1: One Last Time

Chapter 1: One Last Time

"I need you to miss me so you can know how it feels to lose the best thing you ever had."
[Author: Unknown]

Summer was supposed to be lit for the family and nothing but a whole vibe with new memories but instead of a vibe it was anything but that. Let alone the new memories they did have they wished they didn't. For April summer had seemed to pass by in somewhat of a haze and a thick cloud of fog. It was filled with dark clouds even on a nice summer day. There was no rainbows and definitely no sunshine. It was nothing like she expected it to be. There were wedding plans, trips, mini vacations, gatherings, barbecues, and a list of family activities to do but her family that she and Dave had built was now broken. Shit just wasn't the same anymore. The energy surrounding the family had been off like no other. Nothing had gone the way it had been planned. It was the usual let down for April. Summer had been that everything was good until the shoe dropped season for her. It was a season of tears, fake smiles, and walking around like everything was alright when it was far from it. Nothing was alright. It was a season of betrayals and let downs yet an absolute wakeup call for her.

There was no Dave finding himself and standing in front of their front lawn with an old ass boom box ready to lift her off her feet. There was no Dave at home pounding on their front door in the pouring rain begging to be let inside because he was willing to fight. It was a season of realization and understanding that fairytales just weren't true. You don't get your Prince Charming no matter how many slimy ass frogs you had to kiss. Meaning it didn't matter how many men you gave your heart to you most likely were liable to get your heart broken even by the person that was meant for you. Yet summer was a season where it was time to be stingy. April was tired of looking out for everybody but herself. She was tired of coming in last place. So now she was out for self. But here it was fall and fall meant shit was about to change and on this particular fall day it was a big day...a special day. Well a special day for Charlie aka Triple B...

Today was officially her first birthday/her birthday party and everyone was excited. Let alone Charlie's birthday meant April would soon be back outside and back to work. Of course Charlie didn't know none the wiser but with everybody in a happy mood so was she and that's all the mattered. What was supposed to be a cute small intimate little gathering filled with family had turned into a full blown showcase do to both of her fathers' Chris and Dave. April had told them that Charlie wouldn't even remember the day but they weren't trying to hear it. So now it was a full blown birthday celebration filled with family, close friends, and even some of their celebrity friends. It was being held at Chris's house of course because April didn't want that much foot traffic at hers. She was still low key weary about people and their intentions. The theme was Boss Baby 2 so there were cute little chocolate baby girls with freckles just like Charlie dressed in black suits decorated everywhere. It was actually a cartoon version of Charlie and they even had cartoon versions of Royalty and Kairi as Boss Baby's too. Just to take it up a notch April had gotten t-shirts with a picture of Charlie printed on the front of them from her first birthday photoshoot. So they were all collectively wearing them. She had even styled all three girls Charlie, Kairi, and Royalty's hair into 2 curly bun ponytails sticking to the theme. April was enjoying this moment though. It was a first for her and many, many more to come. Yet this was a moment she wished she could've shared with her first born.

Even when it came down to decorations and decorating they had Tesha Errol's new boo hook it up and April added her own personal touch as well. She wouldn't be her if she didn't. Her hands had to be in everything when it came to her girls. She was hands on. As far as the food all of the women had come together and made a whole ass feast. There was an array of finger foods for the kids and more than enough food for the adults to choose from. They even had some meals catered so everything was set. Not only was it Boss Baby 2 theme but they mixed it with carnival games and sweets. There were cotton candy machines, snow cone and ice cream stands, popcorn stands, gigantic lollipops and sweets galore. Whatever a kid could dream of that was what they had. She even got a Boss Baby 2 theme cake made along with matching cupcakes. There were a few bouncy houses and a bunch of other activities to get into. The more April thought about it the more she thought the party was more for Chris and Dave so they could use the kids as an excuse to be big kids themselves. Nonetheless it had turned out way better than they had all expected.

Everyone was pretty much dressed and ready except April. She had gotten the kids ready at Chris's house and now she was back at her house in her closet looking for a pair of jeans to wear. She had already gotten her hair done in long black to blonde three tone ombre' butterfly locs with curls at the end and her nails were simple medium length stilettos with natural pink polish with gold foil tips. Her brows were freshly arched so she had no last minute shit to think about besides getting dressed. April rummaged through her jean inventory looking for the perfect pair while listening to Kehlani's playlist on Pandora. Between Kehlani, Summer Walker, and K. Michelle they had been April's voice of reason these days. They fit her current vibe. She was on her fuck niggas get money shit. She didn't want to sit around and sulk all day over a nigga who wasn't willing to fight for her or what they had. She had done enough crying the month they called it quits and she refused to shell out anymore tears.

