6: Intuition

Chapter 6: Intuition

noun: intuition
The ability to understand something immediately, without the need for conscious reasoning.

It was a week later the Friday before Thanksgiving to be exact and April and Dave still hadn't seen each other but she did make sure that Kairi and his mother had seen him once again. Although she couldn't make it she did send him a special little video to help him with his sexual woes until they could physically be together again. She was hoping she could've made it but her parents already had plans for the weekend and Chris had to cancel his weekend trip at the last minute so it was a no go for her. But she knew something had to give because she didn't want Dave to think that she was putting him off or wasn't trying hard enough to see him even though she knew that he knew what was actually going on. She didn't want it to seem as if he was going a mile and she was only meeting him half way when that wasn't the case at all. It was just the fact that she was at home being a mother and honestly they both knew that she couldn't follow him around the world. For one Kairi was still in school and two it wasn't safe for Charlie to be traveling just yet. They were both pretty much wishful thinking and if anybody could've made it to the other it would've been Dave.

Other than not seeing each other April and Dave were still in a good place and that's all that mattered. As far as Dave and his supposed super seed and April's late period the myth was a bust at the moment because April's period did in fact show up the very next damn day to specific so she was able to breathe a sigh of relief. She boiled it down to being stressed. Then she had to think about it maybe he never had super seeds since Millie had plotted on him to get her pregnant to begin with so she most likely wasn't even taking any type of birth control. But instead of mentioning that part to Dave and making him relive some bullshit she just kept it to herself. Yes she obviously wanted a child or two with Dave but at the moment she had enough on her hands with the ones they already had. Give her about a year and she'd be ready for the next. He could plant his seed on their wedding night.

At the moment April was in the house sitting in the living room with Alaina and Ebony having a girl's night and drinks while the girls were sleep for the night. April needed this night and some adult company. She had been awfully quiet though and in her head for the past few days and she couldn't get out of it. Something was wrong and she just couldn't put her finger on it or shake the feeling off. She could feel it in her bones and her stomach wouldn't settle at all. She felt uneasy and she didn't like the feeling at all. Most of the time when she felt like this which wasn't often it was never for a good reason so she really had her eyes and ears open to any and everything because she couldn't risk getting caught slipping. It wasn't that she was out here doing any sideways shit or thinking Dave was out on the road doing some sideways shit. It was an entirely different feeling and she couldn't figure out what it was all she knew was that it was bad.

"Sis I know you hear me talking to you" Ebony said as she looked at April who was starring off into space looking lost.

"Her ass has been out of it for a lil while now. I just chalked it up to mommy duties and she finally had time to woosah" Alaina said as she looked up at April since she had her head in her lap and her feet perched in Ebony's just taking advantage of being the baby.

"Nah something ain't right" Ebony sat there and really looked at her then shook her head. Alaina poked April in her boob.

"Huh" April said, blinked a few times, and looked down at her.

"You're here but ya not here. What's up" Alaina asked curious to know what was on her mind and where she had been.

April rubbed her hands over her face and took a deep breath. "I don't know what but I have a bad very bad feeling that something is bout to pop off and I don't know what it is" she confessed. She hadn't felt like this in years. Even with the shit between Hazel and Millie she didn't feel this way. They were threats well minor threats yes but she knew she could deal with them easily but this was something else.

Alaina immediately lifted her head from her lap, took her feet out of Ebony's, and sat up straight against the couch and focused on April. "A woman's intuition type of feeling like big bro is up to something" Alaina questioned just hoping that wasn't what it was because Dave didn't seem like the type to do anything like step out on his woman and family especially not with the way he is about April and his girls. He was absolutely crazy about all three of them.

"No definitely not that. I wholeheartedly trust Papi" April answered and smiled thinking about how she didn't have to worry about Dave doing shit or getting into some shit while he was away on tour. She didn't have to worry about him stepping out on her period. April's smile quickly morphed into a mug. "I can't put my finger on it but I just feel like somethings gonna happen to me" she continued to confess what she had been keeping to herself. She felt like something unpredictable was coming her way and no one would be able to stop it no matter how much security she had. Some things were inevitable.

"Nope nah don't even put that in the air" Ebony looked at her shaking her head not here for none of the negativity especially not something like that so she shut that shit down.

"Trust I wouldn't if I didn't feel like it wasn't anything big but I've been feeling uneasy for days and my stomach has been constantly churning. Everything has been running smooth between my relationship, kids, family life, all the way down to y'all and y'all lives and relationships. Everything has been running too smooth. That shoe is bout to drop and it's gonna be a heavy drop" April said just hoping her intuition weren't true. She just wanted to be happy and enjoy life at the end of the day.

