15: Back To Basics

Chapter 15: Back To The Basics

"If she's amazing, she won't be easy. If she's easy, she won't be amazing.
If she's worth it, you won't give up. If you give up, you're not worthy...
Truth is, everybody is going to hurt you; You just gotta find the ones worth suffering?
[By: Bob Marley]

"I know it's you Brewster" April said as she opened the door smiling up at him which only made him smile. This is the face he loved seeing her with on a daily. That smile always seemed to brighten his day and even though he still wasn't feeling her calling him anything but Papi he was going to let her slide because he wanted nothing to fuck up their date night. He had been waiting on this moment and this chance since he asked her. Honestly he had been waiting on it much longer than that and wondered when he'd finally get another chance.

"I'm a need you to tell ya sisters bye you gotta go get ready for a date with Papi" he said ready to snatch her up.

"Oop" both Ebony and Alaina said in unison.

"You better show her a good time and don't fuck up! I told you twice already don't make me have to show you this time. I already gave you two passes too many. I don't play bout mines" Alaina shouted over the phone threatening him and he knew for a fact that she meant that shit. It was all in her tone and more so a promise than anything. But she had absolutely nothing to worry about. Dave wasn't about to fuck up not even in the slightest. Besides he already knew what was waiting for him if he fucked up again and he wanted absolutely no sauce. He wasn't here to fuck her over anyway. He was here to remind her just how good they were together.

"Heard ju...come on ma" he said and pulled her into his arms. Now that he had a chance to touch her he couldn't keep his hands off of her.

"Sissssss" Ebony said all hype still talking to Alaina with her eyes locked on April and Dave.

"See you later babes" April looked back at Ebony and blew her a kiss.

"Call me if you need me sissy"

"Will do love you"

"Love you too" and with that Dave walked her out of the room as the door automatically closed behind her locking on its own.

"So if we're going out tonight whose watching my babies" she questioned as she tilted her head back and looked up at him since he was behind her holding her waist just trying to keep her close.

"The fam...I got Bully and Ebony to watch them. I started to ask mommy but I don't want them to know anything just yet. But after the stunt you pulled last night the family knows so I'm a need you to act like you remember how to play the quiet game from now on" he said but he knew exactly what he was doing last night. She wouldn't be able to keep quiet even if she tried her hardest. He had fucked her with a purpose and the way she finally submitted to him he wanted to do it over and over and over again.

April laughed as she looked back up at him as they reached their bedroom door. "Who told you, you was getting a happy ending" she asked and folded her arms across her chest as she stepped out of his arms and faced him. "Just because ya feeding me doesn't mean I'm fuckin you" she said looking around to make sure Kairi was out of ear shot. "I don't fuck on the first night"

Dave shook his head trying to keep himself from laughing. "I'm not bout to entertain you ma. We leave out at seven and don't worry bout dinner for the family I'm a order Chinese for the house. My babies are in their playroom so you got the room to ya self" He had made sure to clear the room out just to give her some time to herself because he already knew that she was going back and forth in her head about what would come next. He wanted to allow her the time to get some clarity and focus on herself.

"Okie dokie" she said as she turned around and opened the bedroom door then looked back at him before entering the room and closing the door behind her.

Walking off Dave headed downstairs to get everyone's order so he could put it in and get it delivered. He figured since they were watching the kids the least he could do was feed them since they wouldn't take any money. They never did. Once he was done with that he was back upstairs inside the guest room he had been staying in pulling out an outfit for himself tonight. He wanted to match April's fly like he normally did but without knowing what she was wearing he just had to make sure he was fly regardless. He knew she was about to do him in with whatever she stepped out the room in so he wanted to give her something to feast upon as well. Dave didn't want to do too much though. He wanted her to be the star of the show. Then again when wasn't she?!

Hopping in the shower and handling his business he was in and out, drying off, and making his way back into the bedroom. Cocoa butter, boxer briefs, and socks on he moved about the room rapping along to the music playing on his phone. He wasn't even nervous about tonight. He felt at ease like it was the most normal thing to do. He slipped into a pair of tailored black slacks, a wife beater, tucked it in, then put on a crisp black button up. He put two of his iced out Cuban link chains around his neck and paired it with two Vancleef bracelets and of course one of his watches. He sprayed himself with a few spritz of cologne then made his way over to the full length mirror immediately feeling how he was looking. Dave knew April wouldn't be able to keep her eyes off of him and with the way she always managed to look at him like he was the only one in the room made him smirk.

