14: Second Chances

Chapter 14: Second Chances


So it's not gonna be easy. It's going to be really hard; we're gonna have to work at this everyday, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, forever, everyday. You and me... everyday."
[By: Nicholas Sparks, The Notebook]

Waking up the next morning with April not in his arms, head on his chest, leg draped across his waist, or in the bed period made Dave sigh as he searched around the bedroom while his eyes adjusted to the morning sun. A small smile graced his face as he realized the shower was running. Looking over at the clock on his nightstand it read 8am. Knowing that the girls were on vacation time and April had given Charlie a bottle about two hours ago he knew for sure that he had a good forty five minutes to an hour to bother April. Not even giving it a second thought he climbed out of bed with a little pep in his step and headed straight to their en-suite but not before making a beeline to the bedroom door to lock it. Kairi was not about to burst in today. He took his morning piss, washed his hands, brushed his teeth, wiped off his face, and made his way right into the glass shower to see April rinsing off. Watching the suds and water run down her body had him in a daze. It didn't matter how many times he saw her naked her body always did something to him each and every time he got the chance to fully take it in.

"Good morning ma" Dave said all cheery and huskily since he had just woken up as he joined her inside the glass shower.

"Good morning Brew-"

"You already fuckin up" he cut her off. It was too early for this name calling bullshit she tried to stay on.

"What I do" she asked in a playful tone and laughed as she looked back at him over her shoulder.

"Stop playing with me. It's too early" he said as he stepped closer to her and buried his face into her neck inhaling her fresh scent as he wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her in closer. He already knew she was on her second wash by the scent of cocoa butter and shea lingered on her body. She always started off with Dove Unscented soap and followed up with a smell good just to have some sort of scent on her body. Dave still didn't want to be called David, Dave, and damn sure not Brewster. Papi was his name and that's the name he wanted to hear roll off her tongue each and every time she addressed him. So he had to fix that shit.

"Sir what are you doing" she asked playing dumb but by the tone in her voice he knew she was ready for him to pounce on her.

"I know you feel that wood on ya back" his dick was on brick from jump but seeing her naked with water cascading down her chocolate body had his shit swelling up even more.

"And do but what that gotta do with me? Palmala is in here with us. She can help you out" she quipped but he knew she wanted it with the way she was melting into his body. He didn't even have to pull her any closer she was already backing that plump ass and soft body slowly up on him.

"Everything and fuck Palmala! I came in here for some grade A and good loving from my baby. We ain't bust a nut last night since somebody was too damn loud that they woke up our child and once I got back from putting her back to bed someone was knocked out. You know I never let you go to bed like that without busting a nut or two sometimes three or more"

"Well you shouldn't have been playing in my pussy like that" she said and turned around in his arm facing him with the side of her bottom lip tucked between her teeth. He smirked. She was definitely ready for him. "I'm pretty certain you got the reaction you wanted out of my screams last night and the way I creamed you up I'm pretty sure you didn't really mind at all"

He inwardly groaned thinking about how her juice and cream had given him all the lubrication he needed. He didn't even have to lick her pussy and she was already soaking through the seams. "Yea but you shouldn't have been playing games" If she wasn't too busy playing petty games and talking shit he would've left her alone. But hey he had a point to prove and he had proved it. "Besides I know you know how to play the quiet game real well"

She smacked her lips and smacked his chest. "Boy bye"

Dave gripped her neck catching her off guard making her quiet almost instantly while a low moan escaped her plump lips. "I see you on the same bullshit you was on last night but that's cool I got bout a good forty minutes to make you eat ya words and get you to act right" he smirked as he watched her eyes fill with nothing but lust.

April rolled her eyes knowing damn well he hated that shit. That shit too was coming to an end but he understood the assignment and he was about to ace it with flying colors.

"Say less" he grinned as he took his foot and spread her legs apart then took his free hand and slipped it between her thighs then lips. "Why this pussy so wet? You was in here playing without me" he asked as he slipped a finger inside of her pussy and groaned from the feel of her slippery warm walls. "You know I don't like you playing without me. If you wanted this dick all you had to do was roll over and hop on my shit and I'd a filled you up"

April kept her lust filled eyes on him as he started playing between her folds drawing more moans out of her. "Shit" she hissed as she spread her legs even wider granting him more access to please her. "Damn" her head went back pass her shoulders.

Dave smirked pleased at how willingly she was ready to open up. "Good girl" he praised her then bent down and kissed her lips then swept his tongue across her bottom lip silently asking for access. April opened her mouth and gave him an all access pass to explore as she let his tongue control hers. Letting go of her neck he swiftly moved around her and pushed her up against the shower wall ready to attack. "You gon let me fuck before my babies wake" he asked with his dick already in his hand ready to break her off something proper. Shit she was lucky he hadn't woke her ass up last night and finished what he started. Thinking about it now he should've.

April nodded more than ready. He could tell by the way her body heaved up and down.


He smacked her ass watching her twerk off the impact of the sting it left. "Words ma"

"Yesss" she answered as she poked out her ass waiting for him to enter her from the back.

"You know if I'm dropping this dick off I'm a need you to act right and forget bout that island nigga and any other nigga for that matter" he said sternly as he tapped his dick against her ass feeling it brick up even more in his hand. He was about to fuck her up but he needed her to know he wasn't about to let her entertain anyone but him. The only man that needed to be on her mind  and sharing her time and attention on was him and only him.

"Boyyyyy" she dragged before smacking her teeth but he didn't care he needed her to know that all of that fun shit she was talking stopped as of last night.

"Boy my ass! Don't forget what happened last night" he based and nipped her ear.

