12: Forgiveness

Chapter 12: Forgiveness

Forgiveness; a conscious, deliberate decision to release feelings of resentment or vengeance toward a person or group who has harmed you, regardless of whether they actually deserve your forgiveness.

Vacation had come to an end and even with the guys crashing April and the girls trip it still ended on a good and peaceful note. Since it was pretty much the last day they had decided to have a little barbecue, play a little music, make drinks, smoke, and have some fun in the sun and in the pool. It turned into a barbecue/pool party and everyone had enjoyed themselves. Even April and Dave were good. There was no awkward moments, tension lingering in the air, and no bullshit. If anything the sexual tension was still highly present but they weren't acting on it. April had even turned down the pettiness towards Dave. Were they back together? No, but they were in a good place and with them going into business together it couldn't have worked out any better. They had only been back for a week but since being back they had been doing little activities with the kids as a family. It was as if they didn't want to go separate ways anymore. They wanted to be around each other. They hadn't been outside with the girls just yet as a whole but that would be changing during the holiday season. On the other hand the girls had been soaking it all in since April and Dave were being more cordial and friendly towards one another. They fed off the good vibes and it felt good to see their girls back like they use to be...all smiles.

When it came to April and Dave's one night stand April had absolutely no regrets about sharing a night well into the morning sexing, fucking, and making love to Dave. It's pretty funny how Dave always brought up her one night stand with Chris but was the main one who suggested having his own one night stand with her during her vacation. But it happened and she was cool with it. The only intimate thing they had done for the remainder of the trip was share a bed and of course Dave had given her those magical booty rubs but that was about it. He had been true to his word and a true gentleman. He didn't even try to apply any pressure about them getting back together. He understood that the trip was for her so he didn't let his feelings get in the way and ruin it for her. If anything he had actually made it better.

Sure it was supposed to be the week of their honeymoon so he was supposed to be there anyway but since their wedding had fell through the fact that he even showed up showed her that he still cared. Following her countries away and telling her to her face that he wasn't ready but he was getting help eased her mind. Just like she knew the exact moment that he felt like she needed him. It was at the very same time that she had entered the bedroom of her private jet and started writing in her journal writing him a four page letter. He felt that calling while she was crying out to him on paper and to answer that calling did something to her. She knew then that he would follow her to the end of the earth and no matter what they went through their souls would always call out to each other.

On the other hand April treated their one night stand as such and didn't put more thought into it. She didn't want to get stuck in her head about the what if's especially knowing that he wasn't ready for anything serious. If anything about that night it made her take him a little bit more serious. She didn't feel like he was roping her along. Yet at the same time she was still holding him at an arms reach because she didn't want to hurt her own feelings by giving in. The apology he had given her is one she didn't know she needed. She didn't know if he was in her head reading her thoughts but he apologized for things that she hadn't even voiced to him. He read her through and through and not just that but thoroughly. It was an apology she never thought she'd hear from him.

She was use to the usual I'm sorry I didn't mean it I love you and that was that type of apologies. But Dave had poured out his whole heart and soul to her. She knew that he had actually meant every single word he said. She could feel all of his emotions pouring out of him and over her as he spoke every word. She could physically see the vulnerability seeping out of him. With the tears that not only came out of her eyes but his as well she knew that this had come from a place where he had to dig deep but not too deep because it was always something that was constantly on his mind. She was proud of him because she knew that with the way he had come to her that he had certainly been working on himself. She had just expected a night filled with passion, love making, and a good ole beat down. But of course Dave had came and changed all of her plans. He had saw her naked and not just physically. He saw her naked in her entirety. He had permanently rewrote his name in invisible ink all over her body and stamped it on her heart claiming it as his for the taking. No one was to come close to touching it.

April had taken a lot from her vacation. It was a moment to self reflect on herself as a whole with or without Dave by her side. She knew for a fact that she would be ok because she was going to continue putting out the same energy she wanted in return and that was for all of her relationships. She wasn't going to dwell on things she couldn't fix. She wasn't going to become one of those bitter and scorn women. She was going to continue to put herself first. She was just going to let life do what it do and take her wherever it felt as long as it was guiding her on the right path.


