10: Footsteps
Chapter 10: Footsteps
You are a vision of perfection
In my eyes, I was caught up in a blessin'
Didn't realize how it wasn't fair to compare
All the things I knew that I've been through
As if you didn't have anything that you went through
I treated you like medicine
But I guess I wasn't listening
When you tried to explain that you had hurt and pain, too
But as long as I felt better, then it was all good
But we wasn't good
So convinced that things were understood
Meanwhile, I had baggage to unpack
And I just had to admit that
Still dealing with the battles, feeling so inadequate
And I know that I should've stayed
But at the time, it felt like I had to quit
And I know that you probably thinking
Just I ain't thinking 'bout myself
But you still playing in my head to this day talking 'bout
[Footsteps: By Kehlani ft. Musiq Soulchild]
He knew he wasn't supposed to be here and that April had taken this trip to get away and make some shit shake after all he had put her through. But something in his heart told him that he needed to be here today. He had never intended on raining on her parade and even let her do her for a few days before intruding but something inside of him wouldn't let him rest. He tried not to think about her or what she was doing but still something called out to him. It was something deep in his body and his soul that said right here standing in front of her is where he needed to be. Standing in his arms is where she was supposed to be. With the urge so strong he knew that he had to take that flight. It was time to right his wrongdoings or at least try to. He needed to start somewhere.
The last time he had actually been around her she had ended up crying herself to sleep in his arms. So he knew that she was walking around smiling after the bomb he dropped on her was nothing but a façade. Or maybe it was genuine since she seemed to not hide her emotions anymore. Whatever it was he was here for her. Besides he was the reason why she had been in her feelings to begin with. So if he could do anything to change that along with the way she was feeling then he was going to do his best to make it right. He wasn't necessarily here to get her back per se because he was still working on himself but tonight he was right where he was supposed to be. He was at home starring his home right in the eyes lovingly. He was letting her know that he was still there and that there was no need to look for anyone else.
"What are you doing here" April asked above a whisper as if him standing in front of her was a dream. The look she had in her eyes he knew that she wanted him there. It could've been the alcohol and the weed deceiving him but he could always see past that. He could always see and read her emotions through her eyes. She could never hide that from him.
"I came here for you ma" he replied honestly as he shot her a smile and wiped the lone tear that had managed to slip from her glossed eyes. He knew she didn't even know she was crying. With the smile on her face and the way she relaxed in his arms he knew that even though she wasn't fucking with him he was still right where she wanted him to be. She didn't have to say it he felt it. Besides if things had gone as planned he would've been here anyway. "By the way I saw you dancing with ya lil friend ya lucky I ain't tryna get arrested in another country" he joked but he was also serious. He wasn't feeling that shit at all but he was letting her have her fun. He wasn't here to cause drama or fuck up her vibe. He knew that she needed this time to unwind and let everything that had transpired in the past few months go. Even if it was just for a few days. She just needed time to decompress and get back to herself because whether he wanted to admit it or not he could still see and feel her sadness.
"Boy bye last time I checked I'm still free to do as I please and will. But its nice seeing you" she said as the smile on her face grew which only made him smile even wider showing all thirty-two. That smile of hers was contagious.
When he had decided to take this trip he just hoped and prayed that he wouldn't ruin it for her or get on her bad side to where the trip was no longer fun for her. But with the smile plastered on her beautiful chocolate face he knew he had made the right decision. Now what was to come next he didn't know but what he did know is that he was going to enjoy it and take it for what it was. He just hoped that by the time the alcohol left her system that she would still feel the same way.
He chuckled not even about to entertain her pettiness. "Go head and chill with ya girls. I know it's still ya girls trip and I respect it" he said then bent down and kissed her forehead allowing the kiss to linger just a bit. He was also silently letting the men around them know that she was definitely off limits.
"How long have you been here and where are you staying" she questioned curiously with her perfectly arched brow raised while still wrapped in his arms. To anybody looking on they looked very much like a loving couple and if he didn't know any better he felt like she wanted to stay in his arms.
"Since y'all left out to come here tonight and with y'all better yet you" he smirked. He and the boys had arrived when they were leaving out. Before they came he had been warned multiple times by not only his father but April's father, uncle Ny-Reek, and even Chris. They had all warned him not to fuck up her trip or press her into getting back with him. Chris told him flat out that if he wasn't going to come correct then forget about it. The warning from Chris spoke volumes because he knew Chris understood exactly what was on the line. He knew from experience. He knew that it would be but so many times that he had a chance to make things right. If April had learned her lesson with dealing with him then Dave really didn't have many chances to do right by her and that was if he even had a chance to begin with.
