9: Thanksgiving...Fathers to Son
9: Thanksgiving...Fathers to Son
Dave had greeted his parents properly as well as April's and the rest of their family that was at the house along with Bully. The house was packed. He had never seen it as packed as it was. Normally it was just the crew and their parents but this was a nice sight to see. It was the same family if not a little more of them that had come out to celebrate with them at the baby shower. He looked around smiling at their combined family and the fact that they were getting along was a gift in itself. Dave, Bully, and Shooter weren't even going to come home today but said fuck it. They missed their women, Dave missed his kids, they wanted a home cooked meal, and Dave really wanted a home cooked dessert by the name of April. Dave knew she was going to be hot and ready to pounce on him whenever it was show time. He could rest up and all that other shit on the road later.
"DADDY" Kairi screamed excitedly as April put her down and she ran straight to him.
"LIL BUTT" he said with the same excitement and scooped her up in his arms and covered her face with kisses making her squirm and laugh.
"Whatchu was doing" he asked her.
"Playing with my toys and cousins" she answered smiling.
"I missed you did you miss me" he asked her still smiling.
"Yesssss" she replied making him smile even more.
"How much did you miss daddy"
"This much" she spread her arms wide.
"That's a lot Lil Butt" he said and covered her face with kisses again then cleared his throat and looked at his parents cheesing. "Mommy and daddy I come bearing gifts"
"Where" they looked at him and asked confused because they saw nothing but Kairi in his arms.
"Right here" Errol said as he entered the living room smiling at his parents. Mama Faye jumped up so fast from her seat with Senior right behind her. She couldn't stop the tears from falling. "Hey mommy" he said as he pulled her in his arms and hugged her tightly engulfing the scent of her white diamond that smelled like nothing but home to him. Senior looked over at Dave and nodded his head thanking him.
"My baby boy" she said and placed both of her hands on each sides of his face looking him over. Senior let her have her moment. He knew just how much this moment meant to her. They had really missed him and seeing the two brothers together made it even more special.
"Pops" Errol chuckled and hugged his father.
"Welcome home lil one welcome home" Senior said and hugged him tightly.
"Feels good to be back" he said then looked over at Kairi who was still in Dave's arms staring at him and acting all shy.
"Come here baby girl. Uncle missed you" he said and took her out of Dave's arms.
"Where you go" she asked mugging him looking just like her father.
"I had to go away for a lil while" he sighed. "I promise I won't leave you again though"
"Promise" she said and stuck out her little pinky.
"Promise" he said and wrapped his pinky around hers. He felt so bad that he hadn't been checking on her like he should've but he was back and he wasn't going anywhere.
"Ok" she mugged him and hugged his neck tightly as everyone looked on smiling at them having their little moment.
A few minutes later Kairi had dipped on everybody and went back to the room with the other kids to play but Dave already knew that she'd be back. The festivities had picked back up from where they left off. Dave even went and took a peak at Charlie ready to smother her in kisses as well but decided against it because she was still in her pack and play sleeping so he kissed her forehead and let her be. All he wanted to do right now was get up under his woman and eat. But before he could do so he had to talk to his father and Ian.
"Pops...Unc" he approached Senior and Ian who were chilling with the rest of the men playing a game of dominos and drinking.
"Sup son" they said in unison. Dave chuckled. All of them had really been spending too much time together which wasn't bad at all but everyone was rubbing off on each other. But hey they were a close knit family so it was bound to happen anyway.
"I was wondering after I finished eating if y'all had some time to talk one on one" he spoke as he stood tall and firm. He didn't want them to think he was bullshitting. The subject he wanted to talk to them about was important to him.
"I'll be here whenever ya ready" Senior said.
"Same" Ian nodded.
"Bet" Dave nodded and headed straight to the kitchen. He was fiend'n for a home cooked meal and his woman.
"Hey Papi" April said as she looked back at him cheesing as he entered the kitchen. She was in the middle of fixing his plate. He hadn't even asked her to but as usual she was on her wife shit and catering to him even if it was the simplest shit like making a plate.
"Hey ma" he crept up on her ready to cop a feel. He missed seeing her smile and having her body so close to him and in the flesh. He definitely had some plans for her tonight.