"Maybe it's the fact that you've been so down and stuck for years that you feel like life can't run this smooth before it fucks you over" Alaina suggested thinking that April had been through quite a lot and she didn't think life could be this good for her. Yes April had felt that way before but this wasn't one of those cases.

"Nah I get what you're saying but this is different. This is one of those instances where I feel like I need to pull my strap out my safe and keep it in my nightstand and if I didn't have kids I'd be sleeping with that shit under my pillow"

By now both Alaina and Ebony were all ears. April didn't get many feelings like this but when she did it wasn't anything good. Someone was going to pay and at the end of the day you never knew who was going to be the one to pay. But someone was going to end up paying a price.

"We got rid of all the problems. Hazel's ass is doing whatever still in LA basically working for you so I don't think she'd be that stupid to fuck up again and fumble whatever bag she has left. Agnes's ass hasn't been seen or heard of since the first and last day she showed up in court for the custody hearing and our men handled Profit" Ebony said as a matter of fact. She couldn't think of anyone else that had any issues with April and April wasn't the type to go looking for trouble just because. She only jumped shit when someone came at her.

"Facts and we would've known if you had been in the middle of some shit. Security doesn't play and neither does daddy and unkie. Since all of this shit popped off and you done started a family security has been beefed up and not only yours but ours too" Alaina said.

"That's true" April nodded but she still couldn't shake the feeling. "I haven't been into anything besides the names mentioned and everybody has been staying in their lane. Even on social media the only things I've been posting is work related or shouting out Papi's tour. No one has come out of left field" April said trying to think of what she had been doing and what had been going on around her lately. Honestly she had been lying low and just taking care of home. But what she also knew is that shit could pop off with anybody and someone you'd least expect.

"Whatever it is we'll all stay on high alert just in case something does happen but like I said what we're not gonna do is bring negative energy our way" Ebony said eyeing her.

"Say less" April and Alaina said agreeing. April just hoped that nothing would pop off especially not when she had her girls to look after and keep safe. They were priority number one. "There is one thing though. I have been plotting on Agnes. I know y'all already handled her ass but Papi asked me to get at her and I promised him that I would take care of her for the one time and let her ass be" April said as she kept her eyes on them.

"I figured you were. Bae told me what went down with Profit so I knew it was only a matter of time before you stepped to her" Ebony admitted. Once Bully told her everything about that night she knew for a fact that April wasn't letting her slide by without doing something.

"Yeaaaa" Alaina dragged. "Babes filled me in too so I saw it coming. Besides I figured you'd still want ya one since you weren't able to fuck her up the way you wanted to while you were carrying my baby"

"Say less" April nodded. "I know y'all don't want to hear this but just in case something does happen to me mommy, daddy, and unkie all have instructions to abide by. Every one of y'all will be taken care of but y'all have to promise me that y'all will keep my girls together. Y'all make sure that they still talk and love on each other and know that all three of them are sisters. I don't care what anyone outside this family says Charlie Kairi and Royalty are sisters and y'all make sure they know that shit" April said and teared up just hoping the worst wasn't going to come knocking on her door and take her away from her little girls.

"Sis nothing is gonna happen to you. I don't know what you think is gonna happen to you but it ain't happening not under our watch" Alaina said and teared up herself as she snuggled into April. If something should happen to her big sister and her best friend she would be no good. She'd be ready to paint the city red.

"I told ya hard headed ass we not putting negative shit in the air. It ain't happening. We're Blackmon's we ain't gonna let you go down like that without a fight. So get out ya head ya gonna be straight" Ebony said and cuddled up with them. She wasn't going to let shit happen to her sister's period. Since she had been back home in Jersey she found all the love, friendship, sisterhood, and family time she didn't realize she had been missing out on and needed. It was no way in hell that she was going to let anybody take that away from her.

April sighed, pouted, and wiped her eyes trying not to cry. "Don't worry too much bout me" she laughed a little not wanting them to worry about her and playing tough as usual. She was hard body but she also knew that somebody had her card. If something should happen to her she had plans in order to make sure from her parents, to her sisters, to her uncle, children, and Dave were straight. Hey it was crazy to think about but being realistic she had already had plans before she had even gotten with Dave or had children but she had made sure she had added them on. She knew that anything could happen and she wanted to make sure that her family wouldn't want or need for anything. Shit she was busting her ass and making bags for a reason. Honestly most people needed to have a living will especially if they had family and they needed to make sure that they kept it updated just in case. Her parents had always made sure they instilled that in both April and Alaina. Uncle NyReek had even done the same to Ebony.

