11: ICU
Chapter 11: ICU
Maybe I just feel lost without you
I'm just pissed off without you
Baby, my life's just off without you
Maybe you're worth it all to me, baby
Maybe, maybe
Just maybe
[ICU: By Coco Jones]
Have you ever had a connection with someone that was so strong and so damn deep that no matter how much you wanted and tried your hardest to pull away from them you simply couldn't? Sure you could restrain yourself here and there and keep your distance but in the end that person is always able to sink their teeth into you. Like a vampire to blood. A moth to a flame. A bee to honey. You feel that magnetic pull so damn strong that you have no choice but to comply. That was April and Dave. She wanted to be mean. She wanted to be petty. She wanted to make him a feel an ounce of how she felt when he walked away. She wanted him to know what it felt like to be without her. She wanted him to feel how she felt waking up and going to bed alone. She wanted him to know how it felt to have your kids looking and asking questions about why daddy wasn't home and why did they have to live somewhere else. But in her heart she knew just how she felt like shit and all was lost that in the end he did feel it too and maybe ten times worse than how it felt to her because he was the one who fucked up and had to live with the aftermath.
Yet here she was again letting her guard down and disregarding everything she was supposed to be doing. Or everything she thought that she was supposed to be doing? She was supposed to be focusing on herself and not him but damn it he made it so damn hard when it was just the two of them. Nothing else in the world mattered when they were in their bubble. She was wrapped in his embrace and eating his words like they were food for her soul. Their lips...their bodies conformed to each other meshing perfectly well at the seams like they were made for each other. Their breaths and heartbeats in sync like they lived and breathed as one and for each other. What was supposed to feel like torture was anything but that. They felt whole. They felt connected. They felt at peace. They felt like home...sanctuary...a safe haven. Finally together their hearts found their rhythm.
There were no doubts about what would happen tomorrow. There were no regrets. There was no uncertainty. There were no thoughts of losing her dignity. The feelings she felt for running back to Chris a million times she didn't feel in Dave's arms. Dave was different. What they had was different. She couldn't pinpoint and tell when he actually started to change but for the past few weeks she felt a shift in him. After he spoke to her and filled her in on some of what went down between him and Millie she felt more at peace as if things were finally looking up for them.
Now here she was letting go of everything. Letting go of her inhibitions. Letting go of all the hurt. Letting go of all the pain even if it was just for the night. Here she was entrapped in Dave's arms and aura while he kissed her setting her whole soul on fire. She felt the heat rising in her body. She felt the temperature around them rising. She felt the electricity bouncing from his body to hers and hers to his body. His hands roamed her body from gripping her neck to trailing down her spine. Then sailing past her ass to grip her thighs then trailing slowly back up just to grip all the ass that he could. Moaning in her mouth giving and speaking life into her soul that had been lying dormant since the day he walked away. He was giving her his all and she was willingly receiving it.
April moaned into his mouth as his tongue danced in sync with hers. It was passionate yet hungry filled with need and want. Her hips winding in his lap she just knew she had to have created a puddle. There was no way in hell that she didn't. She had to be soaking. The friction from her panties combined with the friction of his cargo shorts had her body spinning with need and want. But it had been so long that he had touched her that she didn't want to rush the moment. She wanted all she could get tonight. She wanted to be able to remember every touch, every moan, every groan, and every jolt of electricity that he sent her. She wanted to literally ride the wave. She wanted to spin in nothing but pure lust, love, and wholeness. She wanted all he had to give and more.
She wrapped her arms around his neck pulling him closer. She had missed the feel of his warm hard body pressed against hers.
"I miss you" she said as she pulled away and looked in his eyes. She didn't care that he knew. It wasn't a slip up. He needed to know. She needed him to know so he'd make his way back home safe and sound to her just like he had been promising. She believed in him even when she didn't want to. "I miss you so much" she repeated as she placed her forehead against his as tears slid down her cheeks. She didn't care. He was the only person able to see her undone. Yet he was the same person to cause her undoing.