Keeping up with the look he slipped into a pair of Ferragamo evening loafers then grabbed his black fur coat. To say he was more than prepared for this date would be an understatement. He had packed this specific outfit because he wanted to take her out but he didn't know if she would agree to it and now he was happy that he did. He checked himself out once more before heading out the bedroom and back down the hall to his and April's bedroom.

He slowly opened the door to see her checking herself out in the full length sparkling crystal mirror. He didn't know whether to drool, grab his dick, frown, or tell her that he changed his mind if she thought she was wearing what she was outside the house. Dave knew she was going to come hard but he didn't think this hard.

"Ma where you going with that on" he asked as he closed the door behind him and walked up on her stalking her like she was prey. Baby was looking too damn good in her dress. She looked good enough to eat and he had every intention on having her for desert. He was ready to put her on the dinner table, spread her wide, and dive into what he knew was his own personal heaven.

"With you...why you don't like it" she answered and asked as she looked at herself in the mirror then back at him. He wished she hadn't looked the way she had. She was making shit hard literally and figuratively to the point he had to adjust himself.

"I fuckin love it ma but I'm afraid another nigga might love it too. Look at that ass sitting and those titties. Ma you tryna get fucked" he said as he wrapped his arms around her waist while she was still in front of the mirror. "Any wrong move and ya gonna be spilling out" he said as he ran a hand down from her waist to the end of her dress.

"I'll be aight besides you know the drill. They can look but they can't touch" she mischievously smirked at him. He just knew she was asking for trouble.

He sighed. "You stay setting me up ma. One of these days you might actually have to bail me out" he said and kissed her now flawless makeup covered neck. He could care less if she didn't cover her passion marks but he now understood why she covered them. Shit she could've left them alone and let the world know tonight that only him and him alone was the one feasting all over her neck let alone the rest of her body.

She turned in his arms and smiled. "What did you have me promise you last night" she asked with her brow raised.

"That heart and that pussy" he answered correctly not even having to give it any thought. "You know this body of yours is already included in that bundle package too right"

"Exactly" she nodded in agreement. "So you have nothing to worry bout Papi. Besides I'm only trying to look good on ya arms. I gotta match ya fly" she said speaking that sweet shit he liked to hear.

"Say less...don't put that coat on just yet. I want to see you walk down the stairs nice and slow. You know the drill" he said right before he hungrily licked his lips.

"Heard ju" she stepped on her tippy toes and poked out her glossy lips.

Dave grabbed a handful of her ass and kissed her lips pulling a sweet, sweet moan out of her which made his dick twitch in his pants. He couldn't wait to get her back home and they hadn't even left. He had plans for her. "Let me get a full look at you first ma" he said as he removed his hands from her ass and grabbed one of her hands and lifted it up to get a real good look at what was standing in front of him as she did a slow 360. "Damn you look sexy as fuck" he said as his eyes danced back, forth, and all over her body. She was wearing a short off the shoulder fringe evening dress that had that nude color to make it seem as if she was showing skin while the rest of the dress was covered in sequins and rhinestones stopping a little past her thighs. The way it cupped and draped her breast and showed off her shape made the dress look even better. Her body looked so damn good in the dress that he had to send yet another silent prayer to Charlie for enhancing her mother's already bomb ass body. She looked like a model. She looked like she was going to a New Year's party or a special event. Shit she could be on someone's runway or red carpet. The way her smooth chocolate skin was glowing and glistening he just knew that she added that shimmer shit on for an extra glow. That melanin definitely had some 14k gold sprinkled on it. The iced out choker with a dangling heart she had on her neck and the matching bracelet gave her body another added glow. It was every bit of November in Jersey and the weather wasn't cold, cold but it definitely wasn't warm enough for what she had on but he didn't care he'd be all the warmth she needed for the night.