"Problematic you know that dick always been problematic somehow I'm always caught up in your dramatics" she sang lowly to herself along with the song playing which was Toxic by Kehlani. Just as she reached for a pair of jeans she smelled that familiar smell and her stomach hit an instant back flip. She hated how her body betrayed her and how her senses were still too in tune with him...him being Dave. No matter what she did to relieve herself of him he was still there and it was no escaping him. He was in her space and she didn't have to see him to know that he was there. Her body could sense him close by and she could smell his scent as if he was standing right in front of her. She hated that shit with a passion. It was pure torture. She hated the way they were now. These days they were only cordial for the sake of the kids because when it came to how April felt about him all she wanted to do was smack some sense into him. In the last three months he still hadn't gotten his shit together and from where she was standing it looked like he never would. So she was on her if she didn't have anything nice to say then she wasn't going to say anything at all shit.

"How can I help you David" she asked in a dull tone as she pulled a pair of jeans down from the rack without looking back at him then made her way to her sneaker collection since she knew she would be doing a whole lot of running around. She knew her girls were going to keep her on her toes today. These days she clung to the girls because they gave her something else to keep her focused on. They made everything better. With them she didn't have to question their love or if she was enough for them. She knew they loved her unconditionally and that's all she ever wanted.

"When you gonna stop calling me David" Dave asked as he walked further into her closet as the scent of his expensive cologne, a hint of cocoa butter, and weed permeated the room and her nose. No matter how much she wasn't fuckin with him these days she still loved the smell of him. His smell was still her favorite scent. It was still intoxicating. It was like honey to a bee and all it did was lure her to him.

Dave hated that she was back to calling him David these days. The shit had never sound right coming from her lips. He didn't like it the first time around and he damn sure didn't like it now. Every time she called him David he mugged her. Shit he'd take Dave anything was better than David. It was too formal for them. They were too damn close for her to be calling him David but he understood why she did it but it didn't mean he had to like it. On the other hand he refused to call April by her name so he called her by what he had been calling her since day one...ma.

"Last time I checked that's what ya mama and daddy named ya but when you gonna wake the hell up" she muttered the last part under her breath but still loud enough for him to hear. She was still working on calming her petty side down when it came to him because every time he was in her presence she wanted to say some slick shit to him.

"Say it with ya chest" he said walking up on her making her body shiver. She hated that he could still get that type of reaction out of her. But what was she expecting they were newly broken up. Some shit took time to get over. She wanted to be rid of all things Dave though. If it wasn't about the kids she wanted nothing to do with him. Other than the kids they had absolutely nothing to talk about.

Shifting her weight onto her right foot she gulped still not turning around to face him. "Like I said how can I help you David and what are you doing here" she hated that he still had a key to their place so he was still coming and going whenever he felt like it even with him not living there anymore. She knew they were going to have to make some rules because this wasn't working for her and nor was it fair. She was honestly thinking about moving somewhere else. Anywhere was better than being here. She wouldn't even mind renting a condo but she knew the kids loved the amenities that they had at home. Everything they could ever want and need was here in their home and just because life was fucked up for their parents didn't mean they necessarily needed to be uprooted from their home.

"I came to see if you needed help with anything" he said as he walked closer up on her damn near right on her back. He couldn't help himself. He knew she didn't need any help. Nowadays she didn't twist up her lips to ask him for shit. He needed help though. He needed help taming the third leg he had throbbing between his legs. He had tried to leave her alone but the way he needed to bust a nut he just had to come back home and at least try to get some Grade A and today seemed like the perfect day. His hands couldn't do what she did to him and his dick and right now he needed her in the worst way. He had been craving her something serious. It had been three months since he had last tasted her, touched her, felt her around him, and her body pressed flush up against his flesh. These days he was like a fiend going through withdrawal and quitting cold turkey wasn't working for him. Getting no sex from her these days hit different because while he was used to not getting any on tour he was damn sure used to getting some when he was back at home. He was back home and fresh from filming for a little while yet he had no pussy to come home to. There were no explicit pictures or videos from her expect the ones he already had and although he knew he could get pussy from anybody he didn't want to just fuck anybody. He wanted April. His eyes hadn't even wondered during those three months he was away. Sure he saw chicks and they had been around him but that was about it. He didn't feel the need to entertain any of them.