With it being November and the start of the holiday season with Thanksgiving about a week away mostly everyone was back in New Jersey to get ready for the holiday. Once again everyone was going to be celebrating at April and Dave's house since it was big enough to host both sides of their families especially since most of their family lived on the east coast. Although they weren't together anymore they still wanted to make sure that the kid's holidays still consisted of the both of them and their families together. They didn't want to take that away from them or themselves. Not wanting to do shit last minute the women had gotten all of the groceries handled besides the last minute items and the guys handled all of the beverages like sodas, juices, waters, and of course alcohol. They even had a fresh box of cigars and greenery for the occasion. For the most part everything was done including the décor for this year.

Besides it being holiday season April had a few important matters to handle before Thanksgiving was live and effect just to make sure Thanksgiving went on without a hitch. One while she and Dave were in town they would be meeting up with their realtor to check out a few apartment buildings. They weren't looking for anything massive but somewhere between 9-20 units. They figured it would be best to start off small before even thinking about getting a building that had 50 plus units. If it all worked out the way they hoped it would they would gradually seek out more buildings in other areas and maybe even New York. Jersey just made better sense because although it was close to New York it wasn't as expensive as New York was. They had a specific budget that they wanted to stick to so starting small was the way to go. Besides most New Yorkers were gradually moving to Jersey where they could get more bang for their buck.


"Ok guys that was the last building of the day. I know y'all liked the first three but which one are y'all interested in the most" their realtor Brandy said and asked as she looked between the two of them waiting on their response.

"Between all five I would go with three" Dave answered first before looking over at April. Brandy nodded.

"Agree three would work best. Even the contractor thought it was a good find" April said agreeing. "The structure has good integrity. It's fifteen units so that's really in our sweet spot. The parking is good and not much needs to be done with the lot. The bonus room on the first floor is a plus because we want to add a daycare inside as well. On top of that the cost isn't bad at all but I would like to see if they would lower it first before paying full price"

"Not only that but it's close to transit so the bus, light rail, and trains are close by. It's in the hood but not really in the hood and it's close to a good public school. Not to mention the park is close by. But before putting a bid in I want to ride around the neighborhood a few times just to get a vibe of the people and the lay of the land" Dave added.

"Definitely" April nodded that was a must.

"Ok I'll start the paperwork. Since it's been sitting for a while I wouldn't say you have to rush it but I do want to put the paperwork in at a good time frame. Now just in case what would be your second option" Brandy said and asked as she jotted down a few notes.

"Two" April and Dave said in unison making Brandy look at them in awe. She loved working with them. They were in sync. They knew what the wanted, had a set budget, and they told her what they liked and disliked about a place. It didn't take much to please them and they weren't difficult to work with.

April looked over at Dave and smiled. "Yea two was cool. I think the only thing that I didn't like was the laundry room. It needs to be expanded but that's an easy fix"

"That's my only issue too" Dave agreed.

Brandy nodded her head. "Would you like to look at any more places just in case" she questioned.

"Sure it wouldn't hurt" April said. They spent a few more minutes wrapping it up with Brandy before going about their day. The day had gone better than expected. They thought the buildings would've been worst than what they were seeing because the photos had looked like they were photoshopped. Luckily they weren't bad and they were still in their budget.

"Now that that's over with how are you feeling" Dave asked as he drove off headed towards their house. He'd be staying there as well but in one of the guest rooms. They didn't want to get the kids hopes up by them sharing a room let alone confuse them. They were pretty much treading lightly and still in a gray area when it came to being in a relationship with one another. But April knew for a fact that Dave wasn't focused on anybody else but her. He had made that shit clear as hell when he told her how he felt.

"I'm good I think she picked out some good spots. Mind you it was more than those on her original list but those were the best five" she replied as she checked through her emails. Mimi was still in LA working from home. She'd be flying out in a few days so she was making sure April stayed up to date. Since she was spending Thanksgiving in Jersey with Shooter and them this year she wanted to spend some quality time with her family before leaving.