Dave looked at her with pure love in his eyes. He wasn't expecting her to say it out loud but he was happy to hear those words coming from her lips. He needed to hear them to keep the fire lit under his ass. "I miss you too ma. I miss you so much that it hurts"
"I'm tired" she admitted and sighed. Tired as in sleep she wasn't. She was tired of talking herself into trying something new. She was tired of talking herself into another man's arms. She was tired of talking herself into another man's bed. She was tired of lying to herself. But most importantly she was tired of being strong and holding her head up high when her heart was hurting. She was tired of the hurt, the pain, and not feeling wanted. But she had to be strong because like she told her girls if she didn't focus on herself she'd sink into the deep end.
Since Dave had walked out on her and their relationship she had been so busy trying to pick herself back up and plot her next move without him. But in all actuality she didn't want to move on without him. She couldn't see her life without him in it. She just wanted him to get his shit together and come the fuck back home where he belonged. All the talk about not waiting and moving on was only half the truth. She wasn't waiting on him but she damn sure didn't want to move on. The only person she had been lying to was herself. She was pretty sure everybody had saw through her cloak and dagger but no one had dared to pull her card. They let her be. They knew she was hurting and mourning a significant lose. Granted when everything had first gone down she truly meant each and every word she had said but with the kind of love she and Dave had it was pretty hard to stick to her plan. She couldn't see herself doing anything like she had done with Dave with anyone else.
It was also her pride and judgement from others even if she said she didn't care what other people thought. Her pride had taken a beaten so bad when she was with Chris that she couldn't do that shit again with Dave. She didn't want to look pathetic. She didn't want to look stupid. She didn't want to be looked at or taken as a joke. She didn't want to look like she was running backwards to a man who couldn't figure shit out and choose her. Was she ready to jump back into Dave's arms and give him a welcome home party? Absolutely not! She saw change in him but knew in her heart that he wasn't quite ready yet. He talked a good game but she still needed to see more of those actions and with what he had told her a few minutes ago she knew he had some more work to do. He himself had told her out of his own mouth that he wasn't ready and she was going to take his word for it . She'd be stupid not to.
"I know you are. I see it" he said and he did.
"One night" she whispered.
"One night" he repeated. "One night for now but I'm still coming back home. I don't care if I have to tell you that shit every day until I make it back. I need you to know that I heard you loud and clear" he said while stroking her back soothingly.
She nodded then pecked his lips. She had heard him loud and clear as well but she still needed to see it.
"Come on let me run you a hot bath so I can reintroduce you to this Papi dick you bout to receive"
April moaned as her pussy clinched ready for him to lay the pipe, the foundation, and everything else. She wanted it all. She didn't want him to hold shit back. Picking her up from his lap he sat her back on the grass allowing her to stand to her feet as he followed suit. He grabbed her hand intertwining their fingers as she led them back to the pool area then he took the lead and lead her straight inside the villa. It was as if no one else existed. They were the only ones tuned in on their frequency. He led her upstairs and straight to her bedroom as if he had been there since day one. Once inside he closed the door behind them, locked it, then led her to the bathroom. He lifted her up with ease and placed her on top of the counter before walking off to tend to the tub.
April watched him move about as if he owned the place. She watched his muscles flex as he turned on the water and moved about to make sure the temperature was just right. He shook off his hand, got up from the kneeling position he was in, then walked off and came back with her Dove sensitive body wash and poured a few drops in under the running faucet to create a nice bubble bath for her. She watched him in awe as he moved around in silence. It was a calming and comfortable silence and for once she wasn't in her head around him. Normally she'd find any excuse not to share the same space with him but right now none of that bothered her. Tonight she wanted to be in his space. She wanted him in her space.
Walking up on her he slid his hands behind her neck and undid her halter straps of her dress and backed up some to watch the satin fabric fall down her breast to find her nipples covered in brown heart pasties. He groaned and licked his lips hungrily. That milk still had her breast full and sitting. April watched him drink her in sip after sip gulp after gulp. Yea his ass was thirsty as fuck and this fine ass glass of chocolate milk was definitely going to fill him up. She smirked watching how he still reacted towards her. She still had an affect on him. Slowly peeling one pasty after the other off of her nipples Dave groaned watching her nipples harden as if a cold breeze had swept through.
"Mines all mines" he growled making April laugh at his possessive ass reminding her of the night she first gave herself to him. Back then she had finally reached her six weeks and Dave had come to claim her breast for himself that weekend.