"Poor you I might have company tonight" she snickered.
"Yea me and don't get fucked up or get one of these niggas fucked up out here" he said as his eyes roamed around taking in their surroundings. He'd hate to have to whoop somebody's ass out here behind her because he definitely would. Besides he already didn't like the fact that she let another man touch her and had men out there gawking and drooling over her. Let alone he felt like she was sharing something special that belonged to just him and he didn't like that. Yet he couldn't say anything about it...yet.
"See ya" she said and winked at him before leaving his arms and headed off to meet up with her girls who all had big smiles on their faces. "Wipe the smiles off y'all faces" he heard her say before her laughter filled the air.
Boy how he had missed this carefree aura she had circling around her.
Dave kept his eyes locked on her before dipping off into the cut where Errol, Bully, Shooter, August, and Trey were. Chris had decided not to come. He didn't want to chance ruining April's trip and since he had been touring he wanted to spend his time with his little girls. Dave respected it.
"That went better than I expected. I just knew lil sis was gonna tear ya ass up" Bully said laughing as he watched Ebony enjoying herself. None of them told their women that they were coming and honestly they had planned not to. They had all told Dave no when he had first asked them and since they couldn't get him to stay they all decided to come for moral support. They mainly came to make sure that April didn't light his ass up or let him ruin her trip. They all knew that this trip was more than just a girls trip and they had no intention on fucking it up for her.
Dave rubbed his hand over his face. "It did but she still hit me with some petty shit" he chuckled. That mouth of hers was going to get her in some shit.
"That ain't changing no time soon. You mind as well get use to it" Trey said as he patted him on that back then sipped his drink while he looked over at Vonnii cutting loose. She looked like she belonged. She no longer looked like the girl he brought home trying to fit in with his family. She was now one of the girls.
"I'll take it just as long as we're good" Dave said as he glanced at them then back at the girls. Well April because that's all he had been zoned on since his eyes landed on her.
"Shit I'm still surprised that nigga ain't lose his shit when ole boy had his hands and body all over lil big sis. Looked like he was ready to take her down" August said and laughed clearly amused.
"That nigga definitely had his fist balled tight and if looks could kill that nigga would've been D. O. A" Shooter said laughing. Watching Dave restraining himself had been too damn funny. They were all surprised that he hadn't gone and made a fool out of himself let alone bust a blood vessel.
"I don't know I don't think we're looking at the same Dave from months ago. Now don't get me wrong I think if that shit went down while him and lil Birdie were still together then it would've been some shit but right now he can't do shit but watch" Errol spoke up. He had low key noticed the subtle changes in Dave. He was moving a little differently and his aura was a little lighter as if he had found some sort of peace.
"Maybe ya right because I was prepared to see somebody hemmed up" Bully chuckled but he was proud of his boy for having restraint. He knew if this had been months ago he would've ripped dude away from April and been ready to fight. They would've been trying to calm him down and trying to stop the police from being called.
But what they didn't know is that Dave was in fact changing. He was working on himself, still in therapy, and reflecting on his life. They didn't even know that he had went and talked to Millie and that shit right there had been tough on him. Yet he refused to let that shit break him anymore than it already had. He had left all of that hurt and pain right where it began and that was with the person who gave it to him...Millie. Granted after a few sessions of therapy he realized that he was part of the problem and that he had to hold himself accountable for his own actions. He could've left and not dealt with Millie's shit but he had chose to stick around and do the whole back and forth thing with her. Now he was leaving all of that shit in the past right where it belonged. For his sanity and the relationship he wanted with April it had to be done. He still hadn't told her all of what had gone down with his talk with Millie but he knew that was another step that he had to take if he wanted things to work out with her. It had to be done though and he was willing to do it when he felt like the time was right.
"She doesn't belong to me anymore. Well at the moment because I'm still coming for my woman and I know that no other nigga will have her heart but me. But I'm not here to ruin her or the girl's trip. I know she needed this shit. I know how important this is for her. She can't be strong every day and I don't expect her to be. Sometimes she needs a moment where she doesn't have to worry bout shit but herself and I get it. I honestly don't know why I'm here. I just know that I needed to be here" Dave said with his eyes still trained on April. To him she was the only person in the venue.
