8: Thanksgiving

Chapter 8: Thanksgiving

It was the night before Thanksgiving and April and her little girls were in the kitchen listening to some Disney tunes while making cupcakes. April was in charge of making the caramel cakes of course and since the family had grown she had to make additional cakes. So while April handled the cakes her mother, Mama Faye, Alaina, and Ebony were at her and Dave's second home getting a head start on Thanksgiving dinner. But right now she was enjoying time with her girls. She was feeling a lot better lately and less overwhelmed. Her routine had finally kicked in and she had finally sat her ass down. She had too because she was causing more harm than good to her mental. Ebony had even been coming through to kick it with her and help out if need be.

Honestly she would've been around anyway but since she was moving to LA and Bully wasn't home to interrupt her she had been going in when it came to getting work done so everything would be squared away and ready when it was time to move and transition. As far as still feeling off April still felt the same way yet she hadn't mentioned it to Dave yet but she planned to very soon. Most likely it would be over the weekend because she didn't want to ruin Thanksgiving whether he was home or not. It was even to the point that she had taken her gun out of their safe and placed it in an accessible place for her to reach yet far enough to keep out of the girl's sight and reach and keep them out of harm's way. At the end of the day their safety was important so she had to do her part when it came to having her gun out of the safe. She also had to let her father in the know so she definitely had to get it done soon. She'd probably have to arrange a meeting with him and her uncle so they would all be on the same page and alert.

"Momma, can I lick the bowl" Kairi looked up at her as she mixed the batter. April was making sure that she kept an eye on her because she was letting her make the cupcakes for Thanksgiving so she was making sure she didn't dip her little fingers into the batter. She had wanted to help April make the cakes but April figured she could make cupcakes and she could share them with the rest of the kids tomorrow.

"Yes you may but after we fill the cupcake wrappers" April answered.

"Yessss" she dragged excitedly as always. April chuckled and looked down at Charlie who was wide awake in her bouncy chair with Teddy on the floor by her side. "Grandpa and mama and nana and papa are gonna love these" she said talking about her grandparents.

"Yup and what did you make them with" April asked to see if she remembered what she had told her when they had first started making the cupcakes.

"Love" she beamed brightly.

"That's right my Love Bug's cupcakes are made with love" April smiled at her. "Did you choose which wrappers you want to use" she asked looking at the different wrappers they had on the table in front of them.

"Yes the rainbow ones" she pointed at.

"Sounds good to me" April said. "It's time to fill up the wrappers"

"Ok" she stopped mixing the batter. April grabbed the bowl and stirred the batter herself making sure it was completely mixed. Once she was done she and Kairi lined the wrappers on a baking sheet pan and filled them, beat the pan on the table a smidge to make sure they were leveled, and popped them in the oven.

"Ok we have to color the frosting while we wait"

"Ok" she danced in her seat and yawned.

April opened the frosting, split it into three small bowls, put some food coloring gel in each one, and let Kairi mix them then fully mixed them herself.

"What color is this" April pointed to one of the bowls.


"That's right" April put her hand up and Kairi gave her a high five. She then asked her what was the rest of the colors and Kairi had gotten them all correct. When it came to Kairi's education Dave and April played no games. They made sure they were teaching her things at home and although she had toys they made sure she had a mixture of educational ones as well. That's why she was so well spoken. Dave had done a great job with her from the very beginning and now they were on it together.

"Momma is daddy coming home tomorrow" she asked with her little hand holding up her head. April knew she was going to clock out at any minute. She had been up all day and since it was no school tomorrow she had refused to take a nap afterschool. She wanted to stay up with her momma and sister and chill so April let her. She knew she was going to tire herself out sooner or later.

"He has to work but he's going to try his very best to make it home" April replied, smiled, and kissed her forehead. Shit she hoped he made it home. Phone calls were cool but she wanted to see him in person. She wanted to lie in his arms, get a few hugs and kisses, and inhale his scent. It was so bad that when she changed the bedspreads the other day she sprayed his cologne on his side of the bed just to get right.

"Ok" she yawned. "Can I go watch Disney" she asked.

"Come on" April picked her up, she laid her head on her shoulder, and they made their way into the living room where her pillow and blanket was already on the couch from earlier. April turned on the TV, changed the channel to Disney, put Kairi on the couch, let her get comfortable, and then put the blanket over her tucking her in.

"Momma don't forget bout baby sista and Teddy" Kairi looked up at her making April smile. She was all about her sisters and fur brother.