"You mean mines especially since Triple B has been weened" she said picking with him before he walked off with a mug on his face and turned off the water.
"You mean mines and since you stopped breastfeeding my baby that means it ain't no sharing" he said as a matter of fact before he picked her up and stood her to her feet. He slipped the rest of her dress off of her allowing it to pool at her feet. One by one she stepped out of the pool of dress and sauntered over to the stand-alone bath tub with Dave watching her every move like a hawk.
He smacked her ass just before she could step foot inside the tub causing a moan to slip out of her mouth. But she expected it. Her Papi had always been an ass man and she had plenty of it for him.
"You just couldn't help yourself could you" she laughed and shook her head before stepping into the tub and easing into it. The temperature was perfect. It was just right. The hot water instantly soothed her body. April leaned her head against the tub and exhaled taking in the comfortable silence that seemed to be looming around her and Dave. She missed shit like this. It was the comfort, peace, and attention he gave her. It was the way he loved on her.
"You know the drill but talk to me. What's on ya mind" Dave said and asked as he came out of his shirt then slipped out of his cargo shorts leaving him in a wife beater and Polo boxer briefs before kneeling down beside her and picking up a fresh wash rag.
She turned her head towards him and gave him a small smile as she took in his fresh line up and straight backs. Even his beard was looking well groomed. He looked good and had this sort of lightness about him now. He almost looked as if he was baggage free and had no more bullshit resting on his shoulders. "Ya turning me into a hypocrite" she said and shook her head thinking about the conversation she just had with the girls.
He just looked at her waiting on her to explain as he dipped the rag into the hot water then grabbed her soap.
"The girls and I just had a talk today and pretty much you were the topic of discussion to the point I might be side eyeing one of the girls but we'll save that for later. Any, who I'm supposed to be out here living my best life on the prowl for some new meat and not even thinking bout you. You're supposed to be the farthest person from my mind right now. But then again you never really are" she said and laughed as he dropped the rag and mugged the fuck out of her again. It was no point in lying to him and she wasn't going to start today to appease him.
"Sorry" she shrugged. "I am still a free agent at the moment though" she said picking with him. She just couldn't help herself he made it too easy.
"For now but I don't know if I like where this conversation is going"
"Probably not but you asked"
Dave took a deep breath and picked up the wash rag. "Continue"
"Like I said I'm supposed to be-"
"I heard all that shit just start where you stopped" he said cutting her off and making her laugh.
"Any, who that's what I was supposed to be doing tonight and here I am with the one person I'm supposed to be leaving alone. Shit with you involves emotions and I don't need that at the moment. I need no strings attached with no emotions involved. I just want to have some fun" she said being real. Dave couldn't do shit to her or around her without evoking her emotions.
Dave nodded in understanding. "I get it I do but what's all of this without emotion. Shit like this brings us closer and shit feels ten times better. Why would you want to fuck with a temporary nigga"
"I'll admit I love shit like this with you but when we're not together it hurts that at the end of the day you go your way and I go mines. I have to think bout me being-"
Dave put his index finger on her lips cutting her off. "One night...I'm asking for one night for me to fill your body with the pleasure you've been wanting, needing, and missing. One night to reclaim ya mind, body, and soul. One night filled with passion. One night to release ya inhibitions. One night for me to fill all of your dreams and desires. One night to remind you that no one can please you like I do. One night to remind you that no one can love you like I do. One night to completely satisfy you. One night to remind you that I'm all you'll ever need. One night to prove that I'm still yours. One night to reassure you that you still have my body and soul but most importantly my mind. I offer myself to you on a silver platter ma" he said never once breaking his eye contact. For it to just be one night he spoke with all of his emotions and pure conviction. She knew he meant what he said.
April's eyes teared up, her heart raced, and her pussy quaked in anticipation. The look alone on Dave's face spoke volumes. Volumes that had her debating if she heard what he said correctly. Volumes that made her want to throw caution to the wind as well as volumes that made her hesitant. She felt as though he was pledging himself to her.
Dave leaned in and kissed her forehead then continued to wash her in silence. April welcomed the silence letting her mind replay over what Dave had just said to her. Did she really have his mind because she already knew without a shadow of doubt that she had his body and soul?