"Yea and don't forget you can't fuck this away either" she shot back as he slipped his dick between her folds in one swift motion letting her juice coat his shaft and mix with the water but still not entering his home. He could feel nothing but her juices and heat radiating off of her lips.

Dave chuckled before he slipped inside of her without warning rocking back and forth feeding her his swollen tip then inch after inch of himself until he was buried deep between her soaking wet ass folds. "Be quiet" he growled then bit down on her neck. He already knew her neck was marked the fuck up but he didn't care. He was about to remind her of everything that went down last night. She made him a promise and he was going to make sure she kept it.

April nodded with her ass still poked out enjoying how he filled her up.

"You promised this pussy and ya heart belong to me. Always have and always will. Don't act like you forgot! This dick had you screaming and creaming last night. You gave me all of this gushy" he chuckled as he reached around her and started toying with her breast cupping and squeezing them as the side of her face laid flush against the shower wall.

"And! Just make sure you remember your promises" she mumbled. By now Dave knew she was talking shit just to get another dose of that act right and him being him he was going to give her exactly what she was asking for. Besides he knew what he promised her and he wasn't here to break anymore of his promises.

Dave bust her ass all throughout the bathroom. Hemmed up against the wall blessing her with powerful spine tingling strokes. Up against the bathroom sink with her leg hoisted up hitting her spot at the perfect angle. On top of the sink with his face buried in her neck biting away his moans as he pummeled her insides. When she thought he wasn't going to give her anymore he bust her ass down finishing up against the edge of the bed sending and spraying his seeds all over her insides. He painted his name in bold letters deep inside of her pussy walls getting reacquainted with his rightful home.

Rushing back in and out of the shower like clockwork they got ready to tend to the kids like they never skipped a beat and at 9 o'clock on the dot Kairi was at April's door well at their door twisting the knob.

"Right on time" Dave laughed then pecked April's slightly swollen lips that he had sucked and bit down on way too many times to count in the last forty minutes. Opening the door he looked down at Kairi and scooped her up in his arms. "Good morning Lil Butt" he smiled then kissed her forehead. That morning session had pumped more life into him. Nothing and no one was going to be able to remove his smile.

"Good morning daddy" she said while wiping her eyes. "Good morning momma" she said looking over at April now squirming in Dave's arms trying to get to her.

Dave shook his head in disbelief then passed her right over to a smiling and satisfied April. He had made sure she bust a few nuts of her own before dropping his load inside of her so he knew she was thoroughly satisfied.

"Man I'm going to get my baby" he smacked his lips and walked off headed to get Charlie out of bed already knowing she was woke.

"Good morning my Love Bug" April snickered behind his back making him playfully glare back at her.

Dave didn't care that he wasn't the only person that Kairi clung to anymore. She would always be his baby and his Lil Butt but he was happy that she had a mother who was into her just as much as she was into her. She was loved on, cared for, doted on, and given so much that Millie had missed the mark on. April didn't switch up after the split. She continued to be just whom she was the day she and Kairi met and Dave couldn't do shit but smile and be happy about it.


"Hey Love Bug how do you feel bout going to the mall with me today" April asked Kairi as she got her dressed for the day. They really didn't have any plans but since Dave had asked her out on a date she figured she'd run out and get something for the night. Of course she had packed a few outfits that would be date night appropriate but she didn't bring anything she deemed date night worthy for what she had in mind. She wanted to wear something that would make Dave sweat and have him drooling at the mouth. "We'll go get our nails done first then go do a lil shopping" she added already knowing she was down for the cause.

"Yesssss" she answered excitedly. "We having a girls day. Is auntie NeNe coming" she asked since she knew Alaina had left for LA the night before so Ebony was the only auntie she had in the house at the moment.

"We're having a girls day" April corrected her. "But it's up to you. Do you want to have a momma and me day with just Charlie and me or have a girls day with me, Charlie, and auntie NeNe" she asked.

"EVERYBODY" she cheerfully shouted making April smile as they finished up.

"Everybody what" Ebony asked as April and Kairi finally made their way downstairs.

"We're having a girls day auntie. You coming right" Kairi asked as she skipped over to Ebony.

"Ouuu yes I love girls day especially with my niecey poohs. What are we doing" Ebony looked down at her smiling as she picked her up and followed beside April into the kitchen.

"We're getting our nails done and going shopping" Kairi excitedly answered. By now they all knew how much Kairi loved girls days. She got to hang out with her momma and aunts and get pampered and spoiled. They all knew it was the quality time that she got to share with them and that the rest was just a bonus for her. She had women in her life that genuinely gave a fuck about her. It wasn't just her grandmother and her half ass mother anymore. It was a fleet of women around her now that cared about her and it showed.

"Now how can I say no to that" Ebony asked mirroring her excitement. "In that case auntie has to go get dressed"

"Okie dokie" she said and placed Kairi next to Dave who was sitting at the island then walked back out of the kitchen.

"A girls day" Dave asked chiming in. He was watching Charlie drink her bottle in her high chair. His baby was getting big as the days passed. She could hold her own bottle, walk, talk a little bit, and was progressing nicely.

"Yea I need to get my nails done. Mommy already made the appointment and I need to do some light shopping" April answered.

Dave smirked at her. "For date night" he asked above a whisper while April made her way over to Charlie to give her a kiss.

"Good morning momma's baby" she kissed her forehead. She never kissed her on her lips. April knew exactly what her mouth did and the places and things it was on and wouldn't dare subject that to Charlie, Kairi, or Royalty. "And why you in a pimp's business" she looked over at Dave before making her way over to the fridge to grab some ingredients for breakfast. Normally she'd already be down in the kitchen throwing it down but somebody decided to invade her space again this morning. It wasn't like she minded but it was still his fault. She missed getting dicked down first thing in the morning and Dave happily delivered. Her pussy was still going through the motions just pulsing in her panties.