"I'm gonna get her now" April chuckled and went back into the kitchen to get Charlie who was still wide awake chilling. "Hey mommy's baby ya sister requests ya presence" April cooed at her and lifted her and the bouncy chair altogether and took her into the living room where Kairi was barely hanging on. April knew she wasn't going to go to sleep until Charlie was in there with her since she had asked for her. She placed Charlie in a safe spot making sure she surrounded the bouncy chair with pillows just to be on the safe side. Of course Teddy settled between Kairi and Charlie back on his big brother shit. April grabbed the baby monitor, kissed both Charlie and Kairi's forehead, and headed back into the kitchen to check on the cupcakes and start the cakes she needed to make. She had four cakes to make this year two for thanksgiving one for her father, and one for Mama Faye and Senior.

April measured out all the dry ingredients and proceeded on to the wet ingredients then went straight to the kitchen aid mixer. She changed the music to something more her speed and went to her happy place while making sure to keep her eyes on the baby monitor. In the middle of mixing the batter Excuse Me by Jazmine Sullivan went off making her cheese. It was her Papi.

"Hola Papi" she answered his facetime smiling.

"Yeaaa that's what Papi likes to see" he smiled back at her. "That smile better be for me" he joked.

"Always" she said as she leaned against the island.

"Say less what you getting into"

"Just got finish making cupcakes with Love Bug and now I'm making the caramel cakes"

"Bet before I bother you is my babies still awake" he asked as usual he always wanted to devote time to them before he got wrapped up in conversations with April.

"Charlie's wide awake and Love Bug is on her way out but you know she'll hop up to talk to you. She had just asked if you were coming home tomorrow" she said as she made her way back into the living room.

"Bet" he nodded. "I'm a try my hardest ma. I miss y'all and I know dinner bout to be hitting"

"It is what it is Papi. If you can you can and if not it's ok" she said keeping it cute because she knew just as much as she wanted him there he too had wanted the same. "Love Bug daddy's on the phone" she looked at Kairi who was half sleep.

"Lil Butt" Dave called her and she hopped right on up making them laugh.

"Here you go" April laughed and passed her the phone then headed back into the kitchen to finish baking. She took the bowl off the mixer mixed it by hand to make sure it was thoroughly mixed, split the batter up into two cake pans, made sure they were leveled, popped them into the oven, took out the cupcakes, put them on a cooling rack, and set a timer for the cakes. She was going to be pulling an all-nighter since each cake was going to be two layers.

"Damn my babies getting big. I feel like I'm missing out" Dave said looking at April all sad. Kairi had just given her back her phone after he talked to both her and Charlie.

"Aww Papi ya not missing out you speak to both of them multiple times of the day and I send you pictures and videos on the daily. You do what you can ya on the road" April smiled at him letting him know that he was still very much there for them.

"True but it's not the same as being there"

"You are here even if it's not in the flesh. Love Bug knows her daddy is out working and Triple B still knows her Pops voice. She smiles every time she hears it" April said to him knowing how he was about his girls. He adored them so being away was cool and all but it didn't mean it didn't take a toll on him.

"I wish I was home right now. I know the house smelling good. Ya caramel cakes be bomb but I could definitely go for a warm ass cinnamon bun with that caramel sauce you be making me" he said and licked his lips.

"Hmm well I'll be up for the rest of the night so I can make you some just in case you do make it home"

"You don't have to"

"Too bad you shouldn't have said anything and besides they won't go to waste either way" April, Kairi, and Ebony would kill them off with no problem.

"True" he said and looked over her face. "Ya looking better you don't look so stressed out"

April laughed. "I'm good I found what works for me and the kids and sis has been coming by to help me out so I'm good" and she was. "And I finally sat my ass down. I had to remember that it's not a set time to move in and we don't have to rush to get everything packed up. It's not like we have to be moved in by the first of the month"

"Say less that's what I was trying to tell ya ass" he playfully mugged her.

"Now you know I'm stubborn"

"Facts" they laughed and talked well into the night while she finished up the cakes and frosting the cupcakes in cute rainbow swirls.


Thanksgiving was in full effect. April had all four of the cakes including the cupcakes ready and all decorated. April and the girls had on matching outfits from their hairstyle, accessories, clothing, and footwear. They were dressed in dark denim skinny jeans, matching long sleeve button up denim shirts, and wheat timbs. Their hair was styled in fresh curls as they sported their natural curls letting their curls pop with matching white bandanas tied around their heads like headbands. They even had matching diamond stud earrings on except for Charlie since her ears weren't pierced yet but as soon as she was in the clearing she was going to take her to get them pierced. April made sure to take pictures of all three of them before they had left out. She had wanted to post a picture on her Instagram but they were still keeping Charlie to themselves so she decided against it but she did make sure to send a few to Dave and Chris. The only one missing was her baby Royalty.