"Get out ya head and go with the flow. Can you do that for me"
Without hesitating and giving herself time to dive in her head she nodded. She could do that for him for one night.
"Ma you know I need words. Can you do that for me" he said and asked again.
"Yes" she answered confidently.
Dave continued washing her and once the water had run below warm he started the shower this time setting the temperature for what they could both stand. Once he was done he held her hand and helped her out of the tub then walked her over to the shower. Watching her step inside Dave slipped out of his briefs with April's eyes on the prize.
"Mhmm" she moaned and licked her lips while watching his dick swing as he walked inside of the shower. Her mouth watered. She knew before the end of the night that she'd be sucking the melanin off that pretty motherfucker.
He chuckled. "Not yet handle ya shit and I'll be right with you"
They showered as April hummed to herself just taking in the moment. She could feel Dave's eyes all over her. She had his full attention.
Dave watched her every move as his brain took mental pictures of every curvature and every tattoo new and old. He wanted to remember everything about this night. Finally washing himself off thoroughly. He rinsed off and set his eyes on his own prize. Carefully lifting April off her feet he turned her around until her back was pressed flush against the shower wall then lifted her up in the air until her freshly waxed pussy was starring him eye to eye. Slow passionate mind blowing sex is what Dave had in store for her but at the moment he had a point to prove. He saw her little ass on IG tipsy and a little faded rapping Get Money and he wasn't here for the bullshit regardless of what their relationship status was at the moment. He knew she was throwing shots at him.
Taking both of his hands and using his fingers to spread her pussy he moaned in satisfaction. It was still beautiful, pink, glistening from the shower water mixed with her own juices and smelled super fresh. He gave her no time to prepare before he took his tongue, flattened it, and lapped up her pussy instantly drawing a moan out of her. He lapped and lapped until his saliva increased mixing with her juices pulling strings of their union. The blooming bud in the middle of her pussy protruded as it hardened in excitement. He circled around her clit once then twice and even a third time for good measure before attacking it. He sucked and sucked licking it every now and again as April moaned and panted against his shoulders. He gripped her ass trying to keep her steady as her body shook going through the motions.
"Dave" she moaned out his name in pure pleasure which only excited and irritated him. That wasn't the name she should've been calling him and he had every intention to change that.
"What's my fuckin name ma" he asked in a low stern tone.
"Dave" she moaned again.
"WHAT'S. MY. FUCKIN. NAME" he shouted before going back and viscously attacking her clit again.
"Papiiiii" she dragged as he suckled against her not letting up or giving her time to recoup.
"Fuckin act like you know" he growled. "And by the way I seen and heard that bullshit you was rapping on the Gram. Ya ass may be single at the moment but I ain't never been a fuck nigga. Act like you know when we were together that I treated ya ass right" he said and smacked her ass making her first nut squirt out involuntarily as she convulsed against his shoulders.
"You hear me" he growled.
She nodded drunk off his tongue game.
"What I tell you bout words ma? You hard a hearing now"
"No Papi...I hear you" she said panting as her chest rapidly heaved up and down.
"Good girl" he smirked satisfied as he put her back down on her feet watching her legs wobble. Before she could steady herself he turned her around, pressed her chest flush against the wall, and spread her legs open with his foot. He grabbed his hard dick and slid it between her folds letting her juices coat him. Groaning in anticipation to feel her warmth wrapped tightly around him he entered her pussy inch by inch taking his sweet time to embrace his home. One hand on her back he pushed down on it until she was arched perfectly for him. He slid in and out tortuously slow to the point it pained him but there was a method to his madness and if he had to suffer along with her then so be it. He was willing to do whatever he had to do to get his point across. He may have had his issues and broken her heart but treating her wrong was never his motive. No one could compare what she had with him to what she had with Chris. He couldn't compete. He had done none of what Chris had done to her. Most importantly he was doing more than Chris had ever. He had been putting in the work just to make sure his second chance would be successful. Well technically his third.
"Papi" she begged just like he knew she would.
"Papi what" he smirked then smacked her ass watching it jiggle against him.
"Fuck me"
"Fuck you what"
"Fuck me please" she begged while clapping her ass against him making him swallow a moan himself.