"If I needed anything from you I would've asked but I don't. So what do you want" she asked as she finally faced him and rolled her eyes as she placed her free hand on her hip while the other held a pair of skinny legged black distressed jeans.

"I know you ain't fucking with me but I'm a need you to stop rolling ya eyes at me" he said as he mugged her. He wasn't feeling that shit at all. He knew she did it on purpose.

"Boy bye that sounds like a you problem. Now can you go I don't need any help? I need to finish getting ready so I can head back to Chris's" she said getting ready to walk off and making sure to keep her eyes on his booty ass sexy face because if she looked down she was done for especially if he was still dressed in his thot wear. You know those damn grey sweat pants that she knew he wore purposely. He wanted her to see that print. Just like his ass was going through the motions so was she and she hated that shit. Every time her ass got hot and bothered her mind would drift off to the first time they made love, the first time they fucked, Valentine's Day, their baecation to Jamaica, the countless quickies, the sexing in the closet trying not to wake the kids, and lord knows it was depressing and always an epic fail when she tried to get herself off. Nothing beat the real thing. Even if her ass had a mold of that girthy big dick of his it still wouldn't suffice. She was now use to getting sex on the regular and now she wasn't getting shit but annoyance.

"Ya mad at me ok I get it but the rolling of the eyes is disrespectful as fuck and you know that shit" he said still standing in front of her mugging her. He was going to nip that shit in the bud. He didn't care what they were going through he wasn't going to tolerate the disrespect.

April laughed and purposely rolled her eyes again. She was with the fucks all day every day these days. "It was disrespectful to my fiancé and my man but unfortunately I don't have one of those anymore nor do I have a man so if you'll excuse me I need to be getting ready for our child's birthday party" she said as a matter of fact. She could give two fucks about how he felt about anything she did these days. If it didn't affect the kids then whatever she did needed to be the least of his worries.

That shit hurt to hear her say but it was the truth. He was no longer her fiancé let alone her man. He was trying to work on it but nothing was panning out the way it should've. He still felt like he wasn't ready to face his fears let alone his demons. "What I tell you bout that shit" he said as he walked up on her causing her to walk backwards and bump into her sneaker rack.

April kept her eyes on him and gulped as her pussy betrayed her once again and flinched between her thighs in excitement. "David just go" she said as she pointed to the door.

"Nah not until I give you what you want" he smirked already knowing that pussy...his pussy was purring for him. He could see the lust she tried to hide behind her chocolate eyes. He could see the shiver that passed throughout her body. It was all in her stance as she tried to squeeze her bare legs together. He could see her nipples pebble through her red silk thigh length silk robe. She was naked as the day she was born underneath and her body was telling on her. Her body was betraying her and speaking to Dave in the way it had always did when he was in her presence. Only he could provoke such a language.

"I don't want shit from you" she hissed and huffed still with her eyes glued on his face. She still refused to look any further. She had seen how good Jersey had treated him and baby it did his body good but she wasn't going to tell him that. Of course he skipped leg day as usual but that upper body of his was looking like he was still carved from the almighty hands above. His already chiseled chest was even more chiseled and his already muscular arms were even more defined and on swole and that deep V cut was even more pronounced. His arms alone looked good enough to be wrapped around her neck good God it was pure torture. He had fresh new tattoos and all she wanted to do was outline them like she used to. Let alone he had some fresh box braids and a line up looking like he had just came from the barbershop and was headed to a photoshoot. Ok so she had been high key checking him out while they were getting shit ready at Chris's house. Nigga had her salivating at the mouth and her pussy doing kegels on its own accord as it pulsated between her legs like a dehydrated dog begging for a bowl of water. Yet that was something he didn't need to know.