Dave glanced over at her and shot her a mug before putting his eyes back on the road. "You know that's not what I'm talking bout. We can discuss that later"

She locked her phone and put it down in the cup holder before giving him her full attention. "I'm a lil nervous but I'm good"

"You sure ya ready to talk to her" he questioned sensing a little hesitation.

"Yea it's been a long time coming and might be a lil overdue" she replied then looked out of the window. Today was a big day for April and another one of the major things she had to do before Thanksgiving and one where she didn't know what the outcome would be and that's what bothered her the most. "I hate not knowing the outcome. Like mommy said she's good. I asked daddy and he said the same thing. I even asked unkie just to be on the safe side and he said she's good. He hasn't spoken to her but he's been keeping up with her whereabouts and it's just like my parents said. It's work, therapy, and when she does go out she's by herself. Nothing alarming is going on with her"

Yup she was finally going to have a sit down with Hazel along with Alaina. Hazel had come to Jersey as well to spend time with their parents for the holiday. April wanted to talk to her before the holiday because she didn't want to go into the New Year without both of her sisters by her side even if she had to go baby steps with one of them. She didn't want to miss anymore time without her than she already had. Life was too short. But the way she moved on with Hazel depended on how their sit down would end. She was trying to keep an open mind since so much time had passed but she was still very cautious.

"Long time coming I can see but long overdue ain't it. You ain't gotta rush shit especially if ya not ready. Right message wrong messenger I know but still. You were the one wronged and it was by your sister so you can't put a time limit on how long you take to make amends. Besides ya not the one making amends that's on her end" he said sternly as they approached a red light.

"Heard ju...I just have a feeling that this is bout to be a long emotional day" she whined and rubbed her forehead.

"You might be right but get that shit over with before Thanksgiving. You don't want to be around family and be in ya feelings. We not doing what happened last year. It's bout coming together, making new memories, eating bomb ass food, and enjoying yourself. You got a lot to be thankful for and that's the energy you need to be walking around in when ya done with this sit down"

"Can we go back to being arch nemesis and you not making sense" she whined and closed her legs. His ass wasn't playing fair. This was one of those times where she wished they were one so he could fuck the frustration right out of her. Bend her over the backseat and give her some extra motivation type shit. Honestly she knew that if she asked for it he'd definitely give it to her but she didn't want to cross anymore lines with him.

"NOPE" he laughed and came to a stop only for April to realize that he hadn't taken them to their home.

"Why are we here so early" she turned in her seat confused as he put the gate code in. "David"

"Sorry ma I'm just following instructions and doing as I was told" he answered as he pulled inside of the gate to her parent's house.

"I knew it was gonna be a long day. I thought I had time to go bother my babies for a minute. You know get a quick peace of mind"

"They'll be home when you get there. Mama got them doing who knows what" he said as he parked in front of the house, turned off the truck, hopped out, and grabbed something out of the trunk before coming around to open the passenger side door for her.

"What's in the bag" she asked looking down at the MCM duffle bag that she hadn't seen him put in the trunk earlier.

"Just put it like this...ya Pops knows you better than you know ya self sometimes" he said and pushed her up against the passenger side door. "Just like you did the first time y'all talked I want you to go in there and leave nothing undone. Get that hurt and pain off ya chest ma. Tell her how you feel. Ask her why. Things might be different now that y'all both had some time to cool down and think things over. Whatever the case may be just let it out. I know we're not where we're supposed to be right now but just know that I ain't leaving ya side while ya in there. I gotchu" he said and kissed her forehead and then her lips.

"If you got me then I gotchu" she said with a smile. Leaning off the door she stepped on her tip toes and poked out her lips for another kiss. "Lips  Brewster" she said and smiled as he willingly gave her another kiss then smiled.

April stood up straight, closed her eyes, took a few deep breaths, rolled her neck from side to side then slowly opened her eyes. The shift had changed.

"There we go ma. I see you Boss lady" Dave said as he grabbed her hand and led her to the porch and up to the front door. He knew exactly what time it was. She was no longer here for play, play. She was ready to get the ball rolling and handle her shit.