"Just make sure it's something I like and easy access"

April sucked her teeth as she walked around the kitchen grabbing everything she needed. She was going to keep it simple today.

"You cute but you ain't special" she mumbled and laughed to herself know that shit was a bold face lie. He was thoroughly handsome and beyond special to her but she wasn't going to tell him that. Besides his ego was already too damn big this morning.

"You sure bout that" Dave asked her as he crept up behind her wrapping her up in his arms causing a shiver to pass throughout her body. He always evoked something out of her but after the way he came for her last night her body was mush in his hands. Last night she knew what he was doing and although he had her ass on edge she was still going to make him work for what he wanted. It was only right. He had fucked her into complete submission making her make promises his ass better keep. But these days she had a little more faith in him than what she did when they had last broken up and separated. "Look at that you can't even keep ya cool without melting in my arms" he huskily whispered in her ear then nibbled on it as he gripped her waist tighter holding her closer.

"Back up David my babies are in here and I'm not trying to confuse them" she whispered trying to shake him off. If they were going to take it there she wanted to leave the kids out of it until they knew for sure that they were back on that type of time.

"I'm not confusing shit. I know what I want and I'm going for what I want and if my kids see me loving on their momma then so be it because you already know I'm coming for you. I meant what the fuck I said. I'm coming back home and I am home now. That pussy and that heart belong to me" he whispered then discreetly cupped her pussy drawing another low moan from her. His ass wasn't playing fair at all.

"I need actions not words. Can you give me that" she questioned as they now walked about the kitchen in sync with her still encased in his arms. Whether she wanted to admit it out loud or not she was loving the closeness and the feel of him on and around her. She could feel that familiar feeling of love and safety surrounding her.

"I've been bout my actions lately and you've seen it"

"Can you continue it? I'm talking bout once we leave this holiday bubble can you give me what I want, need, and deserve? Are you mines? Body and soul I know I got that but is ya mind mines" she questioned not even bothering to face him as she started adding beef bacon to the hot frying pan. She was making bacon and egg grilled cheese sandwiches.

Dave didn't have to be 100% with his journey but he damn sure had to be 100% hers in all ways especially his mind. She had no time for doubts and for Millie to still be residing rent free in his head. She was done with the Millie era and she hoped and prayed he was too.

"You got all of me. I gave that shit to you on a silver platter in Barbados and ain't shit change. I'm still on that type of time" he spoke with conviction. The type that had her pussy about ready to pop on a handstand. She prayed like hell that he was sure. "Ain't nobody on my mind but you, our daughters, our family, and our future"

He spoke a good game. "We'll see but I'm not stopping my ish to run back to you either" she said as she cracked a few eggs in a bowl.

"I'm a let you talk ya stuff just know that I'm here and I'm not going anywhere. So if you think you bout to be out here galavanting with other men just know it ain't happening. I do pop ups and drive bys so choose wisely and we both know I'm bout that life. I ain't just talking" he whispered in her ear and with the way he said it she knew he meant it. "Just like you I gotta itchy trigger finger too"

April laughed. He was definitely talking a good game but that was the issue this wasn't a game anymore. Like in a game he already played twice, died, and had one more life to live. So if he wanted to come home with her and their little girls she was going to sit back and watch what he was playing at. Only time would tell what his real motive was. "Go sit down and play with ya babies"

This time Dave laughed and smooth walked away but not before planting a sweet kiss to her ear then her cheek then turned her head to the side and kissed her lips. April just shook her head and continued cooking. She was not about to blush in front of him and give him what he wanted. Besides she already felt like she had given him a little too much. By the time breakfast was cooked everybody was downstairs in the kitchen grabbing plates and glasses of orange juice.

"We gotta get my baby dressed we're having a girls day" April said smiling at Charlie as she fed her some puréed sweet potatoes. The more she looked at Charlie the more she looked just like her daddy. That brown skin that she had gotten from her and that kinky curly hair was all April but everything else was Chris. The older she got the more Chris features took over.

"Papa" Charlie said clear as day while clapping and smiling at Dave like April wasn't in her face feeding her.

April shook her head smiling. "I carried you for nine months Charlie Ava...nine. What bout momma" she knew that Charlie missed waking up and seeing her Papa on a daily basis so she really wasn't sweating it. It never really bothered her that she was a daddy's girl anyway. Besides while Charlie was a daddy's girl Kairi and Royalty were momma's girls when she was around them.

"Cause she love her Papa" Dave said and grabbed her food and spoon from April and started feeling Charlie.

Everyone laughed.

April sighed. "We definitely need a lil boy in the mix. If y'all get to have daddy girls I need a momma's boy" April mumbled more so to herself  not even thinking about what she had just let slip pass her lips.

"You know not to threaten me with a good time. I'll make that ish happen right here and right now" Dave said here for all of it. She shook her head already knowing that, that was more of a promise than it was a threat. He might've calmed down on his baby fever and that's only because they weren't together anymore but April knew that was part of his end game. He was still ready and willing to risk it all for her and with the way that he shot up her club this morning it could very well be a strong possibility. It was definitely time to hop back on birth control. They weren't baby ready yet and since Dave had already come for her she knew that, that was only the beginning. He was going to keep coming back and with the way he slang his long girthy big dick she'd be a willing participant.

"Sis what time we leaving" Ebony asked as she looked over at April. April was happy she steered the conversation into a different direction before it blossomed into something else.

"Probably 12:20 or 30. I got a 1 o'clock appointment at the nail salon. I know yours are already done so if you want to skip that part I'll just come back and pick you up" she answered while looking down at her phone to check the time.