Even her makeup suited her and complimented her dress. Normally she was a girl who liked a more neutral look. You know something to highlight her already bomb features but tonight her face was beat to the Gods as the girls say. She had a double wing eyeliner thing going on. She had silver glitter with a few rhinestones on it and right underneath it was black liner. Keeping it simple on the lips she had on a nudish brown lipstick topped with clear gloss. April's face had just the right amount of highlight. She knew what she was doing when she bought the dress and went in on her makeup. She was letting him know that this could all be his if he was ready for it. This was at home waiting for him to get his shit together. This shit was his for the taking. She was his for the taking and he was here to graciously take it all.

"Thank you" she said coyly as if she was shy. It was a good look on her but they both knew she was far from shy.

"Yea we gotta go because if we stay in here any longer that dress is gonna be above ya waist, that ass is gonna be up in the air, ya face is gonna be one with the mattress, and my dick is gonna be buried deep between those thick ass thighs" Dave said looking down at her with nothing but a mixture of pure lust and desire swirling around in his eyes.

"Nope you promised to wine and dine me and we both know I look way too good not to be seen. Buttttt if you act right I might be willing to let you get a sample" she teased him.

"Say less I gotchu but know that I don't do samples. I want the whole course and everything on the menu. Now you know the drill. Walk out nice and slow. Let me see that ass bounce and ya hips sway while you walk down those stairs" he commanded as he grabbed her black fur coat off the bed. Yea they matched perfectly tonight without even having to take a peek at each others outfits.

Doing exactly as he said April walked out the bedroom nice and slow letting the light reflect off of her dress and rhinestone stiletto wrap around heels as they glistened and sparkled catching his eyes.

"You keep thinking you gonna get some. You got more than enough between last night and this morning" April said laughing. "Where my babies" she questioned.

"I am" he said sure of himself with his eyes locked on her ass. "And they're in the kitchen with sis" he answered. "Now hit those stairs nice and slow" he ordered.

April shook her head but nonetheless she walked down the stairs nice and slow as her hips swayed. Dave whistled watching her ass jiggle from left to right and from right to left. That ass looked so good he had to adjust himself once again as he felt his dick start to stiffen. Coming to the last step Dave stepped down ahead of her and reached his hand out to hers helping her down the last step.

"Thank you" she blushed.

"The pleasure is mines" he said all smooth and shit then kissed her hand.

"Oop me likey" April said as they made their way into the kitchen to say bye to the kids and let everyone know they were leaving.

"Bitchhhhhh" Ebony dragged as she looked at April step into the kitchen not giving one fuck about having to pay Kairi her little dollar. "That's what I'm talking bout sis. Make that man sweat. Yesssss my sis out here looking gorgeous. She bout to turn some heads tonight so you better be ready brother" Ebony kept at it as she got up from the table looking April over giving her the seal of approval. "See I knew you were gonna look good but sis it's the dress and the makeup for me and look at the melanin. You're glowing"

Dave stood there watching April blush. He couldn't do shit but cheese as he watched Ebony hype up her sister. Ebony was right though April was definitely in her bag tonight. She wasn't playing any games. She was dressed to kill. The way she was looking he wished a nigga would jump stupid.

"Ouuuu auntie you said a bad word. Run it" Kairi said with her hand out but her eyes glued on April.

"Don't worry I got you auntie's baby"

"Momma you look like a pretty, pretty princess" Kairi said smiling at her still with her hand out waiting for Ebony to drop dough in it.

"Thank you Love bug. Thanks sis" April said smiling from ear to ear which only made Dave smile harder.

"Aight you gotta turn around. I need to see it all. Where my phone at I need to call up sis and take some pics" she said reaching for her phone.

"Lil sis out here showing off. You look beautiful sis" Bully said smiling.

"Word Birdie you look nice" Errol added.

"Thank you brothers" she continued blushing.

Dave stepped to the side as Ebony stood there taking picture after picture of April. She ate those shits up. Each pose hit in a different way. She was posing like she was at a photo shoot and Ebony was her personal photographer.

"Brother I'm a need you to come stand by ya woman. I need a few pics of y'all together"

Dave chuckled but nonetheless went and stood behind April and wrapped his arms around her slim waist. He looked down at her lovingly. He went from standing behind her to standing in front of her. He took his hand and gently lifted up her chin smiling down at her. He kissed her once on her forehead before landing a kiss on her lips. He understood the assignment and he was going to make sure him and his baby's pictures came out fly.