"Fuck" he mumbled then bit down on his bottom lip before he pulled out and plunged right back into her making her yelp. He pulled back out and tapped his dick against her ass before plunging right back inside of her. He grabbed both of her hands and placed them flat against the shower wall and commenced to beating her shit down just like she begged for. "That's right ma take this dick. Give me that gushy" he said as he looked down watching his dick move in and out of her while watching her cream spread all over him.
"Like that Papi" she said as she looked back at him as she met him thrust for thrust not missing a single beat while taking all his dick. Had his shit looking like an ice creamsicle.
"Just like that" he moaned and tossed his head back as his eyes rolled back. He had to stop himself. This wasn't going according to his plan. He didn't want to nut just yet but between finally being able to slide back inside of her, feeling that vice grip, and those never ending juices he just knew he'd be tapping out first and that was a no go for him. Pulling out he grabbed his dick and slowly stroked it trying to get the blood to flow. Plunging back inside of her awaiting walls he dug her ass out until he had her crying his name in pure bliss.
"I'm coming Papi" she cried out as her body shook against his.
"Shittttt hold it ma I'm almost there" he said as he continued to drill in and out of her as he felt that familiar build up sensation creep up on him. He hadn't felt this feeling since the first time they were in Barbados and although he got some on Charlie's birthday that shit was just a quickie. It didn't qualify when she was giving him her all. She had that pussy wide open for him. This shit right here was just the beginning credits of the show though. He knew it was about to go down.
"I can't" she whimpered voice laced with I just got some good dick.
"Hold it" he said through gritted teeth as he bit down on her shoulder to stifle a moan. But he knew she was going to have his ass harmonizing before the night was over. His moans always made her wetter and made her fuck him even harder.
"I can't" she dragged with her legs now shaking and trembling.
"Let go" he commanded her just as she tightened around him even more causing his own nut to shoot out and spray up the club. Dave hadn't even had a chance to ask her where she wanted it before he let loose. He just bust his gun and with the way he hadn't bust a good nut in a while he filled her ass up with everything he had in him.
Coming down from their first high and not the weed they had been smoking on Dave and April made their way out of the shower and bathroom altogether. Now that he had broke her shit down all he wanted to do was make love to her nice and slow. He watched her make her way over to her luggage pulling out a box and another pre rolled blunt off the dresser along the way. She sauntered her way over to the bed where he was now laid up in it sitting up against the headboard with his towel on getting ready for round two.
"We're gonna need these" she said and tossed him a twenty-four pack of Magnums.
He didn't know whether to be annoyed that she had wanted to use them or the fact that she really had all intent on getting fucked down by another nigga and ready to have yet another one night stand. Hadn't she learned her lesson the first time around? Not wanting to put much thought into it he got out of his head. He was going to make sure that she never thought of getting dick from any other nigga but him and him alone. He was going to make sure he imprinted all of his being he could inside of her tonight.
"Come here" he said motioning her with his index finger as if telling her wasn't enough.
Following his command April made her way over to him and climbed into his lap with a satisfied smile on her face. Passing her the lighter he grabbed off the nightstand she lit the blunt with her eyes locked on nothing but him as she moved on autopilot sparking the blunt. She inhaled taking a deep pull. She held the smoke in her lungs for a moment then exhaled making sure not to blow the smoke directly in his face. His hands undid her towel and watched it drop into his lap before her lips was on his giving him exactly what he wanted and asked for...a shotgun.
Letting the smoke fill his mouth he inhaled then exhaled releasing the smoke out of his nose. He chuckled. "That's not how that was supposed to go ma"
"What" she said and passed him the blunt.
"I said a shotgun while riding my dick ma. Ya just sitting on it and I know you feel my shit on brick"
Scooting back she undid his towel and watched his dick spring up ready for action and before she knew it she was grabbing the box of Magnums, grabbing a condom, and sheathing him. Back in his lap, dick now between her wet folds, and buried to the hilt in her warmness Dave groaned not even giving a fuck that she had him wearing a condom. "You might want to turn some music on" she warned as she rode him slowly as they passed the blunt back and forth giving each other shotguns until it was done.