Clapping is what he heard next as his boys hyped him up. They were proud of him. Dave laughed as they caught the attention of the girls letting them know that they were all there. Yet no one made a move. They knew the girls were having fun and doing them. For the next two or so hours they watched the girls hype each other up and just have fun. By the time they were out the boys were following right behind them. There wasn't anyone trying to sneak off with their significant other. It was just that the party had moved from Harbour Lights back to the villa with just the whole crew in tow now. The boys were just apart of the background at this point. Shit April had let it be known that it was no boys allowed from the jump.
Dave was actually enjoying himself tonight. It was actually refreshing to see things in a whole new light. It's like after talking to Millie he had seen everything clearer. The rose colored glasses were no longer cracked. They had finally been shattered and broken beyond repair. He now saw just how bad he had fucked up and dropped the ball with April and their relationship. He was never really ready to move on after Millie. He was no good for anyone after that relationship. He should've taken all of that time to focus on himself. But in the end he had learned one hell of a lesson and with therapy he found out that it wasn't so bad having a professional pick and probe his brain. It felt good to have someone to talk to about his inner most thoughts and demons and having them help him change the narrative. Instead of just talking about it and walking away he had someone that could help him cope and solve the problem in a healthy way.
"Hey ma you need any help in here" Dave asked as he entered the kitchen to see April plating up a charcuterie board filled with fruits and snacks while Ebony handled the drinks. She was blending up ice and who knows what. What he did know is that it would be a good drink because she was good at that shit.
"If you want to roll up a few blunts you can but other than that ya good" she said as she looked over at him then back at the fruit she was plating up. He could tell that she was still feeling good. She hadn't snapped on him yet.
"Bet, I gotchu" he nodded.
"The greenery is upstairs in my room. Check my backpack"
"On it" he said and made his way out the kitchen.
"I got one of the rooms with the terrace. You'll know it when you see it" she shouted.
Dave made his way upstairs without needing to follow her directions. He went straight to her bedroom. He knew exactly where it was because it now had his belongings in it. "Damn this shit nice as hell" he said admiring the house this time getting a better look at it.
Opening the bedroom door he groaned as her scent met him at the door still lingering in the air as if she was inside of the room with him. Her scent was always intoxicating and luring. Looking around the room he found her backpack and chuckled looking at the blue bandana print. If he had to assume it looked like the bag was meant for him because he damn sure needed it in his collection. He knew if things were still good between them that it would've been a gift for him. Opening the backpack the smell of weed instantly hit him. He knew she was smoking on some good shit off the smell alone. Roaming around in the bag he found the ziplock bag partially filled with greenery but not before his hand brushed against something velvety. Pulling out the ziplock bag along with a velvet pouch he chuckled to himself already knowing what was inside of it. April thought her ass was slick. He knew he had thrown all of her toys out yet here was another one and now he knew that she probably had some new ones at home now. Peeking inside the bag he saw a blue rose. Shaking his head he mugged it and tossed it right back inside of her bag. He wanted to throw it away but decided against it. He was going to let her have her little fun while it lasted. It sort of eased his mind that it was a toy and she wasn't out here looking for the real thing.
Honestly he didn't have a real problem with her having toys he much so threw them away to get on her nerves. He didn't mind ones that stimulated her clit but dildos was a hard pass because he wanted nothing to penetrate her but him. Making his way back out of the room with the weed and blunt wraps in his hand he went straight downstairs and entered the now empty kitchen. The party was definitely outside. They had the music on and was chilling heavy. He just knew the girls were outside cutting up. It's what they did especially when they were all together like this.
"I thought you got lost up there" April said as she entered the kitchen and took a seat on the stool opposite from him.
Dave looked at her and chuckled. "Nah" he said taking her all in. She looked good tonight even with the sheen of sweat coating her chocolate skin. She actually looked better than good. She looked gorgeous. The mustard, brown, and black summer dress she had on looked good against her skin tone. It was a halter dress with a plunging v-neckline, had chain detailing that wrapped around her back which also happened to be backless. To top it off it had high double splits that showed off her legs and thighs when she walked. What threw him for a loop was that her tattoos were on display and it set the whole look off. It wasn't those types of tattoos that were just there to be there just because so they ended up looking more random than anything. Hers looked like she got the dress simply to highlight them.