"I need a fat ass blunt, a fruity lil drink, and some play time with my man. This ain't it" April groaned. She hadn't even told Dave how she had been feeling. She didn't want him to be worried while on tour or have him trying to cut his shit short. She wanted him to enjoy his life on the road chilling with his boys, performing for his fans, and making his bag instead of sitting by her side worrying about her. Sure he'd worry about her either way but she had security. It was no need to stop him or pull him away from work but she did know she'd eventually have to tell him.

Ebony and Alaina laughed not wanting to dwell on the bad shit and not put or entertain anymore negative vibes. Between Hazel, Millie, and Profit that was enough. "You'll be aight hopefully he'll make it home for Thanksgiving" Alaina said hopeful knowing April needed him at the moment. It wasn't even just about sex she knew that Dave helped keep April sane. He had been her voice of reason and her calm through the storms.

"I hope like hell he does. I need to be rocked to sleep the right way" she continued pouting thinking about how Dave had rocked her ass to sleep all weekend long when she got that green light. Ebony and Alaina continued laughing. "Bitch I know you ain't laughing. I know you and Mimi done went and seen Bully and Shooter's asses" April said and playfully rolled her eyes. She couldn't even be mad if she tried. Shit if she could've she would've been saw Dave and had her way with him.

"See what had happened was" Ebony laughed and cheesed.

"What had happened was my ass" April laughed then looked at Alaina. "Don't ya lil ass be laughing either. Shit ya man is home you've been getting hit right on the daily"

"See this wasn't even bout me but I cannot tell a lie daddy has been lying that Febreze can down properly" Alaina said and licked her lips.

"Bitchhhhh" April and Ebony cackled so damn loud.

Alaina shrugged. "I call it like I see it"

"I'm a just sit here and shut the fuck right on up" April said laughing.

"Facts bitch no comment" Ebony laughed. Both Ebony and April had saw one of August's thirst trap pictures of him in his Calvin Klein boxer briefs so they knew he was packing some serious heat but that was all Alaina's and they were not even about to delve into that topic. "Anyways did you ever talk to Nia" she questioned and switched the subject.

"Nia who" Alaina abruptly straightened up and looked at April confused. April hadn't told her anything about the talk with Nia.

"Royalty's mother" April answered.

"And what does she want to talk to you bout" she fired. This is why April hadn't mentioned it to her. April chuckled. Between her, Alaina, and Ebony they were always down for a quick fade and some smoke and with Alaina's ass she liked to pop off first and ask questions later. "Being as though our children are siblings she wants us to be cordial. My baby would like to be able to call whenever she wants to and she doesn't mind her doing so but she wants us to like be cordial for their sake" April sarcastically responded.

"See I'm all bout right is right and wrong is wrong but my niece is five years old meaning five years have passed for her to speak her peace and for y'all to be so-called cordial. Where was cordial at when you were taking care of her child? Granted I know that this is all Chris's fault and she owes you nothing but this shit sounds a lil suspect. Maybe it's just me being on high alert since Hazel but what's her catch" Alaina said and asked. April nodded her head agreeing.

"Ya absolutely right we're not friends, acquaintances, no nothing so her loyalty doesn't lie with me so I can't be too mad at her but as a woman you should know better than to fuck someone else's man even if he's the one trying to entertain you. You walk away and keep it pushing but hey to each its own. She got what she wanted a baby by Chris Brown, a check every month, and a quick fifteen. Mind you most don't care if their fifteen is good or bad they just want it" April said and paused. She knew this all fell on Chris but she would never willingly talk to someone else's man especially if she had known for a fact that he belonged to someone else. It didn't matter how hard dude was trying to push up. It was a definite no in her book.

"I have to push my feelings to the side when it involves her. The shit is old but I just think bout all the times when I was with Chris when I was taking care of her child as if I popped her out. If Chris had to be at the studio or on the road or Mama Joyce wasn't in town and Nia was out living her life and didn't have a sitter Royalty was with me. The same way I treat Kairi and Charlie is the same way I treated Royalty from day one. I can remember times where she was supposed to pick up Royalty and she'd pull and Agnes and pull a no call no show and I'd be watching and taking care of her while Chris was sleeping or doing whatever else when he was busy. Never once did I blow up her spot or come at her the wrong way. I played the cards I was dealt and was always respectful no matter what especially since she was using Royalty over Chris's head" April continued.

"Shit child bye if I ain't know ya ass I would've thought you were my niece's mother" Alaina said and smacked her lips. "All that shit you were doing that you didn't have to all for her to throw shade at ya ass whenever she got the chance to. You could've been a complete bitch yet you was killing that bitch with kindness"

"Facts" April agreed. "I may have had Jr but Royalty was my first live baby. I'm doing all of this for their child yet she's on the gram kicking my back in like I was keeping Chris from Royalty when that wasn't the case at all. She's talking all this shit bout me but her child is literally at my house in my lap while I'm laid up under Chris. Every single thing from A to Z that he was doing for her and with them she was posting up" April stopped and rolled her eyes.