"You better keep it PG" she laughed stopping him from groping her.
"For right now but later on I can't make you any promises" he smirked and rubbed his hands together.
"Good because I'd hate for you to have to break them" she shot back. He already knew she was down with the fucks and it was going to be another wild night for them.
"Yea, don't mind me I'm just tryna fix my plate and go mind my business" Errol said strolling into the kitchen.
April laughed. "Hey lil brother don't mind us" April smiled at him. "Do you mind if I call you that or would you like to be called something else" April said and turned around passing Dave his plate. Dave loved the fact that she was already claiming his little brother but then again he knew how his woman was. Errol was a part of him and Errol was family no matter what.
"Thanks ma" Dave said and dipped off and took a seat at the island.
"Nah ya good lil birdie" Errol chuckled. He didn't mind at all.
"Heard ju" April nodded, grabbed a bottle of water, and took a seat beside Dave watching him pray over his food. Errol looked over at them and smiled before going to make his plate. His big brother was really out here living that family life.
"You made those cinnamon buns" Dave asked looking up from his plate. He was about to go in. She had put a little bit of everything on his plate. He already knew he was taking some plates to go even if they had to get a cooler to keep them shits good on the road for a little while.
"Yup they're at the house" she said and took a piece of fallen food out of his beard.
"Say less I'm taking those on the road with me"
"They're yours I made them for you" she looked at him and smiled. He knew she was happy that he had made it home and hadn't missed their first Thanksgiving.
"Bet" they continued to share light conversation pretty much just enjoying being in each other's presence. Dave just kept staring at her throughout the conversation. He was really about to go have the talk all in the name of love and April. Her little ass walked right into his life and shook it all the way up in a good way and now he was about to go ask for that blessing.
"Aight ma I need to go talk to Pops and Unc. I'll see you in a lil while" Dave said then leaned down and kissed her lips. He didn't tell her what the conversation was about but he knew she had an inkling of what it was.
"Ok I'll be here" she said and leaned against the wall. They had found a little cut to creep off to after he had finished eating. He just wanted a little alone time with her before going to have the talk.
"Better be" he playfully mugged her and smiled. He knew her ass wasn't going anywhere unless he was by her side.
Dave, Senior, and Ian stepped inside of April's almost empty office and closed the door behind them. Drinks in their hands and of course a complementary blunt in the other they all took a seat ready to get shit out on the table and in the open. Both Senior and Ian already knew that whatever was on Dave's mind had to be important and they were ready to hear just how important it truly was.
"What's on ya mind Jr" Senior asked as he leaned back in his seat getting comfortable.
"I just wanted to talk to you two bout marriage" Dave replied as he kept eye contact.
"Aww shit" Senior chuckled and looked over at Ian.
"Shits getting real" Ian said and took a gulp of his drink. Dave really had his full attention now because he knew marriage included his Peanut so he had to see where his head was at. This wasn't going to be like the first time someone asked for his blessing.
Dave looked at them and shook his head laughing. "For real Pops and Unc all jokes aside I want what y'all have and if I'm being completely honest I already have it but I know marriage isn't a game and shouldn't be taken lightly. Just like I know shit happens that can test both people involved. But I just want to know how are y'all able to stay married for so long and keep y'all shit intact? When I look at both of y'all and y'all marriages everyone looks happy and in love. How do y'all maintain that same feeling" Dave questioned. "Granted I'm on the outside looking in and I know everything isn't perfect but y'all have been married to the same women for decades"
"You can take the lead" Ian said to Senior giving him the respect that he was Dave's father and this was a father to son talk even though he did consider Dave as a son as well. But he knew this was very much one of those important father to son talks.
Senior nodded. "Marriage is hard work and a whole lot of dedication but it doesn't have to be when both parties are willing to put in the necessary work to make their marriage work. Me and ya mother's marriage is far from perfect but it's ours. We may argue from time to time we may scream and shout at each other from time to time but at the end of the day we regroup, come to each other like adults, and we talk shit out. There's no way in hell that I'd go to bed mad at my women and truthfully our good outweighs our bad on any given day. We've past those days long ago. We've been there and done that" Senior said keeping his eyes on him.