Biting down on his bottom lip almost like he was in a trance he took in her hair. She was still rocking her butterfly locs but they looked like she had gotten them touched up. He was feeling the look on her. He loved natural hairstyles on her and the locs suited her well.
"Sir ya supposed to be rolling up not gawking at me like you want to eat me up on top of this island" she giggled. He knew she had been drinking but even with all of the drinks he had saw her consume she only appeared to be tipsy.
"I mean maybe I do" he shrugged while he got to work on the blunts causing her to bite down on her bottom lip as if she was contemplating the idea.
She shook in her seat and took a nugget of weed out of the ziplock bag. "Nope not happening" she laughed but it wasn't convincing enough for him.
"Why...because you got that bitch ass rose upstairs" he asked then laughed as he watched her eyes widen in realization that he had seen it. He had heard way too many rumors about that rose though. It was wreaking havoc on people's relationships.
"I swear to God Dave if you threw my shit out me and you are gonna have a problem" she said getting ready to get up and go check to see if her shit was still where she left it.
He couldn't help but to laugh at her all frantic. "Chill ma I didn't throw it away...this time"
She huffed. "I can't with you" she pouted tuen went back to helping him roll up.
"Chill ma if it's that bad I can always help you scratch that itch" he said making her squirm in her seat.
"You know two can play that game right? How's Palmala been treating you these days or did you go ahead and finally buy that pocket pussy? You know it'll never be the same right. Everyone doesn't have that grade A like I do" she said and smirked which only made him mug the fuck out of her. Honestly he missed the banter. It beat her being mad at him.
"Palmala is doing just fine and the only pussy I plan on getting is yours" he said with a smirk now on his face.
"No sir we're ok but we ain't that cool. Besides there's too much emotions involved with that" she said and pouted. He just knew she missed that shit just as much as he had. How could she not?
"Us in the bed has always been magical though"
"Agreed it has but it's a no for me dawg. I might be tipsy but I ain't that fucked up" she said then finished rolling her blunt. "Besides this island has plenty of dick waiting to get this magical touch" she said and stuck her tongue out as if she had won something.
Dave mugged the fuck out of her as if she had come for his whole life. If he had a say in it she wouldn't be fucking anyone but him.
"You think they'll be aight in there" Alaina asked Ebony who was standing right beside her.
"They should be. I don't hear any yelling" she replied as they peeped through the window.
"That's always a good sign" Mimi said standing on the other side of Alaina looking on.
"I don't think she's mad that he's here either" Vonnii added.
"She honestly looks like she's happy that he's here" Tesha chimed in. They had all been scoping the scene playing out between Dave and April.
"I'm not gonna push her or persuade her to do anything. Only she knows exactly what happened and what was said in that bedroom the last time we were all out here. But I don't think I can watch her with anyone else but Dave. Them together makes sense. You can see the love and admiration in their eyes when they're together. So I'm a need Dave to make sure that he has all his ducks in a row before coming for her" Alaina finally admitted out loud. She knew like the rest of them knew that Dave and April were soulmates. Yes when you lose out on love you can possibly find love again or let it find you but you only get one soulmate.
"Agreed" they all said while the boys sat back looking at them being nosey.
"Do y'all think they'll make it back to each other" Tesha asked. But now when she mentioned Dave and April Alaina and Ebony were now on high alert since she said that bullshit earlier. Now they were low key giving her the side eye and watching her. They understood where she was coming from but she had no idea what was going on. She was still new. Now they wanted to see if she was being genuine or if this had anything to do with the fact that she missed out on her bag since she was their wedding planner. Sure they knew that April had paid her for her time and the work she had done but she didn't get the full purse or the exposure she would have if they had gotten married.
"Sis is stubborn and she's stubborn for a reason. Whatever was said between them they can hopefully get pass that but they both have to want it to work. Dave can get his shit together all he wants but sis will fight herself before going all in with him again. Whether she actually tries dating or not it won't be what she's looking for" Ebony answered. "Y'all also have to remember a lot has gone down between the two of them in the background so that plays a lot into it too" she continued. She knew exactly why April was being cautious and she had every reason to be even though it looked like she was slowly letting her guard down some.
"I just hope they figure it out because look at them. Even with sis playing hard to get you can still see that twinkle in her eyes when she's around him" Mimi said looking at them in awe until they noticed them getting up causing all of them to scramble around like that hadn't just been nosey as all hell. Straight scrambling and scattering around like roaches around a dirty kitchen sink when someone turns the lights on.