Just like always before she could even take her keys out the door was already opening. On the other side stood her mother with the same smile she always had when they saw each other. But April could see a little bit of weariness in her eyes and she understood why. This was another reason why she was ready to be an adult about the situation and talk to Hazel. It was taking a toll on her parents and she hated how this situation had her parents feeling. Hopefully after today things would change for the better.

"Hey Peanut" she greeted her pulling her into her arms giving her a warm big tight hug.

"Hey mommy" she said then kissed her cheek. Once her mother let her out of her embrace she walked further into the house then came out of her cognac leather trench coat with fur trimming around the collar and wrists then stepped out of her matching cognac thigh high boots leaving her in a cream long sleeve turtle neck and light blue skinny jeans.

"Damn mama you don't see me here. You really don't love me anymore" Dave said shaking his head damn near pouting.

"And don't" her mother said laughing. She of course still loved him but she still gave his ass a hassle whenever she felt like it. She was on her shit like shit was sweet but not that sweet. He might've been her best friend's son but he was also the man that broke her daughter's heart and until he fixed that shit she was going to continue to to give him hell every once in a while. "Hey son" she said and finally pulled him into a hug.

"Hey mama" he said hugging her back.

"Aight come on your sisters are already here. Dave pass her that bag. Peanut you already know what to do" she said and pointed towards the stairs meaning go to her room. "When you're done meet us in the gym"

April nodded and walked off towards the stairs then made her way up stairs and down the hall to her bedroom then closed the door behind herself. Stepping out of her jeans and turtle neck shirt she laid her outfit out on her bed. Opening up the duffel bag she chuckled and shook her head as she pulled out the items. Inside was a pair of black sweat pants, a black t-shirt, and a pair of Jays. Dave could've put that shit in a damn backpack. She couldn't help but think that her father was too damn much though. But just like Dave said he knew her better than she knew herself sometimes. Was she really about to do this? She had long ago made up her mind not to. She didn't feel like it was worth it anymore since so much time had passed and she had forgiven her. Yet here she was standing in her bedroom dressed in some gym wear looking more ready than ever.

After securing her butterfly locs into a tight bun on top of her head she headed out of her bedroom. Just like she had stepped inside of the house like the boss she was that's just how she left her bedroom and entered her father's at home gym. He had a gym on his property that had everything he needed to maintain his well maintained muscular figure. From weights to the treadmill, to a few different ellipticals he had everything he needed without having to step foot out of his house. That's including a boxing ring in the middle of the room. He and his brother Ny-Reek loved to spar each other and keep up to date with their hand work. Each of the girls including their mother had also been in this ring.

Walking inside of the gym with her head held high she looked around the room to see her parents, uncle Ny-Reek, Dave, Alaina, August, Ebony, and of course the woman of the hour...Hazel. The woman that was behind the whole reason that everyone was here in this very room today. It wasn't hard to understand the assignment and wonder why they were all in her father's gym rather than being in a dank and drab warehouse especially with Hazel wearing the same shit. This was strictly a family affair. It no longer included outsiders. Outsiders weren't allowed. Dave and August were there because they refused to let April and Alaina do shit like this without being by their sides. Let alone Dave didn't care about the state of his and April's relationship he was going to be there regardless. It was no longer about April and them meaning April, Chris, Trey, Hazel, and Millie. This was between three sisters and one finally getting her round because she couldn't get one the first time around. She was here to get her just do.

"Hey Peanut" her father Ian greeted her as he pulled her into his arms into a hug. A hug she definitely needed.

"Hey daddy" she said and hugged him back then sighed in contentment in his arms.

"I knew you were gonna come in here on ya adult shit and just to let you know I am very proud of you because we all know how you get down. But you didn't get ya round and I know in the end you might feel some way about it. So y'all can talk and duke it out. It's a win, win...hopefully" he said whispering in her ear. "If it doesn't go the way you expect it at least you got ya round"

April's eyes drifted over to Hazel in her matching attire just a different color. She was off to the side playing with her hands. She looked like she was in her head and knowing her she definitely was. "Understood...so ring first or" she questioned her father.