"Not tonight...the only music I want to hear is you screaming and moaning my name over and over again" he said as he put the bud of the blunt into the ashtray on the nightstand not giving a fuck who heard them making love tonight. He had plans on busting her ass all the way down and if anybody had a problem with the noise control then so be it. He was about to make love to her until he fucked her ass into oblivion. They had some time to make up for.
April dove into his lips kissing him as if she needed it to breath as she rode him up and down, side to side, and winding her hips in a circular motion making him moan. What started as a round two turned into a playlist of continuous love making. Dave did what he said he was going to do. He passionately made love to her making her toes curl and crack. He whispered sweet words of appreciation in her ears making her body shiver. He promised to fix every single promise that he had taken for granted and broken as she scratched up his back. He made love to every inch of her body from the top of her head kissing her to the very tip of her toes as he suckled on them giving her spine tingling orgasms one after the other.
Dave made love to her soul penetrating so deep it was as if they both felt their souls reconnecting as one making her scream out as if she was speaking in tongues. He spoke to her soul in the only language he knew that would resonate inside of her making sure she heard every single word that he couldn't say verbally. He worshipped and made love to her mind speaking words of love and adoration. Telling her with his words promising to do and be better. Promising that he was getting himself together first before even thinking about stepping to her incorrectly.
By the time they were done they were absolutely spent. They were lying on the bed tangled up in the sheets still wrapped up in one another. Dave was lying between her legs with his head on her stomach while she tiredly ran her fingers through his braids. They didn't know what time it was. They just knew that the sun was just waking up and they didn't care. They didn't want to fall asleep and watch the day go by. They were satisfied and still wrapped up in their bubble living for today and not thinking about what would come of tomorrow.
"I love you ma" Dave said as he toyed with her nipple just embracing the moment for what it was.
"I love you too Papi" she said just above a whisper but he had heard her loud and clear. Love was still there.
Dave tried to lie there and live in the moment but he couldn't. Not right now anyway. He was insatiable. He was addicted. He was a full on fiend for her. He craved her...well more of her. Fucking around with April was like opening a fresh can of Pringles. Once you pop the fun don't stop! He wanted more of her. He needed more of her. But could he really stick to giving her just one night? Could he turn this one night into a morning or even a day filled with nothing but pure pleasure? Or at least a few more hours of pleasure? Would she allow him another drink from her fountain? Would she deny him another kiss to her sweet swollen lips that he had just sucked, bit, and nibbled on? Would she allow him to touch her soul again? Would she allow him to speak to her mind again? Would she allow him to fuck and make love to her soul again? Could she allow him another chance to create magic between the sheets again? Could she give him more without diving deep into her head? Would asking for more seem like he was pushing it or being greedy with want and need?
He didn't want to be her one night stand. He didn't want her to feel obligated to make this trip about them or make her feel like she was obligated to him. He wanted to continue to ride the euphoric wave they were on. He was still hungry for more of her, her time, her affection, and her attention. Exhausted nonetheless because he had put in more than the necessary work to give her all he had but he could go another round. They had been at it like wild rabbits and making sure to take a few intermissions to recoup and get ready for the next. By now he didn't know what number it would be he just knew that he had another one before their little bubble popped. That's if their bubble popped.
Removing his hand from her pebbled nipple he slowly trailed his fingertips down her stomach, pass her navel, and went right to where he wanted to be...her pussy drawing a small moan from her sweet, sweet lips. Peeking up at her he could see her eyes in slits as she bit down on her bottom lip. He knew then that he had her right where he wanted her. He circled then rubbed her clit with ease since she was still covered in her juices. She squirmed under his body as his weight held her down and in place but he knew she craved for more and who would he be to deny her such pleasure. Reaching down and grabbing his hand she tried to stop him but he knew she knew better than that.
"Papi you've been pleasing ouuuuu" she moaned as her body shook. "You been pleasing me all night Papi let me please you"
Dave chuckled. If she thought she hadn't pleased him then he must've done something wrong or their signals got crossed because she damn sure gave him all and more of what he had given her. She surrendered her mind, body, and soul to him completely. She gave him her all. Or did she? Then again her mouth hadn't been on the one place she absolutely loved. He wasn't pressed or even thought about it for it to even be a problem but since she mentioned it he was going to let her do her thing. She was amazing at it anyway. Removing his fingers from her clit he sucked on whatever juices he did have on him clean off.