"When you marry you say vows and those vows aren't to be broken, taken lightly, or toyed with. It's an oath and a verbal promise to do right by one another and it's a reminder of all the promises you've made to each other" Senior continued and Ian nodded agreeing with him.
"Are you really ready for that type of commitment? Are you ready to hold someone's life in ya hands? I'm talking bout what if ya woman gets sick are you willing to handle the difficult situation if it's major enough for her to end up in the hospital. Or she gets pregnant and something goes wrong are you capable of making a life altering decision. Funeral arrangements and everything else her life is in ya hands and vice versa. Are you really ready for that responsibility" Senior asked sternly as he kept his eyes on him.
"Marriage isn't like dating sure some things are the same but there's more responsibilities involved when it comes to marriage. In a marriage you can't just pick up and leave because you feel a way or something didn't go ya way. It's not that easy especially if y'all both love each other the way y'all say y'all do" Senior said keeping it a buck with Dave. Sometimes you had to make difficult decisions and it wasn't always a walk in the park.
Dave sat back and soaked everything in that his father had said and asked. He hadn't even lit his blunt or tossed his drink back. He wanted a clear head for this. Could he make those difficult decisions if need be? He really thought about it. Could he sacrifice his women if need be if it came to that point?
"I want in and if something should happen I would probably be no good but I'd do whatever I'd have to do because I know she trusts me with her life and trusts that I have her best interest like she has mines" he answered honestly. Dave and April knew what it was. They'd both put their lives on the line for each other and take whatever bullet was coming their way.
Both Senior and Ian nodded their head in approval.
"I'm a keep it real with you Jr talking to you bout marriage is a big deal for me but at the same time you're already half the man I was at ya age. You're mature, you know what you want, and you go after what you want. You and my daughter in law have already been through a lot together and a part so y'all value certain things more. Y'all know for a fact that y'all aren't complete without each other. Y'all know what it feels like to be a part and neither of you like it. You already move like a husband is supposed to move just like she moves like ya wife. You love, care, trust, respect, and cater to my daughter in law fuck it my daughter" he said and laughed a little.
To Senior April had already been his daughter. He had accepted her with open arms. "Mind you y'all have already started a family in an unconventional way but you've stepped up and did what most men wouldn't do or be able to even handle. I say you keep doing what ya doing and you'll both be just fine" Senior continued. He was so very proud of the man Dave had turned out to be.
Dave looked at him and smiled. He was absolutely right. They were already making marriage moves. He just wanted to know how to make it long lasting.
"Marriage is bout love and I'm not talking bout having love for someone but actually loving and being in love and staying in love with that one person flaws and all. Obviously y'all already have that as well. By now y'all know each other's flaws and you don't let y'all flaws or imperfections override the love y'all have for each other" Senior said. He saw how much Dave and April loved each other. He knew what they had was real and their flaws weren't even entertained. They took the good with the bad and made something beautiful.
"I recently seen a commercial with the rapper Waka Flocka and of course it might have been edited to sound a certain way but in the commercial he said that sometimes he wakes up and hates his wife. I don't give a fuck what y'all go through that shouldn't even be said. You love each other through the good and the bad and thick and thin. Now there will be days where you don't like each other at the moment but that shall pass. Don't ever forget what y'all have" Senior said to him knowing that every day wasn't going to be a good one but hating your wife or your husband wasn't something you should say or feel regardless of what is going on. Now if you really hated your spouse then it was no need to even be together.
"True the love y'all have for one another is rare and we all know it's real. I have never seen my Peanut smile the way she does or how her eyes light up when you walk in the room or someone mentions your name. She's always been a shining force but you help make her shine brighter and make the real her shine through. She's awakened from her slumber since y'all have been in each other's lives" Ian said and agreed with Senior. He knew without a doubt that Dave loved his daughter to no end. He trusted him with her heart and her life.
"Patience...marriage is bout patience. We go through so many changes throughout our lifetime good and bad but you have to be patient enough to watch each other grow into better versions of y'all selves. Y'all have to want better for each other and realize that y'all both grow at different rates and not to get jealous of each other's growth because the growth y'all have will work out in y'all favor. But y'all have already experienced patience and you will again" Ian continued.