"Yea I'm a need y'all to figure it out so when the time comes I can smack these hoes with these shits online" Ebony said still hype. "Y'all look good together"

Dave chuckled while April blushed in his arms. "Make sure you send me those"

"Ouuu auntie you said another bad word" Kairi looked up at her shaking her little head.

Everyone laughed.

"I promise auntie gotchu"

"Aight we gotta head out. I don't want to get caught up in traffic" Dave said looking down at the time on his Patek.

"Bet, we got it covered" Bully nodded.

Dave and April said their goodbyes making sure to kiss the kids before stepping out.

"If we were home you already know what car we'd be in tonight but this still works" Dave said as he helped April inside the car. They always kept a Range Rover to use as a family truck and their BMW for days like tonight. But if they were home they would definitely be taking his Christmas gift from last year that he got from April...the McLaren 720s Spider.

"I could care less just as long as I'm with you" she looked up at him still smiling as he closed the door. Leaning over she opened the door for him as usual then put on her seatbelt. It was little shit like this that made his day. She cared enough to do the same as he had done for her. What made it special was that these small acts were genuine.

Car on, warmed up with the heated seats on, and no music Dave put on his seatbelt and took off down the long circular driveway. Before they knew it they were on the road and talking as if no time had passed them. He felt as if they had picked up right where they left off when things were good. This is the shit that he too missed. This is the shit that had him wondering why had he been holding onto what he had with Millie for so long. That comfort and familiarity shit had fucked him up when there was never any loyalty amongst her. This is the shit that made him realize that he couldn't stop fighting for his woman, his family, and the real love that they shared. He was going all in and nobody was going to stop him from getting what was rightfully his. Plain and simple April was his and would always be his and no one could tell him any different. No one could make his breathing hitch. No one could make his heart flutter. No one could give him goosebumps. No one could stop his heart from beating in sync with hers when they were close to one another. No one could stop what he called the April effect.

"What" April softly asked as she caught him glancing over at her smiling.

"Nothing ma I'm just enjoying the view. I didn't think I'd ever get the chance again" he answered honestly. The way she had been pushing him away he figured that maybe just maybe she was actually done with him.

"Well if you play ya cards right and you stick to whatever plan ya on and come correct then this will always be here" she said pointing between the two of them. "I'll always be here"

Dave felt his heart expand in his chest hearing those words. "Trust me I understand it now. I get it" he said as he pulled up to the restaurant.

"Ouuuu" April said smiling as he pulled up to the Chart House.

Dave laughed. "I know you haven't had Sammy's in a minute but Sammy's wasn't the vibe I wanted for tonight. I wanted something a lil more intimate. So I got the private dining room"

"Understood Papi" she said then bit down on her bottom lip eyeing him. Well more like eye fucking him.

Out of the car and helping April out Dave made sure her thigh length fur coat was covering up her goods. April pulled down her dress, grabbed her matching rhinestone clutch, and then Dave's hand as Dave passed the keys off to the valet attendant. Hand in hand they headed inside of the restaurant with Dave opening the door for her. He gave his name to the hostess and a few minutes later they were being seated. Figuring out what they wanted didn't take long at all. They ordered, got their drinks, and now they were waiting patiently for their meals.

"Damn I don't think I told you just how good you look tonight Papi" April said lustfully looking him over. She looked like she was about ready to drink him up or possibly pounce on him whichever one it was he was ready for both.

"You didn't but tonight's all bout you" he said as he sat there undressing her with his eyes.

"I'm here for it but ya definitely looking goodT as fuck. Sexy ass...I see you matching my fly and I like that shit" she said and bit down on her bottom lip making him inwardly groan.

"Thanks ma" he said and kissed her hand feeling the sparks fly back and forth between them and the sexual tension rise even more.

Staring him in the eyes she said "I missed this"

"I missed this too. I miss you. I'm sorry for fuckin us up"

April shook her head. "Nope don't do that. You've said sorry so many times already. I don't want to hear it again. I just want you to get it right this time. No more apologies and no more sorries. The one you said to me in Barbados was everything I didn't know I needed. I accepted it and I've forgiven you. So from here on out no more sorries or apologies"

"Understood" he said smiling at her while stroking her left hand. He was happy that she had forgiven him let alone happy that how he expressed himself to her in Barbados had resonated in her deep enough to know how sorry he actually was.