"You sure bout that. I felt those pretty chocolate eyes on me earlier" he chuckled as April's eyes slammed shut right along with her legs. Of course he had seen her. He always saw her. He had been checking her ass out the whole time himself. He didn't give not one fuck who seen him doing it either. Everybody knew he still had it bad for her. Earlier she had been dressed in a pair of black biker shorts with the matching crop top with her ass looking like God damn and her breast just as perky as the day they met and still a little swollen from the milk she was still carrying. Her tattoos were on display and although he loved her natural hair he was feeling the locs she had in her hair styled in a bun on top of her head with ringlets hanging from them. It looked like she had been putting in some gym work herself and he was feeling it.

"Here you go again feeling ya self with no lotion on" she quipped still with her back pressed into her sneaker rack.

"How bout you come lotion me up then" he said then licked his lips. He was trying his best to wear her down.

"I don't have time for this shit. You have access to a million and one pussies so go try one of those" she huffed and pouted because he wasn't playing fair with the way he had her cornered. He knew exactly what he was doing and with the way she felt about him she didn't want to give in.

Dave looked down at his Patek Philippe and checked the time. "According to my watch you got an hour and a half to get back to Chris's spot and not to mention its only ten or so minutes away. And ya right I do have access to different women but I ain't checking for nobody but you" he quipped. He didn't care if she believed him or not. He just needed her to know that he still had his eyes on nobody else but her. She was still the apple of his eye.

"Whatever but we both know that I need all the time I can get" she quipped. She was not about to entertain him about her still being the one he was checking for.

"Then let me get straight to the point" he said as he swiftly and effortlessly scooped her up in his arms making her drop her jeans to the floor. Like a magnet April's legs wrapped around his waist and she sighed in contentment all the while her pussy pulsated like it just knew it was about to be fed a healthy dosage of vitamin D. Top quality vitamin D at that and not that over the counter shit either. It was the type of vitamin D that doctors prescribed. Dave kept quiet as he marched out of her closet like a man on a mission and went straight to their bedroom and hoisted her body on the first wall he could see. Hoisting her body in the air and back pressed flush against the wall he didn't stop until her bare pussy was in front of his awaiting face. "Mhmm" a moan escaped his lips as he stared at her freshly waxed pussy smelling the freshness as if she had just jumped out of the shower. He stared at it for what seemed like forever but had only been a few seconds. He was trying to burn the image in his memory bank because he just knew that this would be the last time they would come face to face.

April looked down at Dave with lust filled eyes as the butterflies swarmed in her stomach wings flapping a mile a minute. Her pussy watered in excitement all the while silently reminding herself that this was a one and done situation for her. She didn't want to be reduced to his fuck buddy. She wanted him all of the time and not just some time. She wanted him completely. Sex complicated things and she had enough going on as it is. She didn't want him thinking that he could come and go as he pleased when she required and needed so much more than just dick. Just like love dick wasn't enough either.

"I'm sorry ma...it's just been a minute" he said and nuzzled his whole face into her pussy slowly shaking his face from side to side relishing in all its glory.

April gasped as her voice got stuck in her throat as the familiar beat played in the background and all she wanted to do was get her nut and go about her business and cry. Of course Peace Sign would play at a time like this. As soon as the beat registered to Dave he sighed. This was definitely the end so he had to make sure that he had come for her soul and left her satisfied. He pulled back and looked up at April who had a mixture of emotions written all over her face but the one that stuck out the most is sadness. They were both sad. They were sad that all of the good they had gone through couldn't be outweighed by the bad.

"I'm sorry" he sighed just before she could even make a comment and attacked her clenching pussy like an inmate on death row eating his last meal. Shit if he was on death row her pussy would actually be his last meal. It would be a hell of a way to go. He'd die a happy man. Wet wasn't even the word. April was juicing like a fountain pussy straight wetter than water and the floodgates hadn't even been opened yet.

"PA--" she screamed as she tried to pull an exorcist and climb the wall backwards. Dave was bringing his A game and if she didn't know any better he was treating this shit the same way she was...like it was his last time. He licked, flicked, and sucked on her clit like a newborn baby sucking a pacifier. There was no easing into it. He attacked her viciously.

Setting her clit free Dave looked up at her with a devilish grin accompanied by his signature mug. "You know the drill ma...no running" he said before diving back between her legs and splitting her lips open with ease then running his tongue up and down tasting her sweet juices. From the taste he knew she was still eating her pineapples. The taste of her alone was enough to make him want to drink from her running faucet. She was a sweet sticky gushy mess and he fuckin loved it. Her body shivered against his shoulders and in his hands. Her pussy clenched around his tongue making him groan as he mentally tried to remember the scent of her, the taste of her juice, the consistency of her juices, the feel of her, and the warmth of her pussy radiating from her. He missed it all just like he missed her.