"That's what y'all nosey asses get" August said laughing at them trying to act normal and failing miserably.
"Really lil daddy" Alaina said looking over at him.
"He said what he said" Shooter followed up laughing. Alaina looked at the both of them and shook her head.
Low key the boys were on the same page as their women. They knew Dave and April belonged together but their brother needed to put that work in to assure April that she had all of him. There needed to not be any hesitation on his part at all.
"Y'all keep it up and y'all gonna be on timeout" Mimi threatened them as she looked between the two of them.
"I laugh at the face of danger" August said.
"Ha ha ha ha ha" Shooter finished it off before they all erupted in a fit of laughter. That's what happens when your nieces make you watch Disney movies with them.
"Lawd y'all done got them started" April said shaking her head at Double Trouble aka August and Shooter.
"Lil big sis don't pay them no mind"August said while waving Alaina and Mimi off.
"Yup ya ass on time out" Alaina said acting tough but everyone knew the deal already.
"We all know that's gonna last five minutes " Ebony said as they all broke off into couples with Alaina taking her precious time making it over to August.
"If that" Mimi added laughing as she took a seat between Shooter's legs as he sat in one of the pool chairs.
"Lil baybeh get over here and act like you missed me as much as I missed you" August said making her smile.
Dave looked at how everyone had paired off and cuddled up with their significant other and it left him with an ache in his chest to see him and April the way they were. Right now they were supposed to be here together just the two of them enjoying their honeymoon. Yet this is what remained of them. Normally April would be in his lap or his arms would be wrapped around her. He did anything to touch her or have her up close against him and she used to do the same.
"One step at a time" he said to himself refusing to stress over something he was already working on. He knew it would take time to get back to how they used to be and that's if she let him back in. But he wasn't going to harp on that he was just going to enjoy the moment for what it was and without the awkwardness.
"Ma come give me a shotgun" Dave asked as he looked over at April. She had hiked up her dress, taken off her sandals, and now had her feet dipped into the pool. She was leaned back on her hands looking up at the sky with the most angelic smile on her face. He didn't know what she was thinking about but whatever it was he hoped it kept that smile on her face.
"Who you talking to Brewster" she asked sounding like Gary Coleman.
He laughed. "Who else would I be talking to" he asked while he made his way beside her, slipped off his slides, and took a seat beside her dipping his feet into the pool too.
"We just rolled six blunts you better shotgun one of those to ya self. I don't know where those lips been"
"They could be on you" he said lowly but loud enough for her to hear him.
April groaned and shook her head. "The devil is a lie. Not today Satan not today" she chanted.
Dave laughed at her then took one of the blunts that he had behind his ear then lit it. He took a few pulls then placed the blunt between her welcoming lips. Taking a big pull she pulled back away from the blunt, let it fill her lungs, then blew out rings of smoke out of her mouth. He didn't know why but that shit was sexy as hell to him.
"So you gonna tell me the real reason why you came out here" April looked over at him and asked.
Dave sighed. He really didn't have a solid answer for her. He just felt like he had to be here. So he told her the truth. "I can't explain it but I knew this is where I was supposed to be. I kept fighting the feeling until I couldn't anymore. The more I ignored it the louder it got" he answered then placed the blunt back to her lips. He could see her wheels spinning trying to figure out what he had just said.
She inhaled and exhaled then nodded at him. "And when did you get this feeling" she questioned.
"The day you left" he answered not even having to think about it. He was at their house setting up shop to stay in one of the guest rooms when he had got this nagging feeling. He ignored it until the day of their supposed to be wedding. He thought it over before going to his father to talk about how he was feeling before making a move. He wasn't even supposed to be staying at their house but since both of their parents were there he decided it was the best place to be with his emotions running rampant. He didn't want to wake up alone on their wedding day. He just couldn't do it. So staying at their home was the best thing for him. He got to be with both of his children and their parents. He needed that good energy and positive vibes. With all the work he had been putting in he couldn't afford a setback.
She smiled at him as if she knew exactly when the feeling kicked in for him. Then again with the connection they had she probably did. "Come take a walk with me"
He looked at her as if he heard her wrong. He didn't think she'd want to be alone with him just yet. "You sure"
She nodded. "I'm positive"
Both getting up, they shook off their feet, and April took off with him following right behind her.