"Bet, that'll work. I'll let you and Kai get some momma and me time in first"

"Bet" April said then got up and threw out her plastic plate and placed her glass inside the dishwasher. She wasn't above plastic plates especially when it was a house full of people. "Dave when you finish feeding my baby can you bring her upstairs so I can get her dressed" calling him Dave after he had just made her submit to his will sound crazy coming out of her mouth but she was going to stick with it...hopefully.

"Our baby but I gotchu. I'm a keep her home and let you Lil Butt hang at the salon too. She'll be ready with sis when you come to pick her up to go to the mall"

"Ok cool"

"Dang bro you back to Dave. I could've sworn I heard nothing but Papi last night" Bully said trying to so-call whisper and failing miserably.

"I couldn't sworn August left last night and Shooter ain't even here" April said as her head shot over in Bully's direction cutting her eyes at him.

Bully tossed his hands in the air. "My bad lil sis" he laughed.

"Bae's right though sis. I ain't hear no Dave or David being called last night either" Ebony chimed in with a knowing smirk on her face.

"You know what y'all could've at least started talking bout me once I was out of ear shot" she shook her head and shuffled out of the kitchen as they all laughed at her. Jesus she must've really been that damn loud. She had thought only Kairi had heard her but it seemed as if the whole house did but this too was all Dave's fault. He was putting in major work with the way he was rearranging her organs and constant knocking shit out of the frame. Thank God their parents weren't there.

Upstairs and back in her bedroom she opened up her suitcase and pulled out something simple to wear. She would've hung up their clothing but she felt like it was useless since she would have to pack it all back up. She didn't feel like getting dressed to the nines but she still wanted to look cute. Pulling out a pair of thick black leggings, her black Melanin pullover hoodie, and a black tank top she grabbed the rest of her necessities. Slipping out of her sweats and t-shirt she stepped into her leggings just as her bedroom door was opening.

"I guess we're pass the knocking stage" April said already knowing it was Dave.

"Ya right we are" he said as he walked fully inside the room, closed the door, and made himself comfortable at the edge of the bed with Charlie in his arms resting on his chest. He sat there watching her ass jiggle as she finished pulling up her leggings. She felt everywhere his eyes landed. He watched her from head to toe then back down and up again. "You act like I ain't see all that last night and this morning. I seen it all and felt it all" he said and bit down on his bottom lip. She knew he was thinking about all of the ways that he had her body in the last couple of hours.

April shook her head not even about to entertain him as she took a seat on the bed to put on her tube socks before getting up and slipping on her tank top and then her hoodie. She knew if she entertained him he'd have her ass in the damn closet trying to get a quickie while playing the quiet game. Going over to the full length mirror she looked herself over before stopping at her neck. She turned around and glared at Dave.

"What I do" he questioned with a slight frown.

"So I was just downstairs in front of everybody looking like a teenage boy been sucking and biting on my damn neck"

"I mean it ain't the first time and as you heard they all know what happened last night" he shrugged. "Besides you was talking crap last night and you know how we get in the moment. And who cares ya grown" he said with a damn smirk on his face. That shit didn't bother him at all. Then again he was right whenever they were in the moment she loved when he nibbled, bit, and sucked on her neck. It heightened the pleasure for both of them. The feel of his plush lips grazing her neck, the way his teeth sunk into her skin causing pain but turning into pleasure, the way he sucked on the spot he bit, and the way he kissed it afterwards made her pussy soak. Yet here she was in her head about what the marks would look like to others.

April sighed and wiped her hand over her face.  Any other time it wouldn't bother her but nowadays things were different. "I don't have time to cover this up" she said as she turned back to the mirror and started messing around with the hood of her hoodie trying to adjust and tighten it enough around her neck to cover the many passion marks.

Dave got up and walked over to her and kissed her neck clearly not hung a fuck how she was trying to cover it up with her hoodie. "Since when did you start worrying bout things like this" he sincerely asked as he watched her through the mirror seeing nothing but worry on her face.

"Never mind it should be gone by Thanksgiving" she sighed trying to brush it off. Normally she wouldn't care but that was when she was in a relationship and now not being in one and having a marked up neck she just looked like she had a wild night out with God knows who doing God knows what.

"Don't shut me out. We're supposed to be working on our communication. We're supposed to be striving to be better than we were before. Let me in" he said genuinely concern.

"Don't get mad but I'm technically single and now I just look like I was out getting dicked down in the streets. I don't care bout the marks it comes with the territory. It's more so how will this blow over in the media if someone is able to get up that close to me. I know I have security but cameras stay flashing. They've been dragging me like I ain't shit these days and I know it's just words but damn it they hurt every now and then. It feels like I'm a running joke. I'm being called everything but my name. Can't keep a man April ain't it" she confessed as she looked up at Dave. She knew that the media would be in a frenzy worrying about who she was or wasn't fuckin. They would be asking if it was Dave, someone new, or even Chris for the matter. They didn't care what they said these days and the trolls didn't make it any better. Sure there were some people who showed her love but for the most part the trolls were doing what they do best...trolling. Let alone she didn't understand why she was the the target and not the men who had done her wrong. No one was coming for them. To her it felt like they were just looking at her as just another notch on their belts.