Dave nodded agreeing. "True Unc we definitely have. I had to go backwards to find out Agnes wasn't for me or Lil Butt no matter how bad I wanted for her to be in a household with both of her parents. I had to realize that I deserved better, happiness, and real love. Ma had to talk to Breezy to let shit go and reclaim her life back. We both had to grow and do better not only for ourselves but for each other. If we hadn't had patience we wouldn't be where we are right now"
"Exactly" both Senior and Ian agreed.
"Another thing, watch your mouth sometimes we get mad at each other and before we know it we might say something hurtful that we can't take back. I know you've heard sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me but that's complete bullshit. Sometimes we say shit that actually hurts. It may not hurt physically but it hurts our feelings so be careful with what you say" Senior added and Dave totally understood where he was coming from.
"Heard ju" Dave nodded.
"My Peanut has a mouth on her and things do fly out of her mouth and if she ever says something that you don't like that hurts ya feelings because yes we men do get our feelings hurt especially if our woman says some bullshit. But if she does nip that shit in the bud right then and there now I ain't talking bout coming at her aggressively or doing some shit that you can't take back. What I'm saying is let her know that you didn't like what she said or even how she said it and that she hurt ya feelings. Don't let it fester or build up. Speak ya mind and let her know and vice versa" Ian said knowing how April could be at times. Her mouth could be a little reckless.
Dave shook his head. "Yea my baby does have a mouth on her granted she hasn't said anything to hurt my feelings but when she gets mad or in her feelings there's no telling how the words are gonna come out of her mouth. Luckily we just talked bout that so we're good" Dave said remembering April had apologized for the way she had come at him recently. That was something they didn't want in their relationship. They wanted to be able to talk to each other properly and with respect. April knew she had a problem with her mouth and she corrected herself and was working on how to come at him when she was in her feelings.
"Good, good" Ian said and nodded.
"Like I said marriage is different from dating sometimes we think that once we're married that we don't have to take our women out on dates, surprise her, and do all of the things we use to do to win her heart because we already have her. But in order for y'all to work you have to nurture you relationship and keep dating each other. With ya career you're at the studio all types of the night, doing shows, and right now ya touring for months at a time. With my daughter she'll eventually go back to work and somedays she might be there after hours. Or the kids for instance will have a lot of school activities and require a lot of attention but you'll have to make some time for yourselves to make it back to one another" Senior said then lit his blunt. He was going to make sure he gave Dave all the advice he could to have a healthy and successful marriage. This is one of the talks he wished he would've had with his own father.
"To piggyback off that y'all have to remember what brought you two together in the first place you don't always have to do anything major especially with kids. Sometimes you don't have time to go outside for dates like you want. Sure you know y'all have us to babysit sometimes but sometimes you have to be creative if you can't make it out of the house. When the kids are sleep you can create a date night in the house. You can do a dinner and a movie night inside the comfort of ya own home. Do things just because and not because you feel obligated. Flowers just because, calls and texts throughout the day just because, or anything y'all like to do for each other" Ian added in.
"For me I randomly let my wife know that we're going out and she asks no questions. I don't give her a destination. I just say get dressed and we go from there. Sometimes it might be a certain destination and sometimes we just end up somewhere new" Ian said.
"Exactly like for instance ya mother loves flowers. I make sure to pick her up a bouquet every now and then and not just on holidays. I don't love her anymore or any less for Valentine's Day. I make sure she knows it every day. Every day is Valentine's Day and she does the same for me" Senior added in. It was the little shit that counted.
Dave nodded. He understood where they were coming from. "Tour does take its toll on our relationship especially this one since its months at a time and with a toddler and a newborn it's somewhat of a struggle but I make sure that yes I call to speak to the kids but I do make sure that I call her just for her. I like to let her know that's she's on my mind and that I love her just because. You know I don't want her at home thinking that she isn't on my mind when she's always on my mind. I might have to add something new to it though" he said thinking that maybe he should do a little surprise or something for her just to know she still had his heart.
"It'll be rocky in the beginning but y'all will get through it just as long as y'all know what's important but just make sure y'all make time for each other" Senior said and took a sip of his drink.