"Ok for you we have the crab cake, Cesar salad, baked stuffed shrimp, grilled vegetables, and lemon herb salmon" the waiter said as he placed the steaming hot dishes in front of April sort of interrupting their little moment.

"And for you sir we have the New York strip steak well done and not burned, three potato garlic mash, and the wild caught king crab with a side of marinated vegetables" the waiter continued on as he set Dave's food in front of him.

"Thank you" Dave and April said in unison.

"No problem enjoy and let me know if you need anything" he said before walking away.

Grabbing April's hand Dave bowed his head, April followed suit, and he began to pray. "Allah I come to you asking that you bless the hands that prepared this food and the food that we're bout to eat. Thank you for waking us up this morning and thank you for helping and guiding me to this third chance. I pray that this is the beginning to our happily ever after that we both deserve and that the night continues to be a great one. Amen"

April beamed. "Amen...that's definitely a first and I have to say that I liked it"

Normally when they prayed they'd do a silent prayer unless it was something like Thanksgiving but since Dave was back on his spiritual journey he had to give praise to the man above. It was only right to voice it out loud because he had a lot to be thankful for and one of those things was sitting right in front of him.

He humbly shrugged. "Time to do some things differently"

"I'm all the way here for it" she said before digging into her crab cake. "Not Sammy's but I definitely get my seafood kick" she said doing a little dance in her seat. "Remind me when we get back home to have a seafood boil. It's been a minute"

"I knew you'd like it and will do"

"You know today Love Bug asked me were y'all coming back home" she said looking up at him then taking a sip of her torched apple Manhattan.

Dave looked at her with his head tilted to the side. He knew Kairi wanted to go back home. She never wanted to leave to begin with. There were times where she would even ask and damn near beg him wondering when they were going back. Yet he didn't expect her to ask April. Then again why wouldn't she?! Just because they had broken up didn't mean that Kairi would stop asking her certain things. She was still a child and a child was going to ask their parents whatever was on their little minds. Children were curious let alone they could feel certain vibes. "What did you tell her" he questioned before taking a bite of his crab meat.

April sighed. "I told her that she was always welcome to come home and the question she asked she should be asking you. I also told her if you wanted to come home you could" she answered then added. "But if you do decide to come home we can't stay in the same room not until we know for sure that this is what we want. More so if this is what you want" she replied. He knew she didn't mention the last part to Kairi but she also needed him to know where she stood. The fact that she even said that he could come back home made his heart flutter just a bit more because he knew for sure that she was open to giving what they had with each other another try. She was giving him an inch and he was about to take a whole ass mile.

Dave straightened up in his seat. He needed her to hear him loud and clear. He needed her to know that he was serious and in this for the long haul. "I told you I'm coming back home just like I told you that I am home. I don't mind staying in another room until everything is squared away but that doesn't mean I like it. I'll respect it. But I ain't sleeping alone every night either" he said as a matter of fact. He wish he would be home and not sleep beside her in their bedroom. That definitely wasn't going down. He'd give her some space and not love bomb her but he damn sure was going to let it be known that he was home.

"Are you sure bout this? I don't want you rushing whatever process you got going on now just because you want to come home or because ya worried bout me and other men. At the end of the day no matter how I feel I need for you to be in a good space" she expressed and Dave was happy that she genuinely cared about him and how his self healing journey was going.

Dave put his fork down. "I'm not rushing my process but I will continue to work on myself. I'm not stopping what I need to do until I accomplish all I set out for. But what I do know for a fact is that I'm all in. I'm not bout to watch you out here with no other man so-called having fun. That's not happening. Call it jealousy. Call it possessive bout mines. Call it whatever you want but it's not going down" he spoke with conviction as he picked back up his fork. "I'm not bout to watch you live ya life on the sidelines when I'm supposed to be by ya side"

She smirked at him. "Talk ya shit Papi. I'm here for it"

"Know that I'm saying what I mean. I'm not doing all this shit just to be doing it. I know I have to prove myself to you and gain your trust back. But like I said I'm all in. I followed you to Barbados and I'll continue to follow you if it's gonna lead to our happy ending. I'll happily follow ya sexy ass to the end of the world if need be" he said speaking from the heart. He had never really had a problem telling April how he felt. His problem was when Millie was in the equation but that shit was a fuckin wrap. He was being selfish and finally putting himself and his feelings first when it came to her.