Dave frowned then walked off and placed Charlie on the bed and surrounded her with pillows then made his way back to April. He cupped her face in his hands and looked her straight in the eyes. "Fuck those people! Like you always say they ain't fuckin, feeding, or financing you. They aren't doing a damn thing for you. I get it ma sometimes words do hurt but these people are on the outside looking in. They only see what they want to see. Even if the truth was staring them right in the face they'd play blind just to talk shit. They don't know shit so all they can do is troll and speculate. I know they've been coming down hard on you even with me, bro, and the family defending you but fuck those people" he said and kissed her forehead. "Those people wish they were you. They wish they were in ya position. It be the same ones talking but they either ain't got a man, sharing one, or got one and the nigga don't give two fucks bout em. Those people can't walk a mile in ya fuckin shoes"

Her eyes watered and her nose burned but she refused to break a tear. "I know" she nodded and covered his hands with hers then wrapped her arms around his waist tightly. His words rang true. Now even more she missed this version of Dave. This is the man she had fallen in love with. This is the man she was still in love with. This was the man that was always team April. He knew how to speak life into her and he did it willingly.

"Good now finish getting dressed you got places to be and don't forget what I said either. Make sure you pick out something I like and something with easy access" he smirked then placed another kiss to her forehead then her lips then slid his hands down and gripped her ass.

"Boyyyy" she laughed and walked off with a little pep in her step. His words were just what she needed to hear not to give a fuck about nobody but herself. Like he said most of them couldn't walk a mile in her shoes even if she gave them the blueprint. Putting a few pieces of jewelry on then getting Charlie dressed she was good to go for the day. Meanwhile Dave sat in the room with her the whole entire time just watching her and for what it's worth she enjoyed it and his company.

"Aight I'll see y'all later. Call me if you need me. Love you momma's baby" April said and kissed Charlie's cheek and then her forehead making her smile showing off her four teeth. She had two fronts and two bottoms.

Dave cleared his throat looking at her like she forgot something.

April laughed. "I love you too Papi" she said then cupped his chin and kissed his lips.

"I love you too ma but you should run that back" he said and licked his lips ready to pull her down on his lap and kiss her properly.

"Nope I'll mess around and miss my appointment. I ain't got time to be playing with you" she slowly backed away keeping her eyes on him as she started for the door while grabbing her purse on the way out.


A few minutes later April and Kairi were out the door and on their way to Pretty Hands and Toes nail salon. 30 minutes later and on time April and Kairi were in the shop at the pedicure station being serviced. April of course took a picture of a smiling Kairi getting her toes painted and sent it to Dave. She knew it would end up on IG by the end of the day and with the way he was with his captions everyone would know that it was a momma and me day. Kairi loved being pampered and she absolutely loved having a girls day with her momma. The more momma and me days April and Kairi had the closer and tighter they had become. Their relationship was only getting better.

"Momma are me and daddy coming back home" Kairi asked as she looked over at April with hopeful eyes catching April off guard. Luckily the shop wasn't too packed and no one was at the pedicure station but them and the two nail techs who were servicing them so April didn't mind answering her question. Let alone she, her sisters, and their mother had been coming to the salon pretty much since they opened so she trusted them to keep the information to themselves. But this is what she had been trying to avoid. She didn't want to give her false hope. Most of all she didn't want Kairi to experience what she had with her father and donor. She didn't want to go through the whole back and forth with Dave and have Kairi dangling in the middle. Kairi needed a solid foundation and April wanted to provide that for her with Dave by her side. She also knew that Kairi was far from stupid because she had damn sure been watching how April and Dave have been interacting lately. She had also been watching their little exchange this morning and with Dave not caring about showing her affection April knew that it was more to come. Meaning more for Kairi to see.

April cupped her face and smiled while giving her eye contact. "Love Bug you can always come home but you have to ask daddy if he's coming back home. That's up to him to decide" she answered honestly not wanting to lie to her. Home would always be there for Kairi and if Dave was actually ready to make shit shake he could come back home too BUT he'd have to stay in another room. She high key had a feeling that he was going to work his way back home after this little trip anyway and with the way he was talking and acting she had not doubts in her mind that, that was his plan.

"I'm gonna ask him when we get home" she said smiling. April knew Kairi was tired of the games and ready for her and Dave to get their shit together but this was her daddy's job to fix.

"You do that" April said smiling right back at her. "You ready to see Ro" April asked swiftly changing the subject.

"Yup! We're gonna have so much fun. Nana said she was going to take us out with grandma and Nana J. We're gonna make cupcakes and grandpa said we're going to the toy store" she said excitedly. Those grandparents of theirs spoiled them rotten. They wanted and needed for nothing in their care.

"Ouuu I'm jealous it sounds like y'all are gonna have some funnn" she said just as excited as Kairi. They talked and talked and talked like they had so much to catch up on but April enjoyed it just as much as Kairi did. Honestly she was happy that her and Kairi's relationship hadn't changed during this whole ordeal.

About an hour and a half later they were done and ready to go with their matching nails and toes. They were giving fall vibes with their autumn polished frenchies. Back at home with Charlie and Ebony now in the car they made their way to Garden State Plaza Mall in Paramus with security in tow. With Charlie strapped in her stroller with the hood covering her, Kairi holding the handle beside April, with Ebony standing on the side of Kairi holding her free hand they strolled around the mall going from store to store. Luckily April only needed an outfit for tonight so they didn't have to spend all day at the mall. Thanksgiving outfits were already taken care of. They had all decided collectively as a family to wear autumn colors and also have family pictures taken. So everyone would be dressed accordingly.

"Ma'am me and you gotta talk" Ebony whispered beside April as they walked around Nordstrom. She had seen plenty nice dresses but none that spoke to her so far.

"Bout" April asked as she held up a dress and frowned before putting back.

"You know what?! That ish you and brother pulled last night" Ebony said with amusement dancing in her eyes.

April looked over at Ebony then looked away while biting her bottom lip. Just thinking about last night made her all hot and bothered inside. She and Dave had a time last night. She was pushing his buttons on purpose. The dick he was serving her was that beat down act right 2.0 and she definitely wanted another serving. Not only was the dick good but Dave was talking big shit that had her wanting to see what was next for them.