"I would talk to you bout money but between you and my daughter y'all make more than enough. But with that being said take the time out and smell the roses and fruits of y'all labor. Y'all have kids I think family vacations are important. You want to make memories and do things as a family. Nowadays y'all have camera phones so y'all can take pictures and videos and I think that's cool but sometimes it's best to pull out the Polaroid and snap so you can look at the pictures in an actual photo album and flip through the pages. Y'all have money to travel all over the world so let the kids see it all. Shit even plan trips for just the two of you and love on each other" Senior said.
"Another thing just because y'all have money doesn't mean every trip needs to be an over the top trip. We came from the hood born and raised and those lil trips to the zoo, water parks, and carnivals were special ones especially when done as a family. Even going out back and making up activities to do will create good memories" Ian added in. When they couldn't take real trips they did whatever they could and made the most of it. Most of those trips were the best compared to the fancy ones.
"Heard ju Unc and I know that from experience so I definitely get it. Some of my best memories were those basic trips. They meant more" Dave chimed in he definitely understood. Besides he wanted their kids to see both sides of the fence. He didn't want them to be those stuck up brats who didn't know shit but their parent's money.
"One more thing y'all have money but nothing is set in stone. With the money y'all have and make it's best to have multiple streams of income and to invest. Peanut does both of these things and if she hasn't put you on I'm sure she will" Ian said. He made sure when his family got on that he dipped into other sources, invested, and helped small businesses grow bigger. He April and Alaina actually had a few spots together.
"I'm already on that wave Unc and that's before we even met. I ain't trying to go back to being broke so I've invested in a lot of things. Ma and I even have something in the works to do together so yea I'm on it" and he was. Dave was a rapper yes but he went to college and although he had dropped out he was very intellectual so he knew he needed more than just rapper money. He knew with being in the industry especially as a rapper that shit didn't last for some people and the wave could suddenly die so he wanted to make sure that his hands were in whatever they could get in that was legit and could flourish. He wanted money that he could pass down to his kids.
Both Ian and Senior nodded liking that he was already thinking about his future.
"There will also be times when you need to apologize when you don't think you've done anything wrong which also goes with being able to forgive. Both of y'all will do something that the other doesn't like but don't let it fester. Talk it out, see what's going on, what's wrong, and how can y'all fix it. Sometimes it's best to be the bigger person" Senior said. There were plenty of times that he didn't know he had done something wrong and when he asked about it and found out what it was he apologized. Ian too had experienced the same thing in his marriage.
"Understood" Dave nodded.
"Now this one right here is very important and I think you know this one already" Senior said.
"Communication...communication is the key if you want to have a healthy relationship period. We can't read minds so communication is important. I don't care if it's big or small communicate" Senior stressed.
"Definitely important I've had trouble with that a few times not wanting my wife to worry bout certain things but in the long run it caused more harm than good. Just speak ya peace and let shit happen because you never know they might be able to help you out with whatever is going on" Ian added.
Dave chuckled and looked at Ian. "Like father like daughter. Ma does that from time to time but now we're at a place where she knows her best bet is just to speak up"
Ian threw his hands up in the air and laughed. "What can I say she does take after me" he said and shrugged. "Another thing in a marriage just like if you were just dating there will be times where you have to compromise. One of you will have to make a sacrifice but y'all already know bout sacrificing. You're picking up and relocating states away and not by yourself but with Papa's baby so you know all bout compromising" Ian said.
"Facts" Dave nodded thinking about how he was about to uproot him and Kairi and move her states away from the life and people she knew. "Real talk my family already knew that I was going to eventually leave. I didn't think it would be this soon though" he admitted.
"True I knew LA was calling you and Nipsey only made it worst" Senior said and laughed. He knew Dave loved the whole LA vibe. Dave laughed a little thinking about all the shit he used to get into every time he went to LA and chilled with Nipsey and how LA felt like home. So when April told him about the move he wasn't too bothered it was just the whole taking Kairi away from Millie that had him stumped.