"You really out here talking big shit. I see you Brewster and I may have just a bit of faith in you" she laughed and continued eating.

Dave mugged her. "You know I don't like the names you been calling me. Only one suits me but you feel as though you only need to call me it when I'm digging you out"

"I like to think that I reserve it for when it's needed these days" she playfully sassed then stuck out her tongue.

"You know how I feel bout that tongue so you might want to keep it in ya mouth. As far as that name shit I'm not even worried. You'll get it together eventually" he said sure of himself before he killed off a piece of asparagus.

"You seem so sure of yourself these days"

"Because I am" and this time he was. He was putting in too much work not to be sure of himself.

April put down her fork and placed her hands under her chin giving him all of her attention. "Hmm so where do you see yourself in a few years" she questioned. It seemed like everybody loved asking him this question. Yet he knew she was asking him to see if his future was still the same as the one they had planned together.

He smirked. "With you happily married with our baby girls, my son, and possibly another one on the way" he answered knowing exactly what he wanted. "You know continuing to build together, making sure our foundation stays solid, and happy in all aspects of my life including my career. I lightened that load of baggage I was carrying and now I'm ready to bring everything into fruition" he boasted proudly. He had accomplished a lot in the past few months and was still going strong.

April smiled brightly showing all thirty-two of her teeth which only made him smile. "So that's two more kids on top of the three I already have" she shook her head still smiling.

"I'm just saying in two or three years Kairi will be six or seven. Charlie will be two or three. Royalty will be right along with Kai depending on if you let me have my way in two years or three. Even though I think my baby boy might be here a lil sooner than planned" he tossed in. "So by then we def need a few lil ones running around the house" he said still smiling. If he was lucky with the way he had been shooting up the club lately he'd probably have a little one sooner rather than later. And with the comment she made earlier about a baby boy he could only pray that he had hit his intended target.

April laughed. "You got all this planned out huh?! Sounds like you tryna keep me barefoot and pregnant"

Dave nodded. Why lie?! Shit like what he wanted in the future were things that stayed on his mind. It was part of his healing journey. It was part of why he looked forward to bettering himself. "I do" he simply answered and just like that the conversation continued to flow effortlessly.

"How bout you where do you see yourself in a few years" he questioned.

April looked at him then around the private dining area they were in. She shrugged. "I don't know anymore." She said a little saddened. "I use to think that love and marriage was something I wanted. Nowadays I've been questioning is it something that I need. I mean sure I'm not giving up on love because truth is I couldn't even when I wanted to. I can't see me not loving you. But marriage" she shook her head and he wondered where her mind was going. "I've been down that road twice already and every time it seems like a failure. I've been the runaway bride. I've been the woman who has planned and planned her dream wedding not once but twice with the same results...no happy ending. I don't think of it like I once did. I think now I just want to be happy in all aspects of my life and whatever is for me is for me. I'm not saying that I'm closed off to the idea but I'm not bout to lose any sleep or my mind over it. I just want a happy life and a loving family and be surrounded by people who love me unconditionally with no regrets. Kids I still want more. I have a lot of love to give so one more and possibly another one if everything is good. Like I said I just want to be happy and being tied down just may not be for me and that's ok"

Dave sighed and reached for her hand cupping it in his before intertwining their fingers. "I guess that's partly my fault. I know it's partly my fault. But I can't have you out here just being a mother to my children. I won't have that. If you're good enough to have my kids you're good enough to be my wife. How does it look if our kids have my last name but you don't?! I can't have that. Besides that ain't in my game plan when it comes to you. I gotchu the long way ma. What we planned for our future together still stands and one day I'll prove it to you. One day you will meet me at the alter in a white dress"

She smiled. "Guess only time will tell. Until then wine and dine me" she then added "Oh by the way I no longer play backseat wifey. I know our girls are priority number one so if I'm not ya next priority after them then this won't work at all" she said serious.