Right about now the three of them had joined their family at her house which her and Dave now called their second home. Everyone had basically shown up and since April and Dave had gotten together it meant the family gatherings were packed now. Her family was there as well as some of her extended family who usually came for Thanksgiving and Dave's parents were there along with some of their extended family as well. Chris and Mama Joyce had come down late last night but unfortunately Royalty couldn't make it. She had spent the holidays with Chris last year so it was Nia's turn. August was also there since he and Alaina had spent Thanksgiving with his family the year before. The only ones missing were Dave, Bully, and Shooter. April knew that Bully and Shooter could've came home but they wouldn't leave Dave alone for the holidays and April was grateful for that knowing they had each other and they would most likely go out somewhere and celebrate together.

With her mother cooking soul food and Dave's mother pulling out those Louisiana creole recipes they had it looking like a full blown buffet. April of course had made the caramel cakes and cinnamon buns but she kept the buns at home because they were for Dave just in case he did make it home. Alaina and Ebony were on dessert duty as well. Alaina made the sweet potato pies and banana pudding while Ebony made the chocolate cakes and apple pies. The kitchen was filled with nothing but food and drinks. Turkey, mac and cheese, greens, a roast, cornbread, rice, rice and beans, gravies, chicken and rice, gumbo, potato salad, they had everything you could imagine. If you didn't like something you had more than enough choices to choose from.

Sitting at the head of the table sat Ian and Senior with their wives sitting right beside them even though it was April and Dave's home. She let them get that because one Dave wasn't home and two they were the matriarchs of the family so it was a sign of respect. But make no mistake she and Dave were the head of their households and everyone knew that and they'd take their rightful spots when they were both home together but until then this was it. Plates filled with what they could eat for the first round Ian stood up ready to pray and dig in.

"Aight I ain't gonna be too long I know we all want to eat" he chuckled and looked around the table filled with family. "I just want to thank God for bringing us all together today and making sure we all arrived safe and sound. Thank you for all the delicious food on the table and in the kitchen and the women who prepared it. We give thanks to all you have done. For our health, or family, our friends I thank you God. For bringing our families together and making us a unit I thank you. I pray that you keep us in ya arms, watch, and continue to protect us. Thank you for reuniting us with our old friends and turning them into family. I know a few couldn't be here today but I pray that you keep them safe from harm, guide their hearts, their minds, and make their days just as special as ours wherever they may be. Thank you for everything you do for us God Amen" Ian finished praying and took a seat.

"Amen" the family said in unison. All you could hear was utensils hitting plates, smacking, and music playing in the background. Everybody was going in.

"Hey unkie just wanted to let you know you ain't slick. I saw you taking a bite while daddy was praying" April said snickering at Ny-Reek going in on his food. He always did that shit. He could never just wait until the prayer was finished he had to be the first one to take a bite.

"And here I thought you loved me. God knows I'm thankful. Besides we all know my brother can be a bit long winded with the prayer depending on how he's feeling" Ny-Reek said and looked over at Ian while everyone looked on laughing. This was the usual Thanksgiving vibes.

"True" the whole table said agreeing besides Ian and laughed.

"Forget y'all I just be having a lot to be thankful for so I be trying to cover everything" Ian said and shrugged. He didn't care how they felt about his prayer he was going to do him regardless.

"I get it" Ny-Reek nodded. "But by the time you be done my food would be damn near cold and I ain't feel like going to the microwave" he joked but he was telling the truth.

"That line would've been long too daddy" Ebony agreed with Ny-Reek laughing.

"Exactly even daddy's baby knows the deal" Ny-Reek said smiling at Ebony.

Ian shook his head and looked around the table. "Ian they just don't love you like they use to" he said to himself. "Then if I would've said some simple prayer y'all would've been looking at me like somethings wrong. Never satisfied" he said playfully and dug back into his food.

"Wellllll" Alaina dragged. "I would think something was wrong with you if you kept it simple but I love ya prayers daddy" she smiled at him.

"Suck up" August mumbled and fake coughed in his hand and they continued laughing.

"Shush" Alaina laughed and playfully nudged him.

"See my baby girl appreciates me" Ian smiled at her.

"You know I gotcha back daddy" she said.