"Cool he's a part of ya family, he's ya child's father, and you want to take family pics. It is what it is. At the end of the day my dumb ass chose to stay with the nigga but then to go ahead and at me like really bitch when I'm the one looking out for yours. She out there showing her ass for a nigga that doesn't even want her. To know that while me and my baby boy was in the hospital going through shit and both Chris and her were out doing what they do makes me fuckin sick. Every time I think bout Jr I be wanting to bitch slap the both of their asses but I know I have to let that shit go. It's a work in progress shit I'm a work in progress" April said looking between Alaina and Ebony. She knew she couldn't be mad at Nia but that shit still hurt but like she said Chris had bought all of this shit in her life. It was his fault and hers for sticking around when she should've packed her bags and jetted.

"That shit use to piss me the fuck off. She would literally be trying to drag sis name through the mud for fucking nothing" Alaina said thinking about all the bullshit April had been through with Nia.

"Bitch you...I wanted to whoop her ass so many times but it wasn't worth it" April said and smacked her lips. "If I'm being frank like you said she had five years to say something. Why now when Charlie is born does she feel the need to speak up? Sure Chris and I are cool now but she could've hit my inbox a long while ago and said she wanted to talk. I would've been pissed either way but y'all know I'm understanding as fuck and I give people lee ways out the ass before I put my foot down and say I had enough. I would've listened to what she had to say long before now even if I didn't buy whatever she was trying to sell" April kept going.

"Bitch" Ebony said shaking her head. She couldn't understand how April even dealt with either Chris or Nia's ass because lawd knows the April she remembered growing up could be vindictive as hell. She really must've loved the fuck out of Chris to deal with that shit.

"Like I told Chris it hurt for a long while to see Royalty let alone Chris and Royalty together but it wasn't her fault. She didn't ask to be here and I felt like God took my baby boy away and put another one in my life even if it was a fucked of way of doing so. I gravitated to her cute lil self. So innocent and pure and didn't know how she had come bout I just couldn't take that out on her. I fell in love with her. She's Jr's sister she was a piece of him that I thought I wouldn't get back" April said and sighed.

"Damn that had to be hard" Ebony said.

"Sometimes I feel like its ok for people to fuck me over but let me do any of the slightest of what they've done to me and I'd be in the wrong. Bitches would want to fight me and catch me outside how bout that all day every day" April said and laughed a little.

"If I chose to be petty, messy, and unforgiving I'm in the wrong. I know two wrongs don't make it right but damn can I do them how they do me for once. Luckily I love my baby and I'm a forgiving person so if she's calling on some real woman shit then I accept because I want for my girls to be able to see and talk to each other whenever they want. I know as a parent you want to know whose around ya child so I get where she's coming from so I'm willing to forgive but baybeh I won't forget" April said, tooted her lips, and shook her head.

"I get it and it does make me wonder why now after so much time has passed. Before you had Charlie Royalty was around you so why now" Ebony asked her with her brow raised curious just like they were but nobody had the answer except Nia.

"Exactly something smells fishy and I don't want nor need to be in anymore drama so I hope like hell that she's coming from a good place. It's not like we have to be friends so it is what it is" April said and shrugged. "We can say hi and bye and smile and wave to each other. It doesn't have to be any more than that. I'm not looking for new friends and she definitely wouldn't be on my list if I was"

"And like lil bruh says our smoke comes out in clouds and I'm always down so I hope like hell she's coming from a good place" Ebony said down for the fucks as usual.

"FACTS" April and Alaina said hype.

"I wonder will RoRo ever ask bout what happened between you and Chris or Chris and her mother" Alaina spoke up.

"I just hope when she does ask because she will eventually want to know especially with our family being blended that she's old enough to understand it" April said. She had thought about that from time to time and when she found out the answer she hoped that it wouldn't fuck up her relationship with her father.

"Well its' gonna be a lot for her to take it" Alaina said and April and Ebony agreed. That was a question that April was going to let Chris deal with when the time came. Now after he explained to her what had happened between them and she came to April with questions then she would answer them.

"I do have a question for you though" Ebony said as she got a little more serious making April wonder what she was going to ask.

-Hey guys hope you enjoyed. Part 2 is on the way😊
-April got that gut feeling & it isn't one of those good ones. Y'all know I'm about the build up so I can't just drop the bombs on y'all 😈
-April feelings towards Nia 🤔
-Any, who sharing is caring so tell a friend to tell a friend. Don't forget to comment, vote, & add to your libraries 🥰
-If you are reading & not commenting no problem just make sure you color the ⭐️ please & thank you 🥰

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