"Stop looking at my ass Brewster" she said as she looked over her shoulder watching him lust over her.
"Not happening" he chuckled. That ass was sitting, looking, and moving too damn good to take his eyes off of it. "It's summer dress season in November Allah has blessed me" he said then bit down on his fist.
April couldn't do shit but laugh and shake her head. "Any, who you know they're secretly wishing we were getting back together right" April said as she stopped by the koi pond and took a seat on the plush grass beside it now sitting with her legs folded. "Take a seat. This right here is where I find the most peace" she said and patted the patch of grass beside her.
"One day we'll be granting them their wish...my wish. I just have a few small things I need to iron out before making it back home" he said while he looked over at her watching the night lights around the koi pond illuminate against her face making her complexion pop even more. He was speaking shit into existence and manifesting what he wanted.
April shrugged while she looked off into the pool not giving him any inkling to how she felt about them getting back together. "I don't know what it is but every time I come to an island I get in a headspace where my whole mind is clear and I can see things differently. Maybe it's because I'm away from work, distractions, media, and everything else that clouds my mind on a daily basis especially when things aren't going right for me" she softly spoke.
"Trust ma I understand. It's so much going on that you don't know which way ya life is coming or going at times. You wish you could just find solace but you can't until you let it all go" he said. Dave understood exactly what she meant. This time apart, working on himself, and seeking help he had learned a lot about himself when he just took the time out to put in the necessary work to make a change.
"Exactly that" she nodded. "Soooo Tuesday was supposed to be the big day. How ya feeling" she questioned as she twiddled with her fingers while she glanced at him then back at the koi pond.
"Honestly it hurt like hell for a second. It hit hard especially when I realized that I was waking up in bed alone and you weren't even in the next room or the house period. I wasn't anywhere near you or Barbados. Our moms hadn't bum rushed inside of the room on wedding mode trying to make sure the day started off with a bang and end without a hitch. I sulked around the house for a minute until I sat down for a second and thought bout everything I went through and everything we went through as a couple. We went through shit that would've had normal people questioning was all of this shit worth it. Were we worth it? I realized that I had some lingering issues and brought all of it into our relationship not taking account that you deserved none of it. I'm honestly happy that we didn't get married" he admitted and let out a breath of air he hadn't realized he had been holding. He kept his eyes on her as he watched her head snap to the side to look dead at him wanting him to explain.
"I wouldn't have been a good husband to you. Why should you have to deal with everything that someone else did to me? You've helped me unpack a lot of my baggage and showed me my worth but it's up to me to get rid of it fully and by myself. I'm not quite there yet or ready for that leap but I'm getting there. Right now I'm not husband material but I will be though. I still know that it's you that I want for forever and evers" he said and grabbed her hand intertwining his fingers with hers while staring her in the eyes. "Remember if I got you then you got me. It's always been our motto from day one. But I lost sight of it. I had you but you didn't really have me and I understand that now. It took time and me fucking up to see it but just know that I still see you" he explained.
"See I'm supposed to be mad at you and I'm not supposed to be ya friend but here you go with ya wake up call and self reflection. It's pretty refreshing if I do say so myself. I knew you weren't ready but I thought since we loved each other that we would make it. I'm glad you finally realized why" she said giving his hand a gentle squeeze. "You tryna get some coochie ain't you" she said and let out a little laugh that stirred something up in his soul. He knew she was trying to lighten the moment.
Dave laughed. "I wouldn't say no" he spoke truthfully. Shit if all she'd let him do was lick that grade A he'd happily do it. He'd happily spread that shit and go to town. "We can treat it like Vegas. Whatever happens in Barbados stays in Barbados. Besides you told me to take a walk with you so how I know you don't want this dick" he said and wiggled his brow.
April burst out laughing a full hearty laugh one he just knew she hadn't done in months. "Boy what I tell you bout that damn eyebrow?! You know you got a whole ass caterpillar on ya face doing the damn worm across ya forehead" she continued laughing as she held her stomach and tears welled up in her eyes.
Dave of course mugged the fuck out of her for the disrespect but he couldn't help but smile. This had been the first time that they actually had a moment where there was no back and forth and no shots thrown his way. It reminded him of what used to be and gave him a glimpse of what would be. "Ha ha real funny ma real funny. It wasn't funny the first time and it damn sure ain't funny this time" he said before giving her the Kairi pout.