"Always baby girl and speaking of having my back Peanut I was talking to my sis Faye and we saw two caramel cakes on the desert table and we were wondering was those ours" Ian said as he and Mama Faye looked over at her.

April laughed. "No those are for everybody. I put y'all cakes away" she answered.

"Good, good" Mama Faye said nodding.

"Lil girl if you don't get ya lil hand out my plate" Chris said making everyone look at him while he was looking down at Charlie removing her hand from his plate. "I know it looks and smells good but ya mommy has ya food even though I know one of your gmas is gonna sneak you a chicken bone or give you something you ain't supposed to be eating" he said and everyone laughed while he wiped her hand.

"Let my baby be great" April laughed.

"Sounds like you trying to come for us" Mama Joyce said looking him up and down. She was sitting right beside him.

"That's what it sounds like to me sis" Ananda said looking over at Chris. "What you think sis" Ananda asked looking over at Mama Faye.

"Agreed but I don't think he wants those problems" she responded with her eyes on him.

"Is it just me or are they the older versions of us" Ebony asked looking over at April and Alaina.

"HELL YEA" Ian, Senior, and Ny-Reek said together.

"Uh oh" April, Alaina, Ebony, Chris, and August said in unison then looked over at Kairi already knowing what was about to go down.

"Grandpa, Papa, and Unkie you said bad words. Run it. Unkie you said two bad words" Kairi looked between them with her little hand held out ready for them to empty their pockets. The room erupted in laughter as Senior, Ian, and Ny-Reek reached into their pockets to pay up already knowing the drill. They kept dollars on deck for this specific reason.

"Warning in advance if you want to keep ya money in ya pockets ya best bet is to not curse in front of my Love Bug. She's bout her dollars and she will collect" April warned them and laughed. Kairi had racked up so much money that April had to put her money in a stash every time it got full. Her little ass had rainy day money.

"Thankies" Kairi smiled as they passed her, her money. April leaned over and unbuttoned the pocket on her denim shirt.

"Put ya money in there" April said.

"Momma can you fold it for me" she looked up at April and passed her the money. April folded it up neatly, put it in her pocket, and buttoned it up. "Thankies momma" she said and went back to eating while Dave's family looked at the two interact. They still couldn't get over how close they were. They vibe was totally different between the one April and she had compared to the one she and Millie had. At the end of the day they were happy that she had April.

"Big cousin" one of her cousins on her mother's side called her in a sing song tone. April already knew his little ass wanted something. When it came to family they had more family on their mother's side then their father's since it was only Ian and Ny-Reek. But Ananda had a sister and two brothers and they had a few kids of their own.

"How can I help you this time Trevor" April looked over at him with her brow raised curious to know what he was going to ask for this time around. His little ass always had his hand out for something.

"Dang what's with all the hostility? I thought you loved me. Mind you I haven't seen you since you trashed Layla's a—I mean butt at the shower" he stopped himself from cursing and fake pouted.

"I do love you but you forget I know you" she said. "Now how can I help you" she asked again not even about to go in on the whole shit show with her cousin on her special day. She still wanted to whoop her ass but she knew that today wasn't the day to drum up unnecessary bullshit especially since she wasn't there.

"Well I missed East's New York show and he hasn't posted the next one so I was wondering if you could hook ya lil cousin up" he said and scratched his head.

April shook her head. "You stay using me. I'm pretty sure Papi's last show for his first leg will be in the city but you know me I need to see some grades before I hook you up"

"Bet I came prepared" Trevor said and reached in his pocket and passed her his report card. He was a sophomore in college. April didn't mind looking him out though especially since he was a good kid. He never really got into real trouble and he always did well in school.

April looked over his grades and smiled. "Bet, I'll see what I can do just remind me that you want to go"

"Thanks big cousin love you" he cheesed getting his way as usual.

"He's lucky his using butt is the baby" Alaina said. Trevor stayed getting her too. It was to the point if Chris, August, and Trey had something going on he was straight calling and pulling his little cousin card but they didn't mind.

Dinner flew by and dessert came and went and now it was a full blown party. The music was turned up and everybody was enjoying themselves. Ian, Ny-Reek, Senior, and another one of their uncles was in the basement playing spades, smoking blunts, and drinking liquor as smack talk went around the table. The women were sipping on drinks, gossiping, and showing off pictures of their grandchildren, and doing what they do. The younger ones were huddled up doing the latest dances, tiktok challenges, and posting shit on their social media accounts. The little kids were playing with toys in a makeshift playroom. Chris and August was on his PS4 playing God knows what along with a few others. As far as April, Alaina, and Ebony they had been straightening up the kitchen. It was good vibes all throughout the house. Charlie had been the only one that had clocked out. It was nap time for her so she was in her pack and play sleep. By now the noise was nothing to her.