"Now this is another important piece of advice if you want to have a healthy marriage" Ian said and looked straight at Dave. "Keep people out of your business. Your relationship is ya relationship. Granted there will be times where you need advice or to talk bout something but for the most part keep ya shit to ya self. Everyone likes to be a marriage counselor and they don't know shit bout a marriage or are even married. Also be careful who you have around in ya marriage. People like to smile in ya face and say how they wish they had what you had and they will low key be in the background waiting to see ya shit fall apart. Talk to someone you trust like ya father or me and sometimes don't even come to us. We want to know bout ya relationship but we shouldn't know everything" Ian said.
"I second that. Everybody doesn't have ya best interest so you really have to be careful of what you say around people and how you move. If me and ya mother have issues we talk that shit out amongst ourselves. It ain't no let me call so and so and see what he or she says" Senior said.
"Yea we've already had people try to sabotage what we have so yea that's definitely important" Dave agreed. In their relationship it was only him and April and no one else so their problems was just that their problems. Senior and Ian continued to give him advice and he sat there soaking it all in. Whatever advice he could get he was willing to listen to especially coming from the two men in his life that he looked up to and had his best interest at heart.
"One more thing Jr never give up on ya marriage. Shit will happen both good and bad but stick it out and fight. I see so many couples getting divorced over the silliest shit when all they had to do was sit down and talk it out. Marriage is death do us part but people don't take their vows seriously. Infidelity, abuse, and things like that are something else but most of the time your problems can be solved and even when you feel like they can't be then try counseling before thinking ya marriage is over. Remember why y'all fell in love and get back to the basics. Shit gets hard and it gets real but if you know what ya fighting for then you'll be good. Love is a beautiful thing so cherish it. We aren't all lucky to find our person" Senior stressed.
"Facts I ain't even gonna hold you me and ma are on the same page. We're gonna keep rocking till the wheels fall off and when they do we're gonna buy another set and continue on. We have this shit where we say it ain't no way out. Ya either in or ya in and both of us are in" Dave said as a matter of fact. He would fight for April and indeed April would fight for him.
"You definitely have a fighter by ya side. Peanut will fight for you and fight right beside you no questions asked" Ian said with a proud smile on his face. His baby girls including his niece were just like their mother and aunt. They were born riders. That shit was in their blood.
"Facts" Dave said and smiled as he kept his eyes on Ian.
"Go head I'm ready" Ian said and chuckled.
Dave sat up straight and held eye contact. He was really about to do this. Yes he was nervous but he wanted this so it had to be done. He wanted to do things the right way so it was game time. He took a deep breath and began.
"Unc never in a million years did I think that I would be in this predicament with you and your daughter. You've been an uncle to me since I was a lil nigga and never once had I seen her but somehow we found each other and I am very blessed to call her mines. I want to continue to wake up to her every morning and go to sleep by her side every night. She is my all and my everything she completes me and she sees me. She's the light at the end of the tunnel. She's my end game that I never knew I needed. She's my woman and my best friend. I promise to love her, care for her, protect her, provide for her, be there for her, and to never leave her side. All I ask is for your blessing to make her my wife" Dave said and smiled.
Senior looked on smiling brightly at him and proud as all hell. He was happy that he got to sit in on this important moment for him. Ian looked at Dave and damn near teared up. Sure he went through this shit before with Chris but this was Dave and he absolutely knew in his soul that Dave was his Peanut's person.
"Damn" Ian said and wiped his hands over his eyes wiping away his tears. His Peanut was really about to be engaged and soon to be somebody's wife and he knew for a fact that this wedding would be a success and there was no doubt about it. "You have my blessing. I know you are her person. I know that you not only love her but you're in love with her. I trust you with my Peanut's heart and I trust you with her life. I wish y'all nothing but blessings and a beautiful happy ending" Ian spoke truthfully. He had faith in Dave that he would continue to do right by his daughter. "I also pray that y'all send me a grandson. I love my baby girls I do but Papa needs a lil boy or two"
Dave and Senior looked at him and laughed. "Thank you Unc. Trust I want the same thing when it comes to a lil boy" Dave stood up, walked over to him, and put his hand out.
Ian stood up and pulled him into his arms hugging him then pulled back. "Welcome to the family son"
Dave, Ian, and Senior laughed and Dave made his way back to his seat.