"Aww Papi did I hurt ya feelings" she asked as she moved closer to him and reached for his face grabbing both sides of it in her hands.
The feel of her warm soft hands pressed against his cheeks and the way Papi slipped off her tongue like it was so normal did something to him. He realized that she still wanted what he wanted but was so head strong in not getting fucked over again. She unsuccessfully tried to build those walls back up that he worked so damn hard to break down. But what she failed to realize is that she could never fully build those walls all the way up when it came to him. Not wanting to let the moment slip away and wanting to relish in it Dave scooped her up and placed her in his lap as if she weighed nothing. He even went the extra step to lift her dress up some so she could be comfortable.
"I love you" he said just above a whisper but loud enough for just the both of them to hear. He just had to let her know.
She closed her eyes then slowly opened them and looked right into his as she rested her forehead against his. "I know you do"
He knew she wanted to say those sacred three words. He could tell that they were lingering on the tip of her tongue but he wasn't going to pressure her. Having her in his arms was prize enough. "Let me show you"
"I'm supposed to be leaving you alone. Ya not ready for me yet" she whispered as if she was talking to herself. He knew she was probably about to go in her head and find a hundred and one reasons why they shouldn't even be as close as they were right now. He didn't need or want that to happen.
"It doesn't have to be this way"
"It doesn't but I can't do this to myself again"
"I'm not here on bended knee asking you to marry me today or to jump back into a relationship with me. Give me this one night and let's enjoy the rest of this trip together. I promise when we get back home I'll let you go until I'm fully ready for you" he promised. He knew she could hear the longing for her in his voice. He meant what he said. He would let her go until he knew for sure that he was ready to make up for all of the broken promises he made her and for adding a new band aid across her heart. Well he would try to let her go at least.
"It's never one night with you. Let alone you've made me a lot of promises that you couldn't keep. I roll too easily when it comes to you and I don't want one night with you. I want all of you all of the time" she said still as if she was talking to herself.
Dave sighed as he refrained from smiling. Hearing what she said made his heart flutter but he wasn't going to jump the gun. "Ma you've been off my ass since June. It's November I've been enemy number one for five months now. You haven't rolled over at all"
"And you know why I have to keep it that way. I can't afford another heartbreak or for you to mess with my heart again. You took my heartbeat from me when you left. The shit never beats right when you're away. It just functions enough to get me through the day" she confessed.
That shit pained his heart because even though it was his fault he was still feeling the same effects as she was. His heart hadn't been beating the same since he walked out either and he knew it wouldn't start beating right until he made his way back home again. But he didn't want her to dive deep into her head tonight. He just wanted her to be free in the moment and ride the wave they were on.
"Do you trust me" he asked looking dead in her eyes.
"Yes and no" she answered.
He knew she was being completely honest especially while they were in such a vulnerable state. He took a deep breath inhaling then exhaled remembering what he had been practicing. "Just know that I'm working on it"
"I believe you. You're a lil different these days. I still see you too" she admitted.
"One night"
"One" she hesitantly said while looking him in the eyes. "Please don't make me regret it" she whispered.
"I won't" he said before taking his hand and gripping the back of her neck making her moan then came crashing down against her plush lips.
-Happy reading I hope you guys enjoyed. Please remember that I'm still without a laptop at the moment so I'm using my phone to type these chapters out. So excuse me if there's a comma or so missing. I do edit a few times but there's always a chance of missing something. By the way sorry for putting that full song verse but it had to be done. It fit the whole vibe of the chapter and what they've been through.
-I don't care! I...Don't...Care...I don't care😂. I'm happy papi showed up. He was supposed to be there anyway. It's the growth for me when it comes to the both of them. Y'all know Dave don't play bout April so to see him not interfering with her night and not even approaching ole boy I'm loving it. They both had opportunities to go off but they didn't. Dave is still in the process of his self journey and I know everyone wants them back together including me but you have to remember when it comes to a self journey there's no time limit on when you'll find your solace. Yet we all know that man can't stay away from April even if someone paid him.
-How do y'all feel about his confession about being happy that they didn't get married? Do you think this one night will turn into a few nights or mess them up even more. Do you think with the way Dave is evolving that this might actually bring them together or pull them apart since he said he's not fully ready yet?
-How do y'all feel about April not chewing him out and giving him one night? Let's face it she still wants that man 🤷🏾♀️😜.
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰
Side note: The dress is from Fashion Nova if you're wondering 🥰
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