"Get into position" he said as he turned over on his back and placed his hands behind his head ready to see her on all fours in front of him.
April shook her head no. She got up from her spot, crawled down to the foot of the bed, and laid on her back with her head hanging off the edge.
"Shitttt" Dave groaned in anticipation. If he wasn't hard before he damn sure was on brick now. He now understood exactly what she wanted.
A sheen of sweat coated her body as she laid in front of him willing and waiting while playing with herself. He hadn't seen or shared a real moment like this with her in he didn't know how long. But here he was on a night he wasn't even supposed to be in her presence about to get yet another present. This had took him back to the first day he had finally been able to break her down.
"Papi" she moaned with her legs bent damn near about to slam shut as she got herself off. He knew the crew had to be happy that they moved their little party to the guest cottage. They had all the space and privacy they needed.
Dave sat up on his elbows looking down at her mesmerized at the sight before him. Her glistening chocolate skin, hands tucked between her legs playing with herself, and eyes locked on him. She put on a show for him. She had always been a great entertainer.
"Ssssss" she hissed and moaned. "Papi come fuck my mouth already. I'm hungry" she whined just as her body shivered and let loose giving into her orgasm.
Dave was off the bed with the quickness with his dick swinging right along with him. He knew what she wanted but she damn sure didn't have to tell him twice. Now standing in front of her with his dick on brick and April looking up at it hungrily she smirked. "You remember the safe word" he asked.
"Henny" she answered correctly knowing damn well if she did say it his ass wouldn't be able to hear it with his big ass dick stuffed down her throat. "Now touch that lil dangly thing that's right in the back of my throat" she said then licked her lips preparing herself.
Dave grabbed his dick with his right hand, stroked it a few times, then slapped it against her mouth a few times. "Open up"
"Ahhhh" she dragged as she opened her mouth wide.
Placing his dick inside of her mouth inch after inch he started off slowly catching a nice rhythm making sure she was good before he commenced to breaking that shit down just the way they both liked. He treated her pretty little mouth just like her tight wet ass pussy and picked up the pace fucking her mouth just like she asked. No gagging as usual she took that shit like the true champ she was while spit built up in her mouth foaming and seeping out of the sides as her eyes watered. Eyes locked on her he held her head in his hands watching her gobble up his dick. It was definitely a sight he loved to see and when she looked at him the way she did with those lust filled eyes it drove him crazy. Letting her head go and easing out of her mouth he turned around so he could focus on her body then slid his dick right back down her throat like he never left. Bending down and removing her hands from her pussy he placed them on her breast wanting her to play with those pretty shits for him and she did which turned him on even more. She rubbed, pinched, and twiddled her nipples between her fingers.
"Damn ma" he moaned keeping a steady pace as she bobbed her head up and down as best as she could meeting him stroke for stroke. "Damn" his toes curled, balled, then cracked just as her cheeks hollowed around him. "Shitttt" he moaned body shaking and all. "Suck it ma" he said and shook his head and closed his eyes tight. Only she could make him feel this way and tap out just as quickly. Grabbing the back of her head to keep her steady he fucked her mouth until he was releasing a fresh batch of kids down her throat. Slowly easing out of her mouth he stood there trying to collect himself as well as his breath. "Fuckin soul snatcher" he said and shook his head as he watched her get fully into the bed and wipe off her mouth satisfied at a job well done.
"Didn't even have to use the safe word" she laughed. "Not like you would've heard me anyway"
Dave stood there looking at her in her whole entirety. She was draped in a fresh sheen of sweat. Her locs were barely in a messy bun that looked like they would spill out any minute now. Her eyes shined in satisfaction but most importantly happiness. Her body was perfection as usual even the tiny stretch marks that she had gotten after having Charlie looked good on her. To him she was a chocolate goddess. His chocolate goddess. He wanted to spend eternity with her wrapped up in their bubble because in their bubble they were the only two that mattered. In their bubble it was filled with peace and pure love. They had no problems going on inside of it.
"What" she softly asked with her head cocked to the side looking back at him watching her.
"Nothing I'm just seeing you" he kept it a buck.