"Yup so y'all can get that shit out of y'all system. Now I'm a wrap y'all hands and send y'all in the ring" he pulled back and looked at her. He was reading her to make sure she understood the assignment.

She nodded then followed along side him as he led the way to the wrapping tape. "I should've known what you were up to when you told me to soak my damn nails off" she said shaking her head as she looked down at her bare nails.

Ian chuckled. "You'll be aight. Besides mommy already booked you an appointment to get them done just in time for Thanksgiving"

"Uh huh...hey Unkie" she stopped in front of Ny-Reek and Ebony who was cuddled up beside him getting some daddy daughter time in. His eyes had been on her since she entered the gym. He had been reading her as well trying to gage where her head was at.

"Short Stack" he said as he got up and pulled her into a hug. "Beat her ass" he whispered pulling away. From the tone alone he meant beat her ass or I'm a beat yours and that's something she wanted no parts of.

"Will do" she said and laughed before Ebony got up and pulled her into a hug.

"Hey sis" she hugged her back.

"Heyyyyyy...I already know daddy told you to beat her ass so you better beat her ass" Ebony whispered every bit of serious.

"Sis now you of all people know that I fully understand the assignment"

"Good" she said and pulled away then sat back down and cuddled back into her father leaving April to walk off to her own father who had the tape in his hands.

"Two" she said and nodded looking over at Alaina who was dressed just the same. But April knew she wouldn't be joining them in the ring.

"One" Alaina shot back with a smile on her face.

Ian wrapped her hands and double checked his work to make sure they were secure. She balled her hands making a fist a few times. She hadn't had her hands wrapped in ages let alone been in a boxing ring.

"They're good" she nodded then watched him walk off to do the same to Hazel. While he tended to Hazel she walked off and greeted Alaina properly.

"Hey sissy hey lil big bruh" she greeted them both with hugs. August had a whole ass frown on his face though.

"Hey boo"

"Hey lil big sis" August said with a pout on his face.

April shook her head and laughed at him. "Let me guess they told you to keep ya phone in ya pocket this time"

He sucked his teeth. "Hell yea! I just know this bout to be some good footage"

"You'll be aight besides ya ass still got those other videos to watch" she laughed. He was a damn mess.

"Yea but this shit right here bout to be the main event on the paper view card. This is history in the making. This shit is the reason why all of these fights popped off"

"You know what I'm gone" April said between laughs as she walked off.

"Ma come here" Dave called out to her. He like Ny-Reek had his eyes on her since she had walked in. Every move she made his eyes were on her. She could feel them on her like he was trying to burn a hole into her.

"May I help you sir" she asked as she made her way over to him now standing in front of him.

"You good" he asked looking dead in her eyes as he picked up her hands and looked over the wrapping.

She nodded. "I'm all the way good" and she was. Besides she knew looking unbothered worked in her advantage.

"Aight Thing 1 and Thing 3 get inside the ring" her father called out to her and Hazel. Doing as they were told they both entered the ring from opposite sides. "Y'all already know what time it is"

As soon as April stepped foot inside of the ring she went back to the very day where she not only found out that she was pregnant with another one of Chris's babies but also the day that she learned that her so called sister was a snake in the grass ass bitch. The day of the ultimate betrayal. The day where she didn't know whether to be happy or sad. The day her emotions were all over the place. She went back to the day where she learned that while she was loving and treating Hazel as a sister she had been secretly hoping and praying for her downfall. She thought that she was Little Ms. Perfect and it was time to fall better yet be pushed off of her high horse. She thought about how she begged and begged her parents to take Hazel in and become her family all for Hazel to turn around and spit in her face as if she didn't do anything for her. She went back to the day she learned that Hazel was the one who sent an enemy her way. The very same enemy that was about to be under a cell instead of in it. She went back to the day where Hazel shared all of her dirty laundry to her enemy and paid her to air it all out for the world to see.