"Whatchu hear" April questioned while picking up another dress while avoiding eye contact.

"A whole lot of Papi. Now granted I've heard y'all a time or two. Shit we all have but Jesus y'all were in there like y'all had the whole house to ya selves" she shook her head and laughed.

"That was ya brother. It was all him. I plead the fifth" April said flustered in more ways than one.

"Just know that when we hit the door you and I are going to talk" she said as a matter of fact. "So what's this outfit for" Ebony asked eyeing her but April had a feeling that she already knew.

"I've been asked out on a date" April said trying to contain her smile. She was high key excited about this date night with Dave.

"By who" Ebony asked playing dumb.

"Ya brother" April answered and laughed knowing she knew damn well that it had to be no one but Dave.

"Awww shhhh I mean yes. I knew he was gonna pull through" she said all hype.

"It's just a date but it looks like he's trying. I'll give him that but we'll see because you already know vitamin D and love ain't enough for me anymore. No matter how good they both feel I require more"

"Understood but I have faith in him this time. He won't be dropping the ball" she said sure of herself giving away that she was fully team Dave. Then again most of them were. They were just waiting on him to get it right.

"We'll see" April laughed as she kept looking through the many dresses. She knew that their family wanted her and Dave back together. They don't necessarily say it but it shows and if they do bring it up they don't bring it up to her.

Finally finding a sexy little number and taking the girls to the toy store they were finally done with their girls day and headed home but not before stopping to get the girls some ice cream and waffle cones. It was still early in the day so April had more than enough time to entertain Ebony and have some girl talk. Besides she needed someone to talk to anyway. By the time they got back home the house was quiet which meant the men were downstairs in the basement chilling including Teddy since he hadn't greeted them at the door. Luckily for her the girls were in need of a nap so that was the first thing she needed to do. She removed their coats and shoes.

"Aight sis I'll meet you in the she cave once I'm done putting them down for a nap"

"Okie dokie...have a nice nap auntie's babies" Ebony said then kissed Kairi and Charlie's foreheads.

With Kairi's hand in April's and Charlie on her hip they made their way upstairs and up to April's bedroom. She took off Charlie's clothes leaving her in a onesie and did the same to Kairi but slipped her on some light pajama pants.

"Ok Love Bug hop in" April said as she pulled the covers back on the bed happy as hell that she had changed the sheets. Kairi sleepily crawled onto the bed and April placed Charlie beside her before hopping in herself covering them all with the plush blanket. She already knew they weren't going to let her leave until they were sleep. She picked up the remote, turned on the TV, then turned to Disney Jr and got comfortable. They didn't even make it half way through the show before they were out like a light and snuggled up together. It was funny how Kairi was a wild sleeper but when she slept with Charlie she never slept wild and she never left her side. Carefully getting out of the bed and surrounding Charlie with pillows April picked up her bags from the mall and tucked them away in the closet knowing Dave's ass was going to try and sneak a peek. Grabbing the baby monitor she slowly and quietly eased her way out of the bedroom bumping right into Dave.

"Damn it" she said as Dave held onto her to keep her steady. "Be quiet and walk away the girls are sleep" she whispered as she playfully pushed him back and closed the door behind herself.

"Damn you done tired my babies out" he said and mischievously smiled. She knew then that he was plotting. His ass couldn't get enough of her.

"Shit I'm a be in there in a minute my damn self. But I'm headed to have a girls talk so I'll see you later" she said walking off well at least trying to.

Dave walked up on her scooping her up in his arms then walked until her back was pressed flush against the hall wall.

"Brewster you can't keep doing this" she whispered. "What if somebody catches us" she asked as she looked around the hall.

"We're home in a house full of family. They're waiting on this moment just as much as I am and so what if somebody sees us" he said and asked as his eyes danced over her face taking her features in.

"We're supposed to be keeping whatever this is to ourselves. I'm already getting questioned"

"And you let the cat out of the bag when you was doing all that screaming last night" he smirked.

"Like I said nobody told you to be playing in and hitting my pussy the way you were last night. Ya ass knew what you were doing. There was no way in hell you thought I could be quiet with how you delivered that dick last night" she said as she wrapped her arms around his neck. She had missed being able to touch him so freely and now when she had the chance to she was going to use it to her advantage. She just hoped and prayed that she wouldn't burn herself in the process.

Dave smirked before stealing a kiss. "You shouldn't have been showing ya ass. You asked for it"

"Tell me anything. Now can I go my sister is waiting for me"

"Gimmie lips first"

"Nope" she said popping the P knowing damn well she couldn't wait for his lips to touch hers again.

"You do know that I ain't afraid of digging ya shit out right here right" he seriously asked even though she already knew the answer.

Her pussy clenched as she poked out her lips immediately. Granted it was their house but what she wasn't about to get caught doing was getting her ass bust down in the damn hall way no sir no ma'am. He could save that type of shit for when they had the house to themselves. Shit he could save that shit for LA since they still hadn't christened most of the new house. She had hoped they would've been husband and wife by the time they did or at least still together.

"Like I thought" Dave chuckled before pressing his lips against her and dragging his tongue across her bottom lip.

Opening her mouth she allowed him entry only for him to try to snatch her soul out through her lips. He kissed her deeply and passionately. Running her fingers through his hair she grabbed a few of his braids, pulled his head back, and began to kiss and lick all over the black rose in the middle of his neck.

"Shit" he groaned and grunted. She knew he loved that shit.

Biting down on his neck she let go of his hair and smirked at him as if she had won this round. "Go fix ya self Papi. I got somewhere to be" she laughed. He kept forgetting that two could play that game.

Pecking her lips once more he put her down and walked off going straight to his room not even bothering to adjust himself. She knew he was about to go handle that situation.