"Now I know y'all are wondering bout the ring but I don't have it in my possession. It's actually being made at the moment but I was hoping that when it's ready that you and Pops would come with me to check it out and pick it up" Dave said and finally lit his blunt.
"I'm there I gotta make sure you ain't bout to put an earring on my Peanut's finger" Ian said jokingly. Both Dave and Senior laughed.
"She wouldn't mind but I would and I wouldn't even think bout doing my baby like that. She deserves the finest especially when it comes to her ring" Dave said still smiling then took a pull from his blunt. He wanted her to be happy and proud to wear her ring. He wanted for when someone looked at her hand to know that she was already taken.
"Just give me the green light and I'll be there too" Senior said. "I'm proud of you Jr and I'm happy for you. You went through a lot with Agnes and to end up with April a woman who loves you the way she does is a blessing in its self" he said and smiled at him proudly. He was proud to call him his son.
Dave smiled back. "Thanks Pops preciate' it I feel blessed"
"Are you nervous" Senior asked.
Dave chuckled. "Nah I'm ready. I already call her my wife anyway it's just time to make it official" he replied. He had nothing to be worried about. He had already asked her and had his answer. The only thing he was worried about was if his proposal turned out as good as he hoped it would.
"How are you gonna do it" Ian asked.
"I have a few ideas in mind but I haven't quite decided just yet. I do know when I want to do it though" he replied. He had the date it was just a matter of how.
"When" Senior and Ian questioned.
April had just made it back downstairs with Charlie nestled in her arms and wide awake. She had been up in her room feeding her. She didn't want to be sitting in front of everyone with her breast out and covered even though she knew they wouldn't mind. Now if it was the usual crew she wouldn't care so much. She had actually pumped out milk and had it in the fridge but since Chris and Mama Joyce were staying at their place for the weekend and wanted to keep her she just left it alone so they'd be able to feed her. As soon as she hit the bottom step she could hear a bunch of commotion but she really didn't pay it any mind because it was a packed house so kids were here and there, the older kids were still dancing, playing games, and everything else. So there was bound to be noise but the closer she got to the living room it seemed like everybody had gotten extra hype so she wanted to see what was going on and possibly join the festivities. This is why she loved the holidays and chilling with family. It was always good vibes and she got to see and chill with the ones that she didn't normally get to see often.
"Ready to join the festivities mommy's baby" April looked down smiling at Charlie who was busy looking around.
"Cousin, look who finally made it" her little cousin excitedly said making April curiously look up at her to see who she was talking about because everybody who was supposed to be there was already there.
As soon as April eyes landed on the person it seemed as if the atmosphere in the room instantly shifted and what was once so cheery had all came down to a sudden halt. "I know you fuckin lying" April said and immediately covered Charlie's face, left out of the room, and damn near bumped into Dave.
"Ma slow down" Dave chuckled and put his hands out for Charlie.
"We got a situation" April said highly pissed and handed Charlie off to Dave then started back towards the living room ready to pop off.
"Woah...woah ma what's wrong" Dave asked concerned as he slid in front of her stopping her in her tracks.
"Take Charlie to mommy and have the crew meet me in the living room" she replied as Ian and Senior stepped in wondering what the fuck was going on.
"Peanut what's wrong" Ian stepped beside Dave and asked looking her over.
"She's here" April said and walked off.
-Hey guys I hope y'all enjoyed 😊
-Lil bruh showed up as planned. He wasn't about to miss out on thanksgiving or seeing his family.
-Dave done went in and had that talk though 😊 and came out with Ian's blessing. I'm excited like I ain't the one who wrote it 🤣
-Somebody done popped up that wasn't on the invite list and our good sis is ready to pop off 👀. Y'all know how I do 😈
-I'm married but I had to get some extra advice from google myself about marriage to make sure Senior and Ian gave Dave all the advice they could. So I took from my experience and what I read and wrapped it up all together. I found some good advice that will definitely come in handy as well😂
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰
🛑Ok so one of my sis and you know who you are asked me how old I was and now I'm interested in knowing how old everyone is because sometimes I feel like I'm older than a lot of you. So with that being said how old are you guys if you don't mind me asking 🥰🤔😂 By the way I just turned 34 last Saturday😂
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