Dave put his fork back down and looked her right in the eyes. He needed her to know that she had always been a priority to him. "Ma you've been a priority since the day you turned me down and still ended up giving me ya number. I may have messed us up along the way but you being a priority ain't ever been a problem for me. Backseat wifey my ass that was never what I wanted for you and never what I thought of you"

"Well that might've been the case but it didn't feel like it. Let me make it clear so you don't misconstrue what I'm trying to say to you. I gave you wife treatment and privileges while you were just my boyfriend. I cooked, cleaned, took care of our kids, took care of you, took care of our home, and gave my all to you. I let you slut me out to no end and did things with you and to you that should've been saved for my husband. There was no one else in my mind while I was with you. No one was in the back of my mind living rent free. I had no what ifs. I had no let me run back to Chris moments because we now had another child together. It was you since the day you first called me. I don't want to be ya wifey for you to love on me and flaunt me around but while you're doing it there's ya comfort blanket named Millie in the back of ya mind. If we get back to that place I want all of you and not pieces of you. I'm not willing to share. I can't be an afterthought or an ultimatum"

Dave grabbed her hand and gave it a squeeze. "When I say you have absolutely nothing to worry bout when it comes to anything involving Millie you have nothing to worry bout. When it comes to her living rent free trust me ma she's been evicted. You won't get it until we get back home on how serious I am bout you and our relationship but like I said just give me until next week. I'm not running game, making useless promises, or trying to lead you on only to fail you"

April nodded. "Next week I want all the answers. I don't want the sugarcoated version. I want the raw and the real even if it hurts"

"I gotchu ma"

"Heard ju"

They looked at each other and laughed.

"I love you ma"

"I love you too Papi" she said and leaned over with her lips poked out and Dave gave her what she wanted...a kiss.

The date seemed promising and felt like April was dropping her guard just enough for him to slither his way back in. He could tell that she still had some reservations about the situation but it looked way better than it had months ago. Dave felt like things could only get better from here. It was a starting point. He felt it in his heart and his soul that this was his do over and he was going to strike while the iron was hot. Tonight was something they both needed.

With dinner done and to go plates wrapped up and dessert out of the way Dave and April were back in the car without a lick of paparazzi being in their way. If they were around they damn sure weren't seen and for Dave that was a plus. All he wanted was for April to have a carefree night out and not be bombarded and bothered with irrelevant questions. Her whole vibe and aura tonight had been lighter. She seemed brighter like she was glowing from within. She seemed more relaxed and that's all he wanted for her. He wanted her to let her guard down, not only enjoy but to just be and live in the moment, and that's exactly what he got. He enjoyed being around her and simply just being in her presence. He had saw more than a glimpse of what once was. Tonight gave him hope.

With their date night finished neither Dave or April wanted the night to end. They didn't feel like stepping out of the car let alone stepping out of their little bubble. It's like they just wanted to stay in the moment for just a little while longer. They were parked in front of the house talking to each other as if once they stepped foot outside of it April would be going somewhere else instead of in the house right along with him.

"I had fun tonight" April said smiling at him before biting down on her bottom lip. They were in the back seat of the car cuddled up sharing a blunt.

"I did too ma. Come here"

"You do know we're in front of the house right" she asked while suspiciously looking at him.

"Ma I know where we're at. Now come here. Besides the windows are lightly tinted"

Coming out of her fur coat April made her way over to him and got comfortable in his lap straddling him. Dave's hands slid straight to her ass palming each cheek like a basketball.

"Damn" he groaned. "I should've made you do the bend over test. I'm already feeling bare ass" he said as his hands moved up and down her soft ass.

April took a pull from the blunt before passing it back to him then wrapped her arms around his ice covered neck. She pecked his lips once the blunt left them. "You do realize that my dress is hiked up because I'm sitting in ya lap right"

"The fact of the matter is that I feel ass...bare ass which means you were out here in a thong"

"And was" she said and kissed his nose while he flicked the bud of the blunt out of the window. "My dress required a thong or no panties at all but with it being November I chose a thong because I didn't want my coochie coughing" she laughed.

Dave shook his head laughing. "You be saying some wild shit"

"And do" she agreed.

"Ya ass also been begging for that act right"

"Well what can I say" she shrugged. "I missed getting dicked down and don't forget you asked for easy access" she said in a sultry tone that made him groan and grunt as he continued to squeeze and rub all over her ass.

He was about ready to lift her up, slide her thong to the side, and bury himself deep inside of her but he was playing it cool. He didn't want to take her outside and damn sure not in the car. He wanted her in their bedroom with the covers draped around them while he gave her all he had making sure he ended the night on a good note. "All you gotta do is ask and I'll deliver" he said and nipped her bottom lip.