"I'm a need y'all to stop pouting and shit" Alaina said as she looked between April and Ebony while they went about the kitchen cleaning.

"Says the one whose man is in the next room" Ebony said and playfully rolled her eyes.

"Exactly" April nodded.

"Oop well excuse me" Alaina said and clutched her heart being dramatic as usual.

"I hit Papi up a while ago and his flat head ass ain't even answer my call or hit me back and the nigga had the nerve to leave my text on read" April said and rolled her eyes.

"Same shit with bae but let me do that shit all hell breaks loose" Ebony added in.

"Exactly" April agreed.

"Get y'all mopey asses up and come on. They're bout to start up a round of karaoke. They already told my sons they're disqualified and you know they're in their feelings" Ananda said as she walked into the kitchen. April already knew she was talking about Chris and August. The girls laughed. Of course they wouldn't allow Chris and August to play. That was like setting themselves up for failure if they performed because that's just would it would be a damn performance. Let alone Chris would be dancing and singing at the same damn time so they understood why they were disqualified.

"Shit I'm bout to be disqualified too" April laughed as they walked out of the kitchen and followed Ananda to the second living room. She wasn't signed or anything but she knew she could sing her ass off.

"Facts" they all agreed.

"Nope nah not happening if Apple gets to perform then me and lil bro can too" Chris protested as soon as she walked into the room and the family laughed.

"Facts" August agreed. "Y'all know that ain't fair"

"She ain't signed though" one of her cousins spoke up.

"True" they all agreed except August and Chris.

"She's independent" August said while they continued to laugh.

"I'll sit this round out it makes me no never mind" April sat down and shrugged unbothered. Her mind was elsewhere anyway. She had been too busy preoccupied thinking about Dave and what he was getting into and why he hadn't called her yet or at least answered her text.

Her little cousins set up the equipment and the festivities began. Most of the songs they were singing and rapping were new shit and April and most of her crew just couldn't deal. The new shit just didn't hit right like the old shit but nonetheless everyone was enjoying themselves and that's all that mattered. Everybody was acting as if they were rappers and singers and if she didn't know any better she thought some of them were trying to get signed by Chris and August because they were showing out.

"Come on cuzzo you gotta do at least one song" her little cousin Tiana came at her pouting trying to get her to sing.

April shook her head. She loved karaoke but she wasn't trying to get a part two started. That's how the whole bullshit with Chris started. Then she thought about it and said fuck it. They were good and they were amongst family and just having fun and if she did get in her feelings it wouldn't be about him anyway.

"Why not" April stood up and grabbed the microphone. "I ain't bout to perform, perform I'm a give y'all some slight work" she said looking through the list of songs.

"Booooooo" they all looked at her booing her making her laugh.

"I mean if we can't perform you mind as well show these rookies how it's done" August said and mean mugged their cousins.

"Bet and don't make us look bad either" Chris added.

"Well damn yes Mr. Producer Mans" April laughed.

"If you do good I can sign you" Chris joked.

"Boy now you know you been tried to get me on ya shit but no thank you like lil bro said I'm independent" she said and the laughs kept coming.

"Forget all that we want that K. Michelle performance you did last year" another one of her cousins spoke out.

"See now y'all ain't even had to do none of that. Y'all got to perform whatever y'all wanted" April said and chuckled.

"We don't want no mediocre" her father said instigating.

"Really daddy" she shook her head at him.

"Give the people what they want" Ny-Reek followed up.

"Oop unkie I see you. See I wasn't trying to show off but since y'all coming for me it's only right. I'll give y'all my current mood" she said still looking for a song. April found just the right song, pressed play and let the beat rock. As soon as the younger females in the room heard the beat they already knew what type of time she was on. April was about to go off. April held the microphone in her hand and gave them a little pose as she swayed from side to side to the beat with her eyes closed.

"Hit the lights can't let no one see me get down. It's alright I know they think I get around. You and I got something they can't know about really only heaven knows my heart" she sang K. Michelle's song V.S.O.P. This song was definitely for Dave. April didn't know what it was but every time she sang a song like actually sang her emotions would take over and she would perform as if she was on an actual stage and in front of a crowd. It was like she could feel the music and she got to actually perform like most women when no one was watching and your favorite song was on and your remote and hair brush could get it. She walked with the mic in her left hand, pinky up, hand on her stomach, and went in. Her hand went up in the air then to her right ear as if she had an ear plug in. She was showing off.

