but that smile you had when she wasn't around couldn't have been from any of the bitches you were fuckin with. Now all of the sudden ya smiling more and come to find out it's because of her. I knew the day that I met her that what we had was over and I couldn't have that happening"
"All my ass had to do is cry a lil bit and say that I was ready for my family to work and you'd be crawling back and look what you did. You came right back just like I knew you would. You put up not an ounce of fight to stay with that bitch. I acted a fuckin fool outside of her car when she saw me at ya house and you did absolutely nothing just like how I rolled up on you in the VIP section the night before. Why the fuck should she get the best of you? What made you think you deserved someone like her? Y'all aren't on the same caliber. She's a fuckin billionaire software programmer who will forever have a job dealing with technology and got her hands on a bunch of other shit and ya ass is a rapper and barely a model and actor. She makes money in her fuckin sleep. What the fuck do y'all have in common?! You and Kairi were just gonna leave me behind and go live y'all best lives jet sailing and doing whatever nope not on my fuckin watch. I looked her ass up as soon as I left the day I met her. She was all over Times and People magazine and all this other computer shit and what she does for her community blah blah. Normally when someone is considered a billionaire it's by their companies and their assets but no her snobby ass has legit billionaire money plus assets and companies" she said with her voice laced with attitude and venom.
"Why the fuck should I let y'all get that?! I knew you were going to do right by her just by the way you looked at her" she said and teared up but that didn't move Dave not one bit. He was surprised that she'd go that far just to make sure he was unhappy just because she thought he was getting a piece of April's bag not realizing that he could care less whether she was rich or poor. He loved her because of who she was and not what she could do for him financially.
"I HELD YOU DOWN" she shouted as her hand slammed against the table. "I was there when all you had was nothing but dime bags and dubs in ya pocket and nothing but dreams of making it. I was there when you were trying to make it and yea you might've loved me but it damn sure never seeped through the way it does for ya bitch. Ya eyes twinkle whenever you mention her name. You actually fuckin smile a full blown smile and not a fuckin mug. You'd go beyond the stars for her and buy her the whole galaxy the sun and the moon. You weren't the you that you are with her when you were with me" she confessed. "What makes her so much better than me? What makes her so special" she asked and wiped her eyes with the back of her hand angry.
To be continued...
-😬 hey boos happy reading and I hope y'all enjoyed. Y'all already know there's another part coming soon 😊
-Mannnnnn Agnes got some shit with her. She really doesn't care about anybody but herself and it shows.
-Poor Papi and Kairi they were literally a means to an end to fill someone's pockets.
-I'm not going to ask questions and say too much because this isn't the end of this chapter so...
-Any, who y'all know the drill sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, and add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading and not commenting no worries just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰
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