April went back to the day where Hazel shared the most traumatizing news with her enemy. She brought an innocent child into the equation and everyone knew that kids were off limits especially deceased ones. She went back to the day that Hazel herself became her enemy. She went back to the day where Hazel didn't think about how her wrongdoings would effect their little sister and their parents. The toll it took on their family to have to see their little girls and their big sisters fall out so bad that they couldn't even be at family functions together anymore. They couldn't even be in the same room. It was all just too much and today was the day to end it all.

April looked over at Hazel her face void of emotions just blank. She didn't know what Hazel was thinking but right now it didn't matter. She didn't give a flying fuck what was on her mind. All she knew was that she was about to whoop her ass for the one time.

"I know y'all are both on adult time and y'all have been on y'all self care journeys and I understand that. I'm so very proud of the both of you for wanting to do and be better. Any other day I'd let y'all sit down and talk it out but I don't care what neither one of you say y'all gotta duke this shit out" their father said as he looked between the two of them. "I don't want for y'all to start building up a relationship again and something happens to where y'all feel like y'all should've had a round. Besides 3...1 owes you a round. So I'm a let y'all have that shit today and when y'all are done y'all are gonna sit y'all asses down and talk like adults. Say what y'all gotta say. Don't leave no stone unturned or up in the air. Y'all missed out on almost two years of each others lives and that's not how your mother and I raised y'all. Y'all know for us family over everything is LAW! I don't know where shit got lost in translation for you Hazel but you started this shit and today it's gotta end" he said looking over at Hazel sternly.

"I minded my business letting y'all do whatever y'all decided to do after that first round and I'm glad y'all went and got help. Y'all needed it. As for you April I can't and would never make you do anything that you don't want to do and I wholeheartedly understand why you decided to write your sister off. She wasn't moving like a sister or even family for that matter. She fucked up. She went against the code. She went against the grain. But what y'all don't know is that I had to watch my fuckin wife y'all mother in complete despair and crying herself to sleep because her babies relationship was torn. Or asking me if she was a bad mother because she couldn't not be there for Hazel when she was raised as one of her own. Or her asking me if she's doing the right thing by staying by Hazel's side when her first born was broken by her treachery. Or would you hate her if she checked on Hazel. Would it feel like she was choosing sides" he said pissed as hell. "Then you got my littlest baby in the fuckin middle. She looked up to you and you put her in a space where she had to choose between her sisters and her fuckin best friends. So like I said y'all gotta duke this shit out. This shit started because of you Hazel because you couldn't open ya mouth and voice how you truly felt" he said fed the fuck up with this whole ordeal.

He wasn't mad at April at all because he knew she wasn't the one who started this shit show. She was the victim. Like he said this was all on Hazel. He was just fed up with his wife crying, doubting her motherhood, going through the motions, and feeling like she was choosing sides when all she was doing was being a mother. In his eyes she could never fail because she did what Hazel's parents couldn't and didn't want to do. She took in a child that she didn't have to and loved on her as if she was hers. So to fail as a mother she could never.

April glared at Hazel after hearing how her mother had really been feeling during all of this. Yea she was the victim and she was the one hurt but she never wanted her mother to feel anything other than happiness and love because she was a damn good mother and she deserved everything right in the world. Hearing what her father had to say angered her even more when all their mother had been was nothing but loving and nurturing to Hazel. She had welcomed her in with arms wide open right along with their father and little sister. April didn't even bother to touch gloves before she took the first hit gut punching Hazel making her buckle on contact. She was purposely avoiding her face because who wanted to look like shit during the holiday. Hazel didn't even bother to hit back though. It was as if she knew that she was wrong and that she deserved whatever April dished out but as usual that wasn't going to work for April. She didn't want an easy pass or a handout when this shit started with Hazel bumping her gums.

"FIGHT BACK" April shouted. She hated shit like this. How are you going to be all big and bad but can't even fight well in this instance not fight because she knew Hazel had hands?

-Hey boos happy reading I hope y'all enjoyed. Stay tuned for part 2 😊
-I really had a few different plans on what I wanted to go down with Hazel. Originally I wanted April to whoop her ass but after while with April's growth I didn't think Hazel was worth a fight. Then I was like fuck it give her a round. I knew a lot of y'all wanted Hazel to get another ass whooping as well 🤣
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰

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