"Ouuuuu" her right leg shook like a dog trying to scratch a flea. "Papi...PAPI" she moaned and screamed feeling a feeling she hadn't felt in what seemed like forever. She was going to explode and from the way her stomach had tightened up it was going to pour down on Dave fuck a splash. Like a spring day in April she was going to make it shower.

"Let that shit out ma let Papi get a drink of that sweet nectar" he spoke into her pussy then plunged his tongue inside of her making her gasp. Her fat ass in the palm of his hands he squeezed her cheeks until his fingers dug into her flesh trying to keep her steady as her body shook and shivered.

"Davidddd" she loudly moaned as her legs clamped shut around his head in a death grip. Pussy pulsating stomach tight her head fell forward as she let loose then splashed and rained all over Dave's face and body then fell limp against him not even caring how high off the ground she was or that she was suspended in the air.

Dave slurped and gulped down all the juice he could before ripping her from the wall. He took a few steps then tossed her on the bed making her body jump up and down against the mattress making her laugh. Her laughter was like music to his ears. Dave looked down and smiled at her as he stood in front of her coming out of his slides then his clothes. Shirt tossed over his head and onto the floor, sweats pooled down around his ankles along with his boxer briefs his dick stood at full attention with pre-cum oozing and glistening at the very tip. Before he could even reach the bed April was on the edge with her tongue out flicking the droplet away.

"Mhmm" she moaned as she closed her eyes savoring the taste. It wasn't sweet as hers but it was his and it was good. April looked up at him and bit down on her bottom lip. There was her ex man standing in front of her, the love of her life, and her ex fiancé looking down at her with the same emotions flickering in his eyes as they both came to the realization that they had reached their peak. They were done and were probably doomed from the very beginning. He was the right man he just came for her at the wrong time. So if this was it she was going out with a bang not only for herself but to let Dave know that no one did it better than her. Taking her right hand and gripping the base of his dick she slowly licked around his head instantly making him moan. Giving the swollen plump head of his dick one last stroke of her tongue she placed it fully in her mouth and sucked on it as if it was one of her favorite hard candies...a jolly rancher.

"Wooooo" Dave loudly moaned as his toes curled. His whole dick wasn't even in her mouth and he was already feeling damned. The feel of her warm mouth and tongue was the best. He knew she was coming for his soul and like always he was going to hand deliver that shit to her on a silver platter. April kept her eyes locked on him, removed her hand from his shaft, and in one swift movement she inhaled him all the way inside of her mouth. "Fuck" he groaned as his toes curled even tighter in his socks. "Suck it just like that ma...just like that" he instructed her with lust filled eyes while grabbing a few of her locs as she gobbled him up while he rocked back and forth fucking her face. Head bobbing up and down she twirled her tongue around him feeling his veins bulging even more as her mouth filled up with spit. Releasing him from her mouth she spit on his dick then vacuumed him right back in with ease loving how he turned into mush right before her very eyes. That familiar gawking sound along with Dave's moans, and groans were the only sounds that could be heard besides spit sloshing around in April's mouth. It was so much spit it started seeping out the corners of her mouth making spit bubbles. To Dave it was a sight to see and music to his ears. It was nasty. It was filthy and they both loved it.

"Ma I'm a bust if you don't let go" Dave said as his chest heaved up and down. He was honestly surprised that he hadn't bust as soon as her tongue came in contact with him.

April took a breath out of her nose and swallowed him down until she couldn't swallow anymore. That no gag reflex had him touching that little dangling thang like Cardi would call it in the back of her throat. "Stupid David...stupid, stupid David" he said as his eyes clamped shut. Yes he said stupid David. Stupid because how the hell was he going to go on with his life without being mind-blown like this on a daily basis. Stupid for fucking up so bad that this would be the last time he even got to experience some shit like this. Stupid because this wouldn't have been the last time if he had gotten his shit together and stupid because ain't no way in hell he could imagine her doing this shit to any other nigga but him.

April chuckled some and pulled him out of her mouth then wiped the sides of her mouth like she hadn't just made a whole ass mess. "Yes stupid, stupid David" she laughed. "Now come and beat these walls down" she said as she leaned back and spread her legs open in the Peace Sign. It was the way she had first given him her whole body and this time it would be the last.