"Oh I know. But while we're speaking bout a dick down I need you to promise me that this doesn't turn into just sex. Although I have no problem with sex because it's always goodT I just want you to learn me and I want to learn the new you. If this is what we're gonna do I want to properly get back to us on a better level. I want to be able to talk to you bout everything and for you to be able to do the same. I don't ever want to get as far as we did only to end up in a situation where all we had to do was sit down, talk, and figure out a way to fix whatever is going on. I miss you but I miss my best friend the most. I need my safe space back and that's you"

Dave continued to soothingly rub her ass just loving the feel of her skin against his hands and being able to be around her while she was vulnerable. "I hear you loud and clear. Everything will make sense when we get back home. I'm not gonna keep telling you in words. You wanted action and that's what I'm gonna give you. You know I've always been addicted to that magic box between ya legs but like I said you mean more to me than just sex. I want the same as you and I want a fair shot to prove to you that I'm more than ready to get us back to where we're supposed to be. I got you again and I'm not letting you go without a fight"

April beamed. "Ouuu you fighting for me. I'd like to see it" she joked but he knew she was trying to make light of the situation for him. Yet she was also serious because it was always left up to her to fight for them and what they had and each time she fought it may have seemed like a win but in the long run she always took a L.


He smacked her ass.

"Damn it what I do" she moaned.

"Stop playing with me" he said and rubbed the spot he smacked just as her phone went off.

Reaching behind her over to the cup holder April grabbed her phone. Eyes widening Dave immediately took her phone from her seeing the name Manny on it. He put that shit right back in the cup holder. He gritted his teeth somehow knowing that Manny was going to be a problem for him. He hadn't gotten the message and probably wouldn't until April made it clear to him.

"How long that nigga been calling you" he asked seething.

"We just had a bomb ass date and I'm sitting here with my whole ass in ya lap with my pussy dripping for you and that's what ya worried bout. I'm not bout to mess it up over something stupid"

It might've been stupid to her but it was far from stupid to him. He knew what he had and it was clear that Manny did too and even if he didn't he knew for a fact that Manny wanted a bite of her. "Just answer the question"

"Here you go! I'm done for the night" she said getting ready to hop off his lap.

He was trying not to make it a big deal but how could he not when he knew what he was doing to make things right between them. He didn't have time for another man thinking he was about to step in and steal his woman. That shit wasn't happening. It wasn't necessarily being insecure but he just couldn't have that happening with her having one foot in and one foot out. Taking a deep breath in and slowly out he thought about what he had learned in therapy.

"Ma I need you to get rid of him"

"Ain't shit to get rid of. You heard him last night that's the first time he fuckin called me. You fail to realize that yea I see you and I know what you want but I'm still single. Somebody is gonna try to holla. Shit they did when we were together" she said with a slight attitude.

She didn't lie. Her DMs were flooded with men and women trying to shoot their shot. Even when he posted pictures of her someone was trying to bag her in the comment section. Even still with knowing that all the shit with Manny was a definite no go. "Single my ass get rid of him"

"Goodnight" she said and hopped out of his lap, grabbed her coat and went back to the passenger side, grabbed her phone, clutch, then hopped out of the car slamming the door shut.

Dave punched the roof of the car pissed off. This wasn't how he saw the night ending. Turning off the car and hopping out he hit the alarm and raced over to April stopping her from opening the door. "Ma wait"

-Hey boos happy reading I hope you guys enjoyed and thank you for patiently waiting for the update 😊
-It's back to basics over here. Dave and April have to relearn each other. As you can see our girl is one foot in and one foot out. She's hesitant yet she's ready for the ride. So far things are looking good for them.
-That damn Manny is causing a disturbance. Guess he didn't get the message last night 😈 How would y'all go about the whole calling April situation while she's out with Dave?
-Welp I don't have much to say so with that in mind y'all know the drill...
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰

🛑I know wattpad is slowly dwindling and this may actually be my last book on here but I'm not quite sure I'm leaving just yet. With that in mind what are some topics you guys would like to read about? I think it's time to start working on something new. I've been writing this series for years so I'm pretty much done with the characters 🤣

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