"Aww shit get it sis" Alaina shouted enjoying her performance.

"Disqualified" August said shaking his head.

"We gon' light some candles tonight very special we gon' do whatever you like very special got some Henny chilling on ice very special hope you make the rest of my life very special" she continued singing as she switched the mic to her right hand and raised her left hand in the air with her palm facing her showcasing her ring finger to her family that was very much free from a ring but no one knew she was actually Dave's fiancé. So that naked ring finger meant a lot to her. She knew Dave would make the rest of her life very special and she definitely had his Henny on ice.

"Even if you tell me it's over I'll pretend you told me I'm your all you know this ain't an ordinary love" she sang and she meant that shit. Dave's ass was going nowhere. Her ass was in there doing the Mary J. Blige dance at this point. By the time the song was over she was getting a standing ovation, rounds of applause, and people whistling. She saw the phones in everybody's hands and she already knew she was going back on the Gram. She couldn't help but blush. She had fun singing and performing even if it was only for her family. Maybe in another life she would've been a singer then again she didn't want any parts of the industry. It wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. She was ok with making her billions in tech.

"While y'all busy posting me up make sure Papi knows that one was for him" she chuckled.

"Well a nigga happy he didn't miss it" she heard a voice coming from the entrance of the living room. Turning her head damn near giving herself whiplash she kindly dropped the mic and ran to her Papi cheesing from ear to ear.

"Papi" she damn near screamed as he effortlessly scooped her up in his arms laughing. April wrapped her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck while he held her up under her ass keeping it respectful but April knew he wanted to grip her shit. She damn near cried as she kissed all over his face. "I thought you weren't going to make it" she said as she teared up.

"Awww" the women in the room said as they looked on.

"Ain't that sweet" August said already getting ready to get the jokes rolling.

"Wayment where's my other half? Where's bae" Ebony asked looking around for Bully.

"Right here" Bully said walking into the living room smiling at her. Ebony was in front of him in 2.5 seconds and in his arms holding him tight like her ass hadn't seen him in forever.

By now everyone was laughing at the two couples but they could care less. Both April and Ebony knew their little cousins were putting this shit all over their Instagram as well and they still didn't care. They were both just happy to have their men home for the holiday.

"So this is why y'all left us on read" April asked looking at Dave ready to kiss on him some more. He just looked at her smiling and nodded his head.

"Wayment where's Shooter" April, Ebony, and August asked looking for their brother.

"Mimi" Dave and Bully answered.

"Oh ok" April said.

"He's gonna chill with her for a while and drop by later" Bully added.

"Bet" the girls said.

A few seconds later all they could hear was a bunch of throats being cleared. April and Ebony slowly turned their heads looking at everybody.

"Just forget bout us huh" one of their cousins said and everyone continued to look on laughing.

"Forget that...his mother and father is here too" Mama Faye said throwing shade and still the laughter continued. "You too Bully"

"Sorry mommy" Bully said as she grilled the both of them.

"I ain't forget bout you mommy" Dave said and pecked April's lips. "You coming home with me tonight" he whispered in her ear making her blush then put her down.

"I'll go get Love Bug while you greet everybody" April said keeping her eyes on him. Papi was looking good and she couldn't wait to get some alone time with him.

"Bet" he nodded and watched her walk away.

April walked out of the living room with a little pep in her step cheesing all the way to the makeshift playroom down the hall to get Kairi. She knew she was going to be excited to see him especially since she had asked about him coming home yesterday.

"Love Bug" April called her in a sing song tone.

"Yessss" she dragged smiling looking up from the toys she was playing with.

"Daddy's home" she cheesed. Kairi dropped her toys, ran to April, lifted up her arms, and April picked her up laughing.

-Hey guys I hope y'all enjoyed. I'm late but I'm here😊
-April still hasn't mentioned her feelings to Dave. How do you think that will turn out once she tells him🤔
-Papi's home‼️ Y'all know I wasn't going to let him miss their first thanksgiving together 😊
-Thanksgiving is turning out to be pretty good. It's good vibes all around but will they last 🤔
-I have a few things to cross off my list for this story but what would you guys like to see 🧐
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰

🛑Hey boos just wanted to say a quick thanks for all the love a support that you guys continue to give. I appreciate it and to the new readers I hope you guys have been enjoying this roller coaster ride ❤️❤️

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