Legs in the air and I got em up high right now...Just put it right there...In between my thighs right now...

"Damn it" Dave said then bit down on his fist looking at the beautiful mess staring back at him between her legs. Freshly waxed, pretty and pink, and glistening like a pot of honey. Taking her legs into his hands he pulled her until her as was hanging off the edge of the bed and without hesitation or any friction he plunged into her pussy with ease causing them both to moan out in pure pleasure. Three months later and he still fit inside of her like a glove and from the way she felt around him he knew for sure that nobody had dipped inside of her.

"Mhmm" they moaned in unison. This feeling was a feeling that they both tremendously missed. To them it felt just like home and to know that it would come to an end was one of the worst feelings ever.

"Shit so warm and tight" Dave groaned as he plunged in and out of her working up even more juice than before.

April tucked her bottom lip in her mouth as her eyes teared up both a mixture of pleasure and pain. The pain came from her heart that this man standing before her that she gave everything to was going to walk out of her life once again when the deed was done. Dave beat her shit like never before. He was taking it all. He came for her soul and if she would be reborn in the afterlife he came for that soul as well. He marked her making sure she knew that what he gave her he would never give to anyone else but her. He pounded deep into her guts to the point sweat started to gather across his forehead. Hearing her chant his name over and over again and again drove him wild. He grunted, groaned, and moaned in pure pleasure not giving a fuck how he sounded. He felt like Charlie from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory because this pussy that he was digging out definitely had a golden ticket inside of it. Dave pulled all the way out of her then gave her a look she knew all too well. Without command April crawled into the middle of the bed and assumed the position. Face all the way down and ass up in the air with the perfect arch. She shook and clapped her ass enticing him even more.

"Come break my back Papi" she purred ready for him to fill her up. Instead of giving her what she wanted Dave hopped into the bed and licked her swollen clit to her ass then went back to her clit sucking on the hardened bulb. Elicit moans poured out of April's mouth as her legs shook.

"Shit should be illegal" Dave spoke into her wet folds and smacked her ass.

"David" she moaned as she rocked back and forth against his tongue feeling the urge to let go once again. Dave continued feasting on her then added a finger to increase the pleasure for her which only drove her crazy. April bucked on his finger as if he was giving her that third leg before she erupted making a mess all over Dave and their bed. Just like every time before Dave drank her up making sure to get his fill. He didn't even bother to wipe off his face before plunging back into her slippery awaiting folds.

"OUUUUU" April screamed as Dave gripped her waist as his fingers dug deep into her flesh damn near breaking skin. April didn't even mind the pain that accompanied it. The pleasure was all she was tuned into.

Reaching down he grabbed her neck and pulled her up to the point her back was pressed flush against is flesh then turned her face to meet his Dave dove into her lips kissing her. April immediately whimpered. Kissing Dave when they were nothing stung her heart. Clenching down around Dave like a vice grip Dave groaned into her lips swallowing her moans. They switched position after position until Dave was back between her legs missionary digging her all the way out to the hilt. She had bust too many times to count and now it was his turn. He looked down at April watching her love faces change with each stroke until their eyes were locked onto each other's. His rhythm became erratic as his balls tightened. Without giving it any thought Dave let loose and spilled everything he had to give into her until there was nothing left to give then fell limp on top of her then turned on his back exhausted yet fully satisfied.

"I love you ma" he whispered to himself but April had heard him.

April sighed. "This can't happen again" April said breathlessly yet satisfied as she slowly crawled her way out of the bed and wobbled on unsteady legs to their bathroom with fresh tears running down her face wondering what had she just done.

-Hey boo's happy reading I hope y'all enjoyed the first chapter ☺️.
-We all know most of us wouldn't have let Dave come close to the 🐱 after the bullshit he pulled but I had to do it for the last time since there's no telling when it will be the next time 😬.
-This was a 3 month time jump and I did drop a few gems if y'all caught them on what's been going on between the 2 of them. Next chapter there will be a rewind though.
-Dave still wants April but hasn't made an effort to fix things 😩.
-Just get ready because y'all already know it's about to be a roller coaster ride 😈.
-Any, who y'all know the drill. Sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & and add to your libraries 🥰.
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰.

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