"Tell Palmala I said hi" she laughed while walking off and headed towards her she cave.


"Sorry I'm late ya brother was trying to dick me down in the hallway" April said as she entered the room seeing Ebony already comfortable and patiently waiting.

"Bitchhhhh let me call Alaina so you ain't gotta repeat ya self twice. She should just be getting into her car by now" Ebony said looking down at the time on her phone.

April laughed. "Jesus"

"You better call on him" Ebony said laughing while calling Alaina. She would've added Mimi to the call but sometimes they just liked it being just the three of them. You know sister vibes.

"Sistaaaaa you've been on my mind ouuu sista" Alaina answered the phone singing Miss Celie's Blues from the movie Color Purple.

"We're two of a kindddd" April and Ebony sang along and laughed.

"Sis you in ya car" Ebony asked ready to get down to business.

"Hell yea just got in and bout to pull smooth the hell off. Those kids were trying me today. I keep telling them I already got three of my own I ain't got time for their shit" Alaina said and sighed clearly over the day while April shook her head laughing. Alaina stayed claiming her damn kids. At this rate she didn't know when Alaina and August were going to take the plunge into parenthood.

"Well I called just in time because big sis got some tea for us"

"Ouuuu bitch let me woosah real quick" she said then took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I'm ready. Is it hot or lukewarm? Bigelow perfect peach or Lipton" she questioned.

"Scorching and the kettle just got off the stove. So we sipping on Bigelow"

"You know what" April said. She couldn't help but laugh at their antics. She knew that this was the moment they had been waiting for. Her sisters were rooting for her and Dave and couldn't wait for April to finally walk down the aisle dressed in all white. But right now they were here for the baby steps that she and Dave had been making.

"Somebody been in here getting real comfy and cozy with their ex" Ebony said while looking over at April.

"Aww shit I knew it was gonna happen. They can't be in the same place that long without doing something. Why you think her ass always left when we had gatherings? Sure she was mad at him but she knew if she'd a stayed a lil too long she'd be done for. Then after Barbados I already knew his ass was gonna come knocking"

"Exactly...so check it last night me and bae were coming down that hall from the movie room you know a lil boo loving. We get deeper into the hall and all we could hear is fuckin screaming. Now I know a bitch ain't being harmed and I know damn well she can defend herself so I ain't sweat it since she wasn't screaming for help. Shit by the way she was screaming I knew it wasn't anything bad. We get closer to our damn room and all we can hear is PAPI...PAPI...PAPIIIIIIIII" she imitated April trying desperately not to laugh. "Now we both know that bitch don't call nobody else Papi but Dave and the only time she calls that man Papi now is if he's hitting it. Brother must've been in there giving her all the fucks he had. She was screaming, screaming" Ebony said looking between the phone and April as she gave Alaina a recap of last night.

April couldn't help but to put her head down. She wasn't embarrassed or ashamed but got damn she didn't think she was that damn loud. Then again Kairi had definitely come knocking but she figured it was because her bedroom was close to hers. When it was going down she didn't think that anybody had heard her. She thought they would all be too busy boo loving and not paying attention. Then again with the way Dave was slanging that third leg of his she didn't care if anybody heard.

"Oh no sis don't put ya head down now" Ebony looked at her and laughed.

"Damn big sis he must've been in there killing ya yum, yum" Alaina said laughing.

"And was" Ebony joined laughing. "Shit with all that yelling and screaming me and bae went straight to our bedroom and didn't dare come back out till the morning. I felt like I had walked in on my damn parents like I ain't need to see or hear none of that shit"

April burst out laughing to the point she had to wipe her eyes as tears formed. "First off you make it sound like since Barbados all we've been doing is fucking but last night was the only the second time. But I swear I didn't mean to be that loud. My ass was in there talking cash shit to him and he wasn't feeling it. He was trying to put money where my mouth is. His ass walked inside the room at the same time Manny was on the damn phone and from there everything shifted" Of course she understood why Dave was upset and bothered by the phone call but she wasn't expecting any of what happened next. Dave had always been the jealous type but last night he had took that shit overboard.

"MANNY" Ebony and Alaina questioned in unison.

"From Barbados Mr. sexy Chocolate" Alaina questioned to make sure that's who she was talking about.

"The one and only! He was saying that he had been starring at my number for days and finally decided to call. So he's pretty much trying to shoot his shot and damn Dave pops his big head ass in the room right on cue like he was waiting. He basically told him not to call back and forget bout me. He hung up the phone and tossed that shit in the bed. So of course I'm done with his shit because he's been so back and forth. Just before that call he was in my room telling me how he wasn't ready for a relationship. At that point I put my crown back on and I'm being Queen Petty just talking my shit and next thing I know this man is confessing his feelings for me and digging my guts out. I'm still talking cash shit though. He wasn't feeling that shit so next thing I know I'm getting that beat down act right 2.0 and now my ass is swooning and praying that nigga doesn't fuck up" she said shaking her head. Dave had sucked her ass in and dickmatized her at the same damn time. He had come with every intention to make her submit to his will... and she did.

"Sweet baby Jesus vacation can't come fast enough. I need to see this shit play out with my own eyes. Sis how they acting now" Alaina asked trying to make sure her tea cup was overfilled with information.

"Sis she's in here trying pussyfoot around the idea of them getting back together while brother in here walking around like he at home for good. He walking around with BDE. Every time his eyes land on her he's just giving her this look like that's mines and I don't give a fuck who sees or cares. Now you know how they were before so you know how he looks and talks bout her but nah this shit is different. Ain't shit clouding his judgment. Sis got his ass like got his ass. His nose is wide the fuck open and all he sees and smells is her" Ebony answered.