"And what do you see" she curiously asked as she now sat up in the middle of the bed with her legs folded playing with her hands. A sign that she was nervous but she had no reason to be.
Did he really want to tell her what he saw because with all the good things he saw he also saw that sadness lingering behind her eyes? He now saw her questioning if what they had just shared had been the right decision. But besides all of that he saw her fighting herself on whether to just give in or to step away.
"Tell me the good things. I don't want to hear the shit that you see behind my shades" she said and shook her head already knowing that he saw past everything that was behind that hollow ass brick wall that she had tried to keep intact.
So just for tonight and the remainder of the trip he would do as she asked of him and not go behind the brick wall the he could see slowly crashing down brick by brick. "I see our past, present, and future. I see the woman I love looking back at me with love in her eyes. I see that smooth chocolate skin glistening in high definition. I see perfection at its finest. I see beautiful brown eyes filled with so much want and need. I see love radiating off of you. I SEE YOU" he expressed as he climbed in bed and took a seat in front of her. His eyes never left hers.
"You are enough. Ma you are more than enough and I am sorry for making you feel like anything less than what you are. I'm sorry for walking away and taking your heart with me because I needed that piece of you. I'm stingy. I'm sorry for putting Millie before you when she had no right to even have a place within me. I'm sorry for making you feel like you were in this alone. I'm sorry for making you feel like you weren't worth it when you are more than worth it. I'm sorry for walking out. I'm sorry for giving up. I'm sorry for not fighting then and there. I'm sorry for not fighting for you. I'm sorry for not fighting for us. I'm sorry for not fighting for our kids. I'm sorry for not fighting for our family. I'm sorry for all of this" he said and paused just to take a quick breath. This shit had troubled his mind since the day he walked out.
"Playing with your head, heart, and emotions is something I never wanted to do. I didn't do it intentionally. We...you and I built this shit from the ground up. Every bump in the road we smashed that shit together and came out on top. I'm sorry for making you feel like you set yourself up for failure. I'm sorry for not loving you fully. I'm sorry for not loving you wholeheartedly. I'm sorry for not understanding you. I'm sorry for shooting you down when all you wanted me to do was to go get help. I'm sorry you feel like you need a find a nigga less like me. I'm sorry you feel any way that you feel when I'm not by ya side helping you hold your crown up beside you. I'm sorry for dragging our kids into this mess. I'm sorry for building you up and breaking you down. I'm sorry for making you feel like you can't trust me. I'm sorry for breaking promises that I had all intentions on never breaking" he paused again and wiped her eyes before any tears could drop.
"From the bottom of my heart I'm sorry for it all ma. I'm sorry for making you cancel our wedding and even with it being canceled you still felt the need to come all the way out here to make something good out of something terribly bad. I SEE YOU" he said with watery eyes not even knowing that this was going to turn into an apology. But honestly an authentic apology was long overdue. How could he be in her presence and seeing her so raw and not apologize? How could he look in her eyes the remainder of this trip knowing that this was supposed to be their wedding and honeymoon week and not apologize? How could he be in her presence like this and not apologize period? He had to take accountability for all of what he had done and caused her and them as a whole.
He watched as she listened intently to every word that came out of his mouth. Tears welled in her eyes. Tears flooded the rims of her eyes. Tears ran down her face and droplets collected and fell off her chin. She placed her head down and covered her face as the sniffles started and like a damn the river flooded and the sobs came. She broke down right in front of him and just like that she broke him. Scooping her up in his arms he cradled her as they both cried mourning what was and what should've been.
-Hey boos happy reading I hope ya enjoyed. I'm almost caught up with the chapters I already have written so with that being said I have some writing to do 😬
-I wouldn't be me if I didn't get a lil nasty. Y'all know how it goes down with the two of them 👅
-I think this one night has a lot of potential for when it comes to them actually working out. She made Papi strap up though. Y'all know he ain't feeling that shit 🤦🏾♀️
-It was the apology for me though. I think it was long overdue and something that needed to be said especially with him working on himself. Shit had me all in my feelings and I'm the one who wrote it. I'm a sucker for mushy shit. I can't help myself 😔
-I really don't have anything to say so I guess I'll ask you guys how are y'all feeling about this chapter 🤔
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you aren't commenting no problem just make sure you color ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰
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