April hadn't paid it any attention on how everyone else was taking notice of Dave and how he was looking at her. She was too busy being wrapped up in him and enjoying the bubble they were in.

"Eeeeee" Alaina squealed happy as hell. "It's been a long time coming. Lawd thank you for answering my prayers"

"Wayment I didn't say we were official. We're not back together. I guess we're just going with the flow"

"You didn't have to say it. We already knew what it was from jump. Let's be real it's just the three of us. You want ya man back and ain't nothing wrong with that. He ain't Chris. Dave's your person. Sure he fucked up and said some shit that he can't take back but he's felt and still feeling that aftermath of his fuck up and he's trying to make it right"

"Ok listen we all know that I love the hell out of that man and that I'm still in love with him but I am scared. I already feel him pulling me back in and my dumb ass is letting him do it. He had me since he pulled up on me in Barbados. But this is supposed to be some behind the scenes type of shit where nobody knows anything because we don't want to confuse the kids or y'all. I don't want to get swept into some shit again when he's not ready. But he's been clear and vocal bout what he wants. This morning he was all up on me arms wrapped around my waist, kissing on me, and whispering shit in my ear. I told him he needed to chill because of the kids. This fool said he doesn't care if the kids see him loving on me" she paused.

"He said he's back home. I don't know whether to run for cover or just give the fuck in because honestly since Barbados he's all I want. I don't want nobody else but him but I also don't want to give in too easily without more results. I need actions and not words and I'm getting some action but I also need to know where I stand in his life. I need to know that he's done with Agnes like done. He's telling me that he is and I believe him but I don't want to get fucked over again. He was supposed to be done the first two times and wasn't. I can't drown again and I can't let him be the one holding my head under water. I already feel like I'm one foot in and one foot out. But I want him so bad" she said whined as she admitted her fears. She was fucked in the head at the moment and she didn't know what she wanted to do. She wanted to throw caution to the wind but she didn't and couldn't afford to get burnt again. If Dave wasn't fully ready to commit to her and only her then it was no point in pursuing her. She couldn't and wouldn't dare share a space with Millie again.

"Damn sis is done out in these streets. He done sank his teeth in her literally and figuratively. She doesn't know if she's coming or going. But with all do respect sis I ain't saying dive in but take a leap of faith" Alaina said. She had hope that this time around would be different.

"But what if I give in and the same shit happens again. It already happened twice. I can't compete with how he feels bout Agnes. I give him my all and he just gives me enough to blindside me while she's chilling in the back of his mind rent free. Let alone she has something that I don't and that's his first and only child not including Charlie"

"First off sis I love my niece as if she came from you and yes Agnes may have that but let's be real. She may be her donor but you are her mother and we all know that she plotted on having baby girl. That woman ain't shit and ain't ever gonna be shit. Fuck her. You've been the best thing to happen to both Kairi and Dave. Besides we all know brother wants you to have the rest of his kids and if you would've let him have his way you probably would've had one already or popping one out soon. Now on to brother you won't know how this will work out until you try but I don't think you have anything to worry bout this time around. Things are different and you can see the difference. What is meant to be will be but let him be there" Ebony added. "Trust I get why you're hesitant but this time around he's coming correct"

April sighed then smiled letting the words that Ebony said marinate for a second. "He asked me out on a date. We're supposed to be going out tonight"

"Ouuuu what ya wearing and where y'all going" Alaina asked excitedly.

"I have no idea where we're going but baby the dress is giving what it's supposed to give. I'll def send you a few pics"

"This is the first time y'all will be back together in the public eye. How are you feeling"

"I'm nervous but for some reason I know he got me" she answered smiling.

"Are you excited" Ebony asked.

"Most definitely! I haven't been on a date in forever and dates with him are always a vibe. I just want to know what he has planned and honestly I just want to be around him"

"Yesssssss! Let that man surprise you. He's got some ass to kiss and some wining and dining to do so let him do his thing and cater to you. You left the ball in his court and now he's picking it up and making moves up and down the court"

April sighed and toyed with her hands. "Are y'all sure I should give him my time again. Y'all know what happened and y'all been there from jump. Alaina you've been there since day one when I met him. With all the shit with the hit included do y'all think I should really give him another chance? We all know how he is bout that chick. Is he worth it" April asked again needing some assurance. She knew what she felt inside but she just needed that push.

"Sis only you know the answer to that. Go on this date and see how it goes. If you feel like you need to pull back then pull back. Don't ignore any red flags or gut feelings. We all know when you know you know. There's nothing wrong with being scared after what you've gone through and what he put you through. Like with everything else you do go in with an open mind. Don't expect him to drop down on bended knee. Just go with the flow and enjoy yourself" Ebony replied.

"I agree with sis. Take it for what it is...a date. Don't go in there expecting anything more than a good time. You need to get a feel of the new Dave and if you feel like you need to express yourself or ask a question don't hold back. Y'all stumbled with communication only letting certain shit pass in order to not hurt each others feelings but don't let it happen again. Say what you need to say and say it then and there don't let it fester and don't wait. Get it done. Don't let the fears of what happened interfere with tonight. Enjoy yourself and his company" Alaina added.


"That's probably his ass now" April said smiling just thinking about him and what he had planned for them tonight.

"Sissssss it's the smile on her face for me" Ebony said cheesing looking over at April.

"Ouuuuuuu" Alaina squealed.

-Hey boos happy reading and I hope y'all enjoyed.
-It's looking up from here for April and Dave but as you can see April wants to be all in but she's scared. She has every right to be. Yet on the other hand Dave is ready to claim his shit even with him still being in the middle of his self healing journey. Guess we have to sit back and see how everything plays out.
-I don't think I really have much to